Marsha shared this feedback on one of the blogs, saying that GABA lessens anxiety in her 98 year old mother:
My mother is 98 and has been “sundowning” for a couple of years. It starts around 3pm, sometimes earlier. Some days it’s no big deal. It is on those other days when she starts and then it goes to anxiety, agitation, then she can get sort of defiant which is so not her. She is a gentle soul, friendly, and kind so this is difficult on her as well as our family.
I just started to use my pestle and mortar to crush up a 125 mg GABA CALM supplement (Source Naturals) and I mix a little into her flavored yogurt when I start to see her having difficulty. I give it to her throughout the day. She only gets the 125 mg amount so I feel safe with that.
I believe that I do notice it lessens her anxiety. I pray that this will be helpful for her because that anxiety can be really draining for her. I will keep you posted. I have not noticed any adverse reactions. Thank you Trudy for all your info.
Anxiety, fear and agitation in sundowning syndrome: circadian dysfunction and low GABA
I responded, saying how wonderful to hear that she is noticing supplemental GABA lessens her mother’s anxiety (and presumably her agitation and defiance too). And I shared that GABA may be involved in sundowning syndrome.
This paper describes “sundowning syndrome,” as “a poorly understood (and even controversial) clinical phenomenon in Alzheimer’s and dementia patients that is characterized by agitation, aggression, and delirium during the late afternoon and early evening hours.”
The authors are focusing on potential pathways for circadian rhythm – physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle – dysfunction in sundowning. They also mention the presence of fear and anxiety and the fact that there is a circadian aspect of these emotional processes.
What is interesting is that the “master circadian pacemaker” i.e. “the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus” has impacts on both GABA and serotonin, and also dopamine and orexin (involved in sleep-wake processes).
Given the circadian aspect addressed in the above paper, “properly timed light exposure” i.e. early morning sunlight, is also worth exploring.
This paper, Implications of GABAergic Neurotransmission in Alzheimer’s Disease, focuses onGABA and shares that “of the two major types of synapses in the central nervous system (CNS): glutamatergic and GABAergic, which provide excitatory and inhibitory outputs respectively, abundant data implicate an impaired glutamatergic system during disease progression.”
The amino acid GABA helps to ease anxiety symptoms and agitation and restlessness, also helping with disturbed sleep.
GABA Calm dosing in the elderly with sundowning syndrome: my observations
I also expressed how this is a smart way to use the GABA Calm. I’m going to make some assumptions and share my observations:
- Marsha uses GABA Calm herself and has a good level of comfort based on personal results. She knows how she feels after using it and is observing her mother’s symptoms. I have guided many family members in doing the same type of thing – mom’s working to help a child and a granddaughter helping a grandparent – and it works well.
- Marsha has also started with a low dose of 125 mg. This is a typical starting dose and is a reasonable dose that may suffice for the entire day for someone this age. She may also need more and increasing the dose and observing is the way to go when someone can’t articulate how the amino acid is helping them. For some folks, 125mg may be too much – making them too sleepy or even more agitated/anxious – the dose can be reduced in this case (after using vitamin C as an antidote).
- Marsha crushes the GABA Calm chewable/sublingual and mixes it into her mother’s flavored yogurt, since having her suck on the chewable is not an option. This is a great plan but as she continues to help her, she may see better results using a non-protein source to mix it in – like apple sauce or mashed banana.
- Finally, she gives it to her mother when she starts to see her having difficulty. Again, it’s wonderful she is observing and helping her at the moment, but this could be a clue that she needs more GABA to provide even better results. We also don’t want to wait for the anxiety and then address it. Instead, we want to get GABA levels up and prevent it.
You can read more about Source Naturals GABA Calm product and why I use it with clients here.
Low serotonin, tryptophan and melatonin in sundowning syndrome
I also told Marsha that when I hear symptoms like agitation and defiance, especially with the 3pm start, I also would also consider low serotonin since it starts to decline afternoon into evening.
Her mother’s anxiety may be a mix of low GABA physical-type anxiety and low serotonin worry-type anxiety. She’ll only really know once she trials the respective amino acids.
