Awareness about tapping or EFT (emotional freedom technique) is growing and so is the research. I’ve been intrigued by tapping for some time and I’m impressed by some of the very positive feedback I’ve heard about how it reduces anxiety, depression, pain and cravings. I’m now more intrigued after reading a 2019 paper that describes some of the physiological changes (i.e. changes in the body) that improve after tapping.
This paper, Clinical EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Improves Multiple Physiological Markers of Health, describes EFT as “an evidence-based self-help therapeutic method”, reporting that “over 100 studies demonstrate its efficacy.”
It’s further described as “a brief intervention combining elements of exposure, cognitive therapy, and somatic [or physical] stimulation of acupressure points on the face and body.” The full paper here goes into great detail if you’d like to read more.
The objectives of this study were to measure and describe some of the physiological changes that occur after tapping, in order to understand some of the mechanisms. Up until now “information about the physiological effects of EFT is limited.”
As far as physiological changes, these included: heart rate variability and heart coherence, resting heart rate and blood pressure, salivary cortisol (to show changes in the endocrine system), and salivary immunoglobulin A (SigA) (to show impacts on the immune system).
They also measured these psychological symptoms: anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, pain, and cravings. After a 4-day training workshop on tapping, the researchers reported that happiness increased by 31% and the following declines in psychological symptoms in 203 participants were reported:
- anxiety (-40%)
- depression (-35%)
- posttraumatic stress disorder (-32%)
- pain (-57%) and
- cravings (-74%)
These physiological improvements were found in the subset of 31 participants that were tested:
- resting heart rate (-8%)
- salivary cortisol (-37%)
- systolic blood pressure (-6%) and diastolic blood pressure (-8%)
- heart rate variability and heart coherence
- salivary immunoglobulin A (SigA) (+113%)
The authors conclude that
gains were maintained on follow-up, indicating EFT results in positive health effects as well as increased mental well-being.
If you’ve been following me for awhile you know I like to look into the research so I’m excited by this study and look forward to further research and gaining a better understanding of this tool.
I also look forward to learning how lasting these psychological and physiological changes are and if you need to keep tapping in order to sustain the changes.
Possible impacts on boosting neurotransmitter levels
Because of the psychological benefits I was also curious about the possible impacts of tapping on boosting neurotransmitter levels such as GABA and serotonin. I found this research on acupuncture which we may be able to partially extrapolate from since EFT does have the acupressure aspect: Effect of Acupuncture on Neurotransmitters/Modulators
In general, acupuncture enhances the activity of the endogenous opioid peptides, serotonin, dopamine, ACh [actelyl-choline], and inhibitory amino acids such as γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glycine, taurine, and lactamine, while it attenuates the activity of noradrenalin and excitatory amino acids including glutamate and aspartic acid.
Compliments the dietary/nutritional/biochemical approach
Based on what I’ve been recently learned, tapping compliments the dietary/nutritional/biochemical approach I use my clients for helping to ease anxiety, overwhelm and stress.
I reached out on Facebook and here is some of the feedback I received:
- Maria shares how she uses both EFT and tryptophan: I started using EFT and it has helped – wasn’t expecting it to, but it really does work. However, having had a particular problem for many years, I realize that it’s going to take time to really be at the level I want to be. I also got a teenager to try it, and to their amazement, it did settle their anxiousness – from what they initially said was a 10 -11 – down to 7 in just a few minutes. Last night, I tried the Lidtke Tryptophan and couldn’t believe how deeply and undisturbed I slept – thank you Trudy – I learnt about that product from you during the anxiety summit. By the way, I will be joining the Tapping Summit – can’t wait for that one!
- Terri Hirning is a practitioner and shares that her and her biz partner bring it to their clients in conjunction with lifestyle changes for maximum effect. She shares: I find that anxiety is a big issue for my clients. So while they are implementing dietary or supplement changes, tapping can help reduce those emotions while their biochemistry comes into alignment.
She also says: I taught it to my children and they have The Tapping Solution app and will proactively use it when they need to shift things. I am so thankful for this work.
- Meeta Darji is a health coach and says this: YES! EFT is profound in helping with anxiety and stress. I have been doing it for the last two years and use it on my kids too. I’m training at the moment and learning how it can help with cravings and addictions. Absolutely incredible and I can’t wait to add it to my health coaching practice.
