Today I’m sharing why I personally chose the Thera360 Plus, a portable full-spectrum infrared sauna from Therasage. And I also share my feedback on how I feel after using this sauna. I also have a call to action asking you to share your sauna experiences so the community can benefit from the collective wisdom of everyone who has one or uses one.
I also highlight some of the many health benefits of regular sauna sessions – both mental and physiological.
Mental health benefits: improved well-being, reduced pain, stress reduction and improved sleep
Here are some of the mental health benefits from this paper, Clinical Effects of Regular Dry Sauna Bathing: A Systematic Review):
- In addition to having profound physiological effects, sauna bathing is reported to have beneficial psychological effects that are reflected in the many reports of improved well-being and pain tolerance.
- The psychological impact of sauna bathing may be due to a combination of factors that include release of endorphins and other opioid-like peptides such as dynorphins, forced mindfulness, psychological stress reduction, relaxation, improved sleep, time out from busy life schedules, placebo effects, and other aspects of individual psychological and social interactions that likely occur around frequent sauna activity.
- While it is difficult to distinguish between the different factors that produce positive psychological effects, such effects may enhance other physiological and metabolic benefits as they are likely to promote adherence to regular sauna activity.
Remember, endorphin release leads to feeling joyful.
And this last bullet is an important one to highlight: when you really enjoy doing something you are more likely to continue doing it. This means you’ll continue to see benefits.
There is also research that supports serotonin-boosting effects and cortisol-lowering effects, both of which are important when it comes to anxiety and mood too. (I’ll address this in a future blog on saunas, together with other mechanisms).
Physiological benefits: reduced inflammation, benefits for Alzheimer’s, reducing toxins and improved heart health
Here are a few studies you can read to learn more about some of the many physiological benefits of sauna:
- Elevating body temperature to reduce low-grade inflammation: a welcome strategy for those unable to exercise?
- Could Heat Therapy Be an Effective Treatment for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases? A Narrative Review
- Evaluation of Interventions to Reduce Firefighter Exposures
- Sauna bathing is associated with reduced cardiovascular mortality and improves risk prediction in men and women: a prospective cohort study
- Effectiveness of a far-infrared low-temperature sauna program on geriatric syndrome and frailty in community-dwelling older people [improvements were noted]
- Effects of Waon therapy on chronic fatigue syndrome: a pilot study [Waon therapy is a type of far infrared sauna and improvements were noted]
- Sauna as a valuable clinical tool for cardiovascular, autoimmune, toxicant- induced and other chronic health problems [they are safe and offer multiple health benefits to regular users].
And this is an excerpt from the Therasage site
The Thera360 Plus sauna enhances mitochondrial health and cellular energy, improves microcirculation and blood oxygenation, enhances the natural production of nitric oxide, offers skin and anti-aging benefits, and the best natural detoxification possible, along with all the amazing health benefits of Full Spectrum Infrared.
The many positive features that helped me pick this sauna
The Thera360 Plus is the sauna I own and endorse. Here are a few of the many positive features that helped me decide to purchase this one (I did a fair amount of research and did look at other units too):
- It is a full-spectrum (near and far) infrared sauna
- It comes with red light/photobiomodulation panels (which also help with pain, mood and reducing inflammation).
- It has the tourmaline gemstones built-in (these generate negative ions so it feels like you’ve been at the beach or a waterfall).
- The chair and foot base is made of non-toxic bamboo materials. I’m used to having to leave new items outside for days in order to off-gas. I was surprised that this was not needed. Their “No Off-Gassing” message holds true.
- The bamboo foot base is a grounding mat.
- It is low EMF and shields not only EMF’s but also ELF’s, RF’s and dirty electricity. Before I purchased my sauna, I met with the owner and am super-impressed by this feature. It’s a really important factor for me and anyone with anxiety or chronic illness and/or electromagnetic hypersensitivity). As soon as it arrived I set it up (set up is so easy) and got out my meter and measured all the EMFs and sure enough there is no exposure when inside the sauna.
- The digital temperature controller is simple to use.
- It’s portable, small and convenient to use.
- It’s affordable, is made in California and the company ships internationally.
My personal feedback as to how I feel after using this sauna
For me, this infrared sauna (with red light therapy and tourmaline) helps me with sleep, digestion and energy primarily (I have chronic Lyme). I also know it’s helping me with ongoing detoxification, mitochondrial health, stress reduction and mood support, immune function and cardiovascular health.
The good news is that the sauna has anti-inflammatory benefits and provides me with wonderful relief from pain, muscle spasms and other injuries.
Also, I feel a real sense of joy after using it … I can’t stop smiling for hours after a session. That is the endorphin and serotonin boost I’m getting, plus some of the benefits of negative ions! I love the outdoors and after a session in the sauna, I almost feel like I’ve been for a hike or walk on the beach.
I’ve also positioned my sauna facing a large window that looks onto our covered patio. It has lots of greenery and I can see the blue sky off to the left. This is particularly pleasant on a cold winter’s day and I get some of the benefits of nature.

I love the bamboo chair that ships with it but it wasn’t providing me with any lower back support (I’m prone to back injuries). I made a modification with a bamboo garden stake and PVC bracket (with some help from my darling father-in-law). Here are some images in case it’s something you’ve been considering….it works perfectly for the back support I need, keeps my bare back exposed to the heat and the bamboo garden stake slides out if needed.

A more in-depth blog post: mechanisms and additional insights
I believe we can all benefit from regular sauna bathing! And I’ll be sharing a more in-depth blog post on additional benefits of infrared sauna, some of the mechanisms, how to interpret the research (since there is so much research on traditional/Finnish saunas which are shorter duration and higher temperatures), how to assess the different saunas that are available, and how to use one and get the most benefits.
I’ll also share my insights on using sauna bathing for benzodiazepine, SSRI, opioid and alcohol detox; why folks with pyroluria may see specific benefits; and using sauna bathing to help reduce the impact of these things that increase anxiety – toxic mold, heavy metals, Lyme disease, pesticides, glyphosate, fluoride, phthalates and much more.
Learn more about the Thera360 Plus sauna here on the Therasage site. If you decide to purchase use coupon code TRUDY10 to save 10%.
I was confused when I started looking into saunas and if you’ve been following me for a while you know I like to share what I learn – hence this blog post. I’m still learning and will continue to share in follow-up posts.
There are many excellent saunas available for purchase and this is just one of them that I landed upon after researching a number of them.
If you have a home sauna, please share:
- which one you have
- why you purchased this type/brand (or use this type of sauna)
- and the benefits you have experienced.
And do feel free to share more about:
- how you use yours – duration, frequency, temperature
- what you do before and after (for hydration)
- if you dry-brush (before or after)
- if you use certain nutrients (like niacin, charcoal, magnesium and other electrolytes, glutathione, NAC etc)
- anything else you do as part of your sauna bathing
- what other detox approaches you use (such as rebounding or castor oil packs etc).
By using the collective wisdom from this community we can all learn and benefit. And giving/contributing gives you a nice endorphin boost too!
If you have questions please share them here too.