Today I’m going to review some tryptophan products for the worry-in-your-head and ruminating type of anxiety, and share some additional resources for you.
The other symptoms we see with low serotonin are: panic attacks and phobias, lack of confidence, depression, negativity, imposter syndrome, PMS, irritability, anger issues, insomnia and afternoon/evening cravings.
This blog covers how to do an amino acid trial and has the low serotonin questionnaire, the precautions and what I mean by targeted individual amino acids.
Lidtke is the only brand of tryptophan that I recommend simply because I see it work so well and because of quality issues with tryptophan in the past. Here are the Lidtke tryptophan products I recommend:
- Lidtke Tryptophan 500mg (this is ideal for doing a targeted trial, opened; it doesn’t taste very good and if a client needs to continue taking it this way we have them mix it with inositol or even glutamine powder)
- Lidtke Tryptophan Complete (see below for when this one may work well)
- Lidtke Chewable Tryptophan (this is also good for doing a trial and if lower doses are better; it’s also wonderful for children)
Here are some additional resources for you:
Anxiety: when to use GABA and tryptophan and how much to use
When you have anxiety it can be confusing trying to figure out the root cause. I like to start by assessing for low GABA and low serotonin because when you address these with targeted individual amino acids you typically see results right away and feel hopeful (and now have time to look for other root causes like gluten issues, high cortisol, gut issues, dietary changes etc).
But there may still be some confusion about when to use GABA and when to use tryptophan and how much of each of these amino acids to use. Read more here.
Tryptophan for PMS: premenstrual dysphoria, mood swings, tension, and irritability
In a study published in 1999, A placebo-controlled clinical trial of L-tryptophan in premenstrual dysphoria, tryptophan was found to reduce symptoms of PMS when used in the luteal phase or second half of the cycle (i.e. after ovulation)
This is very typical when I’m working with someone with PMS and anxiety and other mood symptoms. It typically takes 2 to 3 cycles for an amino acid like tryptophan to have an impact on PMS itself. But it does typically start to work right away on the less severe anxiety and mood symptoms that may also be a factor during the rest of the month. Read more here.
Tryptophan 500mg or Tryptophan Complete (by Lidtke)?
I like to have my clients do a trial of the amino acids so they can find the ideal dose for their needs and right now I still feel this would still be the best approach to take – using 500mg tryptophan. Once you have figured out you do well with tryptophan-only product and have your dose, then consider reducing it slightly after about 2-3 weeks and adding in additional Tryptophan Complete. Read more here.
The blog has many other posts on tryptophan and serotonin and simply use the “search” function to find them.
This blog post is part of the series of amino acid product reviews:
- GABA for low GABA symptoms (physical anxiety)
- Glutamine for calming, intense sugar cravings, gut healing and low blood sugar
- DPA for weepiness, pain and comfort and reward eating
- Tyrosine for focus, motivation, energy, a good mood and possibly even anxiety
The resources in this blog and my other articles are intended to be used in conjunction with my book: The Antianxiety Food Solution – How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood, and End Cravings. If you do not have my book I highly recommend getting it and reading it before jumping in and taking the amino acid supplements:
There is a complete chapter on the amino acids and one for pyroluria, plus information on real whole food, sugar and blood sugar, gluten, digestion and much more.
You can find the tryptophan products and the others I recommend here on this blog: The Antianxiety Food Solution Amino Acid and Pyroluria Supplements
If you have questions please post them below or on the supplements blog
This post comes at the perfect time for me! I have PCOS and experience a lot of anxiety during the luteal phase of my cycle and have severe PMS mood symptoms. I’ve done a lot to change my diet (Paleo now), and have tried different supplementation. Back when I was seeing a naturopath (when I could afford it), we were going to look into tryptophan for me. I was doing inositol and glutamine, which helped as well. Thanks for the info!
Wonderful – please keep us posted on how you do
Hi, I’m working w a specialist to help me get deep restorative sleep. I tried 5htp but it didn’t go well for me. L tryptophan is the next recommended supplement starting at 500mg . Is there info on the pros and cons of this? Is it well tolerated with sensitive individuals?
Hi T
Some people do better with tryptophan and some do better with 5-HTP. I typically start my clients on tryptophan based on a trial of 500mg or less for sensitive folks. I always do a trial as there is no one-size fits all
Also 5-HTP can be stimulating for some especially if cortisol is high.
For sleep we also look at low blood sugar, gluten, SIBO, low GABA, parasites, EMFs, high cortisol and other factors like medication (esp benzodiazepines) side-effects.
I have most if not all that you have expressed my life is a roller coaster ride that dosnt have a stop button im exorsted. Got an orher app with a clinical physiologist in a few weeks im tired of trying to put into words for these people some things just cant b fixed with talk but I have no choices . What is this product
Hi, I am wondering how to supplement for my 8 yo son with selective mutism, highly anxious. His psychologist wants to start him on a low dose SSRI, but I am very worried about side effects. I tried GABA calm, but that seemed to make him worse. I am trying L theanine (relax a saurus by Kal), I can’t tell if helping… do you recommend tryptophan and what dose and brand? And also how to handle administrating at school when his anxiety is the problem…
Btw, he does have food sensitivities and on gluten free, dairy free, organic diet…
Hi Fatima
For anxiety my first approach is GABA and tryptophan because we’ll know very quickly if the anxiety is because of low GABA (physical anxiety) and/or low serotonin (worry in the head). I typically use GABA Calm and always do a trial to find the idea amount (some kids needs just 1/4 of a GABA Calm). If that doesn’t work (for some the tyrosine is an issue) I’d try a GABA-only product.
I’ve had excellent results with a chewable tryptophan for kids – from Lidtke (as mentioned in this blog). Dosing depends on each person, determined via a trial. I have mom’s take a letter to school and so far they have been very helpful in making sure the child gets the supps they need. But this is not an issue for tryptophan though because it’s usually given mid-afternoon and evening.
I also look at pyroluria ( – I’ve seen some connections to this and selective mutism), high cortisol, parasites and everything else that could be the root cause of the anxiety.
May I ask under what circumstances does your son speak and when is he selectively mute? When he is able to talk to you I’d try and have him explain what type of anxiety he feels and when? this helps figure out the underlying cause.
Thank you for replying! Hmm, I will find GABA only to try. I was giving him whole tablet of the GABA calm. I ordered the tryptophan. And, he may have pyroluria, he has a lot of the criteria. So I should try B6 and zinc, or should I have him tested first? Also looks like he doesn’t need omega 3 supplements but an omega 6 instead?
He is selectively mute mainly at school and around new kids in other social situations/park etc. His SM started first day of kindergarten though he has had some anxiety/tantrum moods since baby. He gets very defensive and upset when I ask him about his fears around talking at school. He gets very aggressive when he gets upset/anxious and oppositional behavior. I notice much worse after eating any type of chocolate.
Just checking back to see how your son is doing and if the pyroluria protocol helped with his SM at school and other social situations? And if tryptophan helped his aggression and fears?
Sorry about not replying when you posted this – I’m just seeing it now. Pyroluria urine tests can give false negatives so I use this together with the questionnaire and response to supplements
Have you researched into cardiotoxicity with 5-HTP. I came across some people that were saying that 5-HTP is converted to serotonin outside the brain and that is a bad thing. These problems don’t happen with tryptophan because tryptophan converts to b3 from what I can recall.
They were mentioning that 5-HTP can result in heart problems. They also referenced this study.
Just wanted to hear your thoughts on this. I know this is not a 5-HTP article.
It would be helpful to share a link to the original discussion about all this. As you mention 5-HTP is not referenced in the study you link to.
THanks but I was expecting a blog post from a health practitioner. With this we have no idea who is giving the advice and what their backgrounds are or what experience they have. Some of the advice is not advice I would give – like the 10:1 ratio for tyrosine to 5-HTP – so I don’t know how relevant the rest of it is.
Hi Trudy
I believe Lidtke products are not available in Australia, do you have a recommendation for an alternative? Or what is the best way to do a Tryptophan trial if you live is Australia?
Thank you
I wish they were! Here are some options: Mail order directly from Lidtke OR purchasing from a compounding pharmacy OR purchasing powdered tryptophan from sport nutrition stores (for the latter 2 options I have no idea about how the quality compares to Lidtke tryptophan)
I live in U.K . I suffer from stomach problems & also a.fib & hbp. My meds are Ativan blood thinner, Dronederone for a.fib, candesartan & amlodopin for b.p . Nitrofurantoin 50 mg for u.t.i. now very anxious both physically & mentally but Docs only prescribe p.p.i meds. I think my meds are partly causing this.
Would like to try GABA & tryptophan but a bit unsure with my meds. What are your recommendations . Thanks.
Please answer this concern. I relate to these issues. Thank you.
Hello Trudy,
I am about to order the Tryptophan by Lidtke through your store. I would like to ask you though. I will be giving it to my child, who is 13 yrs.old…would that be safe? She is relatively a healthy child.
If you consider it’s ok..what is the dose you recommend? And what would be the best time of the day to give it to her- morning, afternoon or at night? With meals or before/after a meal?
Thank you so much,
Where can I ge this product?
Hi Brenda
You will need to set up an account with Fullscript (details on how to do this are at the end of the supplements blog
Hello Trudy, I would like to ask you what dose would be appropriate to give to a 13 yr. old girl? She has some anxiety.
If Tryptophan is appropriate for her.. What time would be best to give it to her? With meals? After meals?
Thank you so much,
Hi Angelica
My blogs posts are written to support what I’ve covered in my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” (on amazon here so I’m assuming folks have read it and if not I highly recommend it! It has all the foundations of diet, gut health, no gluten, no caffeine, blood sugar control etc (which is very valuable for any anxiety issues) plus there is an entire chapter on the amino acids – which are always taken between meals.
I have used tryptophan successfully with teens and go by weight with 120lbs being the adult dose but as with everyone doing a trial to figure out the ideal amount is best. With children I look at diet first as something as simple as making sure breakfast contains animal protein can eliminate anxiety (together with real food and no gluten)
Trudy, first of all, thank you so much for replying to me! I certainly appreciate it.
In your book, I read the precautions we should take before start taking any amino acid. My daughter was diagnosed with OCD and she has never been on any SSRI’s or any other kind of medicine, thank God. She does NOT have any other physical illness/concern either which I am very grateful for also (only eczema).
My daughter is not 120 lbs. -the adult dose for tryptophan- just yet. If I remember ok..did you mention there was tryptophan in a powder form? I cannot see it in Fullscript’s Catalog. I can only see the gelatin capsules and each capsule is 500 mg. which is the minimum dose you recommend to start the trial for an adult. I would like her to start taking Tryptophan but I am afraid the dose may be too high for her since she is only 13 yrs old. and weighs only 99.4 lbs.
What are your thoughts about this?
Thank you Trudy.. again!
I like the 100mg Lidtke Tryptophan chewable for children. It’s always good to be cautious and start low
Dear Trudy Scott
I Wish You a Wonderful day Ahead can Tryphton Can be taken when Using SSRIand as Endorphigen and Tryphton are both Amino acids products so which one in your opinion is better for Depression to try first with SSRI . when You say Between Meals so what does it mean , is between Breakfast and Lunch and then between
Lunch and Dinner ? and how many minutes difference between meals ? I understand it is stupid Question.
Awaiting Your Kind Guidance and Valuable service You are doing.
Thank you so much for your reply Trudy!
I will start my daughter on 100mg Lidtke Tryptophan chewable for children, like you mentioned it’s always good to be cautious and start low.
I know you have talked about the importance of other key nutrients like ZINC and VITAMIN B6 for low serotonin (and pyroluria which she has to some extent). We will be doing the Pyroluria questionnaire-from your book- this weekend and be more certain about it.
