Stress and anxiety suppresses immunity and so does poor sleep. One root cause of anxiety and poor sleep can be low GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) levels. When you boost low levels of GABA (the neurotransmitter) with the amino acid GABA (it has the same name as the neurotransmitter) or theanine (another amino acid), you feel calmer and you sleep better, and you indirectly support your immune function too. We also have research that directly supports the role that GABA and theanine may play when it comes to improving immune function.
This paper, Psychological Stress, Immunity, and the Effects on Indigenous Microflora, describes the field of PsychoNeuroImmunology which
has clearly demonstrated that the physiological response to psychological stressors can dramatically impact the functioning of the immune system, thus identifying one way in which susceptibility to or severity of diseases are exacerbated during stressful periods.
It’s important that we keep all this in mind as we deal with the coronavirus pandemic and during other times when we may be exposed to infections.
The authors also share that psychological stressors impact the microbiome contributing to increases in markers of inflammation even when there is no infection. As you may recall from the recent Anxiety Summit 5: Gut-Brain Axis there is a bidirectional communication between the gut and the brain, with poor gut health having a direct impact on anxiety levels.
The sleep-immunity connection
Here is some of the research supporting the sleep and immunity connection:
Sleep is considered an important modulator of the immune response. Thus, a lack of sleep can weaken immunity, increasing organism susceptibility to infection.
Sleep abnormalities affect immune function in a reciprocal manner, leading to changes in proinflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor, interleukins 1 and 6, and C-reactive protein. The multitude of systems that react to sleep loss suggest effects beyond the central nervous system and include total body functioning.
The GABA and theanine anxiety-immunity connection
Here is some of the research supporting the more direct role GABA and theanine may play when it comes to immune function (and act as a relaxant and anti-stress nutrient at the same time):
GABA could work effectively as a natural relaxant and its effects could be seen within 1 hour of its administration to induce relaxation and diminish anxiety. Moreover, GABA administration could enhance immunity under stress conditions.
A number of recent studies have suggested that theanine administration can improve the body’s immune system….one particular study highlighted the use of theanine as an intervention to decrease the incidence of upper respiratory tract infection symptoms via enhancing gamma and delta T-lymphocyte function.
The authors cite one study where “administration of 200 mg theanine was found to have an “anti-stress” effect on pharmacy students” and “regulate dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain through the release of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA.”
The low GABA type of anxiety
When you have the low GABA type of anxiety you’ll feel physically tense and overwhelmed, fearful and not be sleeping well. You may lie in bed stiff and tense and may also have unwanted thoughts and experience monkey-mind. It’s common to self-medicate with alcohol to stay calm or you may also use carbs to relax. When you use the amino acid supplement GABA, you get quick and very effective relief – when it’s used sublingually.
Already using GABA/theanine or have used it in the past?
If you are already using GABA or theanine you may find you need extra during this time of added stress. You don’t want to make the mistake of thinking “This is serious, I need to double-up.” The best approach is to monitor your low GABA symptoms and consider using an extra dose during the day or possibly more at night or possibly more at each dose. Use the trial method to monitor your response.
Someone in my facebook community said she was conserving her GABA and noticed her anxiety was creeping back up. Now is not the time to cut back on GABA.
If you’ve found benefit from GABA or theanine in the past but are not currently using it you may very likely feel the need for the additional support right now.
New to low GABA anxiety symptoms and using GABA/theanine?
If you suspect low GABA symptoms and are new to using the amino acids and do not have my book I highly recommend getting it and reading it before jumping in to taking supplements: The Antianxiety Food Solution – How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood, and End Cravings. (get it out of the library if you’re watching your expenses.)
There is a complete chapter on the amino acids and one for pyroluria, plus information on real whole food, sugar and blood sugar, gluten, digestion and much more. If you’re not a reader there is now also an audible version.
Here is the Amino Acids Mood Questionnaire from The Antianxiety Food Solution and additional information on Anxiety and targeted individual amino acid supplements: a summary
Please also read and follow these Amino Acid Precautions.
This lists The Antianxiety Food Solution Amino Acid and Pyroluria Supplements that I use with my individual clients and those in my group programs.
In summary, anxiety and sleep deprivation are not good for your immunity, and theanine and GABA can ease anxiety, improve sleep AND enhance immunity.
