I was recently interviewed (together with Dr Dennis Godby ND and Monica Randel, RD) by Cathy Cassinos-Carr for an article in the Health section of The Sacramento Magazine. It is called Sweet Misery: Seven spoonfuls of wisdom about sugar. Cathy has done an amazing job explaining why we don’t want sugar in our diets!
“Sugar can raise cholesterol, it suppresses the immune system, it has been connected to cancer, it masks other problems (such as anxiety or depression), it speeds the aging process, it is linked to candida, IBS and other digestive problems, and finally it can prevent us from eating the good stuff”.
“Craving sugar does not mean we’re weak or that we’re a failure. It means we’ve got some brain chemistry, nutrient or hormonal imbalances that need fixing, or perhaps candida. Quitting [sugar] is not about willpower.”—Trudy Scott
Read the whole article here http://www.sacmag.com/media/Sacramento-Magazine/August-2010/Health-Sweet-Misery/
Thank you so much for your kind words about my article. You were an enormous help, and lovely to work with!
Thanks, too, for posting the story on your blog. I hope it is useful to your readers/followers.
All best,
You’re welcome Cathy – it was a pleasure working with you too – and I know your story will be super useful!
Thanks Trudy!
I have a question about sugar…
if it really is so bad for us, why does it taste so good?
Great question! when our bodies are in balance it really doesn’t taste that good…you’ll think sugary foods are TOO sweet. If you have the desire for sweet, that’s the clue there is something off – nutrient imbalances, neurotransmitter imbalances, hormone imbalances, candida etc. Or even that it is an addiction – sugar can be as addicting as street drugs and alcohol!
Thanks Trudy. Speeds the aging process, oh my. I don’t need any help in that area. I’m going to be much more careful about my sugar intake.
Thanks so much for sharing your wisdom…I’m having HUGE A-HA’s right now. So glad you are here to help us move beyond this!
Many thanks,
I guess I’ll just ignore the delicious cookies I just ate…
Ah,the slippery slope of sweet sugar’s slide!! For decades the health warriors have warned us about the disastrous effects of processed sugars. From the looks of the overweight population, diabetis increase, etc. is anybody listening? Keep putting out the word Trudy!
So true BUT the big problem is that we all know this but if you have an addiction or biochemical imbalance then there is no stopping you – so it’s imperative to get the reason you can’t give it up and the reason it tastes so good!
I enjoy reading about how you get to the core heath issues. Thank you.
Dr. Robert Fenell
Wow, thanks for the good info.
Great info.
Thank you,
Congrats on your press!
I love how you seek to help people find a lasting solution instead of a band-aid.
Thanks Carmen!