Today I’m going to review some GABA products for the physical-tension and stiff-and-tense-muscles type of anxiety, and share some additional resources for you.
The other symptoms we see with low GABA are panic attacks, physical tension in certain settings like public speaking or driving, and the need to self-medicate to calm down, often with alcohol but sometimes with carbs and sugary foods. Insomnia can also be due to low GABA and you’ll experience physical tension (rather than the ruminating thoughts which is the low serotonin type of insomnia – although it’s not uncommon to experience both). GABA also helps with muscle spasms and pain relief when muscles are tight.
The biggest take-aways with GABA:
- Sublingual is best. I find that GABA works best when used sublingually and this is one reason I like Source Naturals GABA Calm so much. If this is not an option (it does contain sugar alcohols that some clients can’t or won’t use and does contain tyrosine which as some contraindications) then opening a capsule of a GABA-only or a GABA-theanine combination are my next choices when working with someone.
- Start very low and increase as needed. I have found 125mg to be a good starting dose but some pixie dust clients do well on a dab or pinch
- Do a trial to determine if the anxiety in in fact due to low GABA. I always do this with clients before starting any amino acid. Be sure to read how to do an amino acid trial – it has the low GABA questionnaire, the precautions and information on how to use targeted individual amino acids.
Here are some of the actual GABA products I recommend and use with clients:
- Source Naturals GABA Calm. This is a pleasant-tasting sublingual product that is my most popular and most effective form of GABA I use with my clients. It contains 125 mg GABA and some glycine, taurine and magnesium, and a small amount of tyrosine to counter the calming effects. You can see the lozenges in the picture above.
- Nutritional Fundamentals for Health GABA-T SAP: gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) 300 mg, l-Theanine 150 mg. This is pleasant-tasting when opened on to the tongue and works very well when GABA Calm can’t be used. I find best results when it is used opened on to the tongue and I really like that it’s a low dose of GABA. Some of my clients do well with half a capsule. You can see an opened capsule in the picture above.
- Enzymatic Therapy GABA: gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) 250 mg. This is also pleasant-tasting when opened on to the tongue and works very well when GABA Calm can’t be used. As with all GABA products, I find best results when it is used opened on to the tongue.
- ProThera 500mg GABA: gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) 500 mg. You will likely need to open this up and start with less than a full capsule during the day and increase as needed based on the trial. A full capsule may be fine at night for some individuals and more than one works in some situations.
There are a number of other great GABA products. When I reached out on Facebook for feedback I heard from one mom who likes Kirkman Labs GABA with Niacinamide and Inositol for her son who is on the spectrum, and someone else shared she likes Thorne PharmaGABA better than GABA products.
A few people shared this feedback when using GABA: one person felt too tired, someone else felt a niacin-type flush and someone else got an electric shock feeling in her brain. How you respond depends on the dose and with GABA and the other amino acids there is no one recommended dose for anyone. It’s very individualized which is why I have clients do a trial and start low. GABA helps many people tapering from benzodiazepines but some people are so sensitive that even a pinch is too much.
One person asked how to get GABA from food as she is fearful of taking medications and supplements. I always recommend a real whole foods diet with quality animal protein and organic produce, together with health fats and fermented veggies – so this is a great foundation. It may not be enough and when there is fear and phobias I immediately think of low serotonin and would determine if this is a factor an address this first. I covered low serotonin and tryptophan in the product review last week.
Here are some additional GABA resources for you:
Source Naturals GABA Calm™: Why I recommend it for anxiety
It’s a great product to use with children. Trish Soderstrom shared how she used this product with her daughter’s Lyme anxiety.
We’ve used Source Naturals GABA Calm sublinguals with good results. I learned about GABA helping anxiety and because I was treating my young daughter I purchased this because it was easy for her to take.But there may still be some confusion about when to use GABA and when to use tryptophan and how much of each of these amino acids to use.
GABA is calming for me, doesn’t work for my daughter’s anxiety and makes my son sleepy
I have used GABA (several brands, just open capsule and sprinkle small amount under tongue) for years now, with calming results within minutes. It was recommended to me by 2 family members, both bi-polar, who were tested by Dr. Amen. I have also used it with my children (now adults); my daughter says it doesn’t work for her. (She has anxiety issues and occasional panic attacks, and Rescue Remedy helps her.) It does work to calm my 3 sons, but one says it makes him sleepy, and lasts into the next day, so he won’t take it.
GABA for children: ADHD, focus issues, irritability, anxiety and tantrums
My daughter hasn’t been diagnosed with ADHD but has a lot of ADHD qualities. We were having a huge amount of behavior problems as she is getting older (she’s 11). I did some research and went to the health food store and bought a bottle. At this point I was mentally exhausted from all the fighting and drama at home and at school. I was desperate and didn’t want to put her on any hard medication.
She has had amazing behavior at school and at home since giving it to her. She’s almost like different child. GABA has truly changed our life. She’s been taking it for almost 2 months.
The blog has many other posts on GABA and serotonin and simply use the “search” function to find them.
This blog post is part of the series of amino acid product reviews:
- Tryptophan for low serotonin (worry-in-the-head anxiety)
- Glutamine for calming, intense sugar cravings, gut healing and low blood sugar
- DPA for weepiness, pain and comfort and reward eating
- Tyrosine for focus, motivation, energy, a good mood and possibly even anxiety
The resources in this blog and my other articles are intended to be used in conjunction with my book: The Antianxiety Food Solution – How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood, and End Cravings. If you do not have my book I highly recommend getting it and reading it before jumping in and taking the amino acid supplements:
There is a complete chapter on the amino acids and one for pyroluria, plus information on real whole food, sugar and blood sugar, gluten, digestion and much more.
You can find the GABA products and the others I recommend here on this blog: The Antianxiety Food Solution Amino Acid and Pyroluria Supplements
I’d love to hear what GABA product has worked for you and how it’s helped?
If you have questions please post them below or on the supplements blog
Thanks for this helpful article. Do you have anything against Source Naturals GABA 750mg Trudy?
Hi Drew
I have not used that particular 750mg product with clients but I do like their other products. I also didn’t mention it because there are so many GABA products and because many people start too high and 750mg is way to high for most people. It would be something I would have a client build up to over time based on symptoms and their response.
Please do share how it’s helping you and if you built up to this amount over time?
Thanks Trudy. I started low with the GABA Calm, first 1, then 2 and then 3 but didn’t get any response so jumped to the 750mg which I have been using for a few weeks now and definitely feel a subtle sense of calm. I am taking one first thing in the morning and one at bed time. Am also looking into trying to source Thorne PharmaGABA from my usual supplement supplier here in the UK as I have heard good reports about this and it being more effective than ‘normal’ GABA. Will keep you posted. Am also on 500mg Niacitol 3 times a day with meals which seems to have elevated the moods a little…
I like that you started low and increased slowly. For other blog readers 375 mg to 750mg is quite a jump but I’m glad its helping and isn’t too much! When it’s subtle I do have clients increase to see if more helps. I see best results with GABA but some people do report they prefer PharmaGABA.
Glad to hear the Niacitol is helping too. Again I slowly increase to see if we can see added benefits.
I believe that if you just purchase gaba only . You need B6 for it cross the blood brain barrier. I am going to try 50 mg of B6 with the 750 mg of gaba. I know I read it read somewhere that you need the B6 in order for it cross the blood brain barrier. I haven’t tried gaba 750 mg yet .
I am coming off as benzo . I have been using true calm from now foods. It also contains some magnesium and B6 and other amino acids.
I also have candida so it’s been quite hard. Green tea has been helping me too. I also get Ltheanine tablets from now Foods. I open the capsule and put half in and stir. Add stevia for some sweetness and lemon juice . And add a bit of coconut oil . It is so good.
But I do plan to take it slowly with the gaba 750mg. I never want to see a benzo in my life again.!
I am going to try the water tritration system founded by Dr Heather Ashton.
I also try to eat foods with gaba in it. Like almonds bananas have gaba but if you have candida you can only have a green banana . They have less sugar when green. Lentils are good too.
I find GABA very balancing and gentle for the nerve system in general, also temperature balancing in the body gets better. Something I find problematic though is the gut response. It seems like GABA can sometimes act as a laxative for my low IgA gut, which is not good. Mixing it with L-glutamine is an option, but powders can often contain too much histamine?
Glad to hear how balancing GABA is. It doesn’t often act as a laxative so I check the product and other ingredients when this happens.
I am curious about the histamine feedback as it’s not something I’ve observed. Can you share more please?
Hi Trudy, My husband is suffering from PTSD from 3 tour in Afghanistan. Can this help with the anxiety he is experiencing. Your thoughts?
Hi Lafonda
I am sorry to hear your husband is suffering from PTSD. Anxiety can have many root causes and with PTSD I would look into and address these likely root causes:
1) low GABA i.e.physical anxiety as I write about here. We would do a GABA trial
2) low serotonin i.e. mental anxiety, ruminations, fears, phobias. We would do a tryptophan trial
3) high cortisol measured via saliva test. We would address with something like Seriphos and adrenal support like a B-complex, vitamin C etc.
There are other factors to be considered – like gut health, diet, low vitamin D, no gluten/no sugar/no caffeine etc.
I’m actually working on a blog that will publish tomorrow and will be sharing some specifics on the above. It’s for support for those who are suffering from stress, trauma and/or PTSD as a result of a natural disaster but the information can be applied to someone like your husband
Here is a blog on high cortisol and Seriphos
Trudy, thank you so much for this information. Can we do these test through you?
