Scarlett Johansson looked absolutely stunning at the 2011 Oscars and you’ll never guess what she ate before she came – salmon!
Scarlett was interviewed on the Red Carpet and was asked: what is the most important thing about getting ready for the Oscars – the dress, the hair, the jewellery…?
And this is what she said: For me, what I eat before I come to the Oscars, is the most important thing. She said she’d actually just eaten some salmon and that it’s important to eat something good to control your blood sugar. She also said that it’s a little known fact that the celebs bring snacks to the Oscars.
Awesome and brilliant! Having some salmon or other form of protein or fat like eggs, meat or chicken before heading out to a big event will do wonders for keeping your blood sugar stable and keeping you feeling great, calm, stress-free and focused. Some great snack ideas to carry with you when you know you won’t be eating for awhile: nuts, fruit, grass-fed jerky, salmon jerky and my all time favorite, pemmican. A boiled egg is great too but may not go down well at the Oscars!
And yes I watched the Oscars! I have so much to learn about style and fashion! I’m a late bloomer….I’m the typical outdoorsy tomboy – love to travel, camp, bike, climb, ski and generally I’m happy to “rough-it”. But last year I decided to up-level my image and I worked with image consultant Anne Berit Olvsk. I had my colors done and I now actually enjoying shopping for clothes. So I figured the Oscars would be a great way to see some great style – outfits, hair, make-up, accessories, colors and more – and it was not disappointing! Scarlett looked stunning (check her out here and here), I got some great tips and heard Scarlett’s great food and snack advice! Yay Scarlett Johannson!
I think you look amazing! Thanks for the great tips of the stars:)
Kiyla Fenell
I can do this tip. I love salmon.
Dr. Robert Fenell
Wasn’t that great? I thought of you when I heard what Scarlet said, as I was eating my tofu satay, veggies and fruit salad.
Grace Heer
Grace – so pleased your heard her say all this – I’m hoping all my clients did too, as well as everyone who is prone to low blood sugar (which is a lot of people!)
Protein powered snacks are indeed the way to go Trudy!
I always learn so much from you. Thanks for sharing.
Write on!~
Thanks for another great post, Trudy! Always a great reminder to be mindful of blood sugar before heading out to a long event!
pretty soon they will be asking the celebrities on the red carpet: “what are you wearing and what did you eat before putting that gown on?”
Nutrition is being put in the spotlight!
I love that Laura!
Trudy, I remember when I was really little and my Dad took me out on a salmon fishing boat and I got to watch them reel in the nets with dozens of salmon flopping about on the deck! I love salmon but will NOT eat the farmed variety!
Didn’t see the Oscars but good on Scarlett!
It’s an amazing sight isn’t it!? I’ve seen similar with sardines in South Africa. And good for you sticking to wild salmon – way better!
Pretty cool! thanks for sharing her little tip.
You are such an inspiration. I have been placing your tips into action.
Thank you,
Thanks Mitch – good to hear ….and I’ve been getting some great networking tips from you too!
Glad to hear that these celebs know how to eat! Ya, I’m a big fan of being smart about my food intake. It really does have a huge effect on my mood, productivity, and overall health.
Thanks for sharing!
It’s wonderful that you see the connection! good for you!