Earlier this week I was called a vulture for preying on sensitive people in a social anxiety group because I mentioned pyroluria and a nutritional solution in response to someone asking for help. I shared much of this on Facebook and the response has been huge – supportive, understanding and encouraging, and also something many of you have also faced and can relate to. I’m publishing it as a blog post too because I feel there are many takeaways and lessons we can all learn from this.
The person asking for help posted this:
I’m seriously stuck. I’ve been battling social anxiety disorder my whole life. I feel like my social skills have gotten worse during 2020-2021. Is anyone the same way? And If possible can anyone give me some good advice?
I posted this in response to the request for advice:
Look into pyroluria and the nutrient protocol – life-changing for me (and my clients – disclaimer: I’m a nutritionist)
And this is the response from someone else in the group:
So not medicine. I think as a nutritionist you shouldn’t be advising people to avoid actual medical help. Foods can’t help but most depression and anxiety isn’t stress based. It’s a biological chemical imbalance. Food won’t help it in the long run. As someone who’s had bipolar, depression, anxiety, social anxiety, insomnia and possible schizo. I have known people to get seriously ill from people that couldn’t manage to be actual doctors. I’ve lost a friend due to them being advised to stop meds and take some herb. Please unless you are actually here because you have social anxiety and such. Could you please leave and stop acting like a vulture over the sensitive people.
I get that it can be tough to grasp that nutrition and nutrients could be a solution for social anxiety but even with a response like this I will continue to share my message.
This was my response:
Correct, not medicine … nutrition. I had social anxiety and panic attacks and diet (gluten-free, caffeine-free, sugar-free etc) and nutrients like zinc, vitamin B6, GABA, tryptophan and more solved my anxiety. I’m passionate about creating awareness because I’ve seen “nutritional psychiatry” work for 100s of thousands of folks.
Please be open-minded … and google “nutritional psychiatry”, “gut-brain”, “pyroluria social anxiety” and “gluten schizophrenia” … you will be pleasantly surprised. It’s going to take some time for all this to be part of mainstream psychiatry but it’s in the research and awareness and acceptance is growing.
I’m sorry about your loss but I would never advise anyone to stop taking their meds. For folks who want to explore this approach we always work in conjunction with their prescribing doctor.
It’s also not very nice calling someone a vulture but I understand that the idea that food and nutrients could be so powerful when it comes to anxiety and mental health can be tough when you first hear about it.
Why I’m sharing this – it’s not for sympathy or to call this person out
I’m not sharing this here for sympathy.
I’m not sharing this to call out this person who called me a vulture or to judge or shame them.
I’m sharing it to illustrate the challenge we have with getting this message out.
I’m sharing it in case you’ve tried to tell a loved one or friend or colleague about the power of anxiety nutrition solutions and have had push-back.
I’m sharing here so we remember to have empathy for someone who doesn’t yet know or understand what we have learned and experienced (no matter what they say or how they say it or even if they have even been preyed on in the past so a comment like this may be justified in their mind).
I’m sharing here because I truly believe in the power of planting seeds of knowledge.
I’m sharing here because I believe everyone deserves to feel their absolute best every single day.
I’m sharing here because everyone struggling with anxiety and social anxiety deserves to know about the growing field of “nutritional psychiatry” in mainstream medicine.
This is why I’m sharing here and why I’ll continue to share nutritional solutions in groups where folks are asking for help for social anxiety, anxiety and panic attacks (and other conditions where pyroluria and neurotransmitter imbalances are common, and there is a role for diet and nutrients).
Why the disconnect and the possible role of neurotransmitter imbalances
I’m hoping all this can help you as you reach out and offer support to someone in an online group. And also help you as you share what you have learned or experienced personally when it comes to nutritional solutions for social anxiety/anxiety – with loved ones, community members, friends and colleagues who are sometimes less than receptive.
I suspect one big disconnect is comprehending that lifestyle/diet/nutrients could help with anxiety and mental health challenges. Heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer are more recognized as being lifestyle conditions even dietary and lifestyle changes are not always implemented.
