Mercury toxicity is a big issue when it comes to anxiety. Detoxification of mercury can be a complex process and is often controversial. I recently had the opportunity to hear Professor Boyd Haley’s interview on the Heavy Metals Summit where he addresses all this so well and shares some cutting-edge information. I was really quite blown away with what I learned.
Effective Mercury Detoxification Strategies is covered by Professor Haley, a researcher I have been following for years. He is interviewed by one of the summit hosts, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt who asks brilliant questions. Be prepared for deep questions and some pretty technical feedback.
Professor Haley shares this about mercury amalgams in the mouth and iron that is displaced:
mercury vapor can penetrate any part of the body it wants. Mercury would rather be in fatty tissues, and that makes the brain a prime target. Plus, you can take it in through the axonal nerves… from the nasal cavity up into the brain. And if you breathe it, it gets into the body and it travels, basically penetrating every cell or any membrane.
When mercury is converted from Hg0 [elemental mercury] to Hg2+ [inorganic mercury] it displaces iron from iron sulfur centers in the brain. And that iron is now free, and iron is a very potent oxidative stress inducer…that’s associated with Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological illnesses [such as anxiety].
He talks about the synergistic effect of aluminum and mercury, and offers that the DMPS challenge test does show mercury body burden but isn’t good enough for reducing body burden, and that both DMPS and DMSA can make some people sicker and affect their kidneys. This has always been one of my concerns with this approach. I shared how I reacted badly to DMPS in my anxiety summit interview with Dr. John Dempster.
Professor Haley then shares how he set out to find a safe and non-toxic heavy metal chelator that would cross the blood-brain barrier, get inside the cells and bind the mercury. The compound was initially sold as an antioxidant (as OSR), is now called NBMI and is in phase 2 clinical trials:
It was sold for a long time, and called OSR, Oxidative Stress Relief. And now, it’s called NBMI…it takes a carboxybenzoate which is found in berries and couples to the carboxyl groups cystamine which is cysteine without the carboxyl group. And when you do that, you neutralize both of the charges, and you make an uncharged compound that has two sulfurs off two arms that can surround a mercury atom or any atom of any size.
And that compound is what we’re working on today. We’re now going into phase two studies. When we gave it to humans in a phase one study, the safety and pharmacokinetics, it was 60-80% absorbed into the blood. And we didn’t have one single adverse effect reported. It is the same thing we had when we sold it as a dietary antioxidant – this compound not only does it bind mercury, it is a very potent oxygen-radical scavenger, just like glutathione.
As of now this compound is only available in Switzerland and chelates any metal that binds sulfur – like mercury, lead, iron, cadmium, copper – all of which can increase anxiety when levels are high.
Dr. Klinghardt has been using it with success and feels Professor Haley deserves the Nobel Prize for his work! This is so promising because as you’ll hear in Dr. Klinghardt’s interview: Biophysics of Heavy Metal Detox (don’t miss this one either) heavy metal toxicity is at the root of most illnesses:
I found over the years that decreasing the body burden off metals, especially aluminum, lead, and mercury – if you can get that down – there is a point when we have been effective where all the vitality comes back.
I am so excited to share more as I learn more.
A good complement to the above two interviews is co-host, Dr. Christine Shaffer’s interview on Metal Allergies and Detoxing the Brain, where she shares much of what makes a detox successful. The discussion on how to get the brain’s glymphatic system working well is fascinating: sleep, melatonin (liposomal) and even GABA (also liposomal), looking at the vagus nerve and much more.
Update 7/10/20:
Here are updates on progress, new studies and proposed new applications – Mercury & gadolinium toxicity, iron overload, COVID-19: NBMI research update and potential applications.
The EmeraMed site has information about which countries are allowing early access. Please contact the company directly rather than ask me about how to obtain the product as I am simply sharing what they have shared with me. I also encourage you to sign up for EmeraMed’s newsletter so you can keep up to date with progress and access information.
I still find NBMI intriguing and look forward to it being readily available once the studies are completed. I’ll share again when I have additional information.
Dear Trudy,
Thank you for this important post.
2 questions:
1. Is it possible to purchase NMBI somehow?
2. If someone is sensitive and does not do well on glutathione, do you think they will react the same way to NMBI?
Thank you in advance!
Glutathione should NOT be used by ANYONE for Heavy Metal removal, not only is it ineffective it will damage many people because it makes a WEAK bond with Mercury, I am sorry if you are yet another victim of the ignorant people who promote Glutathione like Wendy Myers, Shady and pretty much all of Functional Medicine and Naturopathic Medicine.
Quick question – we are detoxing my 3 year old with mercury (and lead) loading via the Cutler schedule.
His doctor wants to add Transdermal (TD) Glutathione – I know from Cutler that IV = NEVER and oral is not useful but TD was always considered ‘ineffective’ but not forbidden.
Any thoughts on this?
What about oral NAC as a precursor to Glutathione?
Goal is to boost the system while the SLOW Cutler Chelation (ACC) does its job.
I use glutathione successfully
I have found it a life saver in my detox regime
I think you have to be careful what brand of glutathione you use And introduce it very slowly
But for me it’s been fantastic
Boyd Haley, PhD, MIAOMT talks about the effectiveness of GSH and NBMI on Youtube: Therefore, your comments are misinformed
Research shows: “Symposium overview: the role of glutathione in neuroprotection and neurotoxicity.”
But Dr. Klinghardt himself was using it and some people got really really sick. Is he not advising to do it anymore?? Reason I didnt go to him.
I’m not aware of this – please do share more
NBMI is in clinical trials and Dr. Boyd shared it’s only available via prescription in Switzerland right now. I’m hoping this will change soon. I can’t answer the glutathione question but can just share what Dr. Boyd shared about NBMI: “we didn’t have one single adverse effect reported.” This is why I’m so excited about it.
Would you care to share what reactions you had to glutathione? and if you know you have heavy metal toxicity and which metals?
Hopefully we’ll hear more about glutathione on the summit.
We used OSR years ago Four our son. He made great strides then it was taken off the market. I would like do get it again.
Unfortunately it’s not yet commercially available. I’d love to hear what benefits your son saw and how much he used?
He cognitive abilities improved, social communication improved and we only had him on it 5 months before iit was pulled. Is it available Internationally? We heard about it through our DAN doctor. Stuart Friedenfeld out of NJ. He speaks at many Autism conferences.
NBMI availability to purchase?
Is there a way to be put on a list to be contacted when NBMI is available to purchase?
In the meantime, is there a reputable place to purchase DMSA or DMPS?
Thank you for the information.
– Daren
It’s not yet commercially available and I’ll announce here when it is or you can contact them directly. I don’t know where you can purchase DMSA/DMPS
Can we buy it from a retailer in Switzerland ? How long before it is available in the US?
I have chronic Morgellons I also have a mouthful of mercury fillings sadly I’ve spent my life savings seeing private doctors and not one has helped I truly believe Morgellons to be a reaction or build up of toxins such as aluminium chemtrails soaking into the body then reacting with the mercury that’s been in my body for years
I would be eternally grateful if this Nbmi was prescribed for me I’ve tried everything to rid this from my skin & body but I’m riddled.
How much is this stuff maybe he could clinically trial it on me I would make an ideal lab rat considering how destroyed my skin is & the horrendous brain fog I suffer.
William Windsor King
Feel free to PM me on my Facebook.
I’m sorry to hear about your symptoms. Best would be to reach out directly to Professor Boyd Haley and his team.
If you haven’t already looked into it, exploring Lyme disease and hypothyroidism as possible contributing factors to the chronic Morgellons ( Dr. Darin Ingels is author of “The Lyme Solution” and is a wonderful functional medicine doctor (his book review
Dietary oxalates and benzodiazepine use (current or past) may be a factor in some of the crawling sensations and pain.
Many folks with Morgellons have worsening depression, anxiety and insomnia but the amino acids like GABA ( and tryptophan ( can provide some relief while they are seeking root cause resolution.
Hi Trudy,
How can I get some help and contact a doctor in Switzerland to have NBMI prescribed for me?
Any suggestion is highly appreciated. I live in New York and I guess getting it in the US is much harder if not impossible. I need it for mercury toxicity.
Thank you.
I suggest reaching out directly to the company
Olive and anyone else that might see this, just to clarify what Trudy noted below because as it is not clear in her post, Boyd said that, “and we didn’t have one single adverse effect reported”, this is in regards to NBMI, NOT Glutathione (see the text in article above).
Boyd is VERY aware that Glutathione has only ONE thiol component and is a very WEAK chelator, and this is why people get damaged ALL THE TIME! You can bet they WON’T be talking about this on the Summit….haha. Oh no, Glutathione is the bodies Master Antioxidant, it is needed for Metal Detox, yada yada yada. Basic chemistry folks, of course it took a PHD Chemist to point out this MAJOR fly in the ointment, and how flawed the studies using it truly are. Then once you see a newly damaged person every week, you truly realize just how bad of an idea this really is. Some people do not recover from the damage, some do it can take months. Neuropathy is common, anxiety through the roof, crazy bad fatigue, pain everywhere, the list goes on it moves around a crap load of metal when done in an IV, so damages done can produce any number of metal symptoms.
Hi Jason, you are very passionate and knowledgeable about this topic. Filtering through the literature is daunting. I have concerns with heavy metal detox protocols interacting with the increase exposure to EMF’s, which exacerbate the problem. Do you have suggestions or recommendations for heavy metal detoxification purposes?
Trudy, thank you for creating space for all dialog related to heavy metal detoxification. I too have seen people end up with more health complications (kidney & eye issues) after someone initiated detox protocols on them.
Kind Regards to you both!
EMF/ELF and microwave comes up a lot in the summit – don’t miss Mercola’s talk! He shared how all this can make matters worse and has some simple approaches like turning off power in the bedroom at night! This was new to me and a brilliant approach!
Would you please share what detox protocols you’ve seen that have caused problems?
Hi JD. Thank you it has been a very long road for me with many challenges, I have seen and learned so much over the last 10 years and seen so many people suffering that I feel compelled to continue to raise awareness on these types of issues.
You are wise to be concerned about chelation and EMF’s, because for some people chelation makes EMF sensitivity worse, in the short term (and then there are many more who have the issue and are not even aware of it….). There are many many considerations and complexities here and individual considerations that need to be accounted for that it really is beyond the scope of a forum like this.
As you likely know already, avoidance is the most important strategy when it comes to EMF’s, the best quick advice I can give is that and to chelate slowly and safely with a proper protocol that uses strong chelators only while taking them on their half-life to keep blood levels up (minimizing redistribution) while giving the Adrenals adequate support, these 3 are critical.
I disagree
Glutathione needs to be taken with many binders .
The mistake people make is that they do not take the correct binders when using glutathione.
I am very toxic with heavy metals and using glutathione daily has been a key part in getting to where I am today healthwise.
The glutathione system becomes depleted and there’s no way to get these metals out of the body with a depleted glutathione system. This is why NBMI works as it upregulates the glutathione system while also chelating the metals out with a super strong bond to the metals, so they are removed effectively.
It uses the very same P450 glutathione system to remove the metals so works really well to do some of the Quicksilver supplements along side taking it.
I dont think they have tested NBMI on humans. Only mice or rats.DOSEN’T matter same thing
You can buy it on line. But it CLEARLY states..Not for HUMANS
I too would like to know where it is available to purchase? I have been asking for close to a year. Is it available in Germany? Or USA?
Yes if you go to the Facebook group Andy Cutler Safe Mercury Detox ,you’ll find some people coming from Dr K having become much worse with glutathione and getting better with Cutlers’ protocol. Dr K just didn’t know how to correct it and some said he abandoned them and refused their phone calls.
Dear Trudy,
Thank you. This is very interesting, I never knew about NMBI until now. Great to know there are safer options out there.
There are many protocols out there, so many claiming to be the only one you can chelate safely with, which makes matters even more frustrating and scary for those who are already scared of the whole process to begin with!!!
My question is about thiol intolerance- there is one protocol out there that says that this is due to mercury and the liver not being able to process thiols effectively making the mercury bounce around but not be able to make its way out of the body. The solution is to chelate and the problem will go away.
I am curious if you might know about this? I have thiol intolerance and don’t believe I have mercury. This is different then have a gluten intolerance or similar reactions to food.
