“Zinc deficiency is quite common in the developing world. Even in the United States, about 12 percent of the population is probably at risk for zinc deficiency, and perhaps as many as 40 percent of the elderly” Science Daily, Sept 17, 2009
I, however, find that the majority of my clients with anxiety, pyroluria, depression and/or sugar and carb cravings are low in zinc. I have all my clients do the zinc status test when we start working together and then we retest their levels each week until they have good zinc levels. I use zinc sulfate, a liquid zinc that tastes a certain way depending on zinc levels.
Zinc Status test (also called zinc taste test or zinc tally or zinc challenge)
Category 1:
No specific taste or sensation – “It tastes like water” INDICATES GREATEST NEED FOR EXTRA ZINC
Category 2
No immediate taste noticed, but after a few seconds, a slight taste is noticed – ‘stale’, ‘dry mineral’, ‘furry’ or ‘sweet’ INDICATES SOME NEED FOR ZINC
Category 3
A definite mildly unpleasant taste is noticed almost immediately , and tends to intensify with time.. INDICATES LESS NEED FOR ZINC
Category 4
A very strong and very unpleasant taste is noticed immediately – bad enough to need to spit it out.. INDICATES NO NEED FOR ADDITIONAL ZINC, EXCEPT THAT FOUND IN A MULTIVITAMIN
Here is a video of Kelly taken at the recent 2012 Weston A Price conference. She did the zinc status test at my Antianxiety Food Solution booth and this is how the zinc sulfate should taste! Really really terrible! She was the one and only person over a 3 day period who had this reaction. Most of the other attendees scored either 1 or 2 i.e low zinc; a few people scored 3.
If your zinc status is good, this is what the zinc sulfate should taste like!
Zinc is an important and much-needed mineral:
- Zinc is needed for neurotransmitter functioning ie to make “calming” GABA and “happy” serotonin
- Zinc helps eliminate pyroluria (a social anxiety condition – see the pyroluria questionnaire here
- Zinc is critical for wound healing, protein synthesis, muscle contractions, skin conditions
- Zinc is critical for taste buds and appetite
- Zinc is crucial for blood sugar control, weight control and diabetes
- Zinc is crucial for thyroid health and sex hormones (and fertility)
- Zinc is important for immunity and protection against yeast infections
- Zinc helps with mental alertness and brain function, as well as sleep
- Zinc is needed for many enzymatic processes in the body
- Zinc is not stored in the body and can be depleted by sugar consumption, exercise and sweating and stress
Food sources of zinc
- The highest concentration of zinc is oysters
- Zinc is also found in other shellfish such as shrimps and crab
- Zinc is also found in red meat, fish, poultry and cheese
- It’s also found in smaller amounts in whole grains, beans, miso, tofu, nuts and seeds, mushrooms and broccoli (many of the plant sources also contain phytic acid which binds to zinc and prevents it being absorbed; many also contain copper so overdoing something like nuts or nut flours can be an issue for many of my clients with low zinc and anxiety)
Zinc supplements
I have found that zinc supplement containing 30mg is a good place to start if your level is low i.e. level 1 or 2 or even 3. I also find that Opti-zinc is very well absorbed by most of my clients (I like the Solaray brand). For someone with pyroluria I prefer a zinc supplement without copper and this brand is free of copper.
Here is my blog with the supplements I recommend to clients and details on how to set up an account with the fulfilment company I use. Simply search for zinc and you’ll find various professional grade zinc products and the zinc tally or zinc challenge products.
If you’d like more information on zinc, pyroluria and anxiety, a great resource is my book The Antianxiety Food Solution: How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood and End Cravings, available in major books stores and from Amazon. You can read more about it here.
Thanks for this great article Trudy! I have been using that Zinc Tally for 17 years on my patients and I have NEVER seen a person taste it strongly (a “3” on your chart) – Except another nutritionist I worked with, and a person who worked in a vitamin store who took enough zinc for many years. Even mine is never up to a 3 and I take extra zinc most days.
Love the list of correlations you have here.
I also found that it can lower high cortisol levels if taken at night (hence the help with sleep).
I was also taught to give the zinc tally test if a person has white spots on the fingernails. Seems to correlate as well. Just FYI but you probably know this already.
I will post this I love it thanks!!
Hi Juli
Thanks for weighing in and sharing your experiences. I have not heard about zinc lowering high cortisol – interesting! I wonder if this is any research on this? another mechanism for zinc helping with sleep is that it’s a co-factor for making serotonin, some of which converts to melatonin.
And yes, white spots on nails and low alkaline phosphatase are both indications of low zinc.
You need to get your zinc level up if you are not tasting it at a level 4! mine is now a 4 and it took many different forms of zinc to get it there. The Optizinc is fabulous – for me and most of my clients!
Trudy, how much liquid zinc do you use for the test?
About 1/2 teaspoon is enough
Hi Trudy,
It’s been a few years but I am back. I did finally get to a 4 and the Zinc Tally tastes horrible! It took oral and IV drip zinc for me (I use custom mixed IV’s based on my own nutrient needs that my Doctor puts together). Due to the Mold toxicity in my last home and the way that affected my body I was just not able to absorb the nutrients I was taking. Very eye opening for a Nutritionist. The mold also affected my immune system and my adrenals so much that opportunistic infections like Lyme and EBV and CMV were able to become active and make me feel even worse. Was not a fun couple of years. Grateful I found the right Doctors and I thank you for your support during that time! I am so happy to be myself again and back to helping my clients again. As for the studies on the zinc affecting cortisol it came from a Cortisol conference that I attended in Las Vegas in 1997. Dr. Alfred T. Sapse said it. Abstracts were presented on different nutrient and drug therapies for decreasing cortisol levels especially in excessive cortisol production disorders. There was an abstract presented by Dr.Sapse that mentioned some nutritional supplements to lower cortisol levels in the body. These included Zinc, and acetyl l-carnitine. I was surprised by the Acetyl -L Carnitine but the zinc makes sense to me. I know it’s not a scientific reference. I can look for those too but we know how rare that stuff can be when there is no money to be made. Hope that helps. Sorry for the long delay in getting back. Keep up all the great work you are doing Trudy!