I also often hear this: “my anxiety or social anxiety or panic attacks are so severe (or so complex) there is no way nutrients and nutrition could help! I need medications for sure.”
If someone has nutritional deficiencies or neurotransmitter imbalances, that may also be playing a role in how they respond. For example, low serotonin can make you feel hopeless, fearful, negative, overwhelmed and even angry. This is in addition to feeling anxious and not sleeping well, so you’re more likely to be cranky and irritable.
Links to resources for you to share
Here are links if you need some resources to share or in case you’re new to some of this:
- Nutritional medicine in modern psychiatry: position statement by ISNPR (published in 2015)
- SMILES diet depression trial: reduced depression and anxiety – the first randomized controlled diet depression study and ONE THIRD of the dietary intervention group saw improvements in their depression symptoms. This was just diet alone and switching from processed/junk food to real food with no specific dietary restrictions!
- Paleo and grain free diets: anxiety and depression success stories
- Nutritional Psychiatry: How Diet Affects Brain through Gut Microbiota
- Anxiety and digestion: the microbiome, stomach acid, bile and the vagus nerve
- A gut feeling – the gut microbiome in health, diseases and behavior
- Berries: cognition, PTSD, inflammation, microbiome, anxiety and depression
- Pyroluria prevalence and associated conditions
- Randomized controlled trial of a gluten-free diet in patients with schizophrenia positive for antigliadin antibodies (AGA IgG): a pilot feasibility study
- Ketogenic diet: reductions in auditory hallucinations and delusions, better mood and energy, and weight loss
Tamara’s wonderful feedback about gluten and vitamin D
This was Tamara Underwood’s response to my vulture post and her powerful feedback about gluten and vitamin D:
That was a thoughtful response Trudy. I think when people have complex health issues, they think the solution needs to be complex. I had no idea how powerful nutrients could be until it solved my own health issues. Often, it is returning to basics and using foundational support in a targeted way.
I’ve had chronic migraines (3-4 a week) since I was a toddler. Tried every medication, label and off label, to manage them for 40+ years. Removing gluten was life changing. I’ve been migraine free for 8 years now.
Also, about 10yrs ago, I experienced a very dark, unexplained depression for nearly a year. Of course drugs and therapy are the first line treatments. Not sure why I was opposed to starting there but thankful. My Vit D was 4.1. I felt so radically better within a week of starting repletion that I went back to school for my MS in Clinical Nutrition.
I think about how different life might be now, 10 yrs later, had I not pushed for testing. Psych meds wouldn’t have improved my Vit D so I would have been prescribed all the variations and combos and told how complex my case was when it didn’t help. [One study supporting an association between low vitamin D and depression]
There are just so many toxicities, deficiencies, and imbalances worth exploring if your mental wellness suffers. I’m passionate about this subject and a big fan of yours Trudy.
I’m thrilled that going gluten free and addressing low vitamin D solved her migraines and depression. It’s so wonderful to hear Tamara was inspired to go back to school to study nutrition. She now does this work helping professionals (firefighters, EMTS etc.) who shoulder a greater burden of stress and trauma. Check out Underwood Functional Wellness. I appreciate her for allowing me to share here.
I plan to update this blog with more of the wonderful insights from my community on Facebook but folks are still actively engaging and I need to get permission to share here. Stay tuned for more. You can also join the discussion on the Facebook post here.
Until then, feel free to post your insights, thoughts, experiences (and questions if you have them) in the comments below.
Let us know how nutritional approaches have helped your anxiety and/or other health issues?
What made you open to this approach and were you initially skeptical?
And let us know if you continue to share your success and plant seeds even when you get negative feedback – and why? And do you have resources you like to share?
There’s none so blind as those who don’t wish to see.
Keep up the good work!
Yes, I agree!!! I share your information and knowledge with many of my clients. Most of my clients suffer from anxiety, depression, trauma, ADHD, and/or addictions. Keep movin & shakin’! It’s the movers and shakers that change lives, while rattling a few cages of those who don’t really want to change!
