Today I’m sharing a success story on how the amino acid tryptophan, taken as a supplement, ends TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain and headaches in a woman in my community. She had the added benefits of an improved mood and less worrying and her sleep improved too.
There is evidence to support the low serotonin connection to TMJ and pain like fibromyalgia and I share that research below.
Before I share the success story, in case you’re new to neurotransmitter imbalances, the other symptoms we see with low serotonin are the worrying-type of anxiety, panic attacks and phobias, lack of confidence, depression, negativity, imposter syndrome, PMS, irritability, anger issues, insomnia and afternoon/evening cravings. Tryptophan can be used to boost serotonin levels and improve these symptoms as you’ll see below.
Right after speaking on the recent Trauma and Mind-Body Super Conference, Renee shared her wonderful success story on Facebook:
Out of all the interviews I felt yours gave the most actionable steps. I was taking amitriptyline for TMJ and didn’t like the side effects, however what other options did I have? Not many according to my GP [general practitioner]. Luckily I found your suggestion of tryptophan. And I can’t explain how much of a change it made! I weaned off the medicine and took tryptophan instead and not only did it help the TMJ but also helped me feel more even emotionally.
I am being referred for trauma therapy and I am optimistic that I will be discomfort free soon.
So huge thanks for sharing your knowledge. It helped me at a time when I was really starting to think there were no ‘natural’ options and conventional meds were all I could take.
I checked in with her, thanking her and acknowledging her wonderful feedback. I also asked how much tryptophan made this difference and how quickly she saw an improvement. And what side-effects she was seeing with the medication. She shared this:
I am a week into taking tryptophan, and I’m taking 500mg. I saw improvements with the TMJ within an hour of taking it. My jaw felt loose and I had no headaches, I also felt more ‘even’ mood wise. Like an underlying worry had gone. [worry is a classic symptom of low serotonin – more on that here]
I also had some stress yesterday that usually would have made me crumble, but instead I was able to stand up for myself and see subjectively the extent of the issue and resolve it. I am amazed!
My original medication (amitriptyline) had given me extreme dry mouth, which I found hard to manage, the headaches were also not relieved as much as I had hoped, plus I was having sessions of palpitations.
I haven’t had any palpitations from the day I started tryptophan whereas the dry mouth took some time to subside.
These really are wonderful results and typical that we’d see results this quickly with tryptophan if the root cause of the TMJ and headaches is low serotonin. It can sometimes take a few weeks to find the ideal dose but Renee found it with the initial trial amount of 500mg.
The tryptophan also improved her sleep (and the palpitations and dry mouth side-effects from the medication stopped):
I was struggling to get to sleep and stay asleep, suffering bouts of insomnia, prior to any medication. I still am sleeping well taking tryptophan which I am pleased about.
She did however share that the timing of the tryptophan was making her too sleepy too early in the evening and she was planning to shift the timing:
I am finding tryptophan is making me feel drowsy in the evening, so I am trying different times during the day to take it. Hopefully I can push back the tiredness to perhaps 8/9 at night to coincide with bedtime.
My advice to her was that I have my clients use tryptophan MA (mid-afternoon) and evening and if MA makes them too sleepy they just do an evening dose. That can be enough for TMJ the next day. Sometimes more than 1 x 500mg in the evening is needed for easing TMJ and headache pain that night and the next day too.
I did check with her about weaning off the medication as cold-turkey quitting of psychiatric medications are dangerous and not advised. She shared this:
I weaned off over 1 week, but I was only in it for 8 weeks in total before I found tryptophan.
A slow taper under the guidance of the prescribing doctor is always recommended (more on this for amitriptyline/Elavil withdrawal here).
Here is some research supporting this serotonin/TMJ connection:
…both temporomandibular disorders myalgia (TMDM) and fibromyalgia (FM) have been linked to central and peripheral changes in serotonin availability.” (tryptophan is not used in this study which also makes the serotonin/anxiety connection)
Over the 4 weeks of the study, there was a greater reduction in reported clinical pain and a greater increase in pain tolerance threshold in the tryptophan group than in the placebo group. The tryptophan group was given “three grams of tryptophan in conjunction with a high carbohydrate, low fat, low protein diet.”