I would like to start supplementing my daughter on this nutrients too. What are your thoughts about this? Is there any vitamin B6 brand, in particular, that you would recommend? (For zinc, I know you recommended- “Solaray OptiZinc”).
Thank you so much again for your wonderful work and kind heart..:)
Hi Trudy,
I have trouble falling asleep, it usually takes me about an hour or a little more, my mind is just monkey chatter. Sometimes I also wake up during the night and the monkey chatter does not let me go back to sleep. Is there anything that can help with this? Also, I don’t know if this is related but, I have an extreme sensitivity to wearing my bra. It bothers me like crazy – it is not the front part but the back part that I keep tugging at the entire day. Could this be related to any mental deficiencies?
Assessing for low serotonin and addressing it with tryptophan often helps monkey chatter. Other factors to consider – melatonin, addressing high cortisol, low blood sugar and SIBO.
I don’t know about the bra sensitivity – I’d look at tightness, fabric issues (try organic cotton?) and maybe fatty acid deficiencies (clothes can feel scratchy)
Hello Trudy,
First of all, Thank you so much for sharing your wealth of knowledge so kindly..
Now, I would like to share with you that I am kind of confused about what to do next to help my beautiful daughter (who has OCD)! I bought the Lidtke L-Tryptophan chewable which she started to take just yesterday: Started with 1 tablet and 10 minutes later, she took another one. She said she felt nothing, and also she said it was hard to explain. So I assumed, knowing her, she didn’t have any positive- nor negative- reaction to it. (She took them at about 5:00 pm, long after her meal with protein). She also started taking OptiZinc 30 mg.(from Solaray-the one you recommend) and vitamin B-6 100 mg.(Now brand). She takes minimum dosages for now. She has been taking these supplements for 3 days now. Haven’t noticed any improvements yet.
I would like to ask you for some guidance please. I read the suggested dosages for tryptophan you mention in your book..are they suggested for adults? My daughter is 13 (and a half) yrs. old and weighs 99.4 lbs. We noticed yesterday, she needs more than 200 mgs. But I am, honestly, kind of afraid to give her more without any guided experience, which I have been incessantly looking for a nutritionist/naturopath/functional doctor who would have experience working with amino acids. Can’t find one…yet hopefully. Any advise on what to look on my research?
Please also, guide me through.. if it would be ok to increase the Tryptophan dosage today on my 13 yr. old daughter? Do you think it would be safe to give her 3 tablets today at once? Maybe 4? I only did it once yesterday though. Maybe I should have given them to her twice since we know she has low serotonin?
Thank you so much Trudy, once again..
I can’t offer specific advice for your daughter but do increase until we see a benefit and then stop when no benefit is seen. The starting dose for tryptophan is 500mg and I often have clients use 1500mg twice a day so 200-300mg is not considered high.
Thank you for your reply Trudy! I really appreciate it.
You said 500 mg is the starting dose for Tryptophan..Does this apply even for teenagers (whose weight is not 120 lbs yet)?
Thank you again!
I use 120lbs as the adult cut-off and half of that for 60lbs so starting with 100mg and increasing slowly is a good approach. The weight “rule” is more of a guideline than a rule as some folks do really well with a tiny tiny pinch and some need much more.
I need help for my 22 year old son. He has depression and does not have a job. He currently is living with his grandmother and does not have a job. He has had two significant blows to his frontal lobe as a child. he has not been treated with any prescriptions as i’d prefer the holistic route. He has zero motivation, plays video games, does help with things around the house for his grandmother and goes to the grocery etc. But, he just has negative thoughts, and says he’s depressed. He doesn’t know what he wants to do with his life. I was thinking of starting with the L tryptophan, or the complete one. Suggestions please
I would find a functional medicine neurologist to address the fact that he significant blows to his head. And I always start with the basics of a real whole foods diet, blood sugar control, no gluten (and often no grains), health fats, quality animal protein and looking at nutritional deficiencies, one of which could be low serotonin. With low serotonin I prefer to use tryptophan only for a trial.
Keep in mind that depression and addiction (like gaming) can also be due to low dopamine so I also consider this.
I also look at sleep and nature/getting outside and all the other possible root causes like gut health, adrenals, toxins etc.
Trudy, I would love to hear your opinion about my previous comment. Please advise. I really want to help my daughter! I don’t want to give up on finding a holistic approach to heal my daughter. It’s just becoming exhausting the fact that I cannot find ANY. Yet.
Today, I actually started her on 4 tablets from Tryptophan. Hard to say if there are any changes yet. Should I keep increasing the Tryptophan dose? One tablet per day?
I’m also giving her Zinc and Vitamin B6, for a week now. Don’t really know if there are any changes in her social anxiety. Should I increase the dose? By how much?
She’s 13 (and a half) and weighs a little less than 100 lbs.
Thank you,
We must have posted at the same time! You saw my tryptophan response. I do prefer to do one protocol at a time especially with children – so you know what is working. Once we’re ready to add the pyroluria protocol we increase zinc and/or vitamin B6 (based on each person’s responses) every 1-2 weeks. I explain it in great detail in the pyroluria chapter of my book which I think you have?
Thank you so much Trudy! I really appreciate your response.
Yes, I do have your book. I love it! Based on your book and your blog I am making decisions on what to give my beautiful daughter. 
I decided to start supplementing her with Zinc and Vitamin B6 since I read in your book that they, both, help raise levels of serotonin. She’s been going to a psychologist for some time now (about 2 years now on CBT). She’s definitely got better since. We, my husband and I, refuse to give her any SSRI’s which by the way, our psychologist has been encouraging us to put her on SSRI’s for some time now. I personally want her to try a natural approach. But Trudy, I am getting really frustrated on my research. It’s so hard to believe that I cannot find a doctor who has a holistic approach to mental illnesses (or any other illness for this matter) which only makes so much sense to start treating the root causes, not the symptoms. What a broken medical system we have!
And the ones I thought I finally found, whether they don’t treat teenagers /kids or they are not accepting any more patients at this time.
I am so willing to work with a nutrionist/doctor with a holistic approach. I won’t stop looking. My daughter’s health is worth it.
I will keep on giving her the same dose for the 3 supps: Zinc (one tablet), Vitamin B6 (one tablet) and tryptophan (4 tablets). Since I am very aware of the fact that she needs to take the tryptophan between meals (which she has been doing), today I will do it a little different: Take it as soon as she gets back home from school which will be at least 3 1/2 hours since she finished eating.
Thank you so much Trudy once again for your wonderful job you do for all of us out there needing a compassionate advice, like yours.
Is there any contradiction using Amino Acids with Remeron (Mirtazapine) RX for depression? Thanks so much!
I’m about to find out! I read somewhere on this blog that there needs to be a 6-hour separation (with SSRIs). My goal is to avoid coffee and take L-T the proper way, and hopefully that’s all I need. Will let you know.
I will share that I started taking L-Theanine with inositol (NOW foods) and was able to really cut my dose down. I take it first thing in the morning. It drastically increased my mood, too. I will note that I started taking it at night and that didn’t help.
Taking it in the morning helps me feel appropriately sleepy at night instead of wired.
Since it does work on serotonin it is recommended to follow similar precautions as for other SSRIs when it comes to the use of tryptophan and always working with the prescribing doctor
Trudy, I use L-tryptopan from Lidtke to sleep better. It works (I take 500 mgr in the afternoon, 1.000 mgr. before bed), but my intestines don’t seem to like it. I have a lot of flatulence: will this pass? I was also wondering if the Tryptophan is safe, also on a longterm. I read on the internet scary messages:…
Hello! What a disaster! Last year I tried one cap Lidtke L-Tryptophan 1,000 before bed to boost serotonin for depression. After about 5 hours I woke up and was barely able to walk. My body felt as if I’d been beaten up all over by a baseball bat, or had rolled down a craggy cliff. My head hurt, I felt nauseous and it was over a week before the effects were all gone. I have fibromyalgia, and it felt like a flare on steroids, or as if I’d been poisoned. Any idea what could have happened? (I’m happy to say I’ve been taking DPA for the past four months with good results). Thank you.
Glad to hear the DPA is helping. Curious how much helps? and if it’s the Lidtke brand?
Thanks for sharing your tryptophan experience. It’s unusual (especially for the week long effects) but I never say never and would suspect it could be too high a dose or possibly that low serotonin was not a factor. I’d want to know which low serotonin symptoms were checked off. I also like to start low with 500mg while doing a trial or even less for sensitive folks. If there is a reaction vitamin C is great to negate the bad effects.
I’m hoping this is where you wanted me to post my comment. I need some advice as to how I can help my daughter who is suffering from anxiety and depression and has even started self harm. I’m torn because I don’t want to put her on anti anxiety/depression meds but she does not seem to be getting any better. She is going to therapy once a week. I would appreciate any advice.
Thank ylu
With anxiety and depression I always start with looking at low serotonin and low GABA and addressing low levels with tryptophan (this blog post) and/or GABA ( When there is self-harm this can be related to low serotonin and/or low GABA too but low endorphins is often a factor and DPA helps with the emotional pain and reduces the need for inducing physical pain via the self-harming ( Low dopamine can also be a factor with self-harming so tyrosine may help too. It’s not unusual for someone to have imbalances in all these areas and we tackle one at a time.
Looking at diet (gluten, caffeine, blood sugar balancing, quality animal protein etc), the gut, the adrenals, low zinc, low B6 etc is key too so we can figure out why someone has these imbalances.
I encourage this approach over SSRIs because of the increased incidence of suicide and self-harm in children, adolescents, and young adults
Hi Trudy,
Hi Trudy, thank you for your book and this site. 18 mths ago, I began having panic attacks. I met with a psychologist who tested me and said my anxiety was off the charts, and she suggested I get my thyroid tested. I did, but was told it was fine, and I was given and antidepressant (Celexa).
However, back in December, I went to a naturopath who tested my thyroid, and I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, which I now know can exacerbate anxiety. Along with a natural thyroid medication, I also stopped eating gluten, sugar, soy products, and have significantly limited my dairy intake. Then, I discovered your book and discovered the possible connection with some of these foods and anxiety! WOW!
After taking the questionnaires in your book, it appears I am both low GABA and Serotonin. Two months ago, my naturopath encouraged me to take Relax Max (not Xanax, which I rarely ever took) for panic attacks and anxiety, which has the following ingredients: Magnesium 75mg, myo-Inositol 2g, Taurine 500mg, GABA 100mg, and L-Theanine 50mg. Usually, I take this upon waking and again mid-morning, sometimes mid-afternoon. Is this an acceptable source of GABA in your opinion?
At my check up a few weeks ago, my naturopath encouraged me to ween myself off of the 10mg of Celexa. I did it, and am glad! Since my anxiety can occur at different times if they say, i started taking 50mg of 5HTP upon rising and mid-morning. Then, I take Tryptophan at night (most nights). This is what I recall reading in your books for anxiety that occurs earlier in the day. Is this correct? I haven’t increased dosage, because it seems to be helping, even though I’ve only been on this for aprx two weeks. The duration of time to take these amino acids is aprx 3 months? Or should I see how symptoms go?
After reading your book and also taking Pyroluria Questionnaire, I was shocked to score an 18. I had already been taking zinc (30 mg), and B6 (P5P 50 mg), per naturopath, but added Evening Primrose, too.
My father passed away a few months ago, so I realize grief has a role in all of this, too, and that I should give myself time and space to grieve the many losses that I have experienced. However, but I have also developed agoraphobia in the process of the last year. I believe I read that this could be an indication of low serotonin, too (?). I am hoping that by taking the amino acids, changing my diet, getting exericse, practicing more intentional self-care, and meeting with my wonderful therapist that I’ll move me towards wholeness and healing.
Thank you so much for any input you may be able to offer,
So pleased my book has been helpful and you’re finding solutions. I am sorry for your loss – be gentle on yourself and make time to grieve. You may recall reading that DPA is especially helpful in times of grief and weepiness.
