There is plenty of research and clinical evidence showing that low serotonin promotes worry and ruminating thoughts and we know that using tryptophan (or 5-HTP) can help with easing these worries and unwanted thoughts i.e. the worry-in-the-head type of anxiety.
The calming supplement GABA has long been recognized to help ease the more physical type of anxiety where you feel body tension and may have stiff and tense muscles.
Over the last year I’ve been getting feedback from women in my community saying that oral GABA supplements also helps some of the head symptoms too and now we have some new research supporting the possible mechanism of this – Scientists identify mechanism that helps us inhibit unwanted thoughts:
We are sometimes confronted with reminders of unwanted thoughts – thoughts about unpleasant memories, images or worries. When this happens, the thought may be retrieved, making us think about it again even though we prefer not to. While being reminded in this way may not be a problem when our thoughts are positive, if the topic was unpleasant or traumatic, our thoughts may be very negative, worrying or ruminating about what happened, taking us back to the event.
Scientists have identified a key chemical within the ‘memory’ region of the brain that allows us to suppress unwanted thoughts, helping explain why people who suffer from disorders such as anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and schizophrenia often experience persistent intrusive thoughts when these circuits go awry.
Professor Anderson, Dr. Schmitz and colleagues showed that the ability to inhibit unwanted thoughts relies on a neurotransmitter – a chemical within the brain that allows messages to pass between nerve cells – known as GABA.
GABA is the main ‘inhibitory’ neurotransmitter in the brain, and its release by one nerve cell can suppress activity in other cells to which it is connected.
Anderson and colleagues discovered that GABA concentrations within the hippocampus – a key area of the brain involved in memory – predict people’s ability to block the retrieval process and prevent thoughts and memories from returning.
The study is looking at GABA concentrations within the hippocampus and there is no mention of the use of GABA supplementation to enhance this process:
While the study does not examine any immediate treatments, Professor Anderson believes it could offer a new approach to tackling intrusive thoughts in these disorders.
Ideally the next step will be to study the use of oral GABA supplementation.
Here is the study abstract: Hippocampal GABA enables inhibitory control over unwanted thoughts
UPDATE Jan 28, 2022:
This 2021 paper, Astroglia and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, supports the low GABA mechanism when it comes to obsessive compulsive disorder/OCD which is characterized by persistent intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions).
The researcher shares the most prominent theory regarding the underlying mechanisms of OCD and persistent intrusive thoughts (and compulsions):
an increased excitation to inhibition (E/I) ratio due to increased glutamatergic excitation or reduced GABAergic inhibition.
And states that, in astrocytes (a subtype of glial cells), both the glutamate transporter GLT1 and GABA transporter GAT-3 are critical for regulating this balance.
Feedback on GABA helping with overactive brain and perseveration
When I shared this research on facebook two people commented on how the Source Naturals GABA Calm product I recommend helps them with this aspect of anxiety.
Tiffany shares how Source Naturals GABA Calm helps calm her overactive brain:
I have definitely noticed that sublingual GABA Calm that you suggest helps calm my overactive brain.
Dawn shares how this same GABA product has helped her a lot:
I have an old TBI [traumatic brain injury] and the physiology of PTSD, from childhood trauma, so a double whammy. This sublingual lozenge makes a big difference in my day if I start to get anxious, or begin to perseverate on something that really isn’t all that important.
Perseverate is not a word I use very much and in case you’re not familiar with this term, the Oxford dictionary defines it as follows: “repeat or prolong an action, thought, or utterance after the stimulus that prompted it has ceased.” It’s also defined as: “the tendency of an idea to stick in your mind or recur, or getting stuck on something mentally and not being able to shift gears.” In psychiatry it’s “the persistent and pathological repetition of a verbal or motor response, often seen in organic brain disease and schizophrenia.”
Updating the GABA questionnaire and GABA blog
I’m using this research and feedback to make an update of the low GABA section on the amino acid questionnaire:
- Do you have intrusive thoughts, perseverate or have an overactive brain? Or do you have unwanted thoughts – thoughts about unpleasant memories, images or worries?
