The amino acids can provide relief when you have mold-induced anxiety – anxiety and panic attacks that are triggered by physiological changes due to mold toxicity such as inflammation and effects on your immune system and neurotransmitters. There is also the anxiety and worry you’re feeling because of the frightening situation you find yourself in and this trauma has a psychological and physiological effect. The anxiety, worry, fears, insomnia and imagining the worst is often compounded by low levels of GABA and serotonin. Benzodiazepines and/or SSRIs are commonly prescribed and only add to the toxic burden. The amino acids GABA, tryptophan and/or DPA/Endorphigen, used as supplements, are better options that address the root causes of low GABA, low serotonin and/or low endorphins. And for some folks, Heartmath and EFT offer additional emotional and calming support (as you’ll read below).
Micki Contini, MS CNC, a board-certified holistic health and nutrition consultant, is a friend and colleague whose life was hugely impacted by mold toxicity. She has kindly given me permission to share her story in the hope it’s helpful for you if you’re in a similar situation. She shares her mold-induced anxiety symptoms and the other ways mold toxicity impacted her health:
My heart was pounding, my face was red, I was sweating, my thoughts were racing and I felt like I was going to die. I wondered if I was having a heart attack? My husband brought me to the emergency room several times with panic attacks and heart palpitations with me thinking this was the end only to find out that I was “fine.” But I knew that I was far from ok. I knew that something was wrong, I just didn’t know what.
I had found mold in my water damaged office. Shortly thereafter I realized it was also in my home. I had cross-contaminated my house, but it was a year before I knew my house had mold. I had been getting better but not 100%. It was a step I missed because I didn’t want to face the truth of what the consequences would bring – throwing out more stuff. I had already thrown out most of the stuff from my contaminated office BUT not all of the stuff. And I paid dearly for not throwing out ALL the things from my office.
I was in denial and I had toxic mold poisoning. Toxic mold was causing my anxiety and panic attacks and other debilitating symptoms such brain fog, tinnitus, trouble focusing, numbness and tingling in my fingers and toes, crazy fatigue, shortness of breath, nausea, diarrhea/constipation, excessive thirst, vertigo, night sweats and bloody nose.
Micki already knew about my work and had been using my book, The Antianxiety Food Solution, with anxious clients in her functional nutrition practice, so she immediately considered the amino acids for her mold-induced anxiety and panic attacks.
GABA for her physical anxiety and panic attacks
When Micki reached out to me, I encouraged her to explore GABA for her physical anxiety and panic attacks, tryptophan for her racing thoughts and DPA/Endorphigen for the crying and emotional symptoms she was experiencing.
The good news is that her anxiety and tension started to fade as soon as she added sublingual GABA Calm to her protocol. She shares this about how GABA helped her
As they started tearing my house apart for remediation, I started eating GABA Calm like candy. At the beginning I had to have a lot more than I do now. GABA Calm takes me down a notch and I feel my shoulder coming away from my ears and I get closer to relaxing.
GABA is well known for relieving the physical tension experienced when you have anxiety. We have GABA receptors in our muscles and many of my clients feel this obvious release of neck tension as the anxiety eases. This release of muscle tension also helps with the kind of insomnia where you lie in bed feeling stiff and tense and can’t switch off your busy mind going 100 miles an hour.
GABA for immune support and toxin protection
What is really interesting when it comes to mold toxicity and GABA is that research shows that GABA can support immunity. GABA also protects the thyroid against fluoride-induced toxicity and counters the toxic effects of phthalates, so I suspect research will eventually show that GABA also offers protection against other environmental toxins such as mold.
Biofeedback and tapping for additional emotional support
Micki also used Heartmath (a type of biofeedback) and EFT (emotional freedom technique or tapping) for additional support while she was in the midst of all this:
I added Heartmath Inner Balance app and Emwave because I had used them prior to this challenge and it helps because you go through a thought pattern where you’re concentrating on gratitude and what’s right vs what’s wrong. That was powerful for me. Still is.
I used EFT to break the pattern of doom and gloom. When I was really sick I felt like another bad terrible thing was going to happen at any moment like I was on guard or on watch. So anything I could do to break that mind set I did.
Micki found what worked for her and that’s key when you’re in this situation. I’ve had many clients not succeed with Heartmath or EFT so don’t feel bad if these approaches don’t work for you.
