You’ve heard me talking about using targeted individual amino acids with my clients but what do we really mean by targeted and individual?
- “Targeted” means the amino acids are very specific for a person who may have anxiety, or low mood, or feelings of negativity or worry or overwhelm or experience emotional eating.
- The big focus is that they’re targeted to a person’s “individual” needs. We each have our own unique biochemistry and therefore our needs are different. There is no one-size fits all.
- There is another aspect to “individual” amino acids – it means they are not part of a combination product but are standalone amino acids such as tryptophan, 5-HTP, GABA, tyrosine, glutamine and DLPA. This allows them to be easily titrated up or down as needed based on your individual needs. There is one combination product I really like and use a lot and that is GABA Calm (it has GABA, tyrosine and glycine). Here are the brands I like.
- These targeted individual amino acids work really well and are very powerful when you figure out the right amino acids you need. I have all my clients complete the Amino Acid Questionnaire and we start our trials based on this.
- These targeted individual amino acids also work well when you take them in the correct amounts – doing a trial and starting low is the best way to do this. Most people can start with the typical starting amount. For example, 500mg tryptophan is typical to start with and I like to start my clients on 125mg GABA. However, if you’re very sensitive, you may be what we call a “pixie dust” person and may need a few dabs to start.
- These targeted individual amino acids also work best when you take them at the right time. Different amino acids are more effective at certain times: like tryptophan/5-HTP later in the day; tyrosine earlier; and GABA, glutamine and DPA throughout the day.
You may have changed your diet to a real whole foods diet, you may be on medications for anxiety or depression, and maybe you’re not getting results or maybe you’re experiencing side-effects from the meds.
Even though you’ve quit coffee and sodas you still feel anxious and overwhelmed and you still stress-eat. You just know intuitively that you’ve got to get to the root cause of the problem.
Maybe you’ve removed gluten, sugar and other carbs but you still feel deprived. You still feel like you need that reward or treat. Maybe the addictive nature of gluten/sugar/carbs is getting the better of you still can’t quit and there’s something missing.
When there’s this “something that’s missing”, this is when you would consider targeted individual amino acids. We are figuring out if you’ve got this deficiency, and then we are supplementing short-term, for 3 to 12 months, to raise your levels so you can start to feel good, calm, happy and motivated again, with no more cravings.
Please be aware that not everyone benefits from individual amino acids. They only work if you have a deficiency and actually need them. If you don’t need them they won’t make any difference or they may even make you feel worse. For example, if you don’t need tryptophan and take it (or even if you take too much) you may feel more anxious and more emotional. This can happen even if you score high on the low serotonin section of the Amino Acid questionnaire. There are many other causes of anxiety: low blood sugar, not enough protein in the diet, food sensitivities, poor gut health/low levels of good bacteria, parasites, candida, caffeine and/or sugar consumption, high cortisol and many more. I share the 60+ causes here.
If you do have a deficiency and do find the correct combination of targeted individual amino acids you will amazed at the results and like me, you will soon be calling them the amazing amino acids.
Please do share if you’ve experienced benefits from the amazing amino acids (targeted and individual of course). If you’ve been using them for awhile you may find some answers to your common questions here: Amino acids for anxiety – which ones and for how long? And here is a blog called Troubleshooting when you are not getting results.
If this is all new to you please share how you score on the Amino Acid Questionnaire.
If this all sounds intriguing and also a little overwhelming, stay tuned for the launch of The Amazing Aminos for Anxiety homestudy group program that will be starting in September. This homestudy group program will provide guidance with using each of the targeted individual amino acids. You’re welcome to sign up here to be notified when we have details about the start date and more.
Hi Trudy,
I’m interested in your home study group so please add me to your list.
I have a question about the amino acids and would like to know if it’s safe to drink alcohol while taking them. I’m particularly interested in using tryptophan.
Also,can you use them on an as needed basis or do they need to be taken continuously? If you don’t see results after a week can you assume it won’t work or should you stick with it for awhile?
