Earlier this week was PANS/PANDAS awareness day 2017 so I’d like to bring some awareness to this condition that causes sudden-onset OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) type symptoms and anxiety. The PANDAS Network defines PANDAS as follows:
PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections) occurs when strep triggers a misdirected immune response results in inflammation on a child’s brain. In turn, the child quickly begins to exhibit life changing symptoms such as OCD, anxiety, tics, personality changes, decline in math and handwriting abilities, sensory sensitivities, restrictive eating, and more.
PANDAS Network estimates that PANDAS/PANS affects as many as 1 in 200 children.
This Huffington Post article: Misdiagnosed: How Children With Treatable Medical Issues Are Mistakenly Labeled as Mentally Ill covers one family’s experience with misdiagnosis with their daughter and the treatment that eventually helped her recover. As you’ll read in the blog, PANS/PANDAS is still very poorly understood in the medical community and misdiagnoses are very common:
the vast majority of pediatricians, child psychiatrists, and neurologists are unapprised of the latest research and continue to misdiagnose children who have PANS/PANDAS with any number of mental health disorders.
The new movie My Kid Is Not Crazy is another great resource for gaining a better understanding of this condition. Here are some snippets from this excellent movie:
Nine-year-old Kathryn was a normal, healthy child. She was a star student, athlete and dancer. In a matter of days, she would become totally dysfunctional. Kathryn had alarming rapid-onset OCD refusing to eat or drink. She had tremendous separation anxiety and would become panicked if her parents were not in sight. She had trouble sleeping and showed signs of age regression in vocabulary and handwriting.
How did this happen?
Kathryn’s family and many families like them— turned to a fractured medical system, where there is fierce disagreement about how to help their daughter. More often than not, a child with these symptoms would be diagnosed as having mental illness. They’d be treated with anti-psychotic medication, behavior therapy, and even hospitalization.
But more than 30 years ago, Susan Swedo—a doctor with the National Institutes of Health—discovered that an undiagnosed strep infection was the cause of one child’s disabling illness. The more Swedo dug, the more evidence she found: Strep was linked to symptoms normally chalked up to psychiatric illness.
She also discovered how non-accepting modern medicine can be of new ideas.
Swedo has put her reputation and career in jeopardy as she fights to cure the condition she named: Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS). Neurologists Jonathan Mink, Roger Kurlan, Harvey Singer and others publically ridicule Swedo and her PANDAS theory, creating controversy over diagnoses and treatment. This group has become known on social media as the “non-believers.” The result: the entire pediatric-care industry is confused and doesn’t know what to do.
And it’s the children who suffer.
“My Kid is Not Crazy,” a film by Tim Sorel, tracks the journey of six children and their families as they become tangled in the nightmare of a medical system heavily influenced by the pharmaceutical industry. Here it’s common for a caregiver to prescribe a young child with a Selective Serotonin Uptake Inhibitor (SSRI) but hesitate to prescribe an antibiotic to counteract a potential infectious-based trigger. For some of these kids, what happens after several years is shocking and sad.
You can watch the trailer here and rent the movie to watch it online or purchase the DVD here.
The movie site also lists many helpful resources for PANS/PANDAS.
Last week’s blog: Anxiety, compulsive thinking, counting behaviors: gluten, tryptophan and inositol covered gluten, tryptophan and inositol for OCD symptoms. I mentioned that I also always keep Lyme disease, heavy metals and PANDAS on the list as possible areas to refer out for if symptoms are not resolving with the above nutritional approaches, so it made sense to share more about PANDAS this week.
Even if the OCD and anxiety is due to PANS/PANDAS, I would still encourage a gluten-free diet and trials of tryptophan, GABA and inositol (and other nutritional approaches) in order to provide some relief while the infection/s are being addressed. Similar results are seen when providing nutrient support like the use of GABA (and/or tryptophan) for relief for Lyme anxiety.
Do you know about PANS/PANDAS and the connection to OCD and anxiety?
Have you seen symptom resolution by addressing the infection/s one of your children, personally or with a patient or client?
