I recently blogged about the Seriphos reformulation: Seriphos has been reformulated – what do I use to lower high cortisol? and promised to share additional products that could provide similar benefits. When someone in my community shared that she uses Relora® with success I started to look at the research and I am very encouraged.
This 2013 study: Effect of Magnolia officinalis and Phellodendron amurense (Relora®) on cortisol and psychological mood state in moderately stressed subjects
assessed salivary cortisol exposure and psychological mood state in 56 subjects (35 men and 21 women) screened for moderate stress and supplemented with a standardized/patented MP [Magnolia bark extract and Phellodendron bark extract] combination (Relora®, Next Pharmaceuticals) or placebo for 4 weeks.
After 4 weeks of supplementation (500 mg /day, with 250 mg at breakfast and 250mg at dinner) these were the results seen in the Relora® group (compared to the placebo group):
- salivary cortisol exposure was significantly lower (18%)
- lower overall stress (11%)
- lower tension (13%)
- less depression (20%)
- less anger (42%)
- less fatigue (31%),
- less confusion (27%)
- and significantly better mood state parameters (11%) and vigor (18%)
Each of the components in Relora® have been shown to be beneficial for controlling stress and anxiety, with the combination proving to be even more effective:
Extracts of Magnolia officinalis bark and its active constituent, honokiol, have been studied in animal models with comparable anxiolytic activity to diazepam (a benzodiazepine anxiolytic used to treat anxiety), but without associated side effects such as sedation.
Berberine, a constituent of the Phellodendron extract, has also demonstrated a significant anxiolytic effect in rodent stress studies.
The combination of magnolia plus phellodendron appears to be even more effective in controlling stress/anxiety compared to either herb used separately.
The study concluded that:
daily supplementation with a combination of Magnolia bark extract and Phellodendron bark extract (Relora®) reduces cortisol exposure and perceived daily stress, while improving a variety of mood state parameters, including lower fatigue and higher vigor.
These results suggest an effective natural approach to modulating the detrimental health effects of chronic stress in moderately stressed adults.
An added bonus is that there were no adverse events or side effects reported.
I’d like to note that the study does report that it was funded by the manufacturer of Relora® (Next Pharmaceuticals) and conducted by SupplementWatch.
A related study, also funded by the manufacturer: Effect of a proprietary Magnolia and Phellodendron extract on stress levels in healthy women: a pilot, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial indicated that
Relora may offer some relief for premenopausal women experiencing mild transitory anxiety.
In this study, the participants used 250mg Relora® 3 times daily for 6 weeks and although mild anxiety was reduced, no changes were observed in cortisol levels. Clearly more research is needed and as with any nutrient, there will be the fact that you may benefit from it and someone else may not.
I’m encouraged enough by the research to begin recommending this product for high cortisol and the anxiety caused by the high cortisol. This will of course be done in conjunction with all the other approaches I use: real whole food, quality animal protein, eat to control blood sugar, no gluten/sugar/caffeine, addressing gut health, using GABA/tryptophan and the other amino acids as needed and addressing low levels of zinc, vitamin B6, vitamin D, iron if necessary. Additional adrenal support would include extra vitamin C and pantothenic acid, a B complex and possibly rhodiola.
Have you used Relora® with success either personally or with clients/patients? Has it lowered salivary cortisol levels? Has it helped with stress and anxiety?
If you had been using Seriphos to help lower high cortisol and reduce stress and anxiety, and decide to use Relora® please let us know how effective it is for you.
Update November 18, 2016: I emailed Interplexus asking if they will be bringing back the original Seriphos formula and received this message from them:
Yes, the information is correct we will be returning the previous formula of Seriphos and are expecting to have it late November, unfortunately we do not have a completion date as of yet so the estimated time frame is not a guarantee. It will be the same formula as before and we will also manufacture a Phosphatidylserine standalone product in the future. If you have further questions or concerns feel free to contact, and you’re also welcome to check on the status of Seriphos periodically.
Update January 20, 2017: Seriphos Original Formula is back and you can read more about it here
I suffer from high cortisol as indicated by a saliva test.
I have been using Relora for a year, 250mg/day and have not noticed any relief from the effects of high cortisol: blood rushing like a raging river, heart pounding when awakened during night, and interrupted sleep (waking 4-7 times each night sometimes not being able to get back to sleep for over two hours).
Your study indicates that the group took 500 mg/day but only found an 18% lowering of cortisol (and says nothing about sleep). That relief is small compared to the almost complete relief with the original Seriphos formula.
Along with Relora, I have been faithful to a good diet: real whole food, quality animal protein, eat to control blood sugar, no gluten/sugar/caffeine/alcohol, addressing gut health, using GABA as needed and addressing low levels of zinc, vitamin B6, vitamin D with a high quality multivitamin. Additional adrenal support would include extra vitamin C and pantothenic acid, a B complex. I take an adaptogen (Optimal Adrenal) by Seeking Health which includes ashwagandha and rhodiola among others. These seem to help the shakiness during the day.
I still cannot sleep through the night.
