The “Healthy ME Summit: Overcoming Depression and Anxiety” online event starts this week!
You will discover 50 of the brightest and most brilliant minds in the field of mental health and wellness. The interviews are a collection of experts, as well as individuals sharing their inspirational personal experiences. The culmination of both of these points of view provides you with the answers and solutions to your mental health challenges.
It runs January 7-17, 2016. It’s being hosted from Australia so keep this in mind with regards to the time difference.
As with other online summits each day’s interviews will be available for FREE for a period of 24 hours. They will begin at 10 A.M. Australian Eastern Time and end the next day 9.59 A.M. Here’s the link for time conversion:
And here’s an example of the time difference: January 7th 10am Australian Eastern Time is January 6th 3pm Pacific time USA/ 6pm Eastern time USA. If you’re in the USA, this means each day new speakers will air at 3pm Pacific time USA/ 6pm Eastern time USA AND it starts on January 6th!
I recently shared some snippets from the excellent interview with Carolyn Ledowsky, Naturopath, Herbalist, Nutritionist: MTHFR, Depression & Anxiety (her interview is on day 1). You can read more here:
Here are a few of the other speakers (including yours truly):
Professor Felice Jacka, Principal Research Fellow: Does Junk Food Shrink Your Brain (her interview is on day 5)
A healthy diet looks very different in different countries
Dr. Tom O’Bryan, International Speaker, Educator: How Wheat Harms the Brain (his interview is on day 3)
Every forkful of what you put in your mouth is either inflammatory or anti-inflammatory
Therese Kerr, Author, Speaker, Health Ambassador: Chemicals in Cosmetics to Avoid (her interview is on day 4)
Fat-soluble chemicals are being passed on to the baby through the mother’s breast milk.
Trudy Scott, Author, Nutritionist, Food Mood Expert: Nutritional Solutions for Anxiety (my interview is on day 3)
People with digestive complaints such as IBS, food allergies and food sensitivities, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and ulcerative colitis frequently suffer from anxiety and depression.
I’m thrilled to be included in this line-up of experts and I cover how to address anxiety (and depression) using targeted amino acids GABA and tryptophan. I also talk about nutrients for the social anxiety condition called pyroluria (in case you haven’t yet heard me present on these topics – if you have, be sure to tune in to other great interviews).
Hope you can join us! You can learn more and register here:
I have registered and am looking forward to this Summit, but I am unable to locate the information that tells how to access the talks. Thank you for any help you can offer!
Hi Carol
If you’re in the USA it starts today 1/6/16 at 3pm PST (which is 1/7 10am in Australia) so if you signed up you should have received an email or will receive one shortly. This initial email (with sibject: Congratulations You’re Registered for The Overcoming Depression and Anxiety Summit) will have instructions/info. If you don’t see it please check your spam folder or contact their customer support via
You should then start getting daily emails as new speakers are added each day
If you’re still having issues email my support team and they can try and help too
Just a quick note that I received my day 1 email at 3:05pm PST today
Hi Trudy ~
I just now tried to buy the set for $47… and it is already past 3pm, PST.
We use one credit card for purchasing things like this, and its in my husband’s name — would that cause problems? The name & mailing match up.
Am I too late to order now for the reduced price? Gosh this is confusing.
Please advise us!
Thanks ~ Maria
I believe they have extended the $47 pricing for a little longer. For the credit card issue I suggest contacting their customer support via
The $47 is extended for 24 hours
This is off-topic for your post today, but just throwing it out there. I have a diagnosis of pyroluria and copper overload from Mensah Medical (Walsh protocol). My traditional diagnosis is bipolar disorder. My paternal grandmother had some extreme postpartum psychiatric problems, and I calculated that 20% of her descendants have some sort of mental illness, particularly varying levels of bipolar disorder. My psychiatrist asked me to have a gut assessment that included DNA stool analysis, despite my insistence that I didn’t have GI symptoms. The big finding was giardia. I was treated for it in 2002 (with Flagyl, then with botanicals when symptoms returned) when I became ill after adopting a baby from China who had it. She said she has only been working with my psychiatrist for 6 to 8 months, but every pyrrole patient he has referred has had a gut infection of some kind. My other daughter (adopted, so no genetic connection) had a pyrrole “count” of 111 (much greater than mine). She tested positive for H.pylori, clostridium species, and aspergillosis (probably misspelled, a mold).
Thanks for sharing. It’s very much on topic since anxiety and depression can have many root causes.
I’m so pleased your psychiatrist did a stool test. It’s very interesting to hear the pyroluria gut connection but I’m not surprised. I had not heard of someone adopting a baby from China and getting giardia but it make sense that it could easily happen. I do hope you and your babies are now doing well!
Hi could you please resend link to watch interviews with speakers ! I have listened to most of them and have found them very helpful! Somehow link got erased in my email thank you aras
The interviews were available to watch at no charge during the summit. After the summit they can be purchased.