Tryptophan and/or DPA/Endorphigen for the gloom and doom
I’ve had many many clients successfully use tryptophan for the spinning and overwhelming feeling that many folks with mold toxicity experience. Tryptophan and/or DPA can also help the pattern of doom and gloom Micki described.
Recent research also shows that GABA helps you switch off unwanted thoughts too so it’s possible Micki didn’t need tryptophan for this reason.
She doesn’t remember all the supplements that she used when she was really REALLY sick. This is very typical when you’re in the midst of dealing with mold toxicity (and a good reason to try and keep a log) but she seems to recall that DPA/Endorphigen may have helped with the emotional trauma of it all.
The wonderful news is that today Micki is doing so much better! The amino acid GABA, together with Heartmath and EFT provided much-needed anxiety relief and emotional support while Micki was remediating her home, detoxing her body with daily infrared sauna sessions and following mold toxicity nutritional protocols.
Micki’s gift is that she has become a mold expert
When you’re in the midst of all this you can’t imagine that there can be a gift in what you’re going through but there always is. For Micki, her gift is that she has become a mold expert and now helps others navigate their mold healing journey via SimpleGoodHealth. She shares this:
As you may know, the road to recovery from mold illness is a long hard one, but I can make it easier for you. I have become an expert out of necessity.
We appreciate Micki for sharing her anxiety-induced mold story.
Resources if you are new to the amino acids
If you are new to the amino acids, here is the Amino Acids Mood Questionnaire from The Antianxiety Food Solution and additional information on Anxiety and targeted individual amino acid supplements: a summary
This lists The Antianxiety Food Solution Amino Acid and Pyroluria Supplements that I use with my individual clients and those in my group programs – you will find the GABA Calm and other GABA products, tryptophan and DPA/Endorphigen here.
If you suspect low GABA symptoms and are new to using the amino acids and do not have my book I highly recommend getting it and reading it before jumping in to taking the amino acids as supplements: The Antianxiety Food Solution – How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood, and End Cravings.
Let us know if you’ve used GABA or tryptophan with success for mold-induced anxiety and panic attacks, and DPA/Endorphigen for helping with weepiness.
And let us know what other approaches you’ve used for helping with the anxiety and other emotional impacts of mold toxicity.
Feel free to post your questions here too.
What test did she take to find she had mold anxiety? I have bad sweats all the time and all the issues she spoke about.
I’ll ask Micki to come and share what testing she did.
Keep in mind that these same symptoms could have many different root causes: low GABA, low serotonin, adrenal issues, sex hormone imbalances, parasites, heavy metals, gluten and/or mold toxicity. We start with simple interventions and then dig deeper if we are not getting results or are not sure. If we know there is mold exposure it’s important to start there and also look into everything else too.
You may find these helpful too
– This blog by Dr. Jill Carnahan has a good overview of mold toxicity and some detox approaches. She also covers cleaning and prevention
– I blog about mycotoxin illness and share highlights from Mold Toxicity Summit here
Hi Donna,
Micki here. I used 3 tests to evaluate my mold situation.
1) ERMI for home and office
2) Organic Acid for my body
3) Visual Contrast Test for my body
If you need help don’t hesitate to reach out and we can have a conversation about how I might be able to help you. Here’s my website:
Hope this helps!
I have gotten a lot of good information from your book The Anti Anxiety Food Solution, This was an interesting article because I use both Gaba and Tryptophan and would not be able to sleep if I did not use them. I have also had chronic mold exposure. It never occurred to me that the reason I have to take these things in order to sleep is due to the mold in my system. I would be interested in speaking with Micki since she has become a mold expert. Ca you tell me how to reach her? I have been working at getting the mold out of my system for years now, but it is a very slow process and I still suffer from exposure here and there. I still think this is a relatively new environmental illness and consequently not easy to get help with eliminating it from your system.
Glad to hear both GABA and tryptophan help you to sleep. It really helps when we understand why. May I ask how much of each helps with sleep? Do they also help with anxiety symptoms? And how long ago did the mold exposure start?
I would focus on the ongoing exposure but Micki should be able to help. The link to her site is on the blog but here it is again
You may also find these helpful
– This blog by Dr. Jill Carnahan has a good overview of mold toxicity and some detox approaches. She also covers cleaning and prevention
– I blog about mycotoxin illness and share highlights from Mold Toxicity Summit here
Hi Paula
I am so sorry you are dealing with trying to detox and recover from mold. I know it can be quite overwhelming at times. If you would like to have a conversation about how I might be able to help you please feel free to reach out to me not the contact form on my website.