I’ve also updated this recent blog post – Anxiety, compulsive thinking, counting behaviors: gluten, tryptophan and inositol where I to share my feedback on a question I received on how to approach working with a child with anxiety, compulsive thinking and counting behaviors. I mentioned GABA as a possibility but with her symptoms and this new research, a GABA trial would definitely be something to pursue.
Resources if you are new to using GABA as a supplement
If you are new to using the the amino acid GABA as a supplement, here is the Amino Acids Mood Questionnaire from The Antianxiety Food Solution (you can see the low GABA and other low neurotransmitter symptoms) and a brief overview here: Anxiety and targeted individual amino acid supplements: a summary.
If you suspect low levels of GABA and do not yet have my book, The Antianxiety Food Solution – How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood, and End Cravings, I highly recommend getting it and reading it before jumping in and using amino acids so you are knowledgeable. And be sure to share it with the team you or your loved one is working with.
The book doesn’t include product names (per the publisher’s request) so this blog, The Antianxiety Food Solution Amino Acid and Pyroluria Supplements, lists the GABA products that I use with my individual clients and those in my group programs.
I’d love your feedback
- Do you resonate with any of this and have you seen this benefit when using GABA, in addition to the relief of physical anxiety?
- If you’ve also observed improvements in your ruminating thoughts when using tryptophan, I’d love you to try and share how GABA helps and how tryptophan helps i.e. how you feel before and after with each supplement?
- Also, if you are also using tryptophan and/or 5-HTP how do you know if it’s these amino acids or the GABA that is helping?
- I’m really looking for the differences you observe as you support low GABA vs low serotonin? Are they clear or are they blurred?
- If you’re a practitioner what feedback do you get from your clients/patients about low GABA vs low serotonin?
As I mention above I would love to see follow-on research showing that sublingual GABA supplements can actually shift this. Sharing what we see clinically will be very helpful so your feedback is valuable and appreciated.
Feel free to ask your questions here too.
Thank you for this great data. I just discovered you through listening to the Healthy Mamas Podcast. I’ve been suffering with panic attacks for over 20 years now. I’m going to go try your Gaba recommendation now!
I tried taking GABA for about three months. It definitely calmed my system – I experienced deep long sleeps and pins it hard to wake in the mornings – quite possible as a result of long term sleep deprivation due to both CPTSD and ME. But at the same time I started experiencing severe (traumatically severe) PMT symptoms – just horrendous. Then I found a link between that and the GABA so I stopped taking them. Maybe I threw the baby out with the bath water? Perhaps a much lower dose would have worked better for me? I was taking 200mg each evening.
i do dr larry wilsons PMT schedule. im here as glutamine has been my missing part of the puzzle and i’m looking into adding amino acids in.
Hi – two years later! As a result of reading your article I tried again with GABA – at a MUCH lower dose. I literally now take 50mg about every 10-14 days. Such a tiny amount has an immense effect! No more intense PMT for starters (that had made the previous dose a complete no – it all stopped when I stopped taking it thankfully). But as a result of this small dose I am generally calmer and the ‘unrefreshing sleep’ so typical in ME is now much more refreshing. I can’t imagine life without this tiny dose – and as it is such a small amount it is entirely affordable. A small amount sure goes a very long way. Two years on it now and no looking back. Thank you for your very helpful article!
Trouble is that gabapentin now has been found to actually interfere with the synthesis of new brain neurons along with dumbing down receptor sites for serotonin neurotransmitters on existing ones.
Thanks for sharing this article about gabapentin/Neurontin and pregabalin/Lyrica, both of which are medications with many issues. Since this article didn’t reference the research I’m posting the link here: Gabapentin receptor alpha2delta-1 is a neuronal thrombospondin receptor responsible for excitatory CNS synaptogenesis It’s new to me and I’ll have to investigate in order to be able to comment further.
I’m sure you’re aware that my blog post is about GABA and not gabapentin – there is a big difference. GABA is gamma-Aminobutyric acid and is used as a calming amino acid supplement. It also happens to be a neurotransmitter.
The bottle on Source Naturals GABA Calm says that if you are pregnant or may become pregnant to consult a healthcare professional before using it. Do you know what the caution is about? We are TTC but I’d like to try GABA.