Please share your experiences with GABA and theanine and feel free to ask questions. Let us know if you were aware of the connections to immune function and if you’ve noticed your immune system is stronger when using GABA or theanine?
Trudy thanks for turning me onto GABA. The relief I found using it was quick. I was wondering how long one should stay on it. I usually take it once a day but sometimes twice.
Thanks for helping me control my anxiety.
You’re most welcome. So pleased to hear the relief is quick! May I ask which GABA product helps you and how much you use? How quickly does you experience relief?
I have clients take it 2-4 times a day based on their needs/anxiety levels and more at night if sleep is an issue. In times of added stress more may be needed and given the immune function benefits I’m encouraging my clients not to cut back. But we also don’t need to overdo it. The ideal is to top up levels and at the same time address why GABA is low so it’s not needed. Eating real whole food, optimizing digestion, addressing the microbiome.
Trudy, i love u..u are a real deal, thank u for all your work, it’s priceless.
Marija – thanks so much! You stay safe and calm!
Hi –
I have been prescribed 200 mg of Gabapentin which I take at night for anxiety as well neuropathy. Is this the same as GABA ?
Thank you,
GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is an amino acid and is not the same as the drug called gabapentin which does have many possible side-effects, including memory loss and lack of concentration. You can see them all here
Hi Trudy I just got your book and my first delivery of GABA (Now brand 750mg) and Tryptophan (Lidtke L-tryptophan Sleep & Mood 500mg) I havnt been able to concentrate enough to read a book in years but am giving yours a shot …so far it’s slow going but getting there.
Is it okay to take 1 each both in the morning and at night? I’ve noticed that my anxiety dropped immediately the first day of taking morning only but by late afternoon I’ve got slight anxiety and now notice this electric buzz feeling which I only seldom had before. Should I take a second dose of each?
Also, some online stores won’t ship Tryptophan to Australia. What’s that about?
I’m really enjoying your posts and webinars when I can see them. After all these years so much rings true with me! Thank you so much
Glad to hear your anxiety dropped immediately and you’re enjoying my posts and webinars! I suggest going straight to the amino acids chapter as I explain the timing there. I do recommend trialing one amino at a time so you know which one is helping. I do find 750mg is often way too much GABA to start.
Thank you for the information you give. What I am not sure about, do you take Gaba and L Theanine or L Theanine, which is best?
Many of my clients do well on GABA only, some on theanine only and some on a combination. It’s a matter of doing trials.
Hi Trudy,
Thank you for spreading your knowledge even more so in these times of increased anxiety and worry in the world. I have a question regarding theanine, I have previously bought a brand with theanine and inositol in it and was wondering if I can take that at night? (My anxiety is normally worse at night time and I struggle a bit to sleep at certain times). Also, I’m currently on 10mg Escitalopram and was wondering if you know of any interactions between SSRI and Theanine and inositol? Thank you so very very much for getting back to me!
I like the combination of theanine and inositol and know of no interactions with SSRIs but it’s always best to check with the prescribing doctor and your functional medicine practitioner
Is l-theanine best taken away from food?
I recommend away from protein
Hi Trudy,
Do you know dr. Andrew Saul? He has been a long time expert on high dosage vitamine c. And might be interesting for you to interview. Marlene
Thanks and yes Dr. Andrew Saul and are great resource for information about vitamin C – and I appreciate all their recent efforts in sharing so much as it is an amazing vitamin. However they do not feel that it’s an issue for folks with dietary oxalate issues I’m gathering some case studies and research and plan to reach out to them for their commentary
Do you use vitamin C? How much and which form? And do you do well with it?
Interesting. I did read a lot about vitamin c yesterday and even watch a movie called The Vitamin Movie and they spoke a lot about the benefits of high dosages of vitamin c, would you say one should be careful with vitamin c since they can cause kidney stones or are you saying that’s not proven yet? (I’m a Swede, My English is quite good but find it hard to comprehend large amount of research texts at times). Thank you again!
There are some individuals who have dietary oxalate issues (many with no kidney stones) and vitamin C can be problematic for them. There is not much awareness outside the community that has these issues. I’m working on a new blog on this topic and hope to have something ready in a week or so.
Does GABA cause acid relux or belching?
GABA typically prevents reflux/belching as GABA is involved in lower esophageal sphincter relaxation Too much could potentially cause it to relax too much but it’s the first time I’ve heard of this. I have my clients stop and add back when if they suspect something has changed.