Hi, how cannot it not be? I have tried to search for other solutions myself but havent found one.
Trudy great write up! So happy you are learning so much more about this very unfortunate and extremely common root cause to so many people’s problems.
Please remember WHY you had a bad reaction to DMPS, you did a challenge test where they give you a VERY LARGE dose of DMPS or DMSA all at once. NO ONE should do this test, not only is it NOT informative (everyone has some level of metals in them, so will very likely test positive, and it does not show what is stored in the brain, organs or cells where most of it is) but it damages MANY people because it very simply mobilizes too much metal all at one time! That is so simple, yet Naturopaths and Functional Docs damage people this way ALL THE TIME with this dangerous flawed test because that is what they were taught out of ignorance of not knowing a better way (it IS very tricky to test for).
No one, no matter WHAT chelator they are using, should mobilize a LOT of metal all at one time. Many people have died, and many more have been injured, sometimes permanently. It makes NO sense at all, the body can not handle a bunch of metal roaming around especially once the half life kicks in and the person is basically re-poisoned, only this time will a very large dose all at once.
Unfortunately the Summit will be full of this very BAD type of info, Klinghart for example, still uses DMPS IV and damages people all the time, then blames Lyme and other factors, one of his victims is my client, this poor soul also did EDTA IV and it very nearly killed him. Myers who is holding the summit is basically a Klinghart wanna-be, Pompa took Culter’s system the one that made him better and made it more dangerous less effective and super expensive, Shady uses ineffective chelators, and ALL of these people and ALL of the “good Docs” ignore basic chemistry and use many single thiol weak chelators and ignore the half-life of all chelators they use which is a recipe for disaster. Many get lucky it is true, and these VERY poor methods combined with other healing things they are doing manage to help them get mostly better, many others who are more poisoned do NOT get lucky and end up worse and/or damaged, I see new ones all the time it is so unfortunate.
Hi Jason
Thanks for contributing to the discussion. I know you feel very strongly about this topic and would request that your posts “respectfully disagree” with certain approaches practitioners use, rather than insulting well-meaning and caring practitioners. I too have concerns about many of the chelation approaches, because even though many people do really well some people do get worse. I wish there was a way to test how people are going to respond before starting chelation. It’s my concerns that lead me to write today’s blog in order to share this information about this new chelation agent.
I did ask Wendy if Andrew Cutler was going to be interviewed and was informed he had recently passed away. I was very sad to hear this. I would have enjoyed hearing Wendy, Dr. Shaffer, Dr Klinghardt and Dr. Boyd discussing the pros and cons of the various chelation approaches with Andrew Cutler.
I would love to hear your thoughts about this product NBMI?
Hi Trudy. No insults were necessary, I only spoke the truth and simple facts, these well-meaning practitioners are ignoring simple chemistry out of ignorance and damage people all the time, no insults there. Most of them really do mean well (not all of them) and are just doing what they were taught, which unfortunately was based on HEAVILY flawed studies. What I tell people all the time is that these are really good Doctors EXCEPT when it comes to heavy metals, and to ignore all advice regarding that and to check ALL supplements recommended with a 3rd source who DOES fully understand Metals.
There is no need for a test that will predict how someone will react to a poorly designed chelation protocol, since a MUCH safer and effective protocol exists that does not ignore basic chemistry, and does NOT move a TON of metal around all at once, which really is just common sense. Anyone that thinks moving a lot of metal around all at once is okay, should NOT be practicing medicine and have their license taken away, that really is not only ignorance but pure stupidity, and then to deny that their treatment damaged the person is just a slap in the face to the now damaged person. I have many more things I could say about this, as I see newly damaged people EVERY WEEK, and unlike them, I understand what is going on and emphasize with them greatly.
Yes unfortunately the World’s true expert on Heavy Metals is no longer with us. I will tell you that he would not be caught even dead in the same room with those other people, because he feels the same way I do about them and was never tried to hide his true feelings, seeing people getting damaged OVER and OVER again over the last 20 years made him angry to no end, and rightly so since it was unnecessary. Andy was very adamant there was only one logical way to chelate that made any sense at all once someone understand the chemistry and bio-chemistry involved, and he is dead right about it, we see the proof every day in the Facebook Group which now has 37K members.
I have great respect for Andy Cutler and his work. He is acknowledged in the summit by a number of speakers, all of them saying they feel we have more at our disposal to support metal toxic individuals. I encourage you to sign up and listen and ask questions and sharing your experiences with the Cutler protocol. As I mentioned I would have loved to hear a good discussion on this approach.
As I said to Karin I’ve also been pouring through the transcripts and there is so much info on support for mercury toxicity and the detox: saunas, broccoli sprouts (due to glutathione boost from sulforaphane), reducing EMF/ELF and microwave exposure, eating organic (to minimize GMO/glyphosate effects on leaky gut and leaky BBB), addressing low zinc/selenium, supporting methylation, supporting the liver and increasing bile production, addressing low stomach acid (needed for bile production and absorption of minerals like zinc), avoiding meds like PPIs and NSAIDs, thyroid support/iodine and much more.
This is the support I offer as a nutritionist and it’s wonderful to hear all these doctors talk about all this. As with any chronic health condition it’s a comprehensive approach and very individualized.
The summit also covers other metals like copper, arsenic and lead.
And to clarify it’s Chris Shade not Chris Shady.
He’s right.
Rather than just hear that you don’t agree with these views, I’d like to hear your views on how to detox heavy metals. Maybe we can learn from you.
Wow, great information and I am anticipating this Heavy Metal Summit!
My personal experience: Removed one amalgam filling this last September (not very safe removal). Mercury probably irritating/burdening my immune system for 25 or almost 30 years! Also have struggled with systemic Candida, IBS etc. Strong reaction with fatigue, headaches, nausea after removal. Noticed that I had adverse reaction when taking “Coriander” essential oil, which apparently mobilises mercury in the body. Have since stabilizing detox reactions stayed far away from any detox protocols (gluthatione, coriander or chelators). Dont want to burden my body with more mercury or heavy metals than it can handle.
I have shown too much aluminum, too little magnesium and too little calcium and iron on hair analysis (mercury “hidden” in tissue not showing on analysis prior to removal). I had blood tests prior to removal showing too little homocysteine, which I have understood can be a sign of poor detoxing ability in the body. Can someone confirm this?
Also had some problems with my thyroid on the same side as the amalgam filling was. Ultrasound showed some irregularity, but no-one took it seriously medically. How can mercury affect the thyroid?
Also will wait until I have had improvement in digestion, bacterial and microbiome balance in my gut before doing anything about possible detox from heavy metal. Really hope the Heavy Metal Summit will give me more answers. I am very cautious about doing any detox un-assisted, but not sure who I will trust to work with!? There is so much contradictory and confusing information on this topic. Good thing there is a Summit to hopefully raise some of those questions for the betterment of all the “guinea pigs” out there!! It is crazy how some close their eyes to the dangers of handling heavy metals carelessly (dentists, doctors). It is hard for normal people to get the needed help in terms of health issues caused by heavy metals…!!
Mercury can affect many areas in the body and the thyroid is just one. Here is one paper on amalgams/mercury and thyroid I hope you enjoy the summit and learn a great deal.
May I ask, do you still recommend getting rid of mercury fillings if you have them in your mouth? I have heard that sometimes just the process of getting them out can make you sick. I know there is a biomedical dentist in my area that does claim to be able to remove them safely, but it still frightens me. Any guidance you can give me would be greatly appreciated! Thank you, LOUISE Duhamel
Sent from my iPad
Mercury is toxic and can cause many health issues and many people can’t excrete it. For my clients with anxiety I always recommend safe removal of amalgams/mercury fillings. They do need to be done safely so as not to cause further issues. The IOMT lists guidelines here These guidelines were not in place when mine were removed and although a lot of this was done much of it wasn’t done!
Thanks so much for posting this information. I will be looking into using NBMI when it’s available in my country. My functional doctor put me through the DMSA urine challenge test (I’ve never been quite the same since), and once I had had all my amalgams removed by a holistic dentist and waited a few weeks, I started chelating using Andy Cutler’s protocol, i.e. I started on 10mg DMSA every 4 hours for 3 days. After battling through 4 “rounds”, I made the decision that pharmaceutical chelators are extremely damaging to my already damaged, exhausted, small, thin body, even done the Andy Cutler way. I can’t begin to tell you how sick I was “on round”. There is no way I will be able to tolerate years of DMSA. According to the DMSA urine challenge test, I have severe mercury and lead poisoning, plus cadmium and nickel levels that are too high. I am in the process of sending off a hair test to the US to get confirmation of the heavy metal toxicity levels (and other minerals).
After the DMSA nightmare, I made the decision to try to chelate naturally, using undenatured whey protein to boost the glutathione levels in my body. I’ve started increasing the whey protein slowly. It will take many years. I am not taking glutathione capsules orally. I also will not do IV glutathione. I have read scary reports of people doing IV DMPS or DMSA along with IV glutathione. I think that is where the glutathione horror stories come from.
The way I understand it, the heavy metal poisoning is a result of glutathione being depleted in my body from being on psychiatric medication for 22 years. This destroyed my immune system. I understand that many pharmaceutical drugs can deplete glutathione levels. The drug that did the worst damage was Xanax (a benzodiazepine). This may be a simplistic way of looking at a complex problem, but I’m hoping that by reversing this process (i.e. increasing my glutathione levels naturally), the metals can slowly chelate out of my body naturally. That being said, however, I am extremely interested in other safe, gentle chelation methods and would like to thank you sincerely for putting this information out there. I would also like to thank you for your blog on benzodiazepines. I have been extremely ill for 12 years because I took Xanax for 8 months. Now I know at last that this poison caused heavy metal poisoning, the symptoms of which are very similar to psychiatric illness, eg. insomnia, anxiety, depression. I have a lot more hideous symptoms like severe hair loss, complete inability to exercise or even move around normally, I am house-bound and have to watch every single thing I do and ingest. In addition, the DMSA has made me extremely sensitive to high thiol foods and my diet is now even more limited. I also have multiple chemical sensitivities, so taking supplements is completely out of the question.
So much for modern medicine – the more I see what happens in doctors’ surgeries and in hospitals, the more horrified I am. It is so-called modern medicine that has stolen 12 years of my life, and still counting.
Thank you for sharing and sorry to hear what you have been through. I would suspect the benzodiazepine heavy metal combination is not a good thing – likely one reason why we see some people do fine and others not do well with various approaches.
I am in complete support of giving the body the support to detox on it’s own. Dr. Christine Shaffer covers more on this in her interview so be sure to tune in. She talks about sleep, the glymphatic system, liposomal melatonin and much more.
I didn’t know the body could detox metals on its own! I wonder if this can be done for everyone. I am eager to hear about her protocol.
Do any of the presenters talk about thiol sensitivity and how to get rid of it?
As I said to Karin I’ve been pouring through the transcripts and there is so much info on support for mercury toxicity and the detox process: saunas, broccoli sprouts (due to glutathione boost from sulforaphane), reducing EMF/ELF and microwave exposure, eating organic (to minimize GMO/glyphosate effects on leaky gut and leaky BBB), addressing low zinc/selenium, supporting methylation, supporting the liver and increasing bile production, addressing low stomach acid (needed for bile production and absorption of minerals like zinc), avoiding meds like PPIs and NSAIDs, thyroid support/iodine and much more.
This is the support I offer as a nutritionist and it’s wonderful to hear all these doctors talk about all this. As with any chronic health condition it’s a comprehensive approach and very individualized.
No-one talks about thiol sensitivity (at least not from what I have found by searching the transcripts – I have yet to read through them all)
Karin, I feel your pain. I am also very sensitive to thiol foods. It’s a nightmare eating.
I also did the ACC protocol- they told me to forget about healing the gut first and just forge through the chelation at very low levels. This was the worst experience.
My ND told me to be respectful to my body and to boost your body first and then chelate. Thank goodness I heeded her advice, I am so much better now and am ready to get rid of these metals.
Question is now, how? Hopefully this summit will enlighten all of us.
I love the thought about detoxing naturally, I too, am eager to hear about this!
If you have a thiol intolerance it is due to Mercury and Candida. Completely ignore anyone that says it is due to CBS, SUOX or any other genetic issue.
