Depression is big news. Even celebrities are coming out to talk about their dark night of the soul. Authorities are framing it as a disease and something that cannot be helped, but simply managed and medicated. Think about it – depression is on track to be the most prevalent disease in the world.
What if depression is simply an experience of the gap between who you are now, and who you are meant to be?
Join me, and over 20 other experts in the fields of medicine, consciousness and transformation, in coming together to share what it takes truly heal depression.
My friend and colleague Dr. Teray Garchitorena Kunishi has created the “Deeply Happy Expert Series: Heal Depression, Conquer Fear, and Finally Fulfill Your Potential.” It’s a 21 day event that features an incredible range of information, inspiration and immediately useful strategies for healing depression.
Here are a few of the topics:
- The secret to figuring out what you are really meant to do
- Can supplements replace antidepressants?
- How to eliminate anxiety and emotional eating – with amino acids (this is my talk of course)
- Your genetics, how they affect your mood, and what to do about it
- How to turn your energy ON when you don’t feel ON
- What it takes to heal relationship in crisis
This expert series is a roadmap for banishing fear, healing your body, and finally fulfilling all your incredible potential. It’s totally FREE, and when you sign up, you’ll receive instant access to these powerful conversations.
Here are some gems from Jen Louden’s interview on “Navigating Your Truer Life”
- “When I’m freaking out – I take a deep breath and say ‘nothing can eat me’”
- “We imagine we’re in physical danger and this hijacks our nervous system and then we beat ourselves up for not calming down”
- Jen shared how she has dealt with her own depression by addressing hormonal imbalances and addressing it with food changes. She is very sensitive to certain foods, sugar and alcohol and had to “be ok with it without feeling broken because I couldn’t go out and have a glass of wine or eat bread.”
- I love her discussion on making a list of “minimums” ie the minimum you need in order to be happy and sane. For her it is getting 7 hours of sleep a night and needing time alone. She shared how “I used to feel so guilty about this but now I can track this and can plan time alone if I need to.” Jen ended by saying: we have to each figure out our own minimums and “if we don’t have our minimums it’s like the wheels have fallen off the bus and you’re still trying to go 200 miles an hour.” Beautiful!
Here are some gems from Dr. Hyla Cass’ interview on “Can Supplements Replace Prozac?”
- People will say to me “I have a real depression and supplements wouldn’t work”. But I say “when you deal with the root cause of the depression you can get a better result that throwing Prozac, Celexa or Zoloft at it”
- Cass shared some of the many side-effects of anti-depressants: iatrogenic/doctor-caused addiction, insomnia, hypersomnia, headaches, nausea, stomach upsets, sexual dysfunction, more depression and more anxiety, weight gain and insulin resistance, tardive dyskinesia (involuntary movements), homicide and suicide
- She shared some of the many root causes of depression and anxiety: adrenal or thyroid issues, a nutrient deficiency like an iron deficiency anemia or low B12, gut infection/dysbiosis, heavy metal toxicity, brain chemical imbalances.
- I just love this comment Dr. Cass shared: “let’s use natural products first, let’s use nature, we are part of nature and nature is what is going to heal us first.”
- And then shared some great information about the adrenals and how to support them with adaptogens
I hope you join me and the other great speakers in the “Deeply Happy Series”
Sounds interesting and like a marathon, too! I like the idea of what ELSE to do besides take prescription drugs.
Dr. Teray, I wonder if it’s all in how you are raised- it would not occur to me to deliberately take a prescription drug if I did not have to. Good luck with your event.
This sounds like a fine series and will certainly help many people in need of the message.
I think it’s great when people can manage their depression and anxiety without prescriptions. They’re very lucky!
Looks like a great line up. Sorry I missed it.