She does use amino acids like GABA, tryptophan, DPA, glutamine for anxiety and cravings/addictions and agrees that EFT is definitely a good compliment. EFT is great for using with limiting beliefs, traumas, addictions, fears and so much more, so together with amino acids, it’s very powerful.
- Benita Scott shares this: EFT is so great! I use it as part of my professional practice as a psychologist and in conjunction with Nutritional therapies it’s a game changer for so many vulnerable clients. It’s been shown to increase GABA levels, decrease cortisol and alter brain cells in relation to food cravings too. There has been a paradigm shift in psychology recently and I think EFT, Matrix and nutritional supplements are changing how we work and heal.
- Dede shares how EFT changed her life: I was on permanent disability for 20 years due to panic attacks. EFT changed all that so I became a practitioner. This was 11 years ago.
She shares how she went through “the literal hell of getting off psych meds. I wouldn’t have survived without EFT and food changes.”
It does seem to be very individualized and works very well for some folks and not very well or not at all for others:
- One person said EFT is soothing in the moment but she didn’t find any significant or lasting benefits.
- Someone else shared: I have tried it, my daughter and her son went to a practitioner, and it did nothing for me or them. I have studied how to do it on-line from well known sites, and still nothing. I’m wondering if a lot of healings are the placebo effect.
- It doesn’t seem to work for me either (more on that below)
My tapping experience is very limited
I will admit that, at this point, my tapping experience is very limited. I have such great success with amino acids like GABA, tryptophan and glutamine to provide quick anxiety-relief, end the overwhelm and stop the carb cravings for my clients, I haven’t felt the need to look into tapping.
In case you’re new to me and my work, here is a sampling of a few tools I use with my anxious clients:
- My main approach is using targeted amino acids such as tryptophan or 5-HTP for the low serotonin worry-in-your-head anxiety where folks may also experience fears, panic attacks, ruminations, phobias, insomnia, PMS, anger, irritability and cravings; and GABA for the low GABA physical-anxiety that also includes muscle tension, overwhelm, insomnia and the need to self-medicate with alcohol to calm down
- Another amino acid is DPA (d-phenylalanine) and I’m mentioning this one because it boosts endorphins (in a similar way to acupuncture) and helps my clients who are experiencing weepiness, pain and are big comfort/reward eaters. I blog about this here: DPA for weepiness, pain and comfort and reward eating)
- Since the EFT study mentions cortisol, I’ll share one of my key nutrients for lowering cortisol – Seriphos (I blog about this here: Seriphos Original Formula is back: the best product for anxiety and insomnia caused by high cortisol)
- And of course everything else: diet, no sugar, no caffeine, gut health, improving sleep, toxin removal and addressing all nutritional deficiencies etc (covered in great detail in my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” and elsewhere on this blog.)
I’m getting newly acquainted with EFT
I have been hearing about tapping/EFT for years – first from Dr. Mercola and then had a group session at a conference with Brad Yates and didn’t notice any benefits. I’ve tried it again a few times and have yet to experience any profound benefits. I’d expect to be a good candidate given my history with anxiety/insomnia.
I really do like to be able to share resources and products I have experienced personally but in this instance I’m still a newbie.
As of now I don’t know why tapping/EFT doesn’t help me and some other folks. Perhaps there is a bioindividual aspect? Just like some folks do well with herbs and some with vitamins/amino acids; some folks thrive on spinach and some have oxalate issues; some folks do well with meditation and others struggle with it; some find nature to be an elixir and others find dancing to be their magic?
However, based on what I’ve recently learned about the physiological changes and the feedback I’ve heard, I’m getting newly acquainted with EFT and it’s an additional resource I want to offer you – my community of anxious women.
Right now I’m seeing it as another tool in the toolbox (for some folks), together with dietary changes, addressing biochemical imbalances, gut health, getting out in nature etc.
Resources for additional learning
If you’re new to tapping and would like to learn more, the 13th Annual Tapping World Summit airs online Feb 24 – March 7. Here is the main summit registration page.