Some people in the ACC group try to encourage people to not delay chelation, because it can be extremely difficult to heal the gut when too much Mercury is circulating, some try for YEARS, and then come back to chelation after failing realizing that they just wasted all that time, this is a big reason you see people encouraging others to just get going because the Gut is a lot easier to heal once a good portion of the Metals are removed. Having said that, healing the Gut IS possible, and all the admins will encourage you to NOT ignore the Gut and to do your best to keep it under wraps while you chelate.
Someone can certainly try to heal the gut before chelation, and even work on some other things to make themselves stronger, as long as they realize they will likely have limited success, and need to chelate asap after trying since when someone is too toxic that really is the ultimate cure for ALL their Mercury related issues.
hey erol, how did u heal the gut? and which detox protocol are you starting? which naturopath are you using ?
stephanie, I am sorry I did not see this until now.
Addressing the gut was a bit of different things.
After having carefully gone through the options, I had decided to go with Dr Yaskos protocol and can’t tell you how much of a benefit it has been even in the early stages of implement(even with all my sensitivities) . Her info is free as she believes that everyone should have access to this information. However, you may want to work with someone on the protocol if you wanted to do this.
Noone should have to push their body through something it is not ready for. This protocol honors that. There are steps involved before allowing your body to fully detoxify. Once you give the body what it needs, it will naturally want to detoxify. That doesn’t mean that its doesnt need a little help with supplements.
If you are interested, she has a website and then her books are online that she puts out there about the protocol- no charge for any of this. She also has a support forum which I absolutely love because it is so supportive and caring. She really puts her love into this and puts into play that there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to this problem.
Whatever you decide to do, listen to what your body is telling you. Your body CAN and WILL heal, if you listen to it & honor it.
Unfortunately it is extremely unlikely Whey will help someone detox, we have to remember if Glutathione was any good at all (and everything people that promote it say it is) people would not be ending up the way they do. It is a good idea to boost Glutathione, but people that have a thiol intolerance WON’T be able to tolerate Whey, it is a single thiol that just makes a weak bond with Mercury and so just moves it around and makes people feel worse. I can not tolerate it at all myself. People that want to boost Glutathione can do that by taking Glutamine and Glycine in a 2:1 ratio, note though that many Mercury ill people can also not tolerate Glutamine very well, they need to start slow.
DMSA is generally NOT a good chelator to start with, because it does an excellent job of feeding Candida, and metal toxic people, especially very sick ones, are already suffering from this badly. Also, chelating Lead, which DMSA does very well, will also make a person feel a LOT worse.
Something else to keep in mind is that the ACC method of chelation is not a magic bullet, it can’t take a very sick person and magically make them better, and chelation in any form is just VERY HARD. Some people are so sick they would really do well to address some of the many issues Mercury causes BEFORE they get going with chelation, like very weak adrenals for just one example. Trying to chelate WITHOUT addressing weak adrenals is a recipe for disaster, yet many people do this and wonder why they felt so bad. This is where an experience practitioner can help guide someone. Having said that, some people are very very sick and start chelating and push through the rough time, and do come out the other side and get better, there are many many success stories over the last 20 years with ACC.
One other SAFE option you can look into (DO NOT take Chlorella, Cilantro, or any of the other MANY very poor chelators that will be promoting at the summit that very sick people get much worse with) is Hair Mineral Balancing, which these practitioners believe gets the body to detox on its own. I have seen many success stories with this, but in my opinion the Mercury won’t be leaving the brain without ALA, so someone should make that a long term goal if going this route. To me this is a good option for someone who is extremely toxic and tried chelation and feels they can not handle it. Note though what I mentioned about DMSA, DMPS is much better tolerated overall, and then someone needs to get on low dose ALA after 3 months, all while addressing the many issues Mercury is causing for them. Good healing to you
I have all your symptoms …I’ll pray for you…I want to buy NBMI…But cant find out where
Nancy – it’s still in clinical trials and not commercially avaialable
Jason bullies many members on Cutler’s FB page who come there looking for answers. Instead, they receive his beat-down only because they followed their physician’s instructions without knowing better.
It’s a shame that he behaves so poorly when a person is only looking for answers.
Hehe, not sure you realize how many “Jason’s” there are, at any rate, you definitely have the wrong one here. I would NEVER, EVER blame the PERSON for following ANY Doctor’s advice. As someone who has been damaged by Western Medicine Doctors AND Alternative Medicine Doctors myself, I would never DREAM of criticizing someone else for trusting their Doctor.
NO ONE in the ACC group does this actually so I’m sure you are just trolling here, even IF they were properly informed to “beware” of the many things these Doctors do that harm people and then they still go and do it, it is a natural instinct to trust a Doctor, until you realize you have been damaged by one, then that instinct quickly disappears. Most Metal toxic people HAVE been damaged by Doctors, unfortunately this is especially by the “well-meaning good Doctors” and we all have empathy for anyone else who does as well.
Thank you so much everyone for responding to my post. I’m quite overwhelmed and very grateful! I will definitely be tuning in to the summit. I want to respond to some of the comments.
Being thiol sensitive is the pits. Goodbye broccolli and all that good stuff. Erol, can you tell me what you did to “boost your body first”? The only supplements I seem to be able to handle is Vit C (fairly large amounts seem to be fine), Vit D3, Omega 3 (very high quality and metal tested) and a Probiotic.
I definitely have Candida, and lots of Mercury I’m sure. I suspect I have had heavy metal poisoning for about 10 years. It took over 8 doctors to get the diagnosis. Only the last doctor thought to include that test. It also wasn’t on my radar at all. I thought I had brain damage from the benzo. I think the metals are lodged deep in my tissues and bones now.
I’m also sure my gut needs to be healed, but how? The first Functional Doctor (FD) I saw 2 years ago gave me glutamine powder, but I am sure this converted to glutamate in my body because it caused anxiety, agitation and insomnia. Nearly everything I try causes insomnia.
I did see the glutamine:glycine ratio for raising glutathione on the LN website (not sure if I can mention the name here), so thanks for that too.
I’m also surprised I can tolerate the whey protein and have been confused about that. The whey I am using is really special and helped me quit the last of the psychiatric meds. Without it, this would not have been possible. I can’t recommend the product highly enough. Without it, sleep is not possible.
My adrenals are a mess. I hardly have any cortisol in my body. The second FD gave me hydrocortisone. I did not tolerate it at all! Now I’m eating lots of grapefruit. I’m not sure if it will help. I saw on LN that it also helps to clear the liver detox pathways.
While reading answers above, I realised that in my country (South Africa) there seems to be a distinct shortage of practitioners that really understand chelation, gut healing etc.
Thank you so much for recommending Hair Mineral Balancing. I am looking into it. After DMSA, I tried Zeolite powder. Another disaster. Never again. I will never try chlorella or cilantro either. ALA is also something I’m going to have to try, but not for a while. I need to reduce the metal levels first.
I also realise that the ACC protocol is not an overnight thing, that one could get a lot worse before getting better. But I just don’t have the strength to get through the bad part right now. I feel that I have reached a dead end, hence the whey protein plan to chelate. But now there are 2 other options on the horizon as well (NBMI and Hair Mineral Balancing). Thanks again everyone. I really appreciate it. I’ll be re-reading everything many times. There’s so much more I’d like to say and ask, but I realise this is not a “Help Karin” forum, so probably not the place.
Hi Karin. Well that is great news you can tolerate the whey then and it helps! It never fails, that someone somewhere will be an ‘exemption’ to the normal rule (sometimes for the good, sometimes for the bad…), our individual biochemistry likes to override otherwise ‘standard rules’.
Gut healing is fairly complex and individual of course so well beyond what can be gone into in a forum, and as I mentioned somewhere here can be a very very hard task if someone is too metal toxic.
Unfortunate on the Glutamine and quite common, even more so when someone has weak adrenals and has been on Benzos, and this can be a very very big problem, because once they get too weak a person can stop tolerating just about all supplements which makes healing anything much much more difficult. Not sure which dose of HC you started on but for people with very weak Adrenals it need to be very very small! They usually have to start anything very slowly and work up, Adrenal support is definitely no exception and critical usually, Adrenals are another complex and tricky problem to deal with. Grapefruit juice can have a similar effect to Licorice Root, it helps the body utilize the Cortisol that is already there, so it won’t increase the amount of Cortisol but at least helps you to use what you do have (and yes can help with Liver phases).
It is World-wide not just South Africa, unfortunately there are only about 0.05% of Doctors who have recognized and acknowledged that ignoring a chelators half-life can make people worse and who have found Dr. Cutlers work, all the rest promote weak chelators and/or prescribe them with no reference to their half-lives. Any good Doctor worth their salt knows how to heal a Gut, but not all understand all the complexities involved for sure. If you feel very stuck and would like the guidance of someone who truly understands all these problems (and a lot more) and how to overcome them I am a Health Coach who does just that, maybe Trudy will give you my email if you contact her it seems she is still not currently taking on new clients. Good healing to you.
So glad the whey is helping – this is not unusual. Since it helps with glutathione production ( I recommend it to clients if tolerated. In this paper ( ) “a case is made for the use of hydrolyzed whey protein to support metal detoxification and neurological function.”
Many years ago, a biological dentist who then also became a nutritionist, shared that he used whey with mercury toxic patients (together with other nutrients) and saw metals go up in hair analysis and then come down as their symptoms improved.
Of course quality is key: organic and preferably grass-fed, cold processed and unsweetened, no gluten/fillers etc either.
Hi Karin, I am in much the same predicament as you are, severely mercury toxic and barely able to keep going. Unfortunately I’m still on Diazepam (another Benzo) and Sertraline (or Zoloft, an SSRI). When I try to wean off the Diazepam I get terrible insomnia and feel like my nerves are under severe strain, so I’m very interested in your whey protein: could you tell me what is special about the product you’re using and which brand/where to buy?
Hi Willemien, my apologies. I only saw your question now. Unfortunately the replies don’t seem to be in date order. Not sure if I’m allowed to put forward products on this forum, but the products that helped me wean off the last of my psychiatric meds (which I used trying to recover from the benzo) were from a website called Point of Return. The PoR products helped enormously with everything, especially insomnia. I am now 6 months medication free and doing fine. I still use the PoR products and will continue using them for a while.
Once off the meds, I had my amalgam fillings removed by a holistic dentist. Then I started chelating using DMSA. I tried 2 different protocols (the second one was Cutler), but just got more and more sick. Precious sleep became a thing of the past once again. I started thinking I was on the wrong track and read up on glutathione and decided to up my daily whey protein (Support) amount, as there are people that have used it successfully to chelate metals. There was an improvement but there were still problems (still the aftermath of the DMSA). After a reply from Errol on this forum (who used IMD with DMSA successfully) and more research, I realised that Chris Shade from Quicksilver Scientific made the most sense and started using their IMD product a month ago. My life has once again improved hugely. Sleep started returning after the first dose of IMD and hair loss is slowing down for the first time in 6 years. The debilitating Meniere’s Disease symptoms which I started experiencing are also diminishing (the vertigo and nausea have gone but I still have tinnitus). I’ve also just started on the ClearWay Cofactors, but will have to go slower as this product is a serious detoxer and I’m getting detox reactions. I also have the Quicksilver Vit C with Lipoic Acid and the Liposomal Glutathione. I will be starting these fairly soon, but need to prepare my body first and want to start very slow. 10 years of mercury poisoning has done a lot of damage. I would say the biggest thing I have learned recently is that you absolutely cannot use any chelator/mobiliser without a binder. This is the huge thing missing from the Cutler protocol in my humble opinion. I am also using activated charcoal and bentonite clay for mold toxicity (recently discovered). I’m also considering getting the GI Detox from Bio-Botanical Research. Binders are absolutely critical. It would not surprise me if I have some parasites as well. Not sure whether to get rid of mercury, mold or parasites first, but am starting with the mercury and mold until such time as I have done more research on parasites. I hope that helps.
Hi Karin,
Could you please tell me which whey product you’ve been using?
