The FDA has just approved GMO salmon, which has already been dubbed frankenfish.
This USA Today story: In historic first, FDA approves genetically altered salmon reports the following:
If you want to find the latest product approved by the FDA, don’t bother with the pharmacy. Try the fish freezer.
The AquAdvantage Atlantic salmon has made history – along with a generous serving of controversy — by becoming the first genetically engineered food animal approved for sale in the U.S.
Because of its genetic modifications, the Food and Drug Administration said the new variety of salmon “meets the definition of a drug.”
It’s sad and also a little crazy – fish is now a drug!
Here is an excellent interview that Jeffrey Smith did on Underground Radio with Sean Croxton 5 years ago when the GMO salmon was pending approval: Say NO to GMO Salmon! with Jeffrey Smith. They talk more about the fact that this fish is now a drug which allows them to keep various aspects secret.
According to this Huffington Post article: FDA OKs Genetically Modified Salmon For Human Consumption
The fish grows twice as fast as normal salmon, so it reaches market size more quickly. It has an added growth hormone from the Pacific Chinook salmon that allows the fish to produce growth hormone all year long. The engineers were able to keep the hormone active by using another gene from an eel-like fish called an ocean pout that acts like an “on” switch for the hormone. Typical Atlantic salmon produce the growth hormone for only part of the year.
Boycotting the AquAdvantage salmon (produced by biotechnology company AquaBounty Technologies) won’t be easy because the salmon may not be labeled as GMO or genetically engineered/GE. And if you’re eating at a restaurant you may not know the difference.
Many big food stores like Whole Foods, Trader Joes, Aldis and even Costco have said they will not sell this GMO salmon. This is good news!
The Center for Food Safety is ready to fight back and sue the FDA challenging its approval of these untested, unlabeled, and unwanted GMO/genetically engineered salmon and you can support this effort here.
Of course your best choice is wild-caught salmon, which are never genetically modified and have many added benefits over any type of farmed salmon, GMO or not. You may recall the great interview on The Anxiety Summit where Randy Hartnell, fisherman, and owner of Vital Choice talked about the wonderful benefits for seafood. Our topic: What you need to know about seafood—the ultimate brain and mood food
What do you think? Are we being overly concerned about GMO salmon? Or should we be boycotting it? Would you be willing to eat it and feed it to your family? Or are you strictly a wild salmon consumer?