If you had anxiety, felt hugely stressed and were having panic attacks would you consider using tyrosine to help calm you? It’s not the first approach I use with a client as I typically want to calm things down first by addressing the low serotonin symptoms of anxiety (such as worry, overwhelm, insomnia and panic attacks) and the low GABA physical symptoms of anxiety (physical tension, stiff and tense muscles, overwhelm and panic attacks).
However, for some individuals addressing low catecholamines with tyrosine is the best approach to take, even if it feels counter-intuitive. Since everyone is different using the trial method is the best way to figure out what you need.
Here is another success story from someone using tyrosine, as shared in the comments on a recent blog post on tyrosine:
Tyrosine for anxiety has done wonders for me! I have tried GABA and Tryptophan. The GABA seemed to take the edge off a little when panic attacks occurred but wasn’t keeping anxiety from occurring.
I have been under tremendous pressure at work. The internal stress has been overwhelming! I haven’t been able to remember anything, even things I’ve done for years! I am in the process of learning new software at work. In the very first class my mind just went blank. The more I tried to focus the more stressed I became. All I could do was sit and stare at my screen while the rest of the class moved forward.
In short order I developed a migraine and panic. The internal pressure felt as if someone was wringing out my brain like one would do to a wash rag! I had to leave the class earlier. From this point on I was struggling to even do my job as I have done the last few years. Every time I tried to think I’d immediately become overwhelmed and shut down. I felt like crying most of the time from the sheer force of the internal pressure (this is embarrassing to admit as I’m someone with a competitive career). This stress just completely shut down my ability to learn and problem solve.
So, I decided to start some tyrosine. I was hesitant because I have heard it can cause panic attacks and I definitely don’t need more of those! I bought some powder and took 400mg on an empty stomach about 30 minutes before breakfast. WOW!!! Within an hour the stress just melted away!
I wasn’t stressed on my way to work either which normally I am. I was able to sit down and think thru my problems without feeling overwhelmed at all. Also, I was communicating with people much more easily. I noticed better eye-contact. I seemed less concerned of anyone’s opinions too.
I take another 400mg 30 minutes before lunch. I simply cannot believe how much better I am doing!
Just a few weeks prior I was telling my wife that I may need to start thinking about starting the process for disability because I simply could not function well enough to do my job.
I’d also add that the stress from the anxiety was so bad I felt like I had the flu for a few weeks. This also has dissipated since starting the tyrosine.
It’s still early in this experiment but I am hopeful for once. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING has worked so well so fast for me than tyrosine. It’s the closest thing to a miracle I’ve ever experienced. A night and day experience!
What wonderful results! I’m thrilled to hear about his “miracle” and that he’s doing so much better, that he has hope and that the stress from the anxiety has dissipated!
What approach to follow if you can relate to this situation
Of course, I thanked him for sharing his success story with tyrosine and added my response for other blog readers who may relate to this situation and may consider a trial of tyrosine as a first step when anxiety is an issue.
I still stand by my advice to start with GABA and tryptophan when you have anxiety whether it’s the low serotonin-type anxiety (worry in the head) or the low GABA-type anxiety (physical anxiety). I always have clients start by addressing these deficiencies first before adding tyrosine for the low catecholamine symptoms because tyrosine is too stimulating for many and can increase anxiety and insomnia (and may also cause a panic attack).
With the majority of the anxious clients that I’ve worked with, the order of doing trials is as follows: tryptophan or GABA first and then tyrosine.
Addressing his low catecholamine symptoms was what he needed
For this gentleman, clearly GABA and tryptophan support was not what he needed or was not enough to ease his anxiety. Addressing his low catecholamine symptoms was what he needed to do.
In case you’re wondering how he’s doing now – I reached out to him and he reports he’s still taking tyrosine and is still doing great!
He is the third person that I know of who has experienced these types of results with tyrosine so I expect there are others who could benefit too – which is why I decided to share his story.
Increased anxiety because of lack of focus and low motivation
Here is another similar story from a prior client of mine. She had terrible anxiety, and we trialed both GABA and tryptophan. While she did get some benefits with both it just wasn’t enough.
She was sleeping better but still felt so stressed and anxious when preparing for an important meeting at work which she was in charge of running. The anxiety also seemed to get worse during the meetings. She did also score high on the low catecholamines section on the amino acid questionnaire (poor focus, low motivation, fatigue, ADHD, depression) but were working on the low serotonin and low GABA types of anxiety before addressing poor focus and low motivation.
It turned out that her anxiety escalated around her work meetings because of her lack of focus and low motivation – she was pushing herself to get through them. Once she added tyrosine her anxiety was under control. In this instance tyrosine actually helped ease the anxiety because her ADHD symptoms diminished and her motivation and drive improved!
This is what biochemically individuality is all about and how we all have our own unique needs. And is why I love the trial-method for determining which amino acid is best for your own unique needs.