Thanks very much.
I also wanted to add that I’m taking inositol and wondered if tryptophan is contraindicated for use with it. I’m looking for something to help with 20 years of insomnia. I have high cortisol that causes me to wake in the middle of the night. I’ve been taking Seriphos for over a year which has reduced the cortisol and helped so I can sleep maybe half the time through the night but still waking at 2:00 or 3:00 often.
Thought I’d give tryptophan a try as I have other sx’s of low serotonin such as evening cravings. I’m very healthy and have a healthy lifestyle. I’ve been working on the insomnia for several years and this is the best it’s been but not quite completely there yet. Thanks for any suggestions you may have.
I’m a big fan of your work and would love to be considered for the homestudy group in September. Thanks so much.
Thanks Andrea – we’ll let you know
Hi Trudy,
I’d like to learn more about targeted amino acid therapy too. Please let me know when the study group launches.
Many thanks,
Certainly Sue
Please add me to the list for study group notification also!
Will do Renee
Is the homestudy free? Please add me to the The Amazing Aminos for Anxiety homestudy group program that will be starting in September.
Heather – we’ll keep you posted. There will be a fee
I am a smoker and I drink coffee. I tried over and over to quit smoking and my nerves get the best of me. I can now pass up the candies in the dishes everywhere I work but still so addicted to my coffee. 3 cups a day. Trying for only two lately. I hate to say it but I don’t have a lot of backbone when it comes to sacrificing.
Doc gave me seroquil/quentipine 25 mgs years ago after they switched me to Lexapro and could not sleep because nothing else worked. I have been off lexapro for a year now but not sure how to slowly get off Quentipine because it’s a very small hard pill and I cannot evenly take a little off at a time.
Lots of depression most of my life and often think suicide sounds nice but I am a single Mom at 57 with a 15 year old dautgher and a wonderful little family so I would not do it. Now I hardly socialize and stay home except to be with family. I have Hep C and haven’t had alcohol in decades.
Hoping to work with you this way because I cannot afford personal one on one work.
I encourage you to do the amino acid questionnaire and then trials of the corresponding amino acids (one at a time) to see if they can help with quitting coffee and smokes, and eliminating anxiety and depression.
I know you know this – but I want to say this again – the coffee has to go and so do the smokes – both contribute to nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances and mood problems.
Hi Trudy,
I hope this message finds you well and thriving!
I’m interested in your home study group. Please add me to your list.
Thanks you so much!
With Gratitude,
Kerry – great! We’ll let you know when it starts
Hey Trudy,
I love all YOUR information and so enjoy hearing you when you’re a guest
on different health summits, etc. I have an extremely low epinephrine level
on my neurotransmitter labs (2.8). Is there an amino acid to address that?
Glad you enjoy the summits! I don’t use the urinary neurotransmitter testing (https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/urinary-neurotransmitter-testing-falls-short/) and prefer to have my clients do the amino acid question (there is a link above). If they score low on the catecholamines section (epinephrine is a catecholamine and we may see depression with apathy, poor focus, low motivation, low energy etc) then we’ll do a tyrosine trial. There is platelet testing of the catecholamines if you really want to test.
I was lucky enough to get a response from you regarding my 10 year old during the Mental Wellness Summit! You suggested and I bought 100mg Tryptophan chewables. Please if you have a minute I’m not sure what to next.
She hates the taste of the Lidke chewable but has managed to get it down for days with maybe some relief(?) (100mg/day). I contacted Lidke about other forms and they suggested CBD with tryptonphan. What are your thoughts about this? I can’t give something to my child without knowing the safety is guaranteed.
I have also been giving her good probiotics, we are working on gluten free and sugar–she doesn’t eat much sugar but has eaten pasta everyday her whole life and detests meat. I manage to get chicken in at least every other day and whey protein shakes other days, along with eggs.
I have zinc and vitamin B6 but haven’t given it to her yet because i’m not sure how much to give or if it’s appropriate for a child.
