A new paper by Martin Pall, Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health, states the following:
Repeated Wi-Fi studies show that Wi-Fi causes oxidative stress, sperm/testicular damage, neuropsychiatric effects including EEG changes, apoptosis, cellular DNA damage, endocrine changes, and calcium overload.
He states that EMF effects are often cumulative, EMFs may impact young people more than adults and that voltage-gated calcium channel (VGCC) activation plays a role in all seven effects:
Each of these seven is also produced by downstream effects of the main action of such EMFs, voltage-gated calcium channel (VGCC) activation.
Peroxynitrite is a very powerful oxidant leading to major oxidative stress in the body and his landmark VGCC paper covers how peroxynitrite is created:
EMF activation of VGCCs leads to rapid elevation of intracellular Ca2+ [calcium ions], nitric oxide and in some cases at least, peroxynitrite
I’m studying the human threats of Wi-Fi and EMFs in the practitioner ElectrosmogRx course being taught by Nick Pineault, so the timing of this new paper is excellent. Nick’s course is highly recommended too.
I’ll have much more to share once the course is over but this is just some of what I’ve learned so far about the biological impacts of EMFs (other than what is mentioned in the above new paper by Martin Pall):
- A contribution to mitochrondrial dysfunction
- Increased inflammation
- Glutathione depletion
- Glutamate excitotoxicty
- Break down of the blood brain barrier and other barriers like the gut
- Melatonin depletion
And much more – all of which have major implications for mental health (and other health conditions too of course).
My speculations about chronic anxiety, insomnia, benzodiazepine issues, SIBO and oxalate issues
Based on the above and making some extrapolations from the research I am speculating that EMF overload may play a role in the following situations in some susceptible individuals:
- Why some individuals have chronic high cortisol and yet nutritional support for the adrenals offers minimal help? And why some individuals continue to experience anxiety and insomnia (due in part to high cortisol and/or low melatonin) despite making all the root cause changes to diet, addressing gut health and addressing nutritional deficiencies? Or why ongoing nutrient support is needed despite following a healthy lifestyle?
- Why some individuals on benzodiazepines have such a difficult time with tolerance, physical dependence and tapering, and even continue to experience adverse effects long after their last dose. This is based on extrapolations from research showing “Chronic benzodiazepine administration potentiates high voltage-activated calcium currents in hippocampal CA1 neurons”
- Why so many have issues with dietary oxalates (found in nuts, wheat, leafy greens like spinach, strawberries, eggplant, kiwi fruit and other healthy vegetables and fruits) leading to increased anxiety and pain. I’m just starting to look at all the research – here is one paper that discusses the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the rat kidney: “kidney tissue is extremely sensitive to oxidative damage since it is one of the organs involving intense oxidation processes”
- Why we are seeing such an increase in SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and why are there so many individuals who cannot resolve their chronic SIBO. I’m still looking for some research linking EMFs and SIBO and/or IBS but Nick writes about this in his book. Is the high use of the cell phone for texting and communicating on social media playing a role since you hold your phone on your lap right by your belly? I did find this interesting research: could oxalate issues be contributing to chronic SIBO?
If you can relate to any of the above and you are now wondering if your Wi-Fi exposure could be playing a role, I’d love to hear from you in the comments. Please share your situation and symptoms and your current Wi-Fi and EMF exposure i.e. what are you being exposed to and for how long each day are you using various devices.
How to start mitigating your EMF exposure
I’ll be sharing more in the next few weeks, connecting some of the dots, digging into the research and sharing all the steps you can take to mitigate your EMF exposure. Here are some tips to get you started right now:
- No electric blanket or clock radio next to your bed
- Never have your cell phone on in a moving car (you can use Google maps with your cell phone on airplane mode – just do the search first and then put your phone on airplane mode)
- Always have your cell phone on airplane mode at night (it’s even better to switch it off completely) and when carrying it in your bag or on your person
- Never hold your cell phone to your ear – only ever speak on your cell phone using the speaker or use a hollow-tube headset
- Stop texting/reading social media with your phone on your lap (it’s right by your belly and may be affecting your microbiome)
- Do not allow children to use your cell phone or iPad or similar smart device unless they are on airplane mode.