Hi Trudy,
After reading your article on when to take 5HTP vs. Gaba for low seratonin I tried 5HTP for several weeks – I fit the bill perfectly with your description of not being able to turn off my brain or stop worrying. Unfortunately my anxiety worsened and I was exhausted, didn’t want to get out of bed. I cried all the time and had to run to the bathroom off and on all day. Needless to say I stopped taking it. Now I am perplexed and wondering if I should try the Gaba. Any suggestions?
Thanks so much for putting all this information together to give us alternatives to just adhd and depression medications!
I take GABA when I’m wound up /stressed & it helps me.I tried 5htp several times for the same reason but around 3hrs later I would find myself in tears (I can only think the effect wore off dramatically.
I have been taking 5HTP for over 4 years now, 1 at 7 am, 1 at 7 pm, 100 mg. It keeps me on an even keel (usually). I take GABA when needed and it far surpasses my expectations. I highly recommend both.
This is wonderful to hear! Thanks for sharing! What do you mean GABA far surpasses your expectations and how much helps? Also do you use it sublingually or swallowed?
I have found 5htp to be brilliant too – it was a life line for me (literally). But I have a friend who found it had spiked her serotonin hundreds of times higher than the normal limit – and apparently that is just what it does. Since then I keep 5htp for days when I really need it. I take ashwagandha as a daily thing instead. And a tiny dose of GABA too. All three immensely helpful.
Is okay to take GABA if you are on an antidepressant, anti-anxiety or meds for OCD?
My husband and I were taking 5HTP for anxiety, but found after a week it made us very tired and lethargic. 100 mg time released. Only take it once in a while to help sleep. : )
I have had clients use GABA when on SSRIs and benzos. One of the benefits of 5-HTP is better sleep and when someone feels too sleepy we reduce the dose to find the ideal amount.
Trudy, when taking SSRIs and benzos, and adding GABA, do you recommend waiting the 6 hours in between?
The 6 hour wait is for SSRIs and tryptophan/5-HTP
I’d love to get a reply on this question.
I was on Paxil for 15 years and got off of it cold turkey 4 years ago. Since that time I’ve suffered protracted withdrawal in the typical windows and waves patterns.
Some times my symptoms are quite bad.
I’d love to try amino acids, but everything I’ve read about protracted withdrawal says that time is the healer etc and to be careful about supplements because of our already delicate nervous system. The last thing I’d want to do is make things worse.
Do you have any advice for my situation?
I’m already gluten free and have cleaned up my diet a lot but there is room for improvement. I know I hav food allergies as I have had them since grade 4 and it was shortly after my physical health went downhill a lot and then I became more anxious so I see the correlation.
Thank you!
Here is my approach for an SSRI taper – best to boost nutritional status first, work with your doctor and as you know, not ever a good idea to go off cold turkey. But I have had many people do better on nutrients (despite many well-meaning support groups saying the opposite) but its hard to know how someone will respond. For starters I’d focus on diet, the gut, stress, exercise, blood sugar control and work with a practitioner to ease into trials of the amino acids and address other possible nutrient deficiencies (blood work will show a lot)
Thank you for your reply!
I know I have gut issues as well as many deficiencies- but sadly I can’t afford a naturopathic dr at this time.
I have a zinc deficiency and I’m sure my B’s are low as well as my thyroid isn’t optimal.
My brother in law in another province is a naturopathic dr so he’s tried to help from afar as best he can.
I am currently taking tissue salt formulas but my diet needs cleaning up.
I’ll keep working on it!
Hi Trudy. I currently take 5-HTP only at night… sometimes I feel like it helps with sleep but generally I still wake after about 5 hours of sleep every night. If there is something bothering me (emotional issue or other) then I am wide awake and cannot get back to sleep (start to worry, etc. the thoughts just don’t stop until I take action… like get out of bed). Sometimes I can read (to stop the thoughts and focus on something else) and then fall asleep for another hour or two. I am wondering if taking the Gaba when I wake and have these thoughts would help? What will I notice (so I know it is working) – will the thoughts simply go away after 10 minutes and then I can try to sleep again… or is it more cumulative?
