I’m just passing on this petition via micronutrient researcher Professor Julia Rucklidge:
Something very concerning is developing in New Zealand. It is not unique to NZ – it has already happened in Australia, has been happening in Europe, and it will likely happen in the U.S. and Canada. Under the guise of regulating Natural Health Products (NHPs) to ensure their safety, the NHPs are actually being severely restricted.
In NZ, the government is passing legislation called the Natural Health and Supplementary Products Bill that will limit access to minerals and vitamins.
The work done in the field of nutritional psychiatry by researchers such as Julia is so valuable and limiting access to nutrients with therapeutic benefits and a good safety record will impact many lives.
You may recall our excellent Anxiety Summit interview on micronutrients to treat anxiety and depression and her very inspiring TEDx talk: The surprisingly dramatic role of nutrition in mental health: Julia Rucklidge at TEDx
I signed it, left a comment and am sharing it because:
1) I believe we all have the right to choose what we consume in the way of nutrients
2) I support the work of Dr. Julia Rucklidge and other researchers focused on the growing and valuable field of nutritional psychiatry
3) My clients who have anxiety and panic attacks, and suffer from social anxiety successfully use vitamins/minerals/fatty acids (together with dietary and lifestyle changes) to eliminate their anxiety and should not be denied access to these powerful solutions that address root causes
4) I personally found resolution for my own anxiety and panic attacks with the use of key nutrients and continue to use many to stay in optimal health. I would not want to be denied this choice
This could have worldwide impacts and it’s important that we take a stand. We’d love you to join in and sign the petition and/or leave a comment if it feels like a fit for you, and if you’ve benefited from taking supplements and want continued access to them.
Go here to read more about these valuable nutrients and the petition (and to sign it/comment)
Be sure to check out all the great feedback from people like you who are seeing benefits with vitamins and minerals.
We appreciate signatures, comments and/or shares! Thanks!
I believe we need to have the ability to buy and take herbs and supplements to counter attack all the process/poor nourishing food we can not help eating due to no availability esp when traveling.
Excellent point Monna! I’m hoping you also signed the petition and posted this on the petition site so the NZ government officials get to see it. If you already did – thank you!
I’m basically new to the site and saw this post only now. I went to sign the petition but see it’s now closed. It was about 514 people shy of the 7500 signatures needed. I so hope it has made a difference.
I cannot believe something like this is happening in this day and age. It’s sad how greed can take such forms, because I believe it is based exactly there – GREED. Something’s gotta give.
Supposedly, I read somewhere that something like this was already happening in our country. I wish I could remember the source, but I think it was happening in Oklahoma. I’m not sure if it had to do with supplementation or a person’s right to see out their own type of health care. (For example, seeking out a nutritionist or functional medicine doctor instead of perhaps a conventional doctor.). If I find it, I will share it if that’s okay.
Also, on the recent Brain Summit, which you participated in Trudy, and which was wonderful, the situation of what happened in NYS with some big chain stores being accused of their supplements not being up to par, etc. was also discussed briefly. I must admit when I first heard about it when it was announced in the news, I couldn’t help but think what a bunch of baloney. My second thought was, “Here we go. Make people afraid of supplements and jump on Big Pharma’s bandwagon.”.
I’m not saying that sometimes supplements may not be up to par or sometimes dangerous. However, from my many years of being on this planet, from what I’ve read, researched and studied, I have found that it’s very rare compared to the millions of deaths in Big Pharma’s graveyard.
Sorry. I just had to vent. I’m getting off my soap box now, LOL!!!
Hi – the petition is still open — see below
ps there have been many petitions over the years, so those fighting have not given up – here is link to the new one…
Thanks for letting us know Ani