I’m so excited to launch the home study version of the Amazing Aminos for Anxiety program!
A powerful home study program on how to use five of the top individual amino acid supplements to help you eliminate anxiety, social anxiety and panic attacks. The added bonus is that you will also feel less stressed and overwhelmed, happier, more energetic and focused and will sleep through the night! Your cravings and emotional eating will be a thing of the past – no willpower required and no feelings of being deprived. You really do deserve to feel on top of the world and the amino acids may well be the answer!
Here’s what a past participant said about the live version I offered earlier this year:
This class was extremely helpful for me personally and professionally. I was intimidated with amino acids and Trudy’s class improved my understanding and confidence. In addition to her well organized class materials and information, she also shared personal experiences which made me feel like I wasn’t the only person with anxiety issues and there is a solution to managing anxiety.
I’m also seeing how gluten, alcohol and sugar really change my mood and anxiety/depression levels. I am very conscious of the consequences for me personally if I choose to eat/drink any of these. Before, I knew it was not good for me or anyone, now I know what happens with anxiety and brain function, in addition to the digestive and weight issues.
We’re offering 3 versions:
#1 Basic: Homestudy if you’re a DIY person OR
#2 Plus: Homestudy + 2 Q and A Live with Trudy (if you need some guidance and will have questions you can opt for this one) OR
#3 Premium: Homestudy + 4 Q and A live + private Facebook group for group discussions and interactions.
You can read all about it and sign up here:
Got questions or comments? Please comment below
i am so excited.
i am on the east coast.
can you tell me how long the calls are scheduled for?
i see they start at 5pm PST..
many thanks! and sign me up
stacy ; )
Glad you’re excited. The calls will be about an hour, possibly a little longer. You can sign up on the link above – sharing here again https://www.everywomanover29.com/aminosforanxietyhs
Is there a payment plan option available?
Thank you.
We are not currently set up for a payment plan but could possibly arrange a 2-pay. Kindly email support@everywomanover29.com to assist with this
Thank you, I most certainly eill. Sounds like a great life enhancing program.
Before I sign up for the class, I would like to know how long you can take these amino acids. If you find one or more that work for you, do you take them forever or are they just a temporary fix till you can find out why you are having the problems in the first place? I think I have pyroluria. If I find the aminos work for me, do I take them forever to address pyroluria?
Thanks in advance for your response.
The amino acids are typically taken short-term – 1 month to 3 months (typical) to 6 months. The pyroluria supplments are different and if you do have pyroluria these are needed forever. I hope you can join us – we cover both low brain chemicals and pyroluria in the class
If amino acid therapy is short-term, then how do patients cope once they go off of them?
We address the factors that may have contributed to low levels of neurotransmitters in the first place – like gluten issues and leaky gut, other low nutrient levels like zinc and iron and vitamin B6, stress, poor diet, not eating enough protein and blood sugar swings. Some people may need seasonal support (like more tryptophan in the winter) and when under more stress.
Your practice seems primarily geared toward women & I understand why.Do you have any males participating in these classes? I have a 50+ yrs. old male friend that recently started having panic attacks. He’s on med. & is willing to try another route. I don’t want to suggest this if he will be the lone male of the group.
Hi Andree
I don’t have any males signed up yet but would welcome your friend. How nice of you to inquire on his behalf!
The program and my work does focus more on women but the protocols and program works as well for men and I’ve had great success with a number of men in my one-on-one work.
Are the classes live also or just the Q&A. If so, what time and dates are they? Thank you
The classes are pre-recorded and the Q and A are live. The time and dates are on the program information page https://www.everywomanover29.com/aminosforanxietyhs/ The first one is Tuesday October 27th at 5pm PST
Would the information in these homestudies be appropriate for children? Since children can be so sensitive to small changes, would it be wise for me to self-treat my son (11 yrs)? He can get physically violent whenever his brain chemistry is tinkered with (e.g. changing meds). I want to learn about alternative therapies such as amino acids because I’ve grown tired of the mediocre results we get with psychiatry…but have yet to find an affordable practitioner.