Love this “It’s the movers and shakers that change lives, while rattling a few cages of those who don’t really want to change!” – thanks for the support and for doing this work too!
Dr. Erkfritz
Thanks and hoping I’ve at least planted the seeds
that is ridiculous . I have a pretty severe pyrole disorder and need to take zinc and B6 when stressed (hello, I need to take some more now!). Its real
Glad to hear you’re benfitting from the pyroluria protocol! What made you open to this approach?
In the modern world, there are links between diseases and man made creations like processed food, plastic material, cosmetics, traffic pollution, burning fossil fuels and so on (there are no denial that evidence are already there for witnessing especially with the pandemic that are partly caused by artificially in laboratories and contamination from wild animal trade that should be left alone where they belong, not for exploitation). Unfortunately the powerful will be ignorant because of money to control the masses but we are gradually progressing in more sustainable ways of living to caring for our planet earth in the future.
Hopefully my feedback planted the seeds so these links are better understood
Dear Trudy,
I’m sorry that person was not informed enough to understand what you were saying. The bogus “chemical imbalance” theory that has made Big Pharma rich, is alive and well. For everyone who works in the health field, the message of holistic health is resonating. In a recent Health Grades article, Dr. Mark Hyman, who certainly believes food is medicine, was listed as one of the 7 most influential doctors in the United States.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks, hopefully my feedback planted the seeds for this person and others in the group. I’m a big fan of Dr. Hyman and am impressed to see him make this list on a mainstream site. It means our work is resonating!
No Trudy, you’re not a vulture. You’re a kind, very knowledgeable person freely sharing important information with a vulnerable group which apparently contains paranoid nitwits!
Please please don’t stop!
Thanks for your kind words. And yes a vulnerable group with someone we must have empathy with
Your work has been so immensely helpful in assisting my elderly mother to sleep after coming off of Ambien, as her prescriber would no longer write her prescription. I started her on GABA and 5HTP and then theanine and sleep has returned. Hooray!
I’m an Integrative Nutrition health coach just starting out and know what a difference removing gluten and dairy has made to my own mental well being. I have added 5HTP to my own regimen and feel like a new person!
I’m also South African and celebrate you and your contributions, Trudy!
So glad to hear about your mother and improved sleep with the amino acids and that 5-HTP has helped you!
Congrats on your new work as a health coach – I hope my book and work helps you help your clients. And thanks for the very kind words!
Psychiatry is very hardlined and unfortunately people have gone off their meds only to get sick and even take their own lives. So it gets drilled into patients pills pills pills. I live with schizoaffective disorder, social anxiety and PTSD but got great results with the pyroluria protocol from you! I still take my vitamins. But yeah people are often too vulnerable to make correct decisions. It all depends on where they are at but yes they have been promised all kinds of cures but to no avail. So they swallow the psychiatric treatments wholesale based on past experience with failures coming from outside cures.
Dr Abram Hoffer was a top shrink and he used to promote the pyroluria protocol which is what patients need to know. It originally came from a shrink but some people feel safer under their own psychiatric care model not knowing the origins. But the whole pill thing gets drummed heavily into patients and they tend to police people that come from the outside bringing in “questionnable” treatments.
I am a patient and have had it even happen to me. I’ve been criticised and silenced for so called quackery yet I am doing better than others in my community. I think its wellmeaning in that they are trying to protect vulnerable people so I would not take it personally Trudy. It had nothing to do with you but more to do with protecting people from something they don’t want to understand
Wonderful to hear the pyroluria protocol helps you. Sorry to hear you’ve been criticized too.
I agree with this person probably being too vulnerable and also protective but hoping I’ve planted seeds.
And yes Dr. Abram Hoffer and Dr. Carl Pfeiffer (both MDs) pioneered this work in the 1970s and 1980s so it’s not new. They were practicing orthomolecular medicine, a term coined in the 1960s by Linus Pauling.