Thanks for coming and sharing this Juli. Very interesting to hear about the mold connection too. Wow! Glad to hear you are now recovered
Hi Juli,
I’ve just seen your post on this site and while it was about a year ago, I’m really interested because I am in a very similar situation.
I lived in a moldy house for 10 years here in Sydney and then I was bitten by a tick. Straight away I got Lyme Disease and now I’ve just found out I have Pyroluria as well.
I’ve been talking with American doctors about my Lyme for the past year so I’d be interested in talking to the doctors who helped get rid of your Lyme. We are still learning about Lyme here and most doctors are unaware of how to treat it, so I’m happy to talk with American doctors.
I think I’m starting to get the Pyroluria under control, so that will surely help.
Best regards,
I’m sorry to hear this. I happen to know that Julie worked with Dr Paul Anderson http://amsa1.com/
Be sure to tune in to the Chronic Lyme Disease summit too – it ends on Monday with replays https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/chronic-lyme-disease-summit-anxiety-pyroluria/
I talk about the Lyme pyroluria connection based on Dr. Kinghart’s work. He has found that addressing the pyroluria is key for Lyme recovery. He is another excellent Lyme doctor.
Hi Trudy. I need to work out whether the need for progesterone is important when using estrogen and testosterone bioidentical creams? My specialist says no and my dietician says its critical. I understand that John Lee’s work in the US has been discredited.
Most practitioners will recommend progesterone too.
Where do you get the optizinc? I think I need some, Trudy! Great article.
I worked with Trudy and she gave me the zinc challenge It is easy, and worth doing! And hey, why not have a good excuse to eat oysters…
Ooo! I’m loving another excuse to have oysters! So interesting! Thank you. Katherine.
Very interesting, Trudy. I’ve taken zinc supplements before, for a short period of time when I was younger, but had know idea how important it is. I’d be interested in taking a zinc status test to see where I’m at now.
Great information – I can still remember the foul taste when you first got me to try Zinc Trudy – which explained everything!
I am definitely going to be seeing about taking a Zinc test. Didn’t realize all the benefits of a normal zinc level. Thanks for the information.
Great summary about this very important mineral! I remember my very first zinc test years ago — it tasted like water!! I have tested all of my clients for zinc since then and certainly take my daily supplement too! Thanks Trudy!
Thanks for the list of zinc rich foods. Very helpful.
Write on!~
Lisa Manyon
Loved this article – really interesting – I’m going to have to try this as I have some of the symptoms!
Another metal to ingest. Sounds important.
I just hope the metal detector won’t go off at the airport.
Great info.
Love your philosophy – looking forward to working with you!
Wow Trudy – I had no idea. I love reading your posts because I always learn something new about my health and ways to improve my diet and mood. Thanks for always providing such great information!
I have been taking a zinc suppliment for many years. I was told that one should take it for a few weeks and then stop i.e. you couldn’t take it continuously. However, I find that within 3 days of stopping the zinc, I feel exhausted so I take it daily now although from your comments, I’m probably not taking enough.
I live in South Africa – I wonder if we have liquid zinc, I’ve never seen it and I can only fint two products that produce zinc on it’s own.
Hi Peggy
I suggest finding a nutritionist, naturopath or homeopath and see if they can help with your fatigue and get you the liquid zinc sulfate.
I’d be happy to help if you can’t find someone where you are
Hi Trudy,
Is it important to take the zinc test before beginning the “GABA Calm”? I am really excited to begin taking the zinc. I do notice a difference when I take B6.
Now that is interesting! I bet I’m low in zinc. I’ll have to definitely look into that.
That’s great stuff to know! I have sometimes taken zinc and didn’t realize it was related to anxiety and depression! I guess I need to get back on that!
Trudy, I lost my taste and smell and understand that low zinc could be the problem. What dose do I start with and how long before I should start tasting some results?
Hi Tom
May I suggest you peruse the comments of this blog https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/pyroluria-questionnaire-from-the-antianxiety-food-solution/
There are many comments on how much zinc to take. You should notice a change in taste within a week or two. If there is no change within a month, I switch my clients to another form of zinc
Hi, I am looking into pyroluria and like your comprehensive checklist but only have a zinc chelate tablet. Should I be able to taste it when chewed or is it different from the liquid?
Hi Helen
You need the liquid zinc sulfate in order to do the test. Are you located in Australia? I believe it is available there.
My friend has a lot of the symptoms of low zinc (or perhaps pyroluria), but on a recent blood test his alkaline phosphotase was elevated. Is this a contraindication?
Hi Robert
There are a number of reasons for elevated alk phos http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/413420 so I would go with symptoms, the quiz and response to the zinc tally. Testing serum zinc, copper and ceruloplasmin may be good options too
I live in South Africa and the only liquid zinc that I found contains “ionic zinc from ionised Zinc Lacto- Gluconate” (Mineral Life brand) 18mg zinc. Can you do the taste test with that or does it have to be zinc sulphate?
I score about a 30 on the pyroluria questionnaire… Should I try this liquid zinc and see if there is a change in symptoms? (I have autoimmune hypothyroidism – I am working with someone of whom I’ll ask this too. But I thought I’ll also ask your opinion here)
Hi Thalia in South Africa! (I’ll be visiting Durban in a few weeks and can’t wait)
That form of zinc will not work. I suggest working with your practitioner and talk to them about having you get on the pyroluria protocol and see which symptoms improve.
Hi there – do you mean the liquid ionic zinc won’t work at all for this condition or that it won’t work for the taste test? I bought some earlier thinking it would be better absorbed, should I get a different type of zinc?
Thank you!
You need zinc sulfate for the taste test. You can use it to try and increase zinc levels but will go through a bottle very quickly. I have not used liquid ionic zinc with clients so can’t comment on how effective it is but would assume it may well be better absorbed
Thanks, Trudy
My practitioner has liquid zinc sulphate, so I can do the taste test there – that’s how she evaluates the need for zinc too : )
Hope you enjoy your time in Durban
I was listening your interview with Corey about Pyroluria, however it does not said what time is better to take zinc, B6 and evening primrose, can you please clarify the best time to take it.
Hi Magdaly
I have my clients take them at breakfast and lunch
Thanks for your reply, I was reading and you said at least
1,300 mg of evening primrose oil, so breakfast and dinner will make 2600mg? is this correct?