With waking in the night I’d check if it’s the ideal amount of 5-HTP (using the trial method), possibly switch to tryptophan, consider melatonin (i.e. exhaust all options for serotonin support) and then consider a trial of GABA (also doing the trial in the day and finding the ideal amount). With the ideal amount of an amino acid the results are felt on day 1 within 1-5 minutes.
Other factors to consider: high cortisol, low blood sugar, gluten, SIBO, parasites, sex hormone imbalances.
Hi, Trudy.
I just recently found information about you through my research on amino acid therapy. I have been taking 5-HTP for 4 months now, and I just recently heard that L-Tyrosine really is best to pair with the 5-HTP for optimal results. I am actually taking a 5 day break from the 5-HTP, because I heard that is what one should do periodically, as not to build a tolerance, is this true?
Recently doctor recommended Gabapentin, and so I started researching GABA, as I thought it might be similar. From what I have found it is not the same. So, in your reply to Jennifer you said to do a trial with GABA **during the day*** and I am wondering why you specifically stated during the day?
I am sure you are extremely busy, but if you can answer me I would be eternally grateful.
Thank you,
Each person is unique and I have not found the need to always pair them. Nor have I found tolerance issues. You are correct, Gabapentin is a drug and very different from GABA. GABA, the amino acid can be used in the day and/or at night based on each person’s needs to address low GABA symptoms.
Thank you. I have very low cortisol (taking a low dose in the am to help remedy that… but that is more recent.. this has been going on for more than a year now). All hormones have been checked. I tend to have high blood sugar (but now it is lower… doesn’t seem to affect it either way). I have been gluten free for nearly 20 years and parasites… possible. Though nothing has come through with testing. Tough case maybe… I will try what you recommended. Thank you!
Hi Trudy,
Your website is amazing and so helpful!
Am I able to take 5-HTP, inisitol and GABA supplements together?
I have many clients do both but we start with one at a time
Hi Trudy,
Can I ask if GABA will aid in the recovery of schizophrenia patients as I see Amino Acid Therapy may help however, my wife believes it must be done intravenously (not orally) to get the desired affect so would you kindly clarify that for me?
Our son was addicted to ICE for a few years and now has mental issues where 12 months ago he was “diagnosed” with schizophrenia and Capgras syndrome. He was admitted to hospital and prescribed all sorts of drugs but now is on nothing.
He is constantly ranting off intrusive thoughts and I fear it can only get worse however, we do not want to put him back on medication (chemical) so would rather look for an alternative. Appreciate your help. Cheers Trudy!
I’m sorry to hear about your son. When I’m working with an individual we look for signs of low GABA and/or low serotonin regardless of the diagnosis. If there are low GABA signs or low serotonin signs/symptoms then we do a trial of the respective amino acid. With intrusive thoughts I first consider low serotonin but low GABA can play a role too. Imposter syndrome/second guessing/negative self talk are all very common with low serotonin so when I hear Capgras syndrome I would also consider low serotonin and do a trial. I’m curious what symptoms he has that led to the Capgras syndrome diagnosis.
Keep in mind that low levels of any of the neurotransmitters can lead to addiction and that the work Dr. Carl Pfeiffer did with schizophrenics was to address pyroluria (a social anxiety condition that is closely tied to neurotransmitter imbalances)
I use oral amino acids with all my clients and we see excellent results when they are used sublingually rather than swallowed
My daughter was prescribed 1000 mg of Douglas Laboratories GABA twice a day by a naturopath based on anxiety/aggression/OCD symptoms and a urine test. This has worked wonders over the past couple of months. She is not 100% back to normal (her symptoms came on suddenly and persisted for a while before we found the naturopath) but still a huge improvement.
My question is regarding the dosage. This seems like a high dose for GABA. Do you ever recommend titrating back the dose? I would like to find a lower maintenance dose but don’t know how to do this. I tried cutting the dose in half for a couple of weeks but she started displaying more anxiety again at the end of the 2 weeks..
How long does one stay on a consistent dose of these amino acids before lowering and finding a maintenance dose?