If you suspect low serotonin symptoms and are new to using the amino acids and do not have my book I highly recommend getting it and reading it before jumping in to taking supplements: The Antianxiety Food Solution – How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood, and End Cravings.
There is a complete chapter on the amino acids and one for pyroluria, plus information on real whole food, sugar and blood sugar, gluten, digestion and much more. If you’re not a reader there is now also an audible version.
Here is the Amino Acids Mood Questionnaire from The Antianxiety Food Solution and additional information on Anxiety and targeted individual amino acid supplements: a summary
Please also read and follow these Amino Acid Precautions.
This lists The Antianxiety Food Solution Amino Acid and Pyroluria Supplements that I use with my individual clients and those in my group programs.
We appreciate Renee sharing her success story. Please share your TMJ/headache tryptophan success story if you have one. And feel free to post your questions here too.
Any idea if it would help with trigeminal nerve pain? My brother has lots of pain. He’s taking 750 mg of gabapentin daily and they want to increase it. I hate it. Makes him fold right up. It’s dangerous.
Drugs that work on both GABA and serotonin are typically prescribed for trigeminal nerve pain – Therapeutic Approaches for Peripheral and Central Neuropathic Pain ( so I would consider a trial of GABA and tryptophan if other low GABA and low serotonin symptoms are also present.
If there is not a known physical cause, a full functional medicine work up should be done – gluten issues ( and even Lyme disease ( may be a root cause.
I also recently watched your talk at the Super Conference and decided to take Tryptophan for severe insomnia caused by C-PTSD (I also scored around 23 in the Pyroluria questionnaire. 17 in the most common and 6 in the less common).
I went to a health food store and all they had was the New Roots brand which is a 220mg dose. I opened the first 220mg capsule on my tongue and then swallowed the second capsule. I got an intense reaction that night, where I felt sad and tearful and then really had to move my body to work stuff out, which kept me up for a while. After that, I took a night off and then the following day I took a 220mg which worked well for sleep. I didn’t sleep completely through the night but I slept more than I had in the past. There was also a residual hangover feeling, and I was able to sleep better the following night.
That brings to last night, where I went in for a sleep study and got a horrible night sleep. I didn’t take any l-tryptophan, but I’m planning on taking some tonight. I’m thinking I either need to take less because I’m super sensitive, or I need to take more to get me through the entire night. I think taking so much on my tongue might have been the thing that gave me the intense reaction in the first place. Either way, it’s great to know that I have something like l-tryptophan that can help me sleep. It just feels like I need to find tune it now.
Past medications that I’ve been on have been zopiclone, and most recently trazodone, which I weened off.
Any tips or advice are much appreciated!
I’m not familiar with the New Roots brand but it’s matter of finding the ideal dose for your unique needs – as you are discovering. Keep in mind that recent prior use of meds like these can also sometimes confound results. I encourage you to read my book so you have a good understanding of the amino acids and how best to use them. There is also an entire chapter on pyroluria – zinc and B6 is also needed to make serotonin and the other neurotransmitters.
Yes, I have been taking B6 and zinc as well. I also plan to read your book soon.
Hi Trudy,
I was inspired to get your book after hearing you on the Trauma mind body super conference. I’ve had anxiety for my whole life. My doctor tested me for pyroluria a few years ago & he was surprised I tested negative. I was low on serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine. He put me on 5 htp among other things & I felt worse!
2 years later desperate for help I read your book. One week on gaba feeling calmer. Next started tryptophan. I can finally sleep! Then I was genetically tested & tested positive for MTHFR gene & COMT gene. This is info I found on COMT
“Because COMT has a hard time removing catechols, it can also be helpful to avoid foods that increase catechols.
