Dr. Datis Kharrazian is a Harvard Medical School-trained researcher and author of Why Isn’t My Brain Working. The Treating Neuroinflammation Course is based on breakthrough research into the role glial cells – the brain’s immune cells – play in neuroinflammation. Dr. Kharrazian has exhaustively studied this new research and developed new clinical models he’s used to treat his patients. Now he’s ready to teach them to you.
In the Treating Neuroinflammation Course you will learn:
- The role of the brain’s immune cells, called glial cells, in maintaining the health of the neurons.
- How focusing on the neurons but ignoring glial cells explains why functional neurology protocols often worsen symptoms or fail.
- How glial cells that have become pro-inflammatory actually change in shape, anatomy, and function… and what to do about it.
- Clinical strategies for disarming activated glial cells.
- How to figure out what is causing neuroinflammation in each patient; it will be different for each.
- How to stimulate the neurons to keep glial cells healthy.
- How to prevent accelerated degeneration and loss of glial cells and take care of the ones you and your patients have left.
- How to work backwards through a step-by-step clinical process to uncover each patient’s unique triggers for neuroinflammation.
- How memory, cognition, synaptic function, neurotransmitter activity, and other vital brain functions are dependent on healthy glial cell function.
- Research breakthroughs in what causes glial cells to become pro-inflammatory.
- How to identify patterns of neuroinflammation on blood tests.
- How healthy glial function supports positive neuron plasticity.
- How gut bacteria directly communicate with glial cells.
- How to use physical examinations and neuroimaging studies to identify neuroinflammation and track the progress of protocols.
Here is my video interview with Dr. Kharrazian sharing some highlights from the Treating Neuroinflammation course.
One of many gems he shared: when you hit your head, whether it’s a mild bump or if you’re concussed or lose consciousness or have a very severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), the severity of the neuroinflammation depends on many factors including your blood sugar levels, if you have an autoimmune condition and many other factors outside of the injury itself.
We talk about the fact that registration for this training does include ongoing access to case discussions on the private Facebook group. Two of the case studies will be followed live over the next few months. One gentleman who has volunteered to be a case study, has already introduced himself in the Facebook group. To me, this adds so much value to the course because we almost get to shadow Dr. Kharrazian in real life.
If you’re already signed up for the course, enjoy this video and I’ll see you in the course Facebook group (be sure to tag me and say hi). I am loving the interaction with the other practitioners and the training hasn’t even started.
If you’re not yet signed up and are still considering it, registration for the LIVE and LIVESTREAM does closes Wednesday, May 15th at 11:59 p.m. (PST). It will be available on-demand after this date at some time in the future but I don’t have those details.
I had the good fortune to attend a number of live trainings with Dr. Kharrazian shortly after becoming a nutritionist and I’ve been a huge fan ever since then. I’ve always been impressed with the depth of his knowledge.
Here are a few endorsements from prominent functional medicine practitioners:
Dr. Kharrazian has been a prominent educator and highly-respected clinician in the functional medicine community since the inception of functional medicine. He is an expert clinician and an innovator in this field ~ Dr. Mark Hyman
Dr. Kharrazian’s work represents the vanguard in our understanding of the role of lifestyle choices in charting the brain’s destiny. His highly effective educational outreach has opened the door for countless healthcare providers, allowing them to dramatically increase their effectiveness in treating and indeed preventing so many of the pernicious conditions that plague our modern society ~ Dr. David Perlmutter
This training is geared to practitioners BUT health-savvy patients/clients are welcome to attend too:
The neuroinflammation course is not actually practitioners-only. Dr. Kharrazian welcomes anyone to sign up for the course, and there are already a number of non-practitioners enrolled. Over on the Kharrazian Institute facebook page, he addresses this in some of the threads. There will be content that moves a bit too fast for those who do not have medical training, but for the avid patient who is well-read and keen to learn on a deeper level, the course is open. More info can be found on the Kharrazian Institute FAQ page.
Details and registration for The Treating Neuroinflammation Course here
I am unable to attend or watch the live stream as I am at a conference in the UK the same weekend. Can I buy the programme and watch later?
Yes you can simply purchase the livestreaming option now. Per the site: “ONLINE registrants have the option to watch the livestreaming presentation at a later time via online replays. At the end of the livestreaming program each day, registrants will be able to access the online exams at the learning website. On the learning website, you will also have the option to watch the recorded livestreaming presentation (online replays) and take the exams. You will have online access to the course materials after the original live presentation. Transcripts from the audio will be added as available. After successfully completing the online examination, you will receive a “Certificate of Completion” via email.”
This will also give you access to the Facebook group. There are a fair number of UK practitioners in the group already
Thank you so much for your speedy response. Off to book the course x
My pleasure – I’ll see you in the Facebook group!
Trudy, can you please share excerpts from the course on your Facebook page with those of us who are not practitioners? I’ve been struggling with brain fog, memory loss and a lack of concentration ever since I developed Hashimoto’s about 13 years ago, and would love to get insights on how to reverse those effects. Thanks a lot.
Yes I plan to do this on my Facebook page and via a blog post. Can you share here what steps you have taken to try and improve the brain fog, memory loss and a lack of concentration?
I am not a practitioner and would love a list of practitioners who have been through this course! My 14 year old daughter suffers from anxiety and I would move heaven and earth to help her. Being able afford the right doctor is always a factor and so defeating when we’re never finding the right one to go after the root cause!!
I’ll find out how they plan to share the practitioners who have completed this course. If someone has used all the approaches I teach about and outline in my book (real whole food, quality animal protein, healthy fats, fermented foods, no gluten/no sugar/no caffeine, sometimes no grains, eat to control blood sugar, gut health, amino acids, pyroluria protocol, nature etc) and looked into other root causes (https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/60-nutritional-biochemical-causes-of-anxiety/) without success then looking into neuroinflammation is a good logical step especially if there has been an head injury.
Trudy- I have been struggling for 10 years with what I have thought was some autoimmune mucosal issue. I have been through all the testing and remediation protocols-diet and lifestyle and my main symptom seems to be getting worse. I have some sort of burning mouth/oral allergy syndrome which has worsened post menopausal. I went through a very high anxiety period at which time I read your book and read all of your blogs. My symptoms of pain are primarily on the tongue and lip on the same time as a severe skull fracture in the left ear and occipital area twenty years ago. Glial cell priming is new to me. I am too late to sign up for the course and would like to hear about the information presented and also any practioner in the SF Bay Area who could help me. I am a periodontist and occasionally have patients with similar symptoms I am also anxious to help. Thank you.
Hi Christine
I write about burning mouth in this blog https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/gaba-oral-rinse-reduces-burning-mouth-pain/. I’ve seen results with GABA but the root causes can be varied – I link to a paper that describes “age-related reduction in estrogen and progesterone levels, lower cortisol, diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism, allergic reactions to foods, additives and even metals in the mouth, autoimmune connective tissue disorders, nutritional deficiencies (B1, B2, B6, B12. folate, and/or zinc), smoking and candida, and medication side-effects”.
I’m not familiar with this being connected to a head injury but after doing this training I believe all head injuries need to be taken very seriously and ruled out as a contributing factor. I suggest working with a functional neurologist for an assessment.
The training was incredible and will be available as recordings and will include access to the facebook group (which is wonderful). I’ll share a link as soon as it’s ready.