I get many questions on the blog about problems with sleep: not able to fall asleep, not waking rested and waking in the early hours and not being able to go back to sleep. By far the most common question is “Why do I still wake at 4am and can’t go back to sleep?”
So let me share one of the typical questions I receive and my feedback in the hope that something you read here may help you or someone you’re working with. Here is the question:
I purchased Lidtke l-Tryptophan and time release melatonin and notice a big difference in my sleep. Instead of waking up every two hours I’m sleeping better but still wake up at 4 am and can’t get back to sleep. GABA hasn’t helped. What can I take to get back to sleep and what are your thoughts on Seriphos Phosphorylated Serine? I think my anxiety has to do with my adrenals because I wake up in a sweat and am way past menopause.
Since she is seeing a big difference with tryptophan and timed-release melatonin, low serotonin is the likely root cause of her insomnia or at least one of the root causes. We always want to capitalize on what is already working. Too many people don’t see expected results with 1 x 500mg tryptophan at bedtime and 1mg timed-release melatonin and start looking for other solutions when the answer may be right in front of them.
Here are the steps I’d follow with a client with similar sleep challenges:
- Try more tryptophan, increasing it slowly over the course of a few weeks in the hope that it more will provide more serotonin support. This is what I call an amino acid trial where you rate and log your improvements as you incrementally increase – with the goal of finding an optimal amount for your needs. We all have different needs and post menopause it’s not uncommon for women to experience anxiety, depression and insomnia related to low serotonin and fluctuating sex hormones. We also always want to capitalize on what is already working.
- Also, to add to what’s working, add tryptophan mid-afternoon if it’s not already in place. When someone scores high on the low serotonin questionnaire the typical timing of tryptophan is mid-afternoon and an hour before bed (always away from protein). Serotonin levels start to decline mid-afternoon hence the benefits of a mid-afternoon dose. Start low and increase slowly.
- I would also suggest trying the tryptophan opened up (at both times) to see if this makes a difference.
- Taking a tryptophan at the 4am waking can help you go back to sleep so this is worth trying. For some people 500mg at 4am is too much and using 125mg or 250mg works well. You determine the amount based on how you feel when you do get up. If you were able to go back to sleep easily buy wake groggy then it’s too much.
- Some people are reporting better results with Lidtke Tryptophan Complete (which has all the co-factor nutrients) so this may be worth trialing too. I’d start by adding to what is already in place.
- If we get benefits with any of the above by are not quite there then I would suggest additional timed-release melatonin until sleep improves.
This is always done slowly and methodically over the course of a few weeks. I always have my clients carefully log what they try and what is working and not working.
Other factors we’d make sure are addressed:
- What GABA was used, was it trialed (starting low and increased) and was it used sublingually?
- Is high cortisol at night a factor? Doing an adrenal saliva test will provide the answer. If it is then the Interplexus Seriphos is the best for lowering it. It’s best to take 1-3 x Seriphos about 2-3 hours before the high cortisol. [UPDATE: INTERPLEXUS SERIPHOS WAS REFORMULATED IN 2016 – PLEASE SEE BELOW FOR MORE ON THIS]
- Is gut health a factor? Look into SIBO, gluten sensitivity, other food sensitivities, dysbiosis and parasites (which are often active in the early hours and can cause night sweats)
- Is there a sex hormone imbalance? Even with someone way past menopause, the night sweats mean this should be ruled out. The addition of amino acids starts to balance the hormones but more support may be needed.
- Is any caffeine (even decaf) still being consumed?
- Is blood sugar stable? Make sure to have breakfast with animal protein and healthy fats and the same at each meal and for snacks. Consider a trial of glutamine during the day and just before bed for added blood sugar stability
- Are medications a factor? Current medications or prior use of benzodiazepines or SSRIs can affect sleep even long after they have been tapered.
- Is sleep apnea a factor?
We also address all the usual sleep hygiene factors: dark room, cool room, quiet room, no cell phone or clock radio on the bedside table, no late night computer use and getting some early morning light.
Many essential oils can provide added benefits when diffused at night or mixed with a carrier oil and used topically. One lovely combination I share on the Essential Oils Revolution 2 (happening now) is lavender, roman chamomile and neroli which helps both insomnia and anxiety.
There can be many other possible root causes of insomnia: autoimmunity, Lyme disease, pain, past trauma or grief and even genetic polymorphisms, all covered on the recent Sleep Success Summit.
Have you used tryptophan or other amino acids like GABA (for the more physical tension) and melatonin to reduce or eliminate early morning waking episodes?
If you’re a practitioner, have you helped your clients/patients with this methodical approach?
What else has helped you?
Update August 27, 2016 : INTERPLEXUS SERIPHOS HAS BEEN REFORMULATED -I am doing research to find suitable alternatives. For now, feel free to read through the comments below for discussions about this. Once I have some useful information I’ll create a new blog post.
Update November 18, 2016: Here are some possible alternatives to Seriphos
Update January 20, 2017: The Original Formula of Seriphos has been reintroduced you can read more about this here
In your blog above, you recommend InterPlexus Seriphos for those who have a high cortisol problem (proven by performing the spit test). What you may not know is that InterPlexus changed its proprietary formula sometime March/April 2016 to a form of serine which no longer works for many of us (see many reviews online). This is also true for me as I have been taking the new formula and the sleep issues have returned (waking at 2 am and not being able to go back to sleep). I have asked my functional medicine doctor and called InterPlexus but they cannot help. Since you are an expert in such matters, PLEASE, help find another product like the old (prior to March 2016) Seriphos so that all of us who were happy with the old product can get back to the business of sleeping through the night.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention! It’s such a pity because it’s been so powerful for lowering high cortisol! I first learned about when working with Julia Ross.
I love that I get to learn from my readers too. And this is what happens when you aren’t seeing new clients – you get behind. I have not seen any new clients since just before the Anxiety Summit in June and my existing clients who are using the original Seriphos have enough stock to not have noticed the change and have not brought it to my attention.
I went to Amazon and see the story and all the negative reviews and the long thread of comments under Steve Gibson’s negative review (sharing here for other readers http://amzn.to/2bsFkhi). Thanks for letting me know about that. I’m going to look into it further and check with colleagues.
In the meantime it seems some variations/combinations have worked for others and I’m curious if any of these have worked for you?
(1) Enerphos by T.E. Neesby (supposedly the same as the original Seriphos?)
(2) oil-based Swanson 300mg triple-strength phosphatidyl serine with ox bile and lipase
(3) “We have equally good results with phosphatidyl serine, but the dose usually needs to be in the 300-500mg range, to equate to what 1 or 2 Seriphos capsules could do”
(4) Lactium (I use this with clients with good results)
There is also very promising research on essential oils lowering cortisol levels and I wonder if this approach could be incorporated too? Here is one such example: bergamot https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/bergamot-diazepam-reducing-anxiety/
I’m not sure what you mean by high cortisol “proven by performing the spit test”? I use adrenal salivary testing for this. Have you done this?
