1 eggplant, chopped into cubes
1 onion, chopped
5 cloves of garlic, finely chopped (or more if you like a stronger flavor)
3 small sweet peppers or 1 large green/red/yellow pepper, chopped
Olive oil
Sea salt and pepper
Cayenne or chili pepper (optional to spice it up)
Tomato, chopped (optional to add during blending)
2 T tahini (sesame paste)
Add chopped vegetables, seas salt and pepper to a casserole dish and add olive oil. Stir well to make sure everything is covered in olive oil. Bake/roast covered at 350F for 45 minutes, stirring at least every 15 minutes.
Remove from heat and add to a blender with the tahini. Blend to a fine paste and spoon into a loaf pan and leave to set in the fridge. Serve as a pate with crackers or chopped fresh veggies (like carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, mushrooms and celery) or as a side-serving for a main meal.
Option: serve warm immediately after you’ve removed it from the oven and blended it. It makes a nice “sauce” for serving over baked potatoes or other vegetables.
This recipe was inspired by the produce box we get each week. Right now eggplants, tomatoes and peppers are in season!
We are a member of the CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Farm Fresh to You. As stated on their site, CSA’s are a great way to get organic produce and support local farmers.
As people are becoming increasingly interested about where their food comes from and how it was grown, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is becoming a popular alternative for getting high quality food from a trusted local farm, Farm Fresh To You. By joining our CSA, families are connecting directly to our farm, Capay Organic, and are receiving regular deliveries of nutrient rich, mouth watering, organic produce delivered directly to their home or office.
If you’re in Northern California, contact Farm Fresh to You with promo code 6164 and you’ll get $10 off your delivery. If you’re elsewhere, use the Local Harvest site to find CSAs and farmer’s markets in your area.
Note: Please do keep in mind that eggplants, tomatoes, bell peppers, chili peppers, paprika, cayenne pepper and potatoes (just white potatoes, not sweet potatoes) are in the nightshade family, together with tomatillos, garden huckleberry, tamarillos, pepinos and pimentos. Tobacco and withania are also in the nightshade family. Some people are affected adversely by nightshades, so if you suffer from joint pain or arthritis, you may find that nightshade removal may reduce your symptoms.
Sounds dee-lish Trudy! Thanks for a yummy and nutritious recipe!
Hi Trudy! This recipe sounds great! Definitely going to try it.
Yummo keep the awesome veggie recipes coming!
Sounds wonderful! Can’t wait to try it!
Great idea! Can’t wait to try it
I just made it again last night – roasted a chicken and roasted these veggies at the same time, together with whole roasted garlic! We ate the roasted eggplant dish as a veggie side and the whole meal was so yummy!
Always love it when you offer up a new recipe for us to try out! You have an endless supply of them. I often share these with my business strategy clients, with you as the source of course!
Thanks Mitch – much appreciated!
Trudy – I’m passing this one on to my mom! Eggplant is one of the two things I have just never been able to enter into a “yes, I’ll eat you” relationship with (the other being beets)…but my mom love’s it.
Thanks for posting another great recipe!
Phil Dyer
Chief Visionary | Broughton Advisory
Too funny Phil – hope your mom enjoys the recipe!
Hmmmm … I’m not a big eggplant fan. But I confess, I’ve only tried it once, and it was soggy-ish. Brian keeps telling me it was just cooked poorly and that I should try it again, and I just might now – your recipes are always very tasty!
You’ve got to try eggplant again Jennifer! it’s so delicious! Nut it is kind of soft so perhaps it’s a texture thing for you. But it’s worth a try!
I love eggplant!! Thanks!! What are the nutritional benefits of eggplant?? XO, Katherine.
They are a good source of fiber, potassium and folate. Also, the beautiful purple skin contains nasunin, an anthocyanin that is a great antioxidant. Enjoy!
This sounds so great. I am loaded with eggplant this year. Can it be frozen do you suppose? I am running to my kitchen right now!
Thanks, Jeannette
Hi Jeannette
Wonderful…enjoy! and yes you can freeze the whole dish for later use