For low GABA, I like Relax Max a lot – the main factor is that it’s helping!
For low serotonin I do find that many of my clients do great with 5-HTP in the day and tryptophan at night and some do even better with tryptophan in the day but when someone is seeing the benefits we leave things as is. Agoraphobia is a sign of low serotonin so when this persists we make adjustments to the amino acids.
Three months is typical provided everything else is addressed – diet, the gut, adrenals, other deficiencies (addressing low zinc, B6 and EPO helps too), stress – but many need amino acid support longer term especially when there are genetic polymorphisms.
Trudy, thank you so much. I really appreciate you taking the time to respond. Shortly afterwards, I had to have an unexpected minor surgery, so I wasn’t able to take my supplements in the hosptial and for a few days after arriving back home.
For the last couple of days, I am back on schedule, so as to speak. Question though: I know any type of surgery is traumatic, regardless of how minor. However, the physical anxiety symptoms are more pronounced since the surgery. I wondered is this a sign that I should increase GABA? Or remain where I was and get back to the routine? Also, since Relax Max is a liquid drink mix, is it okay to use GABA CALM (lozenge) whenever I’m out and about as an alternative?
I’m excited to share your book and blog with others who could benefit from this information.
Dosing is based on symptoms so if GABA or other nutrients are depleted by some incidence more may be required shot-term. This is especially the case if someone has pyroluria because zinc and vitamin B6 are depleted by any added stress – and these nutrients are needed to make our brain chemicals. Medications may be factor too of course.
I have clients take GABA Calm when out and about and other GABA products at other times – based on need and convenience.
Hope you’re on your way to recovery – don’t forget probiotics, extra C, extra zinc, extra omega’s, extra quality animal protein and rest.
Hello Trudy, as always it is a pleasure to read you and follow you, every day I learn new things, thank you. I am very interested in tryptophan, if I had to make the order I’m sure it arrives in European countries too?Thank.
My supplement fulfilment company does not ship to Europe but Lidtke does.
I am a 38 yo woman who has have considerable anxiety that started to worse. the past year or two. I have considerable carb cravings later in the day and have been trying to monitor my blood sugar and insulin levels and do a very modified intermittent fasting (I am trying to eat in a 12 hour window). I def associate with more of a low seratonin symptoms) including lack of confidence, depression, negativity, irritability, and afternoon/evening cravings. What amino acid would you recommend or what trial would you suggest?
I have clients trial tryptophan for anxiety and “lack of confidence, depression, negativity, irritability, and afternoon/evening cravings”. Some folks do better with tryptophan and some with 5-HTP so if expected results are not seen we switch to a trial of 5-HTP.
How long do you give the tryptophan? I’ve been taking 500mg nightly before bed and while I few much less anxious I’m not sleeping much better – still waking and getting up 1-2 times a night to go to the bathroom (was only once prior to starting the supplement). Should I discontinue and try 5-HTP instead? Or give it another few weeks. Thanks!
I have clients increase until we don’t see added benefits with higher doses (and no adverse effects with higher dose). I also have clients use it mid-afternoon and evening and trial it sublingually too before doing a trial of 5-HTP
Dear Trudy, My husband has been on Tryptophan for 2 weeks dosage is 1 in the morning 2 mid afternoon and tree at bedtime. He wakes up with a major panic attack every morning. He still is very worried all the time . The Tryptophan seamed to help with the rage. Am I not giving him enough? I am very desperate. What can I do?
I’m sorry to hear but I can’t offer specific advice via the blog. If we were working together I’d look at the brand/quality, if it’s enough for the person’s needs, how they did on the initial trial of tryptophan (and if well, continue to increase). I’d also consider 5-HTP and look for other possible root causes such as high cortisol, low GABA, poor gut health. Working with the guidance of a practitioner may be best. I’ll be opening my online consulting shortly if you’re interested.
I have suffered from insomnia for most of my life. I just got your book and am loving it ! Thank you for all that you do. My symptoms seem to be high for both low gaba and low serotonin. I also believe I have a blood sugar problem, so I’m starting to follow your suggestions for that.
I’ve been taking a supplement for sleep that has both gaba and 5HTP in it, along with melatonin. It worked for a year , however it just recently stopped working. I thought maybe I should try tryptophan. After taking only 220 mg per night, along with 5 mg of melatonin, I was able to sleep, But not through the entire night. However, the next day i woke up with a horrible headache/migraine. I know it was the tryptophan because I did a trial and tried a night without it and then again with it and the nights I took it, sure enough, the migraine would return.
I must add that I had bloodwork done and tested low for melatonin, which is why I was adding the melatonin into my protocol.
My question is do I continue with a higher dose of gaba, 5htp and melatonin, since it worked for a year ? Or do I continue trying different doses of tryptophan? Do I up the dosage of the supplement I’ve been taking ?
Thank you !!!
So glad you’re loving the book. I don’t have clients ever push through on a product that is causing adverse effects like migraines. I like to capitalize on what is working or what has worked in the past and would rather increase the 5-HTP and/or melatonin and/or GABA – one at a time. Keep in mind that 5-HTP can raise cortisol and low blood sugar can indicate adrenal issues so looking at high cortisol as a factor in the sleep problems would be something to consider. A 4 collection saliva test will measure this.
Just addressing low blood sugar can often improve insomnia and early morning light and no blue light after dark can make a world of difference.
Other sleep factors to consider – sex hormones, parasites, gluten, SIBO, candida, sleep apnea, EMFs, medication side-effects etc
This is such a great question I’ve decided to write a blog post about it and will share the link here when it’s published – so thanks for asking. I know many other people will be able to relate.
While working on the blog I noticed that you said it was a combination product and had missed that before. My apologies. If we were working together I would have you do each of the GABA, 5-HTP and melatonin separately so it’s easy to mix and match and increase one and your lower the other.
Thank you so much, Trudy! I appreciate your feedback. I will try products seperately and see what works. I will continue to work on my blood sugar issues. I find increasing my fats during the day, helps immensely ! I look forward to your blog on this. Thank you for all that you do !!!
I must add that I’ve had the saliva testing done for my cortisol levels. They came back normal. I tried adaptogenic herbs for stress/adrenal support, But it made my anxiety way worse !
I think I’ll stick to the melatonin, As my levels were low and just try it with the gaba. I don’t want the 5htp to eventually affect my adrenals. Have you had people have success from just using gaba alone for sleep ? In your book you said you added in Gaba Relaxer for sleep. Perhaps if the gaba and melatonin alone doesn’t work, I will trial that.
My problem is not falling asleep, It’s staying asleep. I wake-up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep.
Sorry forgot to add that I had my stool testing for parasites, But it came back negative. As I did go away and have Montezumas revenge, upon returning from vacation. So I thought I had a parasite.
As I wake-up in the middle of the night hungry. I try to have a banana with almond butter, like you suggest , But I still wakeup hungry
Here is the blog post To answer your other questions – some people do well with only GABA or only 5-HTP or only melatonin so the key is the find what works for you. Sublingual melatonin vs timed-release melatonin is also something to consider for the waking in the night but with the waking hungry I’d focus on blood sugar control. What does a typical day look like for you food-wise? what and when do you eat?
How is the best way to take amino acids? On an empty stomach or with food? Is it still Kay to take other supplements with them, like multi vitamins or herbs?
Is it okay to take other supplements…I should check what my phone auto corrects before I post!
The amino acids are all best taken on an empty stomach away from protein sources. Tryptophan and 5-HTP may be more effective for some folks when used with some carbohydrate. Technically 5-HTP can be taken with meals/protein but it’s often easier just to do them all away from meals. Other supplements are often better taken with food. I would not take aminos or other supps with proteolytic enzymes or charcoal.
Hi Trudy –
Should one consider taking p5p with all amino acids to help absorption? I am taking 500mg tryptophan 2x a day for anxiety, low serotonin worry, rumination in the head type anxiety and PMS. I have read much of your information but haven’t seen you recommend activated B6 with tryptophan. I have heard others suggest it’s use. Do you have any comments in this regard?
Thanks, Sara
Correct, vitamin B6 and/or P5P is always part of the protocol, in a multivitamin, often in an additional B Complex and very often as an additional standalone supplement. Together with zinc, folate and magnesium it’s key for neurotransmitter production. It’s also needed for pyroluria and helps reduce inflammation.
Hi Trudy,
Thank you so much for all your work. I have housebound agoraphobia my anxiety is mostly fear based and am going to try amino acids. I already have sugar and gluten out of my diet and have for the past year. That did not affect my anxiety levels so I’m going to try the Gaba and tryptophan as well as b6 and zinc. I’ve been reading about inositol can these all be taken together? Thank you
I have many clients use all of the above but we start with one thing at a time
Hi Trudy
I took tryptophan 220mg mid afternoon and 220 mg night time. I do not suffer from insomnia but I do have housebound agoraphobia. I sleep through the night every night but since taking the tryptophan today it’s 3am I’m tired but can’t sleep. Does this happen sometimes?
I have my clients do a trial so we can figure out the ideal amount for their unique needs. 500mg is the typical starting dose so 220mg isn’t typically too much unless the person doesn’t need that much. Some people need a minute amount and some don’t need to take it at night. I also only ever use Lidtke tryptophan
Thank you for your reply, I don’t feel anything when taking the GABA or tryptophan except maybe a little wired and I can’t sleep. Does that mean to much or too little?
Hi Trudy,
I recommended Tryptophan to a friend who was experiencing a lot of ruminating and anxiety. She responded beautifully and felt great.
About a year later, she tried to stop taking it, and said she felt very angry and down. Is there a weaning process for the tryptophan, or do you recommend staying on it for a certain amount of time? Also, is there any case where the person would need to take it forever?
Thank you for your constant wisdom and guidance. I look forward to your answer.
Cristi Vonder Haar
So glad to hear your friend did well with tryptophan and found it helped the ruminating and anxiety.
I have not had any clients experience the need to wean tryptophan or report weaning side-effects similar, however I have recently had someone ask on the blog about having weaning side-effects similar to those she experienced when tapering off an SSRI.
As I said to her, I never say never and always want to learn from those using tryptophan.
In order to be sure someone is observing adverse effects from taking a supplement I’ll have my client stop it and then add it back to make sure (and sometimes more than once). In this instance I’d have a client repeat the process of stopping the tryptophan to confirm it is the tryptophan leading to her feeling down and angry.
Many of my clients stop tryptophan abruptly and do fine and some feel bad when they stop, likely indicating they still need serotonin support. Some choose to slowly reduce the dose once they start to feel good again, increasing it again if they feel the need.
These are questions I’d ask – which brand of tryptophan and how much? I’d also want to know what else has changed in terms of stress, diet, hidden gluten exposure, the recent introduction of collagen (which may deplete serotonin levels in susceptible folks), hormonal changes and other factors that could affect serotonin.
I’d also want to know if feeling very angry and down are new symptoms or old symptoms that resolved on the tryptophan and have now appeared again.
For those prone to the winter blues and lowered winter serotonin, stopping tryptophan in the winter may also be an issue (and even an issue with summer blues in states like Arizona).
Thank you Trudy. I know the symptoms started when she stopped taking tryptophan, and went away when she started taking it again.
I will follow up with her and thank you so much for your amazing work!
Thanks for the update and apologies for my late response. I published this blog post today about someone else asking about withdrawal and included your questions too This was my feedback: “based on on what I see with clients I feel this is more of a matter of stopping the tryptophan too soon while she still had low serotonin – especially if the ruminating and anxiety came back. Feeling angry and down are classic signs of low serotonin.”
Feel free to share the blog with her in case she can relate to some of the other questions I pose. I’ll update the new blog too (about the symptoms going away)
Thank you so much Trudy. There is no need for apology, as we are all filled with gratitude for the time you give freely. May your work continue to be blessed.