Here are some related blog posts that you may find helpful:
- Amino Acids Mood Questionnaire from The Antianxiety Food Solution
- How to do an amino acid trial for anxiety
- Tyrosine for focus, motivation, energy, a good mood and possibly even anxiety
Do let us know if you have experienced less anxiety and a sense of calm focus when taking tyrosine?
Are these amino acids helpful for low serotonin due to Sibo ?
Should you wait until Sibo is resolved
I am feeling anxious and depressed now
Low GABA and low serotonin are common with SIBO. I have my clients use the amino acids to help with the related anxiety and depression while they are trying to resolve the SIBO. I discuss some of this in my interview on the IBS & SIBO summit that starts this week – more here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/gaba-reduces-the-visceral-pain-of-ibs-sibo-eases-anxiety-and-helps-with-insomnia/
Hi Trudy,
my mom has been having IBS with diarrhea for several weeks now and I feel it is associated with her anxiety.
I asked her to try the FODMAP diet and digestive enzymes, but I know her symptoms stem from her stress and anxiety related to family issues. Her friend is suggesting Lexapro, but I would rather she try the natural route before medication. I think she would benefit with trying the Tyrosine. What is the dosage?
I have my clients do the amino acid questionnaire and we trial either GABA, tryptophan or tyrosine based on how they score. As I mention here when someone has stress and anxiety I typically start with either GABA or tryptophan. We determine the dose based on the trial and very sensitive folks start super low, others start higher.
I would not recommend you have your mom trial any of these until you’re well-read on the topic of using the amino acids and how they work. My book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” has an entire chapter on the topic.
I also discuss some of this in my interview on the IBS & SIBO summit that starts this week – more here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/gaba-reduces-the-visceral-pain-of-ibs-sibo-eases-anxiety-and-helps-with-insomnia/ – low GABA and low serotonin is common with IBS/SIBO
With IBS with diarrhea, I’d also look at diet (low FODMAPS is one of them) and testing for SIBO, plus consider parasites and dysbiosis.
Thanks for that helpful article.
Hi Trudy
I hope you can help me with my 9 year old daughter. She is having intrusive thoughts (mainly around killing herself) constantly for the last 10 weeks since we moved house, not far from our old house. She knows these thoughts are not what she thinks and I have no concerns that she would act on them.
In many ways she is a happy and capable girl, but her response to anxiety is extreme. She also tends to go OCD about hygiene when very stressed ( she had a very scary teacher last year and we moved her to a new school).
I know she shows signs of zinc deficiency (rough skin on arms despite high omega 3 supplements). My husband and older daughter have pyroluria, but this daughter doesn’t have all the symptoms and has good dream recall. My husband is naturally physicallying stressed and has been transformed by GABA calm….Thank you. He can also have phases of intrusive thoughts. I have given GABA calm to my 9 year old and she says it helps a little.
I am prone to weepiness about anything… eg anything sad/ happy on TV! Is that catacholamines? She is also quick to cry.
Half the family has significant gluten issues so she went gluten free 2 weeks ago.
I know that emotionally things will settle down and she quickly makes new friends. As I said, she is generally doing well. We are a stable, loving family. No more house moves from now on etc…. But the thoughts are starting to be embedded and she is now focusing on them as the main stressor…
With our family backgrounds I want to explore the nutritional fundamentals before taking her to a therapist to focus on techniques re the thoughts.
Thanks for any advice!
I think you might consider hidden mold exposure from the new house as a possible culprit in your daughter’s suicidal thoughts. Mold can hide behind drywall or under flooring or in air ducts. Even when mold is remediated, its endotoxins can persist in the environment. II had suicidal thoughts when exposed to mold and its endotoxins. Moving, along with infrared saunas, activated charcoal and glutathione gave me my joy and my life back. See the work of Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker.
Hi Amy
That is really helpful. I am looking into various things with my daughter, but I’d never thought of mould. The house was built in 1860s. We recently meet the previous tennants and the daughter blurted out that she thought the house was haunted (her Dad quickly hushed her up). I know wonder if she had also had intrusive thoughts in the house.
I’ll try to find out how to get he house tested. I’ll read the info on Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker’s website.
She definitely had anxiety tendencies before moving here, but never intrusive thoughts….
Thanks again, I am glad that you have recovered…
I urge you to take your daughter’s “intrusive thoughts (mainly around killing herself)” very seriously even if as you say she “knows these thoughts are not what she thinks.” Sadly too many people act of these thoughts and take their own lives and family members are surprised and shocked.
This is very serious and I need to be very direct here. I would not be asking for help for her via a blog comment but would seek help from someone who can do a thorough risk assessment and make sure there is a plan in place for when she has thoughts like this.