- Remove Wi-Fi from your home or at least (for starters) switch it off at night
- Get rid of your wireless “toys” like wireless keyboard and mouse (I really didn’t want to get rid of mine)
- Work on your laptop via an external wired keyboard and work on battery mode (charging it when you’re not working)
- Get rid of cordless phones and get a corded phone
Nicolas Pineault is an investigative journalist and is the author of “The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs” (my Amazon link). He is an expert on EMFs and his book is a wealth of knowledge.
I’d love to hear your level of awareness and concerns about the risks of EMFs? And what you currently do to reduce the risk for you and your family? And have you noticed any improvements in health or strange symptoms?
Or are you not concerned?
If you’re a practitioner is this something you discuss with your clients or patients? Have you observed they respond better to your recommendations and heal more quickly?
I do believe that RFs and EMFs create health risks.
I have a close friend, who is an electrical engineer and sick family members who do not.
Would you be willing to send me a scientific study or multiple studies that would educate someone who does not believe that RFs and EMFs are dangerous, that would be convincing i.e. a double blind study that has been replicated.? Thank you.
Lesley Weinstock PA
One topic of discussion in the training has been the issue with family members not being convinced there are issues with EMFs and the common thread is that it’s the females in the household that are the driving force for change, with male members of the family being sceptics.
I’m not sure if this is the case for you but here are a few review papers that may help, especially if the sceptics are males
– Effects of the exposure to mobile phones on male reproduction: a review of the literature https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21799142
– Association between mobile phone use and semen quality: a systemic review and meta-analysis https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24700791
– Effect of long-term exposure of 2.4 GHz radiofrequency radiation emitted from Wi-Fi equipment on testes functions: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24460421
This one covers both the male and female reproductive system: A review on Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and the reproductive system https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5014506/
Feel free to peruse the links to the papers shared in the blog too. Nick’s book “The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs” (on Amazon http://amzn.to/2FASuGq) is heavily referenced too.
I have found the following with nutrition interventions for anxiety and sceptics and feel the same applies to convincing EMF sceptics: 1) some people like to see the research and 2) some people need to hear it from someone else i.e. an expert in the field (so reading a book or watching a webinar) and 3) some people need to experience the benefits first-hand and some need all of the above. Sadly some people can’t be convinced and end up hitting rock bottom and are very sick before they will do anything to get results. We have to plant the seed and support them when they are ready.
I’d love to hear what convinced you that there are health risks and if you’ve benefited by using mitigation approaches?
This had been researched for years by scientist and proven to be dangerous/deathly! I live near power station and brain tumors are everywhere. There are cats dogs and horses dying of tumors. The government has written papers About the dangers of EMF ‘s! Dr. Martin Pall is a wonderful Dr. that has proven environmental issues affecting health. Really, your friend needs to move next to a big power station Since he knows so much!
Hi I totally agree with you that electromagnetic exposure affects our health
From the beginning of mobile phone usage, I have felt burning when using phones, laptops, iPads etc. I would love to do a trial & educate our youth.
Deborah Joy
Www . Joywellbeing.com
Thanks for sharing. Do you no longer use cell phones, laptops, iPads etc or have you found a way to continue to use them by mitigating the harmful effects? By making some of the changes I’ve mentioned or with nutritional support and/or grounding?
I’m so glad you’d like to educate our youth about this – there is clearly not enough awareness. I’m just not clear what you mean by this: “I would love to do a trial”?
Hi again, I am an Advanced holistic Therapist & energy healer using Reiki, Access Consciousness and many other forms of healing. Therefore I am very sensitive to other peoples energy and also EMF’s. An example of this is ….. when I was studying to become a Holistic Therapist many years ago, my client would limp in to my clinic and after healing them, I would limp out….until I realised that I needed to tap into the Universal energy grid and not mine!
If I am often around a lot of gadgets and wifi I feel drowsy, fatigued then develop pressure headaches and insomnia. To prevent these symptoms I must limit my mobile and laptop usage to no more than one hour per day and only 3 hours a week. I cannot hold my mobile to my ear or it overheats, so I have it on speaker instead. I find the google page I need, then go on Aeroplane mode.
To dissipate the negativity at home from the EMF’s, I have many large crystals strategically placed around the house and near gadgets. I switch all plugs off at night and try not to have gadgets in my bedroom. When my sons were going through their phase of playing x box and playstations I noticed the room would get hot and dense energy where they were playing (it felt like I was wading through thick soup). I opened windows and let fresh air in which helped freshen the room and cool it down, feeling less claustrophobic.