Thank you! I also meant to ask you if there is a max. dosage on GABA. I saw that a few sellers have as high as 750 mg but I was not sure if there is danger in taking more. I have been experiencing for over a year belching and have done all sorts of test ( upper endo, ultrasound, sibo test) everything came back normal my gastro wants me to take gabapetin, but I do not want to due to the side effects. I am hoping to get the same results with GABA, so far I took it for 3 days and i do not see results. I know that you do not like high dosages but I tried 100 mg and then next day 300 mg and then 750 but I am still belching. I tried today with l-theanine but still no success. Do you have any other recommendations? should I try longer?
Hi Trudy, hearing you speak on the sleep summit gave me some new hope. I haven’t slept an entire night for 38 years, I have been diagnosed as having fibromyalgia but really feel it is more related to exhaustion and adrenal fatigue.
I have what I feel is mostly mild anxiety but it gets worst through exhaustion and a couple of panic attacks. I have tried everything you can name (except your protocol) I group through times (presently) of at least 2 nights a week of no sleep.
Even when I do fall asleep I am up weeing at least 6 times a night, often more. I have checked and there are no medical reasons for this. I also restrict fluids at night. Most of the time I cope because it is all I know but the brain fog, body pain lack of interest in life is getting overwhelming. I also have an exceptional diet, no parasites no dairy minimal carbs.
I heard you say 4 doses of Gabba how are they split? Thank you so much for your help. I know there is a lot here but I am overwhelmed and exhausted!
GABA is best used on waking, mid-morning, mid-afternoon and bed-time for anxiety and physical tension/pain and bed-time only for sleep and tension/pain at night. With fibromyyalgia we also always look at low serotonin which can impact sleep and pain too
When I hear “up weeing at least 6 times a night” and brain fog, body pain/fibromyalgia, insomnia – my first thought is dietary oxalate issues. What does your typically 3 day diet log look like?
Is this covered in your book Trudy? I was going to make an appointment but I see there is a waiting list. I usually have coconut milk kefir smoothie with cherries or Blueberries, protein powder flax seed and psyllium with all my added powders I take for breakfast, lunch is usually salads with a little protein dinner chicken or fish (sometimes pasta gluten free) and vegies, usually broccoli, zucchini etc. sometimes nuts.
Thanks so much for your help!! My husband is a respiratory therapist on the front lines and I am tormented about both of us getting it. We are taking all the right vitamins and taking all precautions but this virus is incredibly contagious !! Will be getting back on GABA !! Love your articles!! You are a BLESSING!! May God be with you!!
We appreciate your husband and feel for you both. I do hope him and his colleagues have sufficient PPE equipment.
Being smart with immune support and support for anxiety and fear is so important – well done! It sounds like GABA has helped you in the past?
Now if only we could get this message about nutrients out to more of the folks working in hospitals.
Also making sure you saw my newest blog post specifically for nurse/doctors and others working in hospitals
1,Do you recommend L-Thiamine and or GABA with the following 3 conditions that are often found together.
Hypothyroidism / Anxiety/ bi-polar (hypomania).
2. What are starter dosages / safe ranges?
Symptoms – late to sleep/ up early, disturbed sleep, daytime: trouble concentrating, memory issues, & trouble with daily tasks like showering
PS- I had amazing gains with prescribed diet change (as you outlined in your book beating anxiety through diet) – helped me with overeating and gut issues. You are a SAINT!
Thank you – A loyal follower —–Mrs Atlas
Mrs Rose
I can’t offer specifics via the blog but can share that GABA and/or theanine eases anxiety in those with hypothyroidism and bipolar disorder – if there are low GABA symptoms i.e. physical anxiety/stiffness/tension/insomnia/eat or drink to relax. I’m going to point you to the amino acids chapter in my book (The Antianxiety Food Solution) as the dosing and times are explained in great detail
So glad to hear the diet recommendations from my book have helped with overeating and gut issues!
Hi Trudy, it was great listening to you during the Anxiety Summit. I have been taking GABA (twice 250 mg sublingual a day) to calm myself down. Is there a limit to how long you can take GABA? GABA is normally produced by the body. Does taking GABA supplements induce the body to produce less GABA over time? Like taking dexamethasone for more than two weeks makes the adrenal gland lazy, Marlies
So glad you enjoyed the Summit! I have clients take it for as long as it’s helping and have them start to address diet, gut health, stress etc so it’s not long-term. There is no evidence to suggest GABA supps lead the body to produce less GABA over time.
