If you’ve been following me and have read my book The Antianxiety Food Solution and heard me speak at conferences and on summits, you know I have been an avid fan of the Lidtke tryptophan 500mg for years and years because of the quality and because it works SO well for my anxious clients. The Lidtke brand is the ONLY tryptophan I recommend (and I’m not paid to say this) for boosting serotonin levels. You can find it and the other amino acids I use on the supplements blog.
This week I had a great conversation with Ron Sturtz, Owner and product formulator of the products at Lidtke Technologies. We discussed tryptophan in general and concerns about it not going down the serotonin pathway and instead converting to quinolinic acid.
We talked extensively about the Lidtke Tryptophan Complete and why they include vitamin C, niacinaminde, P5P (the active form of vitamin B6), curcumin, lysine, magnesium glycinate, magnesium taurinate and folate (from lemon peel) in the product. As a result of that discussion I now want to learn more about the Lidtke Tryptophan Complete product for you and for my clients.
I’ll be sharing more information with links to the research as to why these ingredients are important in the serotonin pathway but here is the short version: with these ingredients and co-factors less tryptophan is reportedly needed and there is less chance of it going down the wrong pathway to produce neurotoxic quinolinic acid instead of going down the pathway to make serotonin. We obviously want the latter to happen.
I’ve also decided I want to interview Ron on the next Anxiety Summit. The biochemistry is too important not to share. Hearing him say “we are fanatical about safety!” makes me even more of a fan of this company and their products!
Anyway, according to Ron, you should need less of the Lidtke Tryptophan Complete. He shared that 500mg Lidtke Tryptophan is approximately equivalent to 350mg Lidtke Tryptophan Complete, since it has all the co-factors.
I asked for feedback in some Facebook groups I host and got this:
I’ve used the Tryptophan Complete product and actually like it a lot better than the 500mg version. The Tryptophan Complete gave a much deeper state of relaxation and a way more solid sleep than the 500 mg version. I thought I would try the latter [the 500mg] and although it is good, once it is done, I’m going to go back to the Lidke Tryptophan Complete. For me, it seems that the addition of the other ingredients really worked well for my body chemistry, leaving me feeling grounded, focused and well rested.
With the Tryptophan Complete she needed just 1 tablet (350mg) an hour before bed and with the Tryptophan 500 mg, she took 2 tabs (1000mg) an hour before bed.
My concerns right now would be individual reactions to any or all the other ingredients, since we all have very individualized needs. Someone did share this on one of my Facebook posts:
Can’t do the p5p! Makes me agitated.
I’m not yet sure what my final recommendations will be but these are my initial thoughts (which may be revised in the future):
- I like to have my clients do a trial of the amino acids so they can find the ideal dose for their needs and right now I still feel this would still be the best approach to take – using 500mg tryptophan. Once you have figured out you do well with tryptophan-only product and have your dose, then consider reducing it slightly after about 2-3 weeks and adding in additional Tryptophan Complete.
- The other option is this: if you don’t get the expected results with Tryptophan 500mg, then try the Tryptophan Complete. You may need the other ingredients for it to work well for you.
- Don’t use the Tryptophan Complete if you know you react to any of the other ingredients
- If you do better with higher doses of tryptophan don’t use more than the recommended 3x Tryptophan Complete because you’ll end up with too much of the other ingredients. Rather make up the difference with extra capsules of the 500mg Tryptophan
So for now, since I’m in learning mode/discovery mode I’d love your feedback.
I’d love to hear if you’ve used the Lidtke Tryptophan Complete product (personally or with clients/patients)? And what you’ve observed? Better or worse?
Have you also tried the Lidtke 500mg tryptophan in the past and noticed any difference when using the Lidtke Tryptophan Complete?
And how much of each did you find you needed?
So is it Tryptophan 500mg or Tryptophan Complete or a combination for you?
Hi Trudy,
I really enjoy your weekly emails. I am currently on 100mg. daily of zoloft, and would like to switch to all natural substances. I keep hearing you recommend tryptophan, but I am concerned about it making me sleepy. I find that I can use 5-Htp for early morning waking, as that makes me sleepy as well. Could the Lidtke brand of tryptophan build up my Serotonin without the sleepiness?
The only way to know is to do a trial. It is intended to raise serotonin and convert to melatonin to help with sleep so the ideal timing is mid-afternoon and evening. Mid-afternoon could be skipped or lowered if a person feels too sleepy.
With SSRIs, I have my clients work with their doctors and get the ok to add tryptophan 6 hours apart from the SSRI and then get a protocol for the SSRI taper once they have been using the tryptophan for awhile and are seeing benefits.
Some people choose to work with their doctor to taper the SSRI and then add the tryptophan once they have stopped.
I’m so glad you enjoy the weekly emails!
I’m on prozac and would love to get off it. I’ve heard of serotonin overload, though, and I wonder if taking tryptophan with the prozac would cause this? I tried to taper off the prozac but with my Lyme and gut problems, my anxiety was too much.
“I developed Crohn’s disease in 1977 and have since had 3 re-sections. My son, who is now in his early ’20s, has ADHD, and my daughter, who is 14, became schizophrenic at age 12. She cleaned up her diet, avoiding gluten (which disappeared the schizophrenic symptoms) and eventually all grains and GMO foods. She is MUCH healthier. I am just wondering if we could be of any help. I am in the process of speaker training with IRT and am very interesting in speaking out on this issue, but I frankly have no background in health sciences. I am a retired legislative attorney. Thank you! –peg”
How wonderful to hear about your daughter. I hope you and your son are doing better.
Good stuff about you doing the IRT speaker training (IRT = Institute for Responsible Technology, GMO training with Jeffrey Smith…for other readers of this post)
Thank you for offering assistance! I assume you mean the food and nutrient connection to mental health (and other health conditions) i.e. the integrative health approach to finding the root cause? I think for starters, sharing your daughter’s story would be very powerful. I would love to share it on the blog and you could do talks in the community at places like NAMI/National Alliance for Mental Illness).
I’ve also been considering starting an “ambassadors” program for folks that have seen results with these nutritional approaches – so we can be a stronger united voice spreading the message.
I’m open to suggestions and ideas
Hi Peg,
I suggest you read the following book. It’ll give you a good foundation. It’s all about treating mental illnesses with natural supplements.
Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain
Is there a follow up on the information in this post? I have been taking the Complete for a long time and sleep well but I have facial swelling every morning and my tongue is slightly scalloped. I am trying to nail down the cause of this.
Thank you!
Some people do better with 500mg tryptophan and some with Tryptophan Complete. If someone has issues we suspect may be due to a supplement I have them stop to see if the issues go away and then considering adding it back to see if they come back.
Hi Trudy!
I love your work and everything you do!
My 20 yr old daughter is suffering from severe anxiety, panic attacks, high and low mood swings. She also has all the symptoms of PMDD. Two weeks prior to her period, things get really bad for her. Was wondering if the tryptophan will help and how/when to use and dosage. She has tried the sublingual liposome GABA by quicksilver but didn’t help. Also has tried several brands of CBD oils without success.
She’s away at college and want to have her hormones also checked out when she comes home.
Please advise anything that can help! Thank you!
I have read serotonin produced outside of the brain may not enter the brain as the blood brain barrier interferes with its absorption through into the brain.Brain serotonin is synthesized from tryptophan which seems to pass the blood brain barrier. Does 5-HTP pass the brain brain barrier as it is given orally. Vitamin D and omega -fatty acids are involved somehow. Presently 5-HTP is being given to my son or should trytophan be given instead. Yes it is all very complicated to understand, yet one works at its understanding because of my son.joe
Some people do better on tryptophan and some do better on 5-HTP. If your son is doing well with 5-HTP then I would suggest sticking with that. Both have an impact on serotonin levels in the brain and gut. Many other co-factor nutrients are involved – like zinc, vitamin B6, magnesium. Good vitamin D levels and a good fatty acid profile is also important for mood/anxiety.
I just learned about you on a recent summit and I was so lucky to hear your interview where you recommended this product. I’ve been dealing with anxiety and panic attacks for a while. I am a vegetarian and really have not apparent reason why to have these two ghosts stealing the show in my present life as I don’t have anything causing intense stress or trauma and I take good care of myself. I went to see a Ph.D. in Psychotherapy and she couldn’t help me much, then I heard you talking about Tryptophan. I got it the next day and I had been taking 1- 500 mg at night daily, for about a month now. Have almost not had negative thoughts and that scary wave of fear in my body. Ok, maybe a couple of times, but really, very minimum. I was having a panic attack about once a week, ever since I take Lidtke Tryptophan so far I think I wanted to have a couple of them in the whole month, but they came very mildly and they disappeared. I don’t take any medications and am very healthy (had a yearly check up with complete lab work done in January), so the minimum dose of Tryptophan seems to be working well for me. THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing this information. I understand now the power of nutrition in our brain’s health, thanks to your book, etc… May I take advantage and ask a question? when I felt I was going to have a panic attack I tried a 100mg of Pharmagaba that I found at Whole Foods, but I don’t think it did much for me. I know you recommend the Gaba Calm, but I’ve suffered from migraines in the past, and I am afraid that the Tyrosine will trigger one (One of my triggers for panic/anxiety are migraines), so what other brand/amount could I take that does not have Tyrosine? Thank you so much for the work you do!!!!