Hi Magdaly
Some people do fine with just 1300mg evening primrose at breakfast only, others need more. Fatty acid testing is a good way to assess the need.
Please address the effect that zinc has on cooper and selenium levels. Seems like a delicate seesaw between the 3. I’m concerned about taking zinc and it affecting my cooper and selenium levels.
Hi B.C.
There is a delicate balance between zinc and copper. You may have high copper and low zinc (which is more common than the other way around). If you’re low in zinc taking zinc with raise zinc and lower copper. Most people are low in zinc and affecting the balance is less of an issue than you would expect. Using the zinc status test is one way to assess zinc levels. Other ways are looking at alkaline phosphatase (<50 would be considered possible low zinc) and even copper and ceruloplasmin.
Hi Trudy- Did the Zinc Taste Test, today, for the first time. At first, I didn’t taste anything at all. I would’ve rated it as a 1. Then, after a few swishes, I could start to taste something, faintly sweet, so I would rate it at a 2. So, I definitely will be needing the Zinc. Looking forward to getting my levels to a 3 and a 4. So grateful to now have the liquid zinc to be able to monitor my levels of Zinc. Thank you!
Thanks for sharing your results Jane – would love you to come back and share as it gets stronger
Hi Trudy, I saw that you start with the 30mg of Optizinc – do you ever find that you need to increase that dose? I’ve been taking one a day for the past week and am still at level two. I know that’s barely any time at all, just wasn’t sure if I should be planning on increasing at some point or how to gauge progress? Thanks so much for your help!
Hi Ashley
I typically have my clients increase zinc after about 2 weeks. Keep in mind that Evening Primrose Oil improves zinc absorption.
Hi Trudy,
Can this all be used with kids? My 7 year old son has social anxiety (and anxiety in general) and incidentally low ferritin levels (was shown to have restless leg syndrome on a sleep study so had his ferritin levels tested and was low). He is already taking iron and a vit b complex supplement given to him by his pediatrician to help with distractibility (also may have showed up low on a lab test, I don’t remember). Actually his serotonin came back low as well. Anyway wondering what dosage would be appropriate for kids and also is all social anxiety considered pyrolauria?
Hi Michelle
The zinc sulfate is great for using to test zinc status with kids. Low zinc can also be a factor in distractibility.
I’m glad you had his iron tested – low iron is common in pyroluria and a big factor in brain health and mood health in general. We also also see low serotonin with pyroluria and the pyroluria protocol helps because zinc and B6 help to make serotonin.
I suggest Lidtke 100mg chewable tryptophan for kids with low serotonin – addressing this helps a great deal with the anxiety too. Lidtke is the ONLY brand of tryptophan I recommend.
I don’t know if all social anxiety is due to pyroluria but I can tell you that of the 1000s of people I’ve worked with, every one who had social anxiety also scored high on the pyroluria questionnaire.
I love that your pediatrician is doing this testing and recommending supplements!
Don’t forget grass-fed red meat and gluten!
Hello there. I gave my 9 year old the optizinc after breakfast for about 4 days. He was complaining of feeling to throw up in school. He also does not eat much in the morning.
Thanks so much Trudy! Yes my pediatrician is really great. He is integrative and holistic. Although the iron was given to him by a sleep specialist to treat his restless leg syndrome. I was actually just with pediatrician today and mentioned the pyroluria and asked him about a zinc supplement. He hadn’t heard of pyroluria but looked it up. He said he usually recommends 25-50 mg for kids. Wondering if that’s what you would say and if that’s enough for the pyroluria. He also had never heard of taking straight tryptophan, just 5-HTP for low serotonin. He is going to look that up as well but I will try the Lidtke chewable that you recommended. I’ve been taking tryptophan at night and it’s been helping me sleep. I take Source Naturals but will switch to Lidtke for myself if that’s what you suggest.
One more question, do you have a recommended amt of B6 for kids? The supplement he takes is B complex with 15 mg of B6 in it. Also has something called trimethylglycine in it which I’m not sure what that is. Keep forgetting to ask dr.
And yes the diet has been a struggle lately. Used to eat extremely healthy but not as much so lately. Although I will say for a long time he was off gluten, dairy and soy when he was younger and I really didn’t notice much, if any, difference. I keep my house healthy and basically gluten free but very difficult to keep him fully off of it, especially now as he’s getting older and more influenced by friends, etc.
Thank you and any other input would be much appreciated.
Hi Michelle
I want to meet your pediatrician! He sounds wonderful! I’d suggest giving him a copy of my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” as everything is in there, with a ton of supporting research.
That sounds fine for the zinc but 15 mg vitamin B6 is likely not enough. I’d suggest looking for a 50mg B complex at a minimum. And keep the gluten to a minimum – as Dr Tom O’Bryan says “no-one can digest gluten and it causes inflammation in everyone”.
Hi Trudy I’ve just done the zinc challenge and I’m in the 2 range. I have the zinc sulphate monohydrate that I used for the zinc challenge. Can you tell me how much it would be good to take each day? Its indicates that 2 teaspoons is 10mls. Just an approximation would be good. And is that as one dose and away from food and any other supps or with food ok?
Many thanks, Elizabeth
Hi Elizabeth
I like to use the zinc sulphate for doing the challenge and then have my clients take a 30mg Optizinc/zinc monomethionine to get their zinc levels up. This is taken with a meal to prevent nausea. Taking it with other supps is fine and breakfast works well
Hi Trudy,
Do you have a list of naturopath, nutritionist or homeopath i the chicago area who can treat pylori? I have been searching the internet with absolutely no luck. I desperately need to find someone to help my daughter who has a severe case.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Sheila
If you’re looking for someone to help with pyroluria, Dr William Walsh is in that area http://www.walshinstitute.org/
I do work long distance if that works for you and would be happy to help. Details here https://www.everywomanover29.com/services.html
I have heard that the experts are at Mensah Medical just outside Chicago! It has one of the 3 groundbreaking father’s of this individual nutrition for biochemistry (Mensah).
Call the Pfeiffer Medical Center in Warrenville, IL – just outside of Chicago: http://www.hriptc.org/index.php
This is fascinating Trudy! I love how simple, fast and non-invasive the test is. You really show some cool and unique stuff!