Just following up with a more detailed blog post with some additional resources for your husband
Thanks for asking the question and inspiring this post. I do hope he ‘s doing better
Are you available to do a telephone consultation on Monday?
Hi LaFonda
I’m afraid I’m not seeing new clients right now and do have a waiting list you can sign up for This link has some additional resources when you scroll down to the bottom.
Trudy, what would I substitute for a client who cannot take Tyrosine?
I use a GABA-only or GABA-theanine product – I list 3 examples on this blog but there are many suitable products that don’t contain tyrosine
I also avoid tyrosine so I use Superior Source 100 mg, it’s an instant dissolve tablet so I can use it even in the middle of the night really easy and works well.
Hi Trudy,
I love the title of your newsletter email today regardin GABA and pain associated anxiety, it was an attention-getter!
In addition to having tension tight muscles, my nutritionist and chiropractor tells me that based on where I’m hurting the most regularly, we had a 24 hour urinalysis test confirm I don’t properly absorb healthy carbs, proteins and fats.
I’m also almost 48 yrs old, and I’m in perimenopause as well. Oh yay. The constant pain I’m in from all of the above leads to confusion as to which GABA to try again. I did try the Thorne GABA awhile back, and I quit because I don’t think I noticed enough relief for the price, and at that time I might have been taking it to try to help me sleep.
Thoughts on which one I should try now? I’m also really surprised that we’re supposed to open those up and put under the tongue. I wasn’t doing that at the time either.
Thank you so much!
Hi Sandy
I do find that GABA used sublingually is most effective. I also use the trial method to figure out how much to use. I typically start clients on 125mg GABA from GABA Calm but we can go up 1000mg a few times a day as I recently did with my back pain
I share more on the Pain Treatments That Work online event which is happening now – a good resource for you.
I’m sure your nutritionist and chiropractor are looking at all possible root causes of pain – like gluten, low omega-3s, low serotonin, low endorphins etc
Hello Trudy,
Thank you for your genuine inetrest in helping people with anxiety. I relate to your experience as I have been following a vegetarian and then vegan diet for 3 years, but I always refused to think that my anxiety (which started 2 years ago) could be related to my whole plant foods based diet (now I think it was a combination of things). I used to drink tap water so I stopped that after doing the zinc challenge, and also reintroduced eggs and salmon to obtain more zinc. I also have been taling 15 mg of raw zinc (the garden of life) for one week. When I first started I felt amd overall improvement but lately i get episodes of really panic attacks (a bit worse than before). I also had a metallic taste in my mouth for 2 days. Is this a similar experience than the ones with your ex vegatarian clients? Thank you
By the way, I have an update, today I feel like a have a really bad flu and my head and my whole body hurts. I discontinued the zinc for now until I can see the Naturopath tomorrow. I understand this might not be official advise given the medium, but have you ever had this experience while sumplementing with zinc anf possible copper displacement?
It could be due to copper dumping but I don’t see this happen very often
Hi Trudy,
My daughter is autistic (33 years old ).
Over the years her anxiety was rising.
She is on SSR medications to help her.Can I give her Gaba products?
What kind of Gaba?
Canc Gaba be harmful given with SSR meds.?
When Annie has a anaxiety attack she can scream and slap herself.
How can I help her.
Thank you,
I am sorry to hear about your daughter. I’ve had good results with the amino acids and other nutritional approaches with both children and adults with autism. GABA helps if the anxiety is due to low GABA levels and doing a trial is the approach I use. I do use GABA with clients who are on SSRI medications and list some of my favorite products in this blog.
I also use tryptophan for anxiety (the worry, obsessing type of anxiety) but would recommend working with your doctor and a practitioner due to possible serotonin syndrome with the SSRI. It can be done but does need to be monitored carefully.
I recommend everyone using the amino acids gets copy of my book – The Antianxiety Food Solution” so you are well-informed. It has an entire chapter on the amino acids, a chapter on pyroluria (also often a factor with autism), and chapters on gut health, gluten removal, a healthy diet etc. You can find a copy on Amazon here
I also highly recommend Julie Matthews book “Nourishing Hope for Autism” (Amazon link which focuses on dietary approaches. You can listen to an interview I did with Julie here
Hi Trudy,
i am on an SSRI and have been on one or the other for anxiety for 2 decades. is it safe to take source naturals gaba with the SSRI I am on now? It is a moderate dose – not considered low, not high, right in the middle.
Hi Trudy
I had a baby 7months ago i was feeling good the last 3 months feel broken sleeps ans not long i feel anxious..irritable. .scared..crying…feels like im loosing my mind hard to function…im still breast feeding..thanku
I’m sorry to hear this. The amino acids like GABA and tryptophan have not been studied in nursing moms but some moms will use them right after nursing and then wait at least 4 hours before nursing again. I like my clients to get the approval from their doctors to do this. And baby needs to be watched too.
Checking for high copper is also important as this can contribute to postpartum anxiety. In this instance zinc is very helpful.
This article has some other approaches to consider
The fundamentals are to focus on nutrient dense foods and make sure to have quality animal protein at breakfast and avoid caffeine. Gut health is key too and fermented foods can help.
According to Dr. Kharrazian, GABA does not cross the blood brain barrier. If it works it means you have a “leaky” brain. He suggests GABA support nutrients, Valerian root, lithium orotate, passion flower extract, L-theanine, P5P, magnesium Citrate, zinc and manganese.
Hi Laurie
We have a professional difference of opinion on this and I address it with all the research in my Anxiety Summit interview here
Hi, I take lexipro for GAD with panic disorder. I’m on the lowest dose. It is helping but now I’m gaining weight. I never have wanted to stay on medication. I’d like to try your protocol. I have to take the lexipro at night because it makes me sleepy. Do I need to take tryptophan or just the GABA? How do I know it’s working if I’m taking the lexipro? If I discuss with my dr and start to taper how do you recommend? Appreciate your guidance to get started. I have your book need to begin to read it. Thank you.
Yes read my book so you can get the fundamentals of diet and gut and everything else before considering a taper.
A person takes tryptophan if the anxiety is due to low serotonin and GABA if it’s due to low GABA. I have clients do the questionnaires and trials of each amino acid.
Here is a blog on antidepressant tapers
Does tryptophan and/or GABA cause low cortisol? I’ve been taking both for insomnia, and now have low cortisol all day and night according to a saliva test. I’m trying to figure out if I’m taking something that is causing low cortisol. I also take melatonin at bedtime. Thanks for your help.
Hi Lorraine
I have not seen this to be an issue with GABA, tryptophan or melatonin and there is no research indicating this could happen.
I’m in bed suffering an adrenal crash exhaustion. I have been on Mirtazapine for 2 years for sleep. Before that it was Ativan. I weaned off Effexor last year. Now that I’ve crashed again I started taking 5HTP Now brand. I didn’t realize it but I’d already been taking 25 mg of 5-HTP and 25 mg of Gaba and my Thorne research supplement called mood. I’ve had no problems with it. I’ve been taking collagen for the past year and just saw a bit of your article but unfortunately my brain is too messed up to read very much so I can’t read posting this will be all I can do. I started taking 12 mg of 5-HTP and it knocked me out but left me hungover the next day so I’ve dropped it down to 6 mg but now on day 4 I’m starting to get diarrhea and feel nauseous I’m wondering if that will pass and if I should persevere. I know that even if my parents can get me in a wheelchair into my doctor’s office she will likely just put me on Effexor again which I don’t really want to do. I also wonder if I should have just tried tryptophan instead of 5-HTP? I can’t get the lidke brand here in Canada has Amazon won’t ship it across the border so I would have to try another brand from the health food store as I did the 5-HTP.
I’m sorry to hear this. 5-HTP can cause digestive discomfort in some people. It does usually pass after a week or so. I would suggest looking for a functional medicine practitioner to work with you.
Thanks Trudy! I have an appointment with my functional medicine doctor in a couple weeks. He’s not mentioned amino acids before so not sure about his knowledge of those. I’m wondering now after 6 days of digestive issues with only 6 mg of 5HTP if I should switch to just Tryptophan? Does it cause nausea and diarrhea too?
Tryptophan does not
GABA has been super helpful for muscle tension and my feelings of being constantly overwhelmed. Is GABA, in any dose, safe to use during a pregnancy? If not, what options could be tried?
Thank you for a fantastic blog! I encorage so many others to read and learn! <3
Thanks for sharing my blog and so please to hear GABA is so helpful. It has not been studied in pregnancy so is not recommended. I have clients focus on getting nutritionally balanced and detoxed before falling pregnant and then using diet and a good prenatal supplement to stay stable during pregnancy (additional zinc can help too).
Thank you so much for your kind answer! I will def try this. I understand certain foods may increase GABA as well. Zink has actually been very helpful for me. Thanks again!
A friend just told me that you do not like PharmaGABA. I have found in my body that the “regular” GABA seems to do nothing at all even at very high doses (1000-1500 mg at once) while PharmaGABA (at label dosage) does relax me, facilitate sleep, and enhance dreaming. So I am very curious if what my friend told me is true, and if so why you feel that way?
Thank you
Geoffrey Levens, L.Ac.