I’ve seen low serotonin worry-type anxiety, agitation and defiance symptoms improve with tryptophan and/or melatonin and share more about this in this blog post – Sundowning in Alzheimer’s and dementia: melatonin/tryptophan for the agitation, restlessness, anxiety, disturbed sleep and aggression
Dietary factors and low dose lithium
Marsha says some days it’s no big deal. I would recommend keeping a food-mood log and make sure it’s not something in her diet that may be a trigger: hidden gluten, dietary oxalates or even blood sugar swings.
These are mentioned in the above blog, together with low dose lithium orotate which can help keep moods more even.
Microdose lithium is also capable of halting signs of advanced Alzheimer’s and improving cognition. More on that here.
It’s with much appreciation that Marsha shared this feedback. I’m thrilled for her and her mother. Hopefully, my feedback on this blog means she’ll be able to fine-tune things. And you get to learn and benefit from this feedback too – for your loved one.
A few GABA product options – a sublingual, a powder and a cream
A product I use and recommend is Source Naturals GABA Calm lozenges. This is one Marsha uses for herself and is using with her mother. It’s a good low dose of 125 mg and is convenient and effective because it’s a sublingual lozenge.
Now GABA Powder is another product I use and recommend. It does need to be measured out to provide a 125 mg typical starting dose or less (as needed), and could be mixed in water in a situation like this. I have clients use a handy mini measuring spoon like this one (my Amazon link) and share more about how to measure out GABA powder on this blog).
For Source Naturals GABA Calm lozenges and Now GABA Powder:
- You can purchase these from my online store (Fullscript – only available to US customers – use this link to set up an account).
- If you’re not in the US, you can purchase these at iherb (use this link to save 5%).
Somnium GABA Cream is another option that could be considered especially for those with Alzheimer’s or dementia who may struggle with using a supplement. It is available in the US and elsewhere with international shipping. Read more about the product and who else may benefit from using a cream, and grab my coupon code to save 15%.
Resources if you are new to using tryptophan or GABA as supplements
If you are new to using tryptophan or GABA as supplements, here is the Amino Acids Mood Questionnaire from The Antianxiety Food Solution (you can see all the symptoms of neurotransmitter imbalances, including low GABA and low serotonin).
If you suspect low levels of any of the neurotransmitters and do not yet have my book, The Antianxiety Food Solution – How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood, and End Cravings, I highly recommend getting it and reading it before jumping in and using amino acids on your own so you are knowledgeable. And be sure to share it with the practitioner/health team you or your loved one is working with.
There is an entire chapter on the amino acids and they are discussed throughout the book in the sections on gut health, gluten, blood sugar control, sugar cravings, anxiety and mood issues (which include rage/anger/irritability/self-harm).
The book doesn’t include product names (per the publisher’s request) so this blog, The Antianxiety Food Solution Amino Acid and Pyroluria Supplements, lists the amino acids that I use with my individual clients and those in my group programs. You can find them all in my online store. The above oral lavender products are available in my online store too.
If, after reading this blog and my book, you don’t feel comfortable figuring things out on your own (i.e. doing the symptoms questionnaire and respective amino acids trials), a good place to get help is the GABA QuickStart Program (if you have low GABA symptoms). This is a paid online/virtual group program where you get my guidance and community support.
If you are a practitioner, join us in The Balancing Neurotransmitters: the Fundamentals program. This is also a paid online/virtual program with an opportunity to interact with me and other practitioners who are also using the amino acids.
Have you found GABA to help in a situation like this?
If yes, which symptoms have resolved and how much GABA/which product are you using/did you use?
What time did the symptoms start to ramp up?
And has serotonin support with tryptophan and/or melatonin also helped?
If you have questions and other feedback please share it here too.
Hi Trudy, have been suffering with severe generalized anxiety disorder and then depression for over, 30 years. medicated with dothiepin and Benzos during this time by my psychiatrist that has retired without any warning. I have seen a functional medicine GP for 5 years.
We have tried sam-e, gaba, p5p magnesium glycinate,HRT troche,probiotics and nothing is able to make me well enough to come off or reduce my meds, was given 23treatments of ECT 20 years ago for severe anxiety and depression as I was so I’ll and was told there was nothing else to try on me with no help except it destroyed my short term memory for ever.
Only thing that keeps me in check is the dothepin(I have been tried on every type of medication and am honestly at my wits end. ) and still on 5mg valium though it really does nothing after all these years.