Glad you enjoyed it! It’s super-easy and super-effective
Hi Trudy, great website and I love the video
I’ve got myself some of the Zinc challenge, it’s called Zincatest by Lamberts Healthcare. Now on the back it says to add 5ml of the Zincatest solution (apparently 5ml of solution contains 15mg of Zinc Sulphate) to 60ml of water. Then it says to take 5ml of this diluted solution and swirl it around the mouth for 10 seconds this test.
Now you didn’t mention anything about diluting the Zinc, so I’m worried that my result of 1 (tastes like water) is an accurate representation as it might be too diluted?
I’ve never heard of doing it like that! I’d suggest trying it undiluted and see what happens.
Do let us know please
So I took your advice Trudy and gave it a try undiluted. Looking at and image of the designs for health bottle, it recommended taking 10ml, which was the equivalent of 8mg of Zinc. My bottle appeared to contain 15mg of Zinc in 5ml, so that roughly was the same, so gave 5ml a shot.
I would say I was somewhere between 1 and 2. There was a slight taste, it seemed quite dry, but certainly wasn’t metal or mineral like. I’m currently taking 15mg of Zinc at breakfast, lunch and dinner, and have been for about a week or so now. I might give it another week or so, and perhaps up the dose, what do you think?
I took the zinc challenge, and it’s tastes like water, zero taste. Should I continue taking the liquid zinc tally or begin with zinc pills or both? You mention starting with 30 mg but what’s the upper limit? I feel I’m an advanced case and need a more agressive approach. I also have a urine test pending but appreciate they’re not always accurate. I also started B6.
I have my clients start on 30mg Optizinc and go up to 60mg. More is not always better
If you score high on the pyraloria questionnaire, but the zinc taste test tastes vey bad to you, should you not supplement with zinc and try the rest of the protocals supplements? I had been taking the zinc for two days when I took the test.
I tested myself with the liquid Zinc test and my level was a number 3! Now should I still supplement with zinc 30 mg or lower the dose? I also still have a high score on the pyroluria questionnaire. Is it still good if I take the rest of the supplements included in the protocols?
The goal is to be level 4 so often you can get away with the amount of zinc in a multi, provided it is copper free. If you still have pyroluria symptoms I’d look at this trouble-shooting blog https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/pyroluria-protocol-why-arent-i-getting-results-trouble-shooting-checklist/
Hi Trudy,
I feel like I’ve come “home”. So much of what I’ve read on your site resonates with me. I live outside Vancouver, BC and would like to find a doctor in this area. Any suggestions? I’m also having trouble finding OptiZinc in Canada. Can you suggest an alternative?
Thanks again, there’s nothing more validating than an explanation.
Welcome “home”! love it! I believe IFM has doctors in Canada https://www.functionalmedicine.org/practitioner_search.aspx?id=117
I would look for a zinc that has no copper and try that – zinc chelate or zinc picolinate
Yes, IFM does have doctors in my area! I will look for either zinc chelate or zinc picolinate today.
Thanks for your prompt reply,
I recently started with the pyroluria protocol and had wonderful results! I’ve realised also that my stomach is getting really upset, is that a common side-effect from the zinc? What can I do to prevent this?
In regards
Glad you’re getting wonderful results. Best is to isolate which one is causing stomach upset and change to another brand or form. Zinc doesn’t often cause stomach upset other than nausea. Taking it mid-meal helps a lot
Hi again!
I realised that it was the b6 that made my stomach go upset and i’m currently taking 100 mg of it! Should I change something? Then is it normal to have tingling hands just from a 100 mg of b6? I’m thinking about changing to p5p but I’m not sure how much is a recommended dose! I’m still having a little social anxiety symptoms but i’m much better than before. On a scale from 1-10, my social anxiety is now a 4!
In regards
Good to hear your social anxiety is now a 4.
Too much Vitamin B6 will cause tingling in the extremities and should be stopped. 100mg vitamin B6 is similar to 25mg P5P.
Recently my doctor had my zinc and copper levels tested through a blood test. They both came up what she thought was normal. However, I still get white spots on my nails and have a pretty high score for pyroluria. I was wondering why you recommend the zinc challenge verses a blood test?
Carol – the blood test is not accurate
Hi Trudy, I am just learning about pyroluria. I bought your book, OptiZinc, and P5P, and ordered the urine pyrrole test. My teenage daughter has most of the symptoms of pyroluria, and after reading so many success stories I feel hope for the first time in ages.
My question: my daughter is a supertaster, meaning that many flavors are amplified for her. As a result, she is a super picky eater. I’m wondering if the zinc tally test might be inaccurate for her since her sense of taste is so acute. I don’t want her to say it tastes bad and then under-dose her with zinc. Do you have any thought about this?
I love that you have hope! Interesting question that I don’t have the answer for. Please let us know what the result is when you have her do the zinc tally
Trudy, I did the zinc taste test today with DFH Zinc Challenge and it tasted like water! Oops, lots of work to be done here I imagine!
Dear Trudy,
I am writing from Germany – I was unable to get zinc sulfate for taste testing, and purchased another liquid form instead – 78% water, lactic acid (21%), and zinc gluconate. It has a strong citric-bitter taste, but not so bad that I need to spit it out. Is this the taste of the lactic acid? I can’t find the other kind here, unfortunately. Would the zinc have a different taste altogether?
I’m not familiar with a product with these ingredients but suspect it’s not going to work
Dear Trudy,
thanks so much for your answer. I have just gotten back my results from a Kryptopyrrole urine test (I have since read that you don’t go by them anymore due to the large number of false negatives) — the results are 10.89 mg/g Kreatinin, which appears to be high. How does this translate into the mcg. number?
I am supplementing with zinc and B6 and am already beginning to have some dream recall, which is amazing.
Thanks to you,
Andrea – I suggest checking with the lab
Hi Trudy
When is the best time to take the pyroloria supplements and should they be with food or in between meals away from food?
Many thanks.
Drew – with meals
Hi Trudy
Thankyou for all the insightful information on this site. I was searching for information about zinc and came across. I have been feeling run down, fatigued and exhausted for years and going to doctors. I have been B12 deficient and low in iron though considering Im a vegetarian I have put it down to this mostly. Lately feeling run down with constant flues, a friend gave me some zinc. I have been taking it for only a week and suddenly I have more energy and mind clarity that I have had for years. I cant believe doctors don’t get how imperative zinc is to your health. I’m going out today to get some more zinc and purchasing your book. I have also suffered from anxiety for quite some time which I just thought was due to life experiences getting to me as I was never an anxious child. Feeling so happy I found zinc. Thanks again for your great information.