Have you seen some symptom relief when also using GABA and/or tryptophan and/or inositol?
Dear Trudy,
Thank you for covering the subject of PANS/PANDAS .
Dr. Susan Swedo is a true hero and very courageous to continue her fine work in the face of such opposition.
The rapid onset of symptoms surely points to some biological event or insult to the body. The brain like all organs is vulnerable to infection.
Behavioral changes are the brain’s signal that something is amiss.
Families best serve their children when they look beyond the confines of traditional medicine and pharmaceutical treatments. There are so many health issues not recognized by standard medicine (such as systemic yeast and pyrrole disorder) which are healed/helped by natural approaches. How grateful we can be to have pioneers like Dr. Swedo identity the root causes and true solutions. And how grateful we can be to have you, Trudy. You keep us up to date with your blog and offer guidance on critical relief measures such as the use of amino acids.
I most certainly will watch this important film. Thank you!
Hi Ellen
Enjoy the film and yes Dr. Swedo is a true hero! It sounds like you are familiar with PANS/PANDAS – have you or a family member been diagnosed and treated successfully?
Dear Trudy,
The two teens I describe below are from families that I have known over many years. The family of the recovered teen was unaware of the terms PANS/PANDAS during the critical years of their child’s illness. They (like me) only learned of the terms in the past couple of years — and they (like me) are so grateful someone has given this debilitating health problem a name and has provided great insight into cause and treatment. Finding such topics on your blog is wonderful for all of us! Thanks so much.
(I am reminded of the all the years ulcers were attributed to stress. And then it was learned that for many individuals the cause is actually a bacterial infection!)
How wonderful for this family – and you’re most welcome! It’s so helpful to have a name and cause. I discovered the condition/term “pyroluria” years after I had been using the nutrients that helped me so much and it all made so much sense.
Hi Trudy
It wasn’t until after my daughter had recovered that I heard of PANS and realized that this was what she had.
At 16 she contracted a nasty case of Epstein-Barr and within a few weeks was a totally different person. She has Pyrrole Disorder and refused all supplements as she thought I was poisoning her. She wouldn’t sleep, would fly into violent rages, had dreadful OCD, anxiety and depression. She started punching and cutting herself. The psychiatrist wanted to start SSRIs but I refused as I knew this would just start another problem. Not even my integrative doctor knew what to do and I was beside myself with worry – I would check on her several times each night to make sure she hadn’t tried to kill herself.
I’m an RN with a huge interest in natural health and nervously went about trying to fix this with all of the research I had done over the years. I bribed her into slowly bringing back the supplements – it had to be a deal as this was not my daughter I was dealing with. I got her into sunshine each day and started making kefir, juices, sauerkraut and got these into her . I did vibrational energy anti-viral medicine and anti-viral homeopathy. I gave her 5-HTP and melatonin in the early stages, and IV glutathione.
Only when she had complied for 6 weeks did she get her reward of the new phone and kitten that she desperately wanted.
I don’t know if I was just lucky, but it worked and today she is a normal challenging 19 year old uni student.
It was the scariest time of my life and we paid a huge price – she was an elite athlete and had a high chance of representing Australia at the Commonwealth Games but she quit during this and won’t go back. This was very sad for us, but is a small price to pay for what could have happened.
Dear Krissy,
I am so moved by your story. No doubt you saved your daughter with your love and care — you served as both devoted mother and extradinary care giver.
A tale of two EBV cases I can share where two teen girls had a dramatic change in physical and mental health after severe cases of mononucleosis. For one teen, the parents were advised the EB virus was not an issue but that the child was just “stressed out”. The child continues in therapy and on medication. She is no longer the happy child she was and the parents are worried about their child’s future and her ability to go to college and live away from home.
For the other teen, the parents did not agree with their pediatrician that the EB infection was not related to the decline in physical/mental health and that their child just needed therapy and medication. The parents ended ties with their pediatrician of many years and searched desperately for solutions.