Hi Geoffrey
Thanks for sharing your positive experience with pharmaGABA! My first choice with clients is GABA simply because I see the best results with it. It’s always used sublingually as it seems to be more effective this way.
When my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” (on Amazon here was published in 2011 I had only used pharmaGABA with a few clients, had no success and wrote that I wasn’t a fan. Since then my stance has changed and I’m not against it because I’ve found some people do find pharmaGABA works better for them. Perhaps your friend has my book? Or maybe he/she is confused about my opinion on phenibut – I am not in favor of this
I’m curious how much pharmaGABA helps you? And if you ever used the GABA sublingually/opened on to your tongue?
Thank you. Just found this; was awaiting email notification but I guess that doesn’t happen. I actually tried phenibut years ago and it made me so irritable I was about to crawl out of my skin. PharmaGABA gives me a bit of relaxation and enhances my dreams slightly but does nothing to improve my very distorted sleep pattern (caused I think by residual nervous system damage from Lyme). I have taken several grams at a time of regular GABA from Pure Encapsulations and felt nothing at all, zero impact. The only thing that changed my sleep in any beneficial way was Xyrem but it also made me feel a bit of nausea all night and when I would get up to go to the bathroom I would get lost and my wife would have to come rescue me, lead me back to bed. I also fell asleep once sitting on the toilet, middle of the night, and fell on my face. That was the last time I took it. Thanks for all the info!
Thanks for the additional information
Never used GABA sublingually but at the doses I tried sublingual would not likely have done much.
Hi Trudy,
Thanks again for so much good info. I haven’t had nerve pain relief with 500 mg of GABA at night. My doctor prescribed gabapentin at 300 mg at night and it seems to help a little. Your posts on gabapentin and withdrawal effects have me concerned. Is it possible to find an effective form of OTC GABA that can replace or be taken with a lower dose of gabapentin? And can GABA be taken along with SSRIs and NSAIDs? I am trying to find an effective combination for anxiety and chronic nerve pain. Thanks.
I have clients increase GABA slowly over a few weeks until an ideal dose is found. For nerve pain 500mg is often not enough. I had one client use 2000-3000mg a few times a day. Using it sublingually is also best. It can be used with SSRIs and NSAIDs (which both have their own sets of issues as I’m sure you’re aware)
Thanks Trudy. So grateful for all you do, and also manage to answer comments too!
Hi Trudy
I would like to try GABA but I have previously been on Diazepam. I tapered it fairly slowly just over a year ago. It had horrible side effects so I am a bit wary of taking anything else.
Is GABA addictive?
Can tolerance to GABA become a problem?
Does it down regulate GABA receptors as Benzos are thought to do?
Thank you so much for your book and online videos. They are brilliant and much appreciated.
Many thanks
GABA taken in supplement form is not addictive and there are no tolerance issues but some people on benzos, tapering from benzos or with a history of benzo use can’t tolerate GABA or can’t use high doses. I always use the trial method and start super low in these folks
Of course everything else needs to be addressed too – blood sugar, real food, no caffeine, no gluten, quality animal protein, gut health, low zinc etc
And you’re most welcome!
Hi Trudy
Thank you so much for your reply.
I have started a trial of Gaba- low dose – 125 and will monitor/ log my progress over the next week or two.
I have been trying to improve my diet and have cut out gluten, caffeine, sugar and try to eat protein with every meal.
I will need to check my zinc levels but as I live in Scotland I have not been able to source the zinc test that you talk about in your book.
It is also quite difficult to source Gaba in the UK.
Thank you again Trudy. I wish you were my GP.
All the best
Hi Trudy and readers. Having come off Effexor this past year but still taking 23 mg of Mirtazapine, my adrenals have crashed again (I have Lyme disease and haven’t been well enough to treat it yet). So since Zoloft helped me so much 15 years ago, I want to try amino acids. I am concerned about seratonin syndrome though. My functional medicine doctor has just put me on l-theanine, phosphatidylserine, and Sam-e. I haven’t tried the sam-e yet.
I put myself on 5-HTP a little over a month ago but 12 mg had me feeling too nauseous gave me diarrhea and took away my appetite so I’m taking 6 mg.
I bought some tryptophan instead hoping it wouldn’t have the digestive side effects but I’m only dabbing my finger in a bit of the powder and taking that tiny dose. I have also tried Gaba and am taking about 60 mg in chewable form and it seems to be calming. I’m at 25-30 mg of l-theanine as 125 right away made me feel unwell. Can I take all 6 products???? I’m going to keep the 5HTP at 6 mg but how much tryptophan can I take with the Gaba, l- theanine, Sam-e is 400 mg but I haven’t started it yet. Phosphatidylserine is 100 mg. My functional medicine doctor recommended the three products off of a page in a book for fibromyalgia and he admits he knows nothing about amino acids for anxiety and serotonin levels.
I recommend the amino acids and other supplements based on a specific need/deficiency. With the amino acids it’s based on the questionnaire and symptoms and a trial ( to determine if GABA or tryptophan is needed and how much is ideal to start with. I would not have someone randomly take 6 products. I like to do one at a time so we know what is helping what.
If something provides benefits (like the GABA you mention) then we continue to increase that until the ideal amount is found before trialing the next one.
By the way 5-HTP can do that for some people and it usually passes after a week.
It all also depends on which symptoms you are hoping to address. You mention calming so anxiety is an issue – both GABA and serotonin support can help there. You mention fibromyalgia – both GABA and serotonin support can help there, as well as endorphin support. Gluten removal, addressing gut etc and many other approaches are needed too.
I highly recommend reading my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” so you have a clear understanding of all this (on Amazon here and please do share it with your functional medicine doctor too. My blog is also a wealth of information.
Trudy, I read about opening a GABA capsule onto the tongue. Do I pour it on my tongue then wash it down with water? Or let it dissolve there? Thank you. I am so happy to have found your site.
I have clients hold it in the mouth for as long as possible – up to 2 minutes – letting it dissolve and absorb through the blood vessels in the mouth
I was wondering if anyone has had vertigo while taking gaba? I started gaba for my sibo and ibs/c but have had terrible vertigo while on it. This is the only thing I have added. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
Too much GABA can cause dizziness which can sometimes feel like vertigo. I have clients cut way back and slowly but surely increase observing benefits. A typical starting dose is 125mg and much less for sensitive clients.
Can GABA help with physical relaxation of the muscles in and around the chest and stomach area?
If GABA levels are low, the supplement GABA can help with muscle relaxation anywhere
Hi Trudy
Thanks for your reply.
Unfortunately in the UK GABA is expensive to buy. Do you know of any suppliers within the UK so I can avoid high import charges ?
Many Thanks
Hi Trudy,
I have low GABA based on your questionaire, I fit all the criteria and the occasional Klonopin helps SO much with the physical tension/anxiety/inability to sleep. I don’t want to take the Klonpin so i’ve been trying natural GABAs. I first tried the sublingual GABA you recommend, but it didn’t do enough even when I took 2 or 3 at one time (this was over a year ago). Then for some reason I chose the GABA Source Naturals 750 mg (not sure how I found it over a year ago), and even when I take 2, it doesn’t do much for me. I open the capsule and put it under my tongue but it doesn’t dissolve so I end up washing it down with water. Am I taking it incorrectly? Any other GABA you recommend I try on your list of recommended ones?
Thanks so much,
Hello Trudy!
Thank you for all your work. I was wondering about GABA. I have a supplement with “gamma-aminobutyric acid” 500 mg capsules.
Are these effective? The brand is Swanson.
I’ve read about your recommendations on sublingual administration, and I wonder if this is the only effective way or if capsules works too?
I’m sometimes stressed and have a bit anxiety, but so far I haven’t noticed great help from the product i described.
I also use L-Theanine which worked great for a while but not so much anymore.
Kind regards
I have found that many people respond better to GABA when it’s used as a sublingual or a capsule opened onto the tongue and held there for 2+ minutes. Some people do fine swallowing the GABA.
I’m not familiar with the Swanson brand of GABA but always start low and increase based on response until the desired effect is found.
Keep in mind that feeling stressed with a bit of anxiety sometimes may not be due to low GABA and then GABA will not help. It could be low blood sugar and then protein at breakfast and glutamine will help.
Hello Trudy Scott. Can I please have your opinion on supplementing sarcosine when having anxiety. Also is it recommended using gaba( source naturals) in combination with sarcosine? In the nederlands there is a new study on the effects of Sarcosine. They tested that people with bipolar disorder in 3 to 4 weeks time changed entirely from bipolar state to happy and feeling free again. They do recommend the natural approach with animal products etc… if you have trouble eating these products supplements is just fine, it only takes a longer time
Supplementing with sarcosine is new to me so I don’t have any feedback based on experience. I’d love to see the study from the Nederlands – please share a link as those results are impressive.
I was able to find some research on sarcosine and schizophrenia – in this case 2g of sarcosine was used. It was too much and the patient did better on 1g
Keep in mind, not every nutrient works the same in all instances. I always look at diet, blood sugar, gluten, Hashimoto’s and hormone imbalances when it comes to bipolar. Also low dose lithium orotate (5-10 mg twice a day) is helpful for many.
I may be wrong but it sounds like you may not be eating animal products. Many folks with mood issues do better eating quality animal protein (zinc, iron, b12, omega-3s, quality amino acids, blood sugar control, lower carb diet)
I have tried taking low doses of GABA for my anxiety but it makes me spaced out and groggy the following day. Do you have any suggestions?