Great to hear! Zinc is a common deficiency and even more commonly low in vegetarians. Low zinc is a big factor in many cases of anxiety.
I interviewed Lierre Keith on The Anxiety Summit on this topic of vegetarianism and anxiety/depression – you may find it useful https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/anxiety-anxiety-depression-vegetarian-diet/.
Of course zinc is key for the social anxiety condition called pyroluria https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/pyroluria-questionnaire-from-the-antianxiety-food-solution/
Hi Trudy
What are your thoughts on zinc deficiency and arthritis
Low zinc may be a factor – http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25462582 “During chronic deficiency, the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines increases, influencing the outcome of a large number of inflammatory diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis.”
Lierre Keith talks about her arthritis in our interview (see above) + many pyrolurics have joint problems
Hi Trudy
On 30mg daily of zinc for a week now, the DFH Zinc Challenge still tastes like water when implementing the liquid zinc status test. By how much and when does one increase the zinc?
On my Genova Diagnostics ONE (optimum nutrition evaluation) organic acids test, my zinc result is within range, i.e. no need for supplementation so I’m kind of confused as to why the DFH Zinc Challenge tastes like water indicating a high need for zinc?
Many thanks.
I have my clients increase after the second week – to 60mg. Zinc testing is challenging and not always accurate. I prefer to use alk phos < 70 as an indication of possible low zinc.
Hi Trudy,
Please advise me if I can take Zinc Sulphate ? I’ve just completed my cancer treatment and have NO taste buds working.
I would suggest checking with your doctor but I don’t see why not. I use zinc sulphate to do the zinc test and then have my clients supplement with another form of zinc
I started taking zinc a few months ago. I recently got the liquid zinc you recommend to test my levels. When I do e taste test, it is slightly unpleasant after a few seconds. But then it fades to sweet, and I start craving more of it. What does that mean?
Slightly unpleasant with a taste of sweet is typical for level 2. We are aiming for level 4.
Hi Trudy,
Just finished listening to your Q&A with Sean Croxton again.
If it’s not too much trouble what would you suggest:
I am always zinc deficient ( Via zinc tally test and white spots on nails) and have poor dream recall but it may be from other causes apart from pyrroluria (measured kryptopyrroles of 6.25 ug/L, and measured rbc omega-6 very high in linoleic acid 18%, and mid range arachidonic acid of 10%) and I don’t score really high on your questionnaire. I do struggle with first half of the day being anxiousness and then the
second half of the day with significant fatigue/ may be could even describe it as brain fog (not really body fatigue, very much associated with brain/ head fatigue)
I take:
60 mg of zinc daily which seems to stabilise levels but will drop quickly if discontinue.
100mg P-5-P better dream recall but not as you describe as optimal.
Also have some NOW primrose 1300mg 3x weekly
My question is: should I add in some B6 as well, say 100mg to start with and see if this makes a difference? ( I do have a CBS 699 homozygous SNP so have avoided B6 addition due to theorised upregulation via B6)
Thank you for any suggestion you may have.
I really can’t consult via the blog. I do use dream recall to help decide on vitamin B6 supplementation and increase if there is no dream recall but I find 100mg P5P is typically sufficient. Some people do better with pyridoxine/B6 vs P5P so I like to try one vs the other.
Be aware that people with pyroluria dump zinc and B6 when under stress. And stress could be life stresses as well as gluten/food sensitivities, parasites, heavy metals, Lyme disease etc. Heavy metals, even when pyroluria is not an issue, could affect nutrient absorption.
Hi Trudy,
Thank you for your reply, yes I can understand you can’t consult via a blog, I suppose we get a bit carried away with giving more complete information.
I suppose I was really just asking:
1) Even though P5P is the active form, so one could assume more efficacious, do you find the pyridoxine/B6 form can actually work better than the P5P form in some people?
2) Have you come across conditions, other than pyrolluria, that deplete zinc and B6 dramatically ? and do you always find omega-6 deficiencies associated with pyrolluria without exception ?
3) How accurate do you find the pyrolle/ Mauve factor lab test in validating pyrolluria ?
thank you again
Hi Trudy,
Thanks for writing about this important topic. I’ve been diagnosed with anosmia about 10 years ago. I stumbled on the zinc possibility for my anosmia. I’m taking Liquid Zinc Assay by Premier Research Labs. After a month or so of taking 10mg a day, I was able to taste a chapstick that I use. I’m still unable to smell a thing. My question to you is, should I increase this liquid dose to 30mg a day? And from what it looks like, I have pyrroluria as well. Will a B complex vitamin be sufficient? No doctors are helping me with my condition. I was told to live with it. Any help would be wonderful! Thanks so much!!
Low zinc is one possible cause of anosmia. If you weren’t able to taste the chapstick beforehand then I’d say it’s a good sign. I can’t provide specific advice for you but I have my clients with pyroluria start with 30mg zinc and 100mg vitamin B6 (and a good copper free multi and possibly B complex too), and evening primrose oil which helps zinc absorption. I do have them use the zinc sulfate to test zinc status and we use alkaline phosphatase as a marker of possible low zinc (<70).
Thank you very much Trudy.There are just so many different kinds of zinc it’s confusing and I didn’t want to take too much and feel bad. I’ll try to go up to 30mg and see how I feel. I’ll also start taking a B complex along with getting some evening primrose.
Hi my daughter has been suffering with an anorexia type eating disorder since she was 10 She is now 20. Dr Blatt recommends treating anorexics with zinc. But he starts them off on 45mg after doing zinc sulfate test.He states, his patients have gained weight as a consequence. She has been taking 15 mg of zinc picolinate .Her nails have started growing but not put weight on. If i do the zinc tally test will it be accurate given zinc she is taking.15mg zinc.I need to start her on higher dose but not sure best way of doing it.And how do you when your body doesn’t need anymore ?thankyou for any advice you can give.
