I’ve blogged about the Sleep promoting effects of combined GABA and 5-HTP. There is another combination of nutrients that has been shown to help with sleep: GABA and the herb Apocynum venetum leaf extract.
In this 2015 paper: The Improvement of Sleep by Oral Intake of GABA and Apocynum venetum Leaf Extract
The electroencephalogram (EEG) test revealed that oral administration of GABA (100 mg) and [Apocynum venetum Leaf Extract] AVLE (50 mg) had beneficial effects on sleep.
In this study they found that GABA helps people to fall asleep quickly and Apocynum venetum Leaf Extract induces deep sleep, and that they work well when taken together.
The authors conclude that both GABA and Apocynum venetum leaf extract:
can be regarded as safe and appropriate for daily intake in order to improve the quality of sleep.
Earlier this year I heard Dr. Peter Bongiorno present at the Integrative Healthcare Symposium and one of the herbs he covered was Apocynum venetum leaf extract for depression. Since this was new to me, I invited him to share about this herb on the recent Anxiety Summit: Serotonin and anxiety: tryptophan, 5-HTP, serotonin syndrome and medication tapers
I also briefly mentioned the above GABA/Apocynum venetum leaf extract study in my talk on the recent Anxiety Summit – GABA: Blood brain barrier controversy, concerns, best forms and how to do a trial for eliminating anxiety
I find that many of my clients with anxiety also have sleep problems and GABA is often helpful if their sleep issues are related to low GABA levels, often manifesting as physical tension.
One of the signs of low serotonin, in addition to anxiety and worry, is insomnia and I find tryptophan (and sometimes 5-HTP) to be very helpful for many clients too. I’ll often have someone use both GABA and tryptophan (or GABA and 5-HTP) and the combination seems to be a good one.
I have not yet used Apocynum venetum leaf extract alone with clients or in combination with GABA and look forward to learning more. Have you have tried it alone or in combination with GABA? Have you used it with clients?
I have high blood pressure, is it safe for me to use The GABA calm with tyrosine ? I would be doing pixie dust as I am very sensitive to everything….and I read where GABA can cause dizziness, is this true? I have anxiety and did the questionnaire so it seems I need GABA..
I use a GABA-only product (you can find some here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/amino-acids-pyroluria-supplements/) when a client has high blood pressure. If we decide to use GABA Calm they monitor blood pressure and if they see benefits and not change in blood pressure then we are good.
Yes, too much GABA can cause dizziness
Can Apocynum venetum leaf extract and Gaba combination be used safely if you are already on Zoloft and not sleeping?
I don’t have an answer for you about Apocynum venetum leaf extract as it does work on the serotonin system. As I mentioned this is a new herb to me but I will find out and come back and reply. GABA can be used with an SSRI and is often very effective for sleep on it’s own (assuming the sleep issues are related to low GABA)
I just started reading your blog and articles, and want to thank you for the information. I take Paxil in the am, and Remeron at night. In the past, I tried a 5HTP supplement, but it caused anxiety. I was also taking an SSRI at the time. Do you not recommend Tryptophan since I’m taking two antidepressants?
My anxiety and depression resolve for 6-8 weeks, then comes back for 2-3 weeks. It is so frustrating. I have worked with a holistic nutritionist, but she wasn’t current on nutritional effects on depression, so as good as she is, I lost confidence in her. I have tried to heal my leaky gut, and have cut gluten out of my diet. I started taking Inositol, and it really helped at first, but now has seemed to stop working. I do have a MTHF mutation, but my homocystine level is normal. I bought HomocysteX plus by Seeking health,and I now realize my anxiety
increased around the time I started it,though I also had some stressful triggers at the same time. I haven’t taken any HomocysteX for 3days, and went back to my B Complex vitamin.
Is there anything you recommend? I feel strongly my problems are caused by low seratonin. Also,after taking Ativan for 5 months in 2015, I weaned off 6mos ago and haven’t had any since. Thank you for bearing with my long post.