Have been using your gaba calm lozenges but I need at least three to get any relief but they take 30-40 minutes to dissolve as I am have little saliva as the tryicyclics dry my mouth. The now gaba powder on my tongue doesn’t seem to help either plus really upsets my stomach .Would I be better off with gaba capsules to swallow and which brand would you recommend.
I have read and reread all your information but wonder whether things don’t work or make me sick because of the meds I am on and the interaction they may have.
Am also on OROXINE for hypothyroidism for 17.years and PPIs since I was was 20 for bad stomach and ulcers etc nizatadine was given to me after Zantac was withdraw from the market (only thing that ever worked for me really well)
Have thought of introducing tryptopan but do many articles tell you not to take with antidepressants etc. Any advise would be great. I have keep reading in your blogs of all the great results people get with gaba, tryptopan cause etc etc but I am not sure what to do. In my town in Wollongong nsw Australia, there us no access to functional medicine GP, psychiatrist all have their books closed,my GP retired also that knew my history and I just want to help myself. Am 62 and have been formally diagnosed and on meds since I was was 31.
I’m sure you understand I can’t offer specific advice here via the blog, especially for someone on this many medications.
But I can help you with some ideas for taking GABA easier. As I share in the blog, the GABA Calm is crushed for Marsha’s mother and this could be an option for someone with very dry mouth. When 3 GABA Calm provides some relief we capitalize on this and continue to increase to find the ideal dose for the client.
Dothiepin does affect serotonin so it would be best to only use tryptophan or 5-HTP when working with a practitioner. It also works on dopamine so tyrosine is something I’d explore too.
You don’t mention diet but there is much that can be explored – all covered in my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution”
Long term PPI use affects stomach acid production and protein digestion, zinc status and more – all impacting neurotransmitter production.
Would you be willing to work long distance with a functional medicine practitioner?
Thank you Trudy for your reply ,which in all honesty ,I didn’t expect. I always have the same issue, Lots of meds and individual conditions,all wanting to be treated seperately by different doctors. I worked out years ago myself that the worse my stomach was ,the worse my mental health was and vise versa, so I knew there must have been a correlation even back then. I also know long term PPI use affects the making of neurotransmitters and lowers your absorption of protein.
Unfortunately, though I have tried for decades, the only thing that keeps my stomach symptom free is the PPIs and much to all the gastroenterolgists surprise, no matter what new ones were introduced,the only thing that stopped me vomitting acid every morning and gave me constant relief, was plain old Zantac. 300mg am and pm. Since this was withdrawn,its been trial and error with nizatadine being the closest thing to relief that I have have though not ideal. So yes, I am aware of all this but what do I do?
I will try to crush the 3 gaba lozenges as advised, thanks for clarifying that tryptopan and HTP should not be used with dothiepin, and because I don’t have a specialist to work with me,I will have to avoid all together.
You mentioned tyrosine as something I could explore. Could you advise what brand and dose I could try, and if it’s OK to take with the gaba at the same time.
Coming off dothiepin on my own, even gradually is not something I would be prepared to do as the last time it was changed ,was when I went through all ssris and other tricyclics available one by one, and ended up having the ect (23)(please people, don’t let ANYONE you love ever have ect).
Yes Trudy, I would be interested in working long distance but would want someone like yourself working with me,not a long distance functional GP. I see one and everything becomes too difficult because of my current meds. Yes it would be great if all this information was given to me 32 years ago when I was young and on no meds, unfortunately it wasn’t, and this is what psychiatrist used,and still use for symptoms of anxiety and depression. Without them, my anxiety is out of control, constant nightmares,panic attacks and inability to cope 80%of the time,with them, all alternate medicines and protocols become compromised,so I remain in the too hard basket.Let me know how to use the tyrosine and if your practice has a waiting list I could go on. Even if it’s long, I am not going anywhere anytime soon. Thank you again to your long and kind reply.
Thank you for this amazing information about GABA anxiety Trudy. I wish my mom was still alive today so I could have taken the anxiety and “hatred of nighttime” away.

. She also had much anger that was not her at all. She was a kind, compassionate, beautiful soul.
This is good information for anybody who may struggle with this. Thank you.