Hi Trudy , thanks so much for all the info you share . I’ve had Graves Disease and some other autoimmune issues on & off for many years and anxiety for as long as I can remember ! I started taking Low dose naltrexone and was amazed how much better I felt because this has an effect on endorphins ! I think I was born with low endorphins ! Now I also use GABA and theanine as I need it. Seems to help with remaining anxiety and insomnia associated with my thyroid ! I have addressed diet and take some other supplements . I feel best I’ve felt in years . Appreciation to people like you that can think and work ‘outside the circle ‘
What wonderful results! Thanks for taking the time to come and share. I’d love to hear how much GABA and theanine has helped you? And what dietary changes you made?
I’m curious if you also trialed DPA (d-phenylalanine) for it’s endorphin-boosting effects and can share how it compares to LDN?
Hi Trudy I didn’t know about DPA until recently so have never trialled it ! I ve been on LDN for many years and started on it for autoimmune issues and reaped the benefits of it increasing endorphins . So much info out there on how it does that !
I am on gluten free diet and mostly try to be whole food plant based ( not perfect)
Taking 200 mg l theanine most days
And 100mg GABA as needed up to 3 times a day especially helps if I wake up at night and can’t get back to sleep .
I have tried melatonin and 5 htp but find it gives me a ‘ thick head’ . I don’t feel comfortable taking it .
Thanks again for your info
According to your blog and recent videos, L-theanine and GABA can be used in combination to reduce stress and promote better sleep. Please discuss the dosage (how much) and length (indefinitely?) of intake for both. I have recently read that: “Nutritional biochemists at the University of Shizuoka in Japan found that dietary intake of theanine reduces the synthesis of serotonin in the brain and increases degradation of serotonin. ” Please confirm or deny since I have been under the impression that the combination of GABA and l-theanine should increase the amount of serotonin produced. Thank you as always.
Dosage and duration depends on each person’s needs. We start low and do a trial. GABA and theanine increase GABA levels. Please share a link to the study you mention
I do not have a link as the person who sent it to me didn’t send it. But I will look. Please send a link to where I can find what is too much of GABA and L-Theanine as I started several years ago with a small amount up to 500mg GABA and 200 mg L-Theanine/day and it did nothing for me. It wasn’t until I read that larger doses may help that I increased that dosage to three times a day (slowly) and started getting results (that niagra falls rushing feeling has dissipated and I do not wake several times per night). Still trying…. Thank you for all that you do for those of us who medical doctors cannot help.
Trudy, I just found the research papers for the research article: ““Nutritional biochemists at the University of Shizuoka in Japan found that dietary intake of theanine reduces the synthesis of serotonin in the brain and increases degradation of serotonin. ”
Maybe you can review it. Thanks again. Anu
Trudy, I just found the research papers for the research article: “Nutritional biochemists at the University of Shizuoka in Japan found that dietary intake of theanine reduces the synthesis of serotonin in the brain and increases degradation of serotonin. ”
Maybe you can review it. Thanks again. Anu
Hi Trudy,
I have bought your book and read it but cannot find suggested dosage for sleep. As mentioned,I wake several times through the night. I have been taking Gaba. It helped me sleep deeper but I still woke several times. It is now not helping all that often to fall asleep. The form we have it in Australia is different to what you suggest. I am using a powder that is just GABA . should I take a higher dose?
Nerida, I have high cortisol 24/7 above the charts according to two cortisol spit tests in the past three years. I spent four years eating all the adaptogens my functional medicine doctors and naturopaths prescribed (and some I found on my own through extensive research). After close to five years of little or nothing results, and based on Trudy’s very informative blogs, I tried GABA during 2019 but only with small amounts as Trudy suggested. It did nothing in small amounts. So I slowly started to increase the dosage after having researched GABA. I worked my way up to the capsule form of GABA (500 mg) plus L-theanine (200mg) three times a day in February 2020 to diminish high cortisol rushing feeling and help me not to wake many times during the night. For the first month, it completely diminished the rushing feeling and I slept through the night! I felt fresh and rested from eight hours of uninterrupted sleep! In March (about a month later), I began to wake once during night and in April, several times during night with the rushing feeling returning at night when awakened. It seems as if the GABA/theanine combo has lost its original effect, much like what you say. I don’t think a higher dose is the answer. But I cannot tell you what the answer is as I am completely stumped myself. Perhaps Trudy can shine some light on this.