I also smudged the house with sage to dispel any EMF or stagnant energy and it always felt better, lighter and airyer straight away.
The winter months are the worst as it is cold & raining outside in the UK for 6 months. Staying in for too long makes me stir crazy as I feel like im slowly disintegrating in a cloud of fatigue. Going outside in nature is the best remedy and walking in a forest or near a lake or mountains is so grounding. When the sun is out, I always do sungazing and draw up some of those positive energies. Every now and then I absolutely feel the need to go into the mountain energy and nature, where any chronic headaches/insomnia disappear immediately, nausea, eye strain and feelings of heaviness too.
To me it is obvious that gadgets & Emf’s have a very big negative effect on our health and are certainly creating illnesses of the future! If you know of any clinical trials that have been done that give evidence of scientific research that EMF’s need limiting I would be very interested. I am currently putting together a wellbeing workshop for teenagers in high schools and would love to spread this warning to our youths. Deb x
Trudy –
thanks for another eye-opening article. You’re correct, many people will not listen unless someone else, a specialist or a book, a TV documentary or news will repeat the same information over.
I have a very similar experience with wi-fi. I try to use Ethernet cables at home but when in public, such as buses, cafes, I do start feeling pressure in my head and strange heat. When very tired (CFS) it becomes almost unbearable but when feeling strong and full of energy, I can handle couple of hours with less problem. Yes – fresh air helps the most! I am also based in the UK, not an easy place to avoid wi-fi and also smart meters are getting installed everywhere. I had to refuse a flat offer as I got immediate headache just viewing the place. There was 16 smart meters installed near by and 15 wi-fi spots from neighbouring flats. The sad thing is most people do not understand… and probably never will.
Is there any harm (EMFs, radiation, etc.) in having an internet cable signal booster added in our basement to improve our internet speed?
Mitigation is not my expertise but if it was me, for starters, I would make sure it has an ethernet connection vs being wireless, and have it switched off at night especially if it’s located under sleeping areas. If there are EMF sensitive individuals in the home, locating it further away may be a better option. Based on what I’m learning about the biological impacts of EMFs (as I’ve covered in the blog) I’d favor the latter.
Such important information, Trudy! Thanks for sharing it. As a nutritionist that works with kids with autism, I find this is a huge concern. Dr. Herbert, et al, wrote a great paper on EMFs and autism. The biochemical changes with EMFs result in many of the underlying issues we see in autism. Thanks for this!!!
Thanks for contributing to the discussion – I’m finding it to be way more of an issue that we can comprehend. It also seems very daunting for many who may be aware but feel overwhelmed with how to deal with it. But we don’t have a choice – we have to!
Dr. Herbert’s 2 papers are excellent and connects many of the dots on underlying mechanisms of autism and the effects of EMFs. I’m sharing the links here for my other blog readers: Autism and EMF? Plausibility of a pathophysiological link – Part I. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24095003 and part 2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24113318
I’m sure you’ve heard that Dr. Klinghardt will not work with parents of children with autism unless they take the drastic EMF elimination and mitigation measures he teaches. He shares some remarkable success stories of recovery from autism.
Yes! I took a class on doing home assessments for clients. I’m not to the point of doing that, and haven’t invested in the equipment yet, but my friend Brian Hoyer is an NTP who does home assessment all over the country. He travels to different areas and schedules a few homes in a few days. We had an assessment done on our home and it was eye opening. WiFi is just the tip of the iceberg. Geopathic stress, magnetic and electrical fields are very disruptive as well. But there is shielding and devices you can actually put in place, with a focus on the bedroom being the most significant since your body’s defenses are down ideally doing repair and regeneration and most affected by all of these fields.
Thanks for sharing. Glad you had your home assessed – I feel each one of us should have it done. And yes reducing bedroom exposure is key!
I love that Brian Hoyer is doing this work. I’m sharing his site here for others who may be interested in learning more http://www.shieldedhealing.com/ It’s a great resource!
I’m still looking into devices and shielding – there are some very promising results (like the huge improvement in MS patients wearing a silver EMF protective hat at night) and some concerns being raised about making sure it’s done properly so as not to make things worse.