Hi Trudy!
Thanks for the valuable info! Can you develop a tolerance to GABA similar to benzodiazepines? Does your brain stop producing it’s own GABA after you supplement with it?
Hi! Is GABA safe to be taken with Cymbalta or can this cause serotonin syndrome etc?
I use GABA with clients on Cymbalta all the time and there are no documented contraindications
Hi Trudy,
I triggered an insomnia period 4 weeks ago staying in an unfamiliar bed. Since returning home I still haven’t been able to sleep unless assisted by mirtazapine.
I’m finding that I can feel drowsy but once I start to drift off, my body gets flooded with stress hormones and I feel disgusting and frightened for
no apparent reason, it’s like my brain has recognised sleep as dangerous.
I was wondering if you could suggest any remedies?
I’m 35 weeks pregnant but that’s not why I have the insomnia because I was sleeping fine up until staying away from home.
Thanks K
If I had a client with this issue I would try and figure out what was going on at the unfamiliar bed/location you slept in. My initial thought would be mold in this home? Or do they have a smart meter or a WiFi router near the bedroom or was it perhaps near an airport/hospital or police station (due to exceptionally high EMFs).
I would also have my client talk to her doctor about mirtazapine as mirtazapine during pregnancy has been shown to cause spontaneous abortions (one paper here See if she/he is willing to give the approval for melatonin, GABA or tryptophan instead.
I’d also focus on yoga, meditation, forest bathing (which we know lowers cortisol levels and reduces anxiety
Is GABA safe during breastfeeding? I bought a bottle of chewable 100 mg
tablets from Pharma GABA. I’d like to take some at bedtime to help with
insomnia and anxiety. Also, what’s better—CBD oil or GABA? Can they be
taken together? Also, why would I feel more anxious in the mornings?
I also have a history of Lyme and Mold (going to a new LLMD next month for treatment). I used to have burning mouth and now about 5 weeks ago it switched to getting sunburn pain on my back and upper arms and neck that ebbs and flows with intensity, location, and itchiness. I just got my cycle back this weekend and my anxiety and pain went way up but now has calmed back down again. Not sure if I need GABA or tryptophan. I’ve also gone through insomnia where I feel wired and can’t focus on things easily. I’ve also lost a lot of weight while breastfeeding from 122 to 108 lbs. We did an immunolytics mold test and only found candida spores in our home—-not the ones I had inside me. Any advice would be appreciated!
> Thanks!
None of the amino acids have been studied during breastfeeding. I have my clients, who choose to use them, nurse and then use an amino acid and only feed at least 4 hours later.
GABA helps for the low GABA physical anxiety ( and tryptophan for the low serotonin mental anxiety (
The aminos do help with mold-anxiety and Lyme-anxiety and pain.
I would suggest talking to your Lyme doc re the ebbing sunburn pain and do adrenal testing too as being wired can also be due to high cortisol
Hi there! I’ve been reading your book and I tried the Gaba calm yesterday and had an instant positive reaction. My question is, I’m taking a small amount of Ativan and I’m wondering if it’s okay to take the two together. I’d like to phase out the Ativan and take only the Gaba. I’ve only been on ativan for 2 months. Thank you so much for all that you do! Much love!! Lisbeth
I can’t offer you specific advice via the blog but have many clients use GABA while they are using and then tapering Ativan. I also have my clients get nutritionally sound (real food, blood sugar control, no gluten/caffeine/sugar, gut health, good levels of zinc, B6 etc) BEFORE starting any taper and doing a very slow taper (with the approval and monitoring of their prescribing doctor)
Hi Trudy!
Is it ok to take gaba, tryptophan and glutamine at the same time after taking gaba for about a week of two? Looking forward to reading your book.
Also, are these all ok to take while using a cbd tincture?
Thank you for your time.
Many of my clients take all the amino acids but we find it’s best to trial one at a time so we know how it’s working. And CBD often makes them more effective. Enjoy my book!
Hi Trudy
I am emailing from England, where all types of functional medicine are almost non- existent.
Therefore I have watched your recent various webinars with great interest. From the various symptoms you mentioned, eg muscle spasm, ruminating etc, I believe that I need both GABA and Serotonin.
However I have postural hypotension and so I would appreciate it if you could let me know if it is ok for me to take those supplements with this condition.
I would be very grateful for any guidance you can offer me -as Im sure they would help me.
Many thanks and Kind regards
Sent from my iPhone
Glad to hear you are finding my work interesting but I’m afraid I can’t provide specific advice via the blog. When someone is new to my work and use of amino acids I have them read my book, The Antianxiety Food Solution (more here and review the amino acid precautions so they have a clear understanding of the amino acids before using them. Low blood pressure is a precaution with GABA and can be an issue with postural hypotension so we start really low and observe.
It’s also important to address the basics such as real whole food, quality animal protein, no gluten/sugar/caffeine, eating to control blood sugar, and gut health too. With postural hypotension, looking at adrenal health is important too.
Hi Trudy,
Thank you for all you do and for sharing your wealth of information!
Reading your book and making changes in my diet has greatly helped my anxiety and depression. If food I eat foods that cause inflammation I can feel the anxiety creeping back in. For, me cutting out processed foods, dairy, gluten and simple sugars made a huge difference.
I did try GABA but it did not do much for my anxiety. I get almost immediate relief from L-Tyrosine. I take 500mg mid-day and if it is a high stress day I may take another early evening. As soon as I take it I feel the “calm”.
Question: I have a 10 year old daughter that is struggling with anxiety. She will tell me she is so anxious she just can’t think. We do breathing exercises, oils, and she journals at school. I cannot get her to eat the same diet I do so she is eating foods that don’t agree with me. I do give her a daily probiotic and a good multi-vitamin.
Are there any supplements I can try with her that might benefit her?
She cannot swallow pills or capsules. I hate to see her struggling with the anxiety that plagued me through childhood.
Thank you.
My 13 year old daughter is very anxious. She does well with l-theanine. I recently bought what I thought was Gaba but it is pharmaGABA. Do you have any articles on the differences? Could this be harmful do you know?
Sorry to hear about your daughter. I usually start my clients on GABA but some people report they do equally well on pharmaGABA. It’s really a matter of doing a trial when someone has low GABA levels.
I am GABA user and I know that’s what works for my anxiety and insomnia but I am not sure how much I could take in 24 hours. If I take 500 mg in the morning I often get depressed or anxious later in the day. Can I take another 500 mg capsule then? I also take it at night to help with sleep and anxiety during the night. I can’t seem to find an answer online anywhere with this question! I have recommended the use of GABA to my son who has severe anxiety and to my ex-husband who has serious kidney problems…I recently read that GABA can actually help kidney function!
Also I just read here that taking collagen supplements can make one anxious because they are missing L tryptophan as they are not complete proteins. I stopped taking my collagen supplement and I feel much better!
Laura Michelle Kaplan
I can’t offer you specific advice but can share that we decide on the dose based on doing a trial. 500mg is considered a high amount and too much can make folks more anxious/depressed. Also too little can do this too so finding the ideal amount by titrating up or down is the way to go. I have had one gentleman do very well on 2000 mg a few times a day but that is not typical. Using GABA sublingually or opening the capsule typically allows less to be used
We always have to consider the effects of other things we consumer like the collagen you mention and only change one thing at a time. Glad you figured that one out. But keep in mind collagen can still be used as long as tryptophan is used too (assuming it’s the low serotonin issue)
Glad to hear GABA is also helping your son and husband. Thanks for sharing the kidney GABA link – where did you find out about that? here is one study I came across
Hi Trudy,
I just purchased the Anxiety Summit; thank you for your work on this! What a great resource.
A few questions related to your use of GABA with patients.
1) If someone is taking an SSRI and wanted to try GABA, would they be able to do so while still taking the SSRI?
2) Is GABA Calm as a lozenge the recommended product?
3) Where can we find the questionnaire that you mentioned? Is it in the book or on this site?
I have a friend who wants to ask his prescribing doctor about this and is trying to be as informed as possible for that conversation. Apologies if I am asking repeat questions; I went through the previous comments as best I could but didn’t see the answers there.
Thank you for your time!
Super and thanks for the kind words!
1) I have many clients do this but it’s always good to check with the prescribing doctor
2) I find the GABA Calm works well for most of my clients. It’s also convenient and a nice small dose. I list other products I like here
3) It’s in my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” and here It’s also in the registration gift called “Amino Acids 101 for Anxiety and Digestion”
Thanks Trudy,
I will pass this along… really appreciate the info!
Looking forward to diving into these resources and getting a copy of the book.
I heard you say on the Anxiety Summit that GABA can help burning tongue. I started it right after that and have not noticed any change. Have had this for 4 1/2 years. Do you know any other tricks? Thanks!
Hi trudy,
I have very high anxiety with a lot of tension that comes from nowhere ever since I had an appendectomy à month and a half ago. I have no other explanation for this anxiety as I’m eating a very anti inflammatory diet with no dairy or gluten. I’m really sad as my health is taking this bad turn to the worse since the operation and I’m really afraid to have to live life like this with this crippling anxiety. What can I do? What did this appendectomy do to me? How can I overcome it? I used to be well and healthy before this happened to me.