Once this is in place you can work with someone who can look at all the dietary/nutritional and biological factors that may be a root cause. I look at the effects of gluten, low serotonin and all medications (such as accutane, antibiotics and miralax etc), hormones etc. I write about some of this here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/kate-spade-suicide-hormonal-imbalance-antidepressants-as-a-trigger-and-the-stigma-of-mental-health/
Hey there I suffered with this too. I had Pure O OCD or self – harm OCD. If she still has these thoughts look into this right away really helped me and God healed Me through it and will for her too in Christ’s name. I’m learning toxic mold can be a cause of these OCD issues.
Are there any contraindications with using tyrosine with sertraline?
I am not aware of any issues with using tyrosine with sertraline/Zoloft. I have my clients let their prescribing doctor know they plan to do a trial and make sure they are informed about how to use amino acids and what to watch for when it comes to adverse effects
I’ve had great results with Tyrosine also. When I first started taking amino acids for anxiety, insomnia and depression, I found that across the board, I needed to take all of them. But quickly, GABA began to cause me serious anxiety and it would bring on panic attacks, so I had to decrease it. I don’t seem to need it any more except on rare occasions. But tyrosine was a Godsend! It has cleared up my problems with focusing dramatically. Before tyrosine I would start to do one task only to completely forget that task and start another 1-2 minutes later and I would go in circles being busy, but not actually getting anything done. Before tyrosine I was also depressed with a kind of very sad apathy. I would get so overwhelmed that I would freak out. The tyrosine has cleared these symptoms up, too. So, I am a big believer in the benefits of tyrosine. It’s not for everyone, but you have to look at what symptoms you are having. Sadly it is hard to find in health food stores. Hardly anyone seems to know it’s benefits.
Glad to hear you’re seeing the benefits of tyrosine for your lack of focus/overwhelm and apathy/depression but surprised it’s not in health stores. My online supplement store has some good brands https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/amino-acids-pyroluria-supplements/
Regarding GABA causing anxiety and panic attacks – too much GABA (as with all the amino acids) can cause an opposite effect. I’m curious how much you were using – I have clients start with 125mg and increase from there
Ah yes. I just looked at the bottle of GABA powder that I have. It is 750 mg. for 1/4 teaspoon. I was actually taking 1/8 teaspoon. It makes me anxious and causes me to flush at that dose. So it looks like this is a much higher dose than you recommend to start. I will check out what you have in your online store. Thanks.
P.S. I have sprinkled the tiniest amount on my nervous kitty’s food and it has made her much calmer.
Some people do well on less than 125mg too – if someone is sensitive we start super low
Love to hear the nervous kitty feedback
Hi Monica
I’m not sure which country you live in, but if not USA then it may be best to buy online to get tyrosine. I’m in Australia and I find the range and availability of supplements to be a bit limited here (and expensive).
I use iherb and here is a good brand of tyrosine at a good price:
iherb also has very cheap shipping costs
Thanks Natalie. I love the Jarrow brand of supplements.
Trudy, do you think people may be consuming inadequate protein for their needs? When you see clients, do you track their dietary intake and recommend higher …. what amount do you suggest? I have wondered about this for myself, having noticed that I feel all round better after several days of eating higher protein meals … 80g daily intake. I do respond well to Tyrosine 350 mg once or twice daily. It helps when I am fatigued and it helps when I am stressed and lacking focus. Without it, I crave coffee specifically (not tea or chocolate). Since we have a coffee shop on every corner, I think there is something going on here around catecholamines and/or thyroid issues.
I really appreciate your newsletter, Trudy. Such interesting case studies and insights. Thank you.
Yes diet is always a factor we discuss and inadequate protein is common. There is research showing animal protein (good quality of course) of 25g/4oz/palm size per meal is best for mental health support and I see this with my clients. Protein digestion is key too – so good Hcl and zinc and important too, as is addressing dysbiosis/the microbiome, candida, leaky gut, food sensitivities, parasites etc which can all impact digestion.
Glad to hear you notice you feel better with adequate protein and that tyrosine helps your focus, stress and fatigue. And yes so many self-medicate with the drug called coffee – yes it’s a drug!
Hi Trudy
Thank you so much for your concern and advice. Actually, I am a children’s therapist (Play Therapy) and she is never on her own, so the immediate risk is lowered. We are in UK and child mental health services are inadequate and medication driven. I have been using cognitive behaviour therapy techniques with her, but since we feel this issue has become embedded we will be seeing a child CBT specialist privately. She returns to school next week and I will alert her teacher/ head teacher who can access guidance from psychology services too.
I know my husband and I both have various issues that have responded to nutrition intervention and your book has been very useful, especially re pyroluria. My older daughter has radically changed since treating her pyroluria.
I was struck by the comment from one of the replies regarding mould. The house we are renting is from 1860. I met the previous tennants recently and their daughter hinted that she thought the house was haunted. I wondered if she had also developed intrusive thoughts since moving-in. Happily, we will be easily able to move to a different house should mould be found.
Thanks again
I’m really glad you have a risk plan in place.