Look forward to hearing from you!
What is ‘mold’ and how to detoxify it in the body? Secondly, in what form did Micki take GABA? Is it vailable around the world like in India?
This blog by Dr. Jill Carnahan has a good overview of mold toxicity and some detox approaches. She also covers cleaning and prevention
I blog about mycotoxin illness and share highlights from Mold Toxicity Summit here
Micki used Source Naturals GABA Calm (I link to this in the blog). It is available via mail order.
You are like Helen Keller’s teacher… The Miracle Worker! I’m a licensed counselor. I use your information with my clients all the time. I have some of your articles printed out for clients to pick up and follow you and hopefully get your book. I want more information on those of us with thyroid issues, metabolism issues, and concentration issues. I was an Ironman triathlete 10 years ago. I developed hypothyroidism around that time. I took antidepressants for many years, but was able to titrate off. I take 5HTP around dinner and BD along with Tryptophan at BD. I can’t focus without coffee All day. When I take 5HTP during the day I get sleepy. Please help us older folks who don’t have depression or anxiety any more. Been there, done that.. but can’t focus. PS I had a full hysterectomy 6 years ago. I use an estradiol patch and testosterone troches.
Namaste and Blessings dear Lady.
With poor focus we start by addressing low catecholamines with tyrosine if needed (more here We also look at gut health, diet, gluten issues, sugar consumption and low lithium (more here
Thanks for the kind words and glad to hear 5-HTP and tryptophan works for you.
I’m so thrilled to hear you share my information with your clients all the time. In case you’re not aware, I do also offer amino acid training for practitioners/health coaches. As well as the valuable content, it’s an opportunity to interact with me and other practitioners who are also using the amino acids and a nutritional approach. More here
Hi Trudy. My name is Kate and I live in Johannesburg. I ordered the GABA Natural Calm orange lozenges and started with 0.25mg as I seem to be sensitive to amino acids. Within 5-10 minutes I started feeling agitated, paranoid, withdrawn, fears about being admitted to an institution, fear of not wanting to go out – just stay at home, fear that nothing will work anymore etc. S frightening place to be. About 4hrs later I felt a slight burning in my throat (just the one side).
The functional Practicioner I am seeing has tried SAMe (to which I reacted in a similar way described above) Metagenics Trancor (that I had to stop because I reacted to the EGCG in the green tea anti-oxidant). I am 100mg B6 BD and 100mg mg glycenate BD. Hormone profiles have come back normal and an eostrogen dna analysis shows that the combination of gene variants identified in the analysis indicates I have efficient oestrogen detoxification and no additional support is required. I am seeing a functional nutritionist to support dietary requirements.
I am struggling with low mood and anxiety but not taking anything for the low mood. I am however on clobazam 10mg BD that I desperately want to get off. Any reason I reacted to the lozenges in this way when you have experienced such success with it?
I’m sorry to hear about your very severe reaction to what seems to be a small amount (although I’m not sure what 0.25mg is since this would be 1/500th of a 125mg tablet?).
Some folks who are taking a benzodiazepine can have a bad reaction to GABA and possibly other supps. The same reaction when SAMe is used would makes me suspect that. It’s this same subset of individuals (about 30%) who do have a much more difficult time tapering benzos than others, even with nutritional support. More on this here
It’s very common for benzos to work less well as the years go by and actually start to cause more severe anxiety and muscle pain (and many other distressing symptoms). Benzo Information Coalition is an excellent resource
A safe place for someone to start is with basic dietary changes that may have contributed to the initial anxiety that led to a benzo prescription – like junk food, gluten/sugar/caffeine, blood sugar imbalance, poor gut health etc. My book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here
Full spectrum light therapy, exercise, meditation, yoga, essential oils, and tapping etc are other approaches to consider.
In the future, when you explore amino acids again, be sure to read the section in my book on using vitamin C to mitigate the bad effects. It’s very effective.
Thank you for responding Trudy.
The 0.25 I was referring to was a quarter of a lozenge – not 0.25mg. Clonazepam 0.5mg every 3rd day was recommended and prescribed for pelvic pain (and not for anxiety) by a reputable pelvic pain rehab outfit
in the US. I attended one of their 8-day immersion clinics towards the end of 2017. I was taking pregabalin at the time too, which I tapered very slowly and was able to stop more than 2 years ago without apparent issues but continued with the clonazepam every 3rd day.
