I’m going to share some gems from one of my favorite talks at the annual IFM conference The Omics Revolution – Nature and Nurture. It was a talk by Dr. Robert Rountree and was called “Genome Meets Microbiome” and he opens with this great slide that paints an incredible picture:
Humans are like mobile warm-blooded coral reefs, home to vast numbers of microbial ecosystems that are rich in biodiversity
Dr. Rountree shared how humans have more than 100 trillion microbiota, outnumbering human cells by 10:1. And he shared this great quote from Dr. Martin J Blaser, MD’s 2014 paper:
It is reasonable to propose that the composition of the microbiome and its activities are involved in most, if not all, of the biological processes that constitute human health and disease
Here are some other gems from the talk:
- Disease-specific alterations in the enteric virome in inflammatory bowel disease (such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis) and how changes in the virome may contribute to intestinal inflammation and dysbiosis
- Methanogens in human health and disease Evidence has linked overabundance of methanogens to constipation and IBS, influencing intestinal transit and pH. These methanogens ensure more complete fermentation of carbohydrates, leading to higher production and absorption of SCFAs (short chain fatty acids), which may lead to obesity
- The emerging world of the fungal microbiome or the mycobiome “Early-stage studies show interactions between the mycobiome and other microbes, with host physiology, and in pathogenic and mutualistic phenotypes. Current research portends a vital role for the mycobiome in human health and disease.”
So we have the microbiome, the virome, methanogens and the mycobiome! (and so much more)
He closes with this:
Alteration of the microbiome by our modern lifestyle (diet, stress, excessive hygiene and antibiotics) may be responsible for many chronic diseases [my addition: including anxiety and depression]
When I arrived in Austin I headed to the local Whole Foods to stock up on travel food (like I always do) and found some probiotic-rich foods that are made right in Austin. Now I can highly recommend this fabulous sauerkraut and fermented carrots from Hat Creek Pickles. I munched on this yummy food (and sardines, boiled eggs, grass-fed beef jerky, pemmican and fruit) all weekend! I even brought what was left of the the sauerkraut home!
Raw, local, organic, delish!!!! and oh so pretty too.

Happy gut means happy Trudy! How are you looking after your gut?
Hi Trudy,
Can you tell me how many milligrams (mg) you recommend when taking vitamin B6 and Zinc. I have read so many conflicting reports on taking vitamin B6 in higher doses (over 50 mg) and so I am very curious on your thoughts.
I plan to also take Evening Primrose Oil as well. I suffer from severe panic attacks and anxiety (mainly while driving) so I would like to give these three vitamins a try.
Thank you in advance for your help,
If someone scores above 15 on the pyroluria questionnaire I’ll have them start with 30 mg zinc and 100mg vitamin B6, together with 1300mg EPO. This is a social anxiety condition so may not help with the driving anxiety
With anxiety and panic while driving I’d also look at low GABA and low serotonin
what is the best way to test for low gaba and serotonin…what do you recommend for those with anxiety and crushing anxiety who are already on magnesium and l-glutamine…but have a strong reaction to small mounts of anything sedating and has low bp…
I have my clients do the amino acid questionnaire https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/amino-acids-mood-questionnaire-from-the-antianxiety-food-solution/ and do trials of tryptophan and or GABA. When someone is sensitive we start really low so they’ll open a 500mg capsule and use a few dabs
I enjoyed the lecture about fermented foods during the latest Anxiety Summit. I immediately I went out and found a local source of properly fermented sauerkraut. We also have kombucha produced locally. I always enjoyed nukazuke (rice bran fermented vegetables) when I lived in Japan for a short while, and have always wished to learn how to make them at home. Now I have a super-important reason!
Thank you and Summer Brock for explaining the importance of fermented foods.
I had long sensed a relationship between a fermented version of a staple food in whatever culture’s diet, that it would help digest the unfermented version of the food, but now I realize that fermented foods are also the way to continually renew the health our digestive system.
I also wanted to let you know that I have just read an amazing article about the discovery of a connection between the brain and the lymphatic system. Had you seen it elsewhere?