She is very shy, had repeated back to back doses of antibiotics as a 2-3 year old for ear infections, is having a second bout of “the worries” making it hard for her to be without me. She has a hard time falling asleep and wakes frequently during the night. She has been on pre and probiotics for several months and eats small amounts of kimchi or kombucha daily.
THANK YOU so much for what you do!
I do not have any experience with the Lidtke CBD with tryptophan so I’m afraid I can’t comment. I see on the site that their CBD products contain trace amounts of THC and that concerns me but I really need to do more research.
If I had a client who had taken the 100mg chewable “with maybe some relief” then I’d bump it up and try some of the 500mg tryptophan (opened and taken as is or added to a capsule)
The right combo of aminos can make a big difference in helping to go 100% gluten-free (which is key)
Low zinc can cause red meat aversion and focusing on gut health is also important
Thank you, I will try a 500mg capsule for her–once a day in the evening?
And we will continue to strive for 100% gluten free!
Hi Trudy, I am currently taking Doctors Best Brand of L-Tryptophan. Take 3 tablets 3x a day and 1 or 2 before bed. I also do 1/4 tsp of Inositol 3x a day. I have been on the aminos for about 2 months. I still have fears, obsessive thoughts and anxiety, not as bad as before. I still have fears of traffic and traveling far. These fears started about 5 years ago. Should I add GABA Calm? Also should I switch to Lidtke for Tryptophan?
I find the Lidtke tryptophan to be the most effective. Keep in mind that some people do better on 5-HTP than tryptophan too.
If a client has physical anxiety then we trial the GABA. Fears and obsessive thoughts tend to be low serotonin.
It’s great that your symptoms are not as bad as before but with the aminos you should be at your optimal dose in about 2-3 weeks.
Hi Trudy
I am interested in the group. Please keep me posted. Will be in touch also re the one to one.
Many thanks and best wishes.
Will do Drew
Hi Trudy!
I am trying to get ready to work with you (money-wise; I am a freshman in college and VERY short on cash but at the same time very desperate for help)
and I know you can’t give specific advice through the internet to non-patients but hopefully this question is unspecific as possible. What testing services do you think are more trustworthy? I don’t have a doctor (haven’t gone to one in my whole life!) and would like to avoid working with one as I am very far away from holistic or functional doctors. Acessalabs is one near me. Would you recommend it? I live in Texas!
I’m not sure what testing you are looking for – I like to start with blood work and saliva adrenals with my clients. Here is a blog post on all possible testing that could be considered https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/nutritional-testing-find-cause-anxiety/
I’d like to be notified about The Amazing Aminos for Anxiety homestudy group program!
Certainly Martha Jo
Hi Trudy
Please keep me posted for the group study.
Thank you Sherie
Certainly Sherie!
Hi Trudy,
Please keep me posted for group study.
Warm regards,
Hi Trudy,
I have a question: I want to work with you and I know you also do phone consultations but where I am living, the signal completely sucks! I have had to start communicating with my family back home through the computer but even then, my laptop is kind of old and it doesn’t have a camera for skyping.
Would it be possible to work with you through email or through a free chatting service?
I can try and figure out how to call you and work with you through the phone but with going to school and working, I don’t know if I will be able to!
Oh no, Trudy! You’re not taking on any more new patients?
I was just trying to get ready to work with you! haha
I’m happy people are deciding to ask for you help and I hope all goes well.
By when do you think you’d be able to start taking on new patients?
Hi Trudy!
I am very interested in the homestudy!
I’m sure I need some form of amino acids to support my own emotional health. However, in addition, I am currently testing Lidtke’s Tryptophan on my dog! They have a vet formula that they suggest for dogs with anxiety.
Like mother, like dog.
Thank you!
