I love to bring you valuable content so I’m so pleased to be sharing this online event with you!
Learn secret cures to naturally heal your body from 30 unique presentations! The Natural Cures Movement includes natural remedies and treatment protocols for specific conditions like hypothyroidism, anxiety and depression, autoimmune disease, arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease. The home remedies and natural cures you will discover could help you begin a path to better health and disease prevention! Plus, it’s FREE and online from October 6-13. 2014.
Take your health to the next level when you join Dr. Josh Axe, founder of one of the top 25 natural health websites in the world, DrAxe.com, and author of The Real Food Diet Cookbook. It’s his mission to educate millions around the world in order to help them transform their health.
Here are a few of the incredible presenters:
Dr. Joseph Mercola, Take Control of Your Health & Insulin
Dr. Josh Axe, Natural Cures for Leaky Gut
Sayer Ji, 10 Food Medicines That Could Save Your Life
Suzy Cohen, RPh, Natural Remedies for Thyroid & Autoimmune Disease
Vani Hari, How to Cure Yourself Despite Food Companies and Your Doctor
If you haven’t yet hear me present or want to hear me again, my food-mood-anxiety interview aired today (day 3) together with Marc David, Katie Wellness Mama and Lauren Geersten.
Here are a few gems from my food-mood-anxiety interview:
To raise low serotonin:
- 5-HTP or tryptophan (amino acid supplements) taken between meals
- Exercise, sunshine or a full spectrum lamp, and diet (quality real food and wild fish and grass-fed red meat and healthy fats!)
- Pumpkin seeds – research shows that a functional food rich in tryptophan and zinc (made of pumpkin seeds) reduced social anxiety and helps sleep!
We didn’t get to talk about all the amino acids and brain chemical imbalances so here is a high level summary:
- glutamine for low blood sugar
- GABA for stress-eating/low GABA
- tyrosine when you need a sugar or caffeine pickup/low catecholamines
- DPA for comfort/emotional eating and low endorphins.
I love and highly recommend the eating psychology work of Marc David and I really enjoyed Katie’s talk on beautiful healthy coconut!
Here are some gems from her interview:
- anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties and high in antioxidants
- high in MCTs and easily digested so you don’t need bile to digest them, plus they help boost metabolism
- she combines it with oregano oil for oil pulling/swishing in mouth
- use it for cooking, as a body lotion, to help prevent diaper rash, as a hair detangler, as a massage oil
Register for FREE now at the following link: https://ju127.isrefer.com/go/summitreg/trudyscottcn/
Enjoyed your informative interview with Dr. Axe, Trudy. Sheds a lot of light on amino acids and how they relate to function. So many thrown nonchalantly on serious prescription drugs with life-altering side affects when diet and supplementing when needed can be like a light bulb turned on. I look forward to exploring more in your book.
Hi Molly
Thanks! so pleased you enjoyed it! And yes diet is so powerful and so is addressing nutritional deficiencies!
Hello. I just listened to your talk on the natural cures movement. I found it very interesting and will get the book for myself. I was wondering though if you could point me in a good direction for my daughter. I have a 12 year old daughter who has a lot of trouble sleeping. She doesn’t fall asleep easily and wakes up several times during the night. She also gets stomach aches frequently. I’ve given her melatonin on and off at night, but that doesn’t seem to help. I also give her pro-biotics, though not consistently. She just decided to go vegetarian, which now concerns me a bit based on your talk. But, she’s been having this problem for the 6-8 months and she’s only been vegetarian for the past month.
I’m not sure what she might be deficient in or how to tell? If you could point me in a good direction for resources, diet or supplements, I would really appreciate it.
Hi Christy
I’d go back to basics and look at food sensitivities when someone has stomach aches. I’d also consider dysbiosis/candida/parasites/SIBO as these can affect sleep. Probiotics would help but more can be done to get rid of the “bugs”.
Other factors when it comes to sleep: high cortisol, EMFs/clock radio/cell phone by the head, low blood sugar (not getting protein at the start of the day and not keeping blood sugar stable through the day).
Does DPA refer to the omega-3 clupanodonic acid? If so, would EPA & DHA provide a similar benefit?
Hi Frasier
DPA is d-phenylalanine, an amino acid that boosts endorphin levels by destroying the enzyme that breaks down endorphins. It’s not the same as DHA. I like the Lidtke brand called Endorphigen.
