It’s just around the corner so here’s your friendly reminder if you haven’t already signed up to attend this free webinar/live online workshop called: How to Use Food to Rebalance Your Hormones
If you have already signed up – I know you’ll enjoy it!
This webinar is being hosted by my friend and colleague, Magdalena Wszelaki, founder of Hormones Balance.
Here is how she introduces herself:
I’m a certified nutrition coach, speaker, educator and chef with a long history of my own hormonal challenges which resulted from a highly stressful life in advertising – starting from Graves’ and Hashimoto’s Disease (autoimmune conditions causing thyroid failure) to adrenal fatigue and estrogen dominance. Today I’m in full remission, live a symptoms-free, awesome life and I want to show you how to achieve the same. Food was instrumental in my own recovery. My mission is to help you figure out what food your body craves or rejects as there is no one diet or protocol that works for all. Knowing your body will be your fast-track to balanced hormones and to the person you want to be.
You may remember our great interviews on last season of The Anxiety Summit! She was a hit, is a wealth of knowledge and very hands-on when it comes to food for hormone balancing! I really love what she offers (and her cute accent)!
Here is a great image from Cooking for Balance showing you just how much caffeine is in your drink!
Magdalena shares many ways on how caffeine impacts our hormones. Here are just two of them (and both can make anxiety worse):
Exhausts the adrenals
Coffee stimulates the adrenals to release more cortisol, our stress hormone; this is partly why we experience a wonderful but temporary and unsustainable burst of energy.
What many of us don’t realize is that our tired adrenals are often the cause of unexplained weight gain, sleeping problems, feeling emotionally fragile, depression, anxiety and fatigue. Drinking coffee while experiencing adrenal fatigue is only adding fuel to the fire.
Worsens PMS and lumpy breasts
It’s well-established that coffee contributes to estrogen dominance, which can mean one of two things: we either have too much estrogen in relation to progesterone, or we have an imbalance in the estrogen metabolites (some are protective and some are dangerous).
PMS, lumpy breasts, heavy periods, cellulite and even breast cancer (which is an estrogenic cancer) can be symptoms of estrogen dominance.
You can read the entire guest post from Magdalena here: 12 Ways Coffee Impacts Your Hormones
At the end of the webinar she’ll be sharing more about her upcoming Cooking for Balance online cooking program that helps women rebalance their hormones with food.
It will air Saturday October 24th (at 10am PST, 1pm EST). Seats are limited and Magdalena tells me they get snapped up quickly.
Here is the registration page:
I am at a conference all day Saturday so was wondering if I would be able to listen to your webinar either Saturday evening, Sunday or whenever possible.
If you sign up in advance Magdalena will be sending a recording of the webinar afterwards. I believe it will be available for replay for a few days. I hope you enjoy it!
How does one balance this type of diet with MTHFR issues? I seem to be faced with a complex bunch of opposing food lists and feel overwhelmed.
I just checked with Magdalena and she said this: “About MTHFR – I’m not covering it per se, as my focus is hormones but all the things I teach are highly complementary to people with MTHFR mutations as they support the detoxification process, especially the liver” and after the webinar “you would be able to email your question [to Magdalena] and get a reply within 24-48 hours.”
Constant red face and break0uts at 63. I have had Rosacea the past 12 years. I had two root canals about that same time on upper and lower left molars. The past two years I have had constant break out along my left jaw line chin cheeks and nose. I used to get boils along my side hairline or eyebrows which I finally realized were associated with goat cheese. I have stopped all dairy products and that has helped. I rarely drink coffee but was using it for coffee enemas July and Aug. thinking it would help with detoxing and reducing inflammation. I used too strong organic coffee. I really had dramatic breast issues for about 10 days until I realized the coffee was the culprit. Any suggestions about the constant break outs? I also have MTHFR.
The breakouts may very well be hormone related and I’d suggest tuning in to the webinar to learn more. If you have questions after the webinar “you would be able to email your question [to Magdalena] and get a reply within 24-48 hours.”
With the red face I’d consider salicylates ( and look at gut health and other food sensitivities for the rosacea. Good for you for making the goat cheese connection.
Will you be caring hot flashes and pot-menopausal issues? Also, will this webinar be available in print? I find it much easier to read something than to find time to listen to a recording. thanks.
Yes, Magdalena will be covering post-menopause. This is a live hands-on cooking webinar so there will not be anything in print
Hi Trudy,
Does the ‘hormone balancing workshop’ cover balancing men’s hormones as well as balancing women’s hormones?
If not can you suggest some websites that do.
I look forward to your reply.
Thank you.
It is geared to women but I’ve asked around about something similar for men and will post here if I come across something.
Thank you.
You may want to check out Anthony Balduzzi’s work and website
Thank you for providing this resource. We’re continuing to heal/manage autoimmune challenges in our family, but still have some problems that linger. Wondering about:
1. how to get off bio-identical hormones safely (est/prog), and if reasonable to set as goal. do these cause “heart flutters”?
2. why we still have aches, finger swelling, slow weight loss for one person, and no weight gain with continued weakness for another, lots of gas and gurgliness for another
3. what signs are tied to different nutritional needs?
4. problem periods and weakness. Already GF and checking DF now, and taking Vit D, Zinc, and B6
We eat lots (close to 100%) of greens, homemade fermented veggies, some clean meats, juice/smoothies, and fruits/veggies. Most is organic. We use “clean” cleaners/toiletries too. Stress/anxiety management is still a challenge but improving.
Am I missing something?
I hope you were able to tune in to Magdalena’s webinar and get some valuable information. We are all unique so there is no one size fits all but she shared great food information for balancing hormones and the importance of liver support. This may be an area to look into. She talked about gut health and probiotics and this may help with gas/gurgles.
If you haven’t considered neurotransmitter deficiencies then look into this for the stress/anxiety.
I would love to register for this. I am a naturopathic student and on a limited budget. Any chance there is a student discount?
Please contact Magdalena directly as it’s her program
Thank you!
Hello Trudy!
Love your work. Wanted to know about high prolactin levels? I recently was diagnosed with high prolactin levels and I had an MRI done but a tumor was not found. I’ve never been pregnant. I have put on a lot of weight in a short amount of time despite diet and exercise. My doctor prescribed Cabergoline but I am afraid of taking it. Are there other alternatives to bringing down prolactin levels? Also, what could be contributing to it? Is there a connection with diet?
Thank you,
I’d encourage you to find an integrative practitioner to help you navigate this and get to the root cause of why it’s high since a tumor has been ruled out. High prolactin can have many causes such as hypothyroidism, high estrogen, low dopamine levels and can even be caused by antidepressant/antipsychotic medications.
The basics of eating real whole food, eating for hormone health, liver support, gut health etc is key too.
Thank you so much Trudy:
I am always inspired by your wisdom and knowledge. If there is an integrative practitioner you recommend in the Los Angeles area for this issue, that would be fantastic. Of course, I have your book and I always go to eat it when I have questions.
Thank you,
Can I buy gaba in New Zealand? I cant get it ftom my health shop.
What do you suggest for menopausal symptoms of headaches, diziness, tinnitus and constant general head pressure?
As far as I know it’s not available in New Zealand and folks use mail order. My distribution company does mail internationally
I’m sorry to hear about the headaches, diziness, tinnitus and constant general head pressure. It’s hard to say but I’d look at gluten sensitivity, low B12 and hormone imbalance too of course.
I’d have a doctor check your head pressure. Maybe a chiropractor, physical therapist or cranial sacral practitioner could help. Possibly acupuncture too?