Kind regards,
Willemien Vrielink
Karin, I’m sorry, I just realised you’d already answered my question, I missed it earlier. Thank you very much for taking the time to give me such an extensive reply. I will certainly look into the PoR products. I’m having difficulty quitting my psych meds, especially insomnia is a problem. And the psych meds are interacting with supplements I’m trying to help heal my body so I really would like to get rid of them. You’re obviously on as difficult a journey to health and wellbeing as I am. Perhaps the Detox Dudes and Superman Diet sites might be of some use to you, especially where parasites are concerned. Thanks again and the best of luck to you.
Trudy, please forgive me if this is inappropriate for me to ask Jason if I can discuss something with him off group? If it is okay for me to provide an email address for him I would greatly appreciate it, or however you recommend my doing so. Thank you kindly, Olive
Hi Olive. Proof my memory is improving, after I seen this post I went and looked back at the Gaba Calm article on this site from 2 years and sure enough there is an “Olive” there that I conversed with, is that you? If yes, I hope your niece is doing better?
I think Trudy must be very busy and probably does not want people emailing her for my email (I should not have made that suggestion my bad). You will notice that my name in THIS post is hyperlinked, if you click on my name (if this works…) it will bring you to an article (I have not had time to write articles for my own site!) and you will see the 2nd comment under the article is one of my posts from a couple of years ago. Here you will find more information about me, what I specialize in and near the bottom of the post my email address. Hope you are doing okay.
I have gone through a lot of chelation past 3 years and I would agree in part with what Jason has said. For me, I tolerated chlorella, glutathione, dmsa, edta, ala, etc. There may have been some redistribution but I was getting it out. NBMI seems promising though. Hopefully it becomes available in the states.
Have you heard of Shades and Quicksilver Scientific? He has the mercury tri test that is not a challenge test but looks at the ratio of mercury in blood versus urine to see how much your oipes are clogged up due to mercury poisoning…he has a line of products as well with liposomal delivery…
I have taken IMD by biopure with dmsa to a good overall effect and liposomal vit c has been great too.
We are all different but we need to be careful that our glutathione system is working right before chelating too much. This one folks is a marathon not a sprint.
And that is just the crux of the problem, and why there is so much conflicting information on the internet. Some people “seem” to do “ok” with weak chelators like Chlorella, Glutathione, etc (DMSA & ALA are strong chelators), and many do not, but because some do, and the heavily flawed studies also say they are “ok”, their flawed use continues, while the people being damaged are just thrown aside.
There will ALWAYS be redistribution, that is unavoidable. The goal is to MINIMIZE it, which minimizes damage, and THAT is what 99.95% of all the so-called “Mercury Experts” including Shady and all the good well-meaning Doctors are doing wrong.
Some people have found IMD to help a little, some have found it harmful. No one even knows what form of Sulfur he is using in it because it is a very expensive (surprise!) propriety formula where he has never disclosed the actual ingredients, and thus, no one evens knows its true effectiveness, half-life or other relevant critical information about it
Thanks so much Jason for all the info! In my state of mercury-induced cognitive decline, I had a thought: If glutathione is only a partial chelator (single thiol and only moves the mercury around), does it move it into the bloodstream at all? If it does, then wouldn’t adding a binder (like, for example, silica) aid the second half of the chelation process by binding with the mercury and escorting it out of the body via the colon? (I haven’t tried silica, only years ago for hair loss. It was one of the rare supplements I did not react to.)
Also, in case it helps anyone, I have found that lemons help me quite a lot. Not the juice so much, but more the pith (white stuff) and skin. I’ve taken to chopping it up and putting it on salads etc. I do enjoy the taste of lemons, but to some this may seem like a strange idea. The lemon pith and peel also help me sleep. It also noticeably lifted some of the brain fog when I first started eating it. I felt I had quite a bit more mental clarity. When the lemons worked so well, I bought some rather expensive Modified Citrus Pectin (powder in a tin), but my body did not like that at all. More wasted money and more insomnia. But the lemons I can highly recommend.
Thanks for sharing your lemon pith results and that modified citrus pectin didn’t work for you (may I ask what brand and why it didn’t work?). Glutathione and silica products like Biosil are covered in the summit interviews.
I’ve also been pouring through the transcripts and there is so much info on support for mercury toxicity and the detox: saunas, broccoli sprouts (due to glutathione boost from sulforaphane), reducing EMF/ELF and microwave exposure, eating organic (to minimize GMO/glyphosate effects on leaky gut and leaky BBB), addressing low zinc/selenium, supporting methylation, supporting the liver and increasing bile production, addressing low stomach acid (needed for bile production and absorption of minerals like zinc), avoiding meds like PPIs and NSAIDs, thyroid support/iodine and much more.
This is the support I offer as a nutritionist and it’s wonderful to hear all these doctors talk about all this. As with any chronic health condition it’s a comprehensive approach and very individualized.
Now if the experts could just agree on the best and safest chelation approach we’d be good. This is an area I’ve had questions about for a long time and have heard pros and cons on many approaches. Clearly what works for one person may not work for another.
Hi Trudy, could you provide a link for the interviews that cover the heavy metals?
I would encourage you to watch this video from Boyd Haley on the limitations of chelators such as DMSA, EDTA, DMPS. I did much better when I added the binder IMD to the mix to get rid of it due to the single thiol issue. OSR/NBMI will be better when it comes out with the double thiol.
This video is from the IAOMT conference where he talks about his success with OSR
Boyd Haley is a great man and deserving of our respect. I hope that they approve his product and the FDA gets out of the way!
Glad to hear the IMD binder helped you. As you know this is a Quicksilver product created by Chris Shade: Intestinal Metal Detox (sharing here for other readers)
Thanks for sharing these youtube links – both are excellent. And yes Boyd Haley is a great man and this NBMI product needs to be approved – hopefully the phase 2 human trials will confirm what they found in phase 1.
Hello Jay, Trudy, I saw the video from Hayley and was really intrigued by it. He talks about the chelator upping glutathione and that is what chelates the mercury out. He says that an individual with normal glutathione levels will naturally chelate mercury. This I find very interesting.
I have been working on my body for a few years, getting rid of yeast, lyme,etc. It seems as though my body is healthy but my adrenals still struggling. My glutathione levels are good, as are my other markers for detoxification. Does anyone know- would I still be able to detoxify any mercury I’ve had over the years if my adrenals are down or would it just be not so efficient? I’ve been struggling getting the adrenals up.
I think some of the quicksilver products help with adrenal support. I will ask around in another forum and let you know.
Hey Jason,
Thank you! I am eager to see if he has adrenal support. I have a feeling once I get rid of the thiol sensitivity, that my adrenals will be ok or a lot better. I know Shades protocol has products to address this before even chelating.
hello jay , what exact detox protocol/ supplements are you using ?
what did u take with the IMD ?
Thanks for posting the Youtube links which are very interesting and will give a lot of folks (including me) hope. And also extremely interesting that you had success using a binder with the pharmaceutical chelators! Definitely something to look into further. Many thanks.
Hi Trudy, I only saw your reply today. My apologies for that. I used a modified citrus pectin product from EcoNugenics called PectaClear or PectaSol (or something similar). Unfortunately it caused insomnia, as most things do, and it also seemed to ramp up the metal toxicity symptoms, or at least that is how it felt. Bearing in mind that I have been ill since I took Xanax (Alprazolam) in 2007 and 2008, I really don’t want to bad-mouth this product. I think it’s my body that is the problem. I gave the MCP to my father-in-law, who has an aggressive skin cancer. He does not have any side effects from it. Thanks for all the interesting information!
Hello, may I know how can I get the NBMI from Switzerland ?
I’m in the process of figuring this out myself and will report back.
Just need to offer a cautionary view point from personal experience. I took the NMBI years ago when it was OSR. I didn’t realize I was sulfur sensitive but really started reacting to it and had to stop it. $180 down the drain. I would caution anyone with thiol/sulfur issues to stay clear of NMBI unless it is somehow safer now than then due to some sort of new processing.
If I am allergic to sulfa drugs, would that mean that I would also be allergic to the nmbi?
Thanks for sharing your experience Rita. Since I wrote this blog I’ve been reading more about OSR and even though Dr. Haley says he did not see adverse reactions with OSR, since it is a sulfur-based product it would likely cause a reaction with someone with thiol/sulfur issues. I assume NBMI would cause similar issues. Unfortunately there is no one-size fits all.
Would you share how quickly you started reacting to it and what kinds of reactions you had?
Thanks for answering, Trudy, and for asking about my reactions. I began reacting in just several days as I recall. My first reaction was a sort of severe brain fog as I remember. I’d wake up in the morning and not know what day it was, what was to happen that day, etc. That had never happened to me before. It sort of scared me. Next came the fatigue. Brain fog and extreme fatigue are two of my usual side effects with many things. Then I started feeling crazy, like I seriously needed to be committed somewhere. At that point I decided it wasn’t worth it and stopped the OSR. The side effects stopped after 3 or 4 days.
hey rita, what protocol are you using, have you used ?how are u treating your thiol sensitivity
I am just staying away from it as much as I can through diet and supplements. Foods and supplements with thiol make me crazy. I have very weak adrenals and a multitude of other problems, the latest of which is rapidly progressing neuropathy for which I have presently begun IVIG infusions. Yep, Medicare is covering it thanks to a doc who managed to get me a CIDP dx. I am 70 and may never see anything close to good health this side of heaven. I just press on and trust there is some purpose in it all. Being on a fixed income leaves little money to
try anything Medicare won’t cover. My best to you. Sorry I can’t be of more help.
Does anyone know about Haritaki being good to get out mercury?
Haritaki is new to me and I’m intrigued. I wish article like this would include links to the research! I did find this paper: “This plant is used externally in wound healing, fungal infections, inflammations of the mucous membrane of the mouth, and internally as a rejuvenative, astringent, purgative, stomachic, and laxative. It is useful in asthma, piles, and cough” No mention of mercury.
What have you found? Have you used it?
Dr. Jay Davidson mentioned Haritaki in his older summit. Old Ayurveda detox remedy for boosting Glutathione? I am using that together with manjista and nutritional yeast in organic joghurt before bed for liver detox. Manjista is for lymph flow.I also like to add capsules of LiverCare, resveratrol and curcumin. Tray to avoid turmeric for now,because of higher oxalate levels. Hmm. Nobody is mentioning that heartburn,specially 1-3 am, when liver is working hard, can be from moving toxins. Toxins don’t live liver only downstream, thru bile ducks,but also they travel,in my observation, upstream. Gaseous mercuri and solvents? Ending in stomack acid and causing stronger burn then high/low stomack acid. It is your body telling you that you need to eat something,specially fiber( binder). Cholesteramine and activated charcoal are not helping in that mater. They work more downstream.
Thanks for sharing what’s helping you – with 1-3am heartburn I also look into food sensitivities.
I can’t find the interview where Dr. Jay Davidson refers to haritaki but did find this additional info
Here is a nice article on manjistha (this is the correct spelling) “unique ability to cleanse the blood and break down any blockages or stagnation within the entire circulatory system, including the blood and the lymph”
As I’m sure you know, both of these are Ayurvedic herbs
Hi, Haritaki is an ingredient in the ClearWay Cofactors, a product of Quicksilver Scientific, which is part of their mercury detox protocol. This is an excellent detoxer but you have to start slow if you are very toxic. ClearWay Cofactors is also part of the QS pretox protocol, preparing the body for the mercury detox and is also used during the actual detox. It helps to clear the detoxification pathways. Another excellent QS product in my opinion. I use everything with a binder now, including this product, with good results so far.
Spicy,greasy foods usually make you heartburn 11-12 pm. First thought,take Antacid. But now they know that one glass water is having similar relief . PPI and Antacids are way to cancer.
Or gallbladder surgery at minimum. 15 doctors and no one told me that low/high stomack acid is giving you same symptoms….Real culprit behind, is low buffer. Stagnant,congested liver. No liver bile to neutralize strong acids from stomack after dissolving foods.
Doctors will not tell you also that most gallbladder intrahepatic stones originates in liver.
Gallbladder surgery is so profitable. Why is body making cholesterol stones in liver? Many reasons,but my was that i lost to fast 50 punds in short time. Not enough fat in my diet for production of bile. When you lose weight to fast ,all the toxins from fat tissues,must be stored somewhere because liver is overburdened. One of most likely places is body filter( liver).
