Hearing the words “you’ve got cancer” is not something anyone wants to hear but statistically, one in two people WILL hear these words.
That’s right. The odds are 50/50 that it could be you or someone you love.
Anxiety and cancer feed off each other
- you’re anxious and fearful about your cancer diagnosis (or the diagnosis of a loved one) and
- the cancer itself can make you anxious and depressed because of the inflammation, the effects on the immune system and the cancer treatments themselves
But just like there is hope and solutions for anxiety, there is HOPE … and healing … and survival for cancer too.
There’s a growing body of evidence and data from a group of forward-thinking scientists and researchers around the world suggesting there are real solutions out there to prevent, treat, and beat cancer naturally.
Ty and Charlene Bollinger and their wonderful team at The Truth About Cancer are working hard to bring you the latest in natural cancer prevention, new therapies, cancer diets, toxins to avoid and much much more. It is being shared live on stage at their upcoming event (and you can watch it all via livestreaming from your home)
Dr. Joseph Mercola is speaking on the Ketogenic Diet and Cancer. He shares:
many cancer patients have reportedly overcome cancer by adopting a ketogenic diet, which calls for eliminating carbohydrates, replacing them with healthy fats and protein”
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers addresses Breast Cancer and Early Warning Signs. She faced the diagnosis of breast cancer and shares this about her journey
I came to appreciate that cancer was a message of love – that my body was trying to communicate with me and get my attention. If you keep doing things you have always done, you are going to get the same results. So for me, it was time to change emotional patterns, manage my stress, set boundaries and learn to love myself with all my perfect imperfections.
One of my favorite essential oil experts is Dr. Eric Zielinski and he covers Essential Oils, Aromatherapy, and Cancer. Dr. Z shares this about essential oils and cancer:
First – the research suggests that oils can help prevent and treat cancer at the cellular level. Additionally, and oftentimes overlooked, essential oils have been shown to be exceptionally effective at managing the side effects related to cancer itself and the side effects people suffer at the hands of medical interventions.
Second – it is critical to recognize that this is not an all-or-nothing approach. Just because you’re taking chemo doesn’t mean that you can’t use oils. The same is true on the flip side of that coin. Far too many patients and healthcare practitioners dichotomize natural from allopathic therapies, and do not give enough emphasis on the practicality of using both together.
The list of speakers is truly a Who’s Who of natural cancer therapies … and includes superstars like:
- Patrick Quillin – Beating Cancer with Nutrition
- Robert Scott Bell – Gut Health, the Microbiome, and Cancer
- Rashid Buttar -The Cancer Conflict: Resolving the 5th Toxicity
- Tony Jimenez – Treating Cancer with Sound and Light
- Mike Adams – The importance of “ORGANIC”
- Del Bigtree – Freedom of Choice in Medicine
- Chris Wark – How “Chris Beat Cancer”
- Sayer Ji – Epigenetics and Cancer
- Dr. Darrell Wolfe – DETOX and the Lymphatic system
- Dr. Toni Bark – Ketogenic Diet and disease reversal and prevention
- Jeffrey Smith – How GMOs have been linked to cancer
- Doug Kaufman – The Fungal Link to Cancer
- Pharmacist Ben Fuchs – Skin Health & Skin Cancer
- Barbara Loe Fisher – Freedom of Choice in Medical Interventions
- Dr. Stuart Nunnally – Biological Dentistry and Cancer Prevention
- Cherie Calbom – Juice, Juice, and More Juice to Treat & Prevent Cancer: How Vegetable Juicing Complements a Ketogenic Diet
- Dr. Ben Johnson – Stem Cells, Lasers, and Novel Approaches for Cancer
- Dr. Marlene Siegel – Preventing and Treating Cancer in Pets
- Dr. David Jockers – The Sugar-Cancer Connection
And many more!
It’s 3 days that could very well save your life or the life of someone you love
You’re invited to watch it LIVE at no cost from the comfort of your own home.
Take a minute to get all the details right here. The broadcast starts Thursday, October 5th at 9am Eastern.
I don’t often share resources about cancer but I feel this is such an amazing opportunity to learn and feel empowered so you don’t have to feel anxious about cancer. These experts may just have the healing answers you’ve been looking for! Please share with your friends, family and anyone else you think could use this information!
To your health! See you on the livestream!
Grate! Really very informative post!
This post is really helpful for me. As my best friend suffering from same condition and also she is getting depressed. So, i’ll definitely share this information to make her stress free and encourage her to face this condition in strong way.
Thanks for such encouraging post keep posting with such amazing ideas with us ..!!