I have had moms in prior group programs learning about the aminos for themselves and their children, and having their kids use certain aminos like tryptophan and also the B vitamin inositol. But since your son “can get physically violent whenever his brain chemistry is tinkered with” I feel one-on-one guidance is your best option.
You could use the program as a learning opportunity to become more informed about the amino acids so you are more prepared when you do work with someone.
You do also have to consider the medications and amino acid precautions https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/amino-acid-precautions/
Some things I would focus on first: a real whole foods diet (no additives/colors etc), no gluten, possibly no dairy, no sugar, no caffeine and look at salicylates/oxalates/high histamine foods
Thanks so much for your input!
I just got back my urine test and it confirmed very high pyrolles.. Meaning I struggle with pyoloria and also overmethylation. I tried taking b6 and zinc and started getting all my symptoms in an overwhelming way..
This be a good class to take if you struggle with pyoloria..
Please advise
Thank you
The class is focused on brain chemical or neurotransmitter imbalances but we do cover pyroluria in the 2nd class. Many of my clients have issues in both areas so I’d suggest doing the amino acid questionnaire to see if you think you may also benefit from amino acid support https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/amino-acids-mood-questionnaire-from-the-antianxiety-food-solution/ I think that will help you decide
On the basic home study course, will we have access to the material indefinitely or does it expire after a certain period of time? Also, is this version always available in case I choose to take the course next year?
All the material will be yours to keep forever, provided you download the files.
I have plans to relaunch this or something similar in 2016, based on the feedback I get from those who participate this time. I don’t have any dates planned as yet
I would love to sign up for the basic homestudy, but I’m not sure if I can afford it right now. If I study your book, would that be similar? Is there any new material in the program that was not in your book? (But it looks like the format is awesome, and I love hearing you explain it.)
My book is a great resource with detailed information on the amino acids and how to use them. This program is hands-on and each week we review a new amino acid and talk about practical steps on how to trial and actually use the amino acids you may benefit from. I also share which brands I like and why (I was not allowed to do this in my book). It’s like working with me in a one-on-one program except that it’s done in a group setting and is more affordable. You also get the audios and powerpoints and benefits of the great questions asked during the live version. If you opt for #2 Plus you get to ask questions and with #3 Premium you also have access to me via the private facebook group.
If finances are tight and you’re a DIY person my book has helped 1000s and 1000s of people with anxiety. It also contains all the study references so would a good buy anyway to share with your doctor.
Hi Trudy – a quick question: I tested positive for pyroluria and have just started on supplements a few months ago. Still feeling pretty anxious so not sure if this is the right time to take on testing the aminos also. Would you suggest treating pyroluria longer to know the results with B6/zinc? or is it ok to jump in and start experimenting with amino acids while still anxious and not sure how effective pyroluria treatment is.
Thanks for any thoughts.
I like to have my clients work on both pyroluria and low brain chemicals. We can also help you fine-tune the pyroluria protocol. Once you have it right you should see an improvement within a week to 2 max. If not, we can help you figure out why it’s not working.
Addressing the anxiety by addressing possible low GABA and/or low serotonin with targeted amino acids should give you relief from anxiety right away and give you hope! This makes it easier to deal with everything else that may be factors.
Is this class for women only? If so, do you have another one for men?
This program (and my work) works for men too but most of my clients do happen to be women and so far it’s all women in the #2 Plus and #3 Premium programs. We do talk about PMS and menopause and other female topics but you can ignore that or listen and learn so you can better understand the women in your life – girlfriend, wife, mother, sister, daughter etc
I have some inquiries from other men and I welcome having you in the program. I’m afraid I don’t have one geared to men only.
Hi Trudy, will this program help anyone suffering from general anxiety disorder and who´s been on clonazepam (rivotril) for many years to get rid of the medication?
If the answer is yes, what´s the rate of success?
Thank you.
The majority of my clients with anxiety do extremely well by addressing neurotransmitter deficiencies with targeted individual amino acids. You will know within several days how they are working so there is no waiting months to see if they will work. If they do work you get relief right away while you deal with some of the other possible issues.