This is wonderful to hear! If we were working together I would look at increasing the tryptophan to see if can prevent the panic attacks. If you wanted to trial GABA, you can find a few products here that I use and recommend https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/amino-acids-pyroluria-supplements/
As a vegetarian you may also want to consider B12deficiency as a potential cause of any neuropsychiatric symptoms. Lots of good info here http://www.b12deficiency.info
Hi Trudy, I’ve been on Lidtke L-Tryptophan for several weeks. I take it along with 5-HTP (100mg) & Gaba Calm (1 Lozenge). At 500 mg. of Tryptophan I saw little difference. At 1000 mg I thought I hit a gold mine but it was only for a night. The good news is my sleep has improved but it’s still very restless and I get up probably 4X a night. That’s an improvement! My question, is it safe to up the tryptophan to 1500 mg? 2000mg? 3000mg? Can it be harmful in large doses? Thanks Trudy!
I have my clients increase as long as they are getting added benefits and no adverse effects. I haven’t had anyone use more then 3000mg twice a day
Thank you Trudy. This has given me so much hope after suffering for five years from insomnia. My doctor had me on xanax and zoloft for over 20 years. I weaned myself off (titrated) & decided I would do what ever it took to get healthy without drugs. I’m pleased to report I don’t take any medication but do take supplements. I feel like this is another piece of the puzzle…..so thank you Trudy:) Bless you for sharing your knowledge…so grateful!
Question…you said you have your clients increase as long as they are getting added benefits and no adverse effects. May I ask what adverse effects do people have? Thanks!
It depends on the person and the amino acid. Too much tryptophan: too calm, too tired, asthma (if prone to it), more anxious/sad (due to the reverse effect)
Hi Lisa
Quick question – did you ever feel safe taking both 5HTP and Tryptophan 500mg . I’m only asking because I take 5HTP and get minimal relief from anxiety and ruminations . Would love to hear your experience with that .
Trudy – would you think it’s ok to use 5HTP – L Tryptophan and inusitol together ? It’s hard to tell which one of the 3 can help so is it possible to combine those ?
I have had clients use all 3 in some instances. I typically start with tryptophan later in the day and add inositol for added support for OCD/ruminations and we may also add 5-HTP during the day.
Hello Trudy,
I just received my Tryptophan Complete, have used it two night now and hanve not noticed a big difference in sleep pattern. Have previously tried your suggestion for Zinc,
P5P, and Evening Primose Oil which seems to help relieve some anxiety. My usual night routine was GABA, Lemon Balm,
and .05 mg of alprazolam which work most of the time for
sleep, the addition of Tryptophan Complete has not improved the overall sleep experience, any advice.
Glad to hear you’re getting some anxiety relief.
Do you have low serotonin symptoms and how did you do the trial? and how much each night? is it making things worse? I have my clients increase based on continued improvement and stop when there is an adverse reaction.
You may also just do better on the Lidtke 500mg tryptophan.
It’s very likely the benzodiazepine could be a big factor too https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/benzodiazepines-more-harm-than-good/
I have been experimenting to find what supplements will help with my anxiety and insomnia. So far I have noticed that the tryptophan will give me a calming effect; however, the tryptophan complete made me feel as though I had taken a stimulant or had a very strong coffee. I did not like the feeling at all. I have tried the complete twice now with the same result. GABA also gives me a very stimulant/negative effect. Doctors have recommended to me for years that I try this or that SSRI and I have never had a good result. I finally had a doctor order a genetics test for me regarding usage of psychiatric medicines and I found out that I should never be using SSRIs. This is good to know, but I don’t understand the biochemistry of it at all. I still use medication for sleep and I have a prescription for benzodiazepines as needed.
I feel that my diet is very clean and my external stresses are very minimal. I do have some auto-immune issues and chronic infections, but all of that doesn’t even compare to the anxiety. I have read your book and listened to many of the summit interviews you have hosted. I just don’t know what I am missing. I also have the MTHFR SNP; yet supplementing with methylfolate and methylB12 makes me agitated.
Thanks for the work you do Trudy! Just hoping that I can find what will work for me.
Thanks for sharing about the Tryptophan 500mg (I assume its the 500mg one by Lidtke) and the Lidtke Complete. I’m sorry about this but I’m looking for feedback like this.
If we were working together I’d have you stick with the Tryptophan 500mg since it’s helping. And increase based on your continued improvement.
You don’t mention what GABA and how much? too much can have an opposite effect and I don’t like Phenibut at all.
Same with MTHFR SNP – it may not be expressing and causing you an issue so then the supps would make things worse.
Auto-immune issues and chronic infections do need to be addressed as they can be contributing factors https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/60-nutritional-biochemical-causes-of-anxiety/
It’s very likely the benzodiazepine could be a big factor too https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/benzodiazepines-more-harm-than-good/
Yes, it is the Lidtke products that I am using. I have tried various GABA supplements, and at varying doses, including GABA Calm by Source Naturals. I’ve even tried GABA in some sleep supplements that contain other calming ingredients but the GABA seems to be a deal breaker.
There is always a price to pay when I use a benzodiazepine. After the drug wears off my anxiety is worse, but there are just times when I need something to get through what the day brings.
Thank you for the above links.
We are all unique but even 125mg of GABA in the Calm Calm may be too much. I have some clients do well with 1/8 of 125mg! It’s also possible that the benzo use has affected how you respond to GABA and as I mentioned it’s likely that the benzo is now causing the anxiety.
Another nutrient to consider is lactium – Biotics Research has a product called De-Stress which many of anxious clients really find helpful.
If you’re wanting off the benzo I would encourage you to talk to your doctor about doing a taper and join a group like benzobuddies.org (but be aware that they are not in favor of any supplements – something I don’t support across the board)
Thank you again Trudy for your feedback.
May I ask you…I was considering ordering Lidtke’s L-tryptophan powder because I use 2000 mg at a time and swallowing that many capsules is difficult. It states that you should take it between meals and I have assumed that means on an empty stomach. If I mix the powder with plain kefir does that decrease the effectiveness in any way? I also take magnesium before bed; would that interfere with L-tryptophan? I am trying a taper of getting off of Ambien CR by using the Ambien 3 nights on and 1 night off, but that 1 night off has still meant very little/poor sleep even though I am supplementing with L-tryptophan.
I am going to look into the De-Stress…thanks!
Sorry about the sleep issues. Always between meals and away from protein so kefir would make it less effective. You could try it and just use more of the tryptophan. Magnesium is a co-factor for making serotonin so is great to include. I’d love to hear back and hear what you think of the powder if you try it
Today at 9:03 AM
Hello agiain Trudy,
In my initial email I probably did not go into enough detail for you, sorry. The first night I used the Lidtke Complete L-Tryptophan I also took a GABA 500mg, Lemon Balm 1 gram, and Magnesium Malate 150 mg my sleep pattern was not the best but acceptable. The second night I seemed to have trouble sleeping so I included and Alprzolam .05 mg. The next morning I seemed a little agitated but not sure if that was from not taking my usual B Complex vitamin due to not getting too much Vitamin B-6 since I take Zinc Picolinate 22mg, P5P 40 mg, and Evening Primrose Oil 1.3 grams during the daytime which has seemed to help with anxiety issues. As for your questions about low serotonin issues I do have many of the symptoms. I am thinking about changing to the L-Tryptophan 500mg and see if I have better results with that. I also temporarily quit taking my Multi-Vitamin which has copper in it to make sure my copper levels were not too high. Thank you for your assistance. All the supplements were Swanson Brand
It’s very hard to figure things out when you’re doing many things at once and doing different things each night. I suggest picking one thing and sticking with it for at least a week. You may do better with the 500mg Lidtke Tryptophan but it may also be the benzo. I suspect the latter but a trial with the 500mg Lidtke Tryptophan will be easier to test since the benzo taper is best done over months and sometimes years.
I suggest keeping a mood/anxiety/sleep log and observe patterns when you take and don’t take the benzo. Things can be working well and and so you stop the benzo for a few days and then you get rebound anxiety/worse sleep.
Hi Trudy, my husband has been taking the Lidke L-Trypto 500mg (3 before bedtime). He has it has helped him more with his insomnia than any other supplement. I thank you for this since we didn’t know anything about tryptophan and how it can help with insomnia (and anxiety) until we listened to your interview with Julia Ross on the first Anxiety Summit you hosted. Although my husband’s insomnia is better than it used to be, he still has those nights where he wakes up a few times. We’ve tried adding the Source Naturals GABA Calm (2-4 with the tryptophan) a few times; not sure it helped much (Although it has been extremely helpful for anxiety he was experiencing last year.
At the moment, (maybe 1-2x weekly), he takes 0.25mg xanax before bedtime. He is not sure if it helps him fall asleep or just calm him enough to get to sleep (undecided).