My daughter was diagnosed 5 years ago at age 12 with epilepsy (juvenile myoclonic with secondary generalized epilepsy: she suffers tonic/clonic, myoclonic and absence seizures). Her diagnosis was recently updated two intractable epilepsy after having failed multiple aeds and dosage combinations, and has daily seizures since 10/2017 after a brief period of control). She spends an inordinate amount of time on her cell phone daily between school work and Netflix, Pinterest and other apps. After reading your article I am quite concerned and trying to figure out how best to quantify/qualify impact of reducing her exposure?
I am sorry to hear about your daughter and glad you’re willing to look into the very possible contributing effects of wifi and EMFS. Your best bet (other than educating yourself – Nick’s book is an excellent start) is to have a building biologist come and do a home assessment and measure everything. They also check for mold and other toxins in the home. Some families are not ready for the expense of a building biologist expense so getting a meter and doing some preliminary measurements is often enough to convince skeptics there is something to all this.
Here is some research on the connection: Exacerbation of demyelinating syndrome after exposure to wireless modem with public hotspot https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27355805
With someone with epilepsy I’d be cautious about EMF mitigation (i.e. removal of all sources) and go really slow and work with an expert who can provide guidance and key nutritional support. I write about the EMF herxheimer that Dr. Trevor Marshall reports on https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/electrosmog-and-autoimmune-disease-silver-threaded-caps-result-in-improved-symptoms-for-90-of-study-participants/
With epilepsy a ketogenic dietary approach should also always be investigated – The Ketogenic Diet: Uses in Epilepsy and Other Neurologic Illnesses https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2898565/
Hi Trudy,
Alan Maher makes products that have helped a lot of people, including the autistic community. I’d love to see his work be more well-known: https://www.alanmaherdesigns.net/.
Hope it’s helpful.
Thanks for sharing this resource, His products are new to me and I look forward to checking them out. I’d love to hear what you have used/do use and how it helps you and your family? I’d also love to know if he has done independent testing.
That’s a good question about independent testing. I don’t know the answer. He makes a large array of products (more available on his FB page than his website) and I use the pocket ground and inserts -both for wifi/cell phone etc. The pocket ground can do all sorts of other things though, like relieve bruising and pain- it’s interesting!
Trudy, you said this:
“If you can relate to any of the above and you are now wondering if your Wi-Fi exposure could be playing a role, I’d love to hear from you in the comments. Please share your situation and symptoms and your current Wi-Fi and EMF exposure i.e. what are you being exposed to and for how long each day are you using various devices.”
I am sorry, but nobody is wondering if their Wi Fi exposure COULD be playing a role, when in fact IT IS. I think you should go and read military medical research from as far back as 1950 and you will find out that exposure to microwave non-ionised radiation causes neurasthenic symptoms, which are the “Herxheimer reaction” you talk about, as the symptoms are the same. They also cause neurological, cardiovascular and haemodynamic disorders. They cause cancer, and are classified “2B Carcinogenic”.
The reason why so many people suffer from the exposures to microwave non-ionised radiation (RFR) and electrical fields (ELF) because they are being conned by the governments and telecom companies saying that all the wireless and electrical devices, appliances, tools and equipments are within safety regulations. The reason why they say that is because they raised the safeguards from 100mG to 1,000-2000mG, making anything cheap and nasty within safety regulations, that appears to make them harmless.
As for Nick and his book, I helped him with some information and he was to send his book to me for a critique, which he hasn’t and by the information you have posted in most of your articles you lack much understanding and knowledge of the dangers of RFR and ELF. Please speak to me and I will teach you. I am an 81 year old, ex-military veteran communications officer. Do you know Barrie Trower? I think you should view some of his videos.
You do need to read all the documents on http://www.orsaa.org
Thanks for contributing to the discussion and sharing this additional resource.
Per my other comment –
I’m very aware of the dangers of wireless technology today and in no way do I claim to be an expert. I’m surprised you feel I’m not aware of the dangers. It’s because of my concerns that I’m sharing studies like this, Nick’s book as a resource and tips to reduce and ideally eliminate wifi.
Many people have no idea of the dangers and harmful effects to their health, and some people have limited knowledge, so I’m posing the question to get folks wondering and thinking about it. So many people feel there is nothing they can do when – as you know – there is much we can do.
Hi Trudy, have been reading through your site, could you please refer you clients to the experts who know all about protection from microwave non-ionised radiation and electrical fields. Your suggestions are reasonable and your health protocol is good, but sadly you know nothing about he dangers of wireless technology today, and the dangers that cause many neurological, cardiovascular and haemodynamic disorders.
