It starts today so I’m just sending you a quick reminder about Hormones – A Women’s Wellness Summit. Join me, Bridgit Danner, LAc, and the 30+ health and wellness experts and educate yourself online and no cost from April 11-18.
(you can still register here
Summit speakers cover the adrenals, low testosterone in women, PMS and missed periods, endometriosis, how to have gorgeous skin, fertility, pregnancy and post-partum, perimenopause, your hunger hormones, toxins in your food, bio-identical hormones, cell phone dangers and much much more.
Here is the speaker/topic line-up for today/day 1:
My interview is Balance Brain Chemistry to End Anxiety and airs on day 3. I talk about the importance of cholesterol and how to figure out how much of the amino acids you may need and how to do a trial. Dr. Jill Carnahan’s interview is also on day 3: What’s the Big Deal About Methylation? You can read snippets from our interviews here.
Here are a few snippets from Lara Adler’s informative interview (which airs on day 6): One Hidden Hormone-Disrupting Ingredient to Avoid
…there are a lot of chemicals that research is showing can have really dramatic impacts on our health. And not just women’s health issues and endocrine disruption, which we’ll get into, but everything from cancers and heart disease and metabolic diseases, as I mentioned earlier, to autism and learning disabilities, behavioral problems, infertility, thyroid problems. Basically, every single health struggle that people have, there is some connection to environmental toxins.
…unfortunately, the most common endocrine disruptor is in thousands and thousands of products. And that is disguised under the word fragrance. And so fragrance is a catch-all word. Like there’s anywhere between, I think, it’s up to…It’s either 300 or 3,000 ingredients that can make up the word fragrance.
So labeling laws don’t require companies to disclose what that fragrance ingredients are because it sometimes a trade secret.
…if you can smell a product, if it has a fragrance, then those are fragrance molecules that you are inhaling into your body.
And interestingly, inhalation is the fastest way for something to enter your bloodstream is through inhalation, aside from injection..This is why this is one of my first stops in having people make shifts – is let’s look at fragrance first.
Here are the other days 6 speakers/topics:
I hope you can join us online on Hormones: A Women’s Wellness Summit
You can register here:
PS. Please share with other women who may be looking for this type of information.
Have registered for the event, how do we hear the interviews? Thanks
Super! You will get a daily email from this host with access to the interviews of the day. Enjoy!
Hi Trudy,
First I want to say thanks for all you do. Your book has been an amazing eye opener for me. I was just listening to Dr. Kalish and he was saying not to try tyrosine and other aminos on your own. I was just wondering what you thought of that. Also that tyrosine only really works for a little amount of time.
Thank you!
Hi Heidi
Glad to hear my book has been an eye-opener! I have not heard Dr Kalish’s interview on this summit yet and can come back and comment when I do – so I’m not quite sure of the context. I find that many people are able to safely use the amino acids on their own and I’m all about empowerment. That said it does concern me when folks hear me do an interview and rush out and buy a few amino acids to try. You need to be an informed and educated consumer so reading my book (like you have), doing the questionnaire, reviewing the precautions and doing systematic trials are key.
I would have to listen to know what he means by “tyrosine only really works for a little amount of time.”
I listened to your talk on the women’s wellness summit. I’m really curious if you think wearing alot of copper jewelry could contribute to high copper levels in a woman’s body – I’ve been having some kind of issues for awhile now with hormones/anxiety and it could be linked to many things but I do wear alot of copper jewlery for the last four/five years. My skin never turns green – so i read that means my body is absorbing it – should i be concerned?
Absolutely Kymberly – you are likely absorbing copper. May I ask what a lot of copper jewellery is?
Hi, I received your reply on your website. I checked with my doctor under my insurance to have copper testing and they won’t approve the testing under preventitive care. Is there any affordable testing that you know of that can be done without a doctor?
You can order blood work via and other direct to consumer labs but I’d suggest finding a naturopath or other integrative doctor to work with. A hair analysis may be an option too – ARL is the lab I have used in the past.
I use to wear 3 copper rings a day and two copper bracelets and copper earrings – although the part that went through the ear isn’t copper. Now I wear my copper jewelry occasionally. Does copper flush out of the system? Could I have a build up?
I enjoyed your recent talk on Brigit’s wellness summit. I look forward to trying a few things you mentioned. I am pregnant with my 2nd child. Is it safe to take all the things you suggested? GABA, tryptophan, zinc, etc.? Am I already getting these nutrients in my prenatal vitamin? I would like to try incorporating different foods into my diet before taking a supplement, especially since I’m pregnant. Thanks!
So glad you enjoyed it! The amino acids have not been tested in pregnancy and will not be part of a prenatal. I would suggest focusing on food and lifestyle changes.
Thank you!