Learn about the top 5 foods that make you anxious, 3 nutrients that improve anxiety and 2 simple lifestyle changes. I share all this on a call with Connie Bennett, author of the fabulous book Sugar Shock! How Sweets and Simple Carbs Can Derail Your Life – and How You Can Get Back on Track. You can listen to the interview here.
The Top 5 foods
(1) Caffeine – we self-medicate so we can function. If you quit you may need to address the reasons you are tired: burned out adrenals, low thyroid or anemia
(2) Sugar – depletes us of key nutrients that help with anxiety (zinc, magnesium and chromium) and fills us up so we don’t eat healthy food. It also leads to a roller-coaster of mood swings because it affects blood sugar. It’s very addicting and willpower may not be enough – and the amino acids help so much
(3) Gluten – which is found in wheat, rye, barley, teff, kamut, spelt and oats. Affects digestion and causes “brain allergies” leading to mood problems, including anxiety and depression. At least 80% of my clients feel better mood-wise off gluten
(4) Junk food that is loaded with trans fats, additives, MSG, artificial sweeteners like sucralose, GMOs, wheat
(5) Not getting enough good quality protein – amino acids are building blocks of neurotransmitters. Grass-fed red meat has good levels of omega-3s, zinc, B vitamins and iron. Salmon, sardines and pastured eggs are great sources too
Connie felt better when she quit coffee but then she felt so much better when she also quit sugar….
3 nutrients that reduce anxiety
(1) Tryptophan and 5-HTP help with raising serotonin and balancing brain chemicals – so you’ll feel happy, confident, calm, and have no afternoon/evening cravings. Low serotonin is associated with the type of anxiety that’s your head such as when you have ruminating thoughts
(2) GABA is a calming neurotransmitter and if your levels are good you’ll feel relaxed and not drawn to wine or sugar to calm down.
The amino acids are amazing and help you feel great mood-wise and quit sugar so you won’t feel deprived and won’t have to use will-power.
2 lifestyle changes
(1) Yoga helps to raise GABA levels; get out in nature and go for a walk
(2) Getting enough sleep is big too
All of this and much more is covered in great detail in The Antianxiety Food Solution: How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood and End Cravings, now available in major books stores, at Amazon and via www.antianxietyfoodsolution.com
Connie’s book Sugar Shock: How Sweets and Simple Carbs Can Derail Your Life – and How You Can Get Back on Track, is really a fabulous resource for all the facts on why sugar is so harmful. As someone who loves research I really appreciate all the excellent references and that she drew from so many experts. Connie’s second book will be coming out soon… Beyond Sugar Shock: The 6-Week Plan to Break Free of Your Sugar Addiction & Get Slimmer, Sexier & Sweeter.
These are fabulous, solid ideas and I love that you have them in a step-by-step fashion. Thank you, Trudy!
Great Sue – so glad you enjoyed them – Trudy
Thanks, Trudy! XO, Katherine
Trudy – Thanks for these tips. I’ve been taking baby steps to change my diet and just eliminating soda made a huge difference … then it was adding more protein and reducing sugar. I feel so much better already and I am learning a ton from you and this blog – thanks!
Jennifer Bourn, Bourn Creative
Good for you Jennifer and so pleased you’re learning from this blog – that’s the plan!
Great practical tips and advice as always Trudy – sugar is always up there on the challenge list for me although my new practice of yoga twice a week is certainly assisting and improving my overall wellbeing!
Yoga is so great and has so many benefits – so pleased to hear it’s helping with sugar and overall wellbeing. Research has shown that yoga raises GABA levels, the calming neurotransmitter, so perhaps this is how it’s helping you
Trudy ~ You mention “self medication” with caffeine, and really the first four food types you mentioned are self medicating foods. And we really don’t realize that we are managing how we feel when we choose certain foods to eat. Great straightforward advice that will not only reduce anxiety but will help to balance hormones. Thank you!
Yes, so true – we self-medicate with all those foods so we can feel good! And yes, reduce anxiety, balance hormones, improve sleep, boost energy and so much more!
Always learn new things when I read your blog Trudy.