We are intrigued to try to Lidtke L-Trypto Complete, and am about to order him some. But, before I do, I was hoping you could help address a couple of questions for me:
My husband’s current bedtime dose is 3 L-Trypto 500mg (Lidtke). Would he take the same 3 capsules with the “Complete” version?
Also, do you generally recommend a time when tryptophan should be taken if using it for sleep issues? At the moment, my husband takes his right before bedtime. I’ve often wondered if he should be taking it an hour before bedtime? half hour? or in your experience does it make a difference?
Thank you so much for your time and all that you do!
Hi Andrea
I’m so pleased to hear about these great results your husband has seen! If we were working together I’d focus on trying to quit the Xanax (as this can start to cause all sorts of issues (https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/benzodiazepines-more-harm-than-good/) and do a trial of 250- 500mg GABA (going up to more if needed) with the tryptophan 500mg.
For sleep tryptophan is best dosed mid-afternoon and an hour before bed so 1-3 around 3 to 4pm plus 2-3 an hour before bed may be ideal, together with 250-1000mg GABA (you can find some GABA products here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/amino-acids-pyroluria-supplements/)
Re the Tryptophan Complete, the theory is that less is needed. 3 of the Tryptophan Complete provide just over 1000mg so that may suffice or possibly 3 x Tryptophan Complete and 1 x500mg Tryptophan. I have my clients trial different combinations keeping a log of what is and isn’t working. And only making one change at a time.
I’d love to hear what works for him
Hi Trudy, Great site! I’m excited to read your book. Do you have any recommendations for someone with high level of glutamate? As well, what do you recommend one takes for anticipatory anxiety about a special event? Thank you!
I’m curious how you know you have high level of glutamate?
GABA and/or tryptophan can help with anticipatory anxiety about a special event if it’s really bad. Best would be to address biochemistry so you don’t get it.
Hope you enjoy my book! You’ll get a great deal out of it!
Hi Trudy – my levels were tested through the neurotransmitter test through the ND. How do you mean address biochemistry? thank you!
The urinary neurotransmitter testing is not an accurate reflection of levels.
Address biochemistry…low zinc, low iron, low serotonin, low GABA etc – find the root cause/s
My 17 yo recently told me he has felt lonely and bored for 3 yrs even though he has a large group of friends, is very active in sports and participates on and off in various music and drama endeavors… He has always since birth had extreme difficulty falling asleep, is a very picky eater and will go without food instead of eating something he does not like. As a teen he struggles with acne which we have tried many things for with mild to moderate success. He has been using 1000 melatonin to fall asleep which helps often but is not a complete solution. Intried your zinc b6 and EPO for a month or so. I recently added a multivitamin. He is not always compliant with taking so many pills in the morning. I am considering switching from melatonin to tryptophan complete. Do you have any suggestions?
I like to start with the 500mg Tryptophan and then try the Tryptophan Complete. I would suggest having him do the amino acid questionnaire and an amino acid trial. With the boredom comment I’d also look at low catecholamines and tyrosine (but not too late in the day as it can affect sleep)
Here is the questionnaire https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/amino-acids-mood-questionnaire-from-the-antianxiety-food-solution/ and info on doing a trial https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/how-to-do-an-amino-acid-trial-for-anxiety/
Food is the foundation and no amino acids or other supps will fix things unless there is no gluten, sugar, caffeine in the picture and he’s eating real whole foods and eating protein at breakfast (to help with blood sugar balance and sleep).
Other factors with insomnia are parasites, SIBO and high cortisol.
Thank you. He does fit the catecholamines category quite well, almost every question. What is the supplement and dosage you use for that? I tried searching tyrosine and catecholamines on your blog and could not find them.
Lots of eating problems though…does not eat breakfast, definately not sugar free or gluten free
I’m curious though , he was breastfed, but has had sleep issues and picky eating since birth, anything that could have set him up to be like this from the start?
I would focus on the basics like breakfast, being sugar free and gluten free. The amino acids can help and the starting dose for tyrosine is 500mg. I really suggest reading my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” and becoming educated on the aminos and how to use them. It also covers all the food basics.
Thanks so much for your help
I am currently suffering from generalized body pain as a side effect of SIBO. I tried taking GABA and tryptophan, and it did wonders for my body pain. I felt relaxed and calm for the first time in a long time. Unfortunately it make me constipated and that made my SIBO worse. I think it was the tryptophan, not the GABA =. But I would like to understand this better. Why did it cause that reaction? What can I do to supplement without getting this side effect? Thanks!
Have you made a determination regarding the Lidtke L-Tryptophan Complete?
I’ve had feedback both ways – some people love it and some people prefer the 500mg Lidtke tryptophan. It’s really based on each person’s unique needs. I am still suggesting starting with the 500mg and doing a trial to get a baseline amount and then considering a replacement with the Complete OR a combo of both.
Hi Trudy,
I have seen such a big improvement in my sleep since taking 2000 mg of Lidke L-Tryptophan (4 capsules) and 2 Gaba Calm. After readying about the Complete I wanted to give it a try. Unfortunately I have not had good success with it. You had said you probably need less and this concerns me as I am currently taking 3 capsules and feel the need to up the dose. The bottle says 1-3 capsules equals a dose. Do you think it’s okay to take more??? According to the bottle I would have to take six of the Tryptopan Complete to equal what I normally take of the L-Tryptophan. Thanks Trudy!
I would either go back to the tryptophan only product or add tryptophan to the Tryptophan Complete. Please do come back and let us know what works for you as this will help me and other readers.
Hi Trudy,
Thank you for all the information you presented at the summit. I have been reading everything of yours that I can get my hands on but not sure where to start. My husband received a TBI 12 years ago after being hit by a car as a pedestrian. Not long after that began his journey with benzos and SSRI’s. He is currently on Paxil and temazepan at night. He went is now having tolerance issues and the dr tried two other SSRI’ s only to put him back on Paxil thinking he would increase the dose. All that to say we would like him off it all but know this is going to be a difficult and long journey. He hasn’t slept at all in 4 months and that would include the 2 hour naps every afternoon since his injury. He is so sleep deprived, it’s scary! He now also has the anxiety and lost 20 lbs. we are clean eaters and have cleaned up his bedtime hygiene. He started Mag Calm and GABA Calm and also walking to try to curb the adrenaline feeling. We want to start weaning him, but which one first? His dr.s have been no help and just other more replacements. Looking for Drs in WI. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Thank you!
I’m sorry to hear this. This is the way I work with clients who are wanting to quit SSRI medications: we work on optimizing their health, gut, sleep, adrenals, stress etc via diet (no gluten, no caffeine, no sugar, eating for blood sugar control) and supplements first. With the doctor’s approval amino acids are typically added – tryptophan or 5-HTP (6 hours from SSRI), GABA, glutamine etc. Once they are doing well, they work with their doctor on the SSRI taper, adjusting amino acids up, if needed, as they go down on the medication. And then they continue with nutritional support once they have stopped the SSRI.
All this mitigates the side-effects of a taper.
GABA and glutamine are fine to use with an SSRI so I would do the amino acid questionnaire (https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/amino-acids-mood-questionnaire-from-the-antianxiety-food-solution/) and consider a trial with these to start (if he scores in these sections).
All the foundations (food, gut, gluten etc) are covered in great detail in my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution.” Of course there is a whole chapter on the amino acids too.
Since you mention the adrenalin feeling looking at high cortisol (saliva test) would be helpful too – this may be a big factor.
Hi Trudy,
Just some feedback on the Little tryptophan complete. I usually use just the tryptophan but had run out and couldn’t find a UK stockist (any suggestions welcome!). I took one tab at 4pm and one at bedtime & a Gaba Calm. 6 hours of sleep, awoke around 4, took another tryptophan complete, dozed a little. Felt really good next day, calm, happy, not tired. Next evening decided to increase dose to prevent the 4am waking, so took 2 at bedtime. Couldn’t get to sleep at all, got a bit panicked, took another tryptophan complete – no sleep the entire night, wide awake as if I’d had coffee. Oddly I had been feeling very calm going to bed due to the day of such good feeling, so the sleepless night was a shock to the system.
Did I overdo the Tryptophan Complete or should I go back to just Tryptophan if I can get hold of some?
Thanks so much.
This is interesting. I’m taking mirtazapine and I have for 14 years when insomnia was too extreme to handle. I haven’t been able to sleep without it and I have tried everything and I have spent so much money on doctors. But I feel a solution will reveal itself if I keep looking!
In the summer, I made a mild but huge break-through when I started taking L-theanine with inositol in the morning with the small cup of coffee I drink. I tried it at night in the past but with 0 results. That enabled me to go down to 5mg of mirtazapine (15 cut in thirds) with a little ambien.
I’ve tried l-tryptophan, but I expected it to work like the drugs I take. Now I see that is not the case. I’ll try it in the afternoon, and anything else you can recommend (an article maybe).