I think,evolutionary,body will start to produce useless for other things,bad cholesterol to trap toxins in liver canals. Liver can be congested 60% and still giving you normal enzime leves in blood test. Present liver test is made around 1950!!!! England Health Care System is traying to change that a little now. 33% of US population have NAFTLD.
1-3 am liver is doing recycling. Detox. But if you are low energy,missing nessesary nutritions for Phase 1 and 2 and got new toxins from yesterday, what is going to happen? Some of the ways body is signaling you that someting is wrong,is shifting more toxins to stomack acid?
Scientist are found toxins everywhere, nose excretion, tears…..but not in stomack acid?
Is it that,maybe, a really culprit for esophageal cancer,and not backfire from stomack acid?
I am still detoxing,and today morning,after super hot shower,I can feel metal taste in my mouth
(Ex machinist). Sometimes chemicals to.
Liver is getting Biosludge slowly out…..
Could’t find enything enough good for me on the market( supplement graveyard),so I am mixing my own fiber blend. Pretty good.
Sorry for my crapy english..
My son Did OSR number 1 and it was taken off the market in Canada. It made him hyperactive and his level of functioning deteriorated.
A naturopath and functional medicine doctor said it was because of the sulphurous content promoting the growth of yeast.
I’m sorry to hear and do hope he’s doing better now. Would you mind sharing how much he used and how quickly it affected him. This will help folks who may decide to trial NBMI in the future.
Interesting thought Jacqueline. To add to that, what I have read is that candida overgrowth is really a result of too much mercury. The candida proliferates to try to control the abundance of mercury. It is no wonder people react to sulphur if it can cause such an overgrowth in candida. Are we reacting to the sulfur, the mercury, the yeast, or all three? Guess the best idea is to somehow get the mercury out safely and as painlessly as possible. Do trust your son is doing better now that he is no longer on the OSR.
Hi Trudy, you mentioned earlier that you knew a biological dentist/nutritionist who uses whey protein and other supplements to detox mercury. Just wondering- was he in Brisbane, Australia? If so, I went through his rather strict protocol before having my 2 root canal teeth removed. I’m continuing with a low and slow approach with ionizing foot baths, supplements, saunas and recently colonics and coffee enemas. Took me a long time to decide to try the last two, but I have to say they are good. I now take binders after the enemas as I get a headache and pain in my infected sinuses afterwards. I’m assuming the detox is continuing after treatment.
I do foot baths on my child who is on the autism spectrum, and he loves them. I was skeptical at first but the stuff that comes out is amazing, and simply cannot be from the element in the water. You see little pieces of black stuff which dissolves when touched, then smells strongly of metal.
Is natural food the way t detox heavy metals Please help me
Heavy metals require a comprehensive detox approach. Starting with cleaning up the diet is a good plan but adding in chelation and binding products, drainage products, sauna and more is needed
Thank you I do sauna 5 to 6 times a week eat organic all my life I’m a N, D I take* natural things to pull it out.Please let me know some good products if you know some Josephine
My expertise is not in heavy metal detox and I suggest working with a practitioner who is an expert in this area. Check out the speakers from the Heavy Metals Summit and check out their blogs and books and find someone to work with. The host Wendy Myers has an excellent blog and the co-host Christine Schaffner has an excellent weekly newsletter.
II have eat organic all my life was just told I had high lead and thal I took dmsa and it almost killed me need a natural treatment Dr Josephine
When will NBMI come to sale around the world?
I’m hoping when the research as been concluded, assuming the results are favorable
Any word yet on how to purchase NBMI?
Thank you,
Is this available to purchase in other countries Trudy? Do you need more test subjects? My son was on OSR and then it was pulled off the markets after 6mo after him starting.
I am curious. Have you read about The Wilkings PRotocol? And what are your thoughts on redox signaling molecule?
How do we get your product?
I am not familiar with the Wilking Protocol ( but at quick glance I like the goal and feel this should be a goal whatever approach is used: “The Wilking Protocol asks that you detox every morning of every day. This means you have a bowel movement 1st thing every morning. Having a bowel movement means you are detoxing.”
Can you share what experience you have with the Wilking Protocol?
NBMI is not yet commercially available
I have been reading his material and it makes more sense than most out there on heavy metal healing….he stresses taking in the essentials to give the body the tools to detox on its own. Several of the supplements I had already been doing, some for years, but the rest of food for thought. It has been the only protocol that as helped me so far…I can not do DMSA; I had a serious reaction.
SL King
Thanks for letting me know – glad to hear it’s helping. There are many who have serious reactions to DMSA and others like DMPS. May I ask what kind of reaction you had?
Can I purchase NBMI from Switzerland while there or do I need prescription?
Can we please get an update on when we can order this?
go to for more informarion about their early release progran.
Thanks for sharing this link Jason.
It does seem strange that they are not charging for the “drug” “The treatment: Currently, we can offer a 14-day treatment x 300mg per day. The treatment length and dosing are determined by the length of the Phase 1 and 2a clinical studies that have been performed. If this is enough depends on the individual patient – some require several treatments, typically with 28 days in between. There is no charge for the drug, but a cost of €600 ($750) for insurance-Shipping-Administration per two-week-treatment.”
I also don’t see Irminix in pubmed so I’m not sure of the status of the clinical trial
I do see this on the site here
“Irminix® is a lipophilic, di-thiol metal chelator, and antioxidant. Orphan Drug Designation was received for the treatment of mercury toxicity in the EU and US in 2012. Pre-clinical safety studies, a Phase 1 trial, and a Phase 2a trial have been performed. The Company is working to obtain marketing authorization in the EU and the US for the treatment of mercury toxicity.”
Hi Trudy,
father of 3, Heavy metal toxic and highly motivated ,as we all are.
Do you know any more news of the NBMI phase 2 trials in the USA?
do we know which countries might be easiest to get NBMI access? My cousin lives in Switzerland, might be able to go see him..
Parker – I’m afraid i don’t have answers. Best to contact the company directly
Early release can be applied for on the emeramed website.
I’m not sure how you’d go about getting it in Switzerland. Does anyone know?
That’s is far more expensive than OSR was. Why?
Keep on checking for updates on their clinical trials. There are reports of Chinese companies selling knock offs but it is said to have chloroform and is not advised for that reason.
There is compassionate use, but very expensive, or of you ever find yourself in Switzerland I thonk or maybe it is Sweeden I heard it can be prescribed there.
Does anyone have any reports of people using NBMI without any side affects? All I can find are numerous strong side affects as reported on the Andy Cutler protocol FB posts and chelation yahoo groups. Not finding too many fans of NBMI. But I believe Dr Haley is sincere and I per the research I have done, I personally believe in NBMI. I just dont know how people like me that are Hg toxic and sensitive to many things will be able to tolerate a double thiol compound like NBMI
I believe many in the autism communities used it with some success so find some forums and ask there.
Does anyone know if there is a way to reduce my sulfer sensitivity so I can tolerate the thiol chelators?
I would like to know the same thing, Parker. Except I cannot even tolerate the foods with thiols in them, much less any chelators. I would love to be able to eat eggs, broccoli, asparagus etc. I love all foods and can have none.
What sort of side effects from
NBMI do they talk about on the forums?
I have not read any of the forms yet. I know there is mention on Amy Yaskos discussion form, HHI.
I tried the Thiol abstinence for 48 hours and I had a big increase in my symptoms. I added some thiols back in my diet today and already I feel better, strange as I really thought thiols would be a problem fo me. pls let me know if anyone finds anything on NBMI
Here is an old lecture by a doctor prescribing OSR when it was available. He mentions adverse reactions, which sound similar to adverse reactions to other thiol chelators, and the solution he found (molybdenum).
Just heard Dr. Klinghardt say that NBMI passed FDA trial #1 and #2 but there is no money to get through Phase 3 trials and Boyd Haley has now retired. Unless someone with money will fund the third trial, NBMI will not be coming to America.
Oh dear this is not good news. May I ask where you heard him say this and if was live/current i.e. not an old recording? If you have a link to share that would be great. Either way we have to do something about this. I’ll reach out to MINDD in Australia and some of my other connections too
Thank you for posting! Much appreciated!!po=0.406504
Look at pic. 6. NBMI does not increase excertion of Hg, and it does increase concentration of Hg in tissues (some other pic). It is good to treat accute Hg toxicity but not in a manner of higher excertion. So, I see now why there is money to fund the research. Simply there is No hope to make Money on it as it works on accute toxicity as stated in research.
Why can’t we order it online?
Please let us know how we can get it from Switzerland.
i expect it’s an extensive process but here is a link to current info on the trials and US availabiliy for serious cases:
Where and how can German citizens get this?!po=0.406504
Look at pic. 6. NBMI does not increase excertion of Hg, and it does increase concentration of Hg in tissues (some other pic). It is good to treat accute Hg toxicity but not in a manner of higher excertion. So, I see now why there is money to fund the research. Simply there is No hope to make Money on it as it works on accute toxicity as stated in research.!po=0.406504
Look at pic. 6. NBMI does not increase excertion of Hg, and it does increase concentration of Hg in tissues (some other pic). It is good to treat accute Hg toxicity but not in a manner of higher excertion. So, I see now why there is money to fund the research. Simply there is No hope to make Money on it as it works on accute toxicity as stated in research.
Vic is a troll. Studies have to start at a low dose & work up. So yeah, a small dose in a short amount of time might not show anything significant- as with this study. The study he posted is not from the recent FDA clinical trials either. I don’t know who is behind all the internet nonsense on NBMI & Haley but it sure smells of desperation (find a lot of ad hominems & science taken out of context). I’ve only heard great things from REAL people with ACTUAL experience using or studying this. It’s still moving forward as far as I know.
Thanks for letting us know it’s still moving along! Do you perhaps have any resources to share (like a link?)
I heard from someone who is on the Emeremed mailing list that they got an update last week. Mercola also did an article on it last week.
Thank you so much for sharing this and what great news! I thought I had signed up for notifications but just did so again. Also sharing the website again since it now has a ton of new updates. It had looked like nothing was happening but clearly it’s moving ahead. Also sharing a link to the Feb 2019 newsletter (it looks like it’s the first one)
I started on NBMI 10 days ago, slowly. I am also taking 500mg Molybdenum daily. I feel like I have had substantial improvements but it is too early to know for sure. I will report back.
Do you have sulfur pathway issues? Is that what directed the Molybdenum dose?
I don’t understand why people think that only one pill is the solution for everything. I think that people have bigger fish to fry. Before you go and start brain Detoxing, you should test something beforehand. Liver.
About everybody’s toxicity. Prevention is everything but people wants to be only happy and go shopping.. Specialy in United States. What DETOX? I don’t know how long this was hiding between Swiss borders but every human should know this simple Test. Usually I can’t listen to Dr Tom O’Bryan and his talk about gluten,even if he is bringing always something new. Nearly I missed this very important news about Liver toxicity.
One Chirurg or Chiropraktiker must be bored and actually looked how human body function. This test is one of first, performed in Swiss Mountain Clinic for Liver Detox by their doctors. Why is this knowledge not spreaded outside Switzerland’s borders? Doctors can’t make big profits? First 7-8 minutes of Video are about this new simple test from Switzerland.
Secrets Revealed at the World-Famous Swiss Clinic.Why Liver is The Queen of all organs? Dr Tom O’ Bryan.
Thank you, Marinko. Fantastic presentation. Lots of practical and useful information.
I’ve been GF for a good 15yrs (actually periods for lost my life), grain free the last 4 until recently I’ve allowed rice again… I’ve done everything mentioned in this video- none of it is news to me. Food is a trigger to underlying issues, not the root issue. Eating GF is a huge help but we were meant to be able to eat some grains (although not poisoned with glyphosate etc). I do believe MBNI is a great puzzle piece and I wouldn’t dismiss so quickly but as you sort of point out, nothing is a quick fix. When It comes to heavy metal removal (especially mercury), it seems like there isn’t a better/safer choice than this molecule!