Please advice! Thank you
Sorry to hear this. If we were working together I’d start with a trial of GABA and tryptophan (one at a time) and look deeper into possible low B12 from the effects of the anesthetic and gut health from antibiotics prescribed. If fluoroquinolone antibiotics were prescribed then I’d also look into those effects like mitochondrial damage and low magnesium. For someone with pyroluria a surgery is a big stress and additional zinc and vitamin B6 helps. There may also be lingering aspects from the inflammation and lowered immunity. A good functional medicine practitioner would be able to help.
Dear Trudy,
Thank you for your response. I’m just wondering if I need to take something long term to make up for the lost appendix?
I read that the appendix helps make a lot of the probiotics found in the colon. Now most of the time I feel foggy and I have memory and concentration issues. Could this be a consequence of dysbiosis and a disturbed gut microbiome? What can I do today to keep my microbiome in good balance now that I lost my appendix?
Thank you
Dear Trudy,
Will this have irreversible effect on my health? I already feel a bit different. I have cognitive issues like memory loss and confusion which I did not have before. I can’t help but think that this operation did something to me and things will never be the same again!
Cognitive issues like memory loss and confusion can be related to low B12 and gut health so as I mentioned above I’d start there.
Dear Trudy,
I tested my B12 and found it was 705 pg/ml I believe it’s optimal.
I did a standard stool testing and they did not find anything unusual there.
Vitamin D levels are optimal as well as the thyroid hormones/ antibodies.
I started reading online about stories of people who used to be so successful and then they had the operation to remove the appendix and their whole file changed from there they became crippled with anxiety.
Then I watched a video by Edward F Group on appendectomy and read articles he wrote and I got really scared!
Now I have unexplained anxiety that comes out of the blue. I feel irritable most of the time and even in random situations which never caused any concern for me. I never had this before!
How is one to be hopeful again now that I know that I have an anatomical issue that will never work again like it used to and which will cause that I will have to live with constant anxiety for the rest of my life?
Thank you for listening. Please answer me honestly how much of a handicap will this have of my life?
I am not an expert on the appendix and I suggest reaching out to Edward J Group. As I’ve said before I do believe the body has the ability to heal given the right tools. I highly recommend finding a functional medicine doctor to work with
Hi Trudy thanks so much for this. I think I have both of these. Should I just follow the plans for both? I have had anxiety for 20 plus years and went on citalopram for 4 years in 2014. It helped immensely and I came off earlier this year. Unfortunately the anxiety came back and so I am back on the citalopram as well as lorazepam but it’s not working as well this time. I have both the physical anxiety and the ruminative worrying thoughts. I think I am also in perimenopause. .
I have clients do trials in one areas at a time so they know what is helping – they pick the area that is causing most disruption in their lives. Please do read my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” so you are well informed about the precautions and make sure your prescribing doctor is on board too
Hi Trudy. I was wondering if taking either the tryptophan or GABA supplements will cause my body to slow or stop it’s natural production of the neurotransmitters serotonin or GABA? And then eventually production will be lower if stop taking the supplements- almost like a rebound effect? Thank you for all your great information about this topic !
There is no evidence to this effect
Hi Trudy, I did the GABA challenge of Dr Kharrazian and the results were not so bad. I did not had neither super relaxation nor excitment after 1,5h. Actually I had to take melatonine to sleep as I drunk my last coffee at 1900 being sure that the GABA test will overthrow me. But it didn’t. I took 1000mg of the Swanson GABA 500mg to test my BBB permeability. Why I am writing you is to ask why I have today soar hands with pain in the fingers of my left hand? I have to mention that Melatonine of Now that I took 3mg had rice flour. You are a GABA expert and this might help me understand what happens. Many thanks
I don’t believe in the GABA challenge. We talk about in our interview here – he shares that it was theoretical. I have never had anyone complain about pain after taking GABA so best to look for other causes like sugar, gluten (like accidental exposure) and even possibly rice flour.
Thank you Trudy for this great article. I was wondering why gaba (50-100mg) taken at night would cause mild nausea and headache when waking up in the morning? It goes away within 10-20 mins of being awake and does seem to help with my upper abdominal pain, but not sure why i’d experience those symptoms at such a low dose. I am one of those sensitive people like you talked about so maybe i’ll need to lower it even more and increase as tolerated. I just like to know the why behind symptoms.
I haven’t had reports of nausea with GABA but anything is possible. Headaches are sometimes reported and using less may be the solution. I also look at other ingredients in the products. For example, the small amount of tyrosine in GABA Calm can trigger headaches in some susceptible folks. The sugar alcohols may be problematic too.
This occured with both gaba powder my NOW supplements and a sublingual gaba with ingredients cherry flavor, stevia, and a tiny bit of lactose. I do take amitriptyline (20mg) at night. I’ll experiment with a lower dose.
I was doing more research and found some papers on pubmed that said Gaba can increase gastric acid. I’m not sure if i’m understanding the research correctly, but I have gastritis and if it’s actually increasing my stomach acid with a small 50mg dose, then i’ll have to keep searching for something that works to coat my stomach that I don’t react negatively to. I’ve been struggling with this for 7 years and have been diagnosed with mast cell activation syndrome. I am very intolerant to most “natural” treatments, so even the natural remedies to help coat the stomach make my symptoms worse. I just know that the Gaba was helping my pain but also causing some pain so it left me in this weird place with symptoms and I eventually had to stop this week because the pain was overpowering any bit of pain relief I was getting from it. I am going to try just gaba powder on my tongue this week to see if the “natural flavor” and/or stevia was causing the main issue.
Please share the research you mention as this study states the opposite
Hi Trudy,
I’m on Trazadibe and buspar (until I can taper off of them). I take gaba 100 mg in am and pm, 450 mg Magnesium, vitamin D and 50 mg of 5 htp. I still have very bad GAD and insomnia.
Can you offer any advice?
I have clients increase their GABA over the course of a few weeks to see if they get added benefits. If the anxiety and insomnia is related to low GABA this will get results. If not then we look elsewhere – is it due to low serotonin, low melatonin, high cortisol, parasites, gluten issues, not eating enough protein, caffeine consumption etc.
Also be sure to discuss with your prescribing doctor the very strong possibility that Buspar may be affecting your sleep
Hi Trudy,
I was wondering if Gaba could cause agitation in sleep and weird dreams I feel like I am not going into deep sleep am feel like I am always awake all threw the night. Is it because I am not tacking enough ou to much ?
Thank you
Trudy, research about the neuropsychiatric effects of hydroxychloroquine. Prof. Dr Didier Raoult and his team in France have been using hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin with possibly zinc sulphate for years for respiratory infections with success. E. Macron has recently visited him to discuss the results as it might relate to Covid19. Also, a dr. in NYCity, Dr Vladimir Zelenko is using a similar protocol now with covid19 patients. They may have noted the neuropsychiatric effects of which you mention.
Thanks – I’ve seen the Zelenko articles and didn’t see any mention of neuropsychiatric effects. Also none mentioned in the recent Raoult papers (which many are now voicing concerns about his methods). I don’t see any of his older studies on hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin with zinc sulphate – could you share links to what you have found?
Is any of theses good for a man’s ED cause my husband because of his lower back nerve damage he can’t get it up and keep it that way
With nerve damage I’d focus on B1, vitamin D, ALA, GLA and B12.
If he can relate to any of the symptoms on the questionnaire and they pay a role in his ED, I’d consider looking at those areas too.
I started to take Source Naturals GABA a few days ago hoping it would help my insomnia – I started with one capsule then increased to two, one mid morn and one mid afternoon. The following day I felt quite anxious and have discontinued it sadly…..could this be a side effect of any of the other ingredients?
Thank you for everything you do.
Tyrosine in the GABA Calm product can do this as can too much GABA. For low GABA insomnia I have clients use GABA-only product just before bed for best results
Thank you Trudy, which brand do you recommend for GABA only please?
You can find a few here
Many thanks
Dear Trudy
I read on the internet that GABA assists with addiction type of behaviour. Is this something one can try to quit smoking? Or would you recommend something else?
GABA can help with quitting smoking if it’s used to help someone feel physically calmer. Hypnotherapy in conjunction with GABA and the other amino acids can help too
during a recent health summit where Trudy was featured as a speaker she talked about a natural GABA alternative to gabapentin. I couldn’t remember or make out exactly what she said she uses/used. Was hoping that you could provide me with the natural GABA that you use as an alternative to gabapentin. Thank you!
The GABA product I use the most with clients is the Source Naturals GABA Calm I mention above in this blog. I use it for clients with low GABA levels i.e. physical tension and anxiety, stiff and tense muscles and self-medicating with wine/alcohol to calm down.
When someone can’t use tyrosine I use a GABA only product or GABA-theanine combination (also mentioned above)
Keep in mind that gabapentin can be prescribed for many reasons other than low GABA. As always medications need to be tapered slowly and under the guidance of a doctor.
Dan – apologies for the delay in responding. I’ve been speaking on a number of summits and it’s challenging to keep up with all the comments.
Thank you for providing this information Trudy. This is what we were looking for. Thanks, and have a great rest of your day!
Hi Trudy,
Have you heard of using GABA for restless leg syndrome? My rationale is that if RLS is due to low dopamine and GABA can boost dopamine levels then supplementing may help? I tried GABA Calm months ago and stopped due to the fact that I suffer from migraines but it seemed to help my legs. I’m thinking of trying a GABA only product.
GABA can help with restless legs and when a client tells me GABA has helped in the past we add it back. A GABA only product would be my choice for someone with migraines.