Also, worth mentioning — I’ve improved my gut health, I exercise regularly (the insomnia started I think in part because I was running too much and not nourishing my body). I’ve cut back the running over the years and I’ve become an avid rock climber and I lift weights.
Good for you for making changes. Here is a recent article on tryptophan https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/tryptophan-worry-head-ruminating-type-anxiety/ Feel free to search the site for more. Insomnia can be due to high cortisol too (amongst other causes) – more here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/seriphos-original-formula-anxiety-insomnia-cortisol/. Keep in mind even a small coffee can have an impact on insomnia in some people.
Hi Trudy,
I’m going to start taking tryptophan 500 but before I do , how much and at what time would be best? I’m a stay at home mom and have a 3 year old and 11 year old and I go to school and not sure if it will make me tired because I need my energy throughout the day but also I’m highly stressed and overwhelmed throughout the day, and need something to calm me. What times and how much would be beneficial for me?
Thank you
I can’t give specifics for you via the blog. The best I can do is say do the amino acid questionnaire, review the precautions and do a trial of the amino acids (https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/anxiety-amino-acids-overview/). The overwhelm may be low serotonin and then tryptophan will help or low GABA and then GABA will help. If someone needs serotonin or GABA support and take the amino acid/s and feel too tired I have them take less (or switch from tryptophan to 5-HTP during the day)
Hi Trudy,
Is it possible to purchase Lidtke L Tryptophan in Australia? Thank you
Is lidtke tryptophan still the best. How could we get it in uk. Cost of shipping from USA far exceeds cost of item.
I have had the most success with Lidtke and still recommend this one. I’d check with them directly about UK sources.
I was under the impression from today’s e-mail there would be new information on your experience with Tryptophan complete vs regular tryptophan. It seems like this is the same information from a year ago. Am I missing something?
I’m not sure what email you’re referring to? No you’re not missing anything – this blog hasn’t been updated
Do you have anything more on the Tryptophan Complete?
Hi there , I was referred to you by lidtke technologies. Under drs supervision
I stopped using my antidepressants which I was on for 15yrs for
OCD and anxiety. I stopped as I was sick of the side effects . My anxiety
Is still very present and I feel it’s physical presence everyday as well I feel irritable. I want to know if I can take something like tryptophan everyday for the rest of my life as I really had withdrawal and going backwards. I don’t want it as a sleep aid so please can u suggest when to take and does it lose its effectiveness after a while of use – as I certainly think prescription meds for anxiety do. Would love some help
I’m afraid I can’t offer specific advice via the blog. Typically once root causes of low serotonin are addressed (like low zinc, low vitamin D, low iron, gut health, diet etc) tryptophan can be stopped. How to use the amino acids is described in great detail in the amino acid chapter in my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” (here on Amazon http://amzn.to/2kptFWm). I recommend everyone read this chapter carefully BEFORE starting on any amino acids. The rest of the book helps people address many of the root causes. My clients share it with the doctor who is supporting them doing a taper
Hello, I recently saw a naturopathic doctor for anxiety and he gave me a bottle of. Lidtke tryptophan. He wants me to start with 3/ 500mg before bed. I am a very sensitive person when it comes to herbs, vitamins, anything. So my gut feeling was to srart with 1. I took it right before bed and Iit gave me insomnia, I didn’t sleep till about 2. When I finally fell asleep it was deeper than usual. The next day My anxiety was much higher that I couldn’t drive myself to the gym. However I also had positive effects, I had a stronger motivation to get housework done,felt joked around from the norning( when in usually quite and serious), intrusive negative thoughts were less. So I googled about this brand of tryptophan and came across this site of yours. I read how you suggest pixy dust for people like me. The next night I simply put some dust on the tips of my fingers. I felt the relaxed effect and had a fairly good night sleep. The next day my anxiety was not as uncomfortable that I was able to go to work. The following night I tried a dab of amino on my tongue. The next day I had some increased anxiety and very disturbing intrusive thoughts, when my husband upset me I was taken back by homicidal/suicidal thoughts. I was so bummed that I stopped taking the tryptophan altogether. I mentioned to doc of anxiety ( not about the negative thought s) And he still insist that I try the 3 before bed and that this is a common initial reaction that I’m getting and to tough it out. He says eventually the anxiety will lift and I’ll feel better than ever. What do you suggest? Should I stick with the finger tip dose? Why would I have such dark thoughts?
I have my clients start low and increase based on their response. Many of my “pixie dust” clients so well with a few dabs from a capsule. Too much of an amino acid can cause side-effects but it’s unusual to have have both benefits and side-effects from the same amount – when this happens I look for other possible causes. I would also have clients stop immediately if they had homicidal/suicidal thoughts.
Thanyou for your reply. I took a week off and decided to try again. This time with just a dab of amino dust on my finger tips, (before bed)since this amount did not give me mood swings or negative thoughts. For the first few minutes I felt a welcoming calmness with clarity of mind, than about 20 min later a slight headache between my eyes with slight nausea. Again it took a while to fall asleep about 2 hours. When I did I slept deeper than usual and woke up feeling refreshed and positive. The rest of the day went really well.
My question : have you had clients that do well to such a tiny transdermal dose? Will I build up a tolerance to this small amount and eventually need to take internally? Will vitamin c be an antidote to headache and nausea?
Thank you, Jackie
I do have clients do well with a minute amount. Vitamin C will negate negative effects and the good effects
Hi Trudy, I’m grateful for your knowledge and time you take out to answer questions. Taking milk thistle is giving me better results with tryptophan. I’m up to a 500 mg capsule a night. I had my gallbladder removed years ago, it seems that my liver needs extra help to keep things moving. What is your thoughts on that? Also, is it possible to develop a dependency on tryptophan for sleep?
Thank you, Jackie
I’m from South Africa…… I’ve been on anti depressants for the past 20 years and had bad anxiety relapses every time I tried to quit…… I’m now 2 months without it and started on L-Tryptophan (500 mg twice a day) 5 days ago. We can’t buy it from a health shop, so I’ve got a script from my GP that is not really familiar with it. Is it dangerous to take 500 mg 3 xa day? And another question, is there a difference between L-Tryptophan and just Tryptophan?
Erna Bruwer
Sorry to hear. There is never a set amount for any of the amino acids which is why I use the trial method (https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/how-to-do-an-amino-acid-trial-for-anxiety/) to determine if they are needed and how much will help and if any will cause side-effects.
I have had clients take 3-4 x 500mg of tryptophan twice a day but we started low and slowly increased.
L-Tryptophan is the same as Tryptophan
Keep in mind it’s seldom one thing and all my clients are also making dietary changes, working on blood sugar imbalances, addressing gut health and the adrenals, low zinc, low B6 etc. My book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” covers my entire approach (on Amazon here http://amzn.to/2kptFWm – kindle is great for South Africans or find in a book store or library)
Glad to hear your GP is willing to write a script – I didn’t know they did this in South Africa! I would love to know the source because quality is a big factor. Can you ask who the manufacturer is?
Hi Trudy, My 14 year old son who has OCD and Pyroluria has been taking L-Tryptophan in the Thorne Research and Life Extension Brands from iHerb under the supervision from a Naturopath but I would like to try the Lidtke l-Tryptophan 500mg after hearing several times that this is the only brand of L-Tryptophan that you recommend.
Can Lidtke l-Tryptophan 500mg be bought and posted to Australia?
If so, can you please tell me from which website/s I can buy it and how to go about it.
Please help. Thanks, Lisa
Right now your best bet is to order it directly from Lidtke themselves as they will ship. Emerson is no longer shipping internationally and I am in the process of figuring out the new Emerson platform (sorry about those issues)
Hi Trudy. I love your approach and advice. I recently started tryptophan and have found it great for sleep and my mood. However, it also seems to have re-activated the herpes virus which I had managed to get into a state of almost total dormancy. Reading research, I am getting the gist that tryptophan feeds viruses, parasites and bacteria. It’s all a bit complicated for me talking about IFN-gamma and IDO activation and lots of other confusing processes and terms. Have you come across this as an issue with tryptophan or do I put it down to coincidence? Many thanks!!
Great to hear about tryptophan helping with your sleep and mood! This is the first time I’ve heard of this possible connection to herpes re-activation and I’ve had a number of clients with herpes use tryptophan with no issues.
But I never say never and would look at quality of tryptophan (and only recommend Lidtke) and possibly missing co-factors (like what is in the Tryptophan Complete) and other triggers of the herpes (like stress).
Questions like yours help me learn so if you wouldn’t mind sharing additional information I’d appreciate it – what brand of tryptophan? how much? how much has it helped sleep and mood? how soon after using it did you suspect an issue with the herpes? what type of herpes? how long it’s been dormant? past triggers and if you suspect any other current trigger? do you currently have dysbiosis or gut issues? are you taking vitamin B6 and how much? have you stopped the tryptophan and seen any change?
I hit enter too soon…. I personally have oral herpes and my cold sores were always triggered by stress or too much sun – and were quite common in my teens and twenties. I never saw a correlation with cold sores and tryptophan when I took it regularly in my late 30s. I sometimes take it now for sleep, especially when traveling, and have had one hint of a cold sore in probably 15 years (likely due to too much sun without a lipblock).