HI Trudy- I’ve been on Zoloft two times in the last 4 years for anxiety and mild depression. I didn’t like the side effects.
My anxiety has been bad for the last month and then feelings of blah come with it. My worst symptoms are the worry in the head, turning my brain off at night and getting stuck in the feeling it will be like this forever.
I started with Gaba Calm and it seemed to help a little.
About a week later I tried Linke tryptophan and have been using it for a 2 week time period. It seems to be helping with sleep but I think its affecting my appetite (as in having no appetite), causing loose stools and making me feel really tired in the morning.
I started out with half a tablet and the first night it made me wired but I continued using that amount. 2 days ago, I tried adding a capsule late afternoon and before bed. I slept good, but felt off and unmotivated the next day.
I need to make myself eat, still dealing with the running thoughts in my head…
Does this sound like tryptophan isn’t ideal for me?
We don’t ever want side-effects from amino acids and I’ve seen too much tryptophan do this with clients: make them feel tired. It does reduce carb cravings substantially so it that’s all someone is consuming it may feel like they have no appetite. Loose stools are possible but not common – 5-HTP tends to do this more.
I also have folks take based on a trial and it 1/2 made someone wired I would not increase
Can I take 5 htp in the mornings and l trypotophan at night? I usually take 1000mg of l trypotophan in the morning and 1000mg at night and I am feeling tired. Will 5 htp be better in the morning so I want feel tired and l trypotophan at night? And how much of the 5 htp should I take? I have anxiety . The l trypotophan helps with tension headaches.
Glad to hear the tryptophan helps with tension headaches! Many people find they do better with 5-HTP in the day and feel less tired with it. For some the tryptophan works better at a lesser amount.
50mg 5-HTP is similar to 500mg tryptophan but we always do a trial to find ideal amount.
Thank you for your reply I will try 5 htp in the morning and trypotophan at night.
I just listened to your interview on the summit. I have tried everything for sleep. Drs are literally giving up on me and saying they can’t help me. Latest Dr wants me to start Belsomra, thoughts on that drug? Also, I missed the best amino acid for high cortisol waking you up. I thought you said something with an S. Also, I’ve tried high does tryptophan, 2500mg, and nothing. I can’t find anything that gets me past the 1-3am wake up. I’ve tried 150mg 5-htp and felt like I couldn’t move the next day. My stomach blew up and I felt weighed down unable to function. Thoughts? Thanks for your time.
Low GABA can cause insomnia as can low blood sugar. High cortisol is a common root cause and I use Seriphos to lower the high cortisol. Sleep problems can also be due to parasites, food sensitivities and SIBO too so figuring out the root cause is key. I also educate my clients about Wifi and EMFS.
I took the 23 and me gene testing and I can’t take
phosphatidylserine. Anything else you rocommend for high cortisol? Thx
Hi Trudy-
My husband has had severe insomnia with panic attacks & mild depression for the past month & I am so grateful to have discovered your site! He scores low for serotonin and for GABA. He has been taking a GABA calm tablet (easy and quick to find at local Whole Foods) twice a day for 3 days & it has drastically improved his physical tension (no panic attacks in the middle of the night in spite of insomnia – yay!). His mood is much better (he has never taken antidepressants, but said he feels like he is on them – however, he is suspicious that it is a fake improvement). Ruminating thoughts stand out to me more than physical tension, but I couldn’t find Lidtke tryptophan locally & started GABA first.
Lidtke tryptophan should arrive tomorrow along with Seriphos. I am guessing his cortisol is off the charts & we are both desperate for him to sleep through the night ASAP. Would it make sense for him to start both on the same day? If not, which one should he try first? I am planning on him trialing tryptophan MA and bedtime – I don’t remember timing for Seriphos.
He can typically fall asleep for 2 or 3 hours, then is awake even with a snack/ relaxation techniques/ Epsom salt bath/ EMDR/ journaling/ etc. He has been eating animal protein with breakfast, lunch and dinner. He takes Melatonin before bed – has tried regular and slow release. There have been nights with no sleep at all. He was prescribed Belsomra to help him stay asleep, but it only worked the first night (he woke up at 2, but was able to quickly go back to sleep). He has tried Tylenol PM & NyQuil with same results (decent the first night and no help after that). I’m not a fan of typical medication, but he wanted to try them & I didn’t have a better suggestion.
Thank you so very much for the work you are doing! It is life changing!!
Posted earlier, but not sure it went through – apologies if this is a duplicate! It is ultimately about Lidtke tryptophan, but I wanted to tell you about the GABA Calm first.
Hi Trudy
My husband has had insomnia & panic attacks with mild depression for 4-6 weeks & I am so grateful to have found your website! He is low in serotonin and in GABA – I think serotonin is more of an issue, but he started GABA 4 days ago because I was able to find it locally at Whole Foods. He takes 1 GABA Calm tablet twice a day & has had a huge improvement in physical tension (no panic attacks in the middle of the night in spite of insomnia – yay!). He tried GABA in the middle of the night once & it didn’t help him go back to sleep. He has never taken anti-depressants, but he said he feels like he is on them because his mood has improved and his physical tension is so much better with GABA Calm – however, he feels like it is a fake improvement & he isn’t trusting it (ruminating thoughts). The first day, he said his head & mind felt better/ more clear, but he felt like the bad was still trapped inside – in his stomach/torso. His stomach has been fine after day 1, but it gets nervous/ fluttery in the evenings when bed time is approaching (anxiety about insomnia). I also think his cortisol is off the charts.
The GABA relaxed him immediately & he felt tired the first day or two, but he hasn’t had much sleep in 6 weeks. I was guessing that was a good sign because he should feel tired with so little sleep, but it looks like it could also be an adverse reaction? How do we tell if the sleepiness is positive or negative? I think it was positive, because it isn’t making him tired any longer. In fact, he was concerned it was making him more awake when he tried it in the MA and at bedtime.
He has been eating animal protein for breakfast, lunch & dinner. He can typically fall asleep (on his own or with Melatonin – regular or time release), but wakes after 2 or 3 hours. He tries journaling, epsom salt and essential oil baths, mediation, EMDR, snack, reading, etc. Some nights there is no sleep at all.
Lidtke tryptophan and Interplexus Seriphos are scheduled to arrive in the mail tomorrow. We are desperate for him to get sleep ASAP – would it make sense for him to take both on the same day? If not, which one should go first (and how long should he wait to try the second one assuming all goes well with the first one)? I am planning for him to try tryptophan MA & at bedtime (assuming MA goes well). My understanding is that he should try 1 Seriphos (formula is working again, correct?) 1-3 hours before cortisol spikes (it starts creeping up some time around dinner or 1-2 hours after). Is this still the recommended protocol?
Thank you so very much for all you do – you and your site are such a gift!
Hello! I was wondering if you can help me with something. I have been reading about the mineral depletion from psychiatric meds. I am still mostly homebound and cannot handle any stimulation. I have been off all meds for 3 years now. I was on a benzodiazepine and antidepressant for 15 years. They added lamotrigine. They told me I had treatment resistant depression. They told me I had GAD. When I initially went to the doctor I was dizzy. That was my only symptom but it was 1998 and I was a 21 year old female and had an older male doctor who I guess thought all women were neurotic.
Anyway, I have been disabled from the medications for 5 years. I had 32 treatments of transcranial magnetic stimulation. I had a slew of incorrect diagnoses. And in the end, I now know that all of the doctors and specialists I saw were wrong. I had damage caused by the medications. Had I not found the Ashton manual and a nurse practioner willing to try the taper schedule, I would have taken my life. I cannot drive. I cannot ride in a car. Most of my symptoms I have involved the sensory system as well as severe left shoulder spasm. Time is distorted. At one point I couldn’t even walk. Now I can walk up to 10000 steps a day.
I cannot take supplements unless I try to microtaper them up. And even then it is hard and I often have adverse reactions. I am trying to see if there is something that is just extremely off that would cause my sensory system to be so messed up. Do you know of any tests I can order myself? I can’t even get to a doctor. There are none in my area that I know who understand this either. I just wondered if you have any ideas of tests so let’s say if I was super low in magnesium I could start to microtaper that up. Does that make sense?
I am like 2 months from homelessness and trying to come up with anything at this point to even see a shift. I know my limbic system is triggered too. I have a high startle response. I was almost in the Olympics for soccer. I had a great life. When I got dizziness at 21 my life changed. I still had a full career until being disabled. I have two masters degrees. I am doing my best to cope. The suffering I have faced is inhumane and being left for dead by so many practioners has disillusioned me. I do have a naturopath who agrees with my diagnosis but does not know how to treat. I also have a psychologist who is horrified by what has happened and yet has 12 other clients that she has treated who have been harmed like me.
I just want to see why my body doesn’t work and get to the root cause. I had mri in 2016 and it came back normal. I did have idiopathic empty sellae turcica on it but they said it was not abnormal. Thanks for all your hard work and advice.
Hi J
I am sorry to hear what you have been through. Sadly it’s such a common story I hear. When I have worked with individuals who have so many sensory issues I use these very gentle approaches first: a big focus on nutrient-dense foods (no caffeine, no gluten, quality animal protein, broths etc), diffused or topical essential oils, heartmath, yoga and gentle exercise like walking.
I just did this blog post on forest bathing which actually lowers cortisol and helps increase activity of the parasympathetic system i.e. more of the calming “rest and digest” activity and reduces activity of the sympathetic system i.e. what we term as “fight or flight” or stress activity. Just looking at images of green trees can even help so even if someone can’t get outside finding a big poster (or a few) and spending time looking at it/them may help.
I also say no Wifi, no cordless phone and no cell phone use as this can have a huge impact.
And I’d recommend working with a functional neurologist to help with some of the sensory integration and doing specific exercises to induce neuroplastic change. More on this here
Once the system has been calmed down then I’d consider trials of amino acids like tryptophan and GABA and always starting with minute amounts.
Hi Trudy I was wondering if I could be given advice on my situation. I am a Male in his 20s who had to drop out of school. My biggest symptom is brain fog (not just brain fog but essentially cognitive impairment, even reading and writing this comment are difficult). The other symptoms are poor tolerance to stress,heart palpitations and overwhelming chest tension, shortness of breath, fatigue, cognitive issues, depression (practically completely anhedonic), anxiety, severe diffuse hair loss (scalp, pubic, armpit), dandruff, back pain, uneven body fat distribution, occasional numbness in hands and feet, joint and muscle pain (knees, jaw, etc), and frequent migraines. These are all symptoms that which are everyday occurances, including palpitations (upon mental and physical exertion), shortness of breath, and chest discomfort. The fatigue is to the point that I tested positive for narcolepsy (medicine didn’t work so pulmonologist said it’s a false positive), and I can’t even talk or laugh without feeling stressed and exhausted. I have done neurological and cardiological testing which have come back normal, as well as routine blood testing which came back normal as well. My hormonal blood tests however, which measured morning cortisol and acth, showed normal cortisol (5.4; range was 5-25) but high acth (146, normal range was <46). I did the pyroluria questionnaire from your website and matched up with around 33/42 of the symptoms, however I had my serum zinc and vit b6 levels measured, both of which were normal, and I can't afford to order the pyroluria test. I have tried psychiatric medications around 2 years ago which did not help, but going to talk therapy didn't help either because I can barely pay attention to what the therapist is saying due to my brain fog. The only thing that has helped thus far was when I took a multivitamin along with tryptophan and tyrosine sometime last year for a short period of time, although it only helped a little bit and I don't know which one helped (maybe they all worked in conjunction with one another).I recently started a ketogenic diet, and I am trying to save up to afford supplementation but I can hardly work or do anything so it is difficult. I was wondering if you have any advice, if I may still have pyroluria despite normal zinc and b6, and if maybe the high acth is indicative of something where I should go back for more endocrinological testing. Please let me know if you can, and thank you so much in advance
I’m afraid I can’t consult via the blog but can provide some general feedback on where I’d start with a client with some of the issues you describe. The first thing would be to have the doctor look into the high ACTH
And then we’d focus on the following: real whole food with no gluten/caffeine/sugar/additives/MSG/colors, blood sugar control, adrenals (saliva testing is more accurate than blood) and gut health. I’d have the following testing done: B12 (test B12, MMA and homocysteine), iron panel and ferritin, vitamin D. And ignore B6 and zinc in the blood as they are not accurate. I’d also consider medication side-effects, the effects of EMFs and Wi-Fi and then consider Lyme disease, mold toxicity and heavy metals.