Trudy, I support you 1,000%! As an autoimmune disease research scientist and functional nutrition practitioner myself, I have helped hundreds of people overcome not only mental health issues, but even severe autoimmune disease. I myself am healed from 7 autoimmune diseases, severe fibromyalgia, and panic attacks simply by following a comprehensive functional nutrition, testing and supplement protocol (i.e., just by using the latest science).
Sadly, there are still many people who just don’t have the knowledge that we do… and that often brings tears to my eyes. When I think of all the needless suffering that ensues due to people’s false negative belief systems… or because they’ve been told by an old-school doctor that they are “incurable”… well, it’s just very sad.
You just keep doing what you are doing. The truth of science will prevail, as it always does. There will always be those who choose to be negative and sadly, they will lose their battle with illness. But those who choose to be positive and change with the science will WIN!
Love and Healthy Blessings to you!
Dorinda Smith, MS, FNP “The Autoimmune Geek”
Thanks for the support and doing this work too – lets continue to plants seeds! and yes science will prevail!
As I mention in the blog “low serotonin can make you feel hopeless, fearful, negative, overwhelmed and even angry” so biochemistry may be a factor rather than choosing to be negative.
These are some very confused times, with misinformation abounding and people believing in wild conspiracy theories. If you haven’t already heard of this, I suggest the Conspirituality Podcast. They focus on debunking wild conspiracies in the wellness community that so many people are believing in, unfortunately. There may now be people who want to accuse you of all manner of crazy things. Thank goodness, you are one who has stuck to proven science and demonstrable clinical outcomes, so when people call you weird names or accuse you of something, please don’t take their bait. Keep on with your solid, helpful information. You’ve helped me, and you’re helping so many.
Conspirituality Podcast also has addressed trustworthy, reliable practitioners who get upset and publicly post “I’ve been censored!” or “I’ve been attacked (in some way!” This also often attracts further attacks and additional unpleasant actors, sometimes. It also drags these practitioners into ongoing “fight mode,” as in, “I need to push back against this!” As I said, don’t take the bait in the first place. Carry on with your very solid program, and leave them behind. Your well being isn’t worth sacrificing for this.
It feels very, very personal, I know. But it’s all about them. Your services are rock solid. You know this, we all know this! I trust you and look to you for excellent information. I wish you all the best.
Thanks for the support and sharing this podcast (it’s new to me and I’ll take a listen).
This didn’t really feel personal and I don’t even want to call this particular person out. It just felt like a great opportunity to bring this kind of dialogue into the open and make it a teaching/learning opportunity for us all.
as an LMT, CNS, lifecoach i agree w trudy 200% on her nutrition & supplement suggestions. nothing vulture about it. anyone asking for help and dismissing a helpful reply is kind of transparent. would we really expect medical advise to pop up online anyway? kind of far fetched. trudy, we cant help a person who is unwilling to help themselves. i too have seen hundreds revamp their lives and homeostasis with proper, clean, nutrition. so very rewarding . keep up the fabulous guidance! you are making a difference.
Thanks for the support and for doing this work too. Let’s continue to plants seeds!
As a clinical psychologist for over 25 years, it’s important to realize that social anxiety is NOT a bipolar disorder or schizophrenia – both of which REQUIRE medication as they are serious mental illnesses. There are many appropriate treatments for social anxiety which do not require drugs. I’m not suggesting that social anxiety isn’t extremely challenging nor that it causes considerable pain and suffering. The person who accused you of being a vulture appears not to understand the differences however. Always remember that food is medicine! So much can be done with dietary changes and exercise – unfortunately you won’t hear that from the vast majority of traditionally trained physicians. Check out functional medicine docs in the future.
I agree, food is medicine and yes to functional medicine! It’s wonderful hearing this from a clinical psychologist.
Good points but we must remember that even patients with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia can benefit from food-dense food, gluten-removal (see the link I shared), blood sugar control and addressing nutrient deficiencies, and ketogenic diets (see the link I shared). And many see major benefits, with some even losing their diagnosis.
Dr. Chris Palmer is leading the way in ketogenic research. Here is one of his more recent papers – Ketogenic Therapy in Serious Mental Illness: Emerging Evidence https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7387764/ It’s new and the authors state “randomized controlled clinical trials are needed to demonstrate the efficacy as well as the safety of this proposed novel treatment approach.”