I was recently prescribed low dose (5mg) buspar and found that after 4-5 hours my anxiety would be worse than before. (Only took half tablet.) The same thing happens when i take b-complex. I don’t like the idea of the pharmaceutical and happened upon your blog whil researching alternatives. After reading your blog and the assessment I ordered gaba and tryptophan. I’m thinking I should start out very low, maybe a quarter tablet or less. Since I get these rebound anxiety symptoms after taking anything I’m reluctant to try something new for fear of how it will affect me. Does the worsening anxiety after medicine starts to wear off mean that I may not need the supplement or that I should be taking it more often? Will I eventually adjust and build up enough in my system to avoid these unpleasant effects?
Hi Trudy,
Please let me know about the home study group,
Hi Trudy! first, thank you for everythnig you do (sorry for my bad english)
I read somewhere that L-Theanine is better for GABA than GABA supplement because GABA supplement does not cross the blood-brain barrier. What do you think about it?
also, what do you think about this GABA supplement
is it worth to use?
I start using Ashwagandha, and i feel better, after a month…but i think that GABA will help me more
Please add me to your list for the amino acids home study group.
Dear Trudy,
Please notify me regarding home study group.
Thank you for all you do!
Good morning, Trudy!
I’m interested in your September home study. Please add me to your list.
I responded to a thread on one of your Facebook groups and you asked me to clarify but now I can’t seem to find that thread. So sorry! I’m not very good on Facebook yet. Anyway, you asked if Endorphigen was helping reduce my lunch and afternoon snacking appetite because of wanting comfort foods?… And I think yes at least in the afternoon. Lunch I just don’t seem as hungry but the afternoon snacking at 4pm is gone. Although I am not attracted to one kind of comfort food (chocolate or salty, etc) I think the act of eating- having something in my mouth to chew on is satiated by the food – whatever food I eat. And Endorphigen abolishes the need for that “something in my mouth” feeling. Oddly it was satiated even with nutritious food like fruit or nuts or cheese. Nonetheless, I’m thankful for Endorphigen and you!!!
As an aside, do you know if Endorphigen has any effect on reducing bladder output?
Hi Cassandra
Great to get this endorphigen feedback – thanks! I’m not aware of any effects on the bladder and am curious why you ask?
Please opt in for the program here http://everywomanover29.com/aminosforanxiety/
I’m just having reduced force of my stream and it coincided with beginning endorphigen. Maybe something else is going on. I’ll let you know when & if I figure it out!
Hi Trudy! I’m reading The Mood Cure, as you suggested and I am learning so much! Thank you
I would like to know is there a place I could find solution for a boy with add 7 years old… Is “True Focus” by Now could work for younger people or this is only for adult? Or Gaba?
I would look at diet first – no gluten, no sugar, no additives or colors and even a salicylate free trial. Then zinc, iron and omegas – and then something like True Focus
Dearest Trudy,
I am a big fan of yours and I really appreciate your help to us with anxiety and mood problems. I was diagnosed with GAD and I have been taking clonazepam and diazepam every once in awhile only if I can’t control my anxiety. I mostly talk half of the 5 mg. tablets or sometimes less. Lat week due to uncontrollable snxiety and headache I went to my psychiatrist and ask for an SSRI medication already and he partnered it with clonazepam. The first time I took the 2 drops of Escitalopram I felt so bad. Obie been off of it for 3 years and the outcome of not taking it my body can’t accept it anymore. I felt like headache dizziness and vomiting fire all over my body and high blood pressure because of nervousness. I bought GABA 750mg in GNC coz I live in Barcelona no access in another strore. I have been taking care of myself for a year now eating organic and exercising but my anxiety is killing me. Please help!
I’m so sorry to hear you’re having such a hard time. I encourage you to educate yourself about benzos as this is likely a big factor – I recently did a webinar on the topic https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/say-no-to-benzodiazepines-for-anxiety-webinar-replay/ Find a support group like benzobuddies.org
GABA may well help – I have my clients start on smaller amounts and would have them open a 750 mg capsule and use 1/4 to start, building up slowly.