I always go back to what has worked in the past and fine-tune that so would revisit the multivitamin, tryptophan and tyrosine, doing one at a time and using the trial method to increase the amino acids until the optimal amount is found.
Hi Trudy,
Thank you so much for the advice. I have one more question, if it’s okay. My biggest problem psychologically is that my heart is essentially the only place in my body where I can feel emotions. I don’t have the mental capacity to think nor feel any sort of emotion anymore, the only thing I can feel is my heart palpitations, and when it is calm I still feel a chronic overwhelming sensation in my heart. Cardiological testing states that my heart is fine, and psychologists have said that it might be anxiety, but I honestly just feel numb, yet in a chronic state of stress. I know that I have adhd because I’ve had problems with attentiveness and reading my entire life, anxiety because anything and everything would make me freeze in my tracks, and depression which came on suddenly when I turned 17. Have you ever come across anybody with a similar situation to mine, somebody whose mind is in auto-pilot but heart is essentially either always palpitating or in pain, and if so would it be at all possible to point me in any sort of direction regarding this? I’m sorry for bothering, but I’m really desperate for an answer and would appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. If it helps, I scored low for endorphins, gaba, dopamine, and serotonin in your amino acid questionnaires, and have most of the symptoms for pyroluria as well as many symptoms which point to zinc deficiency. Thank you so much in advance.
Sorry one more thing:this chest sensation is accompanied by shortness of breath and a need to always take deep breaths in order to feel somewhat satisfied. I saw a pulmonologist and nothing was wrong. Again, thank you so much
So sorry but the last thing I forgot to mention is that the reason this heart sensation is an issue is because it is chronic and worsened by the slightest bit of mental and physical exertion. Again thank you so much.
I have trouble with anxiety with headaches, dizziness, and I can’t sleep. Can I take 5 htp 400? Or maybe you can give me a suggestion on what to take.
Hi Trudy –
Do you have any information on or suggestions for supplementing with amino acids during pregnancy and breastfeeding? I’m probably looking to supplement with 5HTP or tryptophan due to low serotonin, ruminations, and OCD symptoms.
Thank you for your time!
Unfortunately there is no research supporting the use of amino acids during pregnancy. As you may be aware the amino acids like GABA and tryptophan offer quick symptom relief for my clients while we’re figuring out the bigger root causes. When someone is pregnant we have to just work on figuring out those root causes and addressing them without the use of amino acids – factors like getting enough quality animal protein in the diet, good digestion, blood sugar control, figuring out if gluten or other grains are an issue, looking at thyroid health, getting off caffeine and sugar, and so on. This is all covered in great detail in my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution”
For pregnant and breast-feeding women with anxiety/depression/OCD/ruminations, especially when it is severe enough to cause harm to the mother and baby, I would like to see doctors recommending amino acids like GABA, tryptophan, DPA, tyrosine (or precursors like zinc/b6/magnesium/inositol etc) rather than prescribing psychiatric medications given the potential harms to the baby (and mother). I feel this could be relatively safely done with testing markers like platelet serotonin (and others) and having the doctor monitor both mom and baby.
Until then, as well as the foundational work mentioned above, a free form amino acid blend that does contain tryptophan (many don’t) is often helpful and could be discussed the doctor. Other approaches to boost neurotransmitters include light therapy, exercise, forest bathing, yoga, and heartmath and could be discussed with the doctor/midwife/doula.
I had my labs done by PureGenomics they are the genetic markers ~SNPs. I have a red COMT(V158M) gene a red MTHFR (C677T) gene as well as gene TPH2 (G703t) which in description box says this enzyme converts tryptophan to 5HTP, the precursor to of serotonin, which maintains emotional well being. And also a red ANKK1/DRD2 gene which says associated with lower dopamine receptor activity~consider other ways to support dopamine levels and emotional wellness such as tyrosine supplementation and optimizing folate and zinc intake. So any thoughts on where to start amino wise ?? Thank you
Genetic testing identifies a polymorphism/genetic variation and susceptibility to certain issues and doesn’t confirm if it is expressing i.e. actually causing an issue. I still always start with the amino acid questionnaire/symptoms and do a trial. Later on we may use genetic results to justify longer use of say tryptophan or to confirm/understand why 5-HTP works better than tryptophan (if that’s what was found when doing the trial) or confirm why extra folate or zinc or B6 may be needed.
I use 3mg of liquid melatonin, 3mg slow release melatonin, 20mg Belsomra, and 25 drops CBD oil. 15 drops equal 5mg of CBD and 19mg of Hemp oil. It is Full Spectrum. I still don’t feel like I get rested sleep. I usually wake up around 4 and can go back to a somewhat sleep. Weird dreams always. How do I get off all this stuff and still sleep? Any recommendations would be great! Thank you!
I have low melatonin levels. But, melatonin supplements don’t always work. Can I take tryptophan along with melatonin? Can I take GABA along with tryptophan?
I start with tryptophan or 5-HTP and then we add melatonin later if sleep is still an issue
Hi Trudy,
Thank you for your wealth of knowledge and all that you do. I have both low serotonin and GABA. I decided for over the past year to work with GABA and had good results. For the past month I’ve been experiencing horrible insomnia and monkey brain, so I decided to start focusing on my low serotonin. I trialed tryptophan last night. I am sensitive, so I opened half the capsule and took it. Wow, it put me into a beautiful , restful sleep. I however am feeling pretty groggy this morning. Almost like hungover kind of feeling. I also have a bit of a headache. Please help! It’s nice to get sleep, but I’m not liking the feeling of the next day. I should add that I took melatonin last night, as well have had blood work that’s shown I have little to none melatonin. Perhaps combining the two was too much ?
This can happen with too much tryptophan or if serotonin support is not needed or if 5-HTP is better tolerated than tryptophan.
Okay thank you. I believe my serotonin is low because I went through your questionnaire and I checked off every answer. Gaba worked for me with sleep for over a year. But for a month I wakeup and can’t go back to sleep and when I up my Gaba there is no change. So I decided to try the tryptophan. I will maybe try it again with a smaller amount? If the headaches continue, I will try 5htp. Is this what you would suggest? My symptoms are insomnia, sometimes falling asleep is difficult or waking in the night , or both. My brain is just not shutting off, monkey brain. Thanks for responding!
Hi Trudy. I follow your blog & reached out to you last year. You’re information has been extremely helpful. I manage depression and anxiety with frequent relapse. I currently take 500 mg of l-tyrosine in the morning. 1 endorphigen 2xday. 1 GABA calm 2x day & 1000mg tryptophan before bed with some natural calm & true calm. This “potion” has been nothing less than a miracle. I feel pretty good. I don’t want to wean off yet & am curious as to how long I can remain on these. Is it dangerous to keep on it too long? Is there a maximum time? The past few years have been rough & I finally feel ok. Thank you.
So glad to hear you’re doing well on this miracle combination and finally feel ok. The ideal is to address the diet and underlying factors that lead to low GABA, low serotonin, low endorphins and low catecholamines and as long as someone is doing that it’s fine. Remember it’s fine to stop and see how you do and add back if you find you need to add the amino acid back – I have clients do this all the time
Thank you Trudy, for your response. I should add it didn’t work out going off Birth control pill. I was unable to manage the pain. I may try in the future & am disappointed as I’ve seen the negative side effects. Also, I’m more prone to depression this time of year. I think with these 2 factors I’ll stay on the regime until the spring. I have given my diet an overhaul. Not perfect but significantly less refined carbs & sugar. Plenty of fresh produce, healthy fats & Protien ( especially animal). I also have committed to daily “body movement”: yoga, Pilates, max trainer, light weights, bike. (Not all in one day,I vary) I love Ellen Barrett. The supplements are helpful & I usually try to ween off after several months but afraid to right now while “worrying” about long term effects. I’ve also learned the importance of mindset and gratitude. This season of Thanksgiving, I’m grateful for the health pioneers like you, Trudy that have helped so many with your knowledge!
I should also mention I just went off birth control pills. I took them since age 16 only stopping for 3 pregnancies & breastfeeding. I am 46. I’ve been on for painful periods. I made the decision to stop for fear of clots, cardiac issues and most importantly my mental well being. I truly believe they Contributed to my depression. I believe I’m in perimenopause & have higher than normal anxiety. I’m extremely worried about my periods not on the pill & think my supplements help these worries & I cope better. That’s why I’m reluctant to stop the supplements but still worried about long term use. Thank you for your advice.
Hi trudy,
I have very high anxiety with a lot of tension that comes from nowhere ever since I had an appendectomy à month and a half ago. I have no other explanation for this anxiety as I’m eating a very anti inflammatory diet with no dairy or gluten. I’m really sad as my health is taking this bad turn to the worse since the operation and I’m really afraid to have to live life like this with this crippling anxiety. What can I do? What did this appendectomy do to me? How can I overcome it? I used to be well and healthy before this happened to me.
Please advice! Thank you
I responded on the other blog but here it is again.
Sorry to hear this. If we were working together I’d start with a trial of GABA and tryptophan (one at a time) and look deeper into possible low B12 from the effects of the anesthetic and gut health from antibiotics prescribed. If fluoroquinolone antibiotics were prescribed then I’d also look into those effects like mitochondrial damage and low magnesium. For someone with pyroluria a surgery is a big stress and additional zinc and vitamin B6 helps. There may also be lingering aspects from the inflammation and lowered immunity. A good functional medicine practitioner would be able to help.
Dear Trudy,
Thank you for your response. I’m just wondering if I need to take something long term to make up for the lost appendix?
I read that the appendix helps make a lot of the probiotics found in the colon. Now most of the time I feel foggy and I have memory and concentration issues. Could this be a consequence of dysbiosis and a disturbed gut microbiome? What can I do today to keep my microbiome in good balance now that I lost my appendix?
Thank you
Dear Trudy,
I don’t feel like myself anymore ever since the operation to remove the inflamed appendix a month and a half ago. I know that the appendix is a reservoir for good bacteria to be supplied to the colon as needed and that bacteria has a strong influence on the immune endocrine and psychological state of the individual.
Does it mean that I need to take probiotics indefinitely?
Does the large intestine produce its own probiotics or does it rely on the appendix for that?
I know these bacteria produce vitamins. Which vitamins could I be lacking from now on?
I experience confusion and memory symptoms ever since the appendectomy.
The appendix is also an immune organ. Then how can prevent sibo and other intestinal problems from arising in the future?
Please help me and thank you for all your great work
As mentioned above addressing gut health is important. A stool test would show what is needed. Probiotics are typically beneficial after a course of antibiotics and I also like to have my clients include fermented foods.
The body has an amazing ability to heal so give yourself time and work on the basics of a good diet, less stress, and getting out in nature,
Hello Trudy,
I was wondering if it is safe (and effective) to use GABA and/or Tryptophan or L-Theanine or Serotonin in cats? My indoor only three year old little girl is urinating and spraying on the living room carpet and walls. We have had her looked at by her doctor. She is healthy. We have done all the environmental protocols to make sure all is well (litter box, cat tree, etc) and she is still doing it. It seems to be behavioral and it only occurs in Spring/Summer when she sees outside animals near the living room. My last resort is Prozac. I thought I would reach out to you first before I start her on the Prozac. The Prozac is my last choice as I don’t know if it will cause her harm down the road. However, if I don’t do something…my husband wants to return her to Humane Society. I am at a loss. Thank you!!