Thank you, Trudy for sharing your knowledge. There will always be someone who is unhappy but to call names is inexcusable!
I trust you can keep on helping people and everyone is able to make their own choice. Never have you or anyone on your team coerced anyone.
Thanks and yes I’ll keep sharing and planting seeds
For me, N-acetylcysteine did the same thing for my anxiety that an SSRI would have otherwise done at a much less expensive price. It also helps me sleep at night, calming me after I take it right before bed. The fewer medications I need, the easier off I am. I did also buy your book.
@pei, my career is going to be all about protecting our planet and promoting sustainable living. I’m about to start year 6 part-time of 14 years it will take me to earn a B.S. degree in Environmental Engineering.
Wonderful to hear about NAC and exciting about your new direction
Beautifully and eloquently explained. If you are a vulture, I need a bunch of vultures in my life to help me to not get addicted to What big Pharma calls medicine but are frankly drugs with many many many side effects. We all need more enlightened vultures
Too funny! Humor is always a good thing and thanks for the support!
My son has released a Podcast today that discusses Anxiety and the relationship to nutrition. it is on Instagram @anxious.adulting
Matt is an ordinary guy struggling with Anxiety and gives an honest account and approach to dealing with anxiety.
The person calling you a vulture, possibly is struggling and not open to all ideas. Hopefully when their grief subsides they will be open to natural alternatives to chemicals. Because not all anxiety and depression is a chemical imbalance.
Not all people want to be well- attention comes from the “Illness” that’s a whole other section of psychotherapy
Good for Matt – thanks for sharing! I’m posting the link for others to check it out https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/anxious-adulting/id1551581030
And yes they are likely struggling but I’ve hopefully planted some seeds
I take 30mg mirtazapine that my dr proscribed before bed for sleep. Is it okay to also take L tryptophan in addition?
I have clients take tryptophan 6 hours away from the psych med (all with the prescribing doctor’s approval and monitoring). It’s advised to use these aminos when someone is on only 1 prescription psych medication.
Best is to read this blog (https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/taper-from-antidepressant-tryptophan-amino-acids/) and work with and discuss with the prescribing doctor as there is the risk of serotonin syndrome with mirtazapine https://journals.lww.com/clinicalneuropharm/Abstract/2003/03000/Mirtazapine_Induced_Serotonin_Syndrome.2.aspx
Those are very wounding accusations. My observation is that nutritional psychiatry, as a science, is fast becoming mainstream (here in Australia anyway). In addition to your above recommendations, those with (social) anxiety/depression might also be interested in investigating the work of The Food & Mood Centre at Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia, headed by Professor Felice Jacka. Prof. Jacka has also written a book ‘Brain Changer’, published by Pan MacMillan, Australia.
Thanks for the support – I actually see the person as being wounded and hurting more than feeling wounded myself.
Thanks for offering those additional resources. I’m a big fan of Prof. Felice Jacka and her groundbreaking work in nutritional psychiatry in Australia. One of the links I share is from the ISNPR/International Society of Nutritional Psychiatry Research).
It’s interesting you say your “observation is that nutritional psychiatry, as a science, is fast becoming mainstream (here in Australia anyway)” – I’d love to hear more about this as I’m not seeing this yet.
Hooray for you Trudy!! Your response was spot on ! The fact is , most people don’t want to accept the work that’s involved in actually learning the correlation between food & body . I , myself ,like you mention , have tried to encourage others and I get a lot of slack . I can totally see why doctors often don’t bother to go deeper than to prescribe a medication in the hopes that that particular medication will do something of benefit to someone. That’s assuming that particular doctor knows about the benefits of nutrition and supplements. The rest of the doctors just follow the flow and big Pharma.
There’s nothing left we can all do but keep pushing forward and encouraging learning and understanding the very key that nutrition holds.
Thank you for your work & educating!