Awesome presentation! Good researching! Thanks for the follow up too on the amino acids. I was sad when that didn’t happen during the interview. Very thoughtful of you. I work as a health care practicioner and would love to learn more about the balancing of the neurotransmitters to help my patients. So useful. Do you use Nuero Science testing?
Is all this information for practitioners covered in your book? Thanks!
Health and Happiness to you too !!
Hi Katia
Thanks! so glad you enjoyed it! I do not do urinary neurotransmitter testing and I say why not here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/urinary-neurotransmitter-testing-falls-short/ I like to use the amino acid questionnaire and response to the aminos. Here is the questionnaire https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/amino-acids-mood-questionnaire-from-the-antianxiety-food-solution/
My book has the questionnaire and very detailed information on each amino acid – when to take them and how much – enjoy!
Health and Happiness to you too !
I suffer from severe anxiety disorder for the past year and have tried many things (including my diet). I would get better and then another set back would occur. I could use some help especially because mine is focused on my health and headaches, Andrew
Hi Andrew
I’m very sorry to hear this. If you’ve tried all the dietary approaches and addressed all the possible nutritional deficiencies and brain chemical imbalances then it may be time to look at Lyme disease, toxins, heavy metals, like H/pylori (can cause headaches and anxiety) and other factors. You may need to work with a holistic health practitioner to help you figure things out
If you could recommend a full spectrum lamp brand and size, that would be great! I feel I could really benefit from it.
Hi Nikki
Here is a great one if you’re looking for a desk lamp http://www.fullspectrumsolutions.com/light_therapy_desk_white_314_prd1.htm
Hi Trudy,
I loved the talk with Dr. Axe. The information on bipolar was very interesting as I have that. It was a shame OCD wasn’t covered. My sister has OCD and I was wondering what advice I could give her on that? We come from a typical western – diet family. My mother has diabetes and low thyroid, one sister OCD, the other tension and anxiety and me bipolar. I’m convinced they are all some how linked. Any advice greatly appreciated.
Hi Michelle
I’m so pleased you loved the Dr Axe interview and sorry we skipped over the OCD question!
Low serotonin can be a factor in obsessive thinking and behaviors and mild OCD, so I like to start with boosting serotonin with tryptophan (and a good diet, grass-fed red meat, exercise and light).
If that’s not enough then inositol has been shown to help with OCD. I’ve had great results with it with clients, using up to 18g. I like to start low and build up. A powdered form is a good way to take it.
You do also need to rule out the possibility of PANDAs /previous strep infection
Thank you for clarifying DPA; the Wikipedia page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DPA did not list D-phenylalanine (I just added it), and a google search for “DPA supplement” returns results for both the amino acid and the fatty acid.
Can you explain why you recommend DPA instead of DLPA?
P.S. I wasn’t confusing it with DHA (from Wikipedia):
all-cis-7,10,13,16,19-docosapentaenoic acid is an ω-3 fatty acid with the trivial name clupanodonic acid, commonly called DPA. It is an intermediary between eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5 ω-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6 ω-3). Seal oil is a rich source.
Hi Frasier
Well done for adding it! (and thanks for the clarification on the other DPA)
DPA alone helps to raise more of the endorphins so you get a bigger effect for comfort, reward, euphoria. DLPA does some of this but some converts to tyrosine and is more energizing. I like to have my clients use DPA for the endorphin boost and tyrosine to raise low catecholamines (if needed).
Always a wealth of information from you, Trudy! I point people to your blog all the time. I appreciate your working so hard to get the word out.
thanks Sue – and I do appreciate you sharing my blog
The group of experts appear to have a wide range of knowledge in this field. Clearly you are hanging out in the right crowd.
Good for you!
Thanks Mitch! what a nice comment!
What a great initiative it sounds like Trudy – your work is continually going up a level – congratulations.
I’m a huge fan of pumpkin seeds so its super cool to read the research thanks for sharing your wisdom as always.
You’re so welcome Heidi – I also love pumpkin seeds!
During this call with Dr. Axe Trudy Scott is sharing information that truly can be life changing! t]The link she reveals between pyroluria and introversion was fascinating to learn. I also really enjoyed the easy practical tips she shares. A fantastic resource for anyone who has ever experience mood/anxiety issues (and who hasn’t these days).
Hi Annika
Lovely to hear from you here! I’m so pleased you found this information life changing! and yes, isn’t the link between pyroluria and introversion so fascinating – here is the blog post I wrote on this topic https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/anxious-introvert-because-of-low-zinc-and-vitamin-b6/
Natural is the way to go!
Write on!~
Sorry I missed this! You are always a part of the best events, Trudy!