For example, don’t over-consume foods that contain the amino acids tyrosine, tryptophan, and phenylalanine (i.e., high-protein foods), as it is converted into dopamine endogenously as well as triggering catechol release. One study showed that reducing these amino acids can even reduce bipolar symptoms.”
Please Help!
So glad to hear the GABA makes you feel calmer and the tryptophan helps you sleep. Please keep in mind that you may have gene polymorphisms but they may not be expressing and causing problems so if the aminos are helping someone then we know they need them.
I am however curious about where this COMT quote is from as I’d like to read more about the context. Can you share a link?
Also keep in mind pyroluria urine testing is well-known for false negatives. I encourage you to dig into the pyroluria chapter.
Per this “I was low on serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine. He put me on 5 htp among other things & I felt worse!” – I’m guessing you did urine neurotransmitter testing? It’s not something I do or advise. I prefer the trial method based on symptoms and using one amino acid at a time. It sounds like he put you on a number of combination products?
Also some folks do better on 5-HTP and some do better on tryptophan
Yes it was a urine neurotransmitter test.
My zinc & B6 test normal does that mean I don’t have pyroluria?
I took 125mg of gaba (gaba calm) in the morning . Makes me tired can I split the dose or does it mean I don’t need gaba? Gaba makes me tired but my mind keeps chatting on it so I can’t do it at night.
I took 500 mg of tryptophan at night.
Here is the article:
Do you take clients or recommend a practitioner to do this all with me. I know you have a class but I’m so overwhelmed already.
Thank you
Trudy.? Can you please comment on the brand of Tryptophan, i read and cannot find it . i will get your book and have studied Amino Acids therapy .
The brand I use is Lidtke Tryptophan – you can find this and other products I use here
I have had a hard time finding tryptophan. Can you suggest a brand ?
Yes I like the Lidtke brand – Tryptophan 500mg. Link to my online supplement store is in the blog above
Hi Trudy
Thanks for you response but for some reason I can’t see your response or anyone else’s. If you could email me your response it’d be so helpful. It was about COMT gene. I could only see where you said “ keep in mind”
Thank you!
Please see my feedback above
Wow I’m having tension headaches something I never expirence before it this could be a connection with my TMJ discomfort in the last 4 months.? I took tryptophan much lower potency I really don’t recall helping me…. but will look into again.
I absolutely dislike taking medications even aspirin. I do suffer from anxiety for many years. My panic attacks are gone but the anxious feelings are present if I don’t exercises. Which I know is my best medicine … staying sleep is a problem in my senior years. Tried all types of melatonin didn’t help actually made me agitated. I need to sleep so when I wake up at 3 am I take the one and only medication that puts my mind in a calm state my sleep is great. Yes, I take . 5mg Xanax.. I tried many natural sleep aids nothing help me. Also I have a problem ( could be from my anxiety) trying stuff I have not idea how will my body will react. Many years ago someone told me valerian was good for sleeping… I had a horrible time with it and never will touch valerian again… Neuro-Magnesium l -Threonate at night put me to sleep fast I trust this dietary supplement still I will wake up 4.5 or 5 hours later but with half of Xanax my sleep is very good for another 4 or 5 hours. AlsoI have always blame my thyroid for my anxiety…. Doctors don’t agree but now that I’m becoming hypo I feel much better I can tolerate heat and the anxiety has demininish a lot. I will check your book. I eat healthy and exercise regular without over doing it.
Thank you so much for your amazing work! What a blessing to so many people you are!
I have all the classic signs of low serotonin and have been on several different medications in the past including prozac, zoloft, paxil, and lexapro. I felt that paxil had the most dramatic impact on my anxiety, though I didn’t like the side effects. I don’t like the side effects of any of them, frankly, and have been free of all them for over a year now.
I started taking the tryptophan and noticed an immediate improvement in my sleep, with dream recall that I haven’t experienced in years.