Wonderful MaryLiz and interesting article on the brain and the lymphatic system – I’ll be looking in to this
Hi Trudy, I follow your summits – they are just wonderful. Thank you so much. 3 of us have pyrroles in the family I believe. From memory mine were 34 1.5 yr ago. I take Zinc picolinate 50gm with methionine – I am still trying to look into the correlation with methionine and mthr (have not had genetic test done.) B6 50mg P5P 25mg and others in vit e maganese vit c. I take 2 of these caps a day. I also take gaba. 1.5yrs. Gluten free. Did gaps for approx 8 mnths. Had extensive bioscreen (in Australia) done; through Bio Dr on the Gold Coast; Thank goodness as my 2 sons were really sick also 1.5yrs ago as they had parasites. We fixed that. However my 9yr old son also has high copper/zinc ratio – copper zinc should be even; and was getting sick all the time/anxiety/nausea/ low immunity/headaches. Currently fixing that; which is a long haul- and not so pleasant however it will be worth it in the long run. He has had months off school. I am not sure if the importance of even copper zinc ratios has come up with your speakers? My Dr says balance (minerals) the foundation of good health. We also had high strep counts.. mine was 1.6 million or something; should be 300 000 approx. I think it has come back. This creates havoc; acid (my poor kidneys) and yes; I had been going through a real lot of stress. I had no levels of detectible eubac. My Dr mentioned eubac love watermelon white, chicken (chicken soup) and blood; ie raw meat.. I’ll tolerate rare steaks maybe. If my memory serves me right; this is why my joints are sore a lot also; I’m also somewhat hyper mobile which I have read there is a correlation with anxiety there also. Back to gut bacteria. Also suspectible mych There is someone doing faecal implants in Sydney for severe cases. I’d be very interested to know how to keep the counts down and keep bad bac. coming back. (Other than no sugar; think they like carbs etc). Yes, I have been taking lactobac; some cultures; however I don’t tolerate histamines brilliantly ie black tea with even lactose free milk gives me a runny nose. (Tea being DAO inhibitor). A lot of herbals may kill off good bacteria too.. and is not measured.. I hope the research is out there and presents itself very soon – how to kill specific unwanted bacteria; as I am still anxious. Trying to lower levels atm. I may get another test done in a few months if required (however exy to be comprehensive). I just love how you are helping people all around the world Judy. I hope the above info helps others; Cecily xo
Thanks for sharing – I know many will find this helpful
A few comments: strep and OCD is big i.e. PANDAs; joint hypermobility and pyroluria seem to be connected (if you still have pyroluria symptoms do check out this blog https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/pyroluria-protocol-why-arent-i-getting-results-trouble-shooting-checklist/); fecal transplants were discussed at IFM and I’ll be blogging about this – so far very promising;
Please do share more on this “My Dr mentioned eubac love watermelon white, chicken (chicken soup) and blood; ie raw meat” – intrigued to learn and what the rationale is? new to me!
I’m also not sure what “mych” is?
Hi Trudy, Thanks for your reply.
Sorry, I meant mitochondria issues. I must have been running on adrenalin for the past 7 years then.
Yes this is New! Citrulline grows eubac. White watermelon skin, (Asians pickle it; however he said make a juice with it) I just found this out. Yesterday I made jelly with it; as no doubt I need collagen. Chicken soup, as eubac also loves blood. Dr said there has been a lot more recent research; he did not inform me of this Oct. 13 so must not have known back then. Note my son with high copper actually had high eubac count; where as my older son and I- eubac was not detected. He said trouble with taking bile acid is it turns off our own creation of bile acid; only does it if really sick to ween off. I can’t absorb fat. Thing is I do not feel nausea eating fat. (Maybe it’s somewhat better.). Oh, and my streptococcus constellatus was 164 million, not 1.6 million.
Much appreciated you let me know when fecal transplants blog is up? I would like to think I don’t need to keep taking emycin over and over as some have/do. Trouble is I am on the Gold Coast; not Sydney where I know it is done. I will get another gut test in a few months. Unfortunately a lot of herbals are also unpredictable and killing off good as well as bad; but I would think emycin would kill good too.
Judy if the pyrolle protocol is working; does that mean my pyrolle urine count will test as lower now? Maybe I should get another test.. (should be under 15?) Thanks.
Cecily – yes you’ll see the pyrolle urine count lower when on the supps. Watch the ezine for the fecal transplant article