If you don’t know something then ask me as I am an ex-military microwave expert.
I’m very aware of the dangers of wireless technology today and in no way do I claim to be an expert. I’m surprised you feel I’m not aware of the dangers. It’s because of my concerns that I’m sharing studies like this, Nick’s book as a resource and tips to reduce and ideally eliminate wifi.
Yes Trudy, I am aware that you are concerned, but you are feeding misinformation, as it’s much more dangerous that what you are putting across. 5G is going to be a killer. I could go right through your posting and the comments that you make from your personal beliefs to mothers of their children and their unborn is a bit hairy. No wireless radiation should be anywhere near a child or the unborn. No laptops, no DECT phone, no mobile phone. I have seen far too many pregnant women sitting on a bench with the laptop on their pregnant belly. And the radiation from the laptop will have an effect on the unborn. Since the use of wireless technology over the past 30 years—autism and cerebral palsy has increased by 300%.
I’m very much aware of the dangers and feel just as horrified seeing electronic devices around moms-to-be and mom’s holding babies. I agree that 5G is very very serious but just like with anything some people are way more susceptible to toxins and environmental impacts. An example is gluten – for some it’s nothing, for others its digestive issues, for others it’s panic attacks, for others it plays a huge role in autism. As bad as WiFi is, for certain people it’s much more serious than it is for others.
Does this EMF bracelet really help?
EMF Protection Anti Radiation Bracelet 4 in 1 (Pendant Bonus). Negative Ions, Germanium, Far Infrared and Neodymium Magnet. Arthritis Pain.Carpal Tunnel.Immunity.Migraines I am not sensitive but would like to purchase this is it helps with EMF. Problem is, not sure if it is for real. Supposed to have same chip as what protects computers. I am not a computer —
Thank you
Please share a link or company name
Sorry, but non of those so-called anti-radiation, anti-EMF bracelets, pendants, shields or any form of new age gizmo or gimmick will shield you from wireless radiation and electrical fields or change the harmonics into a safe field. Sorry, don’t waste your money and speak to an expert in the protection for wireless radiation and electrical fields.
George is correct in that there is no research showing that EMF-blocking devices work. However, based on feedback from colleagues and moms/grandmothers there is some anecdotal evidence that some of the harmonizing devices may help reduce sensitivity in some folks. One grandmother reported that her EHS grandson of 3 does much better wearing an anklet and has a meltdown when it’s removed. But even with these, there is no research showing that the biological damage is being prevented. Right now I recommend reducing exposure dramatically until we have concrete evidence.
Have you bought a new appliance recently. It is seemingly impossible to purchase a slide in oven that is not Bluetooth. Refrigerators still have a choice. Apparently one can buy a Bluetooth washer now too. Why? And what are the ramifications for our health going to be?
Katie – I have not but I suspect there will eventually be enough demand from enlightened EMF folks that they will have to bring back the “old” types
Katie, it’s an agenda of power and control, which was formed as far back as 1967. What is happening they are trying produce a new human species, as all radiation affects the DNA that will change and in two generations they will be able to withstand the electrosmog that most can’t endure these days. I would say that there are 500M around the world who suffer from exposure to wireless radiation.
All devices, appliances, tools and equipments will have Wi Fi/Bluetooth transmitters in them.
Electricity is just as bad as wireless.
i have had many health problems over the last 25 years but nothing was worse than when they installed smart meters on gas and electricity. i live close to an airport and wonder if that plays into all of this as well. after getting those smart meters i started becoming allergic to cell phones wifi and dirty electricity. it has been a nightmare and sense removing our smart meters and demanding analog meters it has helped but i am still affected by my neighbors wifi and probably their smart meters too. I FEEL BETTER WHEN ALL POWER IS OUT ON OUR BLOCK! IT IS A TRUE NIGHTMARE! with the telecommunications act of 1996 makes me sick to my stomach because they are protecting cell phone company WELL WHAT ABOUT OUR HEALTH AND OUR CHILDREN! my youngest son was born in 1996 with autism which i think was because we lived in a townhome and out bedrooms were upstairs way too close to the electrical wires and a transformer. now because of emf toxins glyphosate pesticides antibiotics more and more are being born autistic. it is proven that emf is a toxin and when your pregnant all the toxins you intake goes to your baby it is a way for the body to protect the mother. it all makes me sick! i also have mthfr gene mutation which doesnt help matters. well hope this helps others God bless u all