Tryptophan Now brand 500mg x 2 at night (postage too much for Lidtke to Aust). Much calmer, more patient. Feel more connected in relationships. Smile and laugh more easily. Wake feeling unusually rested. Took for approx 2 weeks before outbreak (HSV2). Stopping just seemed to affect mood and sleep negatively so have started tryptophan again. Outbreaks normally an indicator of being run down. In the past, would often coincide with period, sleep issues, high stress. Had them almost constantly for a long time but have used high doses of lysine, olive leaf extract and vitamin c to keep at bay. Suspect it’s just coincidental…My kids have been ill with colds, coughs, flus so may be my bodies way of expressing compromised immune system. If I get another outbreak then I will take a longer break from tryptophan, monitor outbreaks and when seems to be dormant, try again. I also take zinc, b6 (100mg), magnesium, epo, iron and adrenal support (herbal). I have some gut issues (need to maintain a gluten/dairy free diet. Also tend to avoid red meat as don’t digest it well). Thanks for your advice.
Did you ever find out more about Lidtke Tryptophan Complete or have any further experience with it?
Right now I still prefer 500mg tryptophan for doing a trial and for ongoing use. In a few instances we have added the Complete if my client has concerns about quinolinic acid or is not getting all the results we’d expect. If you read the comments on this blog you’ll see mixed results but with most people preferring the 500mg tryptophan. What is your specific question and what have you found?
Thanks so much Trudy. I don’t care for taking all the “extras” in the Complete and did not find it all that effective. I already do take a couple of the add-ons in my nightly routine (magnesium taurate) specifically.
Years ago I took 3 L-Tryptophan a day (500mgs) and it got me off an antidepressent, helped me shed weight and got me through graduate school. Then it was pulled. Fast forward to the early 2000’s and I started taking 1000 mgs at night to sleep and it worked well for years. I stopped (don’t remember why). Now I have read all these things about the danger of taking it without B6 so I have tried to add a small amount of P5P and find it a little activating but not horribly. I guess I am concerned about the quinolinic acid and also not sure how all this translates to my now being 69. I started back on 500 a few days ago and have seen an improvement in mood already. Do you have any “seniors” taking it and what is your experience with people who choose not to use the B6 ? Thanks so much. Rose
Thanks for sharing – we are all unique and some people do fine without B6. I don’t have clients continue on something that is even a little activating. This would be my big clue to have a client continue: “I started back on 500 a few days ago and have seen an improvement in mood already.”
I live in Canada, and am having problems finding a source for Lidke Tryptophan that will ship to Canada. Please advise!!!! Where can I purchase Lidtke Tryptophan for use in Canada? It appears that Fullscript cannot ship this product to me. Vita cost will not ship it to Canada either.
Hi Bethany, I live in Australia and Trudy Scott advised me to order it directly from Lidtke themselves as they will ship any where in the world. So thats what I did!
Hi Lisa,
Thank you so much! I will try that!
Hi Trudy!
I’ve been dealing with anxiety for a year and a half and it’s been difficult. I went on lexapro for 2 months and felt worse. I went off nearly a year ago. I’d like to try l-tryptophan but am overwhelmed by all the brands between protocol, lidtke, and jarrow. I know you recommend Lidtke but can you tell me the differences between them?
Thank you so much!
I have found Lidtke to be more effective – it may be a quality/purity factor
hi trudy! i so loved our amino acid course. and i’m still at it trying to figure out my sleep.. recently i tried the Lidke tryptophan.. the first night i slept great. next few nights.. good but not great.. now.. still taking it. .sleep fell apart. SO curious.. so last night i tried taking 2, so 1000 of the lidke tryptophan.. still sleep was so bad.. woke at 2:45 for the night practically.. and head going and going.. put inositol on tongue.. still meh.. not great.
i am trying to figure out, WHY one capsule, 500 helped me SO much for the first night. .then not so good, and then to falling apart. i do have that genetic MTHFR homozygous c677t. i’ve had mixed results with methyl B12 & methyl folate.. so doc said.. don’t work on those pathways UNTIL i get sleep under countrol. but still here i am .. without sleep under control do you think MTHFR homo c667t, could be part of why sleep isn’t happening
Hi Stacey
Good to hear from you but not good to hear you are still trying to figure out your sleep. There could be so many factors and at this stage I’d find a functional medicine practitioner to work with and guide you. Be sure to keep a detailed 2-4 week food, mood, activity, supps log you can share so you can hopefully find some patterns.
oh TRUDY! what a joy to connect here! isn’t it crazy i still am after sleep! i have kept food mood supplement log for so long.. when i think i see a pattern, or find a successs.. it doesn’t stick. so i must not have hit the root of it. do wonder if might be GI, or detox pathways.. as the only thing i can think of at this point, was exposure to Gadolinium Dye, contrast agent they injected in me for an mri. i had a reaction the second they administered it. wondering if that is any part of the sleep challenge. as like i shared..
Other idea.. it’s odd that the tryptophan the first night worked GREAT, then it slowly over course of a week.. didn’t. ??? i’m perplexed.
lovely SO lovely to see you.. and sending out HUGE holiday cheer and love. xxx stacey
Hi Trudy,
Ive struggled mentally for years. Recently diagnosed borderline but I think its misdiagnosed so getting reassessed (I never get angry let alone rage and have good relationships). I do get highs/lows. Highs I’m great, happy, functional . lows I’m totally emotionally overwhelmed I can hardly breathe, stuck in mental battle, and with noise sensitivity and agitation that drives me crazy (so assuming its more like bipolar 2. Ive tried an SSRI before and became suicidal, just tried an anticonvulsant mood stabiliser and ended up in hospital from allergic reaction. They now want to prescribe an antipsychotic which scares me so looking at natural alternatives. I sleep fine. But on lows get so mentally physically exhausted I sleep a few times few the day to get through. Would you think Lidtke tryptophan could benefit me (maybe with magnesium and essential fatty acids?). Most people commenting seem to want it to sleep…I’m more looking for a natural mood stabiliser. Thank you
Also, I bought gaba calm but see its got tyrosine as an ingredient. You mentioned in thread that should be avoided if bipolar 2? Why so? Thanks
I saw your comment since I’m following this thread, and I happened to find this because you made me curious! http://www.dana.org/News/New_Clues_to_the_Causes_of_Bipolar_Disorder/ (ctrl + F for “tyrosine” to see the reasoning)
Personally, I tried tyrosine and it caused really bad (and painful) heart palpitations. I’ve tried cutting the dose, but my measuring spoon gets me as low as 250mg (1/8 tsp). That helped some, but I could still feel the rise. Bummer.
Tyrosine is contraindicated with bipolar as it can trigger mania so if this is an issue I prefer GABA-only products. Keep in mind that amino acids like GABA and tryptophan need an even mood in order to be effective. I have found that lithium orotate can help even out the mood.
I’m not Trudy who will address the amino acids but I want to offer perspective as another person who’s been through it! I encourage you to see a functional medicine Dr to be tested for parasites. Sorry, freaky subject but it’s important. Conventional medicine Drs and general public know far too little about parasites. I can’t recall if it was CDC it NIH but stated 32.5 % have parasites and when they’ve look at psychiatric populations % go up considerably. Look up Jonathan Otto Documentary Depression and Anxiety Secrets. to learn more. There’s a lot great plant medicines to detox and optimize health. It was involved but all that plus amino acids very helpful. Do Trudy’s questionnaires to assess what neurotransmitters may be depleted. I found the Lidtke Ltryptophan very helpful that and GABA but that’s just me. Good luck
Thank you Trudy. I really appreciate you responding
Hi Trudy, I’ve been taking 1500 mg of tryptophan for 3 months, it has helped a lot with sleep and depression. I dropped to 1,000 mg about a week ago than 500mg just to see how I’d do with out it. I didn’t think it was numbing some feeling, but I am experienceing a return of feeling good and bad. I’ve been on antidepressants before and I am feeling the same withdrawal effects as when I weaned off meds. This is exactly why I chose to not go back to pharmaceuticals. It was difficult to wean off of. How do I withdraw off of Tryptophan with out experiencing withdrawal symptoms? Thank you for your valuable knowledge.
I have not had anyone experience the need to wean tryptophan or report weaning side-effects similar to those they experienced when tapering off an SSRI. But I never say never and always want to learn so I’d appreciate more information. Was the 1500mg helping and how (which low serotonin symptoms?) and how did this change when you reduced to 1000mg and then 500mg? Which SSRI are you comparing these affects to? and how long ago did you wean off the SSRI? Is there anything else new of different in terms of supps, foods, stress happening in your life right now?
In order to be sure someone is observing adverse effects from a supplement I’ll have my client stop it and then add it back to make sure (and sometimes more than once). In this instance repeating the process may be a good idea i.e. going back to 1000mg and then 1500mg and then reducing again, documenting in a food mood supps log.
May I also ask which brand of tryptophan you are using?