From their own research they learned EBV can be chronic and can cause many health problems. They also learned about pyrrole disorder (from Trudy’s book!) and started their child on the necessary supplements. Their daughter is now a happy functioning first year college student. She is able to take her pyrrole disorder supplements daily. She is also vigilant for any signs of returning EBV or any infection such as sore throats and knows to take prompt measures of increasing her vitamin C and taking natural anti-virals. Her daily zinc and B6 have clearly helped her immune system as she has fewer and less severe sore throats. One wonders if the pyrrole disorder and its related vitamin/ mineral deficiencies made the child more prone to EBV in the first place.
These two cases so demonstrate the limits and pitfalls of traditional medicine — as well as what families can achieve through their dedication, persistence and search for root causes and natural nutritional methods.
What an amazing “tale of two EBV cases” – thank you for sharing! I’m so happy the healthy and happy teen’s parents/doctor addressed the EBV and learned about pyroluria from my book. As I mentioned to Krissy I believe it’s a 2 -way street between pyroluria and infections
I agree that Krissy’s dedication highlights what moms and “families can achieve through their dedication, persistence and search for root causes and natural nutritional methods.”
It would be really wonderful if the family of the other teen were to read this story and blog – it’s never too late.
Thank you for sharing your heartfelt story with your daughter – I am so glad to hear “today she is a normal challenging 19 year old uni student.” How wonderful for her that you used your own wisdom and research – I know this will resonate with many of the readers here!
I’d like to clarifying this for everyone reading this – although this blog is about PANDAS/PANS and most people think of strep, you mention PANS and as you know the PANS definition applies to other infections such as EBV (and others like toxoplasma gondii etc), environmental factors and other possible triggers creating a misdirected immune response results in inflammation on a child’s brain (http://www.pandasnetwork.org/understanding-pandaspans/what-is-pans/).
I’d also like to add something about pyroluria. Dr. Klinghardt often sees pyroluria in his Lyme patients and has found that they don’t recover until the pyroluria is addressed. It’s highly likely that this applies with other infections too so addressing her pyroluria very possibly played a major role in her recovery. I also wonder if having pyroluria makes us more susceptible to infections.
Two questions for you if you don’t mind: 1) what is vibrational energy anti-viral medicine? and 2) You mention giving her 5-HTP and melatonin in the early stages – did these help with her sleep, violent rages, OCD, anxiety and depression?
Hi Krissy, I’ve read your precious testimony now, I’m very happy that your daughter is fine, you did well to keep your pediatrician from taking on your daughter. I wondered what kind of antiviral products you used to treat your daughter. Have you used other supplements? Did glutathione be administered orally? Even my son has contracted the Epstein Barr virus, I’m eager to know if the OCDs are gone ..thanks..
Good morning, Trudy, I follow with great interest all his precious advice, I am very interested in the topic of anxiety due to Pandas diagnosis, pitand or pans. I want to understand which mechanisms are activated in Pandas, pitand or pans to get the obsessive compulsive symptoms anxiety .. how is it possible that an infection or a virus will activate the docs? i wanna ask her if she has known pandas.pitand or pans healed or improved after using tryptophan and inositol. the tic vocals I found are bound if you follow a gluten-free diet, casein, corn, and sugars, it would be helpful. Voice tics improve when you take oily, diatommee, and other supplements as the autoantibodies can disappear. integrators that help the dustburn of attention? Thank you very much …
I’m not sure we understand all the mechanisms but inflammation and immune dysregulation are big factors. These infections also disrupt neurotransmitter production – one of them being serotonin, low levels of which can cause anxiety, depression and OCD. This paper on toxoplasma gondii (which has probably been studied the most) describes some of the mechanisms https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28138019
I find that with many infections like PANDAs/PANS, Lyme etc using tryptophan, GABA and inositol eases symptoms while the infection is being addressed.
Dietary factors can make issues worse and increase inflammation so removing gluten, sugar, caffeine and all the other problematic foods are helpful too.