I find that my stomach seems upset when I take the tryptophan, but was wondering if that is something that dissipates over time? I bought the Lidke brand, both the 500mg capsules and the chewables. I’m taking one (100mg) chewable/night. I tend to be very sensitive to any sort of medication, wether it is pharmaceutical or nutrient based, so I am starting with this low dose and plan to incorporate more over time if my stomach can tolerate it.
Many thanks again for your wonderful contribution!
Wonderful to hear you noticed an immediate improvement in your sleep with 100mg chewable tryptopan, with dream recall that you haven’t experienced in years. 5-HTP is known to cause digestive issues but this is not the case with tryptophan. I would suspect it’s one of the other ingredients in the chewable. A trial with tryptophan only is what I do with clients to confirm.
Can you describe the stomach upset?
Interesting that dream recall improved. This is typically related to increased vitamin B6 but perhaps the good sleep helped.
Thank you so much for your reply Trudy!
I’ve had stomach pain for years, with doctors believing it is related to acid reflux. The stomach pain I experience with the tryptophan is the same, a noticeable ache. And I must say, it the same with the tryptophan capsule also. I lowered to the 100mg chewable to see if the lower dose would help.
I suspect my stomach issues are maybe food or nutrition related, but the mystery is yet to be solved. My son experiences similar issues.
I may move on to pyroluria supplementation, as I seem to have many of those symptoms as well.
I just can’t thank you enough for all of your time, effort, research, and communication. You truly inspire me!
Hi Trudy,
Thank you for writing this! Great to read this success story. I’ve tried to take trypophan a couple of times, but without success. Strange, because I have Pure OCD and therefore low in serotonin. Which dosage do you usually recommend for clients with the same type of OCD and when does the trypophan starts to work?
I start everyone on 500mg (and less if they are sensitive) and we increase based on symptoms. As you read in the blog tryptophan works right away if low serotonin is the issue. Inositol is also often needed in addition to tryptophan.
With OCD we also always consider gluten ( and PANDAS ( In
Hi Trudy,
Thank you very much for your comment, that means a lot to me. Thanks for the advice about the dosage, than I’ll try it again starting with 500 mg. Sounds great, I’ll look out for the inositol. May I ask which dosage you also recommend? And may I ask if you also advice to take trypophan for low mood? And have you met a lot of clients who have a lot of success on this protocol while for Pure OCD?
Thanks again!
Also thanks for the suggestiom about a gluten free diet, do you therefore recommend the Paleo diet? I’ll read the articles, thank you!
Thanks Trudy for your knowledge and talent informations it’s very beneficial you are great dr.Trudy school thanks again
I’m beginning low dose tryptophan for mood & sleep.
(1/2 tablet before bed of L-Tryptophan 100mg Chewable (60 Chewables) by Lidtke Technologies)
I’ve noticed morning headaches seem to coincide with use. I’m wondering if this is common and if so, something temporary and I should continue or if they’ll likely persist and I should discontinue.
I don’t have clients continue with amino acids when they get any side effects and this includes headaches, I have them stop and start again to make sure it’s connected and then switch to another product if they were seeing benefits. The other ingredients in the chewable may be the issue.
Great, I’ll try that. thank you!
Hi Trudy,
Thank you for this article. I’ve found relief from TMJ pain and jaw clenching with 5-HTP. Is this okay to take vs. tryptophan?
Thank you!
This is wonderful to hear and yes some people do better on 5-HTP for raising serotonin in order to help TMJ pain and jaw clenching. I’d love to hear how much helps and hear how quickly it helped. Have you observed any other improvements in low serotonin symptoms?
5htp gives me energy. I get nausea when I first take it. When I take it consistently the nausea leaves. I’m currently taking 50mg in the morning.
Tryptophan makes me tired. I’ve been using 500mg 30 minutes before bed for the last week or do. I’m clinching my teeth much less. Should I up my dosage to 1000mg and see if it completely solves the TMJ?
I can’t provide specific feedback but can share I have clients increase to find ideal dose and symptom resolution when a lower dose is starting to help with sleep and jaw clenching/TMJ.