Apologies for the delay in your comment approval and my response. We had a computer glitch where a large number of comments were hidden from view in a spam folder. It mostly affected new folks who were commenting for the first time but it’s hopefully resolved now.
Hello Trudy
I am from Brussels / Belgium/Europe
I cannot Find thé gaba source naturals sublingal anymore.
Thé one you récommend.
I’ve been recommending this for years to clients since i read your book.
I already contacted source naturals a few Times but no respond.
So Nice you work with this products do you know why They stop selling this in Europe?
Kindest regards
There is a world-wide shortage of Source Naturals GABA Calm 125mg lozenges. I’ve reached out to them and was told it’s indefinite (with no reason why) and to check back at the end of January. Two other people were told they would be available mid-Jan and mid-Feb so the messages are mixed.
I’m working on a new blog with some other GABA options until it comes back or in case it doesn’t. Such a pity since it is so effective for so many folks.
I’m thrilled to hear you’ve been recommending this for years to clients since you read my book. I’d love to hear a bit more about what you do, how often you have your clients use it, their results and what other GABA products you’ve found helpful? I’m also curious where it’s been available in Belgium until now?
Hi. Benzos many years ago destroyed sleep cycles. Got better but then so many foods affect stressful vivid dreams and gets bad again.
1. Would gaba in mouth a couple minutes be bad for your teeth. Fillings. Etc?
2. Taking Gaba on empty stomach. Would it be any issues for stomach in terms of creating ulcers?
3. For trying to sleep you seem to think often that maybe arround 300 mg is enough ? You said like 700 mg is usually too much. I took about 700 and heart felt jittery and couldnt sleep. 300 seemed maybe ok the night before. With 100 l theanine.
3. Seriphos is safe to try ? I read to take two before bedtime if you normally fall asleep ok. And this can be used a few months. Then stop a few weeks ?
4. I get tired. So dont eat heavy meals. Tried ending most processed foods. But calories are low. That causes insomnia . ? Hard to get many calories if you eat healthy.
Thanks much.
I’m not aware of GABA in the mouth affecting teeth or creating ulcers when taken on an empty stomach. Dosing depends on each person’s needs and too much can cause jittery feelings and insomnia.
I like to use Seriphos when I know from testing that cortisol is high at night. I use 1-3 before bed and do stop after a few months.
Low blood sugar can cause insomnia and anxiety. Adding healthy fats and quality protein helps with this and provides plenty of calories
Apologies for the delay in your comment approval and my response. We had a computer glitch where a large number of comments were hidden from view in a spam folder. It mostly affected new folks who were commenting for the first time but it’s hopefully resolved now.
Dear Trudy,
I have a son with autism- spectrum. He doesn`t eat anything with milk or gluten, we made OAT and STOOL tests. We also tested his hair for heavy metal toxicity. The tests were high. Now he takes vitamins, b12, probiotics, omega-3, digestive enzymes.
I would like to know what can we do for his stuttering? Would GABA help? And what amount should he take? He is 12 years old.
Kindest regards, Daniela
I have my clients look at the symptoms on the amino acid questionnaire and use the respective amino acid. Here are the symptoms Stuttering is not on the list but if he stutters in situations related to stress or anxiety then I’d want to know if he has physical tension, throat closing and anxiety i.e. low GABA symptoms or mental anxiety, worry, fears, phobias around speaking in public etc i.e. low serotonin symptoms. It’s possible both could be factors and in this instance we trial one at a time. Dosing is unique per person – we start low and increase slowly based on symptom resolution.
I would also consider low catecholamines and lack of focus to possibly play a role – tyrosine can provide calm focus for some folks.
And if it’s worse in social settings I’d look into pyroluria too – more here
You will find my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” helpful. For more on nutrition/biochemistry for autism, Julie Matthews is a great resource
Apologies for the delay in your comment approval and my response. We had a computer glitch where a large number of comments were hidden from view in a spam folder. It mostly affected new folks who were commenting for the first time but it’s hopefully resolved now.
Please let us know what helps him
Trudy I wonder if you can explain what the ‘chemistry’ difference between anxiety, panic attacks and brain exitotoxicity attacks might be? I have been getting extreme muscle tension that I just can’t break, along with extreme terror that feels like it’s origin is physical. GABA eases it slightly, for a short period of time, as does a strong CBD oil, but in the end, when it’s bad, all I can do is take Xanax and get ice on the back of my head and neck. I have severe ME/CFS, and have been treated for Lyme and company in the past. I just am very confused knowing whether my issues arise from my neurotransmitters? Adrenals? Brainwaves? How do these things interact?
I go by symptoms and when I hear anxiety, panic attacks and terror I think low serotonin. If someone responds to tryptophan or 5-HTP then it’s confirmed. Since GABA eases your symptoms slightly low GABA is likely a factor too.
I would also revisit the possibility of a Lyme/coinfection flare and am always concerned about the adverse effects of benzos.
Have you heard of anyone using GABA (or another supplement) to help with nighttime jaw clenching (bruxism)? I would love to be able to stop that bad habit!
I’ve had clients report reduced bruxism with both GABA and serotonin support. We start with looking at other symptoms and doing a trial.
If you are new to the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here
Hi Trudy – thanks for your interesting info, esp. for me on GABA, even tho I’m a manover29
I’d like to share 3 weeks of success with GABA and ask a short question.
I do have an earlier history of anxiety, but am now finding GABA helping me improve the fibromyalgia full flare I’ve been in for 18 months. – I got my social phobia down decades ago with CBT and perfected on that and got down quite a few other anxieties (e.g. fear of heights) with my own mindfulness-hack.
I jumped straight to 750mg of GABA in the evenings 3 weeks ago, before getting hold of your approach and it’s helping me a lot, the first substance ever that has helped with only few side effects and only for a week. I’m using it with 2x300mg Magnesium, 2x290mg passion flower and first 2x330mg glutamic acid. After I read your info on habituation and felt the effect decreasing after 10 days I went down to 1x330mg with the glutamic acid. It’s helping stiffness, sleep, pain before pee & pee frequency dramatically, helps me be wide awake at daytime (my eyes take 10 mins to wake up tho), whilst the fibro-Ache, exhaustibility & energy, long mask wearing have all improved.
Side effects in the first week were drama dreams, dry mouth, nose clotting, nose bleed and at first prickly lips & face for 5’, a tingly-fluey feeling all over, strong bowel movement 1x, fluey-ill-feverish at night a few times , now gone. Praps slight weight gain. I did strangely have some of my focal seizures on one day.
My question is that I read the above combination somewhere, can’t find the glutamic acid anywhere tho, and have become unsure of it, altho the combination is working…
Glad to hear about all the improvements. I’m not sure if you are using glutamine and if that’s what your question is about (rather than glutamatic acid)? Whatever it is I would not have a client continue with anything that caused those side-effects
I had to actually ask the (German) company (Verla). It’s doc seemed a bit embarrassed that they still call it Glutamin(e), because it’s been called that for 50 years, but the active component is L-glutamic acid, L-Glutaminsäure. food additive E620). As glutamine seems more effect I spose I’m now grateful that it’s not that. 
I’m pretty sure the 8 first side effects came from the GABA, as I’ve taken everything else before – those’ve all gone now. If I’d started with your 125mg I’d’ve spared me them O.o, but this way was OK too. But now I’ve had several small focal seizures again, and that’s what I’m blaming on the glutamic acid, and like you recommend will stop using it… Thanks again!
This is most concerning that there is a product in Germany that is actually glutamic acid but has glutamin on the front label (and the actual 1st ingredient as Glutaminsäure which is glutamic acid). I was not aware of this and can see how this would be confusing. Thanks for contacting the company.
Did you purchase Verla Glutamin thinking it was l-glutamine?
Did you read the German translation of my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution”/ “Ängste überwinden durch Anti-Stress-Nahrung: Welche Nahrungsmittel die Stimmung aufhellen, ausgeglichen machen und Heißhungerattacken besiegen”? Glutamine/glutamin is discussed in the chapter about low blood sugar. Glutamine helps to keep blood sugar stable and therefore helps with anxiety caused by blood sugar swings, helps with leaky gut and can be calming too (since some may be converted to GABA).
Are you saying you suspect the 8 first side effects (drama dreams, dry mouth, nose clotting, nose bleed and at first prickly lips & face for 5’, a tingly-fluey feeling all over, strong bowel movement 1x, fluey-ill-feverish at night a few times) came from the high dose of GABA you used ?
In your first post you said “I did strangely have some of my focal seizures on one day” – are you prone to focal seizures/have epilepsy?
I highly suspect the glutamic acid being a factor in the several small focal seizures. I would discuss with your doctor right away.
For anyone else who reads this comment thread
In case you are in Germany looking for glutamine, recommend glutamine to clients in Germany or have recommended or read the German translation of my book.
L-Glutamic acid/Glutaminsäure and l-gutamine/glutamin are NOT the same thing. I am writing about l-gutamine/glutamin and not L-Glutamic acid/Glutaminsäure.
The product is Verla Glutamin and it’s marketed for dementia and memory (which in of itself is concerning to me). The 1st ingredient is L-Glutaminsäure.
L-Glutamic acid in German is L-Glutaminsäure. L-gutamine in German is glutamin.
This is the site (I used google translate to figure some of this out because I don’t know German)
Hi Trudy, thank you! Sorry for not coming back sooner!