Thank you to Ellen, Trudy and Rafael for your kind words. Thinking back, I also gave my daughter intravenous vit C cocktails as well as intravenous glutathione. She also had a herbal mix of anti-pathogens to drink – sorry can’t remember what but it would have been all of the usual things. Plus oral lysine, oregano essential oil and I crushed garlic and alternated manuka honey with sea salt water to gargle and swallow – her tonsils were very infected. I had to introduce these slowly and use a lot of psychology as she didn’t trust me. The most important thing was to first get her back on the zinc and B6 then she was a bit more compliant.
She had QCR treatments which is based on quantum physics – as in matter having it’s own energy field and you are put in contact with this machine as it puts various energies into you. Weird but it helps and I bought a home version of this which I use for various things including her period pain- she asks for it as she knows it works. Various ampules which have been impregnated with energy frequencies are “beamed” onto you. I used the virus ampules and I made a bacterial one with garlic to use also. I think it is called “Orgon Beamer” and it is from Germany.
We go a lot further as all of us have Pyrrole Disorder – I am borderline but my husband is high and my 3 kids are higher. I started looking for answers when my middle son, then 9, calmly told me one day that he was going to jump off a bridge. Somehow this disorder came to my mind and had everyone tested. It made sense as my youngest is also on the Autism spectrum but is recovering.
We eat only organic as much as possible, generally gluten/dairy/soy free and have a lot of supplements.
As for the melatonin and 5-HTP – insomnia was a huge problem, and I had no idea that her school had arranged with my husband to have her on sleeping pills for nearly 2 weeks as she had been falling asleep on the desk. I took her off those when I found out and switched to melatonin just to get some sleep while I tried to get her serotonin up – hence the sunshine, probiotics, then switched to 5-HTP – and it helped with the behaviours and OCD.
I really wish I could have access to someone who knows what they are doing with regard to Immunoglobulins as this could have been useful.
Our latest battle is her early Hashimoto’s (I have it and I’m keeping an eye on my ASD boy as well as his auto antibodies are a little high also) We are about to try some low dose Naltrexone as it’s had great results with viruses and autoimmune. I’m also going to try homeopathics again.
What I think is truly a huge problem now is Gardasil and I feel this has contributed if not caused my daughters problems. My youngest will not go to school on future vaccination days to make sure he doesn’t receive it.
I have changed my job as vaccines no longer fit with my ethics.
Thanks for sharing all this and the Orgone Beamer info. I’ve just been asked to review a book on Lyme where the author used energy frequencies to heal her Lyme and co-infections – the doctor was in Europe – so I’ll be learning more about this. I’m also intrigued because I learned about Rife technology for cancer support as an intern nutritionist.
Glad to hear the 5-HTP helped with the behaviours and OCD. I always recommend amino acid support and inositol too if needed to ease some of the symptoms while the underlying infection is being treated by the doctor.
For Hashimoto’s I recommend Dr. Izabella Wentz’s new book “Hashimoto’s Protocol” (here on Amazon http://amzn.to/2zkoRVg). She covers infections in great detail. Here is a blog with some additional info https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/hashimotos-protocol-izabella-wentz/
I recently heard from Shannon Garret (NP and Hashi’s expert) that LDN can increase anxiety in some individuals.
Also I blog about GABA and fluoride and the thyroid here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/gaba-hypothyroidism-fluoride-anxiety/
I agree Gardasil is big problem for so many young girls (and now boys too). Pharmacist Suzy Cohen writes about it here http://suzycohen.com/articles/gardasil-vaccination-big-decision-for-your-little-girl/
Thank you Krissy for your information
you are very kind ..
A few things I forgot to mention – I put my daughter (and all of us) on a Paleo/ Ketogenic diet as this is supposed to be anti-viral as well. A wonderful side-effect was my son’s severe eczema of 4 years went away on it – I had spent thousands of dollars on testing and treatments and it was candida. She also had some adaptogenic herbs to help her adrenals.
Today my daughter sticks with organic, low sugar food by choice- the acne she had in school went away on the diet and that’s a pretty good incentive to continue.