Stress levels at work increased, CoVID -19 lockdown happened in April 2020 and because the clonazepam really helped. I started taking 0.5mg every second day or sometimes daily. I have used EFT for years and continued the practice and by December last year I slowly weaned myself off the clonazepam completely. Being away from work stress and on holiday helped me to taper off, however, getting back to work and facing stress related to renovations and work, long hours and not eating or exercising properly, symptoms returned and worsened – I was waking up in the middle of the night, chaotic and anxious thoughts started and I battled to get back to sleep. I would then fall asleep and wake up with anxiety in my body and mind – like a cortisol overload. I would only start feeling better by around 11am. I have never been a big junk food eater, coffee drinker and grew up eating good quality, organic food but life happens and bad habits creep in. I don’t drink alcohol at all, no tea or coffee – I’ve always been caffeine-sensitive (only lots of water) and really make an effort to eat good quality foods regularly, to prevent blood sugar fluctuations (something I’ve experienced/ struggled with in the past). I’m working with a functional nutritionist to support me in this. Used to be a really successful cyclist, training 6 days a week but had to stop that when I started experiencing pelvic pain in late 2015…
I have ordered your book and will have a look at the resources you sent.
I sleep through now, the Vit B6 and Mg Glycenate had made a significant difference and because I exercised intensively for many years, I am going to have my zinc levels tested and correct if necessary. I take 1000mg Vit C daily but I am very interested to read about the supportive effects of Vit C.
From your response about my response to GABA and SAMe, I assume that trying tryptophan would not be something you would recommend?
I have recently started yoga and running again and make sure I get enough sunshine
Ah thanks for clarifying the dose of GABA Calm. I stand by what I said about the possible effects of benzodiazepines. Symptoms/issues can linger for months after stopping. It’s called discontinuation syndrome. This would not stop me from doing a trial of tryptophan, 5-HTP or other amino acids
Vitamin C is the antidote when you have adverse effects from an amino acid
Thank you Trudy.
When the symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks returned earlier this year, Jon, my functional practitioner started me on 10mg clobaezam BD and I am trying to taper from that.
I ordered the Litke Tryptophan capsules and will work closely with Jon and your book to trial tryptophan (with Vit C as an anitidote) and then depending on the outcome, potentially try the GABA calm again. I ordered a hard copy of your book.
Does the reversal effects of the Vit C wrt amino-acid adverse effects also revers the therapeutic effects? I am wondering because after I did the trial of GABA calm and the adverse events dissipated, I certainly felt an improvement in mood. Would it therefor be possible and advisable to continue with the amino acids at low dose to obtain the therapeutic effects while dosing with Vit C pre-emptively to the controlling the adverse events?
So looking forward to delving into your book. Is there anyone in SA that you could recommend I see who would be able to support me in the way that you could if you were taking on new patients?
You are truly a gift to all of us – thank you
Dear Trudy,
Thank you so much for what you do. I am wondering, is it ok to take Gaba, L-Theanine, Tryptophan, DPA & Inositol at the same time?
Are there any supplements to make sure not to take alongside the above ones? For example supplements like NAC, DIM, Evening Primrose Oil, Flax Oil, B1, Magnesium or Betaine HCL?
Warmest wishes
I can’t give you specific advice via the blog but I have many clients using this combination of amino acids. Many use the other products you mention too, just not at the same time because amino acids are used between meals.
If you are new to the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here
Thank you so much Trudy. I forgot to mention also wanting to add in Tyrosine with the Gaba, L-Theanine, Tryptophan, DPA & Inositol combination. Is that common as well?
I just saw someone’s FB post that suggested gut dysbiosis leads to tinnitus and that perhaps GABA supplementation while trying to heal the gut would help with tinnitus. I searched your site but only found a few mentions of tinnitus. do you have any more info about tinnitus?
With tinnitus we follow the same steps as with anxiety and look for all possible root causes: gluten, parasites, EMFs, low zinc, low vitamin D, something structural, balance issues, wax build up etc
I have often found both GABA and serotonin support to be helpful but it depends on each person’s underlying biochemistry. This paper states that “…any imbalance of neurotransmitter-related chemistry could disrupt auditory processing in such a way as to produce tinnitus.”
Melatonin helps eliminate tinnitus too
Keep in mind tinnitus is common with prior or current benzodiazepine and/or SSRI use, NSAIDs, some antibiotics.