Pyroluria is a social anxiety condition, where specific physical and emotional symptoms are caused by deficiencies of vitamin B6 and zinc. As well as feeling anxious, shy, or fearful or experiencing inner tension since childhood (and often hiding these feelings from others), digestive symptoms are common.
I discuss this condition, connecting the dots with digestive issues and low zinc, with my friend and colleague, Summer Bock, on the virtual conference called Better Belly Project 2.0:
We talk about some of the digestive symptoms we see with pyroluria:
- leaky gut
- gluten and other food sensitivities
- morning nausea
- poor appetite
- not a big protein eater (an aversion to red meat is common)
- stitch on your side
- morning constipation
(These symptoms and others are all listed on the pyroluria questionnaire)
I cover one possible mechanism related to low zinc, reviewing a 2016 study from Cornell University – Chronic Zinc Deficiency Alters Chick Gut Microbiota Composition and Function:
- Zinc deficiency is caused by insufficient dietary zinc (or in this instance, pyroluria)
- This contributes to a decrease in gut microbial diversity
- We see an overgrowth of bacteria because of low zinc conditions, leading to dysbiosis
- This leads to alterations in the functional capacity of the microflora – affecting zinc absorption, carbohydrate digestion and fermentation
- This causes less production of short chain fatty acids, which are compounds that are responsible for improving the bioavailability of zinc.
- Overall, these microbial effects may decrease zinc absorbability and disturb gut health, perpetuating a zinc deficient state.
We also discuss the following:
- How low vitamin B6 plays a major role in inflammation
- How low zinc impacts your connective tissue – your joints, skin and your digestive system (there appears to be a possible connection to Ehlers Danlos Syndrome/EDS, a connective tissue disorder characterized by hypermobile joints)
- How collagen and gelatin, which are being used to heal the gut, may actually be depleting serotonin levels and increasing anxiety/depression in some individuals
Summer Bock, one of the leading gut health experts, is interviewing 49 experts who are leaders in the field of digestion, nutrition, and health in this huge, week-long virtual conference called Better Belly Project 2.0: Crushing the Critters, Plugging the Leaks, & Balancing the Biome for Your Best Body Ever
Summer’s goal is to create a great resource with a few different tracks to make it easier for you to navigate the information:
- Gut Health Basics
- Gut-Brain Axis (my interview “Low zinc, social anxiety/pyroluria and the gut” is in this track)
- Wellness Professional
- Fermentation
- Microbiome & Probiotics
This online event will provide exceptional value, knowledge, and truly life-changing insights from authors, professors, scientists, fermented foods experts, and wellness practitioners who have an understanding on how you can improve your digestive health amidst all the processed foods, antibiotics, stress and lack of probiotic-rich foods in the diet.
The dates are December 8-14th and there’s no charge to attend when you register in time for the live event.
You can see the event schedule and register here for Better Belly Project 2.0
I hope you enjoy it and get as much out of it as I plan too! I learn new information at all these online events too!
Do you have pyroluria and can you relate to these digestive symptoms?
Feel free to leave your questions and comments below.
Hi, Trudy.
After purchasing your book, I completed the pyloria questionnaire and scored really high- I purchased the supplements you recommended and have seen vast improvements in my mood. The only thing that hasn’t changed are my gut issues- occasional constipation and feeling like there’s a brick trying to move along my colon when I sit down and rest. My diet is varied and nutrient rich, I’m taking a good probiotic and fermented foods up to 3 times a day.
I’m looking forward to watching the ‘better belly project’ and wonder if it may shed a light on any of this?
The Better Belly Summit 2.0 is going to great and I’m sure you’ll get so much out of it! In the meantime be sure to consider gluten issues, SIBO and thyroid issues as they can all cause constipation (although it would likely be more than occasional).
I’m so pleased to hear about your vast improvements in your mood! May I ask what supplements you added? pyroluria supps and amino acids?
Hi, Trudy
I added pyroluria supplements only- I wanted to see how I faired with just those first- B6, Zinc, B complex and primrose. I am taking L-glutamine, but that was for its gut healing capabilities- I’ve seen no improvements as yet. I’ve quit sugar (again!) as seem to be getting a new symptom of joint pain- I’m sure it’s all related to my digestion, so that’s my main thing to sort. I’m a few days into the specific carb diet, as have noticed I feel bad after eating parsnips, sweet potatoes and oats….