Zinc is excellent for improving appetite in anorexia and I know Dr. Greenblatt has great success with it. Even if someone is taking zinc doing the zinc test is still good so you can assess where they are. Also 15mg is low if you really need it. I typically have my clients start on 30mg and we may go up to 60mg based on the zinc test. When it tastes awful (level 4) then you go to a maintenance dose of 15mg and continue to monitor. If Dr. Greenblatt is your doctor now I would follow his directions.
Thankyou so much for your reply.We live in the Uk. I have DrGreenblatts book on anorexia and that’s how I learnt about the zinc link. Thankyou again.
Trudy, should I go for the opti-zinc solar ray brand and start her at 30mg and buy the zinc challenge test ? I’ve come across another one called metagenics zinc tally too….but find it all a bit confusing. Are there any other supplements she should take to aid the absorption of the zinc ? ThankyouSeema
I find the optizinc (with no copper) well absorbed. Evening primrose oil helps absorption.
Hi Trudy I can’t get the optizinc here in uk at 30
Mg in the solar ray brand.Ive been told it’s because it contains kelp. I don’t think this is true.However I have bought two that are being shipped from Spain. I also cannot get the zinc challenge in the Uk and it can’t be shipped over either. Ist it safe to increase the zinc picolinate 15mg to 30mg that she already takes ?
I’m sorry but I really can’t consult via the blog – just share what I do with my clients and provide general information
Ok thankyou
Trudy, thank you for this opportunity to explore zinc deficiency.
– A few years ago I first noticed that a particular brand of poultry seasoning that I had used for six decades, that used to smell wonderful, now had little aroma. Blamed it on the company having been sold, and maybe the new owners not using the same varieties of herbs(?).
– Today at lunch I had ‘garlic/oregano fries’ (yes, not a good choice), especially since they didn’t have a lot of flavor. Searched for what might be responsible for lack of smell and taste, and discovered your website.
– Used to occasionally suck on Zn tablets to short circuit a cold. Those tasted horrible! Don’t know what form of Zn they were. Am anxious to find a source of Zn sulfate to test my reactions now. Thanks!
We (as well as our doctors) need to better understand the importance of minerals; the elements contained, as well as amounts, and forms.
– In the USA, ‘Organic’ has become a fad, but the term is ill defined, as well as questionably enforced. For produce, if a mineral is not in the soil, it can’t be absorbed by the plant. Plants just need N, P, & K; Nitrogen, Phosphorus, & K(Potassium) for healthy growth, but we need a variety, though some minerals are only needed in trace amounts.
– Some minerals have definite synergistic effects (too much of one causes a deficiency in another).
– Thyroid metabolism calls for Selenium. Without it my nails break easily. But might the Selenium I have been taking (200 mcg) caused an imbalance in something else (i.e. Zn)?
– Last night I taste tested the Zn tablets on hand. They still taste bad, but not as bad as before. (Don’t know which form or dose they are, because they had been transferred to a different bottle.)
Great content. The pyroluria questionnaire did resonate well with me, and I swung into action straight – nowhere to do the test here in the part of Africa because I would have loved to start with it.
Albeit, I noticed a profound skin and teeth colour change within a week on 100mg of B6, 50mg zinc gluconate and 1500mg EPO. I did not see any significant dream recall – then raised my B6 dose to 150mg then 200mg. On this dose I had intensified itching-burning-pin and needles- tingling cycle. These sensations has always been part of my symptoms but not in a cycle like this – each sensation does it’s own thing and leaves for the other. My second issue is a 20 day cycle day menstruation this month which is quite abnormal for me – though it lasted for 5 days against my 7days routine. A friend of mine had frequent and menstruation on zinc supplementation, so that is why am a bit wary of this.
What can seem to be the cause of my reactions or what should I look into?
I have searched everywhere for zinc sulphate to take the test but all to no available. I came across pure zinc granules from Bdh chemicals – would it be appropriate to make a solution out of it for a zinc taste test?
Thanks for your time.
Hi Trudy, I saw your post about copper-zinc balance and was wondering if you have any information about copper-zinc imbalance as an effect of the paraguard IUD? I am wondering specifically if women should take additional zinc simply to offset the copper in the IUD or if there is research around this at all? Are there any symptoms to watch out for or is the zinc challenge the only way to assess?
Copper IUDs can be an issue when someone has low zinc and additional zinc is often needed.
After reading your questionnaire, I think I most likely have pyroluria (for far more than 15 reasons).
My problem is that I am overcome with nausea and I vomit every time I take more than 15mg of zinc. I even feel sick when I take 10mg. I also recall getting the same reaction when I take a B complex and if I remember correctly, specifically B6.
Is there a specific reason why someone would not be able to tolerate high doses of zinc or B6? I am ordinarily a person who only vomits when I have acute food poisoning (I am much more prone to stomach upset followed by diarrhoea than vomiting).
I come from a family of four sisters (my mother had four girls, her mother had four girls and her mother had nine girls). I understand that it is more common in families with lots of females but what I am not clear about is if there is more likelihood of a number of girls in one family having it? I am pretty sure that at least two of us are sufferers – if not all.
I live in the UK and my sister (who also cannot tolerate zinc) and I have an appointment with a nutritional healer / biochemist this week. I wonder what I specific questions I should ask her? If I have success with her I will let you know her details for other sufferers based in Scotland.
Zinc needs to be taken on a full stomach and is best done in the middle of a meal. Trying different forms can often help. You may also be a pixie dust person.
Arg! I just found your site thanks to the Lyme summit and have been devouring your information after listening to your talk! Our ND has my 5yr old son on Trace Minerals Ionic zinc. The benefit is that it is a liquid and cam be added to smoothies or food. BUT, after reading this article and checking our supplement it has COPPER in it! Isn’t that a big no-no? My son suffers from severe eczema and would meet a huge number of the pyroluria questions. Can you suggest another supplement that is liquid or chewable that might be more appropriate? He can’t swallow capsules or tablets yet! Also is there a B6 you could suggest that would come in a chewable or liquid supplement? Thanks so much for providing so much information to the public!
Wonderful! If someone has pyroluria then I do avoid copper. Low zinc can also cause skin issues like eczema. I’d also look into gluten removal if it’s still in his diet.