According to Natural Partners, Interplexus is changing Seriphos back to the previous formulation!
I’d love to know more – did they send an email? or is it on their site?
For clients with 2-4 AM waking, and they have tried all the above you mentioned, I use lithium orotate. Sometimes dopamine is a culprit and LiOro (as I call it to soften the blow of having then take lithium) helps. There are also herbs. Unfortunately without Seriphos, old recipe, it is so much harder to get this under control.
I’m a big fan of lithium orotate for sleep too.
Thanks for your feedback on the old Seriphos recipe – very unfortunate. Lets hope they bring it back or we find something comparable.
Original Seriphos is back! It’s been a year since the formula changes, and a year of never finding a decent substitute. Received my first bottle today and so excited to be able to sleep through the night again. I believe it’s only been out for a few weeks, but Amazon and other retailers are carrying.
Great news Heidi! Do you take it at bed time which keeps you asleep right through until morning?
Hi Drew,
I take one capsule at dinner (6 pm) and two at 10:00 pm. Everyone is different and needs to find what dosage and times work best for them. I learned about Seriphos in Julia Ross’s The Mood Cure, and those are the times she suggested.
I didn’t sleep through the night last night, but I’m figuring it will have to build up in my system as it’s been over a year since I’ve used it. I also take 1500 mg Tryptophan and 1-3 mg melatonin at 9:30 pm
The recommendation is 3 taken 1-2 hours before the high cortisol. Julia changed what she has in her book when I was working in her clinic. Most of my clients see a benefit in a few days.
Just making sure you have seen the updates on the Original Forumula Seriphos – new blog post here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/seriphos-original-formula-anxiety-insomnia-cortisol/ (it went out via my weekly newsletter today too)
Please keep us updated on how you go. I added a section to the new blog for people like you – give it a week or two
It works wonders for insomnia and anxiety caused by high cortisol. The typical dosing is 3 taken 1-2 hours before the peak cortisol. For a few people 1 seems to be enough. I’ve had 2 people have an adverse reaction – nausea
Thanks for the update. I do hope it’s the real deal. According to their the company website it’s not yet available. I’ve emailed to find out the status. It could be that the site is out of date?
Does the bottle you have indicate anything about it being NEW or the Original formula? and what are the ingredients? Phosphorylated serine should be the main one. I can’t see any of this on Amazon.
I know many here in the community (and elsewhere) are super excited but I don’t want to announce it until I’m sure.
Thanks Trudy and Heidi – I will be trying the Seriphos soon. The original formulation is now available here in the UK – it has a red section on the label saying ‘ORIGINAL FORMULA’ and the ingredients are: Phosphorylated Serine/Ethanolamine 1000 mg. I presume this is the real deal?! Here is the link:
Trudy, if I am waking up at 3/4am, I obviously cannot take it 1-2 hours before this suspected early morning peak cortisol spike, so when should I take it? Just before bed? I aim to be in bed by 10/10.15pm each night.
Will no doubt keep you posted!
Many thanks.
As mentioned on another blog…I’m not yet sure if the Original Formula is the same as the old formula. I’m waiting to hear back from Interplexus and have heard 2 reports that it doesn’t seem to work the same as before.
In the past I’d have clients use it at bedtime and then if they wake (max 3 per day).
Thanks again for this and for taking the pictures for the new blog on updates on the Original Forumula Seriphos – new blog post here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/seriphos-original-formula-anxiety-insomnia-cortisol/
Many thanks Trudy – look fwd to hearing what Interplexus have to say. I won’t start mine until I hear from you. I’ve called the supplier here twice (http://www.detoxpeople.eu/index.php?l=product_detail&p=3046) and they reassure me that this is the new version of the original formula which was released at the end of December 2016. Who knows!?
I started gaba at night –and only in the day if I felt anxious. I’m new to seriphos and started it only 3 days ago. I started out with one pill at night which let me sleep a couple hours. I tried one more when I woke up and it didn’t stop the racing heart so I was afraid to try another one–the 1000 mg dose is intimidating. The next night I openedthe capsule and used about a 1/3 for the midnight wakening. I slept only about an hour and had to repeat often.
Last night I added in lidke tryptophan with the one Seriphos but woke up 2 hours later. I felt more bold and wanted to try a higher dose for the night time wakening and took 2 caps when I woke up. I only slept maybe an hour or less with this. I tried one more 2 caps when I woke up again but the racing heart seemed to come back very soon.
I’m not sure how to dose seriphos now. My saliva cortisol test confirmed my high early cortisol and I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong here? Appreciate any feedback.
I can’t offer you specific advice via the blog. I can share that I like to introduce supplements one at a time to be able to figure out what is working. I do a GABA trial to find the ideal dose and then a tryptophan trial and then add Seriphos. The typical amount of Seriphos is 1-3 taken 1-3 or 4 hours before the high cortisol.
I would make sure you have the new “Original Formula” Seriphos and read this blog as it’s still early days in terms of if it’s the same https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/seriphos-original-formula-anxiety-insomnia-cortisol/
My pleasure Trudy, thank you!
Heidi Trombetti wrote on January 13 that the original formula of Seriphos is now available on Amazon. It is January 16 and I am looking at the Amazon website for the “original” Seriphos by Interplexus. It is NOT available as you say in the above review. Only the new phosphadityl serine – not the phosphorylated serine. Where are you buying it from? Is it possible to get from the UK as Drew responded?
I’m not yet sure if the Original Formula is the same as the old formula. I’m waiting to hear back from Interplexus and have heard 2 reports that it doesn’t seem to work the same as before.
Just making sure you have seen the updates on the Original Forumula Seriphos – new blog post here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/seriphos-original-formula-anxiety-insomnia-cortisol/
SAMe supplement helped me get a deeper sleep an wake up feeling more refreshed. Also had the side affect of totally eliminating my arthritis.
How wonderful and thanks for sharing. There are so many different root causes of sleep issues and it’s a matter of finding what works for us. I love that SAMe also helps with arthritis – I say side-benefit!
Hello, Trudy.
This is truly a very helpful post. I am going to try your recommendations.
Thank you so very much for all you do for us. Your hard work, care and dedication are so deeply appreciated. You and your work changed my life for the better.
I do hope you are taking good care of yourself “in-between” times. Again, thank you for all you do for us.
So glad you find it helpful! Please do come back and share your results
And thanks for your kind words and concern for me – that is so sweet of you. I am taking care of me! BIG smile
Hi Trudy, I found that GABA with Inositol has helped me get a good nights sleep. But supplements are only one part of the puzzle for many – I have also been working on mind power techniques such as mindfulness, CBT, etc. to treat anxiety. Treating the body holistically (mind, body & spirit) is crucial to complete wellbeing.