This is a great introductory video from summit host Nick Ortner (register to watch it and get access to the summit)
I’d love to hear back from you in the comments below
- Do you use tapping/EFT in conjunction with dietary/nutritional/biochemical changes to help ease your anxiety, stress, overwhelm? (if you’re a practitioner, do you use both with clients/patients?)
- Do you find one approach to be better than the other?
- Have you tried tapping without success?
- If you’re new to tapping/EFT are you interested in learning how to incorporate it into your life?
Please share so I can learn from you and we can all learn from each other (and thanks to everyone who has contributed to the discussion already).
Can you help me for Brain fog, Memory loss,and can not do every day things you did.My wife is there. Thanks
I don’t know enough about tapping to be able to say if this would help brain fog and memory issues so I’ll share some nutritional ideas I could consider with clients: low zinc, low iron, gluten issues, sugar consumption, getting enough quality animal protein and healthy fats, low blood sugar, EMFs/mobile device/computer use and not enough sleep.
The amino acid tyrosine helps if low catecholamines are the issue – more here
For the beginnings of dementia, Dr Dale Bredesen’s book “The End of Alzheimer’s” is excellent and uses a comprehensive functional medicine approach to get to the root cause and address the symptoms.
I encourage you to sign up for the newsletter on the top right of this blog so you can truly immerse yourself in all this. It’s not a quick fix but a lifestyle change.
Vitamin B12 helps for brain fog. Ginkgo and Brahmi for memory.
For tapping to work with mood or anxiety issues, it doesn’t usually work to just tap on a general feeling, such as tapping on one’s anxiety. One has to find the roots of the anxiety in particular traumas or difficult experiences, sometimes going back into childhood, and then tap on the particular difficult memories. In my experience as a counselor, I have found that anxiety is almost always rooted in trauma. And yes, there can be biochemical imbalances as well that can be corrected with amino acids and supplements, but we don’t yet know to what extent these imbalances were caused by trauma and how much it’s caused by genetics and diet, etc. In my work as a Counselor, I use both amino acids along with tapping and other energy psychology methods. This combination seems to work wonders for most clients.
So glad to hear you use amino acids along with tapping and other energy psychology methods. Thanks for explaining more about the need to find the roots of the anxiety in particular traumas or difficult experiences. Presumably you’d need to work with a counselor in order to figure this out?
However it does seem that many folks do benefit from tapping without having to do this, as evidenced by folks getting results tuning into the Tapping Solution Summit, using online tapping apps and reading tapping books. Would you say these are the folks with less complex issues or no deep-seated trauma?
It’s interesting that you say “In my experience as a counselor, I have found that anxiety is almost always rooted in trauma.” In my experience as a nutritionist, I often see that anxiety is only biochemical/nutritional. I know this is challenging to tease out but want to share my perspectives. Also based on what we each do, we attract a certain type of client so that may explain some of this too. It does make me wonder if this is perhaps one other reason why tapping doesn’t work for some folks – they don’t need to work on any trauma?
But then I have to wonder if the anxiety is purely biochemical eg. gluten issues leading to high cortisol, and tapping lowers high cortisol then should we try and use this tool as well as using adrenal support? So my thoughts of it only being needed/useful when there is trauma no longer applies. Plenty to think about
Gary Craig, the developer of EFT tapping, was never a big fan of tapping along to scripts. He believed that to be effective, it had to be tailored to the individual. That being said, some people do benefit some to tap alongs at online tapping summits or youtube videos, etc, but only if the words used happen to resonate with the particular traumas, experiences and beliefs of those people. It’s kind of hit or miss.
Also I am using the term “trauma” pretty broadly. We cannot grow up in this world without having some difficult experiences that effect us and lead to anxiety and depression, I even believe that these can lead to biochemical imbalances, such as neurotransmitter depletion, hence I often find it useful to recommend amino acid supplements as well. And yes, if you have severe trauma, it’s best to do the tapping with a professional. Those with more average kinds of difficult experiences can learn to do it on their own. If you think over your life history, you may remember some difficult times when those anxious feelings may have started and various limiting beliefs got formed. Tap specifically on that for best results. If it seems to be too much to do on your own, then see a professional who is trained in EFT Tapping.
Hi Trudy, I’m so glad you’re talking about tapping (EFT)! I have a unique perspective to share. I’m a certified EFT practitioner. I also worked with a Julia Ross-trained nutritionist for two years (one of your peers) and took your Amino Acids for Anxiety course in 2015.