Keep in mind that neurotransmitter deficiencies are just one of many possible contributing factors when it comes to anxiety. Here I talk about 60+ causes https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/60-nutritional-biochemical-causes-of-anxiety/
We do address benzodiazepines in the program and provide resources for quitting the medication and how to work with your doctor to do this. This can go well for some people and can be challenging for others https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/benzodiazepines-more-harm-than-good/
I’m sorry I can’t give you a success rate as there are too many variables.
Hi I am looking to do this program with my husband, but it seems geared towards women. Do you have a similar program or modifications available for men? Thanks in advance!
Oh sorry I just saw the comment above from Bill about the program working for men as well. Thanks!
No problem Sofie. I often work with husband and wife “teams” and it works very well
Hi Trudy:
Since I inquired about men in the program, I’ve seen several other inquiries about this as well. Would you consider, have time to offer one just for men in the (near) future? It seems it would be well received & men open up more when with other men (I’m a former Licensed Professional Counselor, so know first hand). I know you’re probably swamped, but it’s such a needed resource.
[I hope to be able to do something like this in the future – I’m a Certified Health Coach in training – I just started my course a month ago lol! A mid-life career change for me. Due to my own personal struggles & those of family & friends I love. I hope to get to meet you in person one day!]
Thanks for listening. I’m praying about this!
This is not something I had considered since I work primarily with women and it’s mostly women who read my blog and newsletter and facebook posts. But I hear your comment about men opening up more when with other men and would certainly consider it if there was enough of a need. If you know how to figure this out or have people you can connect me with please do so.
Congratulations on your mid-life career change – I can totally relate. I changed careers in my 40s.
I hope we get to meet too
Hi Trudy
I am a recent graduate as an NC. The focus of my practice is ADHD, depression and anxiety for adolescents, teens and adults.
I have listened to you on several webinars and I have the Mood Cure book but not your book yet!
Is your protocol series more for people trying to help resolve their own anxiety or do you think I will learn more and gain more insight so that I can help more clients with anxiety?
Also, for the DIY sign up- I can go at my own pace right? (studying for the NANP boards right now so I would have to hold off for a bit!)
Thank you- love all the info you provide!
Congrats on your recent graduation as an NC and studying for NANP boards. And yes you can listen to the material later when you’re ready.
This program is geared towards guiding individuals with anxiety better understand how to use targeted individual amino acids and other nutritional and lifestyle approaches.
However, a number of practitioners attended the prior program and found it very useful for themselves personally and for fine-tuning how they use amino acids with their clients/patients. It’s both educational and hands-on practical. And you’ll also see how I work with clients.
I will be offering practitioner amino acid /anxiety nutrition training in mid to late 2016. We don’t have details about content, prerequisites or costs yet but let us know if you’d to receive information when we are ready.
The Mood Cure is great and of course my book – The Antianxiety Food Solution – would be a great resource for you too.
Thanks for your kind words!
Under the “Pyroluria Testing” the information about B6:Does this means that being ‘low’ on B6 can CAUSE “dream recall/nightmares” ?
Thank you
Low vitamin B6 is a factor with pyroluria and causes poor dream recall or nightmares/vivid dreams
I had the same question as Demelza: Does being “low” on B6 cause dream recall and nightmares, or when you are low on B6, you do not remember dreams, and when B6 is “normal”, you remember and have have pleasant dreams?
Hi Trudy,
I’m sorry, I did not see the response to Demelza when I posted my question. With low B6, how can you have both poor dream recall and vivid dreams? It seems like they are opposites.
That’s correct with low B6 you can have both poor dream recall and/or vivid dreams
Eek, wrong email for the last comment, apologies…
I love the idea of taking the basic course although haven’t been able to find info on the expected time commitment for the learning vs practice portions. How many hours per week should we Budget for the course?
There are 5 workshops followed by a Q and A so you’d want to allow 10 hours for that, plus the 2 extra Q and A calls from the previous program. If you pick #2 or #3 plan for those Q and A calls too.
It’s suggested to do a different amino trial each week so I’d allow at least 6 to 8 weeks to make the supplement changes and food and lifestyle changes
Hope you can join us
My daughter is currently weaning from benzo and we can’t wait to try looking into the amino acids. Our question is if she is also currently on an SSRI for depression, is this amino acid homestudy not something we should look into for her. Is it best to be off of any psychiatric meds before trying the aminos??