Lastly, if anyone is interested, I think a piece of the mental health problems we all see these days is EMF, mobile phones etc, and the big one – wi-fi. My ASD boy wouldn’t sleep in his room for the 4 years that we had wi-fi, and I turned it off after I read about what it does. He has slept in his room ever since – the router was under his bedroom. I don’t think even the experts know everything about the effects yet. We know that wi-fi in particular attaches to heavy metals in your body and makes it much harder to clear. I think that there is also a link with pathogens here.
I had severe EBV infections twice as a teenager and never had the horrendous mental health consequences that we see today, and never saw it in anyone else. I think it’s yet another man made type of collateral damage inflicted upon us as we move further from nature.
Trudy, it is wonderful that you and so many other therapists do what you do – I would love to study naturopathy and help people if I could ever afford to do the course, but I would probably be an old lady by then!
Thanks for sharing this additional info – wonderful re Paleo/ Ketogenic diet. And yes I agree the EMFs and wifi are a HUGE problem – well done for figuring out that part too.
It’s never too late to do this work! I switched careers and started studying nutrition in my 40s and it’s the best thing I did! Check out some of the distance schools endorsed by NANP/National Association of Nutrition Professionals http://www.nanp.org If you can do one of the Masters programs I highly recommend Maryland University of Integrative Health. I’ve had quite a few queries about studying and am gathering material into a blog post. Maybe I should do a webinar?
Yes, do a webinar‼️
Dear Krissy,
You are most kind and helpful to share the measures you used to heal your child. Given all you do for your family, you are essentially a practitioner in addition to being a mother!
I so agree with your thought on the perils of EMF, Wi-Fi, and the like. Electronics are widely used without a lot known about the hazards. It is hard to find a family today that is not dealing with autism, anxiety, OCD, depression or some physical/mental problem. More and more parents are providing ongoing care to their children even as they grown into teens and young adults due to the chronic health issues afflicting them.
Thank goodness for forums such as these where we can share and help each other!
Thanks Ellen. Best wishes.
Hi Trudy,i’m stefano and i’m in desperate need of your help.
i’m italian and i live in italy,tuscany.
i have a strange form of pure ocd ((i called it generalized pure ocd because every word i think,whatever thing i see or every thought i have become intrusive generating in me a debilitating anxiety,in the last two years WITH STRONG EYES BURNING( thing that I can’t understand) that impossibilitates me to do any things even for 1-2 days)).
I can perfectly feel every time since 8 years that the ocd is located in the middle part of the brain, always ready to explode.
Antidepressants,mood stabilyzers,antipsychotics etc etc etc did not served at all in all these years.
Only five years ago Delorazepam save my life,but only for 2 months because social anxiety and ocd disappeared TOTALLY to the point that I forgot to have it(and they were chronic like today).
Last summer and the previous one i also tried the rTMS for ocd but with no results at all.
I also have mild asperger(discovered recently but not causing me difficulty in life) and a strange form of social anxiety that I will try to describe: without drug and supplement i can speak normally only with the people I know very well, for example close family members,instead without drug and supplement i have this strong anxiety that completely destroyed my social life of my last 15 years.
Despite everything i was able to become a composer and a piano Maestro in the conservatory of my city,Lucca…i try to write for film and tv…but is so difficult because of ocd.
I have overcamed social anxiety(totally) and ocd(partially) with 2 mg mg xanax RP two times a day(i take it since many years) complemented with 400 mg of 5-htp mg two times a day.
Using the xanax without the 5-htp from Griffonia my anxiety is almost at the same severity because i developed an high tolerance(and dependence) in these years.
Now i was looking for a test in an italian naturopathy in agreement with Synlab,costing about 200 euros and examining food intolerances and also the state of MTHFR,allowing you to download your report after 10 days.
The instructions on the blog says:Just rub the 2 swabs into the inner surface of the cheeks, one at a time, for about 1 minute the one.What do you think about this test?
Is it worth a try? Are there better and more suitable tests for my situation?