Mold is a big issue for many and a big clue is if symptoms got worse since moving into the new place. And in one household, some people may be susceptible to mold and other not (it depends if you have the mold gene). Dr. Carnahan discussed mold in this Anxiety Summit interview https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/anxiety-summit-toxic-mold-anxiety/
So pleased to hear my book and nutrition intervention has been so useful for you, your husband and older daughter!
Thank you so much for your response
Another question I have regarding Sibo diet is the low carbs
I also have Candida
I feel these diets are making me
So difficult to deal with
How to feel sain while healing?
Marie Mio, I have been struggling with severe Candida since early 2005. I have a fungal rash that no doctor has been able to cure. But I have been watching YouTube videos about candida and fungal rashes disappearing after going on a Fat Free diet. It’s not something you have to do forever. You do it until your body comes into balance. I am in week 3 now on a very low fat diet. The only fat in my diet comes from nuts and seeds. And I can attest that this works! Forget the coconut oil thing for candida. It just made my fungal rash horrid. But it is now clearing up with on this fat free diet (virtually fat free). Finally something is working! Look into this. It really works. And my vaginal yeast issues are clearing up, too!
Thanks for sharing this interesting approach that has helped you. It’s not an approach I’m familiar with and I’m curious which practitioner recommends it? Until I know more and the rationale it’s not an approach I’d recommend
Also, keep in mind that there is no one-size fits all
Hi Trudy. While I have great respect for doctors because they know how to diagnose and can save lives, I know for a fact that most doctors do not know much about nutrition unless they have taken an interest on their own. I have two cousins and a sister who all graduated from different medical schools. All three of them…yes, all of them! have told me that they spent exactly 1 day studying nutrition in medical school. My sister says there was exactly 30 minutes spent in her medical school lecture on nutrition; not a semester mind you. That’s all. Thirty minutes. So I don’t expect doctors to understand nutrition. And of course you yourself are not a doctor. But I believe that it doesn’t take a doctor to find cures. We “lay people” are having an ever increasing amount of influence in health. As you have shown here in your own testimonial. We are finding our own answers. And there is nothing harmful about going fat free for a few weeks. But here is some research data about fat feeding candida: https://www.nature.com/news/2001/010705/full/news010705-10.html
Yes for some too low carbs can be an issue and having a day each week with some carbs can help
Hi Trudy
Tyrosine is the only amino acid I’ve found that has an effect on me. I’ve tried tryptophan and GABA (from micro to aboslutely mega doses).
I have Generalized anxiety disorder (lifelong) and my psychiatrist says I also have mild aspergers/autism.
Tyrosine helps me ‘socialise’ so I am am less scared of people and so not as anxious around people. It only takes the edge off the people anxiety but deifnitely does help. It has no effect on my anxiety over non-people things.
I’m wondering if I take more, if it may have more of an effect. Is there an upper limit on the dose that you would reccommend? I am currently taking 1.5g in the morning.
Thanks for sharing how tyrosine helps you! It’s good to hear it helps you be less scared of people. I always have my clients go up on what is working until they find their ideal dose. I also have them use tyrosine throughout the day between meals/away from protein to get a consistent dose.
Looking into pyroluria may help too
Regarding tryptophan and GABA, I’d love to hear which brands, how much (how low and how high) and if they were used sublingually as these can always make a difference. Also tryptophan works best from midafternoon onwards and GABA is best used throughout the day away from protein.
Hi Trudy
Thanks for your interest. I have mentioned before on your blogs (I’m thinking we all need a profile!), that I’ve tried from a ‘pinch’ up to 1200mg of GABA under the tongue. This brand:
I opened the capsules and put the powder under my tongue. I did try at various times of the day and separate from meals.
The tryptophan was a while ago so I don’t remember the brand
Re pyroluria, I do take zinc and B6 and have had my zinc and copper levels measured and they are OK
I may have to try this – which product do you recommend Trudy and will it not cause issues like tryptophan does for those of us with slow COMT and MAOA SNP’s?
I list my favorite products here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/amino-acids-pyroluria-supplements/ The best way to figure out if it will work is to do the questionnaire and do a trial
Wow, just like Tryptophan, I need to stay away from Tyrosine big time! I tried some on Sunday, 1000mg in the morning on an empty stomach, my mood lifted and the day went well but by 5pm I was slipping into the deepest suicidal depression. Went to have an Epsom Salt bath which made everything even worse – not sure why? Was desperate to call someone to come and save me from this ‘terror’.
Clearly due to my slow COMT and MAOA snps, too much serotonin built up and couldn’t get broken down and as we have learned, too much serotonin can also cause deep depressed episodes. I took loads of Vitamin C, and Niacin and the clouds lifted. Will donate my mostly unused bottle of Tyrosine to someone who has fast COMT and MAOA snps and who struggles with low dopamine issues… :-). We live and learn. It seems like the only Amino Acids that work for me are DPA and GABA.
Any thoughts Trudy…?