Bottom line: Research-based, trauma-based approaches like EFT are essential if you want to get to the root of your anxiety. EFT is highly effective…when done properly. Certified EFT practitioners often hear from hesitant new clients that EFT doesn’t work. In fact it works amazingly well, especially for anxiety, because almost everyone has trauma (e.g., abuse, parents’ divorce, alcoholic parent) or challenges from childhood (e.g., overbearing parent, shaming by a teacher) that negatively teach your nervous system how to react to life situations. These reaction patterns follow you into adulthood and for some people they slowly get worse, or skyrocket during those times when life falls apart or work gets insanely stressful.
These childhood events are stored/encoded in the brain and they’re triggered by situations that have some similarity to the earlier event. This is exactly what anxiety is – something in your current life is reminding you on some level (usually subconsciously) of a past event and causing your brain to worry and become afraid. Trained EFT practitioners help clients release the emotional charge of these childhood traumas/challenges.
Tapping can get your body back in balance. When you have underlying stress that starts in childhood (again, nearly everyone does), it’s like leaving the interior lights on in your car – over time it drains your battery. This stress changes the environment in which your cells and organs function. This has a negative influence on your genetic expression, which then sets up your body to more easily get out of biochemical balance. So yes, definitely take amino acids and other supplements to get your body back in balance when life is falling apart. (I did!) But tapping can stop or drastically weaken this “drain on your battery,” therefore you won’t get to the place of needing supplements the next time a stressful event in life happens.
What most people don’t know is that you MUST work with a certified practitioner (or learn from one) to get results. You won’t learn how to use it most effectively from popular websites like the Tapping Solution or from most You Tube videos. There are only 3 certifying organizations that offer high-quality training: EFT Universe (where I obtained my training), EFT International, and ACEP. I will say that Nick Ortner was only recently certified (despite selling “tapping” online for years) and I think his mother was also only recently certified. The Ortner family has done a lot of really good work in bringing attention to EFT; however, without going into specifics, just know that you probably won’t have lasting changes by listening to the Tapping Summit. (You might notice they interview a lot of people who have no formal training in EFT, but rather people who are Hay House authors.)
I had IBS for 17 years and had low-level anxiety since childhood. I found EFT during a really difficult time in life (when I also had an undiagnosed parasite) and it ended up eliminating 80% of the anxiety surrounding my IBS. (Not the actual physical symptoms but the anxiety surrounding the IBS, which I now realize is what you really want when you have a chronic condition.) I also used EFT to get over the trauma of a past toxic work environment and deal with another toxic boss.
I am anxiety-free now and credit most of my cure (yes, cure) to three things: EFT + magnesium + eliminating salicylates/histamine foods. I also was helped by 8 months of DPA and some GABA because my body was out of whack after a lifetime of being low-level stressed. I feel great in my body now, better than I ever thought. Treating health issues like anxiety requires multiple solutions. There is no one solution that will heal us, no matter how much an internet gurus tries to tell us differently. For me, EFT was so effective I decided to get certified and help others with anxiety because resolving these deeper issues is an overlooked, and large, piece of the puzzle for good health and mental health.
Thanks for sharing your valuable insights. Glad to hear your perspectives as an EFT practitioner and someone who has benefited from using amino acids – so glad you are anxiety-free!
While I agree almost everyone has experienced some kind of trauma, I would respectfully disagree that not everyone is adversely impacted by their trauma. Resilience plays a big role and nutritional status is a big factor here. For many of my clients with anxiety it’s purely biochemical/biological. Some examples: 1) quit the caffeine and no more anxiety or panic attacks or 2) quit the gluten and heal the gut and address nutrient deficiencies and use nutrients to lower cortisol and anxiety is relieved
I would agree that research-based, trauma-based approaches like EFT may help if your anxiety is caused by trauma. Some folks do really well with CBT and some so really well with EMDR or talk therapy so I do feel it’s a matter of finding what works for each person.
