On my recent food-mood trip to Boston, I was able to keep going for three days despite the fact that I had picked up a bug or two! I had a slight sore throat before leaving and the long flight and time change didn’t help. It was also a pretty demanding 3 days of all-day presenting on Food and Mood: 9 Steps to Calm the Anxious Mind, Improve Mood & End Cravings. Each day I lectured for about 7 hours and had about an hour of Q&A time answering questions. I really thought I might lose my voice by the end of day two but these natural remedies for colds, flu and sore throats really saved the day!
- Vitamin D (5000IU), which has important antimicrobial properties
- Vitamin C (1000mg 4 x day) and Zinc (30mg), both of which help with the common cold
- Boiron Cold Calm, a homeopathic product that is amazing for cold symptoms
- Boiron Oscillococcinum, a homeopathic product that is amazing for flu symptoms
- Boiron Roxalia, a homeopathic product for hoarseness/voice strain. I love Boiron Cold Calm and Oscillococcinum and always have some on hand, especially when travelling. The Roxalia product was new to me but worked wonders for all the talking and I think should be a standard for speakers and singers! You can check out all the Boiron products here. Another favorite is the Arnica cream which I used on my aching feet (all that standing!)
- I drank warm herbal tea all day. I had a jug of hot water up near the podium and enjoyed sipping on Throat Coat!
- I also gargled twice a day with a few drops of tea tree oil diluted in warm water
- And another new one for me was Manuka lozenges – lozenges made from pure manuka New Zealand honey, very soothing on the throat and with great anti-bacterial properties. This is a keeper too!
I did of course also make sure to eat well, drink plenty of filtered water and get a good night’s sleep. I hope you can benefit from some of these wonderful natural remedies too.
Thanks for the tips. Throat Coat is a life saver for sure.
I hadn’t heard of a couple of your remedies and I’ll be sure to check them out. You also provide solid solutions that work and that are good for you.
Thanks for doing what you do.
Write on!~
Lisa Manyon
You’re welcome and I’m glad to hear you have found Throat Coat to help.
Thanks for all these ideas together in one place. I’m familiar with both Cold Calm and Oscillococcinum, and I usually keep some handy. But how do I know which one to take? Is it a cold, or is it flu? Can you shed some light on that?
Thanks again for all you do!
Grace Heer
Gemstone Coaching
Mine the Jewels Within You!
Hi Grace
With flu you’ll often have fever, muscle aches and headaches. If I’m not sure I often just take both to be safe.
Hi, I was wondering if it was safe to take both, and looking at the active ingredients I did not see anything duplicated, which would be my concern with over the counter medicine. Would it be fine to give it to an 11 yr old? he seems to have all symptoms. I don’t know if homeopathic should be approached the same way as conventional medicine. Thanks
I can’t provide specific feedback and recommend working with your naturopath on this
Thanks for your recommendations, Trudy. I’m with you, I use many of these. Can make a HUGE difference in getting through without feeling drugged up.
Absolutely Sue! so pleased to hear you use many of these great remedies too!
Great tips Trudy – I hadn’t heard of Manuka lozenges – will check them out – my brother has just moved to Boston so great to hear you have been spreading your wisdom there also!
Hi Heidi
I’m sure the Manuka lozenges are also available in Australia – since New Zealand is your neighbor. If you come to visit your brother in US make sure to give me a shout!
Trudy, great post! I just love love love all Boiron’s products! I have them year round and in abundance in my home.
My husband had H1N1 before it hit the air ways and it was Oscillococcinum that not only got rid it of it in 3 days but protected the rest of the family!
I personally have warded off sickness so many times having these in my cupboard! We all carry a vile of Oscillococcinum with us at all times!
If you go to their website you can usually can get a great coupon for a couple of dollars off!
And the nice thing is you can find them in the pharmacy-wahoooo!
Wow, very interesting about your husband and H1N1. And good to know about the coupons – thanks!
Yes throat coat is great. I will have to check out your other options.
With a newborn in the house I really love these tips to keep the family cold free. Thank you!!
Kiyla Fenell
Wonderful Kiyla – and congrats on your little bundle of joy! Trudy
Great tips, Trudy! It is important to stay well – especially while traveling!
XO, Katherine.
Oh yes – I always stock up before I leave on a trip. Fortunately these Boiron products are nice and light
Trudy, re: the Vitamin D…D what? D2?
I didn’t know about the Boiron products and the Manuka lozenges. Will definitely check them out.
Thank you for the valuable info.
Hi Paula
You want to get D3 – here is an earlier post on vitamin D, type and amount https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/vitamin-d/
Enjoy the Boiron products – I know you will
Dear Trudy,
Thank you for these wonderful tips. What brand of manuka honey lozenges did you use?
Grateful for you!!!
I don’t recall the brand but these days I like the manuka honey itself