Sorry to hear you went through that reaction. It’s the first time I’ve heard of something so severe in response to tyrosine. I will say that 1000mg is a high dose to start with. 500mg is a typical starting dose and when someone has had issues with amino acids in the past I’d start even lower (around 100mg). And yes too much of any of the amino acids can cause an opposite effect but it’s typically felt within the hour so the 8-9 hour delay is also unusual.
Thanks for this Trudy – think I’ll stay away from Tyrosine, I get a little in GABA Calm lozenges on the odd occasion I take them which is probably a low enough dose to not cause an issue.
I gave our cats L-Tyrosine after one came home from the vet with a cold (sneezing).
Is L-Tyrosine the same as Tyrosine?
Can you recommend a brand? I went to Amazon, but there are so many to choose from!
Yes tyrosine is l-tyrosine and I have yet to hear of an application like this – for a cat sneezing! Did it help? and I’m curious why you used this?
I list my favorite products here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/amino-acids-pyroluria-supplements/ and details of how to purchase professional grade products from my online store
Yes, it helped all six of our rescue cats and that the one who was sneezing stopped and none of the others got sick.
We gave it to them because that’s what our vet told us to give them. We crushed it up in different meat choices so they’d consume it.
I hadn’t heard of it until the vet, and then I saw it in your article!
Thank you for the product recommendations!!!
I suffered from Postpartum Depression and Anxiety after the birth of my daughter. I went 3 1/2 years through the depression until an antidepressant helped clear up my depression. I still suffer from anxiety after 12 years and foggy thinking. Sometimes I have the feeling of detachment which causes panic attacks. I was told it was derealization or depersonalization – I would like some help… I’m so tired of not getting the right help and push back into the same corner again with no solution. One doctor wanted to charge 4,000 to get check my hormone levels, start a detox and supplements. Thank you so much –
Trudy you are a God send! I stumbled upon your work after following Julia Ross. I have depression and anxiety. I’m currently taking 1000 mg tyrosine 2x daily, l-glutamine 500mg morning, 1000 mid morning & afternoon. 50 mg 5htp afternoon & 1500mg tryptophan at night. 3x Endpophigen daily. After trialing this seems to be the right combo. I always get confused when is it time to discontinue supplements? Do you stop or slowly reduce or taper? Does the”right” dose ever change. I’ve been on this combo about 2 months. I’ve felt great but some anxiety/panic creeping back up….wondering if supplements need a tweak or just result of some stressful life events.
Advice appreciated!
Thanks for the kind words. Glad to hear you trialed to find the correct amount. Some people choose to stop everything at once but I prefer to slowly lower the amount one by one and add back if symptoms come back. They don’t need to be “tapered” but this way it helps with original symptoms going back to really bad in one big swoop. And yes the “right dose” can change based on hormonal changes like PMS/perimenopause, something causing leaky gut like accidental exposure to gluten, antibiotics (affecting the microbiome and serotonin/GABA levels), starting on the pill (depletes zinc and B6 and hence serotonin), adding in a new healthy food like collagen/gelatin (for some this lowers serotonin), running a marathon (it likely depletes zinc and ramps up cortisol) and yes stress too (especially if pyroluria is a factor – stress leads you to dump zinc and B6 affecting serotonin production)
This is a great question many people ask so I’m going to share it as a blog with links to blog post of many of the above reasons. I’ll share a link here.
Before I do that I’d love to hear how you felt before and how each of these amino acids have helped you?
Just to clarify on the above the Endophogien is 1 pill 3 x daily. Previously I was using DLPA but your recommended Endphogien was so much better & less stimulating.
Glad to hear Amy!
I had some specialized testing done awhile back and it showed that I should not be taking tryptophan but that 5-HTP is a better choice (because of some “pathway” problems with tryptophan) as I recall. Am doing much better on the 5-HTP.
Interesting study on tyrosine and 5-HTP and ADHD.
Dear Trudy!
Thank you for your great talk on “Fix for female hormones” summit.
I really appreciate your input in research and knowledge you shared. I have a question. After taking your test “Amino Acids Mood Questionnaire from The Antianxiety Food Solution” I have all symptoms for “Low Catecholamines”. I’m 33 years old and have low thyroid function, every morning for 2 years I’m taking L-Thyroxin 50mg. Blood tests for T4 and T3 are good for 1,5 years already but antibodies still there. And I still experience all symptoms for Low Catecholamines. Would you recommend to try to add little dosage of Tyrosine. Can I use them together Thyroxin and Tyrosine?
As I read your blog pots and peoples experiences, it sounds like the best option for me.
I really would like to quit these chemical tablets but my endocronologist says I will need to take them for rest of my life.
Thank you in advance for your reply!
I can’t give you specific feedback as you’re not a client and I don’t know your entire health history but I can share that many clients with elevated antibodies and on thyroid meds do very well on tyrosine when they have low catecholamine symptoms. When using an amino acid it’s important to be aware of the precautions and use the trial method to figure out the dose. I recommend reading my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” and being an informed consumer.