I’m sorry to hear your kitty is struggling with what may be increased anxiety “when she sees outside animals near the living room”. There are a number of natural approaches for anxiety in cats (and dogs too): Anxitane is a theanine (supports GABA) product that vets prescribe; there are a number of vet-prescribed tryptophan products for pets; thundershirts work for many cats (my Amazon link:; a gluten-free diet can help in some instances too.
Please keep us posted on how things go
This is all so helpful!! Thank you so much. I will ask her vet about these. I appreciate your sensitivity, understanding and responding to me even though this post is about a cat. But she is like my baby so I truly appreciate it
I enjoy your emails very much, thank you for the work you do! So over the last 5+ years I have tried to take something to raise serotonin multiple times, first was a homeopathic serotonin liquid, then 5-HTP, and just recently your suggestion of Lidtke l-tryptophan. Each time instead of helping with all the benefits, it just makes me more agitated and angry, with a short fuse! I just don’t understand this, and really didn’t want to believe it, because it sounds like it should be so helpful to me. Have you come across this before, can you explain it? Then just recently I tried Source Naturals Theanine Serine, and with in 15 minutes a very similar thing happened, I went from being just ok, but wanting to feel better be lifted, to be completely short and sad and angry -like wanting to break stuff and cry! It feels like a big “f-you” from the universe to try things that should have such great benefits for lifting mood and relaxing me, to just have the very extremely opposite happen!!! I thought I might give that one another try tonight maybe it was a fluke, but I stayed so down for 2 and half days that I don’t know if I can take it again and I might just let it be. I would love if you have any explanation for me, or a suggestion. I struggle with on and off depression, worry and rumination of thoughts day and night some too, anxiety, anger at times, very impatient, overwhelm, muscle tension, a cravings at times too. I do think I have adrenal and cortisol issues -my heart just pounds at night, and I tend to wake up tired despite good sleep or not, and I”ve had gut issues for years that I have been working on for the last 14 months. Thank you very much.
I have some pixie-dust clients that do well with a tiny tiny tiny pinch of the various amino acids. Too much can cause opposite effects.
Hi Trudy
I live in Australia. Im currently trialling tryptophan and inositol but feel that it is not helping (lying awake all night still).
Id like to try some GABA. What company / brand and dose do u recommend to your Australian readers?
The inositol i feel i will keep using if i can do this with GABA??
Thank you
Dear Trudy, I have been following you on various summits and have now bought your book. Thank you for all your valuable work. What i would really like to know is if you have any knowledge/experience of Gilberts Syndrome (which I have). I gather about 20% of the world’s population have it. Have just received a mail out from the British Liver Trust which mentions how Gilberts Syndrome can cause anxiety (amongst other things) and that this is often due to TOO MUCH serotonin in the blood. Would love your views. I’m sure it would help numerous people. PS I’ve suffered from free floating anxiety most of my life and now (as an oldie) have periods of very low mood.
Hi and thank you for reading! I’m brand new to this. I read all over your blogs. About to start a trial of amino acids on my 8 yr old son who suffers form anxiety, fears, worries and occasional panic attacks. I’m starting with the chewable Lidtke Tryptophan…do I give only one a day and at what time of day (I know afternoon, but ??) and do I give it at the same time every day? My plan is to see if this amino acid works well for him and if not to try GABA Calm next . I just wonder if I should give him a chewable to take when he is having anxiety/triggers or give him a chewable the same time every day regardless if he is anxious feeling or not.
Thank you for your time and your help.
I’m afraid I can’t consult via the blog. I can say I do start low, with one amino acid and increase until we see expected results. Best is to use the amino acids between meals each day at the same times. We do often use them as needed during increased anxiety too
My book is a good resources as are other blogs (use the search feature)
Please let us know how it goes with your son and don’t forget the diet, sleep, nature etc
Thank you for sharing all that you do Trudy. I am on lorazapam, 1mg twice a week and have been since August 2017. These 2 nights I have a lovely sleep from between 5 to 8 hours and feel great the next day.
I have fibromyalgia and ME and a back injury in 2017 and many stresses prior to this . I am better this year than was in 2018/19 but the problem is sleep, I sleep 2 to 4 hours, broken sleep on nights without the lorazapam and feel exhausted, more pain, shrill tinnitus, gut issues and depressed and anxious. If I take lorazapam more nights it does not work. I have tried all that you list, melatonin causes headaches and the 5htp etc appears to make no changes. I take and tried numerous herbal supplements.
I have read that I need regular nights of sleep to help heal my conditions…. I react to most medications given to me.
I eat no gluten or dairy, coffee or alcohol but do eat chocolate!
Can you please recommend any med that may help with sleep so I can come of the Lorazapam as the GABA etc do not allow me to sleep. I am also doing meditation and Gi Gong and walking.
I will appreciate any help you can give re meds as I seem to be passed all natural supplementation. Blessings
A few things I consider when working with someone like this: some folks do better on tryptophan rather than 5-HTP so we always trial that too; melatonin subligual for falling asleep and timed-release for waking in the night); high cortisol (; SIBO if there is bloating; EMFs. Benzodiazepines can actually make sleep worse – see
Thank you for getting back to me with your suggestions Trudy.
Tryptophan = Irritability? Question:
Happy to say I’ve started my first self-trials, closely watched by my functional practitioner. She’s curious too about what results I’ll obtain for my multiple types of anxiety.
After 2 days trying tryptophan, 1 day w Lidtkes lozenges feeling no remission from night cravings, and 2 days w Lidtkes capsules feeling only massive irritability and in fact a massive increase in cravings and overeating, I’m taking a pause.
I started w a tryptophan trial because nighttime carb cravings have been the bane of my existence since I weaned off SNRI and SSRI last October (2019). My doctor and i were trying to find more natural ways to reduce anxiety, since the SNRI SSRI drugs weren’t working for that anyway. I’m happy to be shot of them to be honest and won’t be going back on them anytime soon.
Anyway, the irritability is so uncomfortable that I just can’t tolerate it. Even w only one capsule in the late afternoon, I felt like I could throttle someone for the slightest thing. Everything made me feel impatient, annoyed, frustrated. It was so surprising and unexpected.
I’ve seen the writings about 5 htp causing irritability, but not that tryptophan itself does this. Historically I’ve taken 5 htp with no irritability at all (I’m not on 5 htp during tryptophan experiment of course). Perhaps I’m the exception that proves the rule?
Any clues as to why tryptophan can cause this? Does tryptophan interact negatively with other supplements?
At dinner I take an Ayurvedic herb capsule for relaxation called Stress Ez in which ashwaganda is the predominant ingredient. I also take at dinner Naltrexone, magnesium, potassium, melatonin, a menopause capsule w soybean supplement in it, and a broccoli sprouts capsule.
Thanks for any illumination! I hope my question helps others too.
Too much tryptophan can do this – it’s a big jump from Lidtke chewables (100mg) to Lidtke capsules (500mg) and something in between may be the sweet spot. Also some folks just do better on 5-HTP.
Apologies for the delay in your comment approval and my response. We had a computer glitch where a large number of comments were hidden from view in a spam folder. It mostly affected new folks who were commenting for the first time but it’s hopefully resolved now.
Re. Tryptophan, Gaba, DVT and blood thinners
Hi Trudy. Love your site. Thanks for all your work and passion.
I tried tryptophan and GABA to help with pain from Endometriosis and fibromyalgia (mostly controlled with diet) Jaw pain and lower back and muscle pain. I had amazing results and could exercise every day… for weeks, waking up feeling great and sleeping well.
I got a DVT in my calf and was put on Apixaban Blood thinner after visiting the ER. I have factor IV Leyden (one of the 2 genes) clotting disorder but had never had a clot. They assured me that I could still continue with tryptophan and GABA as they didn’t interact with the medication.
While researching I found one article which Said that tryptophan restricts blood vessels but only one article. Do you have any insight? Or knowledge of suitability To take this or GABA with a clotting disorder? And with blood thinners?
I stopped the tryptophan but still take the GABA some times but smaller than recommended amounts.
A little overweight (4kg) due to lockdown, have had fatty liver resolved through diet and losing weight. I exercise regularly and walk a lot, eat mostly whole foods and paleo diet (not strictly) but with Cheese 
I’m 49 years young
Your help would be Very much appreciated. Thank you.
So glad to hear tryptophan and GABA gave you so many benefits. Sorry to hear about the DVT. I would be curious to see the article you found – can you please share a link?
I’m not aware of any issues with tryptophan or GABA causing DVT so I’m glad your doctor assured you that you could continue with them and they don’t interact with the meds. I did find this paper that talks about higher levels of tryptophan being cardioprotective: Increases in Plasma Tryptophan Are Inversely Associated with Incident Cardiovascular Disease in the Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea (PREDIMED) Study However “interferon-γ–mediated inflammation accelerates degradation of tryptophan into downstream metabolites” such as kynurenine which is harmful. Because of this, continuation with the tryptophan and GABA as supplements is best discussed with the doctor.
This paper may also be worth discussing with your doctor: Amino Acids and Their Metabolism in Atherosclerosis
Apologies for the delay in your comment approval and my response. We had a computer glitch where a large number of comments were hidden from view in a spam folder. It mostly affected new folks who were commenting for the first time but it’s hopefully resolved now.
Hi not sure where to go from here. I took the questionnaire but seem to fall into a few categories so don’t know where to start. I answered several/most yes to gaba, serotonin Low Catecholamines. I can’t live with these symptoms as they are escalating and my doctor doesn’t know it is. Any suggestions as to what direction to start. Thank you
I have clients pick the area that is most problematic for them and we start there finding the ideal dose before addressing other areas. For example the best way to determine if someone may have low GABA is to look at the low GABA symptoms, rate them on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being worst, do a trial of GABA rate the symptoms again right afterwards (in the next 2 to 30 minutes).
If you are new to using the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here Much of this helps with insomnia too. My online group programs are helpful if you have questions and need guidance
I’ve increased my dose of L tryptophan to 1000 mg. I’ve had to stop because it is so constipating. Do gaba and 5HTP also cause constipation?
Tryptophan doesn’t typically cause constipation and often helps prevent it but we are all unique. I have my clients check for fillers and prefer Lidtke. A trial of 5-HTP would confirm if it will do the same (also not typical). GABA doesn’t typically cause constipation either but works on low GABA symptoms which differ from low serotonin symptoms so would not be a substitute.
I would love any insight as to how to control high levels of serotonin. All of the information I read says the same thing, stop taking serotonin inducing meds. My son, whose serum level of serotonin is 1222 and his Neurogistics test is 1029. He is on no medication and suffers tremendously with levels this high. He is taking some powered inositol with little relief.
Anything you can offer would be greatly appreciated.!
What have the practitioner/s who ordered these tests advised? And have they ruled out primary pulmonary hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other medical conditions
It’s challenging to offer input when you say he suffers tremendously – how does he suffer/what are his symptoms?
We are looking into GI issues, heavy metal toxicity and endocrine disfunction at this time. Since this is not a common issue, it’s taking a lot of research on our part.
He suffers from severe anxiety, insomnia and fatigue.
I have been following your work for some time, hoping for any insight you may have.
I understand that high serotonin can be fatal.
Nice to meet you Dr. Scott,
My 13-year-old teen has always suffered from insomnia, sometimes light, sometimes a bit heavier, depending the period. She has suffered from asthma from young age, even if this issue has improved enormously, it is sometimes present, specially during spring time as she is allergic to different plants. She would suffer from sugar cravings in the past as we were trying to change her diet. Things are going better in this respect as well; however, negativity, phobias, low self esteem and anxiety are always present for her.