Im taking the LIDTKE tryptophan. Yes the 1500mg before bed with a small carb helped me get to sleep and stay asleep. It also helped with anxiety and depression during day. I tend to be a worrier, have social anxiety, and get stuck with negative thoughts about myself and others. And have very little interest in life. I was on Zoloft from 2005 – 2009. Got off of that and did Lexapro for only 6 months in 2012. The Zoloft was life changing for me but I did not like the side effects and being on an antidepressant for the rest of my life. The tryptophan is Superior to these, no sexual side effects, no weight gain, or anhedonia.
I’m back to taking 1000 mg a night. The withdrawal effects dropping from 1500 to 1000, to 500, than zero for 2 days lasted about 3 days. Today is the 4 th day and no longer feeling bad. The symptoms are hard to explain, it felt like a tight band around my head, also brain zaps (This is common withdrawal many describe feeling in their head) , but the worst of it is a deep agitated free floating anxiety like your walking the edge of a cliff and there’s a physical pain in your gut. Fortunately it only was present from waking up till around 2pm. I’m guessing it’s related to cortisol levels dropping.
I feel much better and plan to stay with a 1000 for now. A complaint I have though is my working memory is not so good with tryptophan. My NP had me try pregnenalone very low dose and it did help with focus but it increased anxiety so I stopped.
Just checking back as I’ve now had someone else ask about tryptophan and weaning effects. She said that suggested tryptophan “for a friend who was experiencing a lot of ruminating and anxiety. She responded beautifully and felt great. About a year later, she tried to stop taking it, and said she felt very angry and down. Is there a weaning process for the tryptophan?”
Because of your question and this new one I’m going to do a blog post to see if other have experienced similar effects.
Also…wondering how you’ve been doing and wanted to say thanks for all the feedback. I can’t help but wonder if prior SSRI prescriptions may be a factor? I’d also want to know what else has changed in terms of stress, diet, hidden gluten exposure, the recent introduction of collagen (which may deplete serotonin levels in susceptible folks), hormonal changes and other factors that could affect serotonin.
For those prone to the winter blues and lowered winter serotonin, stopping tryptophan in the winter may also be an issue (and even an issue with summer blues in states like Arizona).
For focus issues I look at low catecholamine symptoms and do a trial of tyrosine with clients.
I have very long history of Complex ptsd w extremely high anxiety, insomnia, depression. Literally decades, my whole life. Sucks. Especially because I’ve worked on it extensively in myriad of ways and therapies. And yes, went down the toxic road of antidepressants and benzodiazepines even. Horrible and made me worse. Psychiatry gets an F- in my book and that’s from decades of personal and professional experience. The excessive stress hormones and insomnia wrecked my physical health as well. I’ve been eating clean organic, no sugar, no processed crap, for years and have always exercised, do yoga and meditation yet continue struggle w prediabetes and excessive fatigue and overweight by about 20 lbs. (used to be naturally thin but w metabolic syndrome very in fat storage mode, excess cortisol and insulin…) Also did 5 months detox protocol including for parasites after watching Docuseries by Jonathan Otto. I take approximately 20 supplements to hold myself up on top of expensive nutrition and still rarely feel good, normal energy level. I get criticized for too many supplements but and get very sick or worse symptoms when tried to cut some out. So I ask Drs to help me cull thru what I could get rid of because they are expensive and I’m low income. I went to an integrative med Dr & later a Functional Med Dr both of whom reviewed all my supplements and lab work and was recommended additional supplements vs deleting any. I have refused antidepressants and benzodiazepines for years probably off them since 2010. When I went off benzodiazepines and mind you I was only taking half to one tablet of 1 mg, it was hellish withdrawal. Hellish. And that’s from somebody who went thru narcotics addiction and withdrawal decades ago, sober long time now. Recently in dec I began Lidtke Tryptophan for one month and then stopped abruptly because my order I had placed 3 weeks prior didn’t come in. It was out of stock and it took a lot of searching but I’ve restocked now.
When I stopped the tryptophan (2500 mg/ day) I went thru terrible withdrawal for 10 days literally as bad as when I went off benzodiazepines years before. Yes! It was that bad. That first month I took tryptophan and GABA calm losenges my sleep improved and mood as well, much less ruminating, negative intrusive thoughts. I have always been plagued by very fearful violent thoughts and imagery, amygdala hijacks galore and I know some of it ptsd but I know to my core it’s more than that as something physically wrong in my brain. For one, I suspect I have little to no serotonin and that’s why Tryptophan helped so much and when i ran out perhaps that’s why rebound anxiety, depression and insomnia worsened SO much. I do know I had Toxi plasma GONDII. I couldn’t afford to do the gamut of functional med testing but asked Functionsl Dr to test for that, my hunch was that after a lot of my own research and feeling the level of my unrelenting struggles were from being “attacked”. Sounds bizarre but that was my feeling. . Results came back negative for active infection – which it should after 4-5 months of expensive detox protocol. But the antibodies for Toxi plasma GONDII were off the charts several hundred times over normal. It’s quite possible I had this since childhood on farm, cleaning barns, used to eat pork…, there’s a lot of ways people are exposed to parasites in America but medical system doesn’t recognize it. Anyway, I do believe tryptophan is FAR superior to toxic pharmaceuticals but and it can cause withdrawal perhaps in those w very low serotonin baselines.
My plan is to always have at least 2 months back stock so if I hit another supply shortage I can titrate down slowly. I suspect I may have to take it very long term but will occasionally try to reduce dose. I’m curious if in your collaboration w Jonathan Otto or Dr Jay, or any other functional nutritionists, does having had Toxi plasma GONDII (they live in brain) just totally destroy your neurotransmitters? How many years before one could expect to make them sufficiently again? I eat very clean yet do not digest well (IBS) even tho take digestive enzymes and probiotics, still need to take all the Bs, D3, ferritin magnesium, zinc… to shore up deficiencies revealed in labs and my symptoms. Would severe depletions bolstered by tryptophan (&GABA Calm) then cause withdrawal when they’re stopped? Sorry for so long of note, trust me there’s a lot I didn’t report but wanted to alert others to stock up so they can titrate down tryptophan and also seeking your advice like basically, after nearly six decades of severe mood problems and insomnia and then all the damage from excessive stress hormones, will my gut brain make its own healthy levels of neurotransmitters?
I was wondering how I would lower the dosage after 2-3 weeks fron 500mg to lower? Since the Tryptophan is in capsule form how would I know if I an getting the right amount if I were to open the capsule and say take half?? Any help on this matter or??
Many of my clients open capsules and take 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 etc and just use their best judgement. A little more or less isn’t a big issue unless someone is very sensitive
Thank you for the response. I am going to buy l-tryptophan asap. I guess I will get it on Amazon. I will take one 500mg pill at lunch time and see how that goes? It’s that a good time?
HI Trudy,
Have you know lysine to increase anxiety? I can’t eat gluten products. I tried lysine today and my anxiety is through the roof. I started tryptophan yesterday and it helped enormously.
I also sent you an email via Facebook asking if you take phone clients. Thank you! Tammy
Having suffered chronic primary insomnia for 6 years, I started using tryptophan with some success. For the past six weeks I used 3x500mg capsules of another brand at bedtime with 0.3mg melatonin, and a further 2 capsules and 0.3 mg melatonin when I woke between midnight and 2am. This way I could consistently get five and a half hours of sleep.
I switched to 500mg Lidtke tryptophan because of the number of very positive reviews, in the hope that it would help me sleep longer and not wake in the middle of the night.
On the first night I simply used Lidtke in place of the other brand, and slept for just over six hours with one wake. I felt really good the next day, but then (still using 3 Lidtke tryptophan at bedtime) could not sleep at all the next night..
A few days later I tried using just one Lidtke capsule in the morning, and had five and a half hours solid sleep.
One capsule in the morning and one mid-afternoon gave a similar result.
Then yesterday I had one in the morning which left me feeling really sleepy, and a further one at 8.30pm and couldn’t go to sleep at all.
The Lidtke tryptophan is clearly having an effect on me but I haven’t got it right.
Can you tell me why the Lidtke tryptophan seems to make me wide awake at night?
Based on what I’ve said, can you suggest how much I should take and when I should take it in order to get a decent night’s sleep?
