I love the “Food Revolution” being led in by well-known Jamie Oliver. His show is based in Huntington, W Virginia, slated as the most unhealthy city in the US. His first task is making school lunches healthier but ultimately he is teaching families and kids about eating real food instead of processed food (he had a huge impact in the schools in the UK!)
“I believe that every child in America has the right to fresh, nutritious school meals, and that every family deserves real, honest, wholesome food. Too many people are being affected by what they eat. It’s time for a national revolution. America needs to stand up for better food!” ~ Jamie Oliver
I love the show! He is fabulous and has a great sense of humor too (and great accent!). Just watch the shows to see his shock when:
□ he saw the kids eating pizza for breakfast
□ he saw them drinking “luminous pink milk”
□ he heard the kids don’t use cutlery at the school cafeteria
□ when the 6 year olds could not identify a potato or tomato and basically any fruit or vegetable
□ he got slammed for serving an Asian stir-fry with 5 or 6 veggies and yet the burger with chips (and a salad on the side that no-one ate) was ok!
□ the kids were happy to eat chicken nuggets even after he showed them the gross ingredients that went into them
He admits he “wants to cause a big fuss and change things”. Go Jamie!
Be prepared to shed a tear or two – is sad to see how so many folks know so little about real food but also very inspiring to see them making changes and taking control of their health.

See the shows online, tell everyone you care about and everyone who eats especially if they eat fast food and drink luminous pink milk! http://abc.go.com/watch/jamie-olivers-food-revolution/250784/254757/episode-101
And watch them live Fridays 9/8 central on ABC
And you can also learn more and join his “Food Revolution” here http://www.jamieoliver.com/campaigns/jamies-food-revolution