Tricia Soderstrom of Abounding in Hope With Lyme was interviewed on the Anxiety Summit by host of the Anxiety Summit, Trudy Scott, Food Mood Expert and Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution.
How We Used GABA for Lyme Anxiety
- Lyme disease can mimic a number of psychiatric illnesses, including anxiety disorders
- Our journey with Lyme Disease
- Essential oil for ticks and having pets
- My daughter’s symptoms; Lyme pain, OCD, Anxiety, Panic Attacks
- Protocols; antibiotics, herbs, supplements, anxiety meds and anti-depressant meds
- Used GABA Calm sublinguals with good results and the Lyme pyroluria connection
Tricia shares this about her daughter’s Lyme anxiety:
When she was about seven my husband and I started noticing that she was washing her hands a lot, to the point where her hands would be just so raw and they would bleed a little bit. And we noticed just some repetitive things that she was doing. She started having like facial tics and motor tics and just really certain things would just kind of scare her more than usual. I kept taking her to the pediatrician and everything and then we started noticing more symptoms. She just began having anxiety, and it started out just kind of like little spurts here and there, but it became so overwhelming and so controlling over her life that she did not want to leave the house and she did not want me to leave her. Part of her anxiety was that something was going to happen to me. So she would just try to protect me with everything in her to keep me home with her or that I would take her with me everywhere I went. I could not leave her for a second. And if I did you could just tell she was so afraid and it was so heartbreaking, but it was so exhausting as a mom because it was 24 hours a day, it was not wanting to go to sleep at night; waking up in the middle of the night. If she read something for school it would set her off. If she saw something on TV that would set her off. And it just became a life consuming problem. And we were desperate, just desperate for answers.
Tricia shares how Source Naturals GABA Calm was so helpful for her daughter’s anxiety and for her too:
when your child is in this full-blown panic attack they’re not going to swallow a pill so the sublingual was great because I would put it in her mouth under her tongue and just tell her to suck on it. And you could just tell it would start to work and start to calm her down and really help her out.
They would take the edge off of her anxiety; they would help her to go back to sleep at night. And they helped me because I started taking GABA when I was so stressed out trying to interact with her and trying to help her.
And it’s nice to be able to just carry it in my purse if I need to, if anybody needs one
According to Dr. Klinghart, pyroluria needs to be addressed in order for the Lyme treatment to be successful. Here is the pyroluria questionnaire
Here are some resources from Tricia:
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Where do you discuss the exact Gaba annd Amino Acid protocol for anxiety and insomnia – basically totally stuck in fight or flight.
Thank you so much for all your hard work and sharing.
Here you are https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/gaba-blood-brain-barrier-trial-anxiety/
Hi Tricia,
Glad to hear that your family is doing a lot better.
A friend of ours has Lyme. Would you mind saying what homeopathic medicine you are using that helps you? I can give this suggestion to my friend.
Thanks a lot,
Hi Dave, thanks. If you head over to my blog, Aboundinginhopewithlymeaboundinginhopewithlyme.com you’ll find a link for Alternative Medicine which will take you directly to the website. Hope that helps.
Just sharing the link http://www.aboundinginhopewithlyme.com
Thanks Trudy, I just noticed the typo from my iPhone. Sorry about that.
Another awesome interview, Trudy. Thank you and thank Tricia.
It was very helpful to hear of Tricia and her family’s journey with lyme, anxiety, pylouria, GABA, etc.
I’m so glad you had this interview too because I am hoping that other parents will try “natural” remedies first for anxiety, panic, etc. I was put on antidepressants in my early teens and thus began a life long battle of trying to get my life back.
My parents didn’t know the repercussions of the medications I was on as a young teen. (I remember one being called Stellazine, I think; another was Lithium. I cannot remember the others.) I went from being an A student to being completely zoned out for a while in school, along with other problems from the prescription medications. Then came the thoughts of suicide and more. I had no idea what was going on with me.