Yes, irritatingly I did purchase Verla Glutamin thinking it was l-glutamine… O.o – OTOH I didn’t yet know there is a difference. But I’d read somewhere about adding glutamine, and wanted glutamine.
Thanks for pointing to your book, didn’t realize you had a German version. Looking for it I also see a book with a VERY similar title and VERY similar look to the front cover despite a different publisher (EFKO, not unimedica) by “Adriana Lopez”… (Other books using that author-name from that publisher are about keto, sugar-free, low carb, smoothies….) Is assume different marketing at first?
“Ängste Überwinden durch die richtige Ernährung: Wie Sie durch Anti-Stress-Nahrung Ihre Stimmung aufhellen um Gesund und ausgeglichen zu leben”. EAN 9781723897764.
So trying glutamine might work differently to glutamic acid, hmm…
I was certain the 8 first side effects came from the 750mg GABA. But you asking so specifically makes me think whether all or some of it was the glutamic acid too (or the passionflower).
In the meantime (since May 19th) I went down with the dose, inspired by your recommendations and ones from my sleep doc, with 200-300mg sublingually, adding only a bit more in my sleep breaks. He was thinking of me adjusting the dose how I needed it for sleep. Unfortunately the stiffness, pain, lack of energy etc. started returning. I then realized that it is helping more with the days than the nights, so I’ve gone back up to 750mg again, which thankfully immediately got my days back. Suggestion of my acupressurist is now to adjust the dose according to how much strain I’m having…
Unfortunately also, I’ve been getting “stomach burn” at night, increasingly, maybe worse since I’ve been opening the capsules. Any ideas for that? I’m not sure how much protection the capsules offer. I’ve been collecting them, so I’ll now try taking 2-3 smaller doses in those capsules as long as they last and order some if that helps.
Yes, I usually have a string of 1-4 focal seizures about once a month. Meds I was prescribed made that more frequent, first amitriptyline in the long run, and esp. tilidine – once and never again, thankfully. Haven’t had one since April 23rd which is good, so I think not just leaving the glutamic acid, but also the GABA.
At the moment I can’t manage to find how to fairly consistently repeat the good nights I had. My sleep doc asked me to try levodopa (suspicion of slight RLS), but that seems to be making my unrest worse. The stomach burning isn’t helping either. Hoping it’s better again once I’ve got those 2 sorted out. And I’ve run out of magnesium (malate!), maybe that was helping too. More passiflora didn’t help.
I’ll be back quicker this time…
I don’t have feedback on the stomach burning as it’s not typical with GABA. I have clients experiment with different doses, other products, opened vs swallowed.
No focal seizures since April 23 is great.
And don’t forget about serotonin support fibromyalgia /sleep
Thank you for telling me about the rip-off of my book! I’ll follow-up with my publisher.
Side effects: I’d run out of magnesium malate and so left it off a while. Now I’ve started it again a few days (2x45mg with my evening meal to decrease stomach burn, 2x45mg with my morning meal; and 2x290mg passiflora; then a 650mg GABA – also as a capsule to decrease stomach burn). Suddenly and surprisingly I’m getting exactly the main same side effects at night I’d originally blamed on the GABA: feeling druggy at night (hadn’t mentioned that, but I recognize it), drama dreams, dry mouth, nose clotting and a nosebleed (I can only find nosebleed as a reaction to Mg malate on eHealthMe (1%)). Just had a drama dream: a weirdo had stolen my identity, however no bad consequences for myself, so just interesting, not worrying.
The very good effects of this combination have been: I can find comfortable sleeping positions much easier than before. What I haven’t been able recreate yet is less and shorter sleep breaks, which 750mg GABA plus passiflora alone haven’t been enabling. Still good effects on stiffness in the daytime, however the pain before peeing has come back frequently.
So I’m thinking of trying pixie dust amounts of real L-glutamate. (I’m already eating a load of almonds.)
Dividing up by using up old capsules has improved the stomach burning. Bit of a fiddle… 400mg directly before sleep and 350mg around 1:00. The pain-b4-peeing returns a bit in the evenings, so I’m thinking of trying some in the day, but the stiffness only comes back when I halve the total dose.
Looking for alternatives for the 750mg GABA capsules I found another strange German product: It’s called GABA LIFE Night, but doesn’t contain GABA, but sort of everything else that’d incite it (L-tryptophan, L-glycin, valerian, hops, niacain, B12, B6 etc.) O.o.
2 pills & 1 book which don’t have in it what it says on it… not a good record… ;o/
Thanks for pointing to the serotonin support – I had tried L-tryptophan and then 5-HTP alone, 2 stints 6 months apart, independently, with no effect, long before I knew that GABA ‘does work after all’. And now once again together with GABA: 5-HTP kept me wide awake (cortisol I assume) and tryptophan gave me severe stomach problems from pills and made me dead tired in the daytime (might try capsules instead of the pills tho).
Is there an easy trick or user guide to navigate around your blog? Or an alert using the email? I have the feeling I’ve posted something here somewhere else too, but can’t find it… But I’ll have to read everything, incl. your book, anyway soon…
Would it be of service to you if I got both your German book and the “rip-off” and compared the contents?
I agree it’s GABA LIFE Night is a strange name for a product with tryptophan and no GABA!
I am curious which tryptophan product/pills you used? And which tryptophan capsules you plan to use? Not all tryptophan products are the same. Full spectrum light therapy may be worth considering too. And of course all the dietary changes too – and yes read my book!
You don’t have posts anywhere other than this blog (I was able to do an internal search with your email address). We used to have the option for email notifications when commenting but it was causing tech issues so we had to remove it.
Thanks for the kind offer to compare the contents but please don’t worry. I can see it’s way shorter and I looked at a the TOC. It’s very different.
Trudy – Thanks for checking for other posts
Got both books after all: Adriana Lopez’ is an embarrassing rip-off in itself. It skims the surface on about 25 pages if they were of your size: e.g. 41 superficial words about GABA, last in a list of 18 foods (incl. ashwagandha), after 7 substances (e.g. omega 3, complex carbs). It has less info than 1 good webpage, the quality of a fairly good free give-away. OTOH I didn’t know about complex carbs or ashwagandha a year ago, so praps not a total waste for some.
I treated myself to both books, altho I knew I wdnt need the basics, as anxiety is not the problem for me (anymore), and my diet is antianxiety already (via Mediterranean, elimination/IBSD, vegetarian come vegan), so nothing new to try.
1x750mg capsule (not gastroresistant) before sleep is OK for my stomach now. More than that (taken in one of the still existent 4-7 sleep breaks) is a bit of a challenge for my IBSD, still got to adjust that.
I’m not sure yet, but too much seems to reduce my muscle control (precision) playing table tennis, doesn’t seem illogical…, still analyzing that. O.o
My L-tryptophan pills (vitaworld) are 1000mg (“with free amino acid”), filling agent: microcrystalline cellulose, starch, coating agent HPMC, filling agent: magnesium salts of fatty acids. I’d now try 500mg HPMC-capsules instead.
Thanks for the idea – I’d considered light therapy before, but I have no depression or anxiety, no SAD, no seasonal changes, e.g. no better fibro-/sleep-symptoms when there is more sunlight, like at the moment.
Actually my acupressurist sometimes uses not full/bright, or low laser LLLT, but colored light on my body, I’ve just remembered. I think green quite a bit. Light therapy seems to be a problem for people with epilepsy (cf. the link), but since I don’t react to laser or flashing lights it’d probably be OK for me…
Can I take GABA with paxil? Thank you in advance!
My primary complaint is frequent wakings. GABA Calm SL helped somewhat. BUT however, the lozenges are formulated, they glom together into a big ball due to humidity. Yes, I’ve tried all those little drying packs to no avail.
Hope Source Naturals can address this. I’m sure I’m not the only one!
Thanks, Trudy.
Glad to hear GABA Calm helps. I’ve seen them get goo-ey and chewy but not glom together in a big ball. Some options could be storing them in the freezer or using another product.
I have muscle spasm fluctuates varying degrees all day all in my face neck arm right side .. when is really bad I feel very low mood nafalgic
Mri scan showed muscle spasm years back but it makes my face have a droop
I have sibo lowing thyroid pernicous anemia in family and Mfthr gene
B12 helps a bit with some stuff along with like fodmap diet but everything ndering is would help with muscles GABBA
I think it’s something to do with a deficiency or metabulisum but I’d try anything
I do have anxiety worse if have caffeine but need as get so tiered x
Thank s love reading your information
I would look into low GABA and consider a trial to see if that helps.
Caffeine is an issue though as it’s depleting the nutrients like zinc, magnesium and B vitamins needed to make GABA.
Low magnesium and low electrolytes can also be factor with spasms.
If you are new to the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here
Let us know how you do
“pixie dust clients” ??
I learnt about GABA when my youngest dog started to have minor seizures. This dog has been raised as naturally as possible and so before I resort to meds, I’m trialling GAGA. He’s already doing well on MCT oil. It was a holistic vet who recommended GABA.
