The Anxiety Summit November 3 – 16, 2014.
Nutritional Solutions for Anxiety
Hosted by Trudy Scott,
Food Mood Expert and Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution.
Here are all the speakers, their topics and blog posts with additional information, links to studies and more
Trudy Scott, “The latest food and nutrient research on anxiety, music and more”
Randy Hartnell, “What you need to know about seafood—the ultimate brain and mood food”
JJ Virgin, CNS, “The Sugar Impact Diet”
Julie Matthews, CNC, “Fermented foods and probiotics for anxiety and depression: The practical and the research”
Dr. Tom O’Bryan, DC, “Gluten’s impact on the inflamed brain: reducing anxiety and depression”
Jeffrey M. Smith, “Anxiety and mood: Health risks of GMOs and Roundup”
Dr. Kelly Brogan MD, “Psychoneuroimmunology, the new psychiatry”
Dr. Ted Dinan MD, PhD, “Microbes in the gut and psychobiotics as a potential treatment for anxiety and depression”
Dr Mikell S. Parsons, DC., “Conquering those yeastie beasties (candida) once and for all”
Dr. Ameet Aggarwal ND “The hidden master organ: Why treating your liver is fundamental to anxiety and depression”
Tom A. Malterre, MS, CN, “Our environmental toxin exposures promote anxiety”
Kris Homme, MPH, “Your hidden mercury burden: A likely root cause of the other root causes of anxiety – part 1”
Dr. Alan Christianson, ND, “Adrenals – Master glands of anxiety / tranquility”
Dr Hyla Cass, MD, “Mood, Anxiety, Energy and Your Thyroid”
Trudy Scott, CN, “Targeted individual amino acids for eliminating anxiety: practical applications”
Kris Homme, MPH, “Your hidden mercury burden: A likely root cause of the other root causes of anxiety – part 2”
Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, “Take magnesium and melt your anxiety away”
Sayer Ji, “Deconstructing medical anxiety & evidence-based natural solutions”
Dr. Benjamin Lynch, ND, “Anxiety: Biochemical and genetic predispositions”
Dr. Peter Osborne, DC, “Drug induced nutritional deficiencies that contribute to anxiety”
Dr. Jonathan Prousky, MSc, ND, “Tapering off psychiatric drugs so they don’t ruin your life”
Success stories from real people – Angela Savitri, “How Changing My Breakfast Cut My Anxiety in Half”
Success stories from real people – AMMA JO, “The power of music for mood and inspiration”
Sharon Heller, PhD, “Hidden causes of anxiety: Drugs, illness, light and balance”
Rebecca Robb, PsyD, “Treating Anxiety in an Integrative Medicine Practice”
Dr. Lauren Noel, ND, “Primal nutrition for anxiety and depression”
Trudy Scott, CN, “Eggs, broths, sprouts, almond flour, questions and what to do next”
Thank you for joining us on The Anxiety Summit Season 2! I hope you’ll join us again in spring for the season 3 of The Anxiety Summit!
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Remember don’t tolerate how you feel. You deserve to feel your absolute best, and you can and should feel on top of the world always. You can completely eliminate your anxiety symptoms. Don’t give up hope, and just keep looking for answers until you have zero anxiety ~ Trudy
Hi Trudy,
Congratulations for the summit. Its going very well, I am a regular in the summit.
I have a question which needs to be discussed.
In India we have not less than half a billion people who are living below poverty line and similar is the situation in many African countries and in
many other countries of our world. Now these poor people and especially the poorer of the poor do not get to eat even 2 square meals a day, forget the nutritional contents, but they spend their entire life eating no-sense food, such food that a normal person cannot even see it, and these millions of poor fill their stomachs with such filthy stuff only. There are millions who have never ever eaten any fruits or vegetables even once in their lives. So the question is that what is maintaining their physical existence? This poor people never have anxieties and depressive symptoms. I feel Something is missing in our understandings and what nature has engineered for living beings, there is some missing link..!!
Hi Kuldeep
Thanks – so glad you’re a regular and are enjoying the summit!