Keep up the great work Trudy
Thanks for sharing what has helped you – wonderful! And yes supplements may be one part of the puzzle in the same way that tryptophan and melatonin will only help if low serotonin is the issue. There are many root causes leading to insomnia or early waking.
While I agree that mind, body and spirit is crucial, many people don’t benefit from CBT and some cannot meditate or and don’t benefit from mindfulness exercises. I’ve seen some fascinating articles on vagus nerve issues and difficulty meditating. But when this approach works it’s wonderful!
Trudy, would you consider doing a blogpost about the vagus nerve and inability to meditate? I have tried meditation, unsuccessfully, and have vagus nerve weaknesses due to a brain injury years ago. It is of great interest to me that there is a connection…never heard that before.
Hi Laura
It’s on my list to do. In the meantime here is a blog post on vagus nerve rehab I did earlier this year https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/vagus-nerve-rehab-gaba/
In your newsletter you had a link for the GI Mastery Course. That link took me to a site deemed dangerous to MS and the protection on my laptop. Is that training only for medical professionals?
Thanks for letting me know – I’ll pass this on to Dr Woeller. And yes it is only for health professionals
Hi Trudy
Thank you so much for all your do diligence.
I exercise around 5-6 pm. Will increasing GABA
In the afternoon effect that? Should I increase the
Evening dose instead? I take 1 lozenges sublingual
Every night.
Thank you
If you feel you need more GABA support i.e. support for physical anxiety then the only way to know is to do a trial and see how you feel. Some people do well with GABA earlier in the day too
In response to the comment regarding the need for a Seriphos replacement formula- we have had good luck with Enerphos, which is identical to the original formula recommended prior to change.
As a practitioner replying to Trudy’s original question, I have had good results with the suggestions she has mentioned, as well as increasing the time-release melatonin dose if wakening is occurring at 4:00 am. Another rule-out to look into would be female hormone levels, as when these are unbalanced we see a lot of 2-4 am sleeplessness.
If a client wakes and their brain is busy and unable to shut off, GABA can usually calm the brain so that sleep can be achieved.
Thanks for sharing about your success with Enerphos. Do you find it works as well for everyone?
Per the comment from Anu I went to Amazon to read the very interesting thread under Steve Gibson’s 1 * review: “WARNING – !! THIS NEW (MAY 2016) SERIPHOS IS NOTHING LIKE THE PREVOUS SERIPHOS!! on May 22, 2016. 128 people have responded with their feedback and results (http://amzn.to/2bsFkhi). It seems many people are not seeing the same good result with Enerphos.
Thanks for sharing your good results with the tryptophan and melatonin slow methodical protocol. And yes I agree and share “Is there a sex hormone imbalance?” in the other factors to rule out.
Interestingly I find the tryptophan is better for the busy brain, ruminating thoughts and GABA is better for the physical tension that can wake some people. Either way if it helps a client sleep through the night I’m happy.
I’m curious if you’ve had feedback on how well the Lidtke Tryptophan Complete works for insomnia vs the 500mg Lidtke Tryptophan? Here is a link to my blog on the topic https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/tryptophan-500mg-or-tryptophan-complete-lidtke/
Did they replace Serihos with Enerphos? Are they the same?
Please see my response to Anu. Seriphos still exists – similar looking bottle but very different formulation that many people say doesn’t work the same. Some stores are showing the old bottle and selling the new product. It appears Enerphos doesn’t work as well. I’m gathering information and will share as I know more.
Hi Trudy, Just thought I would drop a note in here. I see that you recommended Interplexus SeriPhos. Not sure if you know they have changed the formula in spring of 2016! It has really upset many people that depend on that product to lower their cortisol levels. Me included! The new product is phosphatidylserine, 40 mg. not the phosphatydated serine 1000mg. The new product is made from sunflower. I think on Mood Cure website, Julia is now recommending Enerphos but its not the same either. If you can come up with something that would help lower cortisol, I could pass it on. They did this without telling anyone. Ex. my ND didn’t know. I called them and they looked at their stock and the bottle is the same but the product is not. They were very upset as they prescribed as to the original product. Thank you for all your great info, girl…..Love, K
Thanks for sharing here and yes it’s most concerning that they have changed the formula (to clarify the old formula was phosphorylated serine).
As I said to Anu, I’m going to look into it further and check with colleagues and will report back.
In the meantime it seems some variations/combinations have worked for others and I’m curious if any of these have worked for you?
(1) Enerphos by T.E. Neesby (supposedly the same as the original Seriphos?) – did it work at all?
(2) oil-based Swanson 300mg triple-strength phosphatidyl serine with ox bile and lipase
(3) “We have equally good results with phosphatidyl serine, but the dose usually needs to be in the 300-500mg range, to equate to what 1 or 2 Seriphos capsules could do”
(4) Lactium (I use this with clients with good results)
There is also very promising research on essential oils lowering cortisol levels and I wonder if this approach could be incorporated too? Here is one such example: bergamot https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/bergamot-diazepam-reducing-anxiety/
I bought the GABA Calm which is one of the GABAs you recommend. It has had a major, positive effect on anxiety for me! (Previously, I just bought a GABA-only supplement.) I take it on waking, MM, MA and before bed. I also take 2mg timed-release melatonin 3 hours before bed. Oh, and I take 2 tryptophan tabs (1,000 mg) just before bed.
If I wake at 4 or 4:30 I take another GABA Calm and fall right asleep.
Interestingly, the GABA Calm works to calm ruminating thoughts, esp. at 4:30am.
I am going to buy the Lidtke Tryptophan you recommend. You know your brands…and they DO make a difference.
Thank you SO much for publishing you book and for giving us access to this vital health information!! Anxiety had taken over my day-to-day existence and with this info, and treating for pyroluria for the past two years, you have helped make a huge change for the better in my life!
The GABA Calm is a major piece I was missing. I clearly have issues with GABA production in my own biome. Until I can figure THAT out, the GABA Calm is miracle me for me.
And it CLEARLY crosses the blood brain barrier, contrary to what you hear on the web.
Thank you, Trudy for all you do…
Thanks so much for sharing and I’m so thrilled to hear your wonderful results!
Always good to get feedback on things like GABA Calm helping the ruminating thoughts! I wonder if it’s the glycine that is contributing to that good effect and boosting serotonin too?
And yes to GABA crossing the BBB and working!
One thing I’d like to read for others reading this – for some the tyrosine in GABA Calm is too stimulating at bedtime and during the night. In this instance a GABA only product works better.
Trudy, As soon as I purchase the Lidtke tryptophan and start it, I’ll let you know what happens. I’m going to get both the plain tryptophan and the Lidtke brand with co- factors: test both.
I’m also upping my B3 immediately.
Hi Trudy,
Thank you so much for all your help!
