If you have gluten sensitivity or celiac disease and/or dietary oxalate issues (pain, anxiety, insomnia, restless legs, hearing loss, eye issues, unresolved thyroid issues, bladder issues and more) and yet really miss the occasional muffin this Gingerbread Coconut Muffins recipe is a delicious gluten-free and low oxalate option. I see way too many so-called healthy gluten-free recipes using almond flour. This is concerning given that almonds are high in oxalates. Keep in mind that wheat is also high oxalate.
I’m finding dietary oxalate issues to be underappreciated especially in menopausal women when symptoms can show up and be more severe. If you’re new to the dietary oxalate issues you can read more below.
I have also found that using almond flour and other nut flours in baking affects your zinc/copper balance, increasing copper and hence causing more anxiety and even panic attacks.
If you don’t have dietary oxalate issues, you can certainly enjoy this recipe too. But watch the overindulging and binge-eating (more on that and using amino acids below).
Gingerbread Coconut Muffins (a low oxalate recipe)
6 eggs
1/3 cup melted butter
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup molasses
1/2 cup coconut sugar
2-3 teaspoons ginger powder (or liquid ginger extract)
3/4 cup sifted coconut flour
1 tablespoon ground flax seeds
Melt the butter over low heat and add the coconut sugar and molasses. Once it’s cooled add the eggs and mix well. Stir in the coconut flour, salt, ground flax seeds and ginger powder.
Spoon the mixture into two greased mini muffin pans. Bake at 400 degrees F/ 205 degrees C for 12 – 14 minutes. The muffins will rise nicely and will start to turn dark brown. Remove and cool on a cooking rack. Makes 24 mini muffins.
Eat warm or when cooled. Serve with butter and/or cream and/or coconut butter. For a little added sweetness a small amount of raw honey can be spread on a muffin too.
My adaptation from a gingerbread cookies recipe
I adapted this recipe from a Gingerbread Cookies recipe in Cooking with Coconut Flour by Bruce Fife ND. I pretty much always do this when I cook – adapt recipes to my needs and likes – and always reduce the sugar. In this instance, I halved the sugar and used coconut sugar instead.
I also increased the ginger because I love all things ginger. I upped it from 1 teaspoon ground ginger to 2 teaspoons and will actually try 3 teaspoons next time I make them. Ginger can be an issue if you have oxalate issues so you’d want to see how much you can tolerate – so far so good for me. If you do have issues with ground ginger you could always use a liquid ginger extract which is low oxalate.
I omitted the cinnamon and cloves to emphasize the ginger taste. I also added ground flax seeds for added fiber.
I decided to cook them in mini muffin pans instead of making cookies on a baking tray but you could always try this option. Use the same temperature and cooking time per the original recipe.
The blackstrap molasses makes them so flavorful too and takes me back to my childhood. Molasses is nutrient dense too, providing calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, vitamin B6, and selenium. Just be sure to use molasses made from sugar cane and not sugar beets (which are high in oxalates).
They were surprisingly soft and moist and eating them with butter and/or cream made them even more delicious. I always like to include some healthy fats. If dairy isn’t tolerated, coconut cream could be substituted. I suspect coconut oil could be substituted for the melted butter but have not tried this yet.
Here is Cooking with Coconut Flour by Bruce Fife ND. You can find it on Amazon here (my link). I’ve baked a number of recipes from this book and I’m impressed. I really appreciate that it’s all coconut flour recipes with no almond flour or other gluten-free flours used.
If you do battle with sugar cravings and binge eating – use amino acids
It’s ideal to keep baked goods – especially the ones shown on the cover of this book – to a minimum. But for an occasional treat this recipe book is excellent.
If you do battle with sugar cravings and binge eating, don’t forget how useful the amino acids are for stopping your cravings with no willpower and no feelings of deprivation. You can learn more about this here: The individual amino acids glutamine, GABA, tryptophan (or 5-HTP), DPA and tyrosine are powerful for eliminating sugar cravings, often within 5 minutes.
I discuss cravings/emotional eating and how to use amino acids in my book, The Antianxiety Food Solution – How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood and End Cravings. More here. I also cover how low blood sugar can lead to both anxiety and cravings and how to prevent this by use glutamine and eating for blood sugar stability.
If you’re new to dietary oxalates as a possible health issue
This blog post is a helpful one to start with if you’re new to dietary oxalates and the issues they can cause: Oxalate crystal disease, dietary oxalates and pain: the research & questions
These are the common medium-oxalate and high-oxalate foods that many folks have problems with: nuts, nut-butters and nut-flour (especially baking with almond flour and something to watch when eating Paleo or GAPS), wheat, chocolate, kiwi fruit (very high – see the raphides image on the above blog), star fruit (also very high), beets, potatoes, sweet potatoes, legumes, raspberries, spinach and soy.
In the above blog post, I share an overview of oxalates, my pain issues with dietary oxalates (severe foot pain and eye pain), and deeper dive into the condition called oxalate crystal disease (with some of my insights and questions).