Here are some liquid options that I’ve been meaning to add to my supplement blog (https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/amino-acids-pyroluria-supplements/)
Carlson 100mg B6 https://www.emersonecologics.com/Products/EmersonMain/PID-VIB6L.aspx
Designs for health 50mg P5P (with a little zinc and magnesium) https://www.emersonecologics.com/Products/EmersonMain/PID-SUBLI.aspx
Pure Encapsulations 15mg Zinc gluconate https://www.emersonecologics.com/Products/EmersonMain/PID-ZINL5.aspx
Metagenics 15mg Zinc (as zinc sulfate) https://www.emersonecologics.com/Products/EmersonMain/PID-ZINCD.aspx
BodyBio evening primrose oil – Gamma Linolenic Acid [GLA] (omega-6) 473 mg https://www.emersonecologics.com/Products/EmersonMain/PID-EVEN3.aspx (helps zinc absorption, GLA is often low in pyroluria, may help with eczema)
If you go to the supps blog (https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/amino-acids-pyroluria-supplements/) you’ll see how to set up an account with Emerson so you can order online.
Please come back and let us know how he’s doing
Thank you for offering the Anxiety Summit, what wonderful and helpful information! I immediately order the Zinc challenge and just took it. I held 2 tbsp in my mouth and would say I am a category 2. And then I swallowed the liquid. Wow, awful and strong tasting. Does the aftertaste factor in to the test?
With a strong aftertaste it typically means good zinc
Is there a naturopath in Memphis or Germantown TN that could work with an adult with possible pyoluria and thin, painful skin issues and a child with autism (or something close to it, basically a non talking 4 year old)? I rate pretty darn high on the pyoluria test and am diagnosed bipolar and major anxiety, have severe insomnia, hypothyroid and am having blood sugar issues as well. I’m told I just became nearly diabetic and have to fix that IMMEDIATELY before I get even more ill (big time family history problems). It’s been too much of a challenge trying to figure out all of this nutrition on my own and I’ve gotten nowhere regarding my son. The only naturopaths I see online are vegetarians and I’ve been going in the opposite direction. I feel my son and I need help immediately. I’ve been really having severe problems lately and he needs help as well.
I am asking around for you. Have you checked out functional medicine doctors via the IFM directory https://www.functionalmedicine.org/practitioner_search.aspx?id=117
Interesting information. I’ve been looking into this after finding articles about pyroluria today. Pyroluria nearly matches my health completely in every way. The questionnaire matched so well I called my allergist and immunologist I’m working within hopes maybe she would be willing to consider the testing for it. I also have no thyroid do to nodules and hyperthyroidism and Hoshymotos was mentioned but I work with an endercronoligist and he’s never brought that disorder up even though my levels have been difficult to keep stabilized lately. I’m vitamin D deficient and in the past failed a plasma donation do to protein deficiency. What type I do not know. They just said I was put on a 2 year no donate and that I could try again but they had a feeling mine was not food based. Wish they would have been able to say what was wrong with it? Also my allergist discovered multiple food allergies through the rest test (skin prick). Including Corn, crab, onion, carrot, celery, mustard, sesame seed, and peanut. I have airhorn allergies too that are much more severe according tony test but food was done because of my IBSD I”M diagnosed with and someone on the page for the Pyroluria mentioned that it sounds like SIBO and not IBS or IBSD. I found this information quite by accident because before reading these I was ready to accept I had IBSD, Migraines, Severe Menses, and Hyperthyroidism. So I guess my question is if I find that that my regular doctor, allergist/immunolist, and digestive specialist aren’t onboard at least for looking into this is are the urine test, Zinc, and other related test you can order yourselves reliable? Also then if I get results confirming from those test is there a different type of physician or specialist i should see instead. They all want to put me on strong meds that just make me sleepy and they’re so expensive or i react to the med itself. Life Viberzi. They put me on Viberzi and I after 6 month was allergic to it. Thanks much.
Pyroluria is not recognized by many conventional doctors but when addressed with supplements many people find fabulous results.
Please see my other comments for you on this post https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/pyroluria-questionnaire-from-the-antianxiety-food-solution/
Hi trudy,
First of all I would like to say that I have read your book and I thought it is really helpful, I keep using it time to time for consulting. Thanks for this amazing work!
After supplementing zinc, B6 and Borage oil to correct pyroluria for nearly 6 months, I had another urine kryptopyrrole test which indicated that pyroluria is now under control. However I still cannot see much improvement on my anxiety/depression symptoms.
The zinc tally test indicate Category 2 (No immediate taste noticed, but after a few seconds, a slight taste is noticed – ‘stale’, ‘dry mineral’, ‘furry’ or ‘sweet’ INDICATES SOME NEED FOR ZINC) and has been like that since I started the supplements.
Blood test (Plasma and Red Cell Elements) indicates normal level of zinc (12.2 micromol/L)
In my therapist’s interpretation, the zinc levels are fine as the pyroluria is under control. The explanation for the zinc tally not showing any improvement is because I am a non-taster. Does it sound reasonable for you? Which test should I trust on?
I have been afraid of overdosing zinc as the results indicate no necessity for zinc supplementation. I have been taking 30mg a day. Do you think it could be harmful for someone with pyroluria already under control?
ps. Sorry for the english, I am not a native speaker.
Hi Trudy awesome stuff! I just did the test and it was like water then kept in my mouth for a couple seconds and noticed a slight taste difference the swallowed it. Also my tongue became a little dry .My question is how long do you keep it in you mouth for the test? And after I took it , I thought I was feeling a little better too it was interseting ?
Great – 10-15 secs is usually enough. It’s a small amount of zinc but it may still help right away
Hi! I am the Hawthorn graduate that you met at IMMH this past weekend. I was wondering what company do you buy the liquid zinc from? I used to keep some in my office and stopped but today I had a 10 yo boy who is a very picky eater and complaining about how food smells and I am wondering about his zinc levels.
Thank you again for your lecture. I’ve already used what I learned with two clients.
Dr. Vicki Steine
Hi Vicki
Super to meet you at IMMH. Glad to hear you enjoyed my lecture. I love that you have already used what you learned! May I ask what?