Are these something one has to take the rest of their lives or is there finally a time when you can go off completely and how do you know?
Glad to hear the GABA is helping your daughter. The dose depends on symptoms. I don’t use a urine test and never start that high but if someone does well on a high dose like this then the dose may be ideal. Using the GABA opened does typically allow for a lower dose and this is my preference.
The aminos are used short-term while all the underlying factors are addressed – like diet, gut health, adrenals, hormones, metals etc etc. I’d like to point you to my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution”so you have the foundations in place
How much GABA daily should be taken for the unwanted thoughts? The 5 HTP does help in calming, but the tryptophan itself doesn’t stop the thoughts. Only 100 MG of 5 HTP seems to calm though. More than that, makes me feel a bit indifferent, but it does allow me to go to sleep. Just don’t want to feel over sedated or anything like that. Want to be calm, but not always sleepy.
So how much GABA for the unwanted thoughts to stop? The thoughts are the main concern.
I do trials with my clients to find the ideal amount for each person. With GABA we start low with 125mg and increase from there. At night more is often tolerated but it’s a matter of finding a happy balance
I have been using Source Naturals Gaba Calm lozenges for over a year which works quite well for me. The dosage on the bottle says 1-3 times a day. I have a very stressful job. Can the dosage be increased? I would appreciate your feedback.
Glad to hear it works quite well for you. If that’s the case more may not be needed. I do trials with my clients to find the ideal amount for each person. With GABA we start low with 125mg and use it 1-4 times a day based on stress levels and sleep issues. When times are super stressful my clients will use more and that’s fine – we need to use what we need
Thank you. I wanted to be aware of the daily maximum for Gaba Calm .
Can I drink tea with valerian root while taking Gaba lozenges?
Can Source Natural Gaba Calm lozenges be taken long term?
Ideally we want to get to the root case of the low GABA and address that so GABA supps are not needed or only small amount may be needed on certain ocassions.
Thank you for all of your work around anxiety. I had my best day today in as long as I can remember. I found out two years ago I was low zinc, high copper, overmethylator. Tried to take zinc, folate, B6, etc. The amounts of B6 and zinc gave me headaches & nausea. I think both were in the low 20 mg. I don’t remember why the folate didn’t work. I stopped everything due to side effects. After reading your book, website, blog & taking the various questionnaires I know I also have social anxiety. For about two weeks now I am currently taking 50 mg 5HTP 3x/day, 10 mg liquid zinc 1x/day, 7.5mg of B6 1x/day. Plus Evening Primrose, vit C, Magnesium Taurate(my very fav mag), ADK.
Today I was happy, productive, calm & energetic. And NO anxiety!! So I think I’ve got the day going well but am still having trouble staying asleep. The most I ever get is 5-6 and that is rare. Usually up multiple times. I tried GABA in a variety of amounts. The first time I took it my peripheral vision looked like there was water at the edge. I took 350 mg. Obviously I cut way back the next two nights to appx 100 mg and slept for six hours and the third night I actually slept through the night but I have not slept through the night since then and that’s been a week. Not sure where to go from here to tweak for better sleep.
Sincere gratitude,
Sorry for writing a book!
I don’t think I said but you probably inferred I am high anxiety, stress was high for about 5 years and I had a emotional trauma in 2017 that threw me over the edge.
Love that you’ve “got the day going well… happy, productive, calm & energetic. And NO anxiety!!” Well done for being methodical
I have my clients keep a food mood hormones poop log and monitor symptoms. When something works and then stops we look at new foods added (collagen can throw things off), new supps added, accidental gluten exposure etc) and time of the month (hormones can shift things), moon phase (full moon can get parasites active – a common cause of insomnia) and so on.
Greetings Tracy,
I am taking..05milligrams three or four times a day, of lorazepam for anxiety.
I take 12.5 time released zolpedim every night for sleep.
My question is whether or not it would be safe to take gaba and or tryptophan, or
5htp, with my medication.
Please let me know the answer. I would really appreciate it.