Thanks for the support and yes “There’s nothing left we can all do but keep pushing forward and encouraging learning and understanding the very key that nutrition holds”
Fabulous response, Trudy. I so appreciate your determination, truth, experience and your willingness to help people, and your response to being called a vulture was even educational!!!
Sandra
Thanks for the support and kind words – glad you enjoyed my response to being called a vulture too
I love it when these ignorameouses show their ignorance on a public platform. It makes our task of exposing them so much easier. This person who called you a vulture has exposed his or her lack of healing knowledge. Shame.
Dr. James
I’ve hopefully planted the seed. I also didn’t post this to call out or judge anyone and feel low serotonin and other factors are likely at play here. And there are lessons in this for all of us
Your message about anxiety was not only the blessing I needed, but the motivation to study again. 6 years ago I listened to the Anxiety Summit and it changed everything I knew about mental health. I will graduate this September as a degree qualified Naturopath. Keep offering your advice Trudy- thousands are benefiting.
How wonderful and congratulations! I’m thrilled to hear this!
It is indeed true that “when the student is ready, the teacher appears”. It is so obvious to those of us that have intuitive eyes to see, and have resisted dogma and the brainwashing that goes on out there. I went through medical school arguing, yet I truly appreciate why I made that journey – to learn the inside story and to see how so many people are convinced to “outsource their health”! A lot is uncovered now, and it is truly one so blind that even in glaring light cannot see the obvious need to get back to basics of nutrition – so graciously given to us by our Creator>
Dr. Nambassi
Yes, “when the student is ready, the teacher appears”. I appreciate that you “went through medical school arguing …and to learn the inside story”
Trudy The work you have done and continue to do has literally saved lives. This person speaks from a place of ignorance. She/he needs to be educated though rather than vilified. I have found that when such people see the light they becomes the biggest advocate for natural therapies.
Yes I agree, educated and not vilified. And yes “when such people see the light they becomes the biggest advocate for natural therapies”
Thanks for your support and for doing this work too
Unfortunately, there will always be someone who is out there to nit pic everything we say. With that said, I am a reformed medical professional who has seen the light and can speak about it. I have been in the medical field for over 20+ years. My training involved Allopathic thought processes. This is the dx, this is the pill. When I look at why people aren’t getting better and sickness (mental, physical and emotional health) continues to decline. I decided to research and see the light about Natural Health practices. No, I am not a flower child running around prairie. I am an average Joe, after seeing a family member, stuck on mountains of pills, but never getting better. I research my fanny off and realized that as a nation, we are killing ourselves with all the chemicals in our food and water supply (preservatives and “natural flavoring” etc) I grew a garden, tried to eliminate as many processed foods and make everything homemade (including health and beauty products) I have seen the changes in my family as well as myself. This is not a one size fits all process and it may not work for everyone. Some people still need to rely on conventional medicine because of the severity of their illness’. The major thing I have learned from Natural health is getting to the root cause. What organ system is having issues and what do I need to do to support it during this time? You know as well as I do that given the right support, the body heals itself. (support can = whole non-processed non gmo foods, rest, exercise, clean air, spirituality, good water etc) The one thing I have learned is its all in how we phrase things. That seems to be the halcrux here. Someone took you to say, get off meds and be natural. (my interpretation from what I read). How I explain good living to people…. look at the plants and flowers in your garden. If you do not feed them with the proper nutrition (for what the individual plant needs) water them, sun/shade etc, that plant will die right? You support that plant in its growth process. Why wouldn’t you do that for yourself? Get to the root of what is not “working right” and then support your self in the healing process. Many blessings….to all!
We love a “reformed medical professional who has seen the light” – well done. So glad you’ve seen changes in yourself and your family.
Sadly this is often the tipping point that makes folks open to nutrition/nutrients: “after seeing a family member, stuck on mountains of pills, but never getting better.” I hope they are doing better now. Hopefully one day nutrition will be the first approach.
Love how you’ve taken the analogy of planting the seeds and expanded on this.