This is a great question especially since much of what we are saying about food/nutrition and mood relates to the SAD or Western diet. However we do know that nutritional deficiencies can contribute to anxiety and depression and do see these conditions in India.
I’m curious why you believe these conditions don’t exist in India? are you working in the field?
Here is a recent study: Psychiatric Co-morbidities among Patients with Select Non-communicable Diseases in a Coastal City of South India “Among the 282 study participants, psychiatric illnesses observed were somatization (35.1%), anxiety (19.1%) and depression (29.1%).”
I did also find this interesting 2010 paper: An overview of Indian research in anxiety disorders
Here are a few select quotes
“The phenomenology of panic disorder has been studied widely in the West but rarely in India”
“Despite rapid advancement in the field of psychopharmacology, the researches in the field of anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs are dismally low from India. Furthermore research is lacking in the areas of non-pharmacological management like relaxation therapies, yoga, other meditation techniques and psychotherapies despite India being the birth place of many such techniques.”
Here is a recent study showing how yoga helped anxious Indian women so hopefully we’ll see more studies like this
I encourage you to go to and search with “anxiety India”
I pulled one from South Africa “Anxiety disorders and depression were associated with highest days out of role (28.2 and 27.2, respectively) followed closely by arthritis and pain (24.7 and 21.7, respectively).”
Trudy, you have misunderstood my question.
I didn’t say depression and anxiety disorders are not existing in India, on the contrary I would say India having larger population is witnessing more quantum of mental illnesses.
I am pointing only towards the millions of poors, a major portion of world population who are actually not consuming the right food for their entire lifetimes, and in that class of population depression or anxiety is minimal. I will not use the word non-existent, but surely this disorders are very very less in physically hard working population. This observation doesn’t mean that poor people are absolutely healthy, i know all these poor people are mal-nourished and we can see it with our own eyes, and perhaps their life expectancy is also less compared to the well nourished upper classes of world, but our point of discussion is mentals, and thats where this hard working class is less affected.
My belief is that nature is a great Architect and the ultimate engineer. Nature has not left the science of nutrition to be decoded by humans, nature has already made provisions for various situations that mankind will have to face. The only problem is we humans started defying the laws of nature, and yes, your whole effort in this summit is to understand fundamentals of nature only, may be in a scientific presentation. I sincerely appreciate your summit.
I will like to add a very strong point here, it is for every person to understand, whether a layman or a learned professional.
You see, God has divided humans into two parts, one thats above neck which we know as head and the other is below neck which is the rest of the body. The original design of human is that we should be keeping the below neck body fully busy, no mercy, all hardships are allowed and should be utilised to it’s maximum. Whereas the above neck portion, thats head was meant to be kept quiet, silent, no tortures, no loads, handle with care type instrument.
In last 100-200 years, with all the modern innovations we switched the positions. Our bodies became silent, sedentary and started playing role of head and heads became hyper active with all the worldly inputs. The outcome is what we are witnessing in the form of disordered beings with confusing health issues.
The poor class has still maintained the old rule, if not fully then atleast to greater extent than the upper class of world who are now victims of epidemic of mental disorders.
Thanks – do we know this for certain? “I am pointing only towards the millions of poors, a major portion of world population who are actually not consuming the right food for their entire lifetimes, and in that class of population depression or anxiety is minimal.” We do know for a fact that the western diet plays a big role and so does stress and toxins etc but I can’t imagine that these poor people are not stressed and not also exposed to toxins.
Hi trudy, i want to thank you from my heart for such a nice summit. The summit was informative, knowledgeable, applicable and enjoyable.
Will miss the daily schedules and expert voices, but Awaiting season 3. All the best till then.
Thanks Kuldeep!
Hi Trudy, Where can I find your answer to question on Omega-3? I, like believe that omega-3 is an essential fatty acid and that the body does not make it, and we must supplement.
Thank you for such amazing presentations! Keep up the good job!
Hi Sarah
Please post the omega-3 question here – I’m not sure which question you’re referring to.
Omega-3 is essential – we can get it from our diet and we can take supplements. Based on our biochemistry we may need more or less than the next person. Diet has an impact too – for example – trans fats can impact omega-3 absorption.
Glad you enjoyed the summit!