Also with dietary and gut/liver changes plus selenium we are often able to lower thyroid antibodies – and that should always be the goal. many can get off or substantially lower medications too. Check out the work of my colleague Izabella Wentz https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/hashimotos-protocol-izabella-wentz/
Dear Trudy!
Thank you very much for your answer. I ordered your book and Hashimoto’s Protocol.
WIll try Tyrosine slowly and changing dosages. Thank you!
Just reading that you have a book in german. Will share it with friends in Germany.
Lots of luck to you in your great work and research,
Thanks for sharing my new German book. All the best in your health journey
Thank you Trudy. Combining taking suppliments with regular meditation practice and changing attitudes to different life circumstances. I use Aktavio Lioss music as an instrument to balance my inner energies, it really helps as well.
Have a good week!
Thanks for your response. I used the aminos to treat what used to be referred to as “atypical” depression: loss of motivation, tiredness, lethargic, intense carb craving, feelings of guilt & hopelessness. I would become paralyzed with depression, barely able to get through the days. When I was younger I treated these episodes with antidepressants but as I got older could no longer tolerate the side effects. I’m also still on birth control pills at the age of 46 and believe I may be in perimenopause but can’t stop the pills for medical reasons. Tyrosine gave me my energy back, glutamate cut the carb cravings. DPA & True Calm work wonders for my anxiety. I was taking 50 mg of 5htp in the afternoon but stopped and only take tryptophan at night. I’m down to 500 mg tyrosine morning, 500mg glutamine mid morning, DPA 500 mg morning & afternoon. 1000 tryptophan night with true calm. I watch my sugar intake & always consume lots of animal protein. I’m so grateful for this solution.
I recently put my 13 year old daughter on 100 mg extended release 5htp for depression & suicidal ideation after her pediatrician suggested Prozac! Within 10 days she was a new girl! Amazing. She recently started to complain about headaches & I’m thinking it’s a sign to lower the 5htp. Unfortunately no one makes extended release in a lower dosage and she responds so well. I’m thinking of giving it to her every other day. Do you think that would work? Is it dangerous to stay on 5htp too long? I’m looking forward to the link you mentioned above. I hope my “story“ is helpful. Keep doing this important work! I work in the behavior Health field. My colleagues think this is radical thinking & continue to only support the medical model. I’ve done a lot of my own research and trial and error. I wish there were more open minded clinicians.
Hi Amy
To address your original question… I find it better to lower the amount of one amino acid at a time – kind of reverse of the trialing method you use when starting the amino acids. Also, when someone mentions the anxiety/panic creeping back up, I would have expected them to increase some of the calming amino acids.
As mentioned here is the blog post – thanks again for asking these questions and allowing me to share your “story” https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/using-amino-acids-for-anxiety-and-depression-does-the-right-dose-ever-change-or-need-a-tweak/
There are links to some of the factors I listed plus the possible BCP connection.
Glad to hear your daughter has done so well. I seldom use extended release 5-HTP so regular could be trialed or even tryptophan. I’d also consider extended release broken in half (but likely less effective) or every 2nd day (also likely not as effective)
Since I work with clinical psychopharmacology, I see two problems with treating anxiety with GABA and tryptophan. Tryptophan can be effective in some cases, but got side effects due to the fact that it helps the brain produce more serotonin. It will be the same side effects as for SSRI/SNRI and other serotonin active drugs. What’s even more problematic is that many with anxiety and depression are consumers of SSRI/SNRI, and the combination with tryptophan can be potentially dangerous – in worst case severe, even fatal serotonin syndrome. And tryptophan alone – in high doses can give the same problem!
GABA is a bad choice due to the fact that the molecules are to large to penetrate the brain barrier. There is some evidence that it can pass trough if it at the same time is stimulated by an GABA-modulator like bensodiazepines, pregabalin, gabapentin. Then one can ask, why bother it with GABA?
Taurine and tyrosine is much better choice. Taurine is effective more general, and safe to use. Doses upp to 3 gram per day is considered safe to use under a whole life. Tyrosine is proven to have effect in persons with high stress and anxiety levels, but in normal state it don’t have any positive (or negative) effect. Some studies claim that it can help long term memory, especially memory due to multitasking, but not problem solving or any other cognitive effect.
There is no evidence that people may react with panic attacks or anxiety in general with tyrosine – it’s the opposite, the only one who benefit from it is people who already are in high stress or anxious states!
And like taurine it’s considered safe. One exception is that patients with thyroid disease may in rare cases have their illness worsened.
I would therefore recommend people with high stress levels or anxiety to use:
Taurine 250-500 mg two or three times a day
Tyrosine 500- 1000 mg two times a day
High dose vitamin B-complex one or two times a day
I appreciate the discussion but I’d love to hear more about the work you do in clinical psychopharmacology and if you’ve had clients/patients use either tryptophan or GABA? I see the amazing results they provide for 1000s and 1000s of individuals and have actually used both myself with success at various times in my life.