Sending much love, blessings, and gratitude,
Susan Sabbath
I am not aware of issues with amino acids with these meds but it’s best to check with your prescribing doctor or pharmacist
This post really resonated with me. I’m not a woman, though I’m over 29, but I am in touch with my feminine side, I’ve been told, if that helps. I have issues with intrusive thoughts that present daily challenges. On top of that, I have been living with anxiety and panic issues for so long that I have adjusted to the limitations (I work from home, order pretty much everything online and have a very tolerant wife). I’ve been trying mindfulness for the intrusive thoughts, but if GABA might help with that and the panic (and perhaps help me unlearn the agoraphobia) that would be awesome. Imagine being able to go on vacations with my wife!! I’m ordering some and will give it a shot. Thanks.
UPDATE: I tried sublingual GABA (Source Natural GABA Calm). I do not notice a drastic difference, though they taste very good.
What did make a difference, though, is 5-HTP (Now – 100mg). I’ve been using it for a week so far. It was recommended by Dr. Amen (the brain doctor) who says it is helpful with OCD, intrusive thoughts, and the like. You take it before going to sleep. It used to be that I had trouble falling asleep because of the “noise” in my head – random anxious thoughts, jumpiness. I would usually need to have something playing (podcast, music, anything) to help me fall asleep. So far, on 5-HTP I find it easier to fall asleep, I don’t have to search for the right podcast, etc. I just feel really tired and fall asleep.
Thanks for sharing and so super to hear you’ve found what works for you. I’m also a big fan of 5-HTP or tryptophan for this purpose. Some folks need GABA support too but many just like you only need serotonin support.
I plan to share your results in a blog to inspire others with hope!
I tried inositol but got an aura migraine after to days of very smal dose . I have overaktiv mind , unwanted thinking . Beliwe i have low both serotonin and gaba possibly . Gut issues .. hypotyroid , Will try to cut gluten What Else can i do
I start with serotonin support (with tryptophan) for an overactive mind and unwanted thinking. GABA often helps too. These amino acids helps quitting gluten. Also real food, no no caffeine, no sugar, quality animal protein, eating for blood sugar control, low melatonin, high cortisol etc.
I have read that tryptophan can have bad side effects . ? Which type of tryptofan and gaba do you recomend ? Dose ? Are afraid of getting aura migrene etc , etc
I read that Gaba can be safely taken UP to 12 weeks.
Doe this apply to Source Natural Orange Lozenges?
I have used them on and off for 2 years with no side effects.
It is exactly what I need but I want to make sure there are
no repercussions for long term use.
I have seen no evidence to this effect. Can you please share where you read this as I like to stay up to date on what others are recommending.
As always we want to get to the root cause of the low GABA so it doesn’t need to be used long-term. I cover all this in my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” and in multiple blogs here
I googled Gaba supplement. I scrolled to people ask Is Gaba supplement safe?
VeryWell Health (possible side effects)
“Gaba can be safely taken up to 12 weeks”
I looked into this when your reply was we want to get to the root cause of low Gaba so
it doesn’t need to be used long term.
I take Source Naturals Orange Lozenges (125 mg) when I feel
anxiety creeping up. (I can go from 0-60 quickly) It brings the anxiety
to a very manageable level. I used to be on Xanax and Zoloft. I do not
need them since the Calm lozenges works without brain fog or side
Hi Trudy
Can you please explain what the root cause of low GABA is? Is it diet?
Also, have you heard of Using CES (cranial electrical stimulation) to push GABA into the brain?
There are many factors – diet, not enough quality animal protein, poor digestion, mold, metals, stress and so on.
Some folks do well with CES so it’s worth considering.
I have recently (last month or so) that I perseverate. I can’t explain about what, but it is an unwanted situation. (I can’t remember until I’m doing it). I toss and turn all night and wonder if I’ve really been sleeping or just laying there restless. During the day, I’m fluish, muscle aches and pains, can’t prioritize events, and just want to rest. But if I try to rest, those unwanted thoughts come back and I feel like I’m falling. I think I may have low blood sugar as I easily get light headed without eating. I’m going to ask my doc to check my blood sugar when I go on Wednesday. What else should I have her check? She told me when I asked for a blood panel to discover the levels of vitamins and minerals that there was no such test and could only check for certain ones like D3. I’m always reading about health and vitamins and minerals and have sort of come to the conclusion that she’s wrong…But don’t know for sure. There are no naturopathic doctors within 150 miles of me and I don’t have a car.