Dear Trudy,
I feel the need to respond to this attack on your credibility and suggestions to help others with supplements and nutrition. I have struggled with severe sleep deprivation . Racing mind and the inability to sleep appropriate hours. Your recommendation of trying gaba, and tryptophan has really helped me! I sleep much better. I appreciate all of your knowledge and dedication to helping others with anxiety/ sleep issues naturally. I do not want to be on prescription drugs if I can get the help naturally. Thank you for reaching out to offer suggestions, you have helped me as well as so many others.
So glad to hear GABA and tryptophan have helped you sleep. Thanks for the support (although I see it not as an attack on my credibility but rather someone who is needs help)
I think this was an unkind remark . My daughter has social anxiety and is on medication but with a doctor’s blood test she was diagnosed with pylouria and is taking b6 and zinc every day to rebalance her system . I see that the medication alone did not solve everything but Trudys website has been so helpful with her advice on supplements and nutrition. My daughter also uses Gaba when she is feeling anxious and magnesium. What we put into our bodies affects our physical and mental wellbeing.
So pleased to hear your daughter is benefiting from the pyroluria protocol, GABA and magnesium.
Don’t forget the dietary changes too. If you are new to all the other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here https://www.everywomanover29.com/store/aafsbook.html
What a thoughtful and kind response Trudy. As a longtime Nutritionist who has seen the power of diet and supplements in helping with anxiety, depression and so many other brain chemistry related mental health issues I have to say that sometimes I do not speak up in groups from my business page or at all because I do see the people jumping in with some silly sales pitch for Juice Plus or Herbalife or MLM essential oils as the CURE. I also see a few credentialed but undereducated or maybe just under-experienced practitioners trolling for clients saying things like “I use this to cure that issue – call me for my free consultation to see if we are a good match”. And of course, it’s a high-pressure sales pitch on the phone. I can see why this person got so upset, but also she could have looked you up. Your reputation and body of work speak for themselves. I have known you for decades now and I’m sure you stay as busy as I do and would never take on a client like that. Your advice to her was so straightforward to just consider researching those ideas. I remember searching for answers for my own anxiety in my early 20’s and we didn’t really have much on the internet – but I found books and people like Julia Ross and some of the great functional medicine doctors. It may be worth an article on how to tell if someone you are chatting with on social media is someone you want to hire to help manage health. Or if SM is just a great place to get some leads in the right direction and then seek out appropriately credentialed practitioners to help guide the way. Years ago I found some answers for my daughter’s POTS in a Facebook group for Lyme Disease. It was something a member said kind of like your post here about her own daughter. So then when I saw the symptoms and one of her new doctors casually mentioned it I was able to see the connection. The internet and social media can be another valuable tool to help us all get help for health issues but it can also be a bit treacherous at times. Good for you addressing and posting this. I have the utmost respect for your work Trudy and that kangaroo is so awesome!
Thanks for the support and for doing this work too. There is some dubious stuff happening online for sure so the response was understandable. I’m hoping I planted seeds that help like the POTS comments helped you with your daughter later (I hope she she doing well now)
The article idea is a good one
Glad you enjoyed the kangaroo! they are awesome creatures!
As far as I can see, you did not recommend discontinuing any medications but rather upgrading their nutrition.
It is very disconcerting when you spend your time to help people for free and you are mistreated!
Americans could not tell good nutrition if it bit them in the backside.
The standard American is brainwashed by medication ads and fast food commercials all day long … this is the result: unhealthy, powerless people who cannot think (especially think for themselves) and refuse proper help because it is not more pills.”Give me pills”
Very unfortunate and sadly this impacts serotonin levels – hopefully I planted some seeds
And sorry but… vulture?
Trudy is the LEAST vulture-like person I can think of in the whole world.
She is so compassionate and helpful and always adds TONS of value to any email she sends.
Kay
Thanks for the lovely feedback
There is an underlying issue going on here, it’s not really about anxiety and it’s treatment, but about online bullying. Anonymity brings out the worst in people, it gives them permission to be offensive and name call others. I’m sure this person would never be so harsh if she was speaking to you in person. It’s a sad reflection of our online society which has encouraged a lack of civility.