Make sure to be eating quality protein at breakfast, no caffeine, no gluten, no sugar – for starters. Here is a list to start working through https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/60-nutritional-biochemical-causes-of-anxiety/
Hi Trudy,
I have been following you since your Anxiety Summit back in May and have learned so much. Thank you for all the helpful information you have shared. I am now reading your book and am interested in your home study group. Please let me know when it will be. Hopefully I have not missed it.
Thanks for letting me know – so pleased to hear! It hasn’t started and it would be best to sign up here http://everywomanover29.com/aminosforanxiety/
Hi Trudy,
Will you be offering this home study group, again?
If so, I would like to participate.
I have been on Lexapro for 12 years for post partum depression and anxiety. My doctor a the time told me if I got off the Lexapro it would all come back. I lived with that fear for a decade and then chose to take my body back! I have been slowly reducing my dose over the last few years and I have had one unsuccessful attempt at stopping all together. I’m currently on 5mg of Lexapro and I have been taking 50mg of 5htp for about a year. I am still having random anxiety and panic attacks and bouts of depression. I do think PMS is a contributing factor and possibly candida. My goal is to be free of Lexapro and while I do think it helped initially, I have not seen positive benefits since.
I’m hesitant to do too much tweaking on my own with amino acids because of the Lexapro. I hoped to have experienced more of an effect from taking 5htp.
I see that you are no longer taking clients. I would certainly be interested if you do so in the future.
Thank you for all you do and I am looking forward to receiving your book!
It’s unfortunate that your doctor told you this – sorry to hear you’ve been living with this fear!
50mg of 5-HTP is the lowest starting dose (did you try higher doses?) and some people do better on tryptophan so don’t give up hope! Here is a tryptophan PMS blog https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/tryptophan-for-pms-premenstrual-dysphoria-mood-swings-tension-irritability/
The Amazing Aminos for Anxiety is available as homestudy only right now http://everywomanover29.com/aminosforanxietyhs/ I will be offering it with additional support (Q and A, and facebook support) in the next month or so.
Regarding working one on one please sign up for the waiting list here https://www.everywomanover29.com/services.html I’m working on bringing on a team of nutritionists to help and training other nutritionists
Hey Trudy, your work is great and thank you for the info. I have been looking and trying alternative ways for anxiety and this is a great way to look into. I know one thing for me is chronic dehydration has been a contributing cause, and trying to stay hydrated is a task. I was tested and b12 was in middle ok, b6 middle ok, folate in middle ok, cortisol 10.1 total and .34 free and 12 noon not early all on fast. Stated trying b complex made head feel weird then tried half a pill of tryptophan and one ok and slept ok but the next felt too stimulated for 3 hours calmed down but felt weird. What should I try now I tested on serotonin and some gaba, it could be detox time since I have never do one and have drank out of plastic water bottles for years.i have been fairly good for about 7 but this summer for about 3 months been dealing with it big time. Any help will be appreciated thank you.
I commented on your other post but here it is again: some people find that just a pinch is enough, and some do better opening a capsule. If someone has adverse effects I think: too much, not needed (i.e. look elsewhere for the root cause), not a quality product (I only use Lidtke tryptophan)
Ok thank you that is what I figured. Just finding the cause is the interesting part. I did recognize that I have been chronically dehydrated for years off and on, and when that happens histamine and lactic acid go high and mess with adrenaline if I am on the right track. But I will try a pinch , try gaba again or maybe low sugar maybe. Thank you for your time I know it is valuable. Be blessed.
Hi Trudy,
Thanks for your amazing work!
I recently started with tryptophan (600mg late afternoon + 900mg before dinner + 600mg before bed) which worked wonderfully for a week, and then stopped. And now I feel maybe even more anxious than before, although my sleep has improved().
Do you know what’s going on, and whether I should increase or decrease the dose, or start taking other supplements at the same time?
Highly appreciated!
I responded on this blog https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/im-anxious-about-gaba-side-effects-and-feel-like-adding-a-bit-of-tryptophan-before-increasing-gaba-to-avoid-overdoing-it-with-either-one/