Here is a quick reminder about the webinar tomorrow July 6th at 1pm PDT: Customizing Therapeutic Diets to Improve Clinical Success with Anxiety, Autism and Beyond.
We all agree that Food is Medicine, however, there is no one dietary strategy that is right for everyone. Diet recommendations must consider varied biochemical and physiological factors, so they are personalized to suite the individual needs of your client – can they tolerate phenols, salicylates, high histamine foods, amines, oxalates, and FODMAPS? Knowing about these special diets and customizing dietary recommendations can increase your success with complex cases, especially your clients with anxiety and those that seem to have food reactions to “everything.” Understanding these advanced diets and principles have been critical to furthering my success in working with clients with anxiety.
Tomorrow I will be conducting a webinar with Julie Matthews on this topic. She is a good friend and nutrition colleague and we’ll be sharing valuable tips and clinical advice from our combined 25 years in practice. Julie is the founder of the Bioindividual Nutrition Institute and will cover:
- How personalizing food and nutrition strategy helps improve patient/client outcomes
- Which foods may negatively affect mood and anxiety, as well as co-morbid conditions
- How to make your preferred diet strategy even more effective by individualizing over a dozen additional dietary factors
- The most advantageous special diets for healing: including: GFCF, SCD, GAPS Diet, Paleo diet, low phenol diets, low oxalate, and low FODMAPs
We’ll discuss some clinical case studies from both of our practices and Julie will share more about the study group forming for the BioIndividual Nutrition Institute practitioner training program.
If diet and nutrition is a strong part of your practice, be sure to join us.
Here is a sampling of what we’ll cover:
Hope you can join us!
PS. This is webinar is for practitioners but anyone can tune in and listen and learn. Register at:
PPS. I’m actually camping at Tahoe this week so we recorded this before I left! But Julie will be live on the call after the recording so if you have questions join live to get them answered. If you can’t make it live sign up and you’ll get the recording + the questions she addressed
In order to listen to the replay of the webinar simply register at the same link and you’ll receive an email with the replay
Also, because many of you that are not clinicians expressed interest in the BioIndividual Nutrition training, Julie has re-opened the Nourishing Hope Moms program and scholarship to TEN new individuals. Inquire and apply here https://az184.isrefer.com/go/nhmoms/TrudyScott/
Yes the soil is often an issue but these special diets go into so much more
I am an adult with salicylate and histamine intolerance. Apart from diet are there any supplements that could be beneficial? I’ve read about glycine being good for salicylate intolerance and methyl donors like TMG for improving histamine intolerance-have you any experience of using these?
I’m not familiar with using glycine for salicylate issues – if you can share a link to what you’re read I’d be happy to comment. For histamine intolerance DAO enzymes are helpful
Hi Trudy, My son is on Lexapro which he thinks is an SSRI. Is that compatible with gaba or glutamine? Thanks for your reply. I couldn’t tell from my notes from your June anxiety seminar if that was okay or not.
Lexapro is an SSRI and there is no issue with using GABA or glutamine when taking an SSRI. Please review all the precautions here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/amino-acid-precautions/
Dear Trudy
(I’m not commenting on the blog but on a health summit and want a way to say thank you to the health summits.)
I had listened to your anxiety summit and a few others . During the anxiety summit I was trying to get off of a benzodiazipam which I am still working on – down some but not off. Your summit was excellent.
However, I hardly listened to a summit that was before yours – just a couple of the speakers. It was on Lyme. However, last week I found out that Lyme is behind my problems of the last 30 years. I had the bulls eye rash in 1987 but I think the doctor at the time said it was ringworm. I just started on a long term antibiotic for Lyme (after being tested) – last week! Have a good integrative doctor now.
The reason I’m thankful to you and others involved with these summits is that this is the reason that I even remembered that I had the rash. I also really prayed about finding an answers the Lord did lead me. How ever, it was after listening to you summit, the Lyme summit, and some others that this came back to me and I connected it with a possibility of Lyme. I went to the doctor almost apologetically because of the way many in the regular medical profession act so dismissive, but this functional doctor listened, checked my symptoms, had me tested, and is now treating me!!!
I want to thank you and others for these summits. I looked at their website (and think will buy the Lyme summit because didn’t really listen to many) but did not find a place to write to anyone involved on that site. I remembered how you had answered during summit and that had been helpful. I had also ordered from a couple of the sites and had gotten some information. Basically – thank you for the summits and reaching out to the public to be of such help.
If you do not get the right food diet means little. It is almost impossible to buy it anywhere in the US and that includes farm direct due to cost. I suggest that the world read Hell’s Kitchen by Joel Walach
Yes quality food (organic, grass-fed, wild) is the best – as well as eating for bioindividuality (hence special diets).
I’m not sure what you mean by “It is almost impossible to buy it anywhere in the US and that includes farm direct due to cost.”
I want thank you for amazing info! Kindly please advise: My problem started 1,5 yrs ago with acute anxiety in the morning and during the day panic attacs brain fog ,fatigue i am post menoposal 55 yrs my blood results were indicating low wit d & iron I am taking wit b complex injection ,folate with folic acid ,magnesium vit d 5 000,for anxiety i am taking thianine 300mg morning with 500mg inositol,rodiola rosea with s johns 300mg,i am taking bioidentical hormons and progesterone at night, melantonine when requeted i have ibs . Tyrosine 450 mg dosent work for me, however i was taking them after eating ,iam on low carb low gluten lots of probiotic food daily no dirty food no coffee waking 30 min 3-5 times a week.I hve been prescraibed cipralex 5mg x6 moths which i dont take yet .i have notice best results when switching medications (one week s johns with rodioa,next week thianine with magnesium vit b,lemon balm)kindly please advise ,after the J Ross test i have low serontonine high cortisol level please advise if 5mg Lithium and 121.3 mg orotate may help or just advise what is safest amino acid for anxiety and Ibs highly apreciate your precoius advise God Bless with love Wiesia
I’m sorry to hear but can’t consult via the blog. One thing does stand out and that is low gluten – I have all my clients remove all gluten 100%. I’d suggest starting with my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” and making sure all bases are covered. Here is my list of 60+ root causes you can review too http://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/60-nutritional-biochemical-causes-of-anxiety/
Wiesia i forgot to mention for last 2 weeks i notice the tip of my tounge feels like burning ,any sugestions? Thanks so much