Sadly online bullying is all too common. I agree with you on the anonymity aspect. I also feel low serotonin may be at play with bullying that comes across as “aggression” nastiness.
good on you Trudy… been following you for years… I have a background in psychology, nursing, meditation and very interested for many years, decades, in nutritional health and I believe I have been responsible for my own chronic illness symptom remission, when drugs just could not help… thank you for your generosity, Trudy.
Wonderful to hear and thanks for your support
Trudy, as you know I’m a psychologist who uses amino acids, nutrition and functional medicine in my practice. I think the issue of how we educate people in mental health circles (be they clinicians or clients) is a tricky one. Like in other worlds people are very wed to their own understanding of how symptoms develop, what treatments work and what people learn to live with. To offer a solution outside of what they “know” to be true can sometimes feel like an assault from a liar or a cheat.
I remember about 10 year back I was giving a live talk to a group of therapists in my home town about amino acid therapy and was giving a case example of a “treatment resistant” client with depression having a 3 minute miracle with tryptophan when a therapist stood up in the back and screamed “you’re a liar!” and explained that “It just couldn’t possibly be true”. I get how hard it is to change one’s mind about something you “know” to be true…our job its to keep saying our truths with compassion and a deep and profound knowing that changing your mind is hard
Thanks for weighing in. I appreciate this perspective – “To offer a solution outside of what they “know” to be true can sometimes feel like an assault from a liar or a cheat.”
And wow you get the prize – that’s quite the reaction! But I can see why when you haven’t experienced this (personally or with clients). You and I know this to be true and we see it all the time. I recognize that profound results with the amino acids in 3 minutes and sometimes less, sounds too good to be true. I often say this when I’m sharing case studies “If something sounds too good to be true it usually isn’t true BUT in this case it really is”.
I’ve had eyebrow lifting and “really!? no… not possible” looks when presenting to practitioners new to this and one person (a psychiatrist who I know quite well and doesn’t use nutritional psychiatry – yet!) pulled me aside afterwards and said “you really shouldn’t say things like that – you’ll lose all credibility”
But as you share we’ll keep saying our truths with compassion! Thanks for doing what you do and being a supportive friend and colleague.
As a natural practitioner I also recognise that brain imbalances cause people to act often in defensive and aggressive ways. The medical field has for the past 100 years convinced people that that’s the only way. Where I see that nutrition for some people my not be the answer because they will not follow through with the needed lifestyle changes, I have seen many changes for the positive with my patients with the protocols you talk about. Keep going, we need to keep spreading the word. Cheers from sunny SA!
I’d like to add that I also suffered from social anxiety and depression since I was very young so I know the challenge of the thinking and mindset that pushes against nutrition therapy. Now in my 40s I have worked through a lot of causes and triggers, both psychological and physical, and feel quite stable.
Glad to hear you also recognize that brain imbalances cause people to often act in defensive and aggressive ways. So glad you’re also see positive changes with these protocols
Keeping sharing too – in sunny SA! And yes I think we feel more invincible when younger
Sorry you had to endure this response when you continue to help so many. Guess this person doesn’t see food as having anything to do chemicals within the body. Too bad.
Keep going forward, some of us are listening. BB
Thanks for the support – keep listening and sharing!
I have been diagnosed with anxiety, depression and severe OCD. I am currently on quetiapine @ 350mg and clomipramine @ 150mg. These medications have helped me but I am struggling with the side effects and I need more improvement. The OCD in particular is absolutely awful. What further things can I be doing and taking to improve my condition? From experience, I know that skipping meals makes my symptoms a lot worse for me.
I have clients focus on the things they know make symptoms worse – like skipping meals. This makes blood sugar swings worse and can increase anxiety. There is research supporting this – more here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/anxiety-hypoglycemia-symptoms-diet-modification/
You can learn about other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, gut health, pyroluria etc) in my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/the-antianxiety-food-solution-by-trudy-scott/
With OCD ruling out strep/PANDAS/PANS is key (more on that here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/kid-not-crazy-panspandas-awareness-day-2017/).