There is no magic formula and it’s simply a matter of doing trials to find the correct combination. We always need to keep in mind that there are many possible root causes of insomnia and if tryptophan doesn’t work it may be that low serotonin isn’t the issue or not the entire issue. I also look at parasites, low blood sugar, high cortisol, gluten, SIBO, EMFs etc
Hi Trudy,
Thank you so much for sharing your wealth of information. I have had trouble with sleep for years after having 3 children in short order. My problem has always been waking up around 2 or 3 and having trouble getting back to sleep. Had been using neuroscience Kavinace Ultra PM for years which has 4 amino acid, 5 http and melatonin, but after a series of stressful life events I started a bad bout of insomnia not able to fall asleep, wired but tired, anxiety etc. Had neurotransmitters test which showed low norepinephrine, upper range epinephrine and low PEA. Glutamate was in upper range of normal and serotonin and GABA were both mid range normal. Neuroscience Travacor was recommended and I also take cortisol manager around 4pm for rising cortisol levels. My overall state has improved dramatically but still not sleeping. Recently purchased the Lidtke Tryptophan and GABA-T SAP recommended on your site. Just started taking 2 Tryptophan and I GABA about an hour before bed but still did not really fall asleep rather in a light resting phase all night. Should you give it a few days to give it chance to work? I plan to increase by 1 Tryptophan up to 3000 to see if that helps but any guidance on the commensurate increase of the GABA-TSAP- it has 300 mg GABA and 150
mg L-Theanine ? I also purchased the Lavela lavender oil. Any guidance on working that into the routine for sleep. Also what are your thoughts on adding taurine and a stand alone B6? Thank you for any guidance you can
I can’t provide specific feedback on the blog but can share what I do with my clients. I trial individual amino acids one by one and continue to increase the amino acid that is providing benefits until no more are seen or until we see an adverse effect.
I find Seriphos to be much more helpful for high cortisol https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/seriphos-original-formula-anxiety-insomnia-cortisol/
And I never use Kavinace which contains phenibut and can be as problematic as benzodiazepines. 5-HTP can also make one wired and push up cortisol. I also do not do urinary neurotransmitter testing as it doesn’t correlate with symptoms.
Hi again,
I thought of another question. As I understand it taking Tryptophan without B6 can potentially lead to it not going down the right pathway and thereby converting to quinolinic acid. I am trying the Lidtke Tryptophan at night. If I take the B6 during the day does that address that concern or does it need to be taken with the Tryptophan. Also as I am experimenting with the GABA for sleep is there a maximum does that I should be mindful of?
Thanks again for all of your support!
I have found sufficient vitamin B6 during the day is fine and one way we determine this is via dream recall. The amino acid dosing is based on individual needs. Typically 125mg to 1500mg works at night but I have had one gentleman do very well on 3000mg at night. There is no documented maximum.
Can I add tryptophan to 325 mg of Trazodone which is not working well for sleep. I have low serotonin and Gaba. I dont want to keep increasing Trazodone. I would like to taper Trazodone and correct the real problem. My doc is on board but he doesn’t have a clue about introducing the tryptophan.
I blog about this here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/taper-from-antidepressant-tryptophan-amino-acids/ I’d share this with your doctor.
I also work on these aspects for someone with insomnia – diet (no caffeine/gluten/sugar), gut health, adrenals and high cortisol, low GABA, low magesium etc (each person has different needs)
I appreciate the blog on the tapering, but it discusses SSRIs and taking them 6 hours apart from tryptophan. Unfortunately, the medicine Lara takes (I take mirtazapine) requires that they are taken at night due to the sedative side effect. Do you have any tips on that?
Tryptophan works best mid-afternoon and evening and needs to be taken 6 hours from an SSRI so best is to switch the SSRI to morning (with doctor’s approval). If this can’t be done for the reason you describe then I have my clients discuss with their doctor about using tryptophan earlier in the day (6 hours before the bedtime SSRI). The same rules don’t apply to mirtazapine as it’s not one of the medications associated with serotonin syndrome (https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/serotonin-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20354758) but this should still be discussed with the prescribing doctor.
Thank you, Trudy. I didn’t realize that on the serotonin syndrome. The first time I tried tryptophan with mirtazapine (higher dose and years ago), I felt terrible the next day. A small tryptophan dose with mirt. doesn’t create issues, but I’ve been afraid to try any level higher out of fear of serotonin syndrome. Now I know!
I’ll experiment and report back.
PS I’m in the US and unfortunately, I’m finding doctors are not knowledgable of supplements (I’ve been to several over sleep problems).
And thank you for responding! You’ve been a big help.
I have used tryptophan for sleep only! Now it looks like I will be trying it for a few other uses. Thankyou!
So pleased to hear tryptophan helps you sleep. How much helps and are you using the Lidtke tryptophan? I’d love to hear what else you’ll be trialing it for? Hope to hear back from you with good results
Hi Trudy, it’s been a couple of years since this blog was posted, and I was wondering if you’ve decided which product you prefer and in which instances? Also, I hadn’t heard about the potential for tryptophan to create neurotoxins. Is there a way to know if this is happening, and what can be done to prevent it? Thanks!
I still use tryptophan 500mg most of the time but do have some folks say they like the complete more. Having adequate vitamin B6 in the system is protective against the formation of quinolinic acid
Hi Trudy,
I’ve been following your work for years and it has changed the lives of many of my clients. Thank you!
And I’m grateful to be able to share some feedback about my experience with the Lidtke 500 caps. (I can’t take the Lidtke Complete. Vitamin C gives me mild urinary incontinence and severe frequency.)
I started taking tryptophan for “dark moods,” ruminating, and chronic insomnia. (I’ve tried seemingly everything for the latter.) After just two weeks with one cap at bedtime, I noticed a lift in the “dark thinking.” Racing thoughts and catastrophizing were reduced too. At the four-month mark, there’s more improvement but it’s not resolved.
Unfortunately, it took weeks to realize the tryptophan was connected to the increasingly severe heartburn I started having daily — for the first time in my life. So, I had to move the tryptophan to the afternoon with food. That was a big improvement in the heartburn, but I’m still struggling with it.
I didn’t want to stop the tryptophan though — the emotional/mental improvements were too noteworthy. Instead, I added 500mg of GABA at bedtime. Unfortunately, after three months of nightly GABA, I haven’t noticed any improvement in sleep or mood.
I’m extra sorry there’s been no improvement in insomnia — my primary health challenge. I’m confident everything else in my life would improve if my sleep did.
I’ve read all your books and blog posts yet am having a hard time deciphering what to do next to further reduce the heartburn and improve my sleep. Since you’re no longer taking private clients, I wonder if you have any thoughts to share here about what to do more of/less of/differently?
Many thanks,
Just shows that everything doesn’t work for everyone. I took Tryptophan years ago with no problem. Now, in my early 70’s, I am more Leary of it. The reason Lidtke developed Tryptophan complete is because of the concern of tryptophan going down the wrong pathways and causing more harm than good. Unfortunately, not everyone can tolerate those cofactors that are added.
My other concern is in reading how tryptophan can contribute to lung disease. This seems to be something anything affecting serotonin incmluding SSRI’s. So…..
for me it was a great ride when in my 40’s but now I have too many concerns.
Heart burn is not usual and keep in mind some do better on 5-HTP and some better on tryptophan so we may switch esp with symptom resolution. This is great: “I noticed a lift in the “dark thinking.” Racing thoughts and catastrophizing were reduced too. At the four-month mark, there’s more improvement but it’s not resolved.”
I also look at low B6 and low zinc, together with EPO. Diet, stress, clean cosmetics, good quality animal protein, healthy fats, good fat digestion, good liver health, no birth control pill are all factors to consider too.
With sleep, if it’s not low serotonin or low GABA (I go up and up until we are sure no improvements – and you should not in 1-2 weeks – no need to wait 3 months) we consider high cortisol, SIBO, low blood sugar, EMF exposure, parasites, med side-effects, food sensitivities
This (and all your posts that I’ve read) is so careful and honest and helpful.
I would like to recommend Tryptophan or 5 HTP for my 41 year old daughter who has always had anxiety and perfectionism, but with her now 4 month old baby and added stresses of uncertainty for her future of meaningful employment, she has progressed into extreme anxiety and panic. She has been adamantly vegan since 15, but added collagen during her pregnancy. She’s always been careful to eat well and check B12 levels, and takes supplements. I’ve recently heard your caution that collagen can result in increased serotonin deficiency, so I will recommend she stop taking the collagen unless she can supplement with tryptophan. My question is really: can she take Tryptophan or 5 HTP while still breastfeeding? If not, then what can she do to reduce her anxiety in the meantime? Thank you for being brilliant!
Thanks for your kind words. I’m sorry to hear about your daughter. Neither tryptophan or 5-HTP have been studied in breast-feeding but with the doctor’s approval some of my clients choose to feed baby, take tryptophan or 5-HTP right after and then not feed for 4 hours, always monitoring baby. I educate my vegan clients who have anxiety about the benefits of quality animal protein (eggs are sometimes a good start) and to look into low iron, low zinc (and high copper esp postpartum), low B12, all of which can be factors.
If animal protein is not an option a free form amino acid that does contain tryptophan (many don’t contain tryptophan) is the next best option. You can find a few listed on my supps blog https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/amino-acids-pyroluria-supplements/
For someone newly anxious after adding collagen I would suspect this.
Trudy, reading through all your answers to all these questions, I am moved to say, you are so smart and compassionate I can hardly believe you exist! May you always receive reward and generosity in kind for what you share. Thank you for answering my question!
Hi i have Schitzophrenia and I take haloperidol and Seroquel is it ok to take the tryptophan and melatonin together with my medication for sleep
I’m afraid this is outside of my experience and scope. I recommend working with an integrative practitioner who can collaborate with the prescribing physician on this.