I use DFH Zinc and get it from Emerson – here is my supps blog https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/amino-acids-pyroluria-supplements/
Hi Trudy,
My daughter and I both scored very high on the questionnaire. I am looking for liquid/chewable supplements for her as she cannot swallow capsules. I have been looking through the ones you recommend and just wanted to give a heads up that the Carlson 100mg B6 liquid also contains methyl propyl parabens which, according to EWG, is an endocrine disruptor.
Hey, does this zinc test work only with liquid zinc, or can you try with tablets as well?
Hi Trudy, where can i buy the zinc challenge product? thanks
Other than ordering from the USA I would expect local health stores to carry it – Metagenics has one and is available in Australia
Hi Trudy,
I have been very sick and stumbled across pyroluria. I did a blood serum copper/plasma zinc test through DHA labs and my copper levels were about 20 ug/dl higher than the zinc. My zinc was in the lower range for the lab references, but well below the Walsh funtional range. Could this be the cause of fairly debilitating health issues? Thanks for all the great info!
Hey Trudy,
I tested at a 1 for the zinc test. I’m taking p5p, b6 and 30mg of the zinc your suggested. I’ll test myself again next week. The multivitamin I was taking had copper in it so I purchased one with no copper but it had 500mcg of b12. I know that isn’t a lot but so some reason b12 messes me up bad. (Anxiety , muscle and joint pain) 1) do you know of a multivitamin that has no copper, herbs or b12? 2) do I have to take a multivitamin? (I eat very well). 3) if I want to take individual vitamins and minerals , which ones are important to take daily? 4) why would b12 mess me up?
Thanks John.
The small amount of copper in many multivitamins is often as issue with pyroluria. I like Designs for Health Twice Daily with no copper for this reason. It does have B12 – the methyl form. Sometimes it’s the form of B12 that is an issue. Seeking Health has a B-minus product with no B12.
Can I take a zinc tablet for this test or like zinc cough drop or disolve a tablet in purified (of course) water. How much does it cost? What other options are there.
As far as I’m aware it’s just the zinc liquid sulfate that can be used. You can find the product I use on the supplements blog plus details on how to set up an account with my online store https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/amino-acids-pyroluria-supplements/
Hello there,
I am experiencing a medication induced Zinc deficiency regarding a persistent metallic taste along with taste bud distortion. Which Zinc supplement would be the best to use? I ordered Zinc Sulfate 220 mg tablet. Thanks in advance.
Is a blood test for zinc not reliable? I’m on 75 mg zinc picolinate daily, and my blood work came back low end of normal still. Also, do you ever see people go very high on p5p? I take 150 mg daily and still very poor dream recall per ypur descriptipn of how it should be.
Hello Trudy, I have been taking evening primrose 1300×2, soloray optizincx2, and b complex for 2 months now. This was after I scored very high on pyroluria questionnaire. I did zinc tally at the beginning and retested after 60 days. It hasn’t changed much- scoring 2 each time. Should I increase zinc or try another form?
Thank you
Hi Trudy!
My blood work came back zinc deficient. I read that you find them to be inaccurate so I want to follow up with the Zinc Challenge.
I found liquid Zinc at my local health food store… it does have minimal amounts of other metals… would this still work for the Zinc Deficiency test?
Magnesium (ConcenTrace®)25 mg 6%
Zinc (Sulfate)50 mg 333%
Copper (Copper Gluconate)2 mg 100%
Chloride (ConcenTrace®)70 mg 2%
Sulfate (ConcenTrace®)60 mg **
Boron (ConcenTrace®) 0.1 mg **
Thanks so much!
This won’t work – it’s needs to be only zinc sulfate
Hi Trudy –
I wasn’t able to find the liquid zinc sulphate monohydrate by Designs for Health on your Fullscript supplement site, Amazon, or the Designs for Health website. I found liquid zinc sulphate heptahydrate on the Radiant Life website – would this be an acceptable substitute? If not, what product do you recommend/ where can I find it?
Thanks so much!
PS – your homestudy group is still pointing to your old Emerson website for supplements FYI
Hi Trudy
I tried the zinc test after reading your book and I’m really confused. There was no taste but my mouth was burning almost immediately. It got a little worse over the 30 secs but not bad enough to spit it out. When I spat it out the taste was horrible. Did this mean I don’t need to supplement?
Many thanks
Which zinc challenge product did you use?
Thanks so much for your reply. Having scrolled through some of these comments I have realised that I used a product that has magnesium and copper in, which I realise won’t work so I will have to buy a different one.
I discovered I needed to supplement with zinc after performing the taste test at your booth at a past IMMH conference. I sporadically take pure encapsulations zinc supplements ever since. I have since completed a heavy metals and mineral hair test through Great Plains Lab. Per the results, most of my minerals were on low side, except for zinc– ( I have been supplementing). HOWEVER, when I do the liquid zinc taste test— I still cannot taste anything!! I am perplexed why my hair test reflected normal levels, but my taste test still low?
B Griffin
Determining zinc levels on hair analysis is not straight-forward as you have to look at ratios and possible hidden copper toxicity which will keep zinc low. I’d suggest doing a consult with GPL to help with interpretation
Hope to see you at IMMH again in San Diego in August!
My question is, why just not testing blood zinc in the lab, precisely and accurately?
Hi Trudy,
I tried the zinc challenge and it tasted like water. Even after 20 secs, it still was only slightly sweet. So I assumed I had zinc deficiency. I got a blood test for my zinc, copper , and alkaline phosphatase. My serum and rbc zinc were within normal range, my rbc copper was within range, but my serum copper was slightly lower than normal range. Also my alkaline phosphatase was slightly low too.
So I took 22mg chelated zinc from solgar for 2 months. Still the zinc challenge had no taste for me.
Could the lack taste for zinc challenge be due to low copper rather than low zinc?
I’d look at why zinc isn’t being absorbed. Evening primrose can help and we may switch to another form and a higher dose.
Hi Trudy, Reading your book regarding fatty acid testing. Does the OAT test show this? I’m looking at my OAT rest results and I have 6 out of the 7 ketone and fatty acid oxidation metabolites that were tested, show very high levels. (Ethylmalonic, Adipic, Suberic, Sebacic, methylsuccinic, 3-hydroxybutric are all very high, acetoacetic is the only one that is in range) Does this show that omega 3’s may not be good for me? Or does this show that I simply am not digesting fats well.
Thank you so much!