Incidentally, looking for supplements free of gluten, GMO, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide (a neurotoxic agent), and other toxic additives, I have been using NOW GABA 500mg capsules and Nutricost L-Theanine 200mg capsules and cannot seem to find any research on which is the best bioavailable form (what’s the point of taking if they are not absorbed?). It seems no one likes to tell names of the supplements so I ask here, if anyone is reading, which supplements they have tried and in which doses, and for what particular condition. It may help someone else find their way to health….
Thanks Anu, I am so overwhelmed. Just when I think I have broken through, bam, I’m back again. I started with Gabba, then also added tryptophan also. It seemed to work for a while. Now 2 nights of no sleep again. As I take the supplements in their raw pure form, it is hard to know how much I am taking as it seems to depend (I think )on the density of the powder! I was taking 1 metric tsp of Gabba as that is usually 5 gms, but I’ve since been told that a 1 gm spoon is 5gms with gabba so maybe I was taking huge doses from the beginning.. This did work I should say for a while, now I’m desperate again.!
I start low at 125mg GABA and increase to 500mg and sometimes 750mg for some folks. Some folks just use it at night and for others they find it helps in the day too. Since it only supports low GABA levels if sleep isn’t resolved we also look at other factors like low serotonin, high cortisol, gluten issues, caffeine, sugar, SIBO, parasites, low melatonin, EMFs/WiFi, medication side-effects etc
Thanks Trudy, I have looked at diet and also parasites etc… I also don’t take medication. I do also take 5 gms of compounded melatonin which is the one thing I have taken regularly now for a long time.
Nerida, have you had your melatonin serum level checked? I found out mine is high yet I am awake several times every night. When I supplemented with melatonin, I was waking every hour all night… perhaps you should have your melatonin level checked – you may not need it.
Mmm I’ll investigate that. Thank you Anu. Although I have had periods when I’m off it and still don’t sleep! In terms of the supplements you mention, I have been taking the Gaba, and Tryptophan in its raw state, which also makes the dosing a bit tricky. I thought it would perhaps be more effective but now, I really don’t know!
I am feeling very overwhelmed at the moment. Three days now of no sleep I have swapped to Tryptophan as I checked an organic acids test I had done a couple of years ago and yes, I am low in serotonin. and also very high in nightly cortisol. This is also not working, I am taking a level metric teaspoon twice a day. I really don’t know where to go with this.
Nerida, I am also low on serotonin, high on cortisol, and wake several times during night not being able to go back to sleep. I tried melatonin (woke me up 6 times during night), tryptophan (made me agitated, muscle stiffness, and nervous but didn’t help sleep). Also tried Valerian Root and Ashwagandha. Nothing seems to help me relax during night waking with stiff shoulders up to neck – physical stress. So based on Trudy’s GABA blogs, I worked my way up to 500 mg GABA and 200 mg L-Thanine three times a day. Helps to relax a bit and sleep better only waking once or twice. I am gluten, caffeine, and sugar free, but have been diagnosed for SIBO many times for which I take Biocidin (by Bio-Botannical Research). I added magnesium powder to my evening tea along with one drop of Lavender and Roman Chamomile essential oil and now I’m sleeping almost through, waking once only about an hour after I fall asleep. I know everyone is different but worth a try. Not sleeping is horrible. Good luck.
Thanks so much for this Anu, I really appreciate it as I mentioned do feel quite lost . I’ve resorted to sleeping pills for a few nights before the cycle then seems to start again. (I very rarely take theses!). I have one question. I am in Australia and the thenine I have is a powder, every product seems to hae a different ratio for what a teaspoon is depending on the weight of the product.
I have started taking theanine but am really only guessing as I don’t know how to accurately measure 200 ml.s
I did take GABA for a while without the theanine and it stopped working. Perhaps I will start again from a small dose. I just need to find out how te measure the theanine powder!
Nerida, Nutricost sells L-Theanine 200mg on Amazon. Don’t mess with approximate dosages. GABA alone did not work for me.