The big take-aways are that calcium oxalate crystals are sharp and can cause far reaching harm beyond pain – such as unresolved anxiety, thyroid issues, neurological symptoms, eye issues, hearing loss, bladder issues, headaches, fatigue, insomnia, restless legs, autism symptoms and more. You can have issues with dietary oxalates and not have kidney disease/kidney stones, although there is very little research supporting the latter.
You may find these oxalate blogs helpful too:
- Increased kidney stones in postmenopausal women with lower estradiol levels. What about increased dietary oxalate issues too?
- Waking in the night due to environmental toxins: impacts on the liver, gallbladder and fat digestion (making oxalate issues worse)
- Butternut Bake recipe (a low oxalate alternative to Potato Bake)
- Coconut Macaroon Mini Muffin recipe (low oxalate)
What dietary oxalates issues have you experienced and has a low oxalate diet helped you?
If you have dietary oxalates issues can you handle ginger?
Do let us know if you make this recipe and enjoy it.
Feel free to share a favorite recipe of something you’ve adapted to be low or even medium oxalate.
If you have questions and feedback please share them here too.
I can’t do coconut flour, I know you need less coconut flour in recipes but is there a substitute flour and less eggs maybe?
I think you’d be better off adapting an existing recipe you have, adding ginger and molasses. If you are looking for low oxalate/gluten-free flour alternatives these are options: corn and white rice; and green banana, brown rice, lupin and garbanzo flours are medium oxalate.
May I ask why you can’t do coconut flour?
I eat for my blood group O- Non Secretor, Genotype Gatherer. We can only do coconut oil and it’s not highly beneficial it’s only neutral. But have introduced low oxalate I’m a TLO member on Facebook has been very helpful as it lead me to genetic testing, your book, Dr Ben Lynch’s Book an so much information. I have MTHFT double mutation there’s probably others but this is a great start.
But I have so many questions I just keep finding so much information my head is in a spin.
Glad to hear you’re finding answers but yes I acknowledge that it can be overwhelming. I do find that the amino acids GABA and/or tryptophan help with the overwhelm and head-is-in-a-spin kind of feeling. You can read more about the amino acids in my book in the amino acids chapter.
If it helps I don’t place too much emphasis on MTHFR unless we know it’s expressing i.e. causing issues. Eating clean and avoiding toxins is the best foundational approach.
Also, when someone has many dietary restrictions, we are more flexible with blood group guidelines, as long as making changes doesn’t ramp up sypmtoms.
your content. Recently found out that almonds are high in oxalates. I was eating two jars of sprouted almond butter for at least one year. How do you suggest I clean out my systems from this oxalates overload. I have severe osteoporosis and scoliosis. I am not on medication. I’m trying to manage both through diet and exercise. It’s people like you who inspire me to care for myself better. Thank you DRO
It’s a slow process to reverse the damage caused by oxalates but it starts with eating a low oxalate diet and addressing nutritional imbalances that have been caused. The Facebook group is a great place to get help – Trying Low Oxalates (TLO)
May I ask how much of the sprouted almond butter you ate and how often?
I’ll be sharing some osteoporosis resources in an upcoming blog so stay tuned for that. Hopefully you were able to tune into Margie Bissinger’s 2 recent osteoporosis summits.
Sally Norton’s book – Toxic Superfoods is the best book on oxalate overload and treatment protocols. Trudy, it would be great if you did an interview with her as she also covers the dangers of over supplementing with B6.
Her book is fabulous – thanks for sharing here
I was instructed that this (“any blog”) is where I need to ask a question of Trudy. [the support team directed me to a blog on the subject of my question but it was from 2016!)
*My question is: IS IT ACTUALLY POSSIBLE TO REBALANCE MY BRAIN AFTER TAPERING OFF SSRI? And: could it be hormone imbalance contributing? (or just timing coincidence) (I’m 60)
It has been 9 months and I am feeling hopeless! (I am working with a ND/student through a university clinic who tried Typtophan (stopped), now low dose Naltrexon 2 mg and Lithium Orotate 20 mg. I still wake up and have uncontrollable sobbing and anxiety! I am barely hanging on and wondering if I should just go back on an anti-depressant drug!? because I can’t continue this way for months…year!)
Also, I just bought your book and I don’t see anything about Lithium or Oxalates. (?)
I’m sorry to hear you are struggling but unfortunately this is common when coming off SSRIs. But yes it is possible to rebalance brain chemistry and yes hormone imbalance during menopause can be a factor. I start with GABA and tryptophan/5-HTP (sometimes one works better than the other) and also consider DPA when someone has sobbing. It’s important to find the ideal dose and use these amino acids sublingually or capsules opened.
Be sure to read the amino acid chapter of my book and don’t forget dietary factors too. I find clients do better tapering when they are nutritionally stable.
You’ll find information about oxalates and lithium on the blog only – please use the blog search feature
Also some folks choose to go back onto the antidepressant when the taper has been too fast and taper much more slowly (like over a year or more).
I have recently noticed my fave smoothie recipe, containing kiwi is making my lips tingle and my throat scratchy. Although I haven’t eaten a lot of kiwi in the past, I have never had this issue. I was wondering if I was developing an allergy, but do you think it could be the oxalate?
I’d suspect an oxalate issue – kiwi is extremely high