The first study in the article used 500mg/day and then second one used 750mg/day so I would say a higher dose many be worthwhile trialing if 250mg doesn’t help. I also look at any combination products like Optimal Adrenal in case one or more of the ingredients are stimulating – ashwagandha can often be and so can some of the ginsengs. I also like at least 1000mg vitamin C and 1000mg pantothenic acid and 1000mg rhodiola (this one we start low and increase).
I did reach out to colleagues and heard back after this article was scheduled to be published: 3 of them have had good success with Relora (subjective and objective), one often combines it with phosphatidyl serine and another used Relora with success for years and now uses a magnolia-only product called Honopure (https://www.econugenics.com/honopure/).
We are all different and need to find our own magic formula. Sorry to hear you are still looking for yours
Pls i know it í cya but when you say ck with your Dr sẻiously they have no clue ì it works or not etc…
Hi Anu, I too have high cortisol. My functional medicine doctor recommended Relora by Swanson. I was surprised at the brand as she usually uses pure encapsulations. She said to take one at bedtime. Well, I used it for awhile and didn’t notice anything at all so I stopped. Then I got desperate for relief and looked at the bottle to see dosage. Well, the recommended dose on the bottle said 3/250 mg. a day. NOW I know that that is a dose that’s general. But I thought what the heck I’m going to try three a day! SO, I did get calmer. So I’m thinking you are not taking enuf and I think it takes awhile to really notice. You do know they are supposed to bring back seriphos this month sometime. I haven’t heard anything about restock yet. I know all about shakiness…its miserable. You might rethink rhodiola and ashwagandha as they can stimulate. They did for me. I cannot take ginseng of any kind except American. Just some thoughts for ya…..hang in there sister…..there might be aa light at the end of the tunnel if they bring back seriphos.
Have you considered using am MP3 with light meditation music and the most boring book you can find to help you sleep? The music will help lower cortisol and boring book might put back to sleep.
Thanks for sharing (and your encouraging words for Anu). Glad to hear 750mg of the Relora seemed to help you.
Kaye, thanks for responding. Been fighting high cortisol for most of my life but it has gotten worse since I turned 70. Been following Trudy and her blogs on GABA. Tried GABA several times in the past but the minescule amounts she suggests putting under the tongue did nothing for me. I now take 500mg GABA along with 200mg L-Thinaine 2-3 times a day and the RUSHING feeling is GONE!!!! Also sleeping MUCH better. Cannot find any research on this other than Trudy’s and my functional medicine doctor knows less than Trudy does. Thank God for Trudy! It works as I also have low serotonin and GABA increases that as well. My B vitamins are low and am having trouble getting them up even with supplements which indicates I have a B conversion issue… SNPs or whatever. Too hard to understand and no doctor knows what to do. My endocrinologist hadn’t even heard about GABA and said supplements don’t help…. hmmm. Thanks, sister. Let’s keep at it. We are our own advocates.
Hi Trudy,
I went to order Seriphos on the Natural Partners website. It stated
Seriphos is going back to the previous formula!
They did not give a timeframe for the change…
Could you check this out with the manufacturer?
I emailed Interplexus asking if they will be bringing back the original Seriphos formula and received this message from them: “Yes, the information is correct we will be returning the previous formula of Seriphos and are expecting to have it late November, unfortunately we do not have a completion date as of yet so the estimated time frame is not a guarantee. It will be the same formula as before and we will also manufacture a Phosphatidylserine standalone product in the future. If you have further questions or concerns feel free to contact, and you’re also welcome to check on the status of Seriphos periodically.”
Thanks for this post Trudy – sadly I have been having huge sleep problems again after a really good spell over the last few months. Been pretty full on and stressed of late so attributing it to that. Cortisol seems high at night and I wake in the early hours feeling all tingly, wired, ruminating like crazy, v low mood and unable to go back to sleep at all. Been trying taking Lidtke Complete tryptophan then but it is not helping either so am interested in trying Relora or perhaps prefer to wait for the return of the original Seriphos which it sounds like they are bringing back. Can you confirm this? Many thanks and hope you are settling in well to OZ!
Sorry to hear this. I emailed Interplexus asking if they will be bringing back the original Seriphos formula and received this message from them: “Yes, the information is correct we will be returning the previous formula of Seriphos and are expecting to have it late November, unfortunately we do not have a completion date as of yet so the estimated time frame is not a guarantee. It will be the same formula as before and we will also manufacture a Phosphatidylserine standalone product in the future. If you have further questions or concerns feel free to contact, and you’re also welcome to check on the status of Seriphos periodically.”
You could try the Relora as it may be some time but I suspect some kind of infection with the cycling good and bad results you experience. Or perhaps look into bipolar II and lithium orotate, needed for a stable baseline in order for the amino acids to work. Also other factors like Hashimoto’s and SIBO but I think you know all this already
Hello Trudy and thank you for your message and the info from Interplexus – that’s good to know. Yes you are right and I am fully aware that there are deeper issues going on and I’m gradually formulating an action plan having gathered all the knowledge from my reading, researching and listening to several summits. Long term psychological issues and ‘damage’ are major players in my case and having recently completed Daniel and Tana Amen’s excellent ‘Brain Warrior’s Way’ 6 month course, I am seriously considering visiting one of his clinics in the US next spring during our visit there to have the SPECT scan and a full evaluation. Once I have the results of this I then plan to orchestrate a recovery program in conjunction with a Functional Medicine practitioner here in London – although I’m thinking of having the basic tests done here before heading to the US for the SPECT scan i.e. organic acids, comprehensive digestive stool analysis, heavy metals etc etc.
