Misdiagnoses of fibromyalgia is rampant–upwards of two-thirds of patients could be misdiagnosed! Tens of millions diagnosed with fibromyalgia may actually have other problems accounting for their symptoms, which leads to improper treatment. Are you one of them?
We invite you to attend this event if you are suffering from:
- Body-wide pain
- Persistent fatigue
- Unrefreshed sleep and insomnia
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Thyroid and/or adrenal dysfunction
- Depression and/or anxiety
Naturally I discussed the fibromyalgia-anxiety connection and the use of both 5-HTP and/or tryptophan to ease the pain and the anxiety.
Here are some excerpts from one of the papers we discussed: Fibromyalgia and the serotonin pathway
Fibromyalgia syndrome is a musculoskeletal pain and fatigue disorder manifested by diffuse myalgia, localized areas of tenderness, fatigue, lowered pain thresholds, and nonrestorative sleep.
Low serotonin is often a contributing factor with fibromyalgia and we find that tryptophan and/or 5-HTP can be very beneficial for the anxiety, depression, pain and insomnia we often see in those with classic fibromyalgia:
Serotonin substrate supplementation, via L-tryptophan or 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), has been shown to improve symptoms of depression, anxiety, insomnia and somatic pains in a variety of patient cohorts.
Here is a recent blog on the topic: Fibromyalgia: tryptophan or 5-HTP for anxiety, depression, pain and insomnia
We also cover how the other aminos GABA and DPA (d-phenylalanine) can help with pain reduction too, and how to do a trial of the amino acids in order to find the optimal dose.
I also discuss how the other amino acids GABA and DPA (d-phenylalanine) can help with pain reduction too, and how to do a trial of the amino acids in order to find the optimal dose (so if you need a recap on how to do this do join us).
Other topics in our interview include:
- Benzodiazepines
- Joint hyperflexibility (or Ehlers–Danlos syndrome)
Dr. David M. Brady, ND is the host of the summit and is one of my favorite doctors. I learned so much from him when I first became a nutritionist! He is an internationally recognized expert in fibromyalgia and a staunch patient advocate for those who have been struggling because of a medical system that is ill-equipped to deal with the problem.
Here is a snippet of his interview with Kara Fitzgerald on testing and ferritin:
The Fibro-fix Summit runs through June 27. You can register here.
Enjoy! And feel free to ask questions here.
Good morning Trudy I am so glad to have stumbled across your you tube channel it has explained to me exactly what I have been experiencing for almost 6 months and I am no doctor but I researched for ages tried so many things spent a lot of money on lots of natural healing products , I realised that because of being a insomniac it eventually had what from you explained all muscle pain waking me early morning as fibromyalgia definitely.Doctors will give you pain killers I won’t go down that road and paracetamol doesn’t work so I’ve took your advice and have been taking l tryptophan and it’s helping me sleep better taking one capsule late afternoon even though I wake up at 4.30 5.00 really hope this helps to repair my body I have always been healthy and full of energy want to get back there thank you Trudy for your help Laura Xx