Years later, a psychiatrist who seemed more open to natural remedies and who couldn’t find a medication that could help me or keep me from completely losing it, had an “enlightened moment” and when he went back over my history realized the “issues” I was having was most likely related to my hormones. I would indeed find out later that this was the case and that it had to do a lot with what we were eating growing up. My hormones were a mess as a young teenager and what we were eating a home was not at all healthy for us and filled with hormones, antibiotics, etc.
Some time back, I cannot remember, I learned of you, Trudy, and your work. Even though I knew some of what you taught, I was still afraid to completely let go of the meds. It took some time, a great deal of struggle, patience and trust, but I eventually made the switch to a WAY MORE healthier diet, L-tryptophan, GABA calm and GABA, and have slowly begun to reclaim my life.
It’s been over thirty years since my parents first got me help with prescription medications. I know they meant well because they love me so much. But as the years continue to pass, the more and more we find out the truth about these medications. (Which is probably why the med industry does it’s darndest to make such beautiful med commercials.)
I have been on probably 80 to 85 percent of these meds over these many years. And I have come to know very many others who have been on them too and are still on them and are desperate to come off and get their lives back. I’ve been in the deep, dark places because of them. Oh, some of them had helped tremendously at first. But then, slowly, they’d turn on you.
Sorry to go on about it like this, but I suppose I want to impress on people that these prescription medications will ALWAYS do more damage than good. My 30 year plus journey and meeting so many others along the way is proof positive of this FACT. And my heart breaks when I hear of the young people around me being put on these medications. I just recently learned ECT (shock treatment) is now being used on the young.
What is it going to take to stop this insanity? Sometimes I feel like wanting to do a peaceful picket outside today’s medical schools. Hmm… maybe when my complete strength returns. Something to look forward to.
All the best,
Goodness, I forgot to add:
“Thank you, Trudy, for helping to change my life. Bless you!!!”
Wow – thanks for sharing your story. I’m sorry to hear what you went through – well-meaning parents just have no idea. I’m on a mission to change this with these summits and amazing speakers!
You’re welcome. I actually feel very blessed to share because where I was not too long ago, I would not have had the same mindset. Summits like your have changed my life. Your work has too indeed. So, I’m just brimming with gratitude. And, indeed, you have absolutely wonderful speakers.
True, so many well-meaning parents often have no idea. I think it’s made more difficult for the parents by some well-intentioned doctors too who often have no clue themselves at times. That’s why I think summits like yours and talks especially like Tricia’s will be a great help.
All the best,
Hello, again.
Trudy, I’m listening to this talk again and wanted to add that for those who may be interested in homeopathy, some practitioners work online and are sometimes a little less expensive or a lot less expensive than seeing a practitioner in person. One would just have to do their research to make sure they get someone legit.
Also, if one is not too far from a school of homeopathy, one can sometimes get homeopathic treatment at the school for a greatly discounted price if the school has a student clinic. You are seen by a student but the student is working with their teachers to get you the best remedy (or remedies). Also, some schools may want to videotape your session (with your permission). And I think I heard some schools may ask your permission to have your session viewed from your interview room via a two way mirror. In any case, one would have to check with the school as far as how they work their student clinic.
So with early lyme and if caught quickly, is it best to go on a short dose of antibiotics and then boost with other natural remedies? OR just go straight to natural remedies? I ask because I heard from people who use natural options that a short dose of antibiotics in the beginning is helpful, but not to be used long term. So I am confused, Thank you so much!
That is really difficult to answer. ILADS recommends longer courses of antibiotics and to treat every single tick bite. This protocol is very difficult to get from most doctors. I have information about this on my blog. You would need to discuss this with a physician who uses natural medicine for their medical opinion. We have found that our Alternative doctor has been able to help us with recent tick bites without compromising our immune system.
Thank you Tricia!
I use homeopathy and I have ledum 200 on hand in case I need it. I only used it once for my 15 yr old after he got a tick and I gave one dose of that and he has been fine and it has been a year. I was interested to know the homeopathic protocol you used. I know there are many variables and no one way works for everyone. I would love to know what you used! Many thanks!
Mandi, our doctor has his own line of homeopathic remedies developed for his practice and for doctors who are trained by him. You can visit his site http://www.alternativemedicinecenter.info/welcome I hope this helps.