I’m also going to try it myself
I’m so pleased to hear your holistic vet recommended GABA for your dog. Please do keep us posted on how you both do
Your wisdom and knowledge are appreciated, Trudy. I took an Effexor for many years – starting in early 2000s, before spending 2.5 years doing a very slow wean using 5-HTP and B6. This went very well, and right before I got off Effexor completely in May ’17, I felt great and wasn’t even requiring as-needed Xanax when a passenger in a car on the expressway and very little for plane rides. But 6 weeks after completely being off Effexor, the anxiety hit. It was bad! I then spent 1.5 years trying everything I could – hypnotherapy, neurofeedback, supplements – and was miserable, constantly tense, surely unpleasant to be around, and very anxious when riding in a car. Feeling I couldn’t tolerate this any longer, I started Pristiq (newer version of Effexor) in Feb ’19. By spring ’21 my BP was rather high (also an issue when on Effexor but otherwise never in my life) and I switched from Pristiq to sertraline in July 21. I’m on 50 mg and feel okay, but BP is still too high. 25 mg doesn’t seem enough. I’d so love to be off these meds altogether.
My question for you is whether you feel I gave it enough time after stopping Effexor (1.5 years), or should I have pushed through?
I’m thinking now to try to wean off sertraline using GABA – something I didn’t try while off SNRI/SSRI – and then stay on GABA. I’m MTHFR hetero (A1298C/C677T). Any other insight you have would be greatly appreciated.
Mary Anne
I’m afraid I can’t consult via the blog and offer you specific advice. I can share that I have my clients get nutritionally stable BEFORE starting any medication taper (with their doctor’s approval of course) and this prevents many of the adverse effects. This means eating real food, no gluten, no caffeine, no sugar, quality animal protein, eating for blood sugar control and addressing gut health, the adrenals etc (everything I cover in my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” – more here And then we use the amino acids during the taper (all with the doctor’s approval and monitoring).
I have found that GABA and/or theanine and tryptophan and/or 5-HTP can help a great deal. We may also include melatonin, niacinamide, St John’s Wort, adrenal supportive nutrients and other protocols based on each person’s unique needs.
Can i take GABA Calm if i take a medication named Zyprexa for anxiety?”
There is no documented evidence of issues but it has not been researched). Zyprexa does effect “GABA(A) receptor binding sites”
It’s best to always discuss with the prescribing doctor and/or pharmacist, and be monitored.
My online GABA Quickstart group program is helpful when you have questions and need guidance (and moral support/encouragement). More here about the program and purchase info
Hi Trudy,
I just found your work and am trying to read fast and get up to speed. My 33 year old took Gabapentin for three weeks at high doses and then stopped abruptly. That was 1.5 years ago and she still has mood swings, depression, extreme thirst, and the worst symptom is painful edema in her hands and feet. It has been suggested that she go back on this drug and come off slowly. Would gaba be a better choice. We have started a low glutamate diet.
I’m sorry to hear about your daughter and yes stopping Gabapentin abruptly can lead to discontinuation syndrome. Best would be to work with a functional medicine practitioner/nutritionist and get blood work done. I’d check for prediabetes with the extreme thirst and edema – which may or not not be related. With mood swings and depression I’d explore low serotonin, low dopamine and low GABA.
We use the different amino acids based on symptoms and I have folks do the questionnaire and we go from there. It’s not uncommon to have low levels of serotonin, GABA, dopamine and also endorphins, as well as low blood sugar. Here are the symptoms
Since you are new to the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like real whole food, quality animal protein, fermented foods, organic produce, health fats, gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here
It’s a comprehensive approach – amino acids AND diet. What is her diet like right now – gluten-free, sugar-free, caffeine-free, eating protein at breakfast for blood sugar control, real whole foods, grass-fed red meat, wild fish, fermented foods etc?
My book does have an entire chapter on the amino acids and many folks do really well implementing on their own. My online GABA Quickstart group program is helpful when you have questions and need guidance (and moral support/encouragement). More here about the program and purchase info
If we were working together I’d do all the above and consider adding back Gabapentin and doing a slow taper – as a last resort – even though this is sometimes needed.
Hi Trudy thx so much for all you do to help so many! Can you please recommend any transdermal GABA products? Can’t tolerate sublingual or oral supplements, thx so much! Blessings, Jane French
I’ve mixed GABA powder in water and used its topically with success. Would you mind sharing why you can’t tolerate sublingual or oral supplements and what you are seeing to resolve with GABA?
I took gaba, 1000 mg with taurine, inositol and L-theanine NOw brand chewable) and several hours later became argumentive and complaintive. The whole next day I was mad for no reason and moody. The third day symptoms were 2/3 gone. The bottle said to take that amount 1-2x per day. Your thoughts? Thank you Nancy
Too much of various nutrients can cause opposite effects. You don’t mention how much GABA or how much of the other ingredients but with symptoms like that I’d suspect too much serotonin support. Vitamin C typically is a great antidote.
Is it safe to take GABA with low dose naltrexone (LDN) and/or SSRIs?
I’ve had many clients use GABA with LDN and SSRIs
Hi Trudy
I’ve been using Gaba and Tryptophan off and on for a while now. It helps with my anxiety, but I always try to be the hero and tell myself I can go without it. I’ve had Tinnitus in one ear for 6 months now, which really makes me anxious. I heard Tinnitus could come from anxiety, is that true? My Psychiatrist has suggested that I go on Lexapro since the anxiety is affecting my daily life. What are your thoughts on this? Is it safe? Will I have to be on it indefinitely? I really don’t want to start taking it, but I haven’t been feeling well in general for quite sometime now..
It’s wonderful that GABA and tryptophan helps with your anxiety. I don’t understand the reasoning about being a hero and going without it when it works. Could you share more about this reasoning to help me understand this?
Folks in my community opt for GABA/tryptophan and nutritional approaches because they address the root cause and don’t have the side effects, tolerance and withdrawal issues seen with psychiatric medications.
I encourage you to check out my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” to explore all the possible root causes that may be contributing to your anxiety and low GABA/low serotonin. Tinnitus can have some of the same underlying causes as anxiety – like gluten issues, gut issues, low serotonin etc.
I just don’t like any kind of medication. Maybe it makes me feel weak, so when I have a good day, I think I don’t need the Aminos anymore. I guess I just need some encouragement. I am afraid of the alternative, SSRI’s due to the side effects and the withdrawal symptoms. I do have your book and I will refer back to it for more insight.
Thanks for your response.
Maybe thinking of the amino acids as breakdown products of protein (like when you digest meat) and building blocks neurotransmitters may help. They are not medications but supplements and it’s not a sign of weakness to need nutritional help. In fact in this day and age it’s very common to need additional support this way.
Hi. I am in a migraine program with a health coach. She has referenced your book several times. I started GABA 750mg and think it gently chills out my anxiety a bit, however 20 minutes after I take it I feel flushed and itchy in my face and neck. This lasts for 5 minutes and then goes away. Coaches recommended I stop it because it sounds like an allergy. I personally would think it would last longer if it was an allergy. What do you think? Have you heard of this reaction before? I wanted to continue because I think it’s helping. Thought it would maybe get better as my body gets used to taking it?
Thank you
Just read other posts and I’m just beginning to learn all of this info on your site. Im also getting your book. Looks like I may have started too high? Could I open up one of my capsules and just take powder orally and then work up? Also, do I need B6 too? I’ve got chronic headache and frequent migraines. Worked extensive with finding root cause through many years. Other weird symptoms are lip dermatitis, hormone imbalance, pms, and rare rectal spasms which I saw referenced on your site too. Serotonin issues. Also recently started 5 htp 200mg at night which seems to be helping my pms insomnia.
Too much GABA does cause a flush feeling – I blogged about it here I do have clients open the GABA capsule and use it held on the tongue. And yes it does help with rectal spasms too and also migraines that are related to low GABA physical tension.
I am thrilled your migraine health coach referenced my book and mentions GABA – may I ask who it is?
Glad to hear 5-HTP is helping the PMS insomnia too. Serotonin support also helps with migraines in many folks so do keep us posted.
You can read all about vitamin B6 in the pyroluria chapter of my book. With lip dermatitis I’d suspect gluten issues – also covered in my book and a factor with migraines and low serotonin/low GABA because of leaky gut.
So I have been opening the gaba capsule and taking half dose (so 375mg) on tongue in morning and then in afternoon. I don’t notice the real calm like I did with whole capsule though. I have constant head pain 24/7 for 10 years now. Tension, mild fatigue and anxiety esp surrounding work and social situations.
My migraine coach is Debbie Waidl.
I scored 15 on pylouria and scored high on both low serotonin and gaba screenings. I cut out gluten for long time and did a huge gut healing protocol. Hadn’t changed my skin sxs. I do eat alittle gluten at times now since I saw no difference. I don’t know how long to give gaba and serotonin before I tweak things or add in b6, zinc too.
Thanks, I truly appreciate your response.
Hello Trudy,
Is there an alternative to GABA for those of us with GAD1 +/+ homozygous gene mutation that you are aware of? I’ve learned GABA is a problem for this mutation, yet do see it would be okay if it were beta phenyl GABA? Are you familiar with this by chance?
I’d be happy to provide my insights but I need some additional info. Kindly share where you have learned this, based on what test/which company, what type of practitioner is telling you this? If you have a link to research and/or a sample report feel free to share that too.
Please also share which low GABA symptoms you experience and what your response to using the amino acid GABA has been/which product and how much? And have you used phenylGABA/phenibut/which product and how much?
Hi! Can you take tryptophan with prozac? Thank you.
There is a potential for serotonin syndrome so always best to discuss with the prescribing doctor.