Can you recommend a way of proceeding with my research and tell me your thoughts on my situation? It would be very much appreciated. But then, how do I see your reply? I just stumbled across this site because I wanted to take the test, but it turns out there was no test on this site.
Could you please put me back on your mailing list.
Please use the sign up to the top right of the blog. I cannot add anyone as it would be considered spam
I’m so glad that I found your website! There is so much information that I want to read about! I read the comments but I’m still not sure on what should be taken for intrusive thoughts? What brand and dosage has been most beneficial? Thank you in advance! I wish I could work with you.
You can find all the GABA products I use with my clients here
Dosing differs per person. For GABA, 125mg is a typical starting dose for adults. We go up from there based on symptoms. It’s always best used sublingually. The best way to determine if someone may have low GABA is to look at the low GABA symptoms, rate them on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being worst, do a trial of GABA and rate the symptoms again right afterwards (in the next 2 to 30 minutes). Here are the symptoms
I always start with the questionnaire/symptoms and a trial of GABA if there are low GABA symptoms i.e. physical anxiety.
If you are new to the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here
Thank you Judy for your reply and information. I ordered your book.
It seems that I have both low gaba and serotonin based on the questionnaire.
My next question, if you are able to answer, is about stacking nootropics.
I have gaba, l tryptophan, l theanine, and 5-htp, brands you recommend. Is it harmful to take all of these, if not what time of day is best to take them?
Thank you!
I have many clients needing all of them but we trial one at a time.
You’ll read about the timing and dosing in the book. Keep us posted on how you do please.
If you feel you may need guidance the online GABA Quickstart Program has just started and will be on sale next week
Dear Trudy, thank you for your amazing work! I am only starting my journey with there suplements but I’ve already done years of psycho-body healing. And my first impression (I will see am I correct) is that it feels like ther is a core difference between ‚serotonin unwanted thoughts” and „gaba unwanted thoughts”. I know very well a person who seem to have serotonine thoughts and I see myself as gaba thoughts and this help me to identify core difference. In my opinion ‚serotonin’ thoughts go are arround worrying, preoccupying, regret. Gaba are also negative but sort of a general nuisance of any topic which keeps comming back,sometimes without greater point – like I would reply my to do list in my mind over and over again pointlessly – because I am stressed but worrying that I may fali with it is not the case-it’s more around tension like that I focus on that I have not enough time and I mindlessly repeat that list and can’t stop it, and my muscles tense of course. And serotonine type would rather dive into inner drama, create failure scenario, get scared and overwhelmed. I am happy to discuss it deeper with that person and also dive into it myself and send you feedback if you are interested. Best, Marta
Thanks for posting this analysis – I’d love to hear back once you’ve discussed this with the other person you mention and once you’ve both trialed tryptophan (or 5-HTP) and GABA respectively. It will be interesting to see if there is a correlation
Since you are starting your journey with these amino acids, and presumably other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc. my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here
Thanks for the kind words
Thanks for this information, Trudy. My grandson has some OCD behaviors. He also has food texture issues and severe emotional trauma from an emotionally abusive father (no contact for the last 5 years) and is permanently safe with mom. His therapist recommended Gaba as well as a naturopath. He buried his memories and remains unwilling to deal with them. His bout with Covid took his sense of smell and taste which has complicated his diet. However, the biggest long lasting effect from Covid is his overwhelming anxiety and fears. We tried GaBA as an oral supplement but his reaction wAs total breakdown as all the memories that he keeps bottled up came crashing down. It immobilized him. The therapist was hoping Gaba would allow some steam off his boiling pot. My grandson is 11 years old and 5’6” and 130 pounds.
I would appreciate you thoughts on how to help this sweet young man. We don’t want to use pharmaceuticals .