I have been weaning off of antidepressants that I have taken for 20+ years. Fortunately I did this under the care of a ND who helped me tremendously. I was taking Pure Encapsulations Emotional Wellbeing, but could not tolerate that. It made me so tired and ‘foggy’! So I have taken Pure Encapsulations 5-HTP 50 mg. I also had the saliva test for cortisol readings and had very high cortisol. I was taking Black Licorice Root and Pure Encapsulations Phyto-ADR. These helped some, but not a lot. Thank you for this article. It has helped me abundantly. After reading your article I added GABA and melatonin in addition to the 5-HTP. I have been sleeping so well! Last night was the first night I have slept all night! I woke up feeling really well rested and feeling good! Before I went out this morning I put a few drops of Bergamot oil under my chin and behind my ears. I was ready for my day and what a great day I had…no anxiety, or tiredness today!
I will purchase the Lidke Tryptophan when I finish my current supplement.
Thank you so much for your help and for posting the comments and questions and your answers that have been so helpful!! Thank you for your genuine heart of caring for others needs!!
God Bless you!
How wonderful to hear your results! I hope it continues! We do know that 5-HTP can raise cortisol and when it’s high I have clients use tryptophan so you may well see added benefits with Lidtke tryptophan.
And thank you for your every kind words
Trudy and Joyce..
I just read where Joyce is taking black licorice root with high cortisol levels. I thought this root was used t when your cortisol is low not high as its great for low levels but can be very stimulating for high. Is this true?
Trudy, thank you for the spelling on the seriphos!! LOL I can never remember the spelling of the two but do know the difference. Maybe, Julia would know if Enerphos works as I haven’t tried it. My doc put me on magnolia bark to help lower cortisol but have not seen the calming of this herb yet. Again thank you……let us know if the experts come up with something even if they have to produce the old seriphos themselves, which would be a great option for us. Will check out the liquid phos. from swansons cuz it could be an absorbtion problem?
Licorice is an adaptogen helping with both high and low cortisol
Julia Ross is recommending Enerphos but I hear from practitioners that it’s about half as effective as Seriphos
Hi Trudy,
I forgot to ask on last reply. How much lithium to use a day. Apparently its supposed to help with anxiety. My doc has me on 5mg. a day for comp snp issue but don’t feel a thing.
I use 5-10mg twice a day
Hello! I love, love your work! I have been doing tryptophan and sometimes adding melatonin and they definitely help. Some mornings I still wake up early but my body feels better than when I don’t take them. I have been taking them for 6mo and have gone off the and felt worse. I am wondering how long I will have to keep taking them. I just tested my adrenals and I have pretty low cortisol especially in morning. Do the adrenals affect my serotonin production? Is that why I am having to take them for so long?
Thank you!!
Glad to hear tryptophan and melatonin helps. If you stop and feel worse it means you still need them and have to get the root cause of low serotonin. All of the following can factor in: could be diet (organic? quality animal protein? etc), low blood sugar, gluten sensitivity, low iron, low zinc, low magnesium and so on.
Adrenal support is key too
Hi Trudy,
my Dr prescribed gabba pentin for my restless leg and sleep 100mg for first week than 200 mg second week than 300mg third week, one before bed.
i havent taken it yet. Im scared to. Have you heard anything about this medicine.
thanks. I hope you are feeling better soon. I loved hearing you on the summit.
I recommend my clients find the root cause solution/s for restless legs and sleep problems(low iron, low folate, low magnesium, low GABA, low serotonin etc)
As with any medication you want to look at side-effects (http://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/gabapentin-oral-route/side-effects/drg-20064011).
There are also a number of papers that discuss cases of gabapentin withdrawal syndrome – here is one https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20484214
If you’re referring to the Essential Oils summit – thanks! I’m doing great now
Dear Trudy. Thanks for looking into this Seriphos confusion. I have been tested for cortisol and I have extremely high levels day and night. The old Seriphos was working for me to reduce the internal jitters which would wake me several times a night with heart pounding and adrenalin rushing. I do not have a problem turning my brain off going to sleep – just problem waking several hours later (sometimes several times a night) – sometimes not being able to get back to sleep because I am wide awake.
I was taking GABA 100mg sublingually and didn’t get the night-time benefit or daily reduction of constant fight/flight symptoms. I tried adaptogens with ashwagandha and others with magnolia and philodendron. No relief.
While waiting for a response from your research, I have been looking on line for a phosphatidyl serine which is free of soy, gluten, dairy, GMO, and “other ingredients” like magnesium stearate.
I found that Jarrow brand of phosphadityl serine 100mg (PS-100), 60 gels seems to meet those requirements. I also read on the Amazon reviews that one should get the white bottle with the blue label that there have been issues with Amazon sending the wrong bottle.
But now, after further research, I found that the original InterPlexus Seriphos proprietary blend contained 1000 mg (high?) phosphorylated serine instead of the phosphadityl serine.
I further read that “A phosphorylated serine is available as a dietary supplement but does not substitute for phosphatidyl serine (PS), despite the claims of its manufacturer. Though it resembles the head piece, phosphorylated serine is different—it is not a phospholipid and does not work like PS does. Consumers report phosphorylated serine can cause highly uncomfortable adverse reactions.” http://www.phosphatidylserine.net/
Now I am really confused. Which serine is he one which lowers cortisol and assists sleep?
Thanks for your immediate response to this dilemma and for researching this issue. Will wait for your response.
Hi Anu
I have been following this conversation and am interested in your experience. I have depression and anxiety,and am taking Paxil. I stopped Ativan last fall(thank God!). What resonates with me is that when I was severely depressed, I would wake at 2am in a panic, my heart racing and anxious. My psych doc just said it was anxiety, but I always felt there was some type of chemical component to it. Even now, I wake up (at a normal time) with mild to moderate anxiety, which decreases as the morning wears on. I feel fine in the evening, my attitude positive and hopeful. I have researched cortisol, and have thought mine might be high. Then I read your posts and am convinced more than ever that my cortisol is out of whack. I never heard of serine until this post. Have you tried the Jarrow brand? Any info you would be willing to share would-be SO appreciate listed. Trudy, thank you for your dedication to helping us!!I plan on buying your book as soon as I post this!
High cortisol can contribute to the symptoms you describe and the phosphorylated serine found in Interplexus Seriphos had been great to help lower this.
As you’ve read they have changed the formula and I’m gathering some alternatives that will hopefully achieve the same results.
I’d also factor in Paxil and prior Ativan use. And look at the entire picture – no gluten, no sugar, no caffeine, eat to control blood sugar etc. And for everyone I work with anxiety we always look at low GABA and low serotonin (more here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/anxiety-amino-acids-overview/)
Thank you Trudy. I would love to go off Paxil, but am so afraid to have my depression, which is severe, return. The several times I had bad bouts of depression, Paxil relieved it within 21 days. I do believe I suffer from low seratonin and GABA. Going to obtain Bergamot and try that. In the meantime, will wait for your book to arrive in the mail, and will start to take control of my diet. Again, Trudy, thank you. You are one of the few holistic practitioners that truly care about healing without always trying to sell something.
