Dr. Nicole Beurkens and I sit down together at the end of the recent Integrative Medicine for Mental Health conference to talk about anxiety and the impact of both low zinc and low GABA. Nicole shares her perspectives on working with children and I share what I see with the adult women I work with. We don’t specifically talk about older adults or men but it’s applicable to everyone.
Dr. Nicole Beurkens PhD, a special educator, clinical psychologist and nutritionist, is author of the new book Life Will Get Better: Simple Solutions for Parents of Children with Attention, Anxiety, Mood and Behavior Challenges
In case you’re new to my community, this is my book: The Antianxiety Food Solution: How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood, and End Cravings
Here are some of the highlights from our conversation about zinc:
- Zinc is a very common deficiency and can be a contributing factor in both anxiety and ADHD
- Zinc is depleted by sugar consumption, stress and exercise
- Zinc sulfate used as a zinc challenge is one way to determine your zinc status
- Nicole’s response to the zinc challenge: fuzzy, strong yukky taste – which means good zinc levels
- Most people coming to the booth had very little reaction to the zinc challenge – which means low zinc levels
- Level 1, 2, 3 and 4 are used to figure out your zinc status (you can read about the zinc taste test here)
- My response to the zinc challenge: metallic, gross, horrible and I got goosebumps – – which means good zinc levels
- Nicole shares that most of kids and young adults at her clinic have level 1 or level 2 zinc status, and it’s an easy test to do with kids
- Many people at the conference were on zinc and were surprised they were not tasting the zinc sulfate. Other than sugar consumption, stress and exercise, low HCl (stomach acid) can affect your absorption. I also found that many of these folks were on a gluten-free or Paleo or GAPs diet and eating a lot of nuts or using nut flours. Nuts are high in copper and this can counteract the zinc.
- We talk about the importance of good quality zinc supplements and finding a zinc product and multi that is copper-free. Here are the products I recommend.
Then we talk about GABA Calm, a calming amino acid that we both love! Here are some of the highlights from this section:
- It’s a lozenge/sublingual, is easy to take and helps in situations where the anxiety can quickly escalate into panic attacks. Nicole likes the peppermint flavor and finds many of the children and young adults she works with prefer the orange flavor. Personally I also prefer the orange flavor.
- For adults, if you use wine at the end of the day to de-stress, you may be low in GABA and self-medicating, and using something like GABA-Calm often helps.
- Moms will take their GABA Calm with them and use as needed and give to their kids if needed too.
- I share how effective it is for Lyme anxiety and how it can be used instead of benzodiazepines (I interviewed Trish about this on the recent Anxiety Summit)
- GABA Calm can help when you’re on a benzodiazepine and even very severe anxiety or depression can be alleviated with diet and nutrients.
- Nicole shares how common benzodiazepine prescriptions are in teens and young adults; and the issues with dependence and wanting to quit but not being able to. It can sometimes take years to reduce the medications.
- I share about the first World Benzo Awareness Day on July 11 – so many people are in trouble and are not cautioned.
We were both so encouraged being at this conference and seeing so many physicians, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, psychiatric nurse practitioners and others practitioners who are really interested in learning more about these approaches. They are seeing the same issues we see with some of the medications (and not getting to the root cause of anxiety) and they are excited to expand their knowledge base. It’s just so exciting to see the pendulum swinging!
We both really appreciate the Integrative Medicine for Mental Health conference. If you’re a practitioner and haven’t attended it’s a must-attend event. If you were there you know what I mean. It was also super to meet so many of you after my talk and at my booth. If you’re not a practitioner do tell your doctor about it. Save the date for 2017: September 28 – October 1 in Orange County, California.
We did this as a live video feed on Facebook hence the references to posting questions and Facebook. It was also the end of the event and the people next to us were packing boxes and using a lot of tape so apologies for the weird noises.
Feel free to share your results with zinc and GABA Calm and any questions you may have.
Hi Trudy: my 11 year old has been low in zinc since age 2. Every time I give her zinc, alone in various forms or in a multimineral, her tummy hurts and often she throws up. I have tried body bio drops with more success but her zinc level hasn’t improved. Any thoughts on timing, type of zinc, etc to try?
