Here is a resource for you: Chapter 1 of Dr. Kelly Brogan’s new book on depression: A Mind of Your own.
And a reminder… if you’ve read chapter 1 and love it (and I’m sure you do!), and plan to buy a copy, Kelly is asking for your help.
It launched March 16th and there is a grass-roots effort to share this book widely because of the mainstream media blackout. Sayer Ji of GreenMedInfo shares this:
Unless about 3,000 copies of the book are sold in physical book stores throughout the country by Monday March 21st, it will not have a chance to make the NY Times and related best seller lists. Why is this so important?
Two big reasons.
One, because it sends a message that when major publishing companies like Harper Collins decide to print, uncensored, information that challenges the status quo, that instead of failing to receive a return on their investment, they can be further lionized in putting their money, influence, and power behind the truth, because not only is it the right thing to do but its good business (which ultimately is what drives future book buying decisions).
Two, because the very large publishers, like the NY Times, who wanted to ignore the message, and even threatened to publish negative reviews, will be compelled to acknowledge its success in their own best seller lists. Poetic, right?
So if you’d like to help, Kelly is asking that you buy a copy at your local bookstore by the end of day on Monday (and preferably sooner), take a picture with the book and show your support by posting on social media with #amindofyourown
I’d love to see the picture on my facebook page too or just tag me.
Get access to chapter 1 of the book here. Be sure to enter your receipt number here so you can get access to a Q and A webinar too
And stay tuned for details of my upcoming audio interview with Kelly next week. Have you got questions you’d like me to ask her? If yes, please post them here and we’ll address them in our interview.
Check out the book selfies here – what fun! and what a lot of support!
Trudy Scott (CN), Certified Nutritionist is the founder of, a thriving nutrition practice with a focus on food, mood and women’s health. Trudy educates women about the amazing healing powers of food and nutrients and helps them find natural solutions for anxiety and other mood problems. Trudy’s goal for all her clients (and all women): “You can be your healthiest, look your best and feel on-top-of-the-world emotionally!”
A question from a reader: “Regarding the neurotransmitter organic acid testing, how would she evaluate and treat abnormalities as indicated on the test? For example if homovanillate (HVA) and vanilmandelate (VMA) are very high what would her best recommendations be? And what about low 5-HIAA?
Thanks a lot. PS. I am enjoying her book.”
I’ll just clarify: homovanillate (HVA) and vanilmandelate (VMA) that are very high indicate norepinephrine elevation and epinephrine elevation. Low 5-HIAA indicates low serotonin levels. I’ll ask Kelly what her best recommendations would be.