Hi Trudy,
First of all thanks for your time! I was curious to know if you thought that GABA would be just as powerful as Baclofen. My doctor wants me to take baclofen in order to relax the upper stomach muscles due to chronic belching. I was researching to find anything natural that would be just as potent. Of course magnesium was one and Gaba and l-theanine. Is there anything you would recommend and do you think GABA is as powerful as 5mg of Baclofen
Baclofen is often used for muscle spasms and GABA helps with stiff and tense muscles and muscle spasms. If trials with my clients to figure out if GABA will help.
With chronic belching we also look for the root cause and address this – gluten and other food intolerances, low stomach acid, poor bile production etc
Hi Trudy,
I weaned off of Abilify, Lamictal and Zolft on October 8. So about 8 months now. About two weeks after my last dose, I started having insomnia, which has lasted since then. I have zero problems falling asleep. I wake up multiple times and am generally wide awake around 5 and lie in bed hoping for more sleep until 7 am.
I have tried so many remedies: melatonin, valerian, reishi, CBD oil, THC edibles and tinctures, lavender and four prescription medications. The best so far has been Agar 35 which is a Tibetan herbal mix of Chinese and ayurvedic herbs. After reading your blog I tried GABA Relaxer for a little over one week. It did not help. I then moved onto Source Naturals GABA Calm. Nothing.
I am so desperate. My assumption is that this is withdrawals from getting off of the depression medications.
Unfortunately medication tapers can wreak havoc with sleep. The root causes can be varied and low GABA is just one. A good trial with GABA, starting low and increasing over a few weeks is the best way to confirm this. I wouldn’t consider a little over a week enough time for a trial. I also look at serotonin support and high cortisol.
Trudy, is it safe to take GABA supplements with a low dose of escitalopram (Lexapro)?
I have many clients use both and recommend discussing with the doctor
Hi Trudy,
Thank you for the MP3 and ebook! The teaching on the MP3 is great in
that it has drawn a definitive line for me regarding the various effects amino acids can have. I needed that clarification once more! I now have GABA powder resourced from RN Labs, 1ml=500mg. Time for the experimental sublingual process to begin:) Oats test showed high on tryptophan, so I will probably add Theonine instead? Does that make sense? I also have Resilian, captioned ‘For Emotional Resilience,’ by Metagenics.
I love your expression, ‘wired and tired’ as it explains exactly how many of us feel at times, especially when health matters seem to get in the way of doing what we enjoy! My aim is to feel both relaxed and energised:grounded yet alert. I have noticed that the muscles in my body are quite tense. I wasn’t aware, but now that I am I can pay attention to
A great weekend ahead, listeneing to replay.
You are most welcome! These are the products I use with clients Feel free to compare them with the ones you are looking at or better yet consider individual single amino acids for ease of trials and increasing based on results.
Keep in mind I have clients trial tryptophan or 5-HTP if they have low serotonin symptoms even when they have serotonin markers out of range on the OAT. Sufficient vitamin B6 prevents tryptophan conversion to quinolinic acid.
I’m curious what your results are for 5-HIAA, quinolinic, kynurenic and quinolinic/5-HIAA?
I take theanine as needed for anxiety and it definitely helps. A nurse practitioner told me that GABA was not safe, but I’m not sure what her reasons were. Do you know of any studies about its long-term safety?
Her concerns may be related to the Blood Brain barrier questions – more on that here
She may also be referring to phenibut or GABApentin which do have issues
First of thanks for all your work. I finally got your book!. I had to question one is a follow up on using Gaba for acid reflux. I was wondering if there is a concern it would relax too much the muscle and then increase the danger for acid to rise ?
Also can people have an allergic reaction to Gaba? Eg. Hives? Or maybe Gaba might help as an antihistamine?
I have not heard that to be an issue but I never say never and would monitor and stop if there are issues
I’m not aware of an allergic reaction to GABA but too high a dose of GABA can cause a niacin-like flush that fades in about 20-30 mins
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Enjoy the book and do keep us posted on how you do
I have been on Trazadone for sleep issues for five years. I have titrated down to 25 mg. I need to get off of this medication because I think it is effecting my memory, word recall, as well as my ability to learn new information. What supplements can I take for sleep and to help combat depression? Thank you in advance for your help.
I find GABA and/or theanine helpful and melatonin also often helps during a taper. Always taper very slowly and find a good practitioner to help guide you and discuss with the prescribing doctor. You may find this blog helpful
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Hello, I was wondering if gaba would help with Pudendal neuralgia? I am taking 300 mg gabapentin three times a day, it is a hit and a miss if it helps. I am not in extreme pain but am looking for something that would bring some relief. I also have trouble sleeping, many times awake and multiple bathroom visits.