Oxalates and metals:
“Heavy metals and things like high free copper and manganese deficiency in the cells. Oxalate love grabbing metals and minerals. So when you have an oxalate overload you will often see heavy metals toxicity, high free copper and manganese deficiency just to name a few. Andy Cutler was right but he was also wrong. He stated that you detox metals by the use of ALA (alpha lipoic acid) which is right. ALA is a cofactor on the glyoxylate metabolic process. Imagine oxalate as kitchen magnets. They are chelators of metals and minerals. So this oxalate sitting in damaged tissues and organs collect heavy metals you would normally dump. ALA is one of the components of this process that removes the oxalate and by removing the oxalate it in turn removes metals. And it also removes minerals like high free copper that do not make it to the cell wall because of the oxalate overload. So this is where he was wrong. It is actually removing the oxalate that have the heavy metals and minerals like high free copper bonded to the oxalate”.
With regard to the R-ALA, referr to this article: Understanding Sulfation and Oxalate…/understanding-sulfation-and-oxalate .—
From the net:
Oxalic acid is used by industry to leach rare earth elements from ore bodies. The rare earths are used in electronics such as cell phones. Rare earths are not presently produced in the United States; China produces 90 percent or more of the rare earths in the world. By producing oxalic acid domestically, it may be possible to profitably extract rare earth elements in the U.S., which is important for national security, Kawatra said.
Everything Americaner do is for profit. One way or another. Mostly.
Many people are just confused with gigantic missinformations. When you are sick, you will tray everything. And that isn’t best way to save time and suffering. So, cut the cheese….
Remeber, heavy metals are just one part of the problem. The more heavy metals you have, the bigger is problem. Not so with toxic chemicals. More powerfull and dangerous in my opinion.
Thats from ex Machinist.
Somethimes even smaller amount is more dangerous then big one. And millions of compounds which nobody’s is going to test for synergy.
If you have mouthful taste of metals( when detoxing liver), Pectasol isn’t going to help you there.
Mix Charcoal House Detox 1600 with Heiltropfen Zeolite Clinoptilolite ( only two brands of Zeoilite are good on the market,cited by Dr Klinghardt). I tried this one. Very very negatively charged. Most heavy metals are positively charged. Big problem are mercury vapors. They are Zero (0) charged, accordingly to Dr Boyle).
I mix Charcoal and Zeolite together in 10 oz clear glass bottle with water.
They are both negatively charged and will try to separate after some time, when vibration is present( driving or on wash machine?). I am using clear glass bottle for this now. Tainted glass contains heavy metals (positiv charged?) I am looking to find whitch plastic bottles are not prone to static electricity. Do not mix this blend with plant fibers or seaweed binders. Zeolite will absorb bitters from them, what in my opinion is bad thing. They become sweet. I mix them in separate binder. Most binders on the market are useless for me. I don’t have financial interes her. Just FYI. I trayed cheaper ingredients and they are just not cutting in.
And yes, Marinko! you are totally right about Americans. It’s first about money and then about people. That’s for majority. The few exceptions confirm the rule.
Also very true about too much confusing information. One must dedicate a lot of time to read, understand and select what makes most sense.
Thank you.
Posted today in comments under Article about Stroke by Dr Mercola. But info is good for her to, I think. “If I may recommend Albion Di-Magnesium Malate. “Prescribed for Life” brand is good. Bulk. 2 tsp mixed in bottle of Lakewood Organic Tart Cherry Juice.
That Juice isn’t made from procesed Concentrate. It will give you better results. Liver is filtering blood, 1 Quart every second. Cleaner Liver, better job done, less clots in blood. Of course, I also use plenty of fiber binder, so toxins from liver bile aren’t going to be recycled 19 times, impairing detoxification. Some toxic chemicals move free thru the body.
You can use many other things to rev up liver. Even stronger ones. But this mix is mellow.
But I mentioned Di-Magnesium Malate specially her, because now, they give patients with Multiple-sclerosis, both Magnesium and Malic Acid. It is also used to treat Fibromyalgia and cronic fatigue syndrome. It also used in cell metabolism and the derivation of adenosine triphosphate ( ATP). Some are saying that malic acid is efficient metal (lead and aluminium) chelator. But I think is more effective in disolving Oxalates, which like to bind to heavy metals, as a kitchen magnet. R-Lipoic Acid disolves Oxalates to. Malic Acid is found in apples, cranberries….Very very sour tasting.
Of course You can use Lakewood Organic Cranberrie Juice, but right now, I am on Oxalate diet.
Interesting is also that Malic acid is one of components in getting NBMI cristals (Dr Boyds Mercury chelator) if I am correct?
Tart Cherries have good amounts of tryptophan and anthocyanins. But they are also naturally rich in melatonin. And Dr Klinghardt use Melatonin for Brain Detox if I remember correctly…
Where do you source your information ?
I wish, we could fund together somebody’s expenses to go to Berlin and report back with latest Metal Detox methods and results.
International Conference on Metal Detoxification
June 10-13 2019. Berlin
In English Language only.
Price 560€.
One of speakers is:
Prof. em. Boyd Haley, USA
Dr Joachim Mutter, Switzerland( books, you tube videos in English and German)
Works in Swiss Mountain Klinik. Heavy duty detox’s specialist from Germany.
He teaches other doctors in Germany how to Detox.
Thanks for sharing here. I’ve reached out to them to see if they will be offering recordings and they hope to. I’ll report back
Thanks for all the excellent questions and comments. I know there is a great deal of interest in this topic and I am working on having Professor Boyd Haley on the The Anxiety Summit: Toxins, Meds and Infections. Please post questions you have for him
Many of us have the same question about when we can get it? Our children desperately need this and many of us had the opportunity to try OSR then see the benefits to have it taken away from us. It has been almost 9 years.
We saw increased focus, improved speech and social interaction. I think it is wrong we cannot have this in the US and it’s almost impossible to get from Europe. We had the OSR through a provider Stuart Freedenfeld.
Not sure if you are aware of this but I found this on the Internet.
It’s not being sold for human consumption.
Hope this helps.
Thank you Trudy. If you could get also interview from Dr Joachim Mutter to?
Just to be warned: Dr Joachim went thru heavy heat from toxins and he isn’t
much in the mood to talk “around”.
He reminds me of one joke I heard from British BBC, where they have diskutiert about one candor comment from German diplomat about Brexit:
What’s difference between British and Germans?
British are to polite to be honest.
And Germans are to honest to be polite….
Old joke?
Very sick people don’t have time for 20 doctors and their dangerous concoctions.
Or patience for big bag of supplements, and every super food or herb on the planet, 200 seminars, 2000 emails…..etc
Dear Professor Boyd Haley
I’m 57 I have a condition that no doctors or professors in the UK will even discuss and have subsequently labelled me as delusional yet the physical symptoms are clearly visible.
I have things growing under my skin and after researching for 3 yrs I now believe my illness could well be fungal related and I wanted to ask your thoughts on this and would like to share my you tube video of my telephone consultation with Dr Morales an illiads Doctor in Mexico.
I am sorry to hear you’re dealing with Morgellons and have been labelled delusional. If you suspect a fungal aspect I’d seek out a functional medicine doctor who is well versed in mold toxicity. And just so you know Prof Boyd Haley won’t be reading this blog and seeing your comment for him.
And making sure you saw my response to you previous comment. If you haven’t already looked into it, exploring Lyme disease and hypothyroidism as possible contributing factors to the chronic Morgellons ( Dr. Darin Ingels is author of “The Lyme Solution” and is a wonderful functional medicine doctor (his book review
Dietary oxalates and benzodiazepine use (current or past) may be a factor in some of the crawling sensations and pain.
Many folks with Morgellons have worsening depression, anxiety and insomnia but the amino acids like GABA ( and tryptophan ( can provide some relief while they are seeking root cause resolution.
I just heard from Dr. Darin Ingels and he has worked with a number of clients with Morgellons and it’s always resolved with treatment for Lyme disease. He does work long distance and I highly recommend his work.
I’m now broke beyond broke I spent my life savings chasing a cure that’s why I share a link to raise funds for treatment.
Can you get Dr. Ingels’ book out the library? I removed the paypal link (I’m sorry but I can’t have folks soliciting my community)
Soliciting ? No it’s called helping , it’s ok I’ve encountered so many mean people since being seriously ill & God watches everything so I know only the good people will serve at the right hand side of the father. Enjoy your life .
P.s. Theres no libraries in the mountains of Mexico.
Dont bother replying.
His book is on kindle and his blog ( has information as does his Lyme facebook group.
It makes me angry that the CDC and doctors call it delusional parasitosis and recommend prescribing antipsychotic medications. I suspect the issue may be the Lyme connection and we know chronic Lyme disease is not acknowledged by the mainstream medical profession.
I recently found this interesting paper on niacin and delusional parasitosis in pellagra. I’ve heard Dr. Klinghardt talk about high dose niacin for Lyme and question whether Abrahm Hoffer was actually treating Lyme when using high-dose niacin in his schizophrenia patients i.e. it was schizophrenia-like symptoms caused by Lyme and co-infections
Hi. I watched a YouTube video a little. I don’t know much about Margellons.
But I saw a little of Liver spots on the skin to, William. Age spots. That’s the sign that normal paths of elimination are partially blocked. Main elimination pathways are intestines and kidneys. Skin is bad way to eliminate extremely corrosive substances/toxins which are catched by Liver(Oil filter) over 30,40,50 years. Unable to recognize this “modern life” chemicals, and degrade, they are usually stored in fat tissues of liver and somewhere else. Firefighters when old, in pension, on diet, if they lose to fast 40 pounds or so, soon they will get very sick and cancer. After seeing toxins erupted on my skin( partially liver blockade), my newly bought Near infrared sauna is in storage for now. And I limit myself work outside in open till blockades are solved. 25-30 minutes outside for Vit D is enough. I use special 830 nm led light to, to help mitochondria. It would be nice to know, if you have MTHFR, Methylation and Sulphuration issues in your family genes. Extremely important for detox. Liver newer complaints till is to late. Doctors Liver test are worthless, dating back to 1955….? Dr Brian Walls is saying that Liver GGT normal werte should be between 0-20. Not sure for 20, maybe should be till 16. Anything over is sign that you have chemical toxicity. I was 40 and half dead. Doctors are saying that GGT til 50 ist normal….&$#@&&&#%. By the way, you have right to be angry. But at who? Follow the money sign?
Actually, where doctors don’t want to go. Why to kill “ Golden Gose?” Queen of all organs. Liver.
Organ with 500 functions. Simple liver test first 7-8 minutes of video
They still didn’t want to acknowledge that modern life chemicals are causing liver that instead producing needed good cholesterol, liver is making toxic sticky gunk called LDL. And THAT and sometimes parasites, are blocking bile ducts, trapping more toxins. So the called Intrahepatic gallstones . In 2000 kilometers of liver ducts and canals. Most Gallstones originate from Liver, not from gallbladder. But doctors are more then willing to remove symptom(gallbladder) for big easy money. Also, when liver is blocked, lymph system ( twice the amount of blood) is blocked to. What are those toxins compounds (accordingly to Dr Klinghardt, over 20 000 in one human body) are doing to our health? 2/3 of diabetes are caused by environmental toxins. BTW, everybody has a Lyme. And Epston-Barr viruses. We are pissing them of with toxins and WI-FI.
Now, have you heard for old European remedy : Liver flush with olive oil and grapefruit?
That was for me turnaround ( kick in the stomach), what i need to know, what was really going on with Liver. Red pill. Instead of small 100$ Parfum bottle,I see Slow death. Self bought……
In Germany, specially Fabian Sauer, is trying to make liver flush more friendly to gut bacteria.
Epson salt is to harsh for microbiome.
I am in New Zealand and apparently we are one of the two countries who can get Irminix as part of the trials.
My doctor has suggested I look into it as I am mercury toxic and have not been able to tolerate the Andy Cutler protocol. There is a 14 day course at 300mg a day – which can be repeated after 28 days.
Does anyone think it’s worth the risk? Perhaps I could try halving the pills and doubling the length to reduce side effects.
Thanks for sharing – I wasn’t aware of this
Gerad – you could even get a scale and start smaller than that if you suspect side effects may happen. Just open the pill, put on a spoon and measure the weight of the spoon and then the weight of the spoon with contents and then subtract. See how it goes, and then increase dosage. Good luck!