I also wanted to inform you that my LAST TSH IS 6,6 ; ft4 and ft3 are ok,Abtg and TPO are ok,also the ultrasound revealed that my thyroid is ok,although the sonographer noticed in me an abdominal meteoric that he had never seen ALL his clinical practice,which almost prevented her from performing my abdominal radiography.
He have prescribed me Elgasin, a supplement based on alpha and beta galactosidase and caraway.My belly is deflated. Should i continue this therapy after two weeks? She said me 3 MONTHS…but it costs.There are natural alternatives?
Also,I read on the Internet that in case of psychiatric patients with altered TSH some foreign endocrinologists still administer a therapy based on Eutirox to see if there could be improvements and my basic Doctor advised me a visit From the endocrinologist. Could it be worth it according to your opinion? Could be a connection betweewn ocd,anxiety,asperger and thyroid?
Additionally,two years ago I’ve tried GAPS diet for more than one month,but I did not appreciate any improvement in my condition.
Thank you for your time
How wonderful that you are a composer and a piano Maestro in the conservatory of your city! I can’t offer specific advice for you via the blog but if we were working together I’d refer to a practitioner for thyroid support, I’d assess for low serotonin and do a trial of tryptophan (some people do better on this) and possibly inositol for the OCD, and consider infections per this blog. I’d also look low GABA and pyroluria support for the social anxiety (https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/pyroluria-questionnaire-from-the-antianxiety-food-solution/).
I’m not familiar with the testing you mention so can’t comment
Dear Trudy,thanks for your kind words.
In the past i’ve already tried inositol for about 1 years at 18 mg die without any result on ocd.
I never tried tryptophan,but 5-htp with partial but very good results in ocd.
In your opinion can i try it instead of 5-htp to see if it’s good?
To look into gaba is necessary the GABA test? Oryou mean a blood gaba test? I’ve read that this “test” consist in trying a gaba supplement and verify if some of effects happens;this would mean that your blood brain barrier is damaged.What do you think of the validity this theory?
And how do you consider of testing MTHFR mutations to reset a diet in a nutrigenetic way?
Moreover,what do you think of organic acid test?
A mother friend of mine said me that helped very much her son with pandas,but this test is also helpful for ocd?
As the last thing,do you believe that trying other SSRIs might be a sensible choice?
In the past i’ve tried es-citalopram and efexor and did nothing dor ocd and anxiety but severely collateral effects,instead 5-htp has helped me much much,almost without adverse effects.
With hope,
Dear Trudy,thanks for your kind words.
In the past i’ve already tried inositol for about 1 years at 18 mg die without any result on ocd.
I never tried tryptophan,but 5-htp with partial but very good results in ocd.
In your opinion can i try it instead of 5-htp to see if it’s good?
To look into gaba is necessary the GABA test? Oryou mean a blood gaba test? I’ve read that this “test” consist in trying a gaba supplement and verify if some of effects happens;this would mean that your blood brain barrier is damaged.What do you think of the validity this theory?
And how do you consider of testing MTHFR mutations to reset a diet in a nutrigenetic way?
Moreover,what do you think of organic acid test?
A mother friend of mine said me that helped very much her son with pandas,but this test is also helpful for ocd?
As the last thing,do you believe that trying other SSRIs might be a sensible choice?
In the past i’ve tried es-citalopram and efexor and did nothing dor ocd and anxiety but severely collateral effects,instead 5-htp has helped me much much,almost without adverse effects.
PS I have Oxalates in the urine
With hope,
Some people do better with tryptophan and some do better with 5-HTP so we try both if the first one doesn’t give expected results.
I use trials of the aminos and no GABA test. GABA has other mechanisms so it’s not just the BBB we have to consider. More on that here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/gaba-blood-brain-barrier-trial-anxiety/
MTHFR polymorphism means there is a predisposition and we don’t know if it’s expressing and actually causing an issue.
I don’t use the organic acids test much but many doctors find it helpful.
Oxalate issues can cause mood problems and a low oxalate diet can sometimes help. I’m not aware of an oxalate OCD connection though.
I think you answered your SSRI question.