The phosphorylated serine found in Interplexus Seriphos has been used to lower high cortisol for years. I’ve seen great success with thousands of clients as have many of my colleagues.
Anything can cause adverse reactions but in all my years I’ve had 2 clients not tolerate Seriphos. And keep in mind that the site that is saying this is also promoting their own product.
GABA 100mg sublingually is a very low amount – did you do an incremental trial to see if more would help? https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/how-to-do-an-amino-acid-trial-for-anxiety/ And what GABA product did you use?
May I ask if you are currently taking any medications or have a recent history of SSRI or benzodiazepine use? I ask because the big question is why do some people need long-term use something to lower high cortisol? I’ve seen it come down nicely in 3 months (when underlying factors are addressed – factors that cause it to go high in the first place)
I’m gathering some alternatives that will hopefully achieve the same results as Seriphos.
Oh my, Anu and I are living the same life! I have done exactly what she has done and more with no relief. Ashwaganda and other adaptogens like ginseng etc cause stimulation in me. I too have not gotten any relief from magnolia bark/phell either. I have done lots of seriphos with help at first but later none. Am now trying essential oils. I’m desperate, too. The phos thing is very confusing with so many people saying yes it works and no it doesn’t. Lots of money spent to try to fix this too! I too had read the the original seriphos can cause reactions.
Please see my response to Anu above
It will help me understand what could work if you can answers some questions for me
I’m curious if any of these have worked for you?
(1) Enerphos by T.E. Neesby (supposedly the same as the original Seriphos?) – did it work at all?
(2) oil-based Swanson 300mg triple-strength phosphatidyl serine with ox bile and lipase
(3) “We have equally good results with phosphatidyl serine, but the dose usually needs to be in the 300-500mg range, to equate to what 1 or 2 Seriphos capsules could do”
(4) Lactium (I use this with clients with good results)
May I ask if you are currently taking any medications or have a recent history of SSRI or benzodiazepine use? I ask because the big question is why do some people need long-term use something to lower high cortisol? I’ve seen it come down nicely in 3 months (when underlying factors are addressed – factors that cause it to go high in the first place)
Also have you used GABA or tryptophan?
I’m gathering some alternatives that will hopefully achieve the same results as Seriphos.
Trudy, I have been reading all the responses on this thread esp. Anu!!:) I have had anxiety off and on since 2004! Came on unexpectedly. Saliva test showed high cortisol and high progesterone (I was supplementing with it orally compounded).
Things I have tried: Pharma GABA (high dosages as needed and it did really help but its not helping now??) with original Seri-phos, Ltheonine, Tranquil sleep (theon with melatonin)chewable, cortisol manager( too stimulating with ashwaganda), Amino acid protocol (neuroscience) not help, valerian root caps and liquid (still use), fo-ti root, magnolia bark, kava, many combinations of calming ingredients, rescue remedy(not strong enough, 5htp, tryptophan, probably something else too. When you have strong anxiety, you are just about willing to do anything to make it go away! If you said boiling a dirty sock and drinking the water works great I would definitely think about it!! LOL..so far haven’t lost my sense of humor although it gets lost at times. I’m on protocol from doc for Estrogen Dominance and comp snp.( Sam-e,lithium oratate, b12 adenosyl/hydroxyl, folate, magnesium glycinate) Dim, calcium d glucarate. Ive tried all forms of progesterone and am now using vaginal cream but will probably go to oral as pharmacist says compounded oral is for calming cuz of metabolite.
I have refused to use ssri and have had a prescription for lorazepam since April last year of 60tabs and still have half the bottle. I have used it in extreme instances.
My cortisol seems to go high( as I have had many saliva tests) when I get a infection of some kind (flu,cold,bladder) This time started April of last year with sinus infection (never had one before)and left me with vetigo attacks and tinnitus. ENT says not menieres and doesn’t know what it is. I’m still fighting that. Been to ENT, cranial sacro work (2 different ones) functional med doc (I still see) chiropractor(3 different ones.) Had bilateral nasal specific done 3 times, and had Muncie technigues done to see if it was in the Eustachian tubes. I only get verigo in morning, before or shortly after I get up. But feel crappy all day.
This is very debilitating. Luckily I don’t have depression. I get it from my situation ocassionally and use St.Johns Wort.(Standard Processing brand) works great for me.
I have tries Lactium, as per Mood Cure book. Umm didn’t notice anything with that. No on the other two serine items you mentioned. Right now my HOPE level is almost replete and am afraid of having to go on drugs!!! I have fought hard against it for so long. Normal me is a lighthearted happy person, but this me well I have to fake it to maintain my relatioships.
Oh I did have the DUTCH test done this summer and it showed an amazing thing! ALL (except for estrogen hormones cuz of taking dim) were high. DHEA, Cortisol and metabolites, male hormones, etc. I cant take DHEA to balance cortisol cuz its high too. What a state to be in. Do you know about the DUTCH test? Its really better than the saliva cuz it shows what the real picture is. Like if someone had high cortisol but low metabolites it would mean they weren’t processing cortisol and in that instance wouldn’t throw seri-phos at them. But mine were high. Just thought I would throw that one in here too in case someone else wants to delve deeper into there issues. Test can be done without Doc but would need someone to help read it. Insurance doesn’t pay either. It cost me $350. So I guess you can see I have spent tons of money on my health and really am not better!!
Thank you girl for being here for us out here that really are at wits end! Just being able to discuss issues is a God send. I’m thinking about increasing my lithium oratate too. ANY ideas? I guess this did get long…..
oops forgot to say I’m on westhroid thyroid and as of your info on Bergomot I have started to use it but not seeing a lot of help either. Is there a better way to use? I use it in diffuser and on skin under chin and on feet. I don’t know much about EO tho. I also should say I’m 66 and have had a oophorectomy in my late 30s.
You do have a lot going on. I’m working on a blog which will hopefully provide some options (and some hope for you) but I’d really look deeper into why you have the high cortisol and fix that. Infections (and parasites) and inflammation can keep cortisol high and even infrequent use of a benzodiazepine. Also food sensitivities could be a factor.
What do you think about taking taurine with iron for anemia. I read an article on it stating it helped with anemia
This is new to me – please share a link to the article
Life extensions protocall on anemia. They suggested supporting irons role in
in red blood cell formation
iron 15mg from iron protein succinylate
Multi nutruent formula
copper 2 mg
zinc 30 mg one to three x
taurine 750 to 4000 mg
vitamin d 5000to 8000 iu depending on blood levels
As I said, this is new to me but I did find this research on taurine and anemia: Possible ameliorative effect of taurine in the treatment of iron-deficiency anaemia in female university students of Gaza, Palestine https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12431243
I’m still not sure which article you read but found this one http://www.lifeextension.com/protocols/heart-circulatory/blood-disorders/page-04?p=1
Yes. This is the article I read on taurine and anemia. Life Extension. I’m thinking about taking the taurine in addition to the iron. Is there any side effects to taurine?