Gerad. I listened to Entgiftung Kongress ( aka Detox Summit ) in German. One of the speakers in one interview was Dr Joachim Mutter. He teaches other doctors how to Detox. He mentioned dose for NBMI which he uses regularly for very toxic patients but I can’t remember how much daily. “
He doesn’t use only NBMI. Very toxic patients ”? Dr Mutter said that it is very bad business policy for hospital to take 20% of very sick, dying people, and start energy consuming detox programs. And his hospital is getting 80% of such patients…… And if i remember correctly, 50-60 % of those 80% still dying soon. Dr Joachim doesn’t like much Mambo Jumbo protocols. If it’s not working, in garbage can. He went thru hell himself with toxins. Erfrischend honesty….
Dr Joachim said to, that detox should be part of every chronic disease healing, which in turn will fix minimum 50% of that disease. But, who is listening from “school” doctors?
Dr Joachim has still some older YouTube videos and books in English.
I bought both books from Andy Cutler, but everything went to fast downhill, to follow any old protocol. If you are using ALA or Super R ALA in Andy’s protocol, you need to read my comments before. Oxalates bind metals as kitchen magnet, and ALA is melting Oxalates, releasing heavy metals.
That is where Andy Cutler was wrong about ALA ( Alpha Lipoid Acid) “detoxing” heavy metals.
In comments, you will find what high quality Charcoal and Zeolite Clinoptilolite you use to bind released metals. That is one of mine really working binders. By the way, charcoal will bind also good minerals. So you need to supplement them to. And you need to use “other” binders /fibers as well.
Mercury and other heavy metals are messing many other detox pathways for: chemicals, solvents, ammonia, exotoxins, etc…..It is Roof with 36 holes…
It is good to know, what in you family genes are weak links for detox pathways. I used long time ago, StrateGene from Dr Ben Lunch and
I forget new one, which also don’t share data and their own database is growing. Ben K….?
Hi Gerad, I’m also in New Zealand,I was looking at purchasing OSR from China but it is expensive, did you try the Irminix? do you know if that is still available and how did you ‘prove’ to doctors you have heavy metal poisoning?
No I didnt try the Irminix. I dont know if its still available but Carmen Barnes in Wellington is the doctor who recommended it.
Did you take the Irminix also called NBMI or Emeramide designed by Boyd Haley, PhD for mercury removal?
Follow up. DNA testing for bad detox genes…
The NutriGenetic Research Institute is a private organization founded by Robert Miller, CTN, in 2015 to research and publish reports on the relationship between environmental and other epigenetic factors and individual’s genetics.
Other ways…
…. Have you heard about Ayurvedic Liver Cleanse with Ghee oil (clarified butter)? Most toxins in human body ( Viva la modern times in which we live now), are fat soluble. And saying: “Fat likes Fat!” Ghee oil, when going thru liver, will take some toxins out, and if you don’t have enough fibers in you diet, it will be reabsorbed up to 19 times back to fat tissues. Liver included. Sometimes with nausea and itching the skin (Herxeimer reaction). Man should take potent Binder, 25-30 minutes before drinking oil, to prevent toxins to be reabsorbed. Black seed oil is, I don’t how many times exactly, maybe 10-15 times more powerful in taking toxins with( out), then is Ghee oil. That is the Fact in black seed oil Fiction ( my observation/ just paying attention what i put in my mouth and see what is happening next).
Most people, and so called “scientists” , have disconnected heads from stomach?
You saw one old interview before, where women helped husband with Alzheimer/Parkinson? get much better, using only coconut oil?
Should I tell you to, how MCT Oil really works?
MCT Oil is Derivate from coconut oil.
Most marketers/bloggers will throw me out after reading my comments about MCt Oil. Because, most of them are selling that oil to…. Saying that those Oil is for more energy, producing ketones, better working of mitochondria,…etc,bla bla.
But, nobody is saying that MCT Oil is also potent solvent. It will melt Styrofoam coffee cap pretty fast.
It will melt partially, toxic stagnation in liver, freeing more liver cells to do-their job (Liver has 500 functions in body). If you are using MCT oil first time, and you drink to much oft that in one single session, to many released toxins will pose serious threat for intestines. Result is that body is calling for urgent diarrhea. Fast elimination. Not much romantic. But you will feel “so good” afterwards. Short time. Till body start moving old toxins from fat cells to liver for further elimination.
“ What is good for Liver to cleanse, same will help liver to cleanse the brain. ”
People need to watch for “new” Black seed oil “ mafia”. I had experience with tainted Black seed oil. Something else was drin. Olive oil? Even same brand, which i use ( Heritage Store), isn’t so potent( bitter, pungent) when ordered over Amazon and not bought in Fresh Market.
Something, not so potent as BSO, but also extremely good for liver, is Pine nut oil from Siberia.
It is not easy now, to find non tainted fresh pressed virgin olive oil.
Same is happening with Ghee oil to.
People in this country and elsewhere, “ businesses-mans/ entrepreneurs”, don’t have much patience and love to make high quality foods anymore… Only love is left for fast greens.
To fasten making the Ghee oil, looks like they are using old Machines from margarine processing plants? With some sort of catalyst. My fresh bought Trader Joe Ghee, melted completely on the bright sonne. When I put ghee back in the fridge, some sort of round granules started to appear inside the jar. Minimum 50-60% of full jar. When i tasted granules, result was: extremely trans fats. Much, much worse then any margarine, from bygone times….two cheap oil blends?
Very good butter has only 5-6% of trans fats.
When i asked Trader Joe manager, why they stoped importing ghee from India, and where is this “new” coming from? New Jersey was the only answer.
Good fats are extremely important for long health, but, bad will put you in grave sooner .
Hi Marinko, how may I contact you to chat about metal detox and other health stuff? If that is ok with you… Thank you
I’m suffering from mercury poisoning in the brain at 17. I had a filling removed unsafely in March and I’ve been experiencing neurological problems ever since. I realized it was mercury poisoning early september because i started getting memory problems, mood swings, panic attacks, bad memory, uncoordination, and slurred speech. I have been living a nightmare for the past few weeks. Thankfully, I am getting my two remaining fillings removed safely tomorrow, as well as the remainder of the filling my previous dentist removed unsafely. I was under the ignorant belief that there was an easy path to getting mercury out of my brain. I have learned about so many different detox protocols and have read all the scary side effects. Any advice to a protocol? I’m worried the hollistic dentist will reccomend one of the detox programs that will make my mind worse and I can’t imagine how scary that’d be. I don’t have a history of taking prescription medicine and I’m still young so I believe I will be able to recover fast. I would just like to know what I should look out for when I go under the care of one of these detox specialists because I dont’t want to get further brain problems.
I’m sorry to hear this but mercury detox is not my area of expertise and is out side of the scope of what I do as a nutritionist. I can say I would personally not get another mercury filling removed until symptoms have subsided. I also successfully use amino acids for the anxiety and panic attacks folks with mercury toxicity experience – as a tool for relief while they are working on detox.
Here is a blog on tryptophan for lead toxicity – similar idea with mercury toxicity
Im 57 in February 2016 I started feeling sick then in February after a gastroendoscopy I had the most life changing experience anyone could ever imagine it felt as though he did something sinister, my body felt completely different I felt weird and within days my skin was crawling, I noticed a rash in the groin area and pimples around my anal area , my skin started pushing out black dirt like debris, my entire body started to react like I’d been poisoned, I went to my GP and he gave me permethrin cream it eases the symptoms but then they returned, I invested in a microscope I looked at the debris my skin was pushing out it was like something from a sci fi movie, the doctor started acting strange with me when I insisted on seeing an infectious desease specialist, it took about 6 months before I was eventually seen and on my initial consultation there was a professor Peter lepping in my consultation unbeknown to me he was a psychiatrist specialising in delusions of parasitosis, I soon learned others around the world were having the same symptoms, I made a you tube channel and soon thousands of people were following me saying they had exactly the same symptoms and the same experience with top doctors, it soon became apparent something sinister was happening all over the world this alien illness was given a name Morgellons but I soon realized it was a smoke screen devised to make people look crazy. I used all my savings my credit card and research and countless specialist later I finally realised that this is something very sinister, I aged 15 years in one year my hair fell out and my skin was being destroyed, whatever this is it’s highly toxic, you eventually surcum to being treated like a mad man there’s no doctors willing to treat you or diagnose for fear of losing their licence, I’ve tried everything to detox my body, I’ve never taken drugs in my life, I’m a walking skeleton and my skin is destroyed, I lost my family and friends and my home my work and my best friend my dog because the UK tried to section me under the mental health act, I fled the UK and now I’m alone and broke beyond broke and homeless, I’m ready to give up the fight. I’m exhausted.
Im 57 in February 2016 I started feeling sick then in February after a gastroendoscopy I had the most life changing experience anyone could ever imagine it felt as though he did something sinister, my body felt completely different I felt weird and within days my skin was crawling, I noticed a rash in the groin area and pimples around my anal area , my skin started pushing out black dirt like debris, my entire body started to react like I’d been poisoned, I went to my GP and he gave me permethrin cream it eases the symptoms but then they returned, I invested in a microscope I looked at the debris my skin was pushing out it was like something from a sci fi movie, the doctor started acting strange with me when I insisted on seeing an infectious desease specialist, it took about 6 months before I was eventually seen and on my initial consultation there was a professor Peter lepping in my consultation unbeknown to me he was a psychiatrist specialising in delusions of parasitosis, I soon learned others around the world were having the same symptoms, I made a you tube channel and soon thousands of people were following me saying they had exactly the same symptoms and the same experience with top doctors, it soon became apparent something sinister was happening all over the world this alien illness was given a name Morgellons but I soon realized it was a smoke screen devised to make people look crazy. I used all my savings my credit card and research and countless specialist later I finally realised that this is something very sinister, I aged 15 years in one year my hair fell out and my skin was being destroyed, whatever this is it’s highly toxic, you eventually surcum to being treated like a mad man there’s no doctors willing to treat you or diagnose for fear of losing their licence, I’ve tried everything to detox my body, I’ve never taken drugs in my life, I’m a walking skeleton and my skin is destroyed, I lost my family and friends and my home my work and my best friend my dog because the UK tried to section me under the mental health act, I fled the UK and now I’m alone and broke beyond broke and homeless, I’m ready to give up the fight. I’m exhausted.
I’m sorry to hear you’re still dealing with this. In addition to my response to your earlier comment I’ve got this additional information – a new documentary on Morgellons and their facebook page
Also this paper published in 2018: Detection of tick-borne infection in Morgellons disease patients by serological and molecular techniques
When I read the post on Morgellons, I was immediately reminded that I recently heard of someone that says she is a chronic fatigue specialist that follows a protocol which treats ricketssia (microbial infestation I believe), using long courses of antibiotics. I don’t have this condition and am not advocating taking antibiotics, unless absolutely needed. Just saying this in case it helps.
For those with mercury poisoning, I’ve realised that no matter what protocol you follow or how you choose to detox, if you are not methylating properly you will not get well. My advice is to study the methylation cycle and try to figure out what you are missing in your body that is disrupting this cycle. I recently discovered that benzos mess with SAM-e in the body. What a discovery. I’ve been very unwell since using benzos 12 years ago. My 4th day on SAM-e and so far totally life-changing. Early days so I’m trying not to get too excited. Apparently at least 10 doctors/medical practitioners did not have the knowledge to tell me this vitally important information. I hope it helps someone.
your spot on with ur advice on methylation.
Can u clarify, u have been on Benzes for 12 years, or the last time u took a Benzo was 12 years ago?
how much Same r u taking?
Karin – Thanks for sharing – and yes there does seem to be a Morgellons/Lyme link
Glad to hear the SAMe is helping
Dear William,
I am sorry to hear about your plight. Some people definitely have it worse than others. Any progress? I have found that some supplements have helped my present condition. I hope that you can improve on your health situation.
I’ve been off benzodiazepines for nearly 4 years , I was diagnosed with M.E some 15 years ago but I beg to differ about M.E or Chronic Fatigue syndrome as they named it. My Morgellons symptoms started in February 2017 after a gastro endoscopy I felt something change instantly then my skin started producing all kinds of debris from fibres to crystals and worse, my own belief and after 3 years of endless research and suffering I believe this was man made in a lab . My skin is now destroyed my lungs are affected I get more neurological symptoms daily , I’m alone and broke beyond broke in Mexico I lost everything in the uk and even my friends and family abandoned me. I’m at a loss as how I can save myself but judging by the way the world is right now I see very little worth living for.