My next step would be to recommend extensive testing for strep, Lyme and other infections.
hi Trudy,i’m always here.
Despite of the fact that my last TSH is 6,8 all endocrynologists i asked if they could helped me..they answer no,because they don’t know connection between mental disorders (i have “ocd”/”anxiety”) and thyroid.
What do you thinking about it? Why they don’t know and WHO i have to ask help?
I live in Italy…
Yesterday the genetic kit has arrived.
With the results,the online Doctor(owner of the website of this kit) will send me a report of my genetic weaknesses and strenghts,so she can set me a specific diet based on the mutations(the test analyzes 2 types of mthfr mutation).
I hope it’s no another waste of time..
Dear Stefano,
I am amazed by what you are able to do given all your health issues.
Another place to look for problems and infections is in the stomach and intestines which can cause all kinds of health issues (physical/mental/cognitive). From
all that I have read, two worthwhile tests are:
1. Comprehensive stool test
2. Organic acid urine test (OAT test)
If we learn of any gastrointestinal infections (such as yeast or bad bacteria) and begin to treat them naturally, overall health can improve. I have read that infections like Yeast/Candida, for example, can cause thyroid problems and nutritional deficiencies. It seems more and more that if we check out our stomach/intestines for problems and make them healthy, overall health improves and it is easier to then determine what problems are left to be addressed. And as Trudy always advises, the proper amino acids can provide great symptom relief why we work on the underlying problems and causes.
Best wishes to you.
Stefano, an additional thought:
The organic acids urine test (OAT) also shows level of Oxalates in the body. When Oxalates are elevated, they can cause a wide range of symptoms. My understanding is that Oxalates form crystals that can lodge various places in the body such as kidney, muscles and even the eyes. The crystals tend to cause problems/pain wherever they are located – ex. Kidney stones, muscle/joint pain, eye pain. More and more is being written about how autism and Oxalates are linked and when Oxalates levels are reduced autistic individuals show improvement.
Wishing you better health.
The test i was talking about: http://www.energytraining.it/testgenetico/
I can’t speak for every case but I can tell you that when my son was about 4, he started having tics where he would constantly close his eyes repeatedly. It was clearly uncontrollable and he was upset by it. So we took him to the pediatrician. I had never heard of PANDAS and my kid didn’t have a fever, sore throat, or anything (aside from tg sudden onset of tics). The doctor suggested PANDAS (it seems he had been involved in one of the previous studies plus he has a huge practice with many doctors and has seen far more patients than most doctors). He did a rapid strep test and it came back negative but he prescribed the antibiotics anyway. Within a day the tics were reduced and by day two gone completely. Later the results of the longer strep test they send away for case back and it was positive for strep. I guess sometimes experience pays off. More doctors should take sudden onset of tics more seriously.
Thanks for sharing your son’s story – so glad you found answers
Hi Trudy,thanks for your special words.
Two years ago i’ ve done the complete tests for pandas and other infections but all was positive,except a NK cells mild depression.
What do you mean with aminos trials?
Which aminoacids and in which way?
I don’t know what i could do again…
Here is the trial information https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/how-to-do-an-amino-acid-trial-for-anxiety/ You base the trial on the questionnaire/symptoms. If an amino acid is helping we increase it to see if there is more symptom relief. If 5-HTP helps some but not enough I switch to a trial of tryptophan. If the amino acids don’t help then we have to look for other root causes https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/60-nutritional-biochemical-causes-of-anxiety/
Have you considered working long distance with a practitioner to help guide you?
Hello Krissy, the more I review your post and the more I realize how important the treatment that was done to your daughter. I refer to glutathione and vit C in the vein. I would like to understand how many tricks were made to your daughter and how many days or weeks, but also for how long. What kind of doctor can do this kind of treatment intravenously? It is possible to understand the dosage that has been used for this treatment I ask you this precious information because I have a friend who has a bad motorbike and would like to try the same treatment, but would like to understand which dosages should be used, they go by accident based on patient’s weight and age ?? Thank you.