Response to Trudy’s questions September 3: I was using the phosphorylated serine found in Interplexus Seriphos from November 2015 until present. For the first 6 months it was like a miracle pill calming me and leaving me feel normal, not like Niagra Falls was rushing through my veins.
Sometime in the spring 2016 I noticed the Seriphos was not working and read the reviews on Amazon that Interplexus had changed the formula. So I bought plain Jarrow PS100 soy free but it does not work when taken as directed. If phosphotidyl serine is the ingredient which lowers cholesterol, then why doesn’t plain PS work??
The old Seriphos, proprietary blend contained 1000mg of phosphorylated serine/ethanolamine (et al), and I wonder if that is the key to bringing down cortisol??? Like you, my integrative medical physician told me that the site comparing phosphorylated to phosphodityl serine is NOT ACCURATE. Saying that phosphorylated serine is available as a dietary supplement but does not substitute for phosphatidyl serine (PS), despite the claims of its manufacturer.
I am not depressed and am quite active and happy. Type A person getting more done in two hours than others do in a day. Raised two girls by myself after an early divorce and always managed kids, work, home, and higher studies (MA in Conflict Resolution/Mediation) without issue. I slept like a rock and could sleep standing up when needed. I have an undergraduate degree in biology pre-med.
I have not taken benzodiazepines or any SSRI medications. Not in favor of their side effects. I was diagnosed with autonomic nervous system dysfunction ten years ago and tested and confirmed for high cortisol three years ago. Due to the nature of my character, I am always under high anxiety and competing with myself to get everything I want done quickly.
I have been exercising and deep breathing for the past ten years to try to get my cortisol down until last November when I found out about Seriphos from my doctor. What a blessing those first six months were. Ultimate calm and sleep like a baby.
I have been thinking about trying 5HTP but not sure that will lower cortisol. I am back to the blood rushing every day stage now (even while deep breathing) and am at a loss as to what to take.
I have tried GABA from Seeking Health 500 mg caps but one capsule gave me severe flushing. So I broke the capsule into quarters and took about 125 mg sublingually after dinner (once/day) and then at different times of the day for about two weeks. I felt NO EFFECT whatsoever.
Back to square one.
I’m working on a blog which will hopefully provide some options
Just read Anu’s letter Sept. 5th. I don’t think there is any phosphorylated serine on the market, now. I have tried to find some but so far have been unsuccessful. There is another product that is supposed to be the same as Integrative Seriphos called Cortiphos but when I try to find it they are out of stock. Not sure if they are going to bring it back. Its made on the same formulas as Seriphos and by the same man who created the original formula of seriphos. So bad, not sure what to do either. I’m in your boat too.
Hi there what can I take for dysbiosis that wakes me up sometimes it’s even hard going to sleep Ever since trying to cure dysbiosis anxitey has increased
Parasites can cause waking and so can SIBO (https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/sibo-small-intestinal-bacterial-overgrowth-questionnaire/) so they may need to be considered
Hi Trudy, me again, will wait anxiously for your blog! I did a parasite cleanse last year and did Genova stool test came back fine. But can be hard to find those parasites! I did have anxiety when I didn’t ever use benzos, but hard to handle anxiety at times. Looking into progesterone issues today. But have used it for years with no help either! How do you know if you have dysbiosis? My stool test showed nothing to my functional med doc. Thank you for being here, girl you are a blessing.
My ND did a saliva cortisol test and mine came back very high starting in the early am. I have been taking phosphatidyl serene 700 mg (increased from 550) for 7 weeks now. I am still waking by 3:00 am on many mornings and cannot get back to sleep. I can feel the cortisol… Busy mind, ruminating thoughts, anxiety. I am also taking time released melatonin. I thought my doctor told me that the phosphatidyl serine was the same as phosphorlated serine. What is the difference? Does one form work better than the other ? I am feeling that what I’m doing isn’t working. Does the lithium orotate help with cortisol?
Hi Trudy, just read Margare’s email. I’m wondering the same thing about the lithium orotate helping with high cortisol. I just finished reading from a website The Lithium Doctor. In his FAQ section, he explains how safe it is, and then if you scroll down there is a long list of ailments it helps and one that stuck out to me was hypercortisolism. Didn’t know that was a condition!! I have been using 5mg pure encapsulations since dec. 2015 with no help. Now after reading how much you take and Dr. Jonathan Wright takes, I’m going to up it but with another brand cuz the PEncap.brand has 200mg. NAC in it which my body reacts to. Any thoughts on this?
Dear Trudy, I came upon you during one of many summits I listen to and then got your book, “The anti-anxiety food solution”Still reading it. I was so very glad to put a name to a conditions I have suffered with since early childhood….Pyroluria. I have social anxiety, hate to shake anyone’s hand because mine is usually cold and sweaty, and many more symptoms. I took your quizzes for Pyroluria, and checked half of the 42 symptoms, only 3 0f the 7 GABA symptoms, but 10 of the low serotonin symptoms. I see a functional medicine DO who has treated me for about a year, initially for gut issues…gas, bloating. I eat a clean, organic low carb, high fat, moderate protein diet. Drink only decaff green tea or herbal teas and occ. decaff coffee or Dandy Blend for bulletproof lattes. I’ve been diagnosed as pre-diabetic with FBSs from 85-114
My issue for you is sleep. I’m a 72 yo female who went into early menopause after a hysterectomy and removal of one ovary when I was about 47. I have HBP very well controlled on 5mg of Lisinopril ( I have white collar syndrome) and was diagnosed with AF/maybe, a few short episodes ? for which I take 50 mg of Toprol XL. My AF cleared after I was put on taurine, l-carnitine, and CoQ10 by my functional doc. We are still working on whether or not I’m hypothroid but I was started on iodine and have some improvements with it (both symptoms and test results). I take many other supplements.
My sleep issues have been going on for about 2-3 years. I’m not tired during the day, don’t need caffeine to get me going, and I wake up refreshed most mornings, but I wake up many, many times during the night, Once to void, but the others… maybe because I get hot but most of the time for no reason. I wake up between 2-5am. I started using my Fitbit to record sleep activity and I fall asleep OK but wake or am restless anywhere from 12-20 times a night. I’m in bed for 7-8 hours but sleep 5-6. I don’t sleep for more than 60-90 minutes at a stretch, and that’s rare, more like 20-30 minutes intervals and than awake 10-20 minutes. I know my tryptophan was tested low ( in addition to your quiz score), my copper and zinc levels were WNL. So my doc said start taking tryptophan. I told her about your site and the info you provide and she told me to follow your advise. I started Lidkte’s tryptophan at 100mg because I’m so sensitive to meds and over a month have now gotten to 500mg with no difference to my sleep issues and no problems with product. Several days I tried 200mg mid day and 200mg at bedtime but no difference. I do all the sleep hygiene tips but have not found success yet. I always loved to sleep,usually 10 hours a night when I was in my 20s and it seems I sleep best from 5-10am. I slept like a log but now am a very light sleeper. My sleep routine now is to bed around 11pm and up around 8am without an alarm. Interested in your suggestions for me moving forward to get better sleep quality.
