GMOs sounds like something from another planet and as far as I’m concerned they should be! GMO stands for genetically modified organism (sometimes also referred to as just GM foods).
Should you avoid GM foods? I believe you should and so do many other concerned citizens, writers, health practitioners and researchers. This is because we simply don’t know the long-term health consequences. Many preliminary animal studies have shown harmful effects, so concerned researchers are calling for more studies.
Most of the nonorganic corn, soy, and canola grown in this country is genetically modified. What does this mean? It means that any and all processed food that contains these ingredients is very likely a GM food or a GMO. Unfortunately, there’s no requirement that foods containing GM ingredients be labeled as such, so eating real whole foods and purchasing organic is the only way to be certain you aren’t getting GM foods.
One of my favorite stories about GM crops and can be found on Dr Mercola’s site, a wonderful health resource for staying informed. It’s a story about some very smart chickens in South Africa. I grew up in South Africa so it’s a special story for me! These chickens refused to eat the maize they were being fed (in South Africa corn is called maize or mielies). The farmer had the chicken-feed tested and discovered that it contained GM corn/maize that had been genetically modified to include a well-known weed and insect killer. You can read the whole story here. What smart chickens!
We can be smart about this too – as long as we keep informed!
An excellent resource on GMOs and the health and environmental consequences is the Institute for Responsible Technology. Jeffrey Smith has written many excellent books and articles and he is doing an incredible job educating the world about GMOs. I’ve heard him present a number of times and he is great and an expert on the subject!
If you live in Northern California, this is your opportunity! Below is information on two speaker training events and a public talk Jeffrey Smith will offer in Marin County and Lake County.
Friday, May 6, 2011 – Symposium on the GMO Crisis
6:30pm-10:30pm San Rafael Community Center, 618 ‘B’ Street, San Rafael, CA
Despite polls that indicate Americans overwhelmingly want GMO foods labeled, the USDA continues to allow their production and sale without labeling or adequate testing. Come find out what is happening with GMOs and why we should be concerned! An outstanding panel of experts on GMO technologies will discuss how they are affecting our health and the environment (from 7:30 to 9:30 pm): Claire Cummings, author of Uncertain Peril, Jeffrey Smith, author of Seeds of Deception and Genetic Roulette, a spokesperson from The Center for Food Safety, and Mark Squire of the Good Earth Natural Foods and The Non-GMO Project, will fill us in on the political, legal and health implications of recombinant DNA in our foods.
For more information, contact (415) 454-9898. Wheelchair accessible. Donations gratefully accepted at the door.
Saturday, May 7, 2011 – GMO Speaker and Activism Training with Jeffrey Smith
9:30am – 5:00pm Marin Recycling and Resource Recovery, Environmental Classroom
535 Jacobi Street, San Rafael, CA
Spend a day with international bestselling author and filmmaker Jeffrey M. Smith and learn how to speak about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and to organize effective activism around the issue. Help achieve the tipping point of consumer rejection to force GMOs out of our food supply! Whether you want to be a leading anti-GMO campaigner, help out when you can, or just gain an in-depth understanding of the issue, don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn from the leading spokesperson on GMO health dangers. Jeffrey has presented in 32 countries, counseled world leaders on every continent, and he wrote the world’s bestselling book on the topic – Seeds of Deception.
Cost: $80 Individual / $140 Couple Early Discount Before April 15th $70/$120
More details and register online
Sunday, May 8, 2011 – GMO Speaker and Activism Training in Lake County with Jeffrey Smith
9:30am – 5:00pm Ancient Lake Garden, 8993 Soda Bay Rd., Kelseyville, Lake County
Sponsored by the Committee for a GE free Lake County
Spend a day with the international bestselling author of “Seeds of Deception” and “Genetic Roulette”. Learn how to speak about genetic engineering in agriculture and genetically engineered (GMO) foods. Learn how to organize effective activism around the issue. Help achieve the tipping point of consumer rejection to force GMOs out of our food supply!
Cost: $80 Individual / $140 Couple Early Discount Before April 15th $70/$120
Some full and partial scholarships are available. Please contact
> We can be smart about this too – as long as we keep informed!
You are so right, Trudy. It’s scary to think that we probably are harming ourselves without knowing that. And I bet GMO is only a tip of an iceberg… Thank you for sharing this!
Thanks Mika and that’s why labeling is so important – so we do know what we are consuming
thanks for bringing this to my attention, Trudy. I’ve heard about GMOs, but wasn’t really clear until now what it meant and how it might effect me…
Glad to be of help Grace ….