Some factors I’d consider: leaky gut and malabsorption (and possibly gluten issues), copper toxicity or high copper intake (in the zinc or multi), stress or pyroluria (pyrolurics need higher amounts)
Regarding tummy pain and throwing up I say to use zinc in the middle of a meal or use less more often in the day or switch to another form. I find Optizinc to be well tolerated but a few people do better on other forms.
If you share the forms and amounts I may be able to offer more insights. I’m curious how you know her zinc is low i.e. what are the signs?
Ditto on taking zinc with food! My kids and I all feel nausea within moments when taking a zinc tablet without food. I take it with something dense like meat or cheese. I heard that mineral absorption in general is increased when taken with protein; the amino acids render them more bioavailable. Good luck!
?? I am Desperate. Am trying to reduce and stop the benzo insanity. I NEVER took more than 1 mil.in 24 hours but have taken since Oct. 2012.
In 2011, I took that horrible Chantix to stop smoking tobacco. It cause the terrible night dream Side effect (side of WHAT!) and now, I cannot take L-Tryptophan or 5HTP because these seem to cause even more upsetting dreams while asleep. Is there anything I can take which will help me reduce the terrible anxiety, benzo withdrawal effects and help me to actually SLEEP? I go to sleep pretty well but have the horrid wake up situation at 3 or 4 AM and cannot go back to sleep.
Any Help would be so very, very appreciated. Thank you
I’m sorry to hear this – both these medications can cause awful effects.
Before I have someone work with their doctor to do a taper (they often need to educate the doctor – http://www.benzo.org.uk) I have them get nutritionally sound. This means real food, no gluten, no caffeine, no sugar, address gut issues, address nutritional deficiencies (like low zinc, low GABA as discussed above or low vitamin D, low magnesium or low B12, low iron etc)
I do find GABA and niacinamide to be very helpful during a taper. Also early morning waking is often helped by addressing high cortisol https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/seriphos-reformulated-high-cortisol/
Essential oils can be very helpful https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/lavender-roman-chamomile-neroli-essential-oils-anxiety-sleep/
Working with a support group live http://www.benzobuddies.org helps many of my clients too. Just be aware they often say no supplements and yet many people do benefit.
Do you have PTSD? Women are most susceptible. Only 30% of perhaps 10milling sufferers in the USA are military related. 45% of rape sufferers experience PTSD. Symptoms are 1. recurring experience, 2. avoidance, 3. Hyperalertness, 4. Negative thoughts and mood.
PTSD and other anxiety states respond excellent to CBD from imported industrial hemp that is legal in every state. CBD has also been effective at reducing withdrawal effects from addictive substance like opioids, nicotine and benzodiazepines. In addition, most patients using CBD report a side benefit of improved sleep.
A recent unpublished PTSD study showed 60-70% improvements in symptoms during 3 weeks use of Elixinol Liposomes. 5mg twice daily.
Another approach effective for two clients with distress was the addition of ionic magnesium topically to any skin surface. Mag is well absorbed through the skin (epsom salts) and has excellent relaxing and soothing properties to the nerves and the brain.
Celebrating YOU! Thanks for sharing your wisdom to help improve the health of the world.
Write on!~
Thanks! Lovely to see you here – it’s been too long!
Hello Trudy….Ipurchased the liquid zinc challenge for my 9 year old son. Within a few seconds not right away my son made a yuck face. He swallowed the zinc and said it was bad. I did it as well not right away but also within seconds it first tasted somewhat like a light sugary water then dry then as soon as I went to swallow it, it was nasty!. And the taste was stuck in my mouth. How come it taste really bad towards the swallowing stage?
As you’ve probably figured out the bad taste is a sign of good levels of zinc
Hi Trudy,
I have been taking GABA Calm with great success. Wonderful recommendation Trudy! I also have pyroluria and take zinc, B6, EPO and I just bought manganese to try adding in.
My question: once I started taking the GABA Calm I noticed a strong ammonia smell to my sweat. It is new and very noticeable. Thoughts? Do I need to help get rid of excess ammonia?
Hi Laura
Glad to hear the GABA Calm helps!