I would consider GABA with a client with pudendal neuralgia especially if they had other low GABA symptoms ( and were seeing some relief with gabapentin.
You may also find this recent post on GABA and bladder urgency helpful
With sleep troubles we also consider low serotonin, gut health, diet, high cortisol etc.
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My grandson, who is almost 8 years old has social anxiety. He can’t eat before going to school and will often throw up in the parking lot at the school.
What dosage of GABA would be appropriate for him? Would 5-HTP help too?
With social anxiety, not being able to eat before school and throwing up I would start with looking into pyroluria
GABA and serotonin is often also low in pyroluria and I typically start with 1/4 to 1/2 the adult dose with children (after identifying if there are low GABA and low serotonin symptoms
A comprehensive dietary approach is key and you’d likely find my my book – The Antianxiety Food Solution – very helpful.
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Hi Trudy
I introduced GABA for my daughter (8 years old) and for me -to support our sleep ,(although I must be honest she battles with falling asleep and,while I battle with that at times, I mainly battle with staying in a deep, restful sleep). Both of us experienced increased irritability even on a low starting dose. Is this normal?
I do wonder if we both don’t perhaps need serotonin instead (we both battle with very busy minds!) but I will have to figure out where to get some in South Africa.
Many thanks,
Too much GABA can cause adverse effects although irritability is not common with GABA. I’d look into the other ingredients in the product and make sure to trial a GABA-only product.
Please do share which product you used and how much you each trialed.
With busy minds low serotonin in a very real possibility. We also need to always look at diet, blood sugar control, no sugar, no caffeine, high cortisol etc
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Beverly Meyer recommended I take a chewable PharmaGABA supplement. After a few days with 100mg before bed I started to notice a weird tension headache. When I upped the dose to 100mg twice a day the headache increased and I was left with a brain fog and terrible heaviness and increased pain in my body. I cut it to 25 mg one night and had the same side effects but less severe. Have you ever seen this before?
I was recommended years ago to try 5-HTP. It also gave me an annoying headache. I was prone to migraines as a young person but haven’t had one for many years. Am not prone to headaches now.
I have RA and diarrhea with probable SIBO/Candida/IBS. My diet is very clean. Low carb. No grains/beans. No dairy, sugar or fruit. I eat a lot of vegetables and moderate animal protein plus good fats.
Too much GABA can cause adverse effects although the ones you describe are not common with GABA. I’d look into the other ingredients in the product and trial a GABA-only product if there were benefits for low GABA symptoms (physical anxiety/tension).
Please do share which PharmaGABA product you used and if you get results with a GABA-only product
Apologies for the delay in your comment approval and my response. We had a computer glitch where a large number of comments were hidden from view in a spam folder. It mostly affected new folks who were commenting for the first time but it’s hopefully resolved now.
Hi Trudy,
I cannot tolerate oxalates –
And I’ve had food allergies for years – since chemotherapy. I do not eat gluten, dairy or grains. Diet is whole foods based.
I’ve started NOW GABA 500mg and it’s calmed my CNS and brain a bit.
I still suffer with agitation and what feels like inflammation. Sleep is so inconsistent. My food intake is limited to cruciferous veggies, pasture meat protein and some fruit. I eat some fermented sauerkraut.
If this is forever, I’m not sure it’s doable.
Any suggestions ? Thank you
Good sleep is so key for healing. When a client sees benefits with GABA we continue to increase to see if additional benefits are seen. With sleep issues we also look into low serotonin and high cortisol.
Working with a functional medicine practitioner can also help to unwind dietary issues especially when there are also oxalate issues.
Apologies for the delay in your comment approval and my response. We had a computer glitch where a large number of comments were hidden from view in a spam folder. It mostly affected new folks who were commenting for the first time but it’s hopefully resolved now.
Can using amino acids sublingually affect tooth enamel? I use them that way and find they work better but now my teeth are becoming very sensitive
I’m not aware of this being an issue. Are you also drinking lemon water too? This can cause issues with tooth enamel.
I’m not currently drinking lemon water. But I’m glad to know it doesn’t hurt tooth enamel because it really does work for me a lot better sublingually. I might just have some other problems going on.
Thank you for answering my question it is greatly appreciated
Hi there Ms. Trudy!