Ï would have them review this paper: Effects of tryptophan and valine administration on behavioral pharmacology of haloperidol https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16431394
And some of the research on antipsychotic medications and SSRIs: A review of quetiapine in combination with antidepressant therapy in patients with depression https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2656328/ and Co-administration of sertraline and haloperidol https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9895145 (and similar studies).
And this: Drug Interactions between Seroquel and Zoloft https://www.drugs.com/drug-interactions/seroquel-with-zoloft-1979-1274-2057-1348.html
You may find this blog post useful to discuss too – Ketogenic diet: reductions in auditory hallucinations and delusions, better mood and energy, and weight loss https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/ketogenic-diet-reductions-in-auditory-hallucinations-and-delusions-better-mood-and-energy-and-weight-loss/
I have had trouble with insomnia for years. 2 years ago I weaned off citalipram and have had a hard time with dysbiosis and depression and anxiety. I also have MTHFR factors. I found your book and blog and 3 days ago I began L-tryptophan (1000mg at night) and L-theanine (400mg)- I am thrilled to be sleeping through the night! The whole world seems better with sleep.
Many thanks to you for any additional advice!
This is wonderful to hear – fabulous results in just 3 days – thanks for posting here! When I see great results like this with a client we expand the timing for tryptophan to see if midafternoon and/or earlier in the day also helps with anxiety (worry, fear, monkey-mind etc) and depression (negative) symptoms. And we look at low catecholamines and tyrosine if depression is flat/poor focus/low energy depression and GABA if some of the anxiety is also physical.
Go back to the amino acid chapter and review it all, plus all the dietary changes too. Of course dysbiosis does need to be addressed too
Hello Trudy-
Thank you for the encouraging words!
Your response has me asking if I should move up my timing of the L-tryptophan and theanine to afternoon? I currently take them at bedtime, along with magnesium and 3 mg of melatonin. I am able to go to sleep when I turn off the light, however do still wake very early (3-4AM) with trouble going back to sleep (part 2 of my sleep challenge). Ideas about this?
PS: my dysbiosis and depression/anxiety are all resolving, thanks!
Tryptophan is best used midafternoon and evening – for sleep too. I have clients continue to increase until symptoms resolve and then we consider melatonin and Seriphos if high cortisol is keeping them awake. Glad to hear dysbiosis and depression/anxiety are all resolving.
Hi Trudy, I hope you are staying well, healthy, positive and calm! I was wondering if you might be able to help me put my worries to rest. So I want to start trialing/using Tryptophan (I was thinking the Lidtke brand that you recommend) in the afternoons and evenings to help me taper of the 10 mg Escitalopram I have been on since September 2019. Previous to that I was on Sertraline 25mg but none of these SSRIs have helped me heal the way I want to. Yes I am less anxious and have more stable mood, but I still experience anxiety and worries and I still feel overwhelmed and tense, and I have mood swings feeling pretty sad and down at times and I very rarely feel happy/joyful, and on top of this I experience bad side effects I hope will go away once I have tapered off Escitalopram. (15 kilos weight gain, tiredness and feeling like I walk around in a bubble, not in touch with my own feelings and thoughts, not really caring about things the way I used to, and no libido what so ever).
So to my question, thanks for baring with me, have you ever had a patient or heard of anyone getting an increase in their tinnitus? Tinnitus is one symptom I have at the moment. It came on early 2018 when I was getting unwell in the first place, long story but nothing I have done so far has made it go away. Breathing and trying to accept it is the best technique so far.
But my question is, can taking tryptophan increase my tinnitus? That’s one reason I’m worried to trial it. I do take the Escitalopram in the morning, first thing upon waking, and I will take the Tryptophan in the afternoons and in the evenings.
I am consulting a family member who is a naturopath here in New Zealand but I do want to hear your opinion on the tinnitus question. Thank you SO MUCH for replying to me! I truly greatly appreciate it! Stay safe and all the best /Malin ps. I am already taking taurine and magnesium at night, and zinc and vitamin c after breakfast. I have been thinking to add vitamin b3 and b6 too but was wanting to do one thing at a time. Thank you again!
Here is my blog post on how I work with clients wanting to taper https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/taper-from-antidepressant-tryptophan-amino-acids/
I have not had a client report tinnitus when using tryptophan or 5-HTP. Keep in mind that tinnitus is a common side-effect of antidepressants https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/tinnitus/expert-answers/tinnitus-causes/faq-20057804
Hi Trudy
Thank you very much for your freely available information, it’s very generous of you. It’s been a long search for us so it’s a relief to find accessible information in one place. We’ve been looking for help for my brother for his insomnia/anxiety/low mood/imposter syndrome, which he’s had for many years (tried just about everything). Over about 3 weeks he’s worked up to 3000mg l-tryptophan (split evenly afternoon and nighttime). Added in GABA (500mg a day in a split dose) this past week. The last day or two he’s drifted off a bit quicker and slept more soundly so things might be improving! We have a couple of questions.
Firstly – can you recommend a U.K. supplier of lidtke, we’re using other brands and it’s proving hard to come by the lidtke? If not is there another brand you’d recommend? Secondly – due to concerns about toxins we may try the complete tablet, otherwise is there a daily vit B6 dose you’d suggest to support with this? Finally is there any fine tuning to this regime or cautionary advice in terms of long term effects you would give? Again thank you very much, trying not to get too excited too soon! Emma
Hi Trudy, the tryptophan I ordered from Lidtke finally made it here to NZ in the mail today My fiancé is really worried for me to start it as he has read about EMS. Can you please tell me your thoughts and/or link me to some evidence I can use when I talk to him about this. Thank you so much! I found this but am sure you are across this subject and have better more accurate links and research to share with us Thank you!
What is “EMS”?
Eosinophilia–Myalgia Syndrome
Hi Trudy,
I just started taking 500 mg of Lidtke L-tryptophan around 4pm for the last two days. Within two hours I feel tightness in my chest around my heart and some tingling in my left arm. Does help with mood, and sleep last night. But wondering if these are normal side effects? I am a healthy 33 year old, no heart issues or family history normal cholesterol and lipid levels. Started taking for anxiety, ruminating thoughts. I won’t take it for a few days and try again to see if I get the same results but didn’t know if these are normal?
These are not “normal side-effects” and this is the first time I’ve had someone report this. I don’t ever encourage pushing through adverse effects and have my clients look for other possible confounding factors (lie accidental gluten exposure etc), stop and restart (as you mention), trial less and/or trial 5-HTP.
Apologies for the delay in your comment approval and my response. We had a computer glitch where a large number of comments were hidden from view in a spam folder. It mostly affected new folks who were commenting for the first time but it’s hopefully resolved now.
Hi Trudy. I am so grateful to have found you and definitely see that the Gaba calm (half a tablet) works a treat to calm my stress and tension. I try to take half twice a day. I have done the questionnaire and found that my serotonin is low as well. I took a third of tryptophan complete and slept well but woke up in a heavy fog. Took a pixie dust amount the next night and felt similar the next day. So groggy. It didn’t dissipate all day long. I am keen to get on top of my serotonin and find that sleep is an issue, especially in the middle of the night with ruminating thoughts. I got the complete because it was the only one I could get delivered in the uk although I can buy the Lidke chewables of tryptophan on amazon uk now. I have reacted to many natural and also pharma sleeping tablets in somewhat the same way. I presume I am extremely sensitive to medicine. Would you recommend I try the chewables, 5 HTP or? for sleep issues.
Thanks so much and info would be much appreciated.
Dosing can vary and too much can cause the fog. I have clients use less and less until they find the ideal dose and also consider switching to 5-HTP for a trial.
If upon waking anxiety and panic is present, should I take gaba while still in bed?
Splitting the chewable tryptophan to three
Through t the day help with daily depression and negetive thoughts. How can I start the day on a better note? Gaba?
If the panic is due to low GABA, GABA on waking helps, if it’s due to low serotonin tryptophan on waking helps and if it’s high cortisol then lactium helps.
Glad to hear tryptophan is helping depression and negative thoughts
Hi Trudy
Thank you for the information you offered; it gives me hope as I work to resolve my sleep issues.
I’ve been taking Alprazolam to help with sleep, but I’ve noticed it has become less effective, and my insomnia has worsened. I suspect this might be due to the side effects of Xanax, and I’m considering gradually reducing my dosage with the aim of eventually stopping altogether. However, this process has been challenging, and I would like to explore the possibility of using GABA and Tryptophan as alternatives.
I have some questions as follows:
1. While tapering off Alprazolam, can I take it alongside Lidtke Tryptophan and/or GABA, or should I stop Alprazomlam completely before starting the Tryptophan and/or GABA?
2. If I can take them together, is there a recommended time gap between taking Alprazolam and GABA/Tryptophan?
3. Is it safe to use GABA and Tryptophan long-term? How long should I continue taking them, and when should I consider stopping?
5. What are the recommended dosages and frequency of Tryptophan and GABA to start with for sleep?
6. What is the maximum daily dosage of Tryptophan and GABA that I should not exceed?
Thank you for your guidance.