I’m very sorry for your loss. My wish is for this information to be available to each and every person who needs help for their dear mom (and other loved ones). It must have been very hard for you to see her anxious, angry and hating night time so thank you for sharing here. Your feedback may well help someone in a similar situation.
She may well have benefited from GABA for her anxiety and “hatred of nighttime” which may have been fear related, and tryptophan for anxiety, anger and “hatred of nighttime.”
Your feedback has also got me thinking that those of us who know about the amino acids really need this information to be included in our medical directive for family members to use with us when may be struggling with some of this too.
Hi Trudy I have often read in your blogs how GABA by source naturals can really help over come GAD. I live in the UK and despite my efforts I have not been able to find anyone who supplies GABA can you offer any suggestions.
The best option is to use iherb. You are welcome to use my link and save 5%. Another option is to purchase from my online Fullscript store and use an intermediary shipping service like And you can also buy Quicksilver Scientific Liposomal GABA/theanine via Life Extension UK
GABA can also be “prescribed” by a doctor.
Hi Trudy,
I tried your approach to pyroluria for 4 weeks and felt so awful that I stopped taking GABA. I was taking 125 mg powder on the tongue in the evening and noticed that it helped with sleep, although it seemed to make sleep apnea worse. After 2 weeks, I started feeling awful during the day. I was so tired and sleepy that it was hard to stay awake in the morning. I felt drugged for most of the day. I started to experience increased inflammation that led to feelings of sadness, anger, despair, low self esteem and foggy thinking. I didn’t want to see or talk to anyone. I had gas and loose stool. I am starting to feel better now that I have stopped my 4 week trial of GABA, with energy and mood recovering.
What happened? The feedback in your newsletters usually sound very positive when people try GABA.
I suspect that I am low in serotonin and dopamine because I feel great in the summer and gradually experience lower energy and mood in the winter. I was hoping that GABA would help but it seems to compete with serotonin and dopamine. I do take tryptophan to help with sleep and mood.
I wish that there was a way to replicate sunshine in Canada because I feel great in the summer when my skin can absorb sunshine, and I gradually feel more exhausted and depressed as the year goes on. I have tried vitamin D, K2, tryptophan and a light box but nothing is the same as sunshine. The sunshine seems to decrease inflammation and boost serotonin, dopamine, energy and mood.
I’m a bit confused as you say “I tried your approach to pyroluria for 4 weeks and felt so awful that I stopped taking GABA” – the pyroluria protocol is zinc, B6 and EPO (and helps with social anxiety symptoms) whereas GABA is used for low GABA levels and the low GABA kind of anxiety i.e. physical anxiety. It will only help folks who have low GABA. And using GABA when GABA levels are not low can cause adverse symptoms. GABA doesn’t compete with serotonin and dopamine either.
I’d also suspect a filler when I hear GABA powder causes loose stool, gas and inflammation. Fillers can also cause some of the adverse symptoms you describe. Please do share which product you used.
When I hear tryptophan helps and how much sunshine helps I have my clients focus on serotonin support and we work on increasing the dose to find the optimal amount for their needs. Plus we explore other reasons serotonin is low and work on addressing these – more on this here
I really wish I had this information when my 98 yr. old mama came to live with me. No one had ever diagnosed her with dementia or sundowners. I found out the hard way & struggled 24 hrs. a day as she needed me awake to help her at all times. She was fine till about 4:30 p.m. & then nothing pleased her, totally unlike my sweet patient mama. I didn’t even know what agitation was till I experienced it. Not knowing anything about her condition, I took her outside for the 1st time I’d been outside in a yr., as far as working outside. The sun was not as bright, she had fell asleep in a chair while I worked, & woke up & walked into the carport & fell. The beginning of the end. Her dementia 2 wks. later was undeniable. She passed 2 mo. later. If medical people would tell others about this horrible disease & how things like GABA could help, it would make a world of difference. I still blame myself for mama’s death. It really hurts. I am glad you are trying to help others sharing your knowledge. Everyone should take note & do all these things for their loved ones! Thank you for helping us all.
Oh my gosh so do I wish you had this information for your 98 year old mama. I’m sorry you had to find out the hard way but you can’t blame yourself. Cherish the good times and revel in the lovely memories