When I’m working with someone with on-off anxiety/depression I think Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or sex hormone imbalances or accidental exposure to gluten (or other problematic food) or bipolar I or II (lithium orotate helps with this)
When there are so many variables (new supps, meds etc) it’s hard to figure out so we start over to figure out what the cause could be if it’s none of the above
Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. I appreciate your input.
Hi.Where would one buy the apocynum venetum leaf extract? I am interested in trying the combination of that with GABA. Thanks.
I’m still investigating good quality sources and will post once I find some.
Douglas labs has a product (called Neurotransmitter Balance) with a combination with 5-HTP. SAMe, mucuna and tyrosine – but the mucuna and tyrosine would be too stimulating for bedtime (and may also increase anxiety)
I would also love to try that apocynum venetum leaf extract combined with Source Naturals GABA 750mg which I am already taking and has helped hugely for sleep. The combination providing even deeper sleep sounds appealing. Where can one get apocynum venetum leaf extract? I’ve done a google search and nothing is really forthcoming…
Also thought I’d mention that occasionally I get a headache if I’ve had a very stressful full on day at work and I find the GABA 750mg clears it in minutes…
It’s relatively new on the natural health scene in the USA and Western countries. I’m still investigating good quality sources and will post once I find some.
Douglas labs has a product (called Neurotransmitter Balance) with a combination with 5-HTP. SAMe, mucuna and tyrosine – but the mucuna and tyrosine would be too stimulating for bedtime (and may also increase anxiety)
Thanks for the GABA update – that’s great!
Hi, I just read this blog and am wondering if you can give me some advice. I started having insomnia and shaking spells the middle of March 11 days after coming off my hormone patch. I’ve been to 3 different doctors and had many tests run. Everything comes back normal except I have a high number of thyroid antibodies, which I’ve been of .50 Levelthyroxin for 5 years. I’ve been back on the hormones for 3 months and they cut my thyroid med in 1/2, and I’m currently coming off Xanax, my body doesn’t respond well to any of the sleeping pills or anxiety meds they’ve tried. I am still struggling with insomnia. You mentioned a GABA test for sleeping and I’m wondering what that is. Any suggestions on this and maybe how to find a Dr. that can help find the problem. Thanks Rita
I’m sorry to hear you’re having issues. When there are many variables it’s challenging to know what is causing symptoms: antibodies, coming off patch, adjusting thyroid meds, coming off Xanax.
I can’t consult via the blog but if we were working together I’d have you address the elevated thyroid antibodies (going gluten free is a good start – and check out Izabella Wentz’ book The Root Cause).
Please check out this blog for posts on benzo tapers – here is the newest one https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/world-benzodiazepine-awareness-day-say-no-benzodiazepines-anxiety/
Here is information of doing a GABA trial https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/how-to-do-an-amino-acid-trial-for-anxiety/
Hi Trudy,
Can you please recommend an AVLE brand? I saw a few on Amazon but wanted your input. Thanks!
It’s relatively new on the natural health scene in the USA and Western countries. I’m still investigating good quality sources and will post once I find some.
Douglas labs has a product (called Neurotransmitter Balance) with a combination with 5-HTP. SAMe, mucuna and tyrosine – but the mucuna and tyrosine would be too stimulating for bedtime (and may also increase anxiety)
Hi Trudy,
What do you do or recommend for people with SIBO/ Yeast Overgrowth and can’t sleep well as a result (can’t stay asleep)? I have played with 5 HTP and Gaba in the past, but they seemed to have the opposite effect (caused more insomnia). I have read that with overgrowth issues, these products can travel down the wrong metabolic pathway. Have you found this in your clients?
The amino acids will only help with sleep if neurotransmitters are low i.e. GABA will help if GABA is low, 5-HTP or tryptophan will help if serotonin is low. They often are low with SIBO so I’d wonder if doses are too high, and I’d look at quality and fillers. I’d also trial tryptophan as 5-HTP can be an issue with high cortisol.
Tryptophan can convert to quinolinic acid without the correct co-factors so taking zinc and B vitamins etc are important
It goes without saying that foods that make SIBO and candida symptoms worse should be avoided.