What are your thoughts on this and me having the SPECT scan and evaluation?
I know you’ve been gathering resources and trialing various approaches (and battling with your issues for some time now) but based on what I’ve seen with clients who have come to me with SPECT scans I have not seen that they drive the treatment plan (if you’re working with a doctor) or nutritional interventions to warrant the high cost and invasive nature of the test (radiation exposure).
In other words SPECT scan result A does not mean nutritional intervention A, and SPECT scan result B does not mean nutritional intervention B and so on.
I have been looking in to this since I interviewed him on the Anxiety Summit and I really love Dr. Amen and applaud him for this work (especially in TBI and concussion) and his nutritional approaches. He is clearly a caring and wonderful doctor who helps many patients. However for anxiety and depression I have seen better results with basic blood work, adrenal saliva testing (and now the Dutch test), OAT, stool, heavy metals, SIBO, IgG, toxin exposures etc.
A few years ago I considered having one done myself but based on what I now know I would not and would not recommend them to a client. I think we’re just not there yet. I have colleagues who have shared the same reservations.
I do feel there may be value in showing damage what has been done to the brain by trauma (both physical and mental), benzodiazepines and other medications.
I’d like to see a balanced review on SPECT scans from a functional medicine doctor/practitioner – if you search online you get articles slamming him for making money and living in a mansion (which is not fair and has nothing to do with how valuable or not SPECT scans are). This is the best I’ve found on the concerns about SPECT scans and radiation and cancer http://athenwood.com/wspect.shtml
Hi Trudy and thanks so much for responding, didn’t mean to pressure you but was just wanting to make sure the msg had gone through. I admire how you’ve moved country and practically continued with barely a break! Amazing resilience.
I HUGELY respect your detailed opinion and info provided here regarding me having a SPECT scan and wasn’t aware of the risks. Having read the excellent article you shared, I see it’s a lot more risky than a standard X-Ray and that a qEEG scan may be just as beneficial without risks. I intend to start some Neurofeedback here in the New Year which begins with a qEEG scan – all at a fraction of the cost. EMDR is also something I’m exploring for my trauma.
As I have endured a lot of mental trauma over the years (from childhood thru to adulthood), I was thinking that a SPECT scan would help identify this and pin-point what should/could be done to help address the damage if any. I struggle hugely with focus and concentration – I have done all my life. This makes it very difficult for me to read/listen to/write things – after a few lines down the page, my mind has wandered off. This makes learning and understanding things VERY difficult as it becomes torture trying to follow and keep up. Whilst I LOVE all the info provided in summits, they are very taxing on my brain. It made my life at school/uni hell and I had to learn as much as I could off-by-heart to get through rather than understanding which in itself was arduous. I think this led to my battle with OCD as I used to challenge myself on remembering the off-by-heart learning I had done. I would end up going round in circles of panic and stress trying to remember everything! I was also thinking the SPECT scan may be valuable in showing any damage done by medications – I was on Roaccutane and antibiotics for years for unrelenting acne which I’ve now finally got under control with the help of an LED mask and diet, hopefully!
Yes Dr Amen is great and I remember your interview with him on the Anxiety Summit but having taken everything on board I’m tending to think given the risks and the huge expense, it’s probably not worth it and these funds would be better spent in detail on the areas to which you refer on which I have touched the tip of the iceberg but now need to fulfill thoroughly with a local practitioner. I have found someone who works at a local chiropractic clinic and who I think may be suitable. My plan is to address this in the New Year after the end of year madness. I don’t need to add any more stress to my schedule!
Thank you again Trudy for responding in detail to my query, I truly value your advice and opinion. x
Did you see my msg above Trudy? Just wondering if it went through. Have a lovely weekend.
Thanks for checking back
got behind with the move to Australia
I take Relora (500mg) and have been doing so for a week now. It has definitely reduced my cortisol levels. Everyday I notice a slight decrease in cortisol, and it will continue to eventually balance my cortisol levels. I use a product by Thorne Research called Relora Plus. Alongside this, I take a multivitamin, Omega 3, Magnesium and probiotic.
Thanks for sharing and glad it’s helping. What symptoms are you seeing improved? anxiety and/or insomnia? And when are you taking the Relora?
Sleep is deeper
Anxiety is dropping , able to go outside more and general well being improvement.
I take 500mg in morning and 250mg midday
I will try Seriphos too to go with it. My cortisol is out of control, I had it tested and they were off the charts. I no longer feel tired and night and feel wired and I have a heart beat which is too fast.
I am really desperate to get my cortisol balanced. How long does it take for Seriphos to balance cortisol would you say please?
Typically 1-3 months assuming the root cause of the high cortisol is being addressed too