Are these signs of low serotonin, right? How could we help her better? Should serotonin pills be applied directly? Would this make the system dependent on it? If amino acids should be supplemented, how should we do this, considering her age?
Thanks a lot in advance,
Maria Florencia, Italy
Yes negativity, phobias, low self esteem and anxiety (the worry type) are signs of low serotonin. I also consider low GABA when someone is anxious. The best way to determine if someone may have low GABA/serotonin is to look at the low GABA/serotonin symptoms, rate them on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being worst, do a trial of the respective amino acid and rate the symptoms again right afterwards (in the next 2 to 30 minutes). Here are the symptoms
The body does not get dependent on the amino acids. I typically start with 100mg Lidtke chewable tryptophan in children/teens.
If you are new to the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here
It’s a comprehensive approach – amino acids AND diet. What is her diet like right now – gluten-free, sugar-free, caffeine-free, eating protein at breakfast for blood sugar control, real whole foods, grass-fed red meat, wild fish, fermented foods etc?
You may this helpful too – 5-HTP and/or tryptophan to help with increased anxiety, panic attacks and depression caused by spring allergies
I shared your question in a new blog post and also go into detail about how I would do a one-off trial (or evaluation) of tryptophan if I was working with someone like your daughter. I also share why I’d look into low GABA, seasonal allergies and the birth control pill. And I discuss the importance of being proactive given the increasing suicide and self-harm in this age-group, with the pandemic compounding the increase.
Thanks again for asking the question and hope this helps even more. Please do share how your daughter is doing
I feel strongly that the answer for me lies in here but it overwhelms me trying to figure out what trial to do because I can’t ‘see’ the organization. I have repeatedly tried but end up doing nothing. Can you put this in the form of an organizational chart so I can see what pathway I want to read about?
This is a great idea and I’ll work on something visual. For now does this help
1) do I have low serotonin symptoms
2) no – do nothing
3) yes – rate them on scale of 1 to 10 with 10 most severe – pick 2 symptoms you can measure, for example worried = 8 and negative = 7
4) Do a trial of tryptophan
5) very sensitive yes – star with 100mg
6) very sensitive – no start with 500mg
7) rate the above 2 symptoms after the one off trial (during the day)
8) if improved, continue with tryptophan midafternoon and evening
9) if not improved, take another dose and rate above 2 symptoms
10) continue with the final dose where you see results and track symptoms
11) make dietary changes, look at gut health, parasites etc and address other underlying causes
12) reassess dosing of tryptophan at 2 months, 3 months, 6 months and reduce if needed
Keep in mind low GABA can cause visual processing issues and overwhelm and tryosine helps with focus (calm focus for some)
I’m wondering about alternatives to tryptophan/5-HTP (for boosting serotonin) and tyrosine (for boosting dopamine/catecholamines)? I suffer from a lack of motivation that I think stems from a bit of both (low serotonin + low catecholamines – I have a constellation of symptoms from both those lists in the Amino Acid Questionnaire. But unfortunately, I can’t take the tryptophan/5-HTP because the medication I use for migraines is in the triptan family (and that would put me at risk of a ‘serotonin storm’ episode – which I’ve experienced once and never want to again) – and I can’t take the tyrosine because I’ve got auto-immune hypothyroidism and it’s contra-indicated. So . . . do I have any other options? Thank you in advance for your thoughts.
I’d start with dopamine support – tyrosine is only an issue with Graves. And work on root causes of migraines so tryptophan/5-HTP can be added once the meds are no longer needed. It may well be low serotonin is a contributing factor.
I have been trying to get my depression and worry and anxiety under control without prescriptions. I have taken SSIDs and Zanax off and on for many years and they help, however I am so tired of how they pretty make me an unfeeling zombie. I notice they also affect me cognitively and my weight. I have not been taking them much lately. I have read your book and love it.
I have tried taking 1 500mg capsule of 5-htp daily multiple times and it works for a day or two and I feel better, but after 24-48 hours I start to get very irritable and angry.
Right now I have some issues in my life that are effecting me emotionally. I am extremely worried about a situation, can’t stop worrying about it, can’t control my worries about it, crying over it, feeling sick to my stomach, it is affecting my day everyday. This issue could affect my future in a major way and it involves someone else that i care about and the decision i have to make is going to hurt them and I have emense guilt and worry over it, but this is something that I have to make the decision to protect my future. The crazy thing is this decision doesn’t have to be done now it is a future event (unknown exactly when). Could happen tomorrow, could happen a few years from now, but it is controlling me and making it difficult to get through each day. Is there any amino acids that can control this emotional hell besides 5-htp?
Thank you, kindly!
Correction. I have only been attempting to take 100mg capsules of 5-htp not 500mg.
Thank you.
I’ve been very interested in trying the L-Tryptophan especially for terrible anxiety at night causing insomnia. Two days ago I tried opening up the 500 mg capsule in the afternoon and found my heart pounding after it. I felt pretty terrible. Does this mean I need less or more of it? I often find supplements that lot are meant to calm so the opposite to me. Any thoughts on why? Am I emotionally triggering these responses? I feel like nothing works for me. Any insight would be amazing. Thank you so much.
Sensitive folks often do better with less and may even need to start with 50mg
If you are new to using amino acids my book is a good resource –
I did start out with the 50mg capsule opened. Should I go lower?
I can’t provide any specifics via the blog but can share some clients do well with just a pinch. Also some do better with 5-HTP vs tryptophan. And these will only work/help if someone has low serotonin symptoms.
Hello Trudy,
I’m really hoping you can give me some guidance. I am very desperate with no sleep. I began a severe nervous breakdown five months ago and there has been no let up. Daily adrenaline panic attacks, deep depression, non-stop heart palpitations for all these months. Now the latest many, many nights of no sleep. I am in deep distress.
I eat a carnivore diet for the last two years. I eat two eggs with plenty of butter and cheese, sometimes a slice of sourdough toast. Steak and butter. It has brought my IBS under control, I’ve lost the fibromyalgia symptoms I had, I lost about 50 lbs, no gas or pain.
I took SSRI for 16 years after post partum, I stopped taking it after tapering a full year ago, but then in November this full on nervous breakdown happened. I have been white knuckling it since then refusing to go back on SSRI’s. But now with no sleep I am broken.
I am one of your ‘Pixie Dust’ people that you mention. I have been having opposite reactions to almost everything, Rhodiola, Ashwaghanda, I listened to Theta waves for 30 seconds and spent the next three hours on the floor with my eyes closed and it affected my heart rate.
I have seen a Naturopathic doctor who has no knowledge of what I’m going through, no knowledge of amino acids, she suggested SAMe. I am now seeing a TCM/acupuncture doctor who thinks I have low blood volume and thinks I am not absorbing nutrients from my food.
I am so desperate for sleep. I got clonzepam and trazadone from my doctor one week ago and already its having no effect. I wake after 1-2 hours not even groggy. I am very nervous of the benzo and don’t want to take it.
I found you on Wellness Mama.
I did your questionnaire on low GABA and Serotonin and for sure I am low for both of those. Full marks almost for everything except carb cravings. I am extremely weak and have trouble mounting stairs or doing any physical work. I can’t do any mental work either as everything is overwhelming and too stimulating. I am feeling like my life is becoming threatened with these severe symptoms with no let up. I have a loving husband and two children that need me to return to life.
God bless you. Thank you for your work.
I responded to your other comment but would also add that with these symptoms – I am extremely weak and have trouble mounting stairs or doing any physical work – I’d discuss Lyme, mold toxicity, low B12, low thiamine, heavy metals, high cotisol, sex hormone imbalances and vagus nerve issues with your naturopath. I also have clients in this situation have a thorough checkup and possible CT scan by your MD.
My question is regarding aminos. I bought some Theanine and took a quarter of a 100 mg capsule and it seemed to help settle my brain some. I then went to my TCM doc and he noticed a ‘tightening’ of my heart beat. He’s been working on loosening my heart beat. My constant pounding heart for five months is awful. Could the Theanine cause the tightening? He thinks I am what you call a “Pixie dust” person due to my low blood volume. I have noticed after I had my kids, that when having blood drawn the nurse could no longer get my vein to pop up and there wasn’t a lot of blood to fill the vials so I think he’s right. He thinks I don’t absorb nutrients well. I find that I have to eat a certain amount of food or I feel like I’ll collapse, my food doesn’t seem to sustain me.
I’ve read your article on Benzos and want to stop taking them, but the lack of sleep is so threatening, I’m a zombie. I have some Gaba – couldn’t your preferred brand right away so making do. I took the smallest amount but didn’t notice much. Because I’m so nervous of making anything worse I’m cautious about taking too much of anything. When you think things can’t get worse you realize then can get a whole lot worse. Wondering what your advice would be to someone like me. Again despite the anxiety and depression the terrible insomnia is the biggest threat. Thank you Trudy.
When a small amount of theanine is helps to settles someone’s brain that is a good clue for us to increase but to do so slowly for pixie dust folks.
I do have clients get nutritionally stable before considering tapering a benzo. You don’t mention what his diet is like but it goes without saying that dietary factors are key too – no gluten, no sugar, no caffeine, quality animal protein, healthy fats, organic veggies/fruit and fermented foods plus eating for blood sugar balance (all explained in my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” Addressing gut health, low GABA, low zinc, low omega-3s etc may also be needed.
Thank you Trudy for your reply. It means so much. I am on a carnivore diet for nearly two years. Can’t afford grass-fed meat but eat grocery store meat. Do you think that tapering of benzos is necessary, I’ve been taking them .25mg (half a dose) for only 11 days. I knew they were trouble but I couldn’t get my heart rate under control and my sensitivity was off the charts and the insomnia is threatening. How would I determine how to dose zinc and would you take that with Quercetin?
I have stopped the Theanine and am taking Pharma Gaba as high as 30 mg twice a day, powder on tongue. (I can’t seem to get your preferred brand here in Canada.) I have felt a little pressure in my head but can’t determine if that from the Gaba or something else. The Gaba with the benzo and a trazadone 50mg I’m getting some sleep the past two nights. I am anxious to get off the benzo asap though.
Being a Pixie Dust person how high a dose I should go to and over what time period with the Gaba? I definitely have low serotonin as well, I wonder when would be a good time to introduce Tryptophan for instance. It’s also not clear to me if I were to find that the Gaba was giving me headaches, what to do instead.
Trudy you are very special. I found others online who have knowledge about amino acids to help suffering people but they want exhorbitant amounts of money to give any advice. You are lovely. God bless you.
Some folks are ok with a short taper after only 11 days of a benzo.
With the aminos it’s a matter of doing a trial and observing improvements and symptoms and adjusting up or down, stopping and starting again – and keeping a careful log. Dosing is variable (more on that here
I have clients add a new amino acid like tryptophan once we have a good feel for how they’re doing on the GABA or theanine.
Hi Trudy! I have a question about Vitamin C stopping the side effects of amino acids. Will taking Vit C also stop the positive effects of the amino acids that you’re hoping to get from them?
I’ve searched through all your materials and I can’t find this information. Should a person take their Vit C supplements away from the aminos if it interferes with their action?
For me it has not been an issue; i take my Vit C with food and my aminos away from it, but I have shared your amazing information and book with many, many others, and they sometimes ask me this question. It would be lovely to know the answer for them!
Yes vitamin C should be used away from the amino acids because it’s the antidote when too high a dose is used.
I write about it in my book – The Antianxiety Food Solution I recommend everyone reads it when using the amino acids.
Thanks for sharing my work and book with others!
Hi Trudy,
I have been reading your book and trying amino acids for anxiety and OCD.