I’m so thankful I found this site! I currently suffer from Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, which I was diagnosed with about 7 years ago. I have always suffered from anxiety and OCD. I began taking escitalopram when I was first diagnosed with the anxiety, and it worked like a dream until they found the problem with my thyroid. Once I started taking various thyroid medicines, it seems like my anxiety medication just quit working. I have been through them all….Lexapro, Celexa, Prozac, Zoloft, Buspar, Anafranil, Luvox…all with no relief. I wake up instantly in panic mode. I just feel like my body is “supposed” to function in constant “fight or flight” mode. My mind literally reels all day long. I was thinking about giving theanine and GABA a shot. What would you recommend my starting dose as being? Thanks so much Ms. Trudy!
I always start with the questionnaire/symptoms and a trial of GABA or theanine if there are low GABA symptoms i.e. physical anxiety. I can’t offer specifics via the blog but can share I start clients on 125mg GABA and go up from there.
If you are new to the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here
Is 7000mg liposomal too much GABA? My brain is recovering from severe toxicity, Ptsd and adrenal burnout from mold. Would this be ok in the shorterm and can GABA help to detox the brain?
7000mg is much more than I have ever had a client use. If this amount is providing symptom relief I recommend being under the care of a knowledgeable health provider. I’m also curious to hear how it helps and which product it is? And did less not offer the same benefits?
For GABA, 125mg is a typical starting dose for adults. We go up from there (in some instances up to 500mg or maybe 1000mg) based on symptoms and it’s unique to each person’s needs. It’s always best used sublingually.
The best way to determine if someone may have low GABA is to look at the low GABA symptoms, rate them on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being worst, do a trial of GABA and rate the symptoms again right afterwards (in the next 2 to 30 minutes). Here are the symptoms
After listening to you numerous times I decided to try your GABA liposomal supplement. I am a childhood trauma survivor and a microbiome test revealed low GABA. It helped my neck and shoulder pain, helped with sleeping, helped with over all anxiety. It also helps with my trauma recovery as well as facilitating trauma healing. The explanations you offered in the biology of trauma summit along with Dr Aimee really helped me understand how trauma impacts these neurotransmitters.
Wonderful to hear – thanks for coming here and sharing and so glad our interview helped!
Hi Trudy!
Thanks for a great blog!
I have in mind that I have read about you recommending liposomal GABA but I can’t find that thread.
So, I try to ask here instead: what are your opinion about liposomal GABA combined with theanine? For example there is one from Quicksilver Scientific. Are those liposomal variants safe? Do they cross the blood brain barrier?
Thanks for your answer!
Kind regards, Dr Helena Salomonsson
Dr. Helena
You’re most welcome! I have discussed liposomal GABA on Facebook but don’t yet have a blog. The Quicksliver product works well but there are some complaints about the taste. Designs for Health has a similar liposomal GABA/theanine product. I have not heard complaints about taste for this one. We don’t know if either cross the blood brain barrier but we do know they work.
I’d love to hear about your interest in my work and if you currently use GABA and the other amino acids?
Are low-dose L-Thenine and Gaba safe to take when taking low-dose Crestor (5 mg daily) and one low dose aspirin per day? Also, do they have any negative effect on the eyes?
I want to take L-Theanine and Gaba to try and get some relief from the almost constant strong tension and anxiety due to medical issues and carotid artery surgery in near future.
I am 69 and have recently been diagnosed (through ultrasound and CT), with a major blockage in my carotid artery, for which I can have surgery anytime between now and Spring. Meantime, I was prescribed and am taking 5 mg Crestor (statin) per day, along with one low-dose aspirin per day. I now have very low diastolic BP (low to high 50s; 4 times in the 40s over the last month). I have shown these numbers to my family physician and surgeon, but neither seemed concerned with that; said could be result of the Crestor. But I have read medical journal articles stating that coninued low diastolic pressure can damage the heat and can be associated with stokes. I am also lite-headed to mildly dizzy several times per day , (often with mild throat nausea) although not to the point of feeling like I will fall. Due to recent low-level eye laser treatments, I have been taking Prednisolone percent eye drops 4 times per day for one week; it increased the feeling of being lite-headed. Yesterday was the end of the one week of drops, so will soon see if that was a major cause of the lite-headedness and/or throat nausea.
I’d suspect it’s fine but it’s best to discuss this with the prescribing doctor