I’m sorry to hear about your grandson’s past trauma and reaction to GABA. I can’t consult via the blog but in cases like this suspect either too much GABA was used (I start with 125mg and do a trial) or low GABA was not the issue (in this case any amount of GABA is too much). I’d look at low serotonin too as this is a common root cause of OCD and anxiety.
It’s also challenging to know how much COVID is complicating things but I’d still expect GABA and/or tryptophan (at the right dose) to offer some relief.
Great post.
OCD is a bit complex and depends on the whole symptom picture in regards as to the amino acids, I believe.
Here’s a post excerpt from my article on how hormones impact the brain:
“There is also some emerging evidence suggesting that shifts in these hormones can modulate the symptoms of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). In a review article on the connection between gonadal hormones and neurotransmitters in relationship to OCD symptoms, the authors analyzed the interactions between estrogen, progesterone, and oxytocin and the receptors for serotonin, dopamine, and glutamate. The authors used animal studies to determine mechanisms and human clinical trials to examine outcomes.
Although various, complex receptor interactions emerged in the literature, it was concluded that progesterone and estradiol increase serotonin release and signaling. These effects could lead to the improvement of OCD symptoms and other psychiatric conditions that respond to low serotonin.”
Dr. Sarah
Yes it’s very complex and the root causes can vary. As you mention in this snippet, low serotonin (due to sex hormone imbalances) is commonly recognized as a root cause. In this instance addressing the hormone imbalances and/or low serotonin with tryptophan or 5-HTP helps.
But as I share in this blog post we are now seeing more research on the low GABA aspect of OCD, which is less recognized. I have also had much feedback from folks in my community on the benefits of GABA for reducing unwanted intrusive thoughts and obsessive behaviors. One mom shared how GABA helped her son quit his obsessive video gaming in a week. It also turned off his much of intrusive thoughts too.
I have some cPTSD after issues from several years of fluroquinolone associated disability
There is some evidence that quinolones damage /block GABA receptors
I am a dr myself but most drs know nothing about how to help FQAD patients
Do you think trying GABA would help me even if there’s a issue with GABA receptors ?
I recall I was unable to tolerate pregabalin which induced a temporary involuntary movement and made me v fretful
So I’m not on any medication
I’m very familiar with fluoroquinolone associated disability/FGAD and the fact that GABA receptors can be impacted. That said I have seen sublingual GABA work well in some clients. Those that have current or prior benzo use sometimes don’t do as well.
I’d do what I do with anyone considering GABA use but starting super low to be safe – like 1/8 of 125mg GABA Calm. The best way to determine if someone may have low GABA is to look at the low GABA symptoms, rate them on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being worst, do a trial of GABA and rate the symptoms again right afterwards (in the next 2 to 30 minutes). Here are the symptoms
If you are new to the amino acids my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. It’s heavily referenced and practitioners use it as a resource and recommend it to their clients/patients too. It has an entire chapter on the amino acids. More here
I do also offer amino acid training for practitioners. As well as the valuable content, it’s an opportunity to interact with me and other practitioners who are also using the amino acids. More here
Please do keep us posted on how you do
Hello Trudy
Firstly thank you for all the valuable information you provide.
Could you tell me if it is safe to trial/take amino acids with SAMe (600mg) which I have been prescribed for mood along with 3mg of melatonin for times when I wake during the early hours and am unable to get back to sleep. After completing your questionnaire I could relate to many of the symptoms for low serotonin.
Looking forward to your book arriving which I have just purchased.
Also my only prescription medication is Crosuva 10mg.
You’re welcome! I don’t use SAMe with clients so can’t really comment on this
Hi Trudy,
I’ve followed you for years and love your work, compassion, and dedication to helping people. I’m sorry to ask as I’m sure you’ve covered the why elsewhere, but I am wondering why you don’t use SamE? I had suggested it to my daughter, who said that when she took it, she found that it seemed to make her more depressed. She also couldn’t discern any impact on her nonstop intrusive thoughts. Is this, and, or other reasons why you don’t work with SamE? Thanks so much.
Thanks for your kind words and for sharing this. I don’t use it because I’ve not had much success with it and because the amino acids work so well and so quickly.
You may find this blog post helpful for your daughter