Re tryptophan – if someone is on an SSRI/SRNI they work with their doctor to get the ok to use tryptophan 6 hours from their medication. Interestingly there are some studies where tryptophan has been used to enhance the SSRI effect and is given at the same time but I still consider the 6 hour window to be safest. Some of my ND colleagues dose them together with no ill-effects.
GABA does work and right now it’s not clear how it works but I address some of the BBB questions here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/gaba-blood-brain-barrier-trial-anxiety/
I do like taurine and many people do very well on it. Where folks can’t get hold of GABA, I’d recommend taurine.
Re tyrosine – there are a number of folks who cannot use it initially (as it does increase their anxiety) and many who never seem to be able to tolerate it so it’s really case by case.
I am a big fan of a good B-complex for most people
Hi Trudy, I hope you are well.
I tried Tyrosine yesterday, and Wow! what an amaizing effect!
I answered positive to many of the low Cathecolamines symptoms and also trying to break my coffee addction – I take espresso shots throughot the day to get through. So I gave it a try and took 300 mg yesterday at 4pm.
I had more clarity, I could interact with people, I could joke, I started reasoning in a more organized way. I can’t beleive how powerful Tyrosine is. Now I finally understand that my brain fog is a result of low dopamine among other neurotransmitters and me drinking that much coffee is just a symptom of low dopamine and I would not need it otherwise.
Today, thanks to Tyrosine, I’m better equipped to break this addiction, although I’m a bit scared about a few things before I can use it more spontaneously:
1. I could not fall aspeep last night because of Tyrosine, I was awake 3 hours after my regular bedtime. Maybe because i took it in the afternoon and I drank 2 cups of coffee that morning? Coffee never kept me from sleeping.
2. If I’m taking Tyrosine to correct low Dopamine in my brain, don’t you think that the brain will adapt and will be dependant on Tyrosine to create enough Dopamine? What is the real cause behind the brain lacking Dopamine? I took Psychiatric medication in the past and I know they can affect the brain long term; So isn’t it the same about Tyrosine? Using a foreign substance to highjack the brain’s normal working and chemistry and then be dependent on it to produce the right amount? How will the Tyrosine correct this imbalance and help me heal? Do I go back to low levels when I stop it?
3. I have a history of hypothyroidism in my family and I’m afraid that Tyrosine could trigger that for me. I’m healthy now and I eat Gluten/Dairy free. What do you think dear Trudy?
Thank you so much for listening to me
Blessings and Thanks to you for your great work and helping us all
Thanks for coming back and sharing your results – I’m very happy for you
Tyrosine is best used on waking, mid-morning and only mid-afternoon if sleep is not an issue. This is explained in my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” which I recommend everyone reads before using amino acids.
Tyrosine is addressing low levels of catecholamines and working on all the other imbalances and dietary changes (per my book) means it should be a short-term solution with no concerns for dependence. It’s also actually one of the raw materials the thyroid needs and uses.
Hi Trudy,
Thanks for the reply and encouragements!
How long is short term? Could one month be enough in my case? How will the Tyrosine work to correct low cathecolamines as well as other neurotransmitters and have them stay in a balanced chemistry once it leaves the body?
I’m sorry I don’t have access to your book at the moment but I will definetly get it but please help me as much as you can right now, it is so important for me and my loved ones.
Much love and blessings to you and thank you!
Dear Trudy,
What do you think could be the cause for low Dopamine in the first place?
Is it for genetic or lifestyle / dietary reasons? will tyrosine and no more coffee/added sugar/ Gluten/ dairy keep it in the optimal range
Thank you
It can be genes, stress, diet, gluten issues, adrenal issues, toxins, infections, head trauma etc. Ideally diet and lifestyle and addressing root causes should keep it optimal. The goal with tyrosine and the other amino acids is short-term use or used in times of stress
I tried gaba calm and got more anxious and could not sleep. I think it’s the tyrosine that sets my anxiety off. Just don’t know what to do anymore
If a client can’t tolerate tyrosine we use a GABA only product or GABA/theanine product and open up the capsule.
Hi Trudy, your article is very interesting.
I suffer from my anxiety just the whole life, already as kid i was very shy, the school made everything worse. Constantly fear – stress… Now im 27 years and have never seen the world, i cant go anywhere witouth fear, cant take a meal in a Inn witouth shaking and trembling, cant talk to anyone, my panic attacks are unbelievable annoying (loosing voice, heart race, very strong trembling, brain fog)… The only place i can live is infront of my pc.
I tried the trial and error method with Gaba, Tyrosine, Tryptophan, Alpha Gpc for a few days with each suppliment.
But because i have so many symptoms, its very hard to track the difference and placebo- nocebo and peaks does not help.
