Cancer is ruthless and this disease is stealing the lives our beloved animals. It’s sad but true. Each year, over 6 million dogs and 6 million cats are diagnosed with cancer. And millions die as a devastating result.
The experts at The Truth about *PET* Cancer share this:
The rate of cancer in pets is exploding! Just 50 years ago, 1 in 100 dogs got cancer. Today it is a staggering 1 in 1.65 dogs. Dogs have the highest rate of cancer of any mammal on the planet, and cats aren’t far behind, with 1 in every 3 receiving a cancer diagnosis.
I was shocked by these rates so I reached out to the hosts and they kindly sent me an article by Carol Beuchat PhD, Scientific Director of the Institute of Canine Biology: Do dogs have more cancer than other mammals?:
We can truthfully say that cancer in pets is at the epidemic stage right now, and just like most oncologists, the vast majority of vets don’t know about the countless natural therapies and protocols available to heal and prevent pet cancer.
Cancer is a problem not just in a few dog breeds but in many. Cancer rates of 20% or 30% are taken as “normal” because they are so much lower than the levels in breeds that are notorious for cancer – the ones up at 50% and 60%. Clearly, however, what is considered normal for dogs is much higher than what we see in mammals in general, and cancer rates that are “abnormally high” in dogs are actually off the charts.
She also compares cancer in dogs with other mammals and the Tasmanian Devil:
rates of cancer in dogs are higher- spectacularly so, in fact – compared to those for mammals in general. Cancer rates in other mammals are largely less than 20%, while in dogs there are only a handful of breeds in that range, and there are none at all lower than about 15%, where most of the mammals are. In fact, the Tasmanian Devil with its contagious cancer [and 50% rate] is matched by the Flatcoated Retriever and even outdone by the Irish Water Spaniel, with a half dozen more breeds almost as high.
What if your dogs and cats are tragically dying from cancer, simply because you haven’t heard about treatments that can truly heal them? In this groundbreaking 7-episode docu-series, 30 world-renowned pet health experts will reveal better, safer and more affordable cancer healing treatment. And you’ll discover simple prevention therapies (your vet probably doesn’t even know about) that can save the lives of your precious pets.
Here is one cancer prevention topic that will be covered by one of the experts Rodney Habib: Are there potatoes in your bag of pet food or in your pet’s diet?
Alas, the conventional potato tests positive for 35 different pesticides — more pesticides by weight than any other vegetable, according to EWG [Environmental Working Group] 2014 Dirty Dozen List
Unless you are feeding organic potatoes to your family and pets, you may want to give this information some serious consideration seeing that today’s cancer and disease rates are soaring at an all-time high! It is estimated that 5% of cancer is genetic and 95% is a result of lifestyle and environmental factors. The fewer toxins we have in our systems, the fewer problems we have. Period.
The experts will talk about topics from the pet food industry, diets and specific treatment protocols to reverse cancer, water intake, vaccinations (needed vs. those that are likely to cause cancer), essential oil recipes in place of flea/tick collars and overall homeopathy for pets.
I’ve seen natural health work wonders with anxious pets – such as theanine, a gluten-free diet and Thunder shirts – so let’s use natural approaches for cancer prevention and treatment too! You’ll find out everything you need to know in this cutting-edge series that starts in a few weeks.
You’ll also discover that many of these natural approaches help with both pet cancer and pet anxiety too – such as a gluten-free diet, organic food, essential oils, nutrients like curcumin, vitamin D and much more.
If you want to protect your family pet from cancer… or heal your pet’s cancer when the vet says there’s nothing more to be done… or you want to give your pet the healthiest food and environment possible so they will live a long and happy life, then I encourage you to register for The Truth About PET Cancer docu-series now.
CLICK HERE to watch the video trailer and then register to watch this special event.
And check out this quiz: Do you know your pet’s risk for cancer?
Your links are not working for me. Is there a problem with the trailer link and the registration link?
Our apologies – there may have been a temporary technical glitch. I just tried both links now and they are working.
Here they are again
The intro video and sign up page
The quiz
Please let me know they are working for you – thanks
On a series in the UK about Professor Noel FitzPatrick, the bionic vet/”The SuperVet” tv series, there have been many animals that had me in tears – and quite a few loving families too. But the one that made me SHRIEK with horror were the (apparently wealthy) people who were coming to see Noel with their seventh dog in a row that had got cancer, the poor animal was in a terrible state and needed an operation and a prosthesis (for which Noel is one of the world’s experts).
Let me repeat that – those nice people had had seven dogs in a row who had all had cancer. Now either they were angels in human form rescuing only dogs with cancer or there was something very, very wrong at their home and for some bewildering reason they hadn’t thought about it – neither was mentioned, of course, so I can only speculate.
The only thing I would criticise Noel Fitzpatrick about is that he seems never, ever to have thought of the connection between food and cancer – and the detox system and cancer. Again and again we are shown pictures of animals there being given bowls of kibble. If you want to save the life of a dog/cat and you can afford nothing else, kibble is fine, and may blessings be showered on you for saving the life of that cat or dog. But if you want an animal to live a healthy life, and you can afford better, give them a natural diet please, and give them a chance of fighting off diseases, including cancer!
As Albert Einstein said, to keep repeating something and to expect different results is the definition of insanity – yet the people taking their animals to the Supervet take their animals home and feed them the same gunk that got them ill in the first place – and don’t seem to think how their actions affect their animals. So distressing.
The only dream of my life is to be a vet
from at least 7 years I was really upset to this info .And I really want to save these animals life