Interesting about the ammonia smell. It’s the first time anyone has reported this. This blog by Dr. Lawrence Wilson http://drlwilson.com/ARTICLES/AMMONIA%20ODOR.htm talks about a kidney weakness, increased protein breakdown and it being a result of temporary healing, not drinking enough water or a sodium/potassium imbalance.
When I’m working with someone and they have an adverse or weird effect (like this one) I have them stop the amino acid (or most recent supplement added) and then add it back to make certain of the correlation. We’ll often add back less.
I’d love to hear the outcome if you make changes
Hello Trudy,
I am wondering what the difference is between GABA and Gabapentin.
The later was prescribed for restless leg syndrome. It does help but I am worried about side effects. Could GABA be a better choice?
Dear Trudy,
Apparently Switzerland and New Zealand are the only countries who have done this. Please help !! What else can I do ??
I live in New Zealand and I cannot order GABA Calm into the country as NZ has a ban on it
My story is similar to yours, A capable woman in her late 40’s develops anxiety with panic attacks. Although, my stress was not work related, I am a busy mum who has 10 children. 2 have grown and left home, so now I have 8 at home(most of them teenagers). Also I have home educating them all. I have a daughter who developed type 1 diabetes a few years ago. The stress of raising a large family in todays society (NZ has very expensive food prices, not like USA) has taken it’s toll and my daughters type 1 tipped me over the edge. I am normally a very capable woman, but now struggling daily with debilitating anxiety and sometimes panic attacks. I am hoping you can help ….as I know you know that desperate feeling I have.
Many Thanks
Hello Sara
I read your post and I really do feel for you. It does seem a bit odd that natural supplements would be outlawed anywhere but I have seen stranger things in the world. Since you have that issue have you thought about or looked into Essential Oils to help your symptoms? I have used them somewhat infrequently for 2 years with some very good results. Trudy even has a blog about using Bergamot essential oil for anxiety. I just thought I would bring it up as an alternative in your situation which by the way Essential Oils can also help with the children. I hope things work out for you and I wish you the best.
Hi Trudy I have had anxiety and OCD after a bad flu 50 years ago, done the usual thing pills etc, when my stomach plays up OCD kicks in I am so over it my life is ruled by it, fear, anxiety, I am sallicayte intolerent and I am a pixie dust person I live in Australia in the Tropics any help would be great sometime I feel I need to take something to calm the anxiety and OCD Thanks Diane
Sorry to hear this – I have my clients start with the amino acid questionnaire and trial of GABA and tryptophan (one at a time) https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/anxiety-amino-acids-overview/ and start looking at the basics like real whole food, quality animal proteins, eating for blood sugar control, no gluten, no caffeine, no sugar, good gut health and also no baking with nut flours (I’m seeing this to be an issue in the Paleo coummunity). If all this is new to you then my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is an excellent resource, as is this blog.
Hi Trudy,
Its me again,I figure I would ask this question here since its about gaba only. I have my 10 year old son on 100mg p5p, 2 tsp of Bio body Evening primrose oil and the optizinc. Morning after eating breakfast.
I remember you said that with my son you would look serotonin and adrenals because he is still afraid to enter rooms by himself.
I wanted to try out gaba and purchased gaba calm but it did not help for myself and this was playing around with more than one even throughout the day.
I gave it to him when he came home from school and it had no effect, I gave him more than one certain days and nothing. He does not like the taste.
So I purchased pharmagaba 100mg tried it for myself on an empty stomach and felt relaxed. The next day I gave him one at the same time I took one, right after school, nothing to eat.
We were both laughing at him acting like a mime. He was talkative, friendly and helpful to his siblings and confident.
He was still not entering rooms with his siblings but seemed too hyper at certain times.
I gave him 100 mg for 3 days straight each day after 3pm without food and he seemed okay the last 3rd day not the same as the first day.
He has been waking up feeling tired though.
I was wondering was there another brand you recomend with a low dose like pharmagaba. Because I was searching and I read some where that you did not really like pharmagaba but not sure why.
I was also wondering if I could give my son the pharmagaba in the morning , empty stomach and if things go bad all I have to do is give him some VIT C to stop any bad reactions right….would that be true.
Thanks a bunch.