I find my clients do better when tapering off medications when their nutritional status is solid so incorporating diet changes and adding aminos and other nutrients can make things easier. As with any medications, the prescribing doctor needs to give the ok.
All the amino acids are fine with benzos. With the SSRI there are precautions with tryptophan/5-HTP and we cover this in the program. She could get her doctor’s approval and use these during the program or use the information once she has stopped the SSRI.
Just be aware that some people do have a hard time tapering benzos (and even SSRI) and may be very sensitive to any supplements. In this instance, a one-on-one program would be the better option.
I am a vegetarian. Will this be a problem with your program. Also, would the program address OCD? Thank you
I don’t cover vegetarian eating in the program.
We do address OCD in the program – the serotonin section. I do recommend quality animal protein as it’s especially helpful for folks with mood problems. You can take what you hear and use it or choose not to
Of course if you opt for one of the programs with Q and A, I’ll be available to answer questions and help if needed.
Hi Trudy,
I have found the first classes so informative and helpful. I have a question before the serotonin class. I did the questioners for the aminos and fell into the low serotonin category but I have tried melatonin in the past for sleep and have found it to not be helpful to stay asleep and that it made me slightly sad in morning. Also I have taken an SSRI in the past and had such a bad reaction to it I went into a deep depression on it and ended up hospitalized until it was out of my system. So I am nervous every about any amino that touches my serotonin. I am also a pixie dust girl small doses of anything have a big effect me. What do you think of trying the tryptophan and 5htp for someone who did not have a good relation to the melotonin.
Good to hear you found the first class helpful and informative. Sorry to hear about your SSRI experience. If I was working with someone with a reaction like that I would want to be working with them in conjunction with their doctor or use other ways to try and raise serotonin first (all covered in the serotonin call)
I really can’t consult via my blog. If you feel you need more guidance the programs with Q and A and/or facebook group support are options for you too. The first Q and A call is next week Tuesday.
Hi Trudy,
I have been taking PS-100 by Pure Encapsulation for high Late night and early morning cortisol levels that disrupt sleep. I can fall asleep but wake at 1 am and 3 am. The PS-100 has not helped with that but I noticed you recommend Interplexus Seriphos I was wondering about the differences and considering switching and seeing if this one helped. I have been on PS-100 1 in morning and 1 at bedtime for 1 year and melatonin does not work for me. My sleep issue is cortisol related.
Thank You,
I find Interplexus Seriphos to be the most effective and use 3 x Seriphos with my clients – 2-3 hours before the high night time cortisol. Interplexus recommends max of 3 per day and to stop after a few months
Any chance for the special pricing offered earlier for late registrations?
Thank you
Hi Trudy – This is Sally from Arizona. I was in your online amino class in 2015. I want to share with you some important information that I have learned about methylfolate.
Methylfolate is 7 Times more powerful than folic acid and it completely bypasses the built in mechanism that our bodies have to keep us from getting too much folic acid. Also, methylfolate stimulates the production of adrenaline, which contributes to anxiety; while simultaneously increasing the breakdown rate of serotonin, which contributes to depression.
According to research provided by Thorne Research, it takes 40 weeks of consistently taking methylfolate to reach saturation, taking doses of 400 mcg daily. The half life of methylfolate in our red blood cells is 8 weeks. For those of us who did not experience anxiety “right away” when taking methylfolate, but instead experienced severe anxiety after 40 weeks (when full state saturation is reached), the link to methylfolate as a potential anxiety source is not evident.
I believe more discussion of methylfolate and what it really can do needs to be made in the health arena, which seems to tout the “folic acid is bad” and “methylfolate is good” without really discussing it’s negative attributes.
Yes this is an under-reported aspect of methylfolate which is why we covered it in a prior Anxiety Summit with Dr. Ben Lynch https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/anxiety-summit-methylfolate-anxiety/. I’m not familiar with the Thorne Research 40 weeks saturation point and would love a link if you have it? Based on what I see with clients this could vary from person to person and not always be 40 weeks.