When you have high night-time cortisol it can cause you to wake in the middle of the night with anxiety and/or feeling like you’re having a panic attack. If your cortisol is really high in the early morning (outside of the normal range), you can also wake with a jolt and feelings of anxiety and panic. Seriphos, a phosphorylated serine product, can help to lower your high cortisol and eventually prevent these symptoms.
Today I’m addressing your questions about how to use Seriphos to lower high cortisol and help prevent an adrenaline-type surge – like dosing/timing at night and in the early morning, how long you can take it for, cortisol salivary testing, interactions, brands and another option to Seriphos.
Soma shared her symptoms on Facebook when I said I’d be taking questions:
Can feel the adrenaline rush “crash” over me. I responded so so to beta blockers but still having fitful sleep and occasional “shocks” into wakefulness in the night as if tragedy struck … fight or flight upon waking. Tremendous night sweats. Generally hyper vigilant as a person.
This is her question: “What dosage and when to take (how soon before bed) is recommended?”
Addressing dosage and timing is a good place to start (and a common question) but I asked her if she has done a 4-5x cortisol salivary collection to confirm that her night time cortisol is high. She has not done this simple and very effective adrenal test and I highly recommend it before using Seriphos. The reason is that low cortisol can often have similar symptoms to high cortisol and using Seriphos is going to make things worse.
What dosage and when to take Seriphos (how soon before bed) is recommended?
Assuming Soma has done the adrenal saliva test and knows her middle of the night cortisol (5th saliva collection) is high, using 1-3 capsules a few hours before the high cortisol seems to be most effective. For example, for 2-4 am waking this typically means taking Seriphos right before bed. In some instances, taking 1 on waking in the night can help too (for a maximum of 3).
If her late evening 10 pm (4th saliva collection) is high too, the dose can be split. For example, taking 1 Seriphos at 7- 8 pm (a few hours before the high cortisol at 10 pm) and 1-2 right before bed for the 2 -4 am high cortisol.
The bottle states to use 1 capsule with water 15 minutes before a meal. I’m really not sure why they state this.
How to use Seriphos for high morning cortisol and adrenaline surge on waking?
Syd asks this question about high morning cortisol (as confirmed by saliva adrenal testing):
Opinion about using it for confirmed high MORNING cortisol? (Yup, I know cortisol is supposed to be highest in the morning, but this is off the charts, literally, high.)
“Adrenaline surge” or “catecholamine surge” is exactly how I’ve explained it to people!! No cognitive worrying, just that surge.
Because Seriphos works best taken a few hours in advance of high cortisol, I typically have clients use Lactium in this situation. It’s a hydrolyzed casein product that also lowers high cortisol. If casein is an issue then Relora is another option. I’ve blogged about both – Lactium here and Relora here.
One other option is to experiment with Seriphos – using it in the morning and also trying it at bedtime.
Should I take two Seriphos? I wake halfway through the night
Anne asks this question:
I only take one capsule? Should I take two? I wake halfway through the night, usually due to a full bladder. I fall back to sleep easily if I use a CBD gummy. Tested high for cortisol throughout the day on a DUTCH complete test, which measures at least 4 times.
Anne has done a DUTCH test which includes 4 adrenal saliva collections but doesn’t know if her cortisol is high in the middle of the night. As mentioned above, 1-3 capsules of Seriphos is ideal so I have clients start with 1 and increase to 2 and then 3. Since her cortisol is high throughout the day she may do better using Seriphos in the day and continuing with CBD at night when she wakes.
She may also want to consider low GABA and/or low serotonin as factors causing her to not sleep through the night. This applies to anyone using Seriphos to lower high cortisol. More on amino acids below.
If she does have bladder issues addressing this is key too.
For how long can Seriphos be taken?
It is recommended to take a one-month break after 3 months of Seriphos use. Ideally, once some or all the root causes of high cortisol are addressed (like gluten, stress, parasites, infections, trauma etc), you should be able to stop anyway. Or take a break, retest cortisol and then continue.
Does Seriphos have any interactions? And is there any cohort who should not use it?
Someone asked about using Seriphos with a beta blocker and someone else asked about using it with a SSRI. I’m not aware of any medication interactions but it’s best to always discuss with the prescribing physician.
What brands make Seriphos and where can I find it?
There is only one product and it’s called Interplexis Seriphos. You can purchase this from my online store (Fullscript – only available to US customers – use this link to set up an account) and you can also find it on iherb (use this link to save 5%).

Since I mentioned Lactium above, Biotics Research De-Stress contains 150mg hydrolyzed casein or lactium. You can find this in my online Fullscript too – use this link to set up an account. For non-US customers, Life Extension Bioactive Milk Peptides also contains 150mg hydrolyzed casein or lactium (you’ll see casein decapeptide and lactium on the label.) You can find this on iherb (use this link to save 5%).
Additional resources when you are new to using amino acids as supplements
We use the symptoms questionnaire to figure out if low serotonin or low GABA and other neurotransmitter imbalances may be an issue for you.
If you suspect low levels of any of the neurotransmitters and do not yet have my book, The Antianxiety Food Solution – How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood, and End Cravings, I highly recommend getting it and reading it before jumping in and using amino acids on your own so you are knowledgeable. And be sure to share it with the practitioner/health team you or your loved one is working with.
There is an entire chapter on the amino acids and they are discussed throughout the book in the sections on gut health, gluten, blood sugar control, sugar cravings, anxiety and mood issues. The importance of quality animal protein is also covered.
The book doesn’t include product names (per the publisher’s request) so this blog, The Antianxiety Food Solution Amino Acid and Pyroluria Supplements, lists the amino acids that I use with my individual clients and those in my group programs.
If, after reading this blog and my book, you don’t feel comfortable figuring things out on your own (i.e. doing the symptoms questionnaire and respective amino acids trials), a good place to get help is the GABA QuickStart Program (if you have low GABA symptoms too). This is a paid online/virtual group program where you get my guidance and community support.
If you are a practitioner, join us in The Balancing Neurotransmitters: the Fundamentals program. This is also a paid online/virtual program with an opportunity to interact with me and other practitioners who are also using the amino acids.
Have you had success with Seriphos (or Lactium or Relora) to lower high cortisol and help with anxiety, panic and/or adrenaline-type surges?
Have you used Seriphos in combination with amino acids and dietary changes?
If you’re a practitioner do you use Seriphos with clients/patients?
Feel free to share and ask your questions below.