I have chronic mycoplasma pneumonie, hashimoto’s, (suspected) lymes, MCAS and SIBO/leaky gut. I’m trying to find a natural Lyme treatment that won’t make the SIBO worse.
In the meantime, the anxiety and OCD symptoms are quite intense.
I tried 50mg 5HTP for a week or two at bedtime but didn’t notice a big difference.
Last night, I trialed 400mg of L-Tryptophan from your fullscript page but I feel even more anxious/jittery today compared to usual.
I’ve done up to 1000mg (1 gram) inositol but didn’t notice an effect.
I’ve tried small amounts of NAC as I take it for allergies.
I take Liposomal Neurocalm from seeking health and it helps a little.
I also take B12/Folanic acid, D3/K2, 5HTP, Zinc, and NeuroMag.
I do struggle to eat enough as the anxiety makes me lose my appetite and my diet is limited due to egg sensitivity, avoiding gluten, and doing low FODMAP.
Are there are any supplements I can try, or perhaps increase the amount of what I’m taking now?
Thanks in advance – appreciate your research and knowledge!
I can’t offer specific feedback via the blog but can share we increase the aminos to find the ideal dose and often switch to tryptophan if 5-HTP is not working. We also experiment with lower doses and use the aminos sublingually. Seeing results from a liposomal product is encouraging and we capitalize on this when it happens.
Keep in mind that there are many other factors that affect anxiety and OCD – high cortisol, low blood sugar, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, gut health /parasites and not eating quality animal protein and healthy fats + organic veg and fruit (all addressed in my book) so we also always address these factors.
Once these foundations are in place we also look at EMFs, oxalates, infections (eg PANDAS can cause OCD), fat malabsorption etc – these topics are covered here on the blog so feel free to search for them.
Dear Trudy!
I have one question. I have PMDD (now when I am 40 It-s more likely it last whole month), in the past I had SIBO and after I did questionnaire for pyroluria I found I have most of the questions positive.
So I am taking care of my gut, I am adding Peruvian maca because of low estrogen,prebiotics , B6, glutathione, selen,EPO , zinc and magnesium. But whenever I start with zinc citrate 17mg after a few days I feel so anxious and agitated. I take that in the evening and in the morning I feel like on speed.
Can you please give me some advice why is that?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards
When zinc causes anxiety and agitation I suspect copper toxicity and copper dumping especially if the same symptoms are seen with other forms of zinc.
High copper is common in PMDD and zinc and molybdenum help to lower copper. We also look for dietary/environmental sources of copper: nuts/seeds, nut flours, copper in water, copper IUD, BCP etc.
Keep in mind that tryptophan and GABA are also helpful for PMDD and can help counter some of the anxiety and agitation. This blog may be helpful
Addressing low endorphins can help in many cases too
When you are new to the amino acids and anxiety nutrition solutions my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is an excellent resource
All these other factors may come into play with hormonal imbalances too: high cortisol, low blood sugar, gluten, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, parasites and not eating enough quality animal protein and health fats + organic veg and fruit – also covered in my book.
Hi Trudy,
I had a functional medicine doctor tell me that 5htp will deplete dopamine if not taken with tyrosine. What are your thoughts? I am currently taking Lidtke tryptophan for mood and sleep.
Can tryptophan deplete dopamine also? How long can I take tryptophan?
Thanks so much!
I believe this “theory” comes from Dr. Marty Hinz and it’s not something I have found to be supported by research or clinically. I’ve had many folks in community share that they were advised to do this and yet they could either not tolerate any tyrosine or the 1:10 ratio was way too much. There is no one-size fits all with the amino acids in the same way there is no one-size fits all with other nutrients and dietary approaches.
I’m curious to hear your personal experience when using tryptophan?
There is no research on long-term use but we use it for as long as someone is seeing benefits. And always look for and address why serotonin may be low. You don’t mention diet but if this hasn’t been addressed yet I encourage you to also check out my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” to explore all the possible root causes that may be factors – like gluten, gut health, sugar, caffeine etc
I’m also interested to hear what type of functional medicine doctor said this and if they provided some evidence as to why
Dear Trudy,
I have been reading your information on OCD for several years and tho I thought it was the best hope I’d heard of for OCD and ruminating thoughts, I was afraid to try the amino acids because I knew so little about them. So I studied and studied and gained confidence by reading the published reports that seemed to back up what you said about amino acids. Still, since I was hoping to help my grandson, who was 14 at the time, I was overly cautious. I’m not a medical professional and I’m aware that even really safe and effective treatments can change more than just the issue I was hoping to address. So, more reading and searching ensued. Meanwhile my grandson’s life was deteriorating. He couldn’t function in many ways because he had no peace. Even sleep was difficult because the thoughts wouldn’t rest – the poor kid had no time at all when his mind wasn’t racing. It broke my heart to see him suffer so.
We contacted every doctor and therapist who claimed to be able to help with OCD to absolutely no avail. The doctors had nothing to offer other than pharmaceuticals. The therapists were no help at all. We rejected the pharmaceutical remedies for several reasons. We tried EFT Tapping with limited success. We used breathing techniques that were helpful for short periods of time. We tried acupuncture but didn’t find relief with that. We did yoga and tai chi, which is great for calming and redirecting but the OCD persisted and the ruminating thoughts were debilitating. My grandson, who is now 17, prayed for relief and told us that OCD was completely ruining his life. We could see that it absolutely was stealing any hope of him being at peace.
Finally, I got the strength to trust my gut and try the amino acids. We started with Lidtke L-Tryptophan Chewables. I was thrilled beyond my greatest hopes to see that it helped immediately! So, we went forward with having him chew a trptophan when the thoughts started taking hold. This helped for awhile, but the thoughts would return. Finally I read one mother on your blog who gave her son tryptophan 3x/day. So we tried this. That was the magic bullet for my grandson. Getting the tryptophan in before the thoughts could take hold made the difference. And so we have stuck with this plan and have been so happy to see that OCD is no longer ruling my grandson’s life. Last week I heard the most beautiful words I could imagine. “Hey grandma! The OCD is permanently gone!” Truly a miracle! That’s how it feels to him. As long as we continue to take the tryptophan 3x/day, there is no sign of OCD or ruminating thoughts! We keep Gaba Calm on hand as well and if a bothersome thought enters his mind, he chews a Gaba and we don’t hear any more about it.
I honestly don’t even know how to tell you what a blessing your information has been to my grandson. He has the most beautiful, serene smile almost all the time now. In all my reading and searching for all these years, you’re the only one I saw talking about this. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for guiding us to giving this kid his life back. I pray that all the good things you have done to help people come back to you tenfold, Trudy. You are a Godsend.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful news about your grandson – I am so thrilled for him and very happy for you both (and appreciate you taking the time to post here and send an email)
I’m really glad you persevered and figured out the importance of “Getting the tryptophan in before the thoughts could take hold made the difference.” This is key for using the amino acids and applies to GABA too.
You don’t mention diet but if this hasn’t been addressed yet I encourage you to also check out my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” to explore all the possible root causes that may be contributing to this OCD and low serotonin/low GABA – like gluten, blood sugar, gut health, sugar, caffeine etc.
I plan to share his story as a new blog post to give others hope and so we can emphasize the importance of consistent dosing of amino acids to prevent the OCD rather than using it when the OCD shows up.
We follow a diet that’s organic and high in green veggies and some protein. I’ll be checking out your book for more tips. Thank you!
Having a good foundational healthy diet is wonderful! I hope you find my book helpful especially the gluten section
I’ll share a link here when his story is published on the blog
Here is a link to the new blog – Tryptophan 3x/day: OCD and ruminating thoughts are no longer ruling my grandson’s life and he has the most beautiful serene smile
Thank you again for sharing your grandson’s story – I’m hopeful it will inspire others
Dear Trudy,
I have a question for you. I do own and have read through your book many times in search of finding some relief for my daughter. She has been diagnosed with a panic disorder, OCD, and generalized anxiety disorder. It seem in the last few years since attending high school she has also become very introverted and afraid to talk to peers as well as teachers. She is afraid of being criticized and or reprimanded. It is heartbreaking watching her fear away from life since she is so smart and talented.
Anyways I have gone over the questionnaire on her behalf several times and have trialed GABA for her and it makes her miserably lethargic and this is just with giving her very small amounts since I have been trialing her as though she were a pixie duster so to speak.
I also want to trial her on tryptophan however I am uncertain do to the research I have been doing and I hope you can help shine some light on the science for me. I know that for many people with mood disorders they have a dysregulated tryptophan metabolism which leads me to worry about possibly further stimulating the kynurenine pathway instead of it converting to serotonin and thus increasing Quinolinic acid concentrations in the brain which would cause more free radicals in the brain as well as the production of neurotoxins and contribute further to more neuroinflammation.
Is there a way to try to support the conversion of the supplemental tryptophan to serotonin or do you just hope that your biologically individual tryptophan metabolism isnt this compromised?
By the way my daughter has anaphylactic allergies to dairy, eggs, peanuts, and tree nuts as well as being celiac so she is always gluten free or she has serious digestive pains.
With panic disorder, OCD, and generalized anxiety disorder, plus being afraid to talk to teachers/peers and afraid of being criticized I’d want to start with serotonin support unless someone also had low GABA symptoms too.
This is a great question – having enough vitamin B6 helps prevent the tryptophan going down the wrong pathway. And with introversion I always consider pyroluria (zinc and vitamin B6 are key).
Thanks for the response. She has in the past seen a practitioner that treated her for pyrolysis for quite awhile however it didn’t seem to make any changes to her behavior based on both my own observation as well as on her own feedback so eventually after almost a year we stopped with the supplementation since she was having nausea from the supplements.
Hi Trudy
I have a lot going on at the moment I don’t know where to start. I’m 57 going through late menopause. Three months ago started Estradiol 25 with 200mg progesterone feel no change at all, I suffer Hypothyroidism I’m on 75 mcg Eltroxin, but between everything my symptoms are horrendous. Zero motivation just about going to work, interested in nothing extremely low mood and snap at people for nothing and feel bad after. Frustrated and super super sensitive take things very personal and can’t let it go, it’s so bad it sits in my head at night when trying to sleep. I suffer OCD intrusive thoughts. If someone is driving slow or pulls out in front of me I go into a total rage. I could go on and I feel helpless, different sites tell you different things but I came across your and you seem the most genuine and not selling your own products and you personally respond which is so admirable. Please help, I’m at my lowest oh and I am very emotional cry for little things
Sorry to hear you are struggling. Everything you describe sounds much like the low serotonin symptoms I see in my clients: “extremely low mood and snap at people for nothing”, “take things very personal and can’t let it go, it’s so bad it sits in my head at night when trying to sleep. I suffer OCD intrusive thoughts. If someone is driving slow or pulls out in front of me I go into a total rage. I could go on and I feel helpless”
I also see low motivation and low mood with low dopamine. And low mood, “very emotional cry for little things” with low endorphins
And have clients do the amino acid questionnaire and trials (one at a time) of the respective amino acids –
When you’re new to all this my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a good place to start to learn about the amino acids and the dietary approaches that help with neurotransmitter production – more here
There is a ton of valuable information on the blog too.
And if you need guidance I’ll be opening up my online group programs soon. You can sign up here to be notified
Is this true that elevated seratonin is often associated with cancer?
A carcinoid tumor secretes serotonin – more here
I noticed that Ipothocary has a new product (BeSerene Cream) that has GABA and Trytophan.
I m currently using Somnium for anxiety, sleep issues with some success.
Do you recommend BeSerene Cream?
I’d love to hear how you’re using the Somnium and how much? and what you mean by some success?
BeSerene has GABA and theanine (and a few other ingredients) but no tryptophan and would likely be comparable although some folks do better with some theanine. If you decide to try it do come back and share please