I don’t mean to be contrary but many folks do seem to gain huge benefits from the Tapping Solution, their books and other books/videos on tapping (read all the positive testimonials to see this) so it does seem to be very individualized. Since my expertise isn’t EFT I could use the work I do as an example: 1) some folks read my book and make changes and do great with no more anxiety vs 2) some hear me present and make a few dietary changes and no more anxiety vs 3) some read my book and do one of my online programs and get results vs 4) some folks do best with one on one work. I feel there is a place for all approaches when it comes to nutrition and I would assume when it comes to EFT too.
Thanks for sharing the info about the certifications. It’s wonderful that EFT helped you so much that you decide to get certified and help others! We appreciate you for those folks who do need to see results by working with a certified EFT practitioner.
Another note regarding EFT not working: Experienced clinical EFT practitioners (for example Dawson Church), will evaluate the individual situation and may use uncommon or additional tapping points on the body, or tapping techniques (such as the Gamut sequence) that are not commonly used, or are not used in large scale group presentations. This is another possible reason for the difference in results for some people.
It seems some folks need this added level of individualization while some folks don’t. And perhaps there are some folks who simply find EFT is not for them. I do believe there is no one-size fits all.
Hi Trudy, I promised I would comment with some extra information about Matrix Reimprinting , I’ll try to keep it brief.
If you have had therapy before, you may have come across the term inner child work, which is all about healing unresolved traumas or adverse childhood experiences (ACE’s) that can lead to either limiting beliefs such as I’m not good enough, or I don’t belong.
Dealing with memories and healing trauma in classical therapy is hard if the memories cause emotional or physical distress, it can also take a long time and cost a lot of money. Worse still it might even make you feel more upset than when you started.
EFT is different!
Once learned you can take it home, tapping whenever you need to. Tapping on meridian points just helps. Yes, you might need a practitioner for complex trauma, but they are not always available when your fears crop up. So tap.
Have a look at some you tube videos because you never know it might help a bit, and if you are feeling distressed and upset even a tiny bit of calm is good.
Matrix Reimprinting takes EFT to a new level, because it allows people to work on healing their inner child, using a structured, gentle, safe process. It’s like having a time machine, where you go back or indeed forwards with all the knowledge and wisdom you have acquired. Tapping it through – as you said- reduces the cortisol, raises GABA and also activates greater inter-hemispheric activity in the brain. You are rewiring your neurology.
In Matrix, you might get to have a conversation with 4 year old you too, and reassure her that she’s going to be fine. Or even speak to other people from then and heal the past imprint.
What seems like a tiny difference in approach makes a huge amount of energy available to the client and the practitioner and I have witnessed many shifts and energy releases after a session.
Both physical and emotional issues from allergies to excruciating pain. Even big phobias or seemingly entrenched belief patterns.
Working as a psychologist, I am so grateful to have this toolkit in clinic along with supportive supplements and vitamins.
Here’s a link to my blog if anyone is interested to find out more, just pick any of the articles in my blog that interest you.
Thanks for sharing this about EFT: “Once learned you can take it home, tapping whenever you need to. Tapping on meridian points just helps. Yes, you might need a practitioner for complex trauma, but they are not always available when your fears crop up. So tap.”- great advice. We are all in different places and need different levels of support at different times in our healing journey
Thanks too for sharing about Matrix Reimprinting – this is totally new to me and I look forward to checking it out
We appreciate psychologists who also have supportive supplements in their toolboxes too. I love this quote of yours from the blog:”There has been a paradigm shift in psychology recently and I think EFT, Matrix and nutritional supplements are changing how we work and heal.
I have trouble with tapping. I have NF1 and I have tumors in some of the tapping spots that are painful to touch. I have tried but I find no ease of stress or symptoms. I wish it would work as my stress is making me ill.
Tapping is not my area of expertise so I can’t help. I would ask on one of the speaker pages on the Tapping Summit.
Of course there are many other approaches for reducing stress. I always start with addressing low serotonin with tryptophan or 5-HTP and low GABA with GABA.
The best way to determine if someone may have low GABA/serotonin is to look at the low GABA/serotonin symptoms, rate them on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being worst, do a trial of the respective amino acid and rate the symptoms again right afterwards (in the next 2 to 30 minutes). Here are the symptoms
If you are new to the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria, yoga, nature etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here My online group programs are helpful if you have questions and need guidance.
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Dr. Kalayjian
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