Hi Trudy,
Won’t taking tryptophan in the afternoon make me sleepy?
Serotonin takes a dip midafternoon so taking tryptophan then typically helps. I have my clients do a trial and if MA makes them tired and they don’t see any other benefits we switch to bedtime only or try 5-HTP MA and tryptophan at BT.
My issue is with simply sleep. About 3 months ago, I just started waking up around 2am. I would stay awake for 2-3 hours. This usually happened 3 days prior to my period, but it no has continued regularly every night. This week I am now waking up at 4:00. I have no issues falling asleep. I eat pretty healthy, take vitamins and supplements ( total woman, omega 3s, turmeric, methyl Vitamin B, hyaluronic acid, collagen protein powder from grassfed cows, CLA, loradol iodine, liquid magnesium and 5HTp. I teach Aqua aerobics and walk 2 miles most days along with kettlebell and strength training 4x a week, Foundation Training by Dr. Eric Goodman and yoga. I homeschool and I read my Bible and pray for 1 hr every morning. I have no medical issues except SI joint pain and muscle soreness that I assume comes from working out so much. I am on no medications and do not consider myself really stressed out. I am 44 and continue to have regular periods. Where do I start with finding my problem and how does one know if she has high cortisol levels. Thanks for your talks on Toxins and benzodiazepines with the Detox Project. My father is a user of clonazepam 6mg/day along with 75 mcg fentylnal patch. He has every side effect mentioned and we have read the Ashton Manual 2 years ago. He refuses to believe is the benzodiazepines and it is adding tremendous stress to my mother. He is in chronic pain constantly and it cycles from one part of his body to the next. He also takes all 6mg at one time at night for sleep and has taken benzodiazepines for 15 years. I let him listen to your talk but no help. Thanks Angie
I’d do saliva cortisol testing and consider if parasites could be a factor. Something as simple as low blood sugar or gluten or SIBO may be part of it? Don’t ignore the joint pain and muscle soreness – it’s a message from your body.
Also low GABA and low serotonin should always be considered
I do hope your father is interested in looking into this – good for you for sharing
Dear Trudy,
I am contacting you in desperation.
I am a nutritional practitioner who practices in my own clinic and consults as a clinical nutritionist in multidisciplinary, psychological clinic.
I specialise in CFS and Fibromyalgia. However, I myself suffer from that condition for the past 11 years.
Although I am able to manage most of my symptoms utilising healthy eating and natural remedies , the biggest culprit for me is my disturbed sleep. I have difficulty falling asleep and wake up early in the morning. My mind is constantly racing at night and it takes hours to calm it down. I am at the point now when I can not function this way, so I once again I rushed to seek medical help.
Unfortunately, apart from temporary prescription for the slipping pill, the other option that was offered to me is Mirtazapine, which works in a similar way to other antidepressants (by affecting both noradrenaline and serotonin), but unlike some older antidepressants, it only stimulates one type of serotonin receptor in the brain.
Although Mirtazapine is considered more suitable medication for sleep issues, Amitriptyline(10-20mg)was suggested as well.
Would you please help me to understand why natural agents i.e. 5-HTP, GABA and nor-adrenaline can not give the same effect as medical agents derived from the same substance? If I know what medical agent is required for me to get Serotonin and sedative effect, why can’t I mimic it with natural alternatives? Or can I?
I’ve tried numerous variations and combinations of relaxing herbs and I am on GABA-L-theanine-Lemon Balm-Ashwagandha supplements at the moment with little or no results as such.
Could you please help me or direct me to find a neurotransmitter/s alternative to the prescribed drug, so I can give it a last chance before committing to pharmaceuticals?
With many thanks and best wishes, Leny
I would look at low serotonin and a trial of tryptophan – here is some info on how to do this https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/how-to-do-an-amino-acid-trial-for-anxiety/. Also low GABA can affect sleep (more may be required – hence a trial increasing to find the ideal amount for your needs) as can high cortisol, gluten, SIBO, parasites and caffeine.
Hey girls, I just remembered this article that I read years ago about high cortisol. So I thought I would share it with any that would be interested. Its the VERY BEST I have ever read on high cortisol and it explains what a person goes thru and all the symptoms of it. And its in laymans terms so easy to understand. I also posted this on the cannabidiol blog.
GREAT article!! I wonder if my new psychiatrist would order this for me and if my insurance would cover it? Thanks for the post!!
hi Anne, Are you talking about ordering the test or ordering the seriphos? I don’t know if insurance pays. I didn’t charge them but you get a receipt from diagnostics to give to ins. U don’t have to have a presc. to order the test. There are probably lots of place online to order from. try googling. but the product in the article is the one the company changed the formula for and didn’t work. BUT the good news from all of us complaining to the company they are supposed to bring the original formula (that was in this article) back in this month sometime and its the one that works. Let me know if psychiatrist can help or not. The saliva test from diagnostics costs 120.00.but you get progesterone cortisol dhea and Ig1. But I like the DUTCH test better but its more expensive around 400.00
Kaye, I meant the saliva test. I should call my ins co. to see if they will reimburse for some or all of the cost. What is the Dutch test? Why is it better? Also, how are you doing with the CBD oil?
Hi Anne, I thought you did, but wanted to make sure. Original not back on market yet.
About the DUTCH test. I think its better for you to read from Dr. Joseph Mercolas website where he interviews Mark Newman the creator of it then for me to tell you!!! Too much typing!!! LOL
Wow Kaye, That is a fantastic article. I knew I probably have high cortisol due to all the stress I’ve been under for the last two years, but I was honestly surprised with all the other information. I am diagnosed PTSD for childhood molestations and adult rapes. I have other life stresses that I’ve dealt with for years but after reading that article it kind of explains the depression, anxiety and exhaustion too. Do you know if my PCP can order any of these tests? That would be the only way I could remotely afford to get them done. Thank you for posting this very eye opening article.
Hi Julie, I was diagnosed with ptsd too but not nearly the traumas you have gone thru. My heart goes out to you honey. Any doctor can order a saliva test if they know about it. I don’t know if your insurance will pay though. BUT please do not take seriphos when it comes back on the market, until you know for SURE you have high cortisol, cuz if you don’t you do NOT want to lower an already low cortisol!!! really seriously important.