I would like to know if I could purchase the pyloria supplements as I have most of the symptoms and social anxiety since childhood.
Hi Linda
Yes of course – here is my blog with the supplements I recommend to clients and details on how to set up an account with the fulfilment company I use
Trudy-I have been searching for about five years now for a resolution of burning mouth/lie lesions which have significantly reduced the quality of my life. I have leaky gut and chronic constipation, tested a year ago with zinc deficiency. Gall bladder removed almost ten years ago. Post menopausal 68. I eat exactly as I have been coached very strictly-no relief. I am a periodontist and am lioking for a root cause for both myself and patients. Do you have any resources on this topic?
I do have some feedback for you on burning mouth syndrome but can you first tell me what lie lesions are? You mention seeking answers for you and your patients. Is burning mouth syndrome something you see often?
With the gut issues you mention I encourage you to tune in to this online event too
Yes as a periodontist I see this enough. Lie lesions are one of the medical terms for inflammatory lesions along the sides and tip of the tongue, but can be found all over. In dentistry we are taught to tell people to supplement with vitamin B- most often I think B12. Most often found in menopausal woman. Associated with sugar sensitivity and therefore maybe associated with candida, but typical white coating is not often found.
Hello, I am 5 weeks postpartum and have struggled off an on with anxiety since I went through puberty. I suspect pyroluria, but even though I took zinc and b6 my entire pregnancy, I am still struggling with anxiety especially now postpartum. How long does it take for the zinc and b6 to help? Also, do you know of any good resources for postpartum help? This is my 6th baby and I’ve struggled with anxiety after every one. I feel at a loss, because everything I’ve read says gaba, 5htp, and tryptophan shouldn’t be used while pregnant or breastfeeding and that’s been me for the past ten years! Anyway, I’ve had to resort to medication at times because I feel the natural stuff that I can take is not always enough. Also, when I take my b-complex, designs for health brand, I feel like it actually increases my anxiety now. Thank you!
With the correct combo and zinc and B6 help in 1-2 weeks. Postpartum anxiety can often be due to high copper so working with a functional medicine practitioner to help you figure this out would be ideal.
There is only one study on tryptophan being used during breast-feeding With the doctor’s approval some nursing moms will nurse and then use one of the amino acids right after and then not nurse for 4 hours, always watching baby for any adverse effects.
DFH has added TMG to their B complex and this can increase anxiety in some folks as can the higher dose of folate.
Hi Trudy! I will be reading through your website more before I ask too many questions, but I do want to ask one right off the bat. I have suspected I may deal with pyroluria since I heard about it a few years ago, but struggling to find a good practitioner, I only just last month had my zinc and copper levels tested. My copper was 183mcg/dl and zinc 55mcg/dl. I believe they were both serum. My question is why would a 15mg zinc citrate supplement (which also contains 4mg B6- Seeking Health brand) cause debilitating insomnia? Is this common, and is there a way to alleviate the insomnia while also helping to balance zinc? Thank you for your insight!
I’d have my client switch to another product if we suspect it’s causing insomnia
Hi Trudy,
Trying to increase my zinc but there is an electrolyte powder I use 4 times a week with copper (cupric citrate) 0.2 mg (10% daily value). Is this enough to decrease the zinc?
Thank you for your information on the Better Belly!!!
For someone with pyroluria no added copper is the best and this amount can be an issue for some.
Glad you enjoyed my interview!
Thank you Trudy
Another comment and question… for those of us who don’t do well with oral supplements, magnazinc which is a transdermal formula by Lee Silsby might be helpful (as it has been in my case). I am wanting to add in the transdermal b vitamins. Would you suggest a b complex (of course with b6) or would you say to get the b6 (P5P) alone to pair with the magnazinc?
Hello Trudy.l tried solaray zinc supplements gave my daughter very bad stomach cramp,we discontinued.What brand should l try?
I find zinc used towards the end of the meal prevent this and the nausea we often see