IF you had to make an honest intelligent guess, what would your famliy and friends say, as to the real reason why they abondoned you?
I’m sorry to hear you’re still suffering. Please look at the other comments where I’ve shared feedback for you. This is not an area of my expertise and a Lyme expert or experts from the Morgellons movie are better sources of help
William the reason why I am asking, is the same has happened to me, and far as I can make out is that some people are scapegoated for thoer parents crimes, or one has been deemed illegitimate.
Hi, I will try to keep this short. I swallowed the last benzo 12 years ago. In 2011, still not recovered, I went down the dark and lonely pharmaceutical route again (antidepressant and z drug), which of course made me much worse. I quit all pharmaceutical psychiatric meds finally in October 2017, with the help of Point of Return (highly recommend). Before even completing the final antidepressant taper, a functional doctor tested me for heavy metals and further destroyed my health with DMSA. It nearly killed me. I have now clawed my way back to where I was in 2017. Last year I decided no more medical practitioners ever. Hair tests from Doctors Data revealed severe deficiencies in all minerals. Once I got my heart to calm down from severe potassium deficiency, I knew methylation was the next beast to tackle. I have MTHFR (C677T and 1298). I looked at all protocols and tried to start one, with disastrous results. Anything to do with methylfolate sends shivers down my spine.
I’m still having fantastic success with SAM-e and am taking it with Betaine HCL. I’ve just ordered TMG, the anhydrous betaine, which I will use instead of the Betaine HCL. I’m taking high doses of both. 4 x 400mg SAM-e every day is what I need to keep this body calm for 24 hours. I take one dose in the middle of the night. I take 1 Betaine (1g) with every 400mg SAM-e tablet. Elevated homocysteine is what has caused 13 years of insomnia. Now that my body has calmed down, sleep needs work and I’ve started using 5HTP with Betaine as well, only 2 days now and I think there is a further improvement in mood and sleep. I lost at least 60% of my hair in 2011 and a dentist told me in 2014 that I would lose all the teeth in my top jaw. Now I know that was because of methylation problems. DMSA destroyed some eyesight and caused tinnitus. SAM-e and Betaine are helping with absolutely everything. Sorry about the long reply and hope that helps someone, sometime.
Thanks for sharing your story and sorry to hear what you’ve been through
Hi Karin, just curious–do you know what happens if you omit the SAM-e, and only use TMG/betaine?
Glad you’re feeling better after horrors of psych drugs.
Have you considered Cutler chelation or even nbmi? It would probably reverse much or all of the damage from DMSA (ie mercury/metal redistribution and consequential oxidative stress).
I am wondering if NBMI will ever be made available. It is like a carrot teaser to get people to post on the blog. It is either going to be relased or not. Enough is enough. We all deserve an update on this product. So many people would benefit from this. I know my son was on OSR and made great strides in 3 months while taking it.
I’ve written a new blog with updates on progress, new studies and proposed new applications – Mercury & gadolinium toxicity, iron overload, COVID-19: NBMI research update and potential applications
The EmeraMed site has information about which countries are allowing early access. Please contact the company directly rather than ask me about how to obtain the product as I am simply sharing what they have shared with me. I also encourage you to sign up for EmeraMed’s newsletter so you can keep up to date with progress and access information. Unfortunately the research process is slow.
I’ll share updates again when I have additional information.
I have been following this thread for some time now and see all the painful details that I am very familiar with in my path to recovery. I won’t get into my whole story, but basically had amalgam fillings in when I was 17 and saw a steady decline in my health in my 20s and early 30s until I figured out that it was the mercury that was causing the problems. I safely had my amalgams removed by a biologic dentist 5 years ago yesterday and have been on a steady path to healing ever since.
It takes a LONG time for the nerves to heal so not entirely there. I went on a detox protocol too including many supplements. If you want more information you may email
Technically, it is not available for human consumption and I am not endorsing this for anyone, but if you are in a real desperate place, you may be able to get your hands on it, meant for research only.
I have heard issues for people who are sulfur intolerant, so proceed slowly just to be sure. Anyhow, I felt like it was particularly important for detox in the brain.
Anyhow, here is the link if you have interest in learning more.
Unfortunately, Big pharma won’t approve it since they can’t make money off it
I’m posting this here too in case you signed up for notifications when new comments are added
I’ve written a new blog with updates on progress, new studies and proposed new applications – Mercury & gadolinium toxicity, iron overload, COVID-19: NBMI research update and potential applications
The EmeraMed site has information about which countries are allowing early access. Please contact the company directly rather than ask me about how to obtain the product as I am simply sharing what they have shared with me. I also encourage you to sign up for EmeraMed’s newsletter so you can keep up to date with progress and access information. Unfortunately the research process is slow.
I’ll share updates again when I have additional information.
I know a few people have shared similar sentiments, but being mercury damaged from birth I’ve been interested in this product. Also quite a bit of experience and knowledge of Cutler. All I can share is that from following experiences of others using NBMI or whatever its called now, is that it seems to have the same side effects as ALA…ie redistribution. Just from reading other anecdotal reports, it seems like there is 0 chance it is “SAFE” as in no redistribution…
Studies often are so short sighted. You could have a similar study about ALA, almost no one would suggest it causes long term damage via redistribution since it’s rarely apparent, at least in time frame of study.
Also, Chris Shady is a more appropriate name than Chris Shade, for that guy….. the poor people he bamboozles, he might have even bamboozled himself seeing dollar signs.
anyway, great site for any person any age! Not the first time I’ve ended up here.
Hi cg. Thanks for your kind words. I’ve been able to reduce SAMe and TMG to 2 doses a day of each, with no negative effect (i.e. 2 x 400mg SAMe and 2 x 450mg TMG). I’ve also discovered I have a severe Vit B12 deficiency and have started supplementing with Methylcobalamin. This has changed my life. We all have a different story and different problems, mine seem to be deficiencies. Blood tests were useless all those years, particularly for B12 and potassium. I eat beetroot and eggs more often for choline/betaine. I’ve also added Riboflavin, Vit B6 (P5P) and have just started adding in small amounts of Methylfolate . I can’t believe that I might actually get some methylation going. My hair seems to be growing, sleep is better, my heart is calmer. Adding the SAMe/TMG has given me confidence to try supplements I was previously terrified of, with no negative effects (eg. phosphatidylcholine and the B vitamins).
Yes, I tried chelating with DMSA in 2017 using my doctor’s protocol, huge disaster. I switched to Andy Cutler’s protocol and another disaster. I have the utmost respect for Andy Cutler. I have his book that I refer to regularly. I have nothing bad to say about the Quicksilver protocol either. But my body was far from ready for any harsh chelators, even IMD. Imo, any chemical used to chelate mercury will get detoxed by the body through our detox pathways, and if they are not up to the job because of a methylation block for example, mercury redistribution hell will follow.
Iron overload ; who can recommend me a natural solution ?
Thanks all
This is a good resource
I got to the end of this discussion, thanks, God!
I had mercury removed long time ago after 10 years with them and had chelation with doctor using DMSA and EDTA. I did not had side effects after that even if doc told me I have mercury allergy. However, now I have hypoglycemia problem and I suspect that it is again from mercury leftovers or other metals. Recently I found out that I have nickel and bismuth sensitivity in my hair test for sensitivities from Checkmysensitivities. I think it may caused hypoglycemia too. Every time when I try to detox I have side effects including Folate plus TMG , other methyls and chelators even with charcoal. Doctor Karrizian wrote that people with loss of immune tolerance should not chelate, they will have worse problems. I had severe headaches from coriander or other herbal chelators too. My question : if anybody have hypoglycemia problem? Or autoimmune conditions or other sensitivities to food and chemicals, herbs, etc. It is mean loss immune tolerance so they may not do chelation at all. As for NMBI as I understand it is not removing mercury but trap it inside so there is not redistribution. Probably I can chelate nickel and other metals too?
Also, one note about oxalates which I am intolerant to – Haritaki is high in oxalates too as many other Ayurveda supplements. I believe that oxalates are result of low acidity especially in hypothyroid people and they are increasing after intake of drugs especially so called Floxy antibiotics. They probably the reason for hypoglycemia too as they destroy enzymes in the body and many other functions , tendors, ligaments and even bones. So if you took such drugs you may be sick from it not only from mercury or other metals. As for detox with Ghee oil – it is really good thing to do if tolerated. But better use home made ghee. Best of all to everybody on their road for recovery.
You guys know that emeramide is available from multiple reagent suppliers, right? Sure it’s not from a pharmaceutical company but the MAYBE 0.2% purity difference isn’t gonna kill you when your life is already wrecked
I just was diagnosed with mercury poisoning via DPMS challenge and had incredibly high levels. Ordering some this week and can update on results later on.
Please let me know if anyone has tried the off label OSR from fandachem @
I’m currently using this and feel like this is helping me. Share your experience please!
Hi Renee
i‘ve took the China OSR for 5 weeks that i bought via the D guy
i regret the day i‘ve discovered the fb group
ruined my life!!!
im now suffering from long-term damage
extreme exhaustion, dizzyness, digestive problems, my memory problems for which i have originally have bought the NBMI have worsened so much that i cant work anymore , OCD, extreme anxiety
found other people that are in the same boat as me – exact same symptoms
and we all cant seem to recover!
dont know what happened and slowly losing hope of ever getting my health back
how are you going?
are you still taking NBMI??
have you made progress?
I am sorry to hear this. Can you please share what you mean by this “i‘ve took the China OSR for 5 weeks that i bought via the D guy”? And which FB group?
the group is called NBMI/OSR/Irminix mercury chelation.
the admin is called Aron (which does health consultations online) promotes a man called Dylan that sells OSR ( which has been purity tested by various members) from a manufacturer in China
i paid 150$ for 5 grams and bought via Email.
the manufacturer also has a website where it is listed among various other chemicals.
i dont know what this substance did to my body
if the OSR back in the day when it was sold as a dietary supplement did cause similar healths problems i now experience, its understandable that the FDA pulled it from selling.
if anyone reading this and thinking about buying it – DONT DO IT!!!!
Hi Trudy. Do you have any updates on how far they are with trials?
had once surgery to remove infection and mercury filling was placed at the root end will nbmi dessolve that ?
NBMI doesn’t dissolve mercury, it’s helps the body detox. I’d consider removing the mercury if possible.
here the full arsenal for detox heavy metals
anyone know which are the better ones ,out of the full list ?
Zeolite clay,
Activated Charcoal,
Aloe Vera, Apple Pectin, Humic / Fulvic Acid;
mimosa pudica
Guar gum
sodium alginate
sacred Ormalite Vitallite clay
gum arabic
Monomethylsilanetriol (MMST) silica is a special type of silica with even tinier molecules, known for its impressive detoxification capabilities.
Humic and Fulvic Acid
A study published in the December 2014 issue of the Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology found that the oral application of certain natural substances were able effectively reduce urinary levels of glyphosate. 7 The researchers used a combination of the following substances:
Taraxacum officinalis (Dandelion)
Arctium lappa (Burdock root)
Berberis vulgaris (Barberry; the active ingredient in barberry is berberine)
Chelidonium majus (Greater celandine)
Based on the scientific studies to-date, there are a number of natural substances that have shown positive results in detoxifying and reducing the toxic effects of glyphosate exposure.
Raphanus sativus (Radish)
Probiotic foods and supplements
Sauerkraut and sauerkraut juice
Sulfur (Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM))
Fulvic acid
Humic acid
Charcoal and Clay
Activated charcoal
Bentonite clay
Taraxacum officinalis (Dandelion)
Rhamnus frangula (Alder buckthorn)
Raphanus sativus (Radish)
Carduus marianus (Silybum marianum; milk thistle)
Arctium lappa (Burdock root)
Berberis vulgaris (Barberry; the active ingredient in barberry is berberine)
Chelidonium majus (Greater celandine)
Warning: Counterfeit Emeramide sold illegally in EU & USA
Counterfeit Emeramide is being sold under our various trade names (OSR#1, NBMI, emeramide) and tests have shown that it is not emeramide. This is unsafe and illegal and we are continuously in contact with the various regulatory authorities to take action.