I’m really excited about the upcoming Interpreting Your Genetics Summit which runs August 21-28, 2017.
Summit host, James Maskell of Evolution of Medicine, has gathered world-renowned leaders from genetics, genomics and functional medicine. These pioneering experts are on the front lines interpreting data to create improved health in patients around the globe. Learn how to translate your health data to better understand:
- Your predisposition for diseases and how to minimize manifestation.
- Genetic health traits your children are likely to inherit.
- Whether your medications and supplements are right for you.
- How to unlock previously unsolved health challenges.
- And more!
Tom O’Bryan, author of The Autoimmune Fix and creator of the docuseries Betrayal: The Autoimmune Secret They’re Not Telling You sets the stage for the summit in his brilliant interview by explaining that simply because you have a genetic defect or polymorphism doesn’t mean you’re going to get that disease:
It means that you’re vulnerable to a particular disease. “Mrs. Patient, if you pull at a chain, it always breaks at the weakest link. Always. It’s going to be at one end, the middle, the other end. It’s your heart, your brain, your liver, your kidneys. Wherever your genetic weak link is. And where’s your weak link? Whatever your genes are. Whatever the deck of cards you’ve been dealt in life, that’s the weak link in your chain.”
So when you have that basic understanding, the first thing that comes up is stop pulling on the chain so much, right. And then, the link won’t break. And how do you stop pulling on the chain? Reduce the inflammation, reduce the activation of your immune system, which is what turns on the genes.
James summarizes this concept perfectly:
So what I hear you saying is that whatever your genetic test comes back, you want to be minimizing the pull on the chain. And you want to be minimizing and repairing the holes in your gut to make sure that you don’t end up with a broken-chain situation, which would be an autoimmune disease, which could manifest anywhere depending on your genetic makeup.
Tom O’Bryan discusses some common environmental triggers that will “pull on the chain” in great detail, and how they lead to genes being turned on and hence causing disease: food quality, wheat, dairy sugar, glyphosate, plastic and air quality. He also covers the APOE4 genes that increase your risk for Alzheimer’s disease and shares this scary fact about kids in Mexico City:
what they have found is that every child that they checked in Mexico City has evidence of early Alzheimer’s. Every child! Let me say that again. Every child that they check has evidence of early Alzheimer’s.
Why? Because the air pollution is so bad. And you breathe that stuff in. It goes into your lungs. And just like leaky gut, you get leaky lungs. And this particulate matter goes right through the lungs, into the bloodstream, straight up to the brain, activating your immune system to fight this stuff. Tears the lining of the blood-brain barrier.
And he shares one of his favorite tests for determining if damage is being done to the brain:
8-hydroxy-2′- Deoxyguanosine… a measure of the DNA residue from damaged brain cells or damaged nerve cells, mostly in the brain. So you just do a simple urine test. And if your 8-hydroxy is up, you’re killing off brain cells. And that makes you say, “Well, why?” [this is the DNA Oxidative Damage Assay from Doctor’s Data]
And this one to look at antibodies to the blood-brain barrier:
You have a simple type of lining on your brain that stops molecules from getting in the brain that shouldn’t be here. So you want to look for antibodies… to S100B. There’s a panel of antibodies that you could look for to see, “Is my brain on fire right now,” because if you have elevated antibodies, your brain is on fire. You’re killing off brain cells.
This interview sets the stage for the rest of the summit! I can’t wait to learn from these amazing speakers on this very relevant and cutting-edge topic.
I hope you can join us on Interpreting Your Genetics Summit, August 21-28, 2017. You can register here
Once you register you’ll have access to this interview and 2 others (Epigenetic Mastery for Everyone from Andrea Nakayama, CNC, CNE and The Current State of Genetics from Jeffrey Bland, PhD) right away.
Hope to “see you” on the summit!
I have registered but I am not receiving an email with a link to the summit. Can you help?
I suggest reaching out the summit folks themselves http://geneticssummit.com/contact-us/