Mira Calton CN and Jayson Calton PhD, micronutrient specialists, authors of Naked Calories, are interviewed by host of the Anxiety Summit, Trudy Scott, Food Mood Expert and Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution.
Micronutrients for Eliminating Anxiety
- The importance of micronutrient sufficiency and Mira’s osteoporosis
- The Calton’s 6 year, 135 country expedition to explore traditional diets
- The definition of naked calories
- How glyphosate/Roundup impacts mineral absorption in plants and thereby impacts us
- The new GM arctic apple and why it should be avoided
- How minerals compete for absorption
- Zinc/copper balance and why we want a multi with no copper
Here are some snippets from our interview:
When food is picked early it doesn’t have all the micronutrients
Spraying our food with glyphosate (Roundup) is starving our food of nutrients because it doesn’t allow the roots to absorb minerals from the soil so the plant is less micronutrient-rich
When you sweat, you become more deficient in micronutrients
The Arctic Apple doesn’t brown when it’s cut open and looks visually good but it’s really rotten and has lost the micronutrient value
They are really passionate about this topic of Arctic apples – as you heard in the interview and as you’ll see in this excellent Arctic apple blog
There is a relationship between micronutrients and there is this web of competition. Here are a few examples Mira and Jayson talked about:
Iron is the most competitive
Zinc and copper compete for absorption
Magnesium can affect zinc absorption
The zinc-copper discussion was fascinating. Mira and Jayson mentioned copper/iron position of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine: Doctors Urge FDA to Ban Multivitamins Containing Iron or Copper
The Physicians Committee (for Responsible Medicine) urging the Food and Drug Administration to require vitamin manufacturers to reformulate common multivitamins that contain iron or copper, due to possible links with Alzheimer’s disease.
I wholeheartedly agree with this concern about copper and iron in multivitamins. My concern is with copper connection to lower zinc in anxiety and depression. (Just a heads up: I’m not on board with the Physicians Committee’s dietary recommendations on vegetarianism.)
Here are two of the papers I mentioned at the end of the interview
Zinc prevents sickness behavior induced by lipopolysaccharides after a stress challenge in rats.
Lipopolysaccharide or LPS is an endotoxin that mimics infection by gram-negative bacteria
Zinc treatment was able to prevent sickness behavior in LPS-exposed rats after the stress challenge, restoring exploratory/motor behaviors, communication, and TNF-α levels similar to those of the control group.
They found that zinc treatment appears to be beneficial for sick animals when they are facing risky/stressful situations
In the present study, we investigated the effects of chromium picolinate (CrP) on behavioural and biochemical parameters in chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS) induced depression and anxiety in rats.
The results showed that treatment of CrP produced significant antidepressant effect
It was also found that CrP (8 and 16μg/mL) significantly increased 5-HT [serotonin] concentration in the discrete regions of brain (cortex and cerebellum).
On the other hand, the plasma corticosterone level was significantly decreased with CrP (16μg/mL).
The results suggested that increase in the concentration of 5-HT/serotonin and decrease in plasma corticosterone levels could be responsible for improvement in symptoms of depression and anxiety in CUMS induced depression and anxiety in rats.
Here are two of their great books:
Naked Calories: The Calton’s Simple 3-step Plan to Micronutrient Sufficiency
And Rich Food Poor Food: The Ultimate Grocery Purchasing System (GPS)
Be sure to grab their amazing gifts:
- A PERSONAL Micronutrient Sufficiency Analysis
- Rich Food, Poor Food chapters
- Micronutrient Miracle Guide to Reducing Stress, Anxiety and Depression;
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