I tried like that tyrosine tuesday – wednesday, tryptophan thursday – friday, gaba tuesday – wednesday, alpha gpc thursday – friday. On each second day of testing i tried to limit testing and went to a fast food restaurant and took food home. Unluckily it seems like my panic attacks decreased on each day, like that my trial and error failed.
At the moment because of the guess of gaba deficiency i take lemon balm for about 2 weeks 1350mg 3 times a day(3x 450mg). At the beginning it felt like it just works, but this week the symptoms felt worse then last week.
I dont know, can you may help me to find success with all the nootropics(10) i have in meantime ?
I’m sorry to hear you’re living with so much fear. I do trials of each amino acids for up to 2-3 weeks each. Two days is not long enough to assess improvements and increase the dose as needed. Keeping a symptoms/supplements log helps my clients keep track
I would also look into everything else as fast food is likely a big issue too. If you are new to the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here https://www.everywomanover29.com/store/aafsbook.html
Apologies for the delay in your comment approval and my response. We had a computer glitch where a large number of comments were hidden from view in a spam folder. It mostly affected new folks who were commenting for the first time but it’s hopefully resolved now.
Excellent article…May try Tyrosine…I have anxiety and shut down when i am about to start something or my mind overthinks and i shut down with worry…I have problems sleeping…I take a group of things…GABA…Glysine…5 HTP….but still wake at 3am…anyway…I always have GOOD intentions of doing things when a wake in the morning….then it goes down hill…I was not always like this…but got worse with STRESS from work and now i FIGHT myself to actually do something I use to LOVE to do…makes me MAD! I actually am AFRAID just thinking about taking Tyrosine…{Not funny}…I want my life back…life is to short to suffer without knowing HELP is so close…What do you think? I FEAR so much it becomes stupid….I think of doing things and SHUT DOWN with worry…Let me know…Love your articles…
Thanks for your kind words! I can’t offer advice via the blog but can share we need to be careful with tyrosine when someone has sleep issues or anxiety. When I hear “shut down with worry”, “I fear so much” and “afraid of tyrosine” I think low serotonin and we work to optimize 5-HTP dosing or switch to tryptophan if that’s not helping. This helps improve sleep too.
I think this is a great question many others in my community will be able to relate to so I’m going to do a blog post with your question and a longer response. I’ll share the link here when it publishes.
If you are new to the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/the-antianxiety-food-solution-by-trudy-scott/
Here is the blog post – What if overthinking, fear, anxiety and worry (caused by low serotonin) is holding you back instead of low motivation/low dopamine? https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/what-if-overthinking-fear-anxiety-and-worry-caused-by-low-serotonin-is-holding-you-back-instead-of-low-motivation-low-dopamine/
Thanks again for asking the question and hoping this helps. If you feel so inclined we’d love to hear back if any of this resonates with you and how things improve
ALCAR, CDP-Choline, Tryptophan work to eliminate anxiety for me.
Tyrosine makes me feel anxious in my heart and gives me a “speedy” feeling.
Cannot use it.
So, I guess I am low in acetylcholine, GABA, Melatonin? But my dopamine levels seem good.
What do you think? TIA
Tyrosine doesn’t work for everyone and won’t work or will cause adverse effects like this if catecholamines are not low.
My 18 yo son has ADHD-Anxiety Type. We recently discovered L-Tyrosine and after taking it just one time he came home singing the praises about how his usual anxiety triggers weren’t activated at work or in a social setting. He said he felt carefree and wasn’t even worried about getting home on time (not exactly what I wanted to hear, but if he feels good…). He tried GABA one time (100mg) and said it made him extremely emotionally and that he broke into tears a couple time that day…which is not like him at all. I’ve not heard of GABA causing emotional outbursts like this. I asked him to try it again to see if he had the same response. He’s too scared to try it again because the tearfulness was embarrassing to him. Does this response to GABA indicate anything? Should we try again? Try more? Try less? Combine it with something? He have not tried Tryptophan, does that temper the GABA somehow? He takes medication for Ulcerative Colitis (Infliximab) but nothing pharmaceutical for his anxiety.
This is an unusual reaction to GABA and I’d want to know what product, what else was in it, was it gluten-free etc? It’s also possible there may have been a reaction with Infliximab (Psychiatric Adverse Events Associated With Infliximab: A Cohort Study From the French Nationwide Discharge Abstract Database https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphar.2020.00513/full)
If someone does have low GABA symptoms, other options are theanine and pharmaGABA.
His response to tyrosine is wonderful!
I’ve been taking tyrosine daily at a dose of 500 mg for about a month, I didn’t feel any effect until a week ago, I felt agitated and I have trouble with sleep (I can’t sleep, and if I sleep, I wake up several times at night, I feel like I’m not sleeping even though that I have dreams). So I stopped taking tyrosine a week ago and I still feel agitated and have trouble with sleep. Is it possible that tyrosine still works?
This is new to me and I’d suspect something else