Aside from that, from all the research I have done over the years this was the best by far. Lots of info on low cortisol but not much on high. Mostly they just say take herbs, yoga meditate massage etc. which all cost money mostly and u are left with what?? Crying in your soup, cuz you want help support while you are trying all the modalities and without a direct hit to the cortisol it seems it doesn’t end. Life goes on when you are trying to recover and sometimes feels like a an uphill battle……smiles to you Julie
Thank you Kaye for the kind words and great advice. I am due to see my doctor in the near future and will definitely ask him about the tests. I can hope there is a way to get it through insurance. I feel blessed to have found Trudy’s site and the Anxiety Summit and the wealth of information and wonderful encouraging people. I feel like there is finally some light at the end of a 30+ year tunnel and I owe it to all of you. Thank you.
Julie – so glad you found us too! So sorry to hear what you have been through.
Hi Anne, regarding cbd….ummm still not helping. Called Dr. Blair and he said to add omega3 but I cant take that much fish oil cuz makes me break out on stomach. so as far as helping with anxiety for ME..i was taking 40mg a day and didn’t push it anymore than that It would get too expensive. So now trying to figure out how to get more omega3s. I forgot to fill you in on this…:) must be the high cortisol, cant be age right????:)
Oh Kaye, it can be so frustrating!! Don’t blame you for not pushing it,and yes, it can start to get very expensive! Hope your appt Monday goes well!! Keep us updated.
Kaye, the Dutch test is interesting. Someday I will get that. I especially like how he says low hormone readings could be B/c of liver clearance issues instead of too much hormone production. Makes perfect sense as to why some people aren’t helped by treatments that lower a hormone when they’re levels test as high.
I would L be to find out about my estrogen and progesterone, as I had a subtotal hysterectomy 10 years ago. I retained my ovaries, but because I no longer menstruate, I have no idea if I’ve started menopause, or if I’m done or what.
First thing is to clean up my diet and see if that helps.
Anne, Yeah it is interesting, and that’s why I had it done. Just so we are clear. I think he said that because the metabolites were low it indicated that she wasn’t clearing the cortisol as opposed to over production. That’s probably what you meant to say. But you can have your doctor run a bloodwork for female and male hormones. just a thought. If I knew then what I know now, I probably would not have had an oophorectomy!!! so I guess now its dealing with where I’m at. You might look at a good website for female issues, its called progesterone therapy. They have blogs like this one and you can get lots of good info from there. best wishes Anne….
I just read the attached article regarding PTSD and I am completely blown away because it describes me and all my issues to a t. Now I know all my problems are caused by high cortisol. Thank you so much for posting this. You will never know just high much you have helped me.
Dear Trudy and Tryptophan Explorers,
Have you ever trialed the herb bacopa moneri? I’ve read that it decreases anxiety via increasing SERT transporters and TPH2 enzymes, improves memory, increases T4 production and stabilizes mast cells. Like other aeyervedic herbs it has been used in India for centuries.
I am a low serotonin person, I don’t do well with lidtke tryptophan or 5 htp. I
do benefit from serotonin precursors and light therapy. Will probably trial this supplement because it appears to address a number of my issues. But was curious about others experience.
Warm Regards,
Hi Robin, No I haven’t tried that one. That’s one I haven’t tried!!! However, I just got text from my functional medicine doc and she wants me to STOP all supplements til she sees me. She just got back from conference on methylation and so I made an appt. for this Monday. HOPE maybe???? will update you if anything you guys might like to hear…..Luv, K
Hi Kaye,
Looking forward to your update. Hoping your doctor’s new plan for you adds to all the good things you are already doing. It’s so very challenging when our substantial efforts are a bit slow in yielding greater health. I’m searching for a new functional practitioner. I had just begun working with one and he suddenly retired.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Hi Robin,
Not sure you know that there is a website called Institute for Functional Medicine and they have a practitioner finder there. Might check that out….FYI thank you for your kind thoughts. Well, I’m now wondering if all the things I am doing are good!!! LOL if she wants me stop all supplements. sigh…
I have not used it for serotonin support so I’m curious to get your feedback
I have a question for Trudy and all her wonderful helpers here,
Since I am still very new to the non-medical side of the anxiety, insomnia, depression and so on help spectrum, I have been researching and reading and even trying to look up exactly how much a functional medicine practitioner and associated testing costs. There is a wealth of information out there except for the one question I have. So, can anyone please tell me what some of the costs are and how can someone on a fixed disability income (Medicare/Medicaid) afford it? I appreciate the help
Hi Julie, I go to one. The first visit as I was a new patient was $350 but was extensive. After that it ranges from 190-270 a visit and that’s without meds. But you will treated as a whole person even if you have a sore thumb meaning they don’t just treat on issue per visit. I am extremely fortunate as my insurance pays for it. But she is an MD AND functional medicine so that might be why they do pay. And they pay for the testing. Hope this helps….there are many MDs that use functional medicine too.
YEAH Trudy is back!!!! Hope all went well for you. You were greatly missed….not sure why you made the move….just remember!!! moving causes STRESS!! Hahaha as I’m sure you know… glad you are safe….
Different subject: I’ve posted a couple times, but never heard back. Where can I listen to your interview with Dr. Blair about using CBD oil during benzo taper? Many thanks!!!
Hi Rosie
It was part of the Detox project and was available to listen during the event. It can now be purchased via the link in this blog. I will be interviewing him in the near future so please post questions here
I have yet to interview him but it’s in the plans
I am wondering if there any precautions using amino acids with brain cancer. I am aware that glutamine could possibly feed tumor cells in some studies. What about tryptophan and GABA? Any concerns with a leaky blood-brain barrier?
I just read this whole string and have a question about tryptophan. I was using 500mg and 2.5 slow release melatonin and hour before bed it worked great. then I started waking up every two hours all night long. when I discontinued the tryptophan the night waking stopped. can tryptophan cause a paradoxical effect with sleep. It has really helped with feeling overwhelmed but I need to sleep.
Too much can cause opposite effects and this is often a clue that low levels have been addressed or it’s now too much. Other factors to consider if results are variable – https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/tryptophan-doesnt-work-then-it-does-and-then-it-doesnt-could-it-be-hormonal-shifts-dietary-factors-and-or-parasites/
Hey. Can decaf coffee affect sleep, say if you have a morning one, then a lunchtime one? I have tried 5-htp, meotonin, Kava, etc but still wake up around 4am. Currently been taking Pyroluria supplements for about 2 months. It makes me very sleepy sometimes falling asleep like after dinner etc. Also in colder times during the year, I am abnormally freezing colder than anyone else i’m with. Maybe there’s something i’m missing.
Decaf coffee does contain some caffeine. I also like tryptophan when 5-HTP doesn’t work and increase to find the ideal dose. Timed-release melatonin can sometimes help and we also look at gut health, gluten, SIBO, parasites, EMFs and fat digestion/oxalate issues – more here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/waking-in-the-night-due-to-environmental-toxins-impacts